We study pain points on the human body. Human vital points


In this article we will talk about the vulnerability of the human body, or in other words about pain points on the human body. What are pain points? These are the places most sensitive to physical impact, having a low pain threshold. An exact hit in these places allows you to cause unbearable pain to a person or deprive him of consciousness.
There are a lot of such zones on the human body, many of them are prudently hidden by nature from easy access. However, many remained on the surface. Of course, the complete art of defeating pain points is a whole science, which can be studied for more than one year. In order to use self-defense, it is enough to know and be able to accurately hit only a few basic ones.
I would like to talk about targeted defeat separately. Finding a list of instructions for the location of pain points is not at all difficult, it is difficult to use it. The fact is that painful points are affected by precise, measured movements, but it is extremely difficult to do this in a duel, when the enemy is constantly moving and reacting to your actions, and it is also difficult to apply sufficient effort without special training. That is, each which you want to hit must be previously studied, striking movements (and these can be blows, bites, pressure, squeezing, etc.) are worked out to automatism and with the skill of applying full force. For this, both a partner (study and accuracy of movements) and projectiles (working out the full force of impact) are used.
So applying the impact on pain points requires painstaking work, but the result is worth the candle.

The most vulnerable points of the head.

A blow to the temple.
The temple is one of the weak points of the skull. Deep under the temple is the artery of the brain membrane. The average thickness of the skull is 5 millimeters, in the thickest place its thickness is 1 centimeter, in the temple area the thickness of the skull is only 1-2 millimeters. A blow to this area can lead to concussion, loss of consciousness and death.

A blow to the base of the skull.

The point is located at the base of the skull, at the junction of the back of the head and the first cervical vertebra. A weak blow to this area leads to loss of consciousness, a strong blow interrupts the nerve and leads to immediate death.

A blow to the crown.
The point is located on the top of the head. This is a rather weak point of the skull. A weak blow to this point can cause a concussion. A strong blow can damage the brain, cause hemorrhage and eventually death.

A blow to the back of the head.
This point is located in the center of the back of the skull at the junction of several bones and is palpable as a slightly elongated structure. This cavity is the weak point of the head. With a weak blow to this point, a concussion and loss of consciousness occurs. If the blow is strong, it can lead to hemorrhage and death.

Blow on the superciliary arch.
These points are located above the eyebrows. Blood vessels and nerves pass through these areas. A moderate impact can damage them and cause bleeding in the eyes and loss of consciousness.

A blow to the lower jaw.
This point is located at the angle of the jaw below where it articulates with the ear. A blow to this area breaks the bone into small pieces. This area is also known as the "knockout area", as a side kick directed at it hits the cervical spine, causing the opponent to fall. This is one of the reasons why in actual combat fighters often drop their chin to cover the point of the lower jaw.

Chin punch.
If you draw a straight line from the corner of your mouth, a certain perpendicular down. Then, intersecting with the line of the chin, an amazing point of defeat will be indicated. Its property lies in the fact that if even a light blow is applied to it in the direction of the cervical vertebra, this will cause a knockout effect.

This point is located on the nasal bone, between the eyebrows. The nasal bone is thick on top and thins downwards, in the center there is a small vein that goes to the nasal cavity. A blow to this area can easily damage the nasal bone and lead to severe bleeding and difficulty breathing. In addition, a blow to the nose is very painful and impairs vision.

Blow on the cheek. (Above the side of the jaw)
this point is relatively weak. A blow to it leads to a fracture of the jaw and damage to the surrounding blood vessels and nerves. If the opponent's mouth is open and the blow is delivered at a downward angle, the jaw falls out of the joint, causing severe pain.

Blow or slap on the ears.
Near the ears are many blood vessels and nerves. A blow to the ears causes damage to the outer ear and eardrum.

Eye shot.
The eye is one of the most vulnerable places on the human body. Not even a strong poke with a finger in the eye can blind a person for a while and cause him severe pain. The elasticity of the eye allows it not to be damaged even with deep pressure, so a dosed, but strong enough effort can deprive the enemy of resistance, but will not deprive him of life or vision. Of course, there is a risk with, the effort in this case cannot be accurately calculated, but nevertheless, saving your life, you should not worry about the health of the aggressor.

The most vulnerable points of the neck.

