Famous violinist Dmitry Kogan. Russian violinist Dmitry Kogan dies


The famous and adored Russian violinist Dmitry Kogan,
to whom the whole world applauded, died suddenly at the age of 38. The sad news was received on August 29, 2017 - in the evening. Dmitry Kogan - a famous violinist, is the grandson of an outstanding Soviet violinist and teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Leonid Kogan.

Many did not believe the first ill-fated news and immediately rushed to call the secretary of the famous violinist. His personal assistant Zhanna Prokofieva confirmed: "Yes, it's true," she said over the phone.

Then she added that Dmitry had been suffering from cancer for more than one year, but did not want to tell anyone about it, to bother.
It was this that caused a sharp deterioration in the health of the violinist.
Sudden death, nothing could help.

Dmitry Leonidovich Kogan was born on October 27, 1978 in Moscow.
The successor of the famous musical dynasty. His grandfather was the outstanding violinist Leonid Kogan, his grandmother was the famous violinist and teacher Elizaveta Gilels, his father was conductor Pavel Kogan, and his mother was pianist Lyubov Kazinskaya, who graduated from the Academy of Music. Gnesins.

From the age of six, Dmitry began to study the violin at the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky. At the age of ten, he first performed with a symphony orchestra, at fifteen - with an orchestra in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Even then, they bowed before his talent, promising the boy a great future.

Official site of Dmitry Kogan -

Kogan received his higher education at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. He played the violin brilliantly!
He was applauded by the audience in Europe and Asia, America and Australia.

Dmitry Kogan - a violinist who managed to perform the Nicolo Paganini cycle,
which consists of twenty-four caprices. For a long time it was believed that these works of the great genius are almost impossible to repeat. But Dmitry proved otherwise. Today, there are only a few violinists in the world who can perform a full cycle of caprices.

In 2003 Dmitry presented the famous Stradivari violin "Empress of Russia" for the first time in Russia. The violin belonged to Catherine II. In 2010, Dmitry Kogan was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Kogan organized a number of projects. Since December 2002, under his leadership, the International Festival named after his famous grandfather has been held. The violinist also led several other festivals. Since 2010, Dmitry has been an honorary professor at the Greek Athens Conservatory and chairman of the board of trustees at the Ural College of Music. In 2011, the musician was approved for the position of artistic director of the Samara Philharmonic.

The violinist was not married for such a long time - only three years. The life partner of Dmitry Kogan is also a very remarkable person. She was a socialite and editor-in-chief of the prestigious glossy magazine Pride. From the life of secular lions ”Ksenia Chilingarova, whose father is the famous polar explorer Artur Chilingarov. Young people got married in 2009.

Before the wedding, the couple simply lived together for some time, without signing, as is now customary for many couples. At first, happiness overwhelmed the young spouses, but a little later, dissimilarity of characters began to appear. Due to her professional activities, Ksenia Chilingarova needs to attend secular parties, which her husband organically did not accept.

Nevertheless, this did not cause irreconcilable conflicts, the spouses parted peacefully and until the last they were very close people for each other, ready to help at any time if necessary. So, for Dmitry Kogan, only the violin replaced his beloved wife, friends, and relatives, which he himself often talks about in his interviews.

Dmitry Kogan attached great importance to charity. He supported various actions in favor of talented youth. Dmitry Pavlovich was a member of the Council for the Quality of Education under the United Russia party. In 2011, Dmitry Kogan, together with philanthropist Valery Savelyev, organized a foundation whose goal is to support interesting cultural projects.

A few years ago in Moscow, in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Unions
concert-presentation of the Fund for Support of Unique Cultural
projects to them. Kogan - “Five great violins in one concerto: Amati,
Stradivari, Guarneri, Guadanini, Vuillaume. Rare instruments
presented by the Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan.

The Volga Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra took part in the concert.
Chamber Orchestra of the Samara State Philharmonic "Volga Philharmonic"
was formed in 2011 on the initiative of Dmitry Kogan.

The exquisitely subtle performance of A. Piazzolla's cycle "The Four Seasons in Buenos Aires", the impeccable ensemble and the mutual understanding of the soloist and the orchestra impressed the sophisticated Moscow audience so much that the orchestra did not let go of the stage for a long time.

The name of the violinist Dmitry Kogan is on a par with the greatest musicians of our time. Thanks to his hard work and determination, more and more young people come to understand classical music, and connoisseurs discover more and more young talents, since one of the activities of this musician is charity.

Moreover, this charity was not an ostentatious action, after which the press praises the name of the benefactor for a long time, but a sincere participation in the fate of young talents. Most often, these are free concerts, donated CDs with music, instruments or accessories for them, as well as sums of money that are not burdensome for the maestro himself.

