We study the inner reality according to the psychotype.


The psychotype test determines each person, which consists of a genetically given temperament and a character acquired during the first years of life. Character traits can often wear accentuation features, i.e. close to possible personality disorders or neurosis. Similarly, they are classified using a unique system of socionics.

Many people hide the psychotype of a person with a social mask, or, on the contrary, it sticks out more due to a basic personality disorder. All this was taken into account in the preparation of this online test - therefore, all questions are arranged in a strict, coded sequence to give the most accurate result.

To determine your psychotype, including accentuation of character and temperament, go online now psychotype test free and without registration. Socionics systems are one of the most accurate in the world and this technique is available to you on this page! Hundreds of people have already passed the test to determine their psychological type and it helped them get to know yourself better, your main talent , and build better relationships with others . Moreover, the psychotype test I offer will help you choose a love partner!

Pass a test for the psychotype of a person's personality:

The psychotype test includes questions that need to be answered quickly, the first thing that comes to mind. Choose the answer that best suits you.

Having learned closer the features of his character, everyone can initially be surprised and amazed at the accuracy of revealing the nuances of his inner world. The a psychotype test gives an answer to the most important question of life - with whom to build relationships and a family, how to find a soul mate . Together with a loved one who will be close to you, life will sparkle with new bright colors and you will feel all the harmony of love and intimacy.

The psychotype test offers you not only to know yourself, but also the opportunity to find a suitable psychotype, and among them - the ones closest to you. After all, in addition to mental supplementation, common interests, and the level of culture and education play an important role. Pass this test completely and your life will change!

In socionics, there are several theories that allow classifying people into different types. Each of them has its own personal characteristics and behavioral factors.

Popular theory

The founder of the first theory of personality psychotypes is considered K. Jung. Many people know such a classification as the definition of the type of phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine. But the theories that cover more types are considered the most complete and complex. One of them is built on 16 personality types, each of which is characterized by its external signs and behavior.

16 personality types

Over time, scientists modified and supplemented the names of types of characters and personalities. Gradually, they acquired metaphorical changes that clearly make it clear the direction of a certain feature. According to the names of famous personalities, the types of psychotypes are named, reflecting their brightest sides.

Don Quixote: intuitive-logical extrovert

ILE (abbreviated from the common name) is characterized by such features of behavior and appearance:

Don Quixote is greedy for familiarity and flattery, often waiting for their manifestation from others. However, he himself would never dare to such an expression of feelings.

Jack London: logical-intuitive extrovert

Most optimistic psychotype LIE, for which the main characteristic is that time does not wait. He is constantly working and busy with business, prefers to quickly solve problems. He has a subtle romantic flair, is inclined to choose a hobby in the style of tourism or amateur mountaineering, loves to travel. He has a great imagination and invents adventures, outwardly looks a little sloppy.

But this slovenliness gives a certain style and attracts.

The LIE are very fearless and love to show it off by challenging everyone and going on adventures.

Jack London is an absent-minded professor with an abstract mind. In relationships and everyday life, he allows his partner to lead. Dislikes close contact and eye contact. Rarely understands what others really think of him. Optimistic and responds quickly to positive emotions. Positive, always smiling and friendly.

Balzac: intuitive-logical introvert

OR has an excellent intellectual imagination, which controls a person. With it, he sees the future, knows and predicts the behavior of different people. An unemotional type who perfectly controls himself and believes that all people's problems come from their excessive passion and emotionality. Other personality traits include:

Balzac is distinguished by his taciturnity, a slightly sad look and sadness in appearance. He does not know how to give compliments and accept them, which makes him look unattainable.

Robespierre: logical-intuitive introvert

Has pronounced logical-analytical abilities, loves and knows how to get to the bottom of the object under study. In consideration of any issues relies only on logic. And:

Outwardly, he looks very sternly and piercingly, as if from under a hanging forehead. In the posture of Robespierre, a distinct restraint is always shown. In life, he does not like uninvited guests and is very secretive.

Zhukov: sensory-logical extrovert

One of the most tough personality types, focused on results and achieving goals, regardless of the resources spent.

trait Peculiarities
The main thing is the result and victory Makes maximum efforts, has a strong will and purposefulness
He does not care what they think of him, he does everything with passion and usually brings them to the end
He has a pronounced character of a fighter, by all means reaches his goals and defeats his opponents
He knows how and loves to overcome difficulties, tempering himself with them
Tough and determined Possesses strictness, but justice. Expressed leader and leader, but keeps the last word
Able to build excellent tactics and adapt to the situation, makes clear decisions and quick actions
He argues well, backing up his arguments with logic.
Not afraid of anything, resistant to bad emotions Nothing surprises and never envy

Zhukov's emotionality is a separate aspect. He is very calm, stable and extremely dislikes manifestations of emotionality from other people.