A chopping blow to the back of the neck.
This point is located near the third vertebra of the neck. A weak blow to it causes a displacement of the vertebrae, which as a result put pressure on the spinal cord. A medium-strength strike knocks out the opponent and can lead to serious complications. A strong blow that interrupts the nerves of the spine leads to immediate death.

Chopping blow to the throat. (thyroid cartilage)
The thyroid cartilage (colloquially known as Adam's apple) is surrounded by numerous blood vessels and nerves, and behind it is the thyroid gland. A blow to the throat causes severe pain and loss of the ability to breathe. If the opponent's head is tilted back during the blow, the result of the impact will be much greater.

The most vulnerable points of the torso.

A blow to the sternum. (solar plexus)
The sternum is located in the center of the body. In this area is the heart, below the liver and stomach. There is no protection in the form of ribs. Therefore, a blow to this area directly affects the heart, diaphragm and nerves between the ribs. A blow to the solar meeting causes severe pain in the walls of the stomach, difficulty in breathing. The enemy loses the ability to defend himself. A strong blow can lead to bleeding in the stomach, heart failure, liver rupture, internal bleeding, unconsciousness and, in some cases, even death.

A blow between two ribs.
Usually blows are directed to the 7th, 8th and 9th ribs and their connecting cartilages. On the left is the region of the heart, on the right is the liver. Ribs 5 through 8 are the most curved and most easily broken, especially where bone meets cartilage. A strong blow to this area can lead to a heart attack, liver damage, internal bleeding, and possibly death.

Impact on moving ribs.
Movable ribs are located at the bottom of the chest. These are the 11th and 12th ribs. They are not attached to the sternum. Since the ribs are not secured at the front, the impact will cause them to break inwards. This, in turn, can lead to their penetration into the liver or spleen, which is deadly.

A blow or impact by pressing on the armpit.
Many blood vessels and nerves pass through this area. In addition, this cavity has no muscular or bone protection. Attacking this area with the fingers can cause an electric shock type sensation and a temporary loss of hand movement. Strong pressure can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels, making it difficult to move the hand.

A kick or hand to the pubic bone.
This area is very sensitive. A blow to it is quite painful and leads to the inability of the enemy to continue resistance.

Kick or hand to the crotch
Many nerves pass through this point, and the genitals and the bladder are located above. A light blow to this area will cause very severe pain. A strong blow can rupture the bladder and cause shock.

A kick or hand to the coccyx.
In this area, the nerves are relatively protected and a strong blow can damage the central nervous system, causing severe pain and possible paralysis.

Kidney kick
The kidneys are very close to the back wall of the abdominal cavity. From an anatomical point of view, the kidneys are not protected by ribs and are very vulnerable. when struck, there is severe pain, possible rupture of the kidneys, profuse bleeding.

A blow to the back opposite the heart.
A blow to this point can cause shock, as there is a direct effect on the heart. This exposure can be fatal.

The most vulnerable points of the legs.

Hit under the kneecap.
A blow to this area causes severe pain. The greatest efficiency occurs when the supporting limb, on which the weight of the body is concentrated, is attacked. The result of such exposure will be tissue damage under the fibula and tibia.

A blow to the outside of the knee.
This force will cause the joint to move in an unnatural direction, bending inward and causing damage to the ligaments as well as tearing between the bones of the joint. In addition, a strong blow can damage the main peroneal nerve, causing severe pain.

A blow to the inside of the knee.
This impact will cause the leg to bend outward, damaging the ligaments and tendons around the patella. The best angle to hit is a sharp downward angle towards the rear.

Practice when practicing techniques in pairs should always be accompanied by practicing defeat. That is, the ability to hit pain points on the human body should turn into a skill that you no longer think about, which acts by itself. At the same time, while practicing strong blows, it is necessary to strive to carry them out precisely in these zones.

Pain points are areas on the human body that are most sensitive to damage. Painful - because hitting them causes pain (and a variety of dangerous injuries). Points - because the plots have a small area.
Why are pain points needed? For victory.

In the process of forming the intention to win, a person necessarily faces the question “Where to hit in order to win?” Since the intention is to win, not to fight or get hit on the head, the most effective pain points are needed.
Usually vital points are used to force the enemy to stop any action.
Those who decide to study and (most importantly!) use pain points do not need to study meridians and acupuncture; most points are at least 10 mm in diameter; with a certain skill (achieved as a result of appropriate exercises), one can learn to hit the right points automatically, without looking and without thinking about each movement.