The date and place of the funeral are already known. According to some sources, farewell to Dmitry Kagon will be held in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions - September 2, beginning at 11-00. As for the place of Dmitry's burial, it has not yet been determined exactly. The violinist's relatives want to bury him at the Novodevichy Cemetery if they are given permission. If it does not work out at Novodevichy, then the musician will be buried at the Troekursky cemetery.

Born on October 27, 1978 into a legendary Russian musical family, Dmitry Kogan is one of the leading Russian classical musicians of our time. His grandfather - Leonid Kogan - one of the greatest violinists of the 20th century, grandmother Elizaveta Gilels - the famous violinist and sister of the pianist Emil Gilels, instilled in Dmitry a love of classical music from childhood. Dmitry began learning to play the violin at the age of 4, from the age of six he continued his studies at the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, the first public debut - a concert with a symphony orchestra - took place at the age of 10, his first concert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, Dmitry played at the age of fifteen . Education continued at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Kogan has performed with leading Russian orchestras such as the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, the Russian National Orchestra, the Grand Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and the State Orchestra of Russia. In 1997, at the Birmingham Symphony Hall, the musician performed his debut Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in the UK. The US debut was marked by a concert with the Utah Symphony Orchestra at the age of 20. Dmitry Kogan constantly gave concerts as a soloist with leading symphony orchestras and conductors in the most prestigious halls in Europe, Asia, the Middle and Far East, the former republics of the USSR and the Baltic countries, namely, in the Vienna Musikverein Hall, the Berlin Konzerthaus and Hall of the Philharmonic, in the hall "Barbican" in London, "Herkulessal" in Munich, "Rudolfinum" in Prague, the Kremlin Palace in Moscow, the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Great Hall of the Philharmonic in St. Petersburg.

Dmitry Kogan has participated in many prestigious world festivals such as Corinthian Summer Festival (Austria), Menton Music Festival (France), Montreux Jazz Festival (Switzerland), Perth Festival (Scotland), music festivals in Athens, Vilnius, Shanghai, Ogden and Helsinki, as well as the festivals "Russian Winter", "Cherry Forest", "Musical Kremlin", "Sakharov Festival" and many others.

Magnificently performing as a leading soloist, chamber musician, recording artist and conductor, Kogan's program also included a cycle of 24 caprices by Nicolo Paganini, long considered impossible to perform, which, in turn, includes Kogan in a limited number of world violinists who have performed the whole cycle. Dmitry has recorded a number of CDs with the world's leading record labels.

The musician devoted a lot of time and effort to restoring and strengthening the status of classical music in the value system of modern society. Dmitry not only gave master classes in various countries of the world, but also took part in the activities of charitable societies, supporting actions in favor of children and youth.

In April 2009, Kogan became the first violinist to give a concert for polar explorers at the North Pole. In 2011, Dmitry created the Foundation for the Support of Unique Cultural Projects. The opening of the Foundation was marked by Dmitry's concert, during which the five great violins Stradivari, Guarneri, Amati, Guadanini and Vilhom revealed the richness and depth of their sound in Dmitry's talented hands.

Dmitry Kogan is the author and artistic director of the Leonid Kogan International Festival, as well as the annual Days of High Music festival, which has received wide recognition throughout Russia. In 2012, Kogan initiated the creation of the Volga Sacred Music Festival, which became a significant event for the entire region.

Kogan was an honorary professor at the Athens Conservatory, artistic director of the Moscow Camerata Orchestra and the Volga Symphony Orchestra. In April 2013, Dmitry was appointed artistic director of the Musical Kremlin festival.

In 2013, Kogan was invited to speak at the International Economic Forum in Davos for an audience of leading world leaders. Realizing the value of music, as well as its diplomatic and educational significance, Dmitry gave concerts for the President of Russia, the Prime Minister of the country, as well as for the leaders of world powers.

In 2015, Dmitry carried out the grandiose project “Time of High Music”, during which the audience of 85 regions of Russia had the opportunity to get acquainted with classical music performed by a unique soloist who performed on the legendary “Robrecht” violin, created in 1728 by the great master Bartolomeo Giuseppe Antonio Guarneri (del Jesu).

Dmitry has created a number of musical multimedia projects, the latest of which was the project “The Legend of Valentine”, which premiered in the UK at the London Science Museum.