He does not like to talk about feelings and talk about himself. In love, it does not lend itself to passion and hobbies, but it needs the support of a partner.

Stirlitz: logical-sensory extrovert

The main features of the LSE are hidden in a clear and sober mind. He reasons logical and reasonable. Outwardly, it is distinguished by a sports warehouse, actions and hard facial features.

A talented and born spy, he knows how to find out information by any means.

Stirlitz easily brings people out of a state of calmness, often grumbles and puts pressure on the interlocutor during the conversation.

Stirlitz is sure that the ability to obey the rules is a strong character, does not like cunning and cheating. Adheres to order in everything, knows how to dress beautifully and elegantly. In the cases Stirlitz is expressed as follows:

Stirlitz loves to do the work the way he thinks is right. Has incredible performance. Can do interesting things for days without sleep and rest.

Gabin: Sensory-logical introvert

Features of the behavior of the psychotype of personality SLI are detachment, mystique And isolation. Outwardly, they are calm, accurate and economical. They tend to complete all their undertakings, are very responsible and not demonstrative. They harmoniously combine a variety of features:

Gabin can talk a lot, waiting for some action. It always seems as if Gabin is analyzing you while having a conversation. Does not show sudden movements in the process of communication.

Gorky M.: Logical-sensory introvert

This type of personality in socionics is characterized by the following features:

With close people, Gorky can be open, courageous and quite assertive. He is not afraid to express his emotions and knows how to conduct heart-to-heart conversations.

Napoleon: sensory-ethical extrovert

Can influence on people and get their trust, love. Charming and popular, knows how to lead. Wary of all ideas and objective opinion.

Thirsts for practical activity and has a restless activity.

Napoleon pays a lot of attention to external beauty and aesthetics, he has excellent taste and high demands on the physical performance of a partner.

Napoleon is depressed by the demands of his loved ones, he is pissed off by such statements. He can act smart, but as soon as they start demanding it from him, everything collapses. The indicators of efficiency and initiative are very high. In love, it has a special warehouse:

  • if he likes something, skillfully expresses admiration;
  • accustomed to surrender with all my soul and body;
  • does not tolerate adaptation to anything, does not like to show it himself;
  • however, he tends to dictate his terms.

Napoleon is distinguished by excessive optimism and faith in a great future, the fulfillment of all plans. He is never afraid of difficult situations and goes boldly to overcome them.

Hugo: ethical-sensory extrovert

The key features of this type are the power of emotions, passion And authority, the ability to follow the idea. He is often on a positive wave and knows how to infect with such a mood. It is distinguished by true tirelessness and activity, it seems that he is all in business and always on the run, although he knows how to switch perfectly.

He is diligent in work, brings things to the end, may seem self-confident and self-sufficient.

Likes to be praised. In communication, he is very attentive and pleasant:

  • finds an approach to any person;
  • knows how to give joy, sympathize, understand and approve;
  • never distinguished by envy, sincerely rejoices at the success of friends and relatives;
  • however, he knows how to notice the shortcomings of people.

Adheres to conservative ways and requires solitude for difficult tasks. Not fussy at work. Order loves not only in business, but also in appearance. He has few friends, as he can put a lot of pressure emotionally and does not see the point in a large number of social connections.

Dumas: sensory-ethical introvert

Dumas is not accustomed to impose his will or emotion, shows concern And smiles often does not like to ask for help. Its specific features are as follows:

This type of introvert is characterized by friendly behavior with an optimistic attitude. However, in a bad mood or illness, he wants to hide from everyone, because he cannot play with people's emotions.

Dreiser: ethical-sensory introvert

Dreiser is distinguished by the fact that he can quickly and easily gain people's trust due to tact, aesthetic taste and understanding of each individual.

It can sharply evaluate any object, always pays in the same coin, therefore it is vindictive, but it does not forget the good either.

Dreiser does not like to wait, prefers to live for today, is distinguished by punctuality.

If he acquires enemies, he makes them jealous of him. He does not fall into anger, he is emphatically polite and smart. Always looks neat and does not tolerate any mess. In a relationship does not tolerate polygamy or treason. As for communication in a group, then:

He does not idle talk, he confirms all his desires with actions. But he can quit the case without bringing it to the end (especially under the influence of the desires of partners). Aimed at the service of society.

Huxley: intuitive-ethical extrovert

This personality type is characterized by the following signs and traits:

Outer Huxley moderately emotional, does not shy away from the manifestation of feelings, but during the period of work it can be very focused. The cause is given with all his heart and loves to do it well. He does not shy away from helping other people.