1. The crown is the most unprotected area in the upper part of the head. A strong and sharp blow can cause death.

2. Optic nerve - located in the upper part of the nose between the eyes. A blow with a finger or a pinch of fingers to this point can be fatal.

3. Eyes - with a biting blow to the eyes, the enemy permanently or temporarily loses his sight. Strong pain sensation. The thumb is fully depressed and can reach the brain.

4. Point behind the ear below - with a sharp pressure or blow, death can occur.

5. Cerebellum - a blow to this point threatens death or loss of consciousness.

6. 7. Points above the upper and under the lower lip - blows here cause a state of shock. A blow with the fingertips or the second joint of the middle finger to the soft part of the chin from the bottom up is also very sensitive.

8. Adam's apple (windpipe) - even a light blow causes suffering, interrupts breathing (suffocation), causes vomiting. From strong blows, you can lose consciousness or die.

9. Neck - a blow to the muscles on both sides of the cervical spine is painful and dangerous. A heavy blow to the seventh (protruding) vertebra depresses it and causes damage to the windpipe. The area of ​​the neck above the collarbone is where the nerves and blood vessels pass. Hits here take you out of combat for a short time, but do not inflict damage.

10. Collarbones - A blow delivered to the narrow hollow approach to the throat above the collarbones with the tips of the fingers is dangerous and even fatal.

11. The point between the shoulder blades - a blow from the bottom up causes a state of shock, a blow from the top down - a rapid heartbeat, damage to internal organs and death. A blow under the shoulder blades upward causes severe pain.

12. Armpits - a kick causes severe pain, a blow with a finger paralyzes the arm.

13. The middle of the biceps is the nerve center of the shoulder. A blow to this point causes paralysis of the arm. The point above the biceps is deadly.

14. Solar plexus - the blow is very painful, especially when directed upwards. In this case, the blow is transmitted to the internal organs - the heart, liver, lungs. May have serious consequences.

15. Elbow joints - a slight blow leads to loss of sensitivity, severe dislocation. Even a light blow to the nerve center of the forearm (5 cm below the elbow) causes severe pain, and a strong blow leads to numbness of the arm. A blow to the elbow is very painful. It's better to strike back here.

16. Heart area - a strong blow is life-threatening, as it is transmitted to the heart. An effective kick is the second joint of the middle finger. Very painful poking between the ribs.

17. Kidneys - a directed blow is very dangerous.

18. Upper abdomen - a deep penetrating blow “niki-te” is dangerous. A blow to the lower abdomen is staggering, a strong blow causes serious damage.

19. Lumbar - Injuries to the spine cause loss of motor function.

20. Wrist - the articular tendons pass here, a very sensitive place. A light blow on the upper side is painful, a strong one is an injury. The point above the inner side of the wrist between the tendons of the radial flexor of the hand and the long abductor muscle of the first finger is fatal.

21. Coccyx - a violation of the motor function of the legs.

22. Groin - a strong blow is fatal.

23. The inner thighs are a very sensitive area of ​​the leg. A light blow is painful, a strong blow paralyzes the leg for a while.

24. Knee - effective kick at an angle of 45 °. A blow causes pain, impaired mobility of the knee joint, and if the leg is motionless, then it is easy to dislocate it.

25. Hamstring - A kick causes the opponent to sit down, causing pain and cramps. A blow to the base of the tibia also causes acute pain and cramps.

26. Calf muscles - the consequences of a strong blow are the same. Even a light blow to the front, unprotected part
shins very painful, strong - paralyzes the leg on

27. Achilles tendon - kicking causes pain and
paralyzes the leg.

28. Lifting the leg - the push causes acute pain, this is a very weak spot. A strong blow disables the leg.

Any knowledge can be useful to us in practice. And knowing where the most painful points on the human body are located can save a life in a certain situation, because you will know where it is better to hit an aggressive opponent or which areas of your body should be protected in the first place. So…

The top of the head is the most unprotected area in the upper part of the head. If a strong and sharp blow is applied to this zone, then a person may die. Temple In detective stories, they often show how a person was pushed, he hit his temple on something - and died ... It's true, an artery of the brain membrane passes under the temple. A blow to this area can lead to a concussion, and this is fraught with both fainting and death. Nose A blow to the nose is not only severe pain. This can disorient the person and cause bleeding. The nasal bone is very easy to break. Bridge of the nose It is connected with the optic nerve. If you "knowingly" poke a finger at this point, it can turn into a fatal outcome. Eyes If a person is hit in the eye area, it is not just a sharp pain, the victim may completely lose his sight.