ITAR-TASS: MOSCOW, RUSSIA. DECEMBER 8, 2011. Violinist Dmitry Kogan performs on a Guarneri del Gesu violin, known as Robberechts, with the Volga Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra at the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Kogan performed on the 1728 violin in public for the first time since it was purchased by the Kogan Foundation in September, 2011. (Photo ITAR-TASS / Alexandra Mudrats)
Russia. Moscow. 8 December. Violinist Dmitry Kogan during a performance with the Sammarsk Chamber Orchestra About the State Philharmonic "Volga Philharmonic" at the concert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Horse ervatories. Photo by YATAR-TASS/Aleksandra Mudrats

Sad news about the death of the famous and talented Russian musician and violinist Dmitry Kogan appeared on August 29. Netizens are already expressing condolences and sharing comments. A terrible and ruthless illness killed an already established musician.

Not so long ago, it became known that the violinist Dmitry Kogan died at the 39th year of his life. Such a young and talented musician was killed by cancer. The death of the musician was reported to the press by his assistant and assistant Zhanna Prokofieva, who also confirmed the fact that Dmitry had been very ill recently. As previously reported, Dmitry Kogan had an oncological disease. The assistant did not provide all the details, but said that the farewell and funeral of the famous violinist would take place on September 2, Saturday.

Dmitry Kogan violinist is sick with cancer of what: biography

Dmitry Kogan was born on October 27, 1978 in Moscow into a famous musical dynasty. His grandfather was the famous violinist Leonid Kogan, his grandmother was the famous violinist and teacher Elizaveta Gilels, his father was conductor Pavel Kogan, and his mother was pianist Lyubov Kazinskaya, who graduated from the Academy of Music. Gnesins.

Kogan began playing the violin at the age of 6 at the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky. And for the 10th time he performed with a symphony orchestra for the first time.

It should be noted that he constantly performed in the most prestigious concert halls in Europe, Asia, America, Australia, the Middle East, the CIS and Baltic countries. Most often in his hands was the unique violin "Robrecht" by Guarneri del Gesu, one of the most prominent Italian violin makers of the 17th-18th centuries.

Dmitry Kogan was widely known not only in our country, but also abroad. The musician often toured, recorded many albums, but he earned popularity by doing charity work. They heard about him after the charity concert "Times of Great Music". A little later, he recorded an album, with which he traveled all over the country and presented it to children's music schools. Dmitry was one of the very few musicians who performed all 24 Paganini's whims.

The personal life of the violinist was not very diverse. He married in 2009 the daughter of State Duma deputy Artur Chilingarov - Xenia. She was a socialite and the head of a fashionable glossy magazine. Ksenia loved secular parties, but Dmitry could not stand them. So already in 2012 they filed for divorce and dispersed. They did not have children in marriage.

The death of Dmitry Kogan is an incredible loss for the music world. He was one of the most popular violinists of our time, as well as an incredibly talented musician. It is known that Dmitry's funeral will be held in Moscow on September 2.

12:51:05 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.101 Safari/537.36 - http://c-ib.ru/ else/81969.html

Dmitry Kogan the violinist is ill with cancer of what: In the Vladimir region they plan to arrange an evening in memory of the violinist Dmitry Kogan

Evening in memory of the violinist, Honored Artist of Russia, Advisor to the Governor of the Vladimir Region Dmitry Kogan will be held in Vladimir. The head of the region, Svetlana Orlova, told reporters about this on Wednesday.
“I think that [chief conductor of the Vladimir Governor's Symphony Orchestra] Artem Markin and I will make an evening in his memory and invite everyone,” Orlova said.

Earlier, the press service of the regional administration reported that the musician had long-standing warm relations with the Vladimir region. Kogan was an adviser to the governor on a voluntary basis, repeatedly performed at joint concerts with the Governor's Orchestra of the Vladimir Region on the stage of the Moscow Conservatory.

12:51:05 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.101 Safari/537.36 - http://c-ib.ru/ else/81969.html

Dmitry Kogan the violinist is ill with cancer of what: The date of farewell to the violinist Dmitry Kogan has been announced

The date and place of farewell to violinist Dmitry Kogan, who died in Moscow at the age of 38 after a serious illness, became known. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to pianist Yuri Rozum.

“On Saturday, a funeral service is tentatively scheduled for 11:00 a.m. in the Hall of Columns, then a funeral service at Ordynka,” Rozum said.

12:51:05 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.101 Safari/537.36 - http://c-ib.ru/ else/81969.html
According to him, the cemetery has not yet been approved.

Earlier it was reported that musician Igor Butman and other famous cultural figures expressed their condolences to Kogan's family and friends in connection with the loss.

05.09.2017 11:50

Honored Artist of Russia, famous violinist Dmitry Kogan passed away last Tuesday. Relatives, colleagues, fans admit: a bright and insanely talented person, a true master of his craft, has left. He struggled with a serious illness for a long time, but continued to work hard and did not leave the stage until his last strength.

Kogan was called indefatigable in creativity, he was an adornment of any orchestra and everyone's favorite. And also - one of the four violinists in the world who play 24 caprices for violin solo by Niccolo Paganini, which at one time were declared unplayable. Dmitry is the third generation of the famous Kogan family, he was part of a great musical dynasty. His grandfather is the outstanding violinist Leonid Kogan, his grandmother is the famous violinist and teacher Elizaveta Gilels, his father is conductor Pavel Kogan, and his mother is pianist Lyubov Kazinskaya.

The musician had a special relationship with Ossetia. His mother, Lyubov Vladimirovna, is half Ossetian; she raised a talented son, sacrificing her career for him. Dmitry has repeatedly performed in our republic with concerts - for the first time in 1997 with the symphony orchestra of the State Philharmonic, headed by Pavel Yadykh, then the violinist was one of the first to give a charity concert in Beslan after the terrorist attack.

For admirers of his work, the death of a musician was a real blow, a tragedy in the art world.

Ex-Minister of Culture, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of SOGU Fatima Khabalova shared her memories with Slovo, emphasizing that she was always fascinated by Dmitry's talent. Fatima Soslanbekovna is the second cousin of Lyubov Kazinskaya, and she knew Dmitry Kogan as a child. According to her, in addition to a kindred, they were also united by a spiritual connection with Dmitry.

“Lyuba, his mother, once told me when Dima was very small, for some reason he eschewed everything connected with music, but then he became so carried away that they could not take away the violin from him. At the age of seven, Dima had a violin under his chin a pigment spot formed, that's how the boy literally grew together with a musical instrument and did not let go of it."

From the official biography it is known that Kogan studied violin at the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. At the age of ten, he performed for the first time with a symphony orchestra, and at fifteen - with an orchestra in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. In 1997, the musician made his debut in the UK and the USA. He has performed in concert halls in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and the Middle East. In 2010, Dmitry Kogan was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In 2014, the musician was appointed artistic director of the Moscow Camerata orchestra.

"When Dima first came to Ossetia with a concert," recalls Professor Boris Tomaev (cousin of Elena Kadiyeva-Tomaeva - Dmitry Kogan's grandmother - ed.) - he was still very young, but already a virtuoso. Sibelius, he was conducted by Pavel Yadykh, who, of course, appreciated the boy right away. Dima really was a very talented and bright musician. About the concerts that I had a chance to attend - both here and in Moscow, I can only say one thing - excellent and the highest degree of performance ".

According to Boris Mikhailovich, he learned about the illness of his great-nephew last year. "We hoped for foreign clinics in Germany, Israel, where Dima was treated, but they were powerless in the face of such a terrible disease as oncology."

“He was a bright musician, an innovator,” continues Khabalova. “Yes, today there are many talented and gifted people, but there are only a few as hardworking as Dima. He managed to implement a lot of creative projects in a very short time. And what heights could he still achieve?” .

Fatima Khabalova also spoke about her plans, which, unfortunately, did not come true. There was a preliminary agreement with Dmitry Kogan about the musician's arrival in Ossetia in autumn for the festival "Visiting Larisa Gergieva".

“We even discussed the repertoire with him, but, alas, fate decreed otherwise,” says Fatima Soslanbekovna.

The artistic director of the State Opera and Ballet Theater of North Ossetia-Alania, Larisa Abisalovna, was sincerely upset over the untimely death of the great musician and expressed her condolences to the Kogan family.

By the will of the same fate, the thread of Koganov was interrupted on Dmitry, he was married to Ksenia Chilingarova (daughter of the famous polar explorer, hero of Russia Artur Chilingarov - ed.), but there were no children in the marriage.

The eminent violinist was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

The 100th anniversary was celebrated by the Penitentiary Inspectorates of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

16.05.2019 | 17:08

On May 7, 2019, the Penitentiary Inspectorates of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the CII) celebrate their 100th anniversary. The penitentiaries carry out control and supervision over the execution of sentences of convicts without isolation from society. According to the head of the FKU UII UFSIN of Russia for North Ossetia-Alania, Mikhail Vyrodov, the main attention is paid to educational and social work with convicts. In North Ossetia, there are six branches of the PII operating in 12 districts of the Republic with a staff of 33 employees.

From Dur-Dur to Austria

09.05.2019 | 11:19

Veteran of the Great Patriotic War Safarbi Tsaliev went to war very young. He steadfastly endured all the hardships of the war years and, not paying attention to injuries, boldly went into battle. Safarbi participated in the crossing of the Don, in the battles near Kursk, in the liberation of Kramatorsk and Zaporozhye. At 96, he is actively involved in the life of his native village of Dur-Dur, he drives a car himself and does not complain about anything. He believes that if you want to live better, "you need to try, work, achieve this." Safarbi Tsaliev is distinguished by his firmness of character and fortitude, perhaps these are innate qualities, or perhaps he was tempered by the war.

Soveton Dzyllæyy khaytar fyrty nomy kadæn

09.05.2019 | 09:11

Ræstædzhi tsalkh razmætyrny, ænakhuyr tagd tsæuy istori, fæltærtæ kærædzi ivints, æmæ, hygagæn, biræ vazygdzhyn istorion tsautæ, adæmæy roh chi bazzad, fæzzygon u ylæn migyty fæhuyzynts ivguydmæ. Fælæ is dzyllæty azfysty ahæm tsau, kætsy rastzærdæ adæm, stæy Soveton Socialiston of the republicæty tsædis minæværttæ sæ zærdætyl kæd fændy dær darzysty. Uy y dune bynduronæy chi fæivta, ænækhjæn bæstæ bynsæftæy chi fervæzyn kodta, uytsy Tsytdzhyn Uælahizy bon, kætsy bæræggond tsæuy 1945 az zærdæværæny mæy s 9th bonæy diver.

Along the edge of the front

08.05.2019 | 13:06

The young corporal is a scout with the most dangerous position on the front line. After - a signalman who continues to repair damaged communication lines, despite being wounded. All these tests fell on the fate of a soldier from North Ossetia - Vladimir Bochmanov, who passed the front line from Ordzhonikidze to the Crimea, where he accomplished his feat in the heroic assault on Sapun Mountain. Then, in the fateful 1944, at the cost of the lives of 80 thousand Soviet soldiers, Sevastopol was liberated from the German invaders.

Saved thousands of lives

08.05.2019 | 12:50

Under the leadership of the senior operating sister Tatyana Mukhacheva, the medical department near Kovel in 1944 served more than 18 thousand seriously wounded soldiers. She devoted her whole life to serving the people and the Motherland, and the shell shock and wound from a bomb fragment did not prevent the nurse from reaching Berlin.

Victorious formation at all times

08.05.2019 | 11:46

The tradition, born in Siberia in 2012, has acquired colossal proportions in seven years and has become truly popular. The "Immortal Regiment" gathers millions of marchers not only in Russia, but also in 44 countries around the world, and the chronicle already contains more than 400,000 names of soldiers who once defended the country at the cost of their lives.

Dmitry Kogan is a violinist whose biography is the topic of this article. He is an outstanding figure in the world of music. In 2010, Kogan was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The musician constantly participates in prestigious world-class festivals. And Dmitry became famous thanks to his unconditional talent. He played the works of the famous violinist Paganini, which for a long time were considered unplayable.


Moscow is the city where Dmitry Kogan was born. The violinist, whose biography began on October 27, 1978, was born into a famous musical family. His father was a conductor and his mother was a pianist. Moreover, Dmitry's grandparents played the violin excellently. When the boy was six years old, he was sent to the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky. There he began learning to play the violin. Already at the age of ten, Dmitry made his debut on stage. He performed with a symphony orchestra. At the age of fifteen, the young man demonstrated his musical talents in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Of course, many were surprised that such a young guy has such an extraordinary gift. Dmitry's game delighted the audience.

creative path

In 1998, Dmitry Kogan took the place of a soloist at the Moscow State Film Academy. He began to perform in big cities of Russia. The best orchestras of the country accompanied his playing. In 1997 the violinist made his debut abroad. His virtuoso playing was heard in Great Britain and the United States of America. Since that time, Kogan began to tour around the world. Europe, Asia, America, Australia, the Middle and Far East, as well as the CIS and Baltic countries were delighted with the young talented violinist. The elite concert venues of the world submitted to Dmitry. He performed both with solo programs and with first-class symphony orchestras.

brilliant violinist

Dmitry Kogan is a violinist who managed to perform the N. Paganini cycle, which consists of twenty-four caprices. For a long time it was believed that these works of the great genius are almost impossible to repeat. But Dmitry proved otherwise. Today, there are only a few violinists in the world who can perform a full cycle of caprices. Dmitry says that classical music has ceased to be part of the value system in modern society. The musician wants to restore the high status of the classics. He visits different countries, conducting master classes, and also regularly takes part in various charity events. In 2004, Kogan recorded a CD containing Paganini's caprices performed by him. In total, Dmitry released six of his records. Such well-known recording companies as Delos, Conforza, DV Classics collaborated with the virtuoso violinