Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf Vasnetsov. Composition based on the painting by Vasnetsov “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is one of the greatest Russian painters, known for his excellent works in the genre of historical and folklore painting.

Brief biography of V.M. Vasnetsov

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 3, 1848 in the Vyatka province (now Kirov) in the family of a priest. He studied at the theological school, and then at the theological seminary. With the consent of his father, he left the seminary before graduating and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Imperial Academy of Arts. Vasnetsov traveled abroad after graduating from the Academy, but began exhibiting his work in 1869. Participated in expositions of the Wanderers and was a member of the Mammoth circle (an association of Russian intelligentsia, founded in Rome, but developed in the estate of patron S.I. Mamontov in Abramtsevo).

Vasnetsov was a member of the Academy of Arts, had many awards and privileges, took part in the creation of the Society for the Revival of Artistic Rus' (an organization that acquaints the Russian people with its indigenous ancient creativity).

Vasnetsov is best known for his paintings of epic historical subjects: “After the Battle of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsy” (1880), “Alyonushka” (1881), “The Knight at the Crossroads” (1882), “Heroes” (1881–1898), “Tsar Ivan Vasilievich the Terrible" (1897).

One of the people's favorite paintings is "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf" (1889). The fairy tale, familiar to everyone since childhood, literally comes to life on the canvas of Vasnetsov.

The history of the creation of the painting by V. Vasnetsov "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"

All artists prepare differently to create their creations. Some people have an idea in their head for a long time, outline a plan, prepare hundreds of sketches - and only then start work. Others act under the influence of feelings, intuitively. The painting "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" was painted according to the second version.

In 1889, Vasnetsov was absorbed in work in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv (the painting of the cathedral took the artist ten years!). Suddenly, the idea of ​​a painting based on a Russian folk tale about Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf was born. To paint this picture, it was necessary to temporarily suspend work in the Kiev Cathedral - and, as a result, now the whole world can enjoy a wonderful canvas that embodies all sincere human feelings and Russian folk culture.

The workbook is included in the complex of textbooks “Art. Fine Arts” for grades 5–9, developed in the system of the scientific and pedagogical school of Academician V. S. Kuzin on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and ensuring the continuity of teaching fine arts in primary and secondary schools. Special signs mark tasks aimed at the formation of meta-subject skills (planning activities, highlighting various features, comparing, classifying, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, transforming information, etc.) and personal qualities of students.

Fugitive Heroes

The central characters of the folk tale Ivan Tsarevich, Elena the Beautiful and the Gray Wolf are depicted on the canvas by the hand of the master. Three heroes escape from the chase, rushing to meet their fate through the impenetrable and dense forest.

Ivan Tsarevich tightly embraces Elena the Beautiful and anxiously watches to see if their pursuers are catching up with them. His outfit clearly testifies to the high position of the young man - an expensive caftan, a red hat trimmed with fur, black patterned gloves and red patterned boots. Behind the Tsarevich's back is a sword in a sheath - proof that the young man will fight to the last drop of blood for his happiness.

In the arms of Ivan Tsarevich, Elena the Beautiful rides on the Gray Wolf. Her expression is sad and concentrated. She fears for her life and the life of her beloved, she is afraid that they will not be able to escape from their enemies. Her hands calmly (and even limply) lie on her knees, demonstrating the full return of her fate to the power of Ivan Tsarevich. She trusts the young man, but her heart is still not calm, because the chase is very close.

The long hair of Elena the Beautiful falls in waves on her shoulders and flutters in the wind from a quick jump. The girl is wearing a lovely sky-colored dress with gold trim. On Elena's legs are golden boots, and on her head is a rich cap with precious stones. A string of pearls adorns the runaway's neck. The "model" of the image of Elena the Beautiful was the artist's niece - Natalya Mamontova.

The main assistant of a couple in love is depicted as tired, but desperately fighting for the happiness of the young. The Gray Wolf runs at tremendous speed, escaping from the chase - powerful paws are tense, all tendons and muscles are visible. The ears are pressed to the head, and the tongue falls out of the mouth - it is not easy for the beast to carry the fugitives and quickly rush forward.

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The role of the landscape in the painting "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf"

All nature in the picture reflects the dangerous situation of the heroes, fear for the future, anxiety from what is happening and the test that has befallen them.

A swamp lies under the paws of the Wolf, on the sides - centuries-old trees covered with moss, spruce and an unworn path. It seems that fairy-tale heroes will perish in this impenetrable darkness, the Gray Wolf will get lost and the chase will overtake the fugitives.

But there are bright sides in the landscape in the picture, proving that everything will be fine for the young. The tree in blossom and the water lilies symbolize hope, new life, happiness and love. The apple tree, from whose fruits the story of the heroes began, with its velvety-airy flowers miraculously “echoes” with the attire of Elena the Beautiful, adding tenderness to the picture. Thanks to the combination of a dense forest and a flowering tree, a mighty wolf and small water lilies, the severe anxiety of Ivan Tsarevich and the calm tenderness of Elena the Beautiful, the canvas seems to glow from within, has true magic and gives faith in a miracle.

"Path to the Light"

The skill of Viktor Vasnetsov makes the heroes of the picture come to life before our eyes. The fugitives are captured at the moment of movement, "snatched" from a swift run. It seems that a little more - and the Gray Wolf will jump out of the canvas and run away, continuing to carry the young people.

The painting "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf" must be looked at, admired. This is not just an image of your favorite heroes, familiar from childhood, but a real song to Russian legends and epics, a reflection of the struggle between good and evil and a thorny path to a happy future. The famous painting by Viktor Vasnetsov is exhibited at the State Tretyakov Gallery. At any time, you can visit the art gallery and enjoy this painting and other creations of the brilliant artist.

Do you know the genre of the painting "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf"? Today we will consider this masterpiece by Viktor Vasnetsov in more detail in order to better understand the picture and get used to it. Happiness to those who can admire the masterpiece live.

Viktor Vasnetsov

The painting "Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf" was presented to us by Viktor Vasnetsov. He was born in 1848 in a small village in the family of a priest. Like his father, the boy studied at the seminary. His first work in the artistic field was the painting of the Vyatka Cathedral, together with the exiled Polish artist Michal Andriolli. It was after this incident that he decided in his firm intention to become an artist. In order to become a professional painter, he went to St. Petersburg, where he studied at the Kramskoy drawing school. This is not enough, and the guy enters the Academy of Arts.

Searching for yourself

Since 1878, Vasnetsov has been actively traveling around Europe: he visited France and Italy. Vasnetsov's creative style is very diverse. It never repeats itself, it always changes. When he was associated with the association of the Wanderers, his paintings were most often depictions of everyday life. Vasnetsov was able to show his talent to the maximum when he began to write in the Art Nouveau style. It is also believed that he can be called the founder of a certain native Russian style in painting.


It is possible to describe the painting "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf" only if one understands the Russian flavor. We will talk about this below, but now we will consider the picture in more detail. It was written by Viktor Vasnetsov back in 1889. We see that Ivan is on the alert, because danger lies in wait for him at every step. At the same time, the young man gently and firmly holds his companion, worrying for her more than for himself. Elena was exhausted from such a long chase, her shoulders drooped, and her eyes expressed fatigue, and the girl clung to her savior's chest.

The gray wolf is the most wary of all, because it is he who senses the danger first. His posture is tense, and keen, observant eyes are directed forward. The picture shows his strong paws, which confidently rush towards the unknown. Despite the fact that the wolf is alert and careful, he is still very tired and exhausted by the chase. The dark colors of the picture, together with the depicted exhausted faces of the characters, create a painful atmosphere of tension and danger that hangs in the air. But is there any hope for our heroes? Can they be saved? You can understand this from the picture if you look closely at it and see all the details. Only then can you notice how the blooming apple tree does not fit into the style of the picture at all. It is she, beautiful and magnificent, that means hope and faith in salvation. Thus, we see that Viktor Vasnetsov uses symbolism to show the desire of the soul of each character in the picture. A beautiful apple tree is located quite imperceptibly, it does not immediately catch the eye, therefore, in order to see a ray of light in this picture, it must be examined in detail.


The plot of the picture came from the people: from Russian folk tales about a strong and courageous hero who always helps those who ask him for help. In the picture, Ivan is surrounded by a black forest, which means a dark force that lives in the forest thickets. The hero sits on a gray wolf - his faithful assistant - together with the beautiful Elena. Old and strong trees block their way with their huge black branches, from which it is impossible to get out. These ancient branches do not even let in the sun's rays.

Similar plots are widespread in Russian regions. Well done heroes are the favorite characters of Russian folk art. They are present in almost every fairy tale, so it is not surprising why the folk artist chose such a theme for the picture. Ivanushka is always the same hero: a little rustic, often the youngest in the family, but always smart, sincere and kind. It is thanks to all these qualities that he manages to defeat evil, save beauties and do good in the Russian land. The author of the painting "Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf" tried to show that it is also difficult for heroes, they can be afraid, upset and doubt, but they do not stop being good. The picture shows that everyone is afraid: the brave Ivan, the fearless gray wolf, and, of course, the fragile Elena.


The painting "Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf" shows three heroes: Elena the Beautiful, Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf. Let's discuss each of them separately.

The gray wolf is very curious not only from the point of view of researchers, but also from the point of view of ordinary viewers. He attracts attention by the fact that he has human eyes, which very accurately and deeply reflect his inner mood. At the same time, it should be understood that the painting depicts a Volkulak, who was feared and driven away in Rus'. The author also shows that at this moment there are no negative traits in the gray wolf, such as bloodthirstiness or savagery. The wolf symbolizes something completely different in the picture - devotion and sacrifice.

Ivan Tsarevich feels more calm, but at the same time one can notice his alertness and timidity with Elena. He holds her tightly and looks around. From his look it is clear that for the beauty he will intercede even in a mortal fight.

Elena the Beautiful is afraid of the chase, but trusts her savior. She is sad and yet beautiful. The painting "Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf" shows us, in the image of Elena, a traditional Russian beauty with long blond hair and lovely jewelry.

Character clothing

The painting “Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf”, the photo of which is in this article, is full of small details of clothing. In fact, this is a very important point, because the author drew every little thing with great care. Thanks to the colors, Vasnetsov was able to vividly convey the robes of the main characters. Looking at each of them, you can feel the weight of this beautiful brocade, morocco, velvet and gold thread. Despite the fact that Elena is saddened, her outfit seems too catchy.

It is worth noting that the artist painted the image of the girl from his relative Natalya Anatolyevna, who had absolute femininity. And yet, despite the drawing of details, Vasnetsov focused on the internal state of the characters.

Composition based on the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”

The famous Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is an unsurpassed master of folklore and historical painting. His paintings "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Alyonushka", "Bogatyrs" and many others are widely known.

The painting “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf” was painted by V. M. Vasnetsov in 1889 based on the plot of a well-known Russian folk tale, lines from which one involuntarily recalls when viewing the picture:

“The gray wolf rushed with Ivan - Tsarevich, with Elena the Beautiful way back - the blue forests pass by the eyes, rivers, lakes sweep with their tail ... "

Looking at the picture, the viewer seems to be immersed in a magical world, finding himself next to the main characters of the fairy tale: Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful, who ride the Gray Wolf away from the possessions of the evil king.

Sitting on his faithful friend, Ivan Tsarevich tightly and carefully hugs Elena the Beautiful. He is wearing a beautiful caftan made of expensive brocade, belted with a green sash, black patterned gloves, a red cap on his head and beautiful red boots. Ivan Tsarevich has a serious expression on his face. His large eyes anxiously peer into the distance: is there a chase after them? Will the villain take away his happiness? A sword is seen behind the main character's back: a good fellow is always ready to defend himself.

Next to him sits Vasilisa the Beautiful - a Russian beauty with long curly blond hair that flutters in the wind. She wears a beautiful light blue silk dress with gold trim on the sleeves and bottom of the robe. The neck of the beauty is decorated with pearl beads. On her feet are beautiful saffiano boots. Her head is covered with a beautiful cap, adorned with precious stones. The girl rested her head on the chest of her savior, she has a thoughtful look. The princess gave her fate into the hands of Ivan Tsarevich and humbly folded her hands in front of her. The image of Vasilisa the Beautiful was painted by the artist from his niece, Natalya Anatolyevna Mamontova.

The Gray Wolf is depicted in motion. He rushes that there is a spirit, so that they do not catch up with him. The ears of a fairy-tale character are pressed to the head, the tongue peeps out of a huge toothy mouth, but the eyes do not express anger. Strong paws lifted off the ground to make another long leap across the swamp.