Hamlet: ethical-intuitive extravert

The psychotype of Hamlet is distinguished by seriousness and focus on major problems of mankind, which is why he often dramatizes and expects trouble.

It is intolerant of evil and prefers to do good deeds, but is guided by its own concepts of good and bad.

Hamlet is different increased concern for people, which can be demanding and intrusive. He will make a good family man who knows how to express feelings. However, he does not like to make life on public display. Wherein:

Gives preference feelings, not the mind. He gets involved in the situation only if he has foreseen everything and studied it well. The same thing happens with work, likes to show responsibility. Can act quickly in emergency situations.

Yesenin: intuitive-ethical introvert

IEI is a type based on romantic daydreaming. More prone to reflection than action, distinguished by individuality and immersion in dreams of the future, fantastic worlds, than in thoughts about the present. Besides:

Yesenin never closes his eyes and looks at the world with open eyes, often takes elegant poses and speaks beautifully. Moves well. Colossal chaos can reign in his home. An important character trait is the struggle for the emotional freedom of other people. Extremely fond of creativity and the world of art.

Dostoevsky: ethical-intuitive introvert

The psychotype of personality has colossal inner strength. A whole sea of ​​feelings is hidden in his soul and spiritual organization, although outwardly he may seem calm. Amazing inner wealth, full of love and all kinds of beauty. Subtly understands love and human relationships. A flawless empath who knows how to empathize and soothe. Outwardly, his character is manifested as follows:

Dostoevsky type man loves reasoning but does not forgive any infidelity. For him, treason in marriage and betrayal of friends are tantamount. The chance that Dostoevsky will forgive such a person is extremely low.

All 16 personality types rarely are expressed distinctly in 1 person. Their combination is common, but the main features and features identified by experts help in various areas. So, the heads of companies, using socionics, skillfully appoint new people to positions. And vocational guidance specialists help schoolchildren or people who want to change their occupation, choose something that will not contradict their inner comfort.


Well-known psychological types were identified and described by the Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst C. G. Jung.

His theory of "introversion - extraversion", as well as the four types of perception of the world has developed and continues to develop.

Psychotypes of personality proposed by Jung:

  • Personality types depending on the vector of its orientation:
  1. An extrovert is a person who is psychologically oriented towards the outside world; sociable, active, active.
  2. - a person focused on the inner world; closed, sensitive, judicious.
  • Psychological types depending on the predominant way of perceiving life, in other words, on the main mental function:
  1. The thinking type is a person who, in making decisions, mainly relies on logic and thinking. The sphere of feelings is suppressed.
  2. Feeling type - a person focused on, judges in terms of "good - bad", and not logically.
  3. Sensing type - a person who perceives life directly with the senses, he looks, listens, touches and makes a decision based on the information received. they are suppressed.
  4. The intuitive type is a person who relies on a "sixth" sense; such people make decisions based on intuitive, unconscious knowledge, and not on direct sensations.

Based on Jung's typology, in the seventies and eighties of the last century, the Soviet sociologist A. Augustinavichyute developed one of the most detailed and reliable personal typologies and became the founder of a scientific direction called "socionics".


Another Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko, observing adolescents, identified psychological types that describe the types of character accentuations. Accentuation is an excessive strengthening of individual character traits, psychological deviations that border on psychopathology, but do not go beyond the norm.

  1. In adolescence, crisis age, accentuation is most pronounced.
  2. Later, the character is "smoothed out", and accentuation appears only in crisis,.

The German scientist K. Leonhard proposed a similar classification, but did not limit it to the pubertal period. The classification is based on an assessment of the style of communication of a person with a close environment.

Psychological types according to K. Leonhard:

  1. Hyperthymic. Optimistic, sociable, initiative, active, conflict, irritable, frivolous.
  2. Distimny. Pessimistic, silent, closed, non-conflict, conscientious, fair.
  3. Cycloid. Changeable type, combining hyperthymia and dysthymia.
  4. Excitable. Slow, irritable, sullen, domineering, conscientious, tidy, loving animals and children.
  5. stuck. , inquisitive, fair, ambitious, touchy, suspicious, jealous.
  6. Pedantic. Formalist and neat, serious, reliable, non-conflict, passive, boring.
  7. Anxious. Timid, insecure, defenseless, pessimistic, self-critical, friendly, executive, sensitive.
  8. Emotive. Excessively vulnerable, tearful, passive, kind, compassionate, sympathetic, executive.
  9. Demonstrative. Can be both a leader and an opportunist; self-confident, artistic, courteous, captivating, extraordinary, selfish, boastful, lazy.
  10. Exalted. Extremely sociable, bright and sincere feelings, amorous, altruistic, compassionate, changeable, prone to panic and exaggeration.
  11. Extroverted. Sociable and talkative, open, executive, frivolous, prone to excitement and risk.
  12. introverted. Idealist, closed, philosophizing, non-conflict, principled, restrained, stubborn, stubborn.