And if you poke your thumb in the eye, you can get to the very brain and cause irreversible damage to it. Mandible The point just below the junction of the jaw with the ear is also called the "knockout area". A side impact directed there leads to the defeat of the cervical spine, and the enemy falls. That is why during the fight, participants often lower their chins, trying to cover a weak spot. Adam's apple Even a light blow to this area can lead to choking or vomiting. If hit hard, it can cause loss of consciousness or death. Elbow joint Even when we ourselves accidentally bruise our elbow, it is very painful. A strong blow to this area can cause numbness in the arm. Solar plexus Everyone knows that a blow there, especially directed upwards, is very painful, as it "enters" the internal organs - the heart, liver, lungs. The consequences can be very serious. Heart area A strong blow here can simply kill, as a person's heart will stop. Finger poke between the ribs is very painful, although they do not carry much danger.

Belly It is in the abdomen that most of our internal organs are located. No wonder the "stomach" in Russian - from the word "life". Also in the old days the expression "not sparing your belly" was common. Especially dangerous is a deep penetrating blow to the upper abdomen. A blow to the lower part introduces a state of shock, and if it is strong enough, it can lead to serious internal damage. Kidneys No wonder the expression "beat off the kidneys" is so common. A blow to them not only causes severe pain, it can render the organ unusable and turn a person into a disabled person. Groin For men, blows to the groin and perineum are especially painful. And if hit hard, it can be fatal. Patella A blow to the patella is not only very painful, it is fraught with injury, and even disability. As a result of the blow, the cup can be broken or the mobility of the knee joint can be impaired, which will lead to permanent dislocations. Myths about pain points One of the most common misconceptions: if you know where to hit, then the enemy can be disabled for a long time.

In fact, it is important to know not only where, but also how and at what angle to strike. Quite often we hear that there is some mysterious point on the neck, by clicking on which, you can make a person, if not die, then at least lose consciousness. Well, maybe martial artists are capable of that. But it is difficult for an ordinary person to find this point and influence it correctly. Similarly, it is a myth that a person can be killed with a single light poke using a special "death touch" technique. This can only be seen in action movies. There is also a horror story that if you break a person's nose, then broken cartilage can damage the brain. But from the point of view of anatomy, this is simply impossible ... There is also a theory that pain points on the human body have varying degrees of vulnerability, depending on the "ebb" and "ebb" of energy. Those who supposedly master the so-called "art of the poisonous hand" can calculate such periods and use it to neutralize opponents. But this is not yet a confirmed legend.

There are many points on the human body, exposure to which can cause severe pain, partial paralysis, and even severe injuries up to death.

There are a lot of such zones on the human body, many of them are prudently hidden by nature from easy access. However, many remained on the surface. Of course, the complete art of defeating pain points is a whole science, which can be studied for more than one year. In order to use self-defense, it is enough to know and be able to accurately hit only a few basic ones.

The most vulnerable points of the head.

A blow to the temple.

The temple is one of the weak points of the skull. Deep under the temple is the artery of the brain membrane. The average thickness of the skull is 5 millimeters, in the thickest place its thickness is 1 centimeter, in the temple area the thickness of the skull is only 1-2 millimeters. A blow to this area can lead to concussion, loss of consciousness and death.

A blow to the back of the head.

This point is located in the center of the back of the skull at the junction of several bones and is palpable as a slightly elongated structure. This cavity is the weak point of the head. With a weak blow to this point, a concussion and loss of consciousness occurs. If the blow is strong, it can lead to hemorrhage and death.

Blow on the superciliary arch.

These points are located above the eyebrows. Blood vessels and nerves pass through these areas. A moderate impact can damage them and cause bleeding in the eyes and loss of consciousness.

A blow to the lower jaw.

This point is located at the angle of the jaw below where it articulates with the ear. A blow to this area breaks the bone into small pieces. This area is also known as the "knockout area", as a side kick directed at it hits the cervical spine, causing the opponent to fall. This is one of the reasons why in actual combat fighters often drop their chin to cover the point of the lower jaw.

Chin punch.

If you draw a straight line from the corner of your mouth, a certain perpendicular down. Then, intersecting with the line of the chin, an amazing point of defeat will be indicated. Its property lies in the fact that if even a light blow is applied to it in the direction of the cervical vertebra, this will cause a knockout effect.

A blow to the nasal bone.

This point is located on the nasal bone, between the eyebrows. The nasal bone is thick on top and thins downwards, in the center there is a small vein that goes to the nasal cavity. A blow to this area can easily damage the nasal bone and lead to severe bleeding and difficulty breathing. In addition, a blow to the nose is very painful and impairs vision.

Blow or slap on the ears.

Near the ears are many blood vessels and nerves. A blow to the ears causes damage to the outer ear and the eardrum can stun the opponent.

Eye shot.

The eye is one of the most vulnerable places on the human body. Not even a strong poke with a finger in the eye can blind a person for a while and cause him severe pain. The elasticity of the eye allows it not to be damaged even with deep pressure, so a dosed, but strong enough effort can deprive the enemy of resistance, but will not deprive him of life or vision. Of course, there is a risk with, the effort in this case cannot be accurately calculated, but nevertheless, saving your life, you should not worry about the health of the aggressor.

The most vulnerable points of the neck.

A chopping blow to the back of the neck.

This point is located near the third vertebra of the neck. A weak blow to it causes a displacement of the vertebrae, which as a result put pressure on the spinal cord. A medium-strength strike knocks out the opponent and can lead to serious complications. A strong blow that interrupts the nerves of the spine leads to immediate death.

Chopping blow to the throat. (thyroid cartilage)

The thyroid cartilage (colloquially known as Adam's apple) is surrounded by numerous blood vessels and nerves, and behind it is the thyroid gland. A blow to the throat causes severe pain and loss of the ability to breathe. If the opponent's head is tilted back during the blow, the result of the impact will be much greater.

The most vulnerable points of the torso.

A blow to the sternum. (solar plexus)

The sternum is located in the center of the body. In this area is the heart, below the liver and stomach. There is no protection in the form of ribs. Therefore, a blow to this area directly affects the heart, diaphragm and nerves between the ribs. A blow to the solar meeting causes severe pain in the walls of the stomach, difficulty in breathing. The enemy loses the ability to defend himself. A strong blow can lead to bleeding in the stomach, heart failure, liver rupture, internal bleeding, unconsciousness and, in some cases, even death.

A blow between two ribs.

Usually blows are directed to the 7th, 8th and 9th ribs and their connecting cartilages. On the left is the region of the heart, on the right is the liver. Ribs 5 through 8 are the most curved and most easily broken, especially where bone meets cartilage. A strong blow to this area can lead to a heart attack, liver damage, internal bleeding, and possibly death.

Impact on moving ribs.

Movable ribs are located at the bottom of the chest. These are the 11th and 12th ribs. They are not attached to the sternum. Since the ribs are not secured at the front, the impact will cause them to break inwards. This, in turn, can lead to their penetration into the liver or spleen, which is deadly.

A blow or impact by pressing on the armpit.

Many blood vessels and nerves pass through this area. In addition, this cavity has no muscular or bone protection. Attacking this area with the fingers can cause an electric shock type sensation and a temporary loss of hand movement. Strong pressure can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels, making it difficult to move the hand.

A kick or hand to the pubic bone.

This area is very sensitive. A blow to it is quite painful and leads to the inability of the enemy to continue resistance.

Kick or hand to the crotch

Many nerves pass through this point, and the genitals and the bladder are located above. A light blow to this area will cause very severe pain. A strong blow can rupture the bladder and cause shock.

The most vulnerable points of the legs.

Hit under the kneecap.

A blow to this area causes severe pain. The greatest efficiency occurs when the supporting limb, on which the weight of the body is concentrated, is attacked. The result of such exposure will be tissue damage under the fibula and tibia.

A blow to the outside of the knee.

This force will cause the joint to move in an unnatural direction, bending inward and causing damage to the ligaments as well as tearing between the bones of the joint. In addition, a strong blow can damage the main peroneal nerve, causing severe pain.

A blow to the inside of the knee.