The heroes of the fairy tale are depicted against the backdrop of a landscape. It can be seen that their path passes through the old forest. Centuries-old trees were overgrown with green moss, their bark burst and torn off in places. The forest is gloomy and scary, it symbolizes the evil forces that surrounded the main characters. Around impenetrable thicket. Gnarled dark branches interfere with the fugitives. Beautiful white water lilies growing in a swamp and pale pink flowers of an old apple tree with bright green leaves symbolize hope for salvation and a happy ending.

The picture is made in contrasting colors: the dark colors of the forest are a symbol of evil forces, anxiety and danger. The main characters of the painting are written in bright light colors - these are good, bright forces. The struggle between good and evil will certainly end with the victory of the first, as all Russian folk tales traditionally end.

V. M. Vasnetsov in the film "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf" created the magical world of Russian folk tales. Re-reading Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf, this work of painting is certainly remembered, which remains inextricably linked with the Russian folk tale.

Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf

This picture by Vasnetsov illustrates one of the exciting episodes of the Russian folk tale. You can immediately see the forest, in which there are already old powerful trees, through which barely light breaks through and you can see the blue sky, which means that everything will end well, because in fairy tales good always triumphs over evil. The forest consists mainly of pine trees, in such a place there are a lot of animals and birds. Against the backdrop of a dense forest, the author depicted Ivan Tsarevich on a wolf, as well as the beautiful Vasilisa. The wolf runs at full speed, as they run away from the chase. The wolf knows that the life of not only his own, but also his friends depends on him now.

Vasnetsov portrayed the wolf as strong and huge. Such a dark background can be perceived that the chase is tense, the characters are going through. They understand that if they are caught, separation is inevitable. And so the fairy-tale characters look not only frightened, but also saddened. Not only the forest is very gloomy and dark. Amid all this darkness, the beauty of the heroes is visible. Ivan is presented in a beautiful embroidered camisole, and Vasilisa the Beautiful in a beautiful blue dress with an orange hem.

The prince carefully holds his beloved. A reverent and tender attitude towards a girl can immediately be seen at a glance. Vasilisa is also tender to her chosen one and clung to Ivan from fright, her luxurious long hair is loose and disheveled from the wind.

The picture is full of emotions and plot. The artist conveyed all the fabulousness and anxiety of the moment. The blossoming apple tree, which is located in the picture in the lower right corner, speaks of the beginning of love and a brighter future.

Folk art is the kindest and most magical thing for children. In fairy tales there are always brave heroes. In some works for children, animals help people in need.

Description 2

In the picture, the artist used the contrast of tones. The background is a gloomy forest, made in dark colors. The brown trunks of huge trees with twisted branches are densely covered with gray lichens and greenish moss. Green foliage is not visible on them, they seem dead. Trees grow close to each other, forming an impenetrable thicket and covering the sky. Even a small ray of the sun does not penetrate their dark kingdom. In the background, an ominous, white fog spreads between them, which leads astray, hides the road.

The forest is very inhospitable, scary. It has a lot of broken branches, fallen trees. An abandoned place where no human foot has set foot. Only in the foreground, as a symbol of hope, a young, timid tree blossomed with snow-white flowers. A few more white spots indicate water lilies blooming on the water surface. The water in the swamp is the same dark green, cold, like everything around.

Ivan Tsarevich makes his way through this thicket. His faithful friend the Gray Wolf rushes at full speed to save him and Elena the Beautiful. The beast jumps over the swamp with great leaps. He is already tired, breathing heavily, sticking out his tongue, but does not stop. The fur of the wolf is only slightly lighter than the surrounding landscape.

Ivan Tsarevich and his companion are depicted in bright colors in the center of the picture, they stand out brightly against the background of a dark forest. The prince is wearing expensive clothes of light gold color and a blue belt. His sword in its ornate scabbard flutters with the wolf's maneuvers. He furrowed his brows and closely follows what is happening, the pursuers. His face is stern, concentrated, he does not intend to give up.

The princess in a pale blue robe embroidered with gold clung to the prince. She is young, beautiful. The headdress of the girl is embroidered with precious stones, pearl threads are on the neck and on the hands. She was very tired, her face was pale and sad, without a hint of a blush, her eyes were frozen. In her whole figure, doom is felt. She sits with her hands down, as if lifeless, not hoping for anything. Her long blond hair was tousled. But the prince holds his beloved tightly, he will save her.

Looking at this picture, you feel anxiety for the main characters. I want them to get out of this dark forest as soon as possible.

Composition Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf Vasnetsov

Most recently, I had the honor to get acquainted with the painting by Vasnetsov "Ivan - Tsarevich on a gray wolf." Its author took one of my favorite fairy tales as a basis and depicted Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful riding a wolf through the forest. The dark forest surrounding them is dense, gloomy and terrible, causing nothing more than fear and horror.

From the clothes of the depicted characters and the dark tones of the forest, it can be determined that the event took place in autumn or early spring. And this is precisely what the plot itself emphasizes and makes it possible to understand the depth of fear and feelings of the fleeing heroes.
Ivan, the author of the picture, portrayed as bold, strong and courageous, and the beautiful Elena as tender, fragile, frightened and tired, as it should be in life.

The canvas aroused in me a feeling of delight, because, reading a fairy tale in childhood, I could not even imagine the feelings and experiences of the characters. And here everything is so realistically written, as if I were standing in that dense forest and watching a wolf and two horsemen run past me. The artist managed to depict the characters with such accuracy, he picked up the play of tones so well that they are about to jump out of the frame and run.

The plot of the picture itself shows how the Tsarevich overcomes the difficult path that has befallen him due to the violation of prohibitions. Under the paws of the wolf, a swamp with water lilies is drawn, an old apple tree that has bent its still flowering branches to the ground, and thick fog is visible between other trees. Elena and Tsarevich are the only bright spot on this canvas. The red royal clothes add pride and confidence to the hero, and the beauty's scarlet and golden robe gives her tenderness and femininity.

In Ivan's eyes one can read faith, hope for salvation and confidence. With strong and courageous hands, he gently presses Elena to him, thereby showing her that she is safe. However, the Beautiful is frightened to the will and from hopelessness put her hands and head on the shoulder of the savior, it seems that she no longer wants anything, and she does not believe that salvation is near.

The wolf is depicted in such a way that it is immediately clear how fast they rush through the forest, running away from danger. And the tones with which the author painted the color of the wolf are much lighter than the general plan, thus he probably wanted to show that “the wolf is not as scary as it is painted” and that the beast is a friend to man.

Whatever the situation, dangerous or hopeless, there must always be faith in salvation and hope for the best.

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V. Vasnetsov painted the painting "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf" in 1889. He is a famous artist who illustrated many characters from Russian epics and fairy tales.

The picture seems magical to us: all the details are drawn so realistically: from branches and grass in the foreground of the picture to a lonely tree standing behind a haze of fog. The picture is dominated by dark tones that fascinate and add mystery to the landscape.

White flowers, which are strewn with ebony branches, to the right of the wolf, give the picture a special fabulousness. This blooming apple tree is a symbol of life in their destiny, a sign of faith and hope for the future.

In the central plan is an evil wolf, which, having pulled out its tongue, runs away from the chase. We see his strength, the brutal power with which he runs forward, overcoming dry trees on his way. The look of the wolf is directed forward, he does not even think of returning. A wary Ivan sits on it, holding a frightened Elena with his hand. The wolf is a symbol of devotion, we see that for the sake of the Tsarevich he will overcome any obstacles, if only he stays alive.

Ivan is dressed in a luxurious golden caftan with a blue belt and an orange hat with fur, he has a sword over his shoulders - all these details of clothing are typical for the hero of Russian fairy tales. From his look it is clear that he is looking out for the chase, he is worried about Elena. The prince is ready to draw his sword from its scabbard at any moment and go into battle for the heart of a beautiful lady.

Elena, in a blue dress with gold frills, leaned against Ivan. Her wheaten hair flutters in the wind, which shows us the dynamics of the picture. It can be seen that their path is not close, from fatigue she took such a pose, while calmly folding her hands in her lap. She completely trusts Ivan, there is no concern in her eyes.

Truly fabulous trees are depicted in the background: they are of different shades, from brown to black, the moss on them seems emerald, sparkling. To the left is a fallen spruce branch. A thin haze of fog connects the fairy forest with each other, beyond which nothing can be seen. This means that there is no turning back.

After analyzing the picture, it becomes clear that Vasnetsov created not only using the plots of Russian fairy tales, but also added symbolism that allows us to feel the state of mind of the characters, to reveal the atmosphere of that time. Looking at the picture, there is a feeling of complete presence, as if you yourself have been in this fairy tale, experienced the plot along with the characters, plunged into their fairy-tale world.

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