Classification of personality psychotypes depending on temperament

Most often, personality typology is compiled on the basis of differences in temperaments and characters of people.

  • Hippocrates

The first known typology of personality depending on the type of temperament was proposed by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. It still remains relevant and popular, although the scientist did not connect the individual typological features of the personality with the properties of the nervous system (as is customary now).

According to Hippocrates, the human psychotype depends on the ratio of various fluids in the body: blood, lymph and two types of bile.

Psychological types of temperament according to Hippocrates:

  1. phlegmatic - a person whose body is dominated by lymph (phlegm), which makes him calm and slow;
  2. melancholic - a person whose body is dominated by black bile (melane chole), which is why he is timid and prone to sadness;
  3. sanguine person - a person in whose body there is a lot of blood (sanguine), mobile and cheerful;
  4. choleric - hot and impulsive, in his body a lot of yellow bile (chole).

For many centuries the doctrine of temperaments has been developed and supplemented. In particular, the German philosopher I. Kant and the Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov were engaged in this. Today, the names of the types of temperament have remained the same, but the essence has changed.

Temperament is a combination of innate features of the work of higher nervous activity. It depends on the speed and strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain. Thus, a weak type of higher nervous activity corresponds to the temperament of a melancholic; strong balanced, but inert - phlegmatic; choleric - strong and unbalanced; strong, balanced and mobile - sanguine.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, the German psychiatrist E. Kretschmer identified different personality types depending on the character. This was the first character classification. Kretschmer associated the psychotype of a person with the constitution of his body.

Three types of bodily constitution:

  1. Asthenic. Thin and tall people, they have elongated arms and legs, underdeveloped muscles.
  2. Athletic. People are strong, with well-developed muscles, growth is average or above average.
  3. Picnic. Overweight people with underdeveloped muscles and musculoskeletal system, of medium or small stature.

Since E. Kretschmer was a psychiatrist, he compared personality psychotypes with a tendency to one or another psychopathology and grouped them into two personality types:

  1. Schizothymics are mentally healthy people with an athletic or asthenic physique, vaguely resembling patients with schizophrenia. They are characterized by such character traits: artistry, sensitivity, alienation, selfishness, authority.
  2. Cyclothymics are mentally healthy people with a picnic physique, reminiscent of patients with manic-depressive psychosis. These are cheerful, optimistic, sociable, frivolous people.

The theory of E. Kretschmer was based only on his personal observations, but served as the basis for subsequent, more complex typologies of character. Much later, scientists came to the conclusion that the shape of the body really affects the character and individual typological characteristics of the personality. The connection between the constitution of the body and the tendency to accentuation of character (an extreme degree of the normal functioning of the psyche) and psychopathology does exist.

Classification of personality psychotypes depending on the character

People differ not only in character traits, but also in their attitude to life, society and moral values. Despite the fact that there is a concept of proper behavior, people behave differently.

The German psychoanalyst and sociologist E. Fromm introduced the concept of "social character" and defined it as a kind of identical set of character traits in the personality structure of the majority of members of a particular community. Any community, class or group of people has a certain social character.

The social character was taken as the basis for the classification of psychological personality types.

Psychological personality types according to E. Fromm:

  • "Masochist-sadist"

A person who is inclined to direct aggression at himself or at other people, if he considers them guilty of ongoing personal failures or problems of the whole society. Such people strive for self-improvement, insecure, punctual, responsible, demanding, domineering, like to terrorize others, justifying their actions with good intentions.

Psychological masochism is almost always combined with sadism. However, there are people more prone to one of the types.

Individually typological features of the "masochist": self-abasement, self-criticism, the tendency to always blame yourself for everything. "Sadist" Fromm defined as an authoritarian person. This is a man-exploiter, imperious and cruel.

  • "Destroyer"

It does not cause suffering either to itself or to people, but aggressively eliminates the cause of its troubles. In order not to feel powerless and frustrated, a person ends the relationship or interrupts the work he has begun, that is, he uses destructiveness as a means of resolving any trouble. "Destroyers" are usually anxious, desperate, cowardly people, limited in the realization of their capabilities and abilities.

  • "Conformist-machine"

Unlike the two previous psychological types, the "conformist" is passive. He does not fight, but resigns himself to difficult life circumstances. This is a too labile person who has practically lost his

He is an adaptable person who will change his point of view, behavior, principles, and even type of thinking, if the situation requires it. Such people are immoral, therefore they do not see anything shameful in changing points of view and life values.

Such a social typology does not characterize people from the best side, but it reveals the problems of society and remains extremely relevant in our time.

It is impossible to say which of the typologies is better, they complement each other. Any typology of personality allows an individual to know himself and at the same time realize his uniqueness.

The reason for the division into psychotypes

Philosophers and scientists at all times of the existence of a civilized society have tried to distinguish and single out psychological types of people from the diversity of the nature of human nature. Many classifications are based on observations of people, life experience, or the conclusions of the scientist who proposed a particular typology. Only in the last century, in connection with the flourishing of psychology, personality psychotypes became the object of research and received proper scientific justification.

Despite the variety of psychological types that exist today, it can be difficult to determine what type of personality a person belongs to. Often, when reading the classification of types and wanting to find himself, he cannot decide or finds several types at once, similar to the individual typological features of his own personality.

The disadvantage of any typology is that it cannot accommodate all possible personality types, because each person is an individual. It can be said that it rather belongs to one or another type, is more similar to it, or at some moments manifests itself in a similar way.

Any psychotype of a person is a generalization, an attempt to combine into a group close and often observed together qualities, temperamental characteristics, and other individually typological personality traits.

Personality types are often exaggerated and simplified, describing deviant behavior (even psychopathology) or only those personality traits that are pronounced and stereotypical, stereotyped.

Pure types are rare. However, every second person, reading this or that typology or passing a psychological test, easily determines his psychotype and agrees with the characterization given to him.

The more developed the personality of the individual, the more difficult it is for him to attribute himself to one or another type of personality. A harmoniously developed personality and a bright personality hardly “fits” into any individual psychotype.

Despite the imperfection of typologies and personality types, they allow you to understand yourself, notice shortcomings, and identify development paths. It is easier for people around the individual who know what psychological type he belongs to to build relationships with him and predict behavior in a particular situation.

Personality typology helps professional psychologists to carry out psychodiagnostics of the client. The psychological portrait of a person necessarily includes a description of his psychotype. Individually typological personality traits are extremely important, because they will tell about temperament, character, abilities, emotional-volitional sphere, orientation, attitudes, motivation and values ​​- about all components of individuality.

There are many pseudo-scientific classifications of psychological types that people use in everyday life. For example, the division of people depending on the time of day, when there is the greatest activity and ability to work, into "larks" and "owls".

There are a huge number of pseudoscientific tests on the Internet, more entertaining than allowing you to understand yourself. But even such psychological tests have the right to exist, since they give rise to a person's desire to know himself. What psychotypes of people are described in the science of psychology?

The entire population of the planet can be divided into a certain number of groups, distinguished from each other by the nature of their behavior and reactions to environmental stimuli. The ability to determine personality psychotypes will help to maximize the potential of a person, prudently avoiding sharp contradictions. This knowledge is irreplaceable for heads of working groups and private entrepreneurs.

Psychotype - what is it?

Distinctive features of human behavior, his attitude to life, events, reaction to stimuli form a specific type of personality. Of course, all people are different, but their worldview and interaction with others is determined by the psychotype characteristic of each.

Such a template approach was used in a near-scientific concept - socionics. After passing the psychotype test and answering simple questions, each person can check how much he corresponds to a particular type. It cannot be completely guaranteed that several types of social behavior cannot coexist in one person at once. The percentage of such unique personalities is not so large, therefore, it can be considered an error that socionics allows in its definitions.

Psychotypes are not formed by upbringing or education. This difference is inherent in a person from the very beginning and remains constant throughout life. Moreover, it imposes features on him in gestures, facial expressions, and appearance. That is why everyone can meet in another corner of the planet a person who has a striking resemblance to him. People will be different: language, skin color, height or weight may differ. In this case, the similarity of facial features, gaze, gestures, perhaps even manners of speaking, will be seen. This circumstance makes it possible to divide humanity into groups that have personality psychotypes peculiar only to them.

The difference between psychotypes by gender

Gender imposes on the individual a completely different perception of reality. It's no secret that women are more attentive to details and the world around them, they notice and remember everything. At the same time, they often cannot see the whole behind the details and see the full picture.

Men - in contrast to them - have the ability to view the world more broadly, which gives them the ability to more global analysis of the issue. At the same time, they are simply indifferent to details and do not notice what ladies are touched by.

This difference imposes its shade on the psychotypes of women. As a result, all of them can be enhanced by the following differences:

  • Eternal mother. Such women always care and look after someone. They occupy a leading position in the family.
  • Activist. They prefer to live for themselves. These are strong and independent women who require attention and care.
  • Altruist. She builds her world around her beloved man, whose interests come first for her.
  • Daughter. This type cannot live without care and guardianship. In life, exclusively their own interests prevail. Usually spoiled.

Psychotypes of men also have an additional color due to their gender:

  • Father. Everything is under control. The family requires unquestioning obedience. Avoids admitting mistakes and making compromises.
  • Activist. Everywhere and in everything he seeks profit, including marriage. Likes risk. Prioritize your desires.
  • Altruist. A business owner, family comes first for him. He surrounds her with care and attention.
  • Son. Proud and selfish - an eternal child. Lives one day, prone to squandering.

Psychotype definition

In 1968, the German professor of psychiatry Karl Leonhard developed a classification of the main personality traits. Since then, socionics began to take shape. Personality psychotypes can be determined by conducting tests. Questions that are not related to each other allow you to identify the characteristics of human behavior. The more questions in the tests, the more accurately you can determine the features in human behavior. As well as its belonging to one or another type. On average, standard tests contain more than 80 questions.

Below we will consider the main psychological groups that were formulated by the Soviet psychiatrist Andrei Lichko. Having carefully studied the information presented, everyone will be able to independently find out to which psychological type he is predisposed. And for this you do not need to pass a tedious psychotype test.


Carriers of this type have a high sense of purpose. In pursuit of a goal, they are able to show disregard for the interests of the people around them. Already from a young age, having determined for themselves the main task in life, they are ready to neglect their own well-being, to give up many joys in life for the sake of fulfilling their plans.

Usually carriers of this psychotype are highly energetic and independent people. When in contact with others, they show an increased categoricalness that can offend or humiliate the interlocutor. In addition, such people are usually characterized by increased irritability, which easily turns into anger. They do not feel compassion for others and tend to be authoritarian.

Due to the prevailing character traits, they prefer individual work, where there is no need to look back at the team in their decisions. Such people have increased creativity in solving complex issues. Large projects and ideas are easily born in their heads.


From early childhood, such people show increased accuracy and frugality to surrounding things. They are reliable and efficient. For them, being late for a meeting is like death. Able to actively defend their position. The offender should not hope that the epileptoids will leave their antics unanswered.

These are real friends. They almost never have casual acquaintances. However, they are not able to forgive betrayal.

They are conservative and energetic. They organize and order not only the things around them, but also people. At the same time, they do it energetically and purposefully. In extreme situations, they do not take courage. This quality in everyday life is expressed in the violent manifestation of anger at the most insignificant occasion and intolerance for minor mistakes or shortcomings.


Features of the psychotype are characterized by inexhaustible optimism, generosity, energy and cheerfulness under any circumstances. Such people may show familiarity, frivolity, and are prone to unjustified risk. At the same time, they are disorganized, and a superficial attitude to everything makes them incapable of monotonous routine work that requires increased concentration.

Loneliness and idleness lead them to an oppressed state. Perhaps that is why they are the center of any company, turning a meeting of friends into endless fun.

Despite their propensity for adventurism, they show philanthropy and kindness to those around them. They do not hold grudges for the offenses inflicted on them, very quickly and completely forget about them.

It is typical for hyperthyms to show an imitation of stormy and productive work. Amazingly, this quality helps them to successfully move up the career ladder, despite the superficial attitude. They are wonderful initiators of new projects and directions. But as soon as things get stable and measured, hyperthyms will leave this occupation at the first opportunity in search of a new one.


People belonging to this psychological group of socionics want to always be in the spotlight. The innate craving for demonstrative behavior makes these people achieve what they want in any way. It doesn't matter to them what shade their glory will be. Carriers of this type are capable of intrigue and hypocrisy. They have high self-esteem. An unjustified risk for them is, first of all, a game for the public.

At the same time, they have qualities that other psychotypes possess. An hysterical person can also be characterized by the following qualities:

  • Perseverance and activity.
  • Initiative.
  • Communication skills, outstanding organizational skills.

These are talented people. Many realize themselves in creative professions.


They have an extraordinary analytical mind. At the same time, they are closed, lead a leisurely and detached lifestyle. Contact with a small circle of selected people, usually older. They can be successful, as they are initially endowed with abilities and talent. They have their own view of ordinary things, which differs from the generally accepted assessment. They love loneliness, but they need at least one person who can understand and accept them.


These are suspicious and insecure people. They constantly worry about their lives and the fate of those around them, loved ones. Owners of a wide variety of phobias: from fear of the dark to verminophobia. They are afraid of responsibility and decision making.

They are conscientious and diligent, reliable and self-critical. Able to fear the future, which they themselves think up. This is a unique feature that other psychotypes lack.


Sensitive and impressionable, homebodies. They have calmness, a sense of duty, highly disciplined and responsible people. They are demanding and objective in relation to themselves, while capable of self-abasement. The people around are kind and considerate.

Under extraordinary circumstances, they become confused and lose their composure. Good relationships with others are a priority rule for them.


A distinctive feature of this type is the constant manifestation of discontent for any reason. Vulnerable and touchy, very suspicious. Therefore, others are treated with caution, constantly expecting some kind of threat from them. Prefer a vicious circle of communication, couch potatoes.

People of this type like to constantly complain about life circumstances or tell stories about difficult situations in their lives. Therefore, despite the constant claims to others, they are in dire need.

Conformal type

Easily fall under the influence and dependence on other people. They are incapable of criticism. They prefer everything average - views, behavior, clothes, etc. Due to complete insolvency, the owners of the conformal type never conflict with others. Friendly and efficient. Easy to make contact. A radical change in the foundations of life is unbearable for them.

Unstable type

Conformal and unstable human psychotypes have much in common. The difference of the latter lies in impermanence in everything. Such people are talkative and always stick their nose into other people's business. They quickly lose interest in everything they encounter. These people prefer to live for today and are not able to think about the future.


These people tend to be annoyed by something most of the time. They are distinguished by low vitality and poor ability to memorize. Lack of initiative due to constant anxiety and fear of making a mistake is characteristic.

At the same time, they are neat, executive, modest and disciplined. They are afraid of close relationships, but they are friendly and quickly forget insults. They have a great attachment to things.

labile type

The slightest reason contributes to a sharp change in mood. They have affection and sensitivity. Sincere and sympathetic people. People who are characterized by such psychotypes of behavior are characterized by irritability and irascibility. At the same time, they have a highly developed intuition, and they are able to understand the nature of others well.


Initiative, sociable, cheerful. The mood of such people is constantly changing, regardless of the world around them. They are also characterized by irritability, inconsistency in their actions and judgments. They react sharply to criticism, although they understand their shortcomings. Due to constant mood swings, they often spoil relationships with people who are dear to them, but they cannot do anything with their nature, from which they suffer greatly.

The psychotypes of a person listed above can be pronounced and, conversely, almost invisible to others. The important thing is that, no matter how a person works on himself, he does not have the opportunity to change his psychological behavior.

The description of psychotypes makes it possible to identify one's strengths and weaknesses, which, with a systematic approach, will help to avoid the negative consequences associated with the interaction of a person and the surrounding world, and organically fit into modern society.

A person always strives for self-realization and he constantly has to adapt to changing conditions, interact with society. Since ancient times, philosophers and psychologists have tried to understand whether there is a pattern in the behavior and perception of the world by an individual. The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud founded the theory about the structure of the psyche. Based on it, Carl Gustav Jung (a doctor from Switzerland) invented the concept of psychotypes.

Psychiatrists study theories of different personality classifications in order to determine why someone or another person did a certain act. Despite the fact that each person is individual, but similar features in behavior are visible. Words and our actions are guided by a psychological view that leaves an imprint on all our actions.

The science of the study of the interaction of man and the world around him

The way a person can and interacts with the outside world is studied by such a science as socionics. In total, 16 psychotypes of personality are shared. Socionics in the modern world acts as a diagnostic in consulting doctors such as psychologists and psychiatrists.

According to the theory of Carl Jung, psychotypes have the following classification:

  • by attitudes (introverts and extroverts);
  • according to the dominant methods of mental activity (rationalism and irrationalism).

In order to obtain a new classification and attempts to define individuals, the psychiatrist A. Augustinavichute decided to combine the concept of Jürg and the theory of informational metabolism of A. Kempinski. The theory is based on the exchange of information flow between society and the individual, comparing them with human metabolism.

How were the names of the classification formed?

How did you manage to identify different types of psychotypes of people and give them names? Each psychological classification received its definition due to one dominant setting: extraversion or introversion, as well as two stronger functions - logic, ethics and sensory. Ethics or logic will prevail among rational people, intuition or sensory will prevail among irrational people. Subsequently, 16 psychological types of a person were supplemented with other characteristics of the individual, which were more accessible to understanding by ordinary people. Knowing the external signs and characteristics of the behavior of different psychological types, psychiatrists were able to quickly identify the problems of patients and, accordingly, correct their behavior.

Carl Gustav Jung proposed a classification that consisted of eight basic psychological types. Socionics offers a detailed classification of 16 types.

Psychotypes of personality

What gives us the knowledge of various personality psychotypes? Knowing the type of personality, you can predict his actions in advance, you can build relationships, learn to trust them. Socionics gives us 16 psychological types of a person:

  1. OR - intuitive-logical introversion. This includes individuals who are able to solve any problem. They are great strategists. Their shortcomings include indifference, they do not know how to express their emotions. They love comfort and simplicity. They try to avoid conflict.
  2. LIE - logical-intuitive extraversion. Quite practical. Very purposeful. Sociable, loves risk.
  3. ILE - Intuitive-logical extraversion. They love to explore, invent something. They quickly assimilate new information, are principled, insist on their own.
  4. LSE - logical-sensory extraversion. Good businessmen, consistent. They can be predicted. New items are treated with caution.
  5. SLE - sensory-logical extraversion. Quite sharp in their statements individuals, unrestrained. Practical and responsible.
  6. LSI - logical-sensory introversion. These include calm rational, disciplined. Their shortcomings include their vindictiveness.
  7. SLI - sensory-logical introversion. He has good taste. Emotional enough, conservative.
  8. ESE - ethical-sensory extraversion. Has the talent of persuasion. Good communicator. Optimist. The disadvantages include negligence and lack of punctuality.
  9. SEE - sensory-ethical extraversion. This includes individuals with leadership abilities who know how and know how to manage people, have planning skills. Subject to fits of anger.
  10. EIE - ethical-intuitive extraversion. Very emotional and artistic. They love to play drama in public.
  11. IEE - intuitive-ethical extraversion. They have an innate sense of tact, very quick-tempered.
  12. ESI - ethical-sensory introversion. Moralists with a lot of patience. Reliable. The disadvantages include over-rationality.
  13. SEI - sensory-ethical introversion. Their weaknesses include their inability to make decisions. They love comfort and tranquility.
  14. EII - ethical-intuitive introversion. Dreamers capable of sympathy. Moralists.
  15. IEI - intuitive-ethical introversion. They don't like to endure hardships. Lazy dreamers. Very sensitive to various situations.
  16. LII - logical-intuitive introversion. They have a well-developed logic, able to analyze. Logically gets to the bottom of the essence of different phenomena.

Psychotype definition

Each of us wants to achieve our goal. To be successful, you need to be able to understand yourself. Thus, the best way of self-knowledge will be an independent determination of the psychotype of a person's personality.

Is it possible to determine for yourself which psychotype you belong to? To date, there are a fairly large number of personality tests that will help you determine which psychological type you are. The most popular test is the test that determines your temperament type. It involves simple psychological questions, the answers to which will help with the definition. It is very important to remember that these kinds of tests do not give a complete picture, they are intended to give a general understanding of your personal qualities.

The following classification of human psychotypes by K. Leonhard is known, which helps to more accurately determine your features.

  1. Hyperthymic. This type includes people with good communication skills, talkative, active. During a conversation, they often communicate using gestures, facial expressions. It is not uncommon for them to digress from the main topic and abstractly talk about something else. The disadvantages of such people include their ability to start a variety of conflicts, their frivolity. Loneliness is considered their enemy.
  2. Distimny. Quite ascetic people do not like noisy companies, closed in themselves. They were not seen in conflicts, they prefer to be on the sidelines. They speak little, have a heightened sense of justice. They don't have very many friends. They are excellent workers for monotonous work. Slow, slow, passive.
  3. Cycloid. People have a mood that changes at a fairly high speed. They love communication, cute, emotional. In a bad mood, they withdraw into themselves, become irritable. With different moods, traits of different types can be observed - dysthymic or hyperthymic.
  4. Excitable. Probably the most gloomy, closed and do not like communication people. Conflict. The team does not like them for rudeness, abuse. In relationships, powerful, dictate their own rules. Rarely do they manage to control their emotions and outbursts of anger.
  5. stuck. Silent people. Known as bores who love to read moralizing. This type of people in the conflict is seen as an active side that constantly provokes. If a person of this type becomes a boss, subordinates always suffer from him. He is used to making excessive demands not only on himself, but also on those around him. Jealous, vindictive, proud, distrustful.
  6. Pedantic. Bureaucrats. They don't like to hang out. Good and reliable business partners, but in other respects - bores and formalists.
  7. Anxious. Not proactive, uncommunicative. Often ideal for the role of "scapegoat".
  8. Emotive. People who are accustomed to keeping all emotions in themselves. Bright representatives of the psychological classification - "emo". Able to sympathize with others, executive.
  9. Demonstrative. Such people are always in the spotlight. They love praise and power. The disadvantages include their ability to substitute other people if they need it themselves. Hypocritical, boastful, selfish.
  10. Exalted. Communicative, contact. They love disputes, but they will not openly conflict. romantic natures.
  11. Extroverted. Talkative, easily fall under the influence of others, frivolous.
  12. Introverted. Thinkers, closed in themselves, do not like noisy and big companies. Restrained and principled. They stubbornly defend their point of view, which is most often erroneous.

Today it will not be difficult to pass the simplest tests in order to determine your personality type and independently correct your behavior.

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