This impact will cause the leg to bend outward, damaging the ligaments and tendons around the patella. The best angle to hit is a sharp downward angle towards the rear.

Since ancient times, people have been interested in sleep and have tried to find “sleepy points” on the human body. It was very important for doctors and healers to know how to put a person to sleep, for example, tormented by insomnia, and such knowledge helped warriors to immobilize the enemy.

Operations such as amputation of limbs were carried out even by primitive people, and they needed all manipulations to be as painless as possible.

One of the methods of sedation was squeezing the vessels of the neck, which was first tried by the Syrians and Egyptians. Ether anesthesia was first tried in the 19th century before jaw surgery.

How to put a person to sleep with your hands?

In different situations, it may be necessary to search for sleep points and their location on the human body. Sometimes this skill is needed by a person in everyday life. For example, in order to calm a person who is in the stage of intoxication.

Even in ancient times, people knew that when you press certain points on the human body, he could fall unconscious. One of these points is located on the shoulder a little closer to the neck, pressing it leads to loss of consciousness. The same thing happens when you press on the carotid artery. And it can be used as a way to put a drunk person to sleep.

How to fall asleep quickly?

Many people who suffer from insomnia wonder where the sleep point might be. Each person has several of them on the body.

By clicking on them, you can relax as much as possible, which will make it possible to get rid of the signs of insomnia:

  • A point that is one centimeter away from the outer corner of the eye. In order to put a person to sleep as quickly as possible, it should be massaged with the index and middle fingers;
  • The area between the eyebrows. To activate it, you need to press it several times with your index finger;
  • A point at the width of a finger from the nostrils is massaged in a circular motion;
  • In order for relaxation to come as quickly as possible, you need to press on the points above the eyeballs with two fists, then lower your eyelids and try to “see” your own legs with your inner gaze.

Advice! When pressing on various points on the body, you need to be extremely careful, since the reaction of each individual human body can be simply unpredictable.

How to quickly influence and lull a drunk person? After all, in this state, anyone can behave unpredictably and inadequately. To do this, it will be enough to buy sleeping pills in a pharmacy. Today, there are many tools that produce a similar effect.

When using sleeping pills, it is important to be as careful as possible. Indeed, among them there are those, when taking which it is unacceptable to deviate from the dosage indicated in the annotation.

Quite often, cases of euthanizing a person for the purpose of robbery are common. For this, clonidine is used, which is also mixed into alcoholic beverages. But after such a mixture, a person feels very bad, so it is not recommended to use it to lull a drunk.

Alcohol and drugs can give an unpredictable effect. Alcohol can, in an hour, affect the effect of the drug, provoke respiratory arrest, which can even be fatal.

hypnosis theory

Hypnosis is an effective method to quickly put a person to sleep. People who master hypnosis are able to influence others, inspire them to perform certain actions (including putting them to sleep) and even thoughts, and also engage in self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis is mentioned in many religious books and is closely connected with the history of human development. It is impossible to determine the exact period of occurrence of hypnosis.

It is likely that it began to develop in the era of the existence of primitive people, when rites and ritual actions played a very important role in the life of tribes, where shamans were their heads.

Today you can learn how to instantly put a person to sleep using hypnosis. as it has become incredibly popular and widespread.

Moreover, it can be used both for good purposes, and for subordinating the will and mind of the masses of people. So, with the help of hypnosis, you can safely heal the demoniac and obsessed, including influencing a person who is in a strong alcoholic intoxication.

Hypnotic sleep is one of the types of sleep that a hypnotist can cause, while maintaining full contact with the person-object of influence. That is why the effect on human consciousness is strong enough.

A master who has the ability to hypnotize knows exactly how to put a person to sleep for an hour. Also, with the help of hypnosis, you can calm a person who is in psycho-emotional arousal. Most often, such emotions serve as a signal that opportunities may not coincide with needs.

Medical preparations for influencing human consciousness

Despite the fact that today a large number of drugs are known that can be used to lull a person instantly, they should only be used by qualified specialists in special dosages. If dosages are not observed, the effect can be fatal.

One of these potent drugs is chloroform, which, in terms of its narcotic effect, is 3-4 times stronger than ether and the same number of times more toxic. This drug is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. Its vapors do not irritate the respiratory tract, but the liquid has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes and skin.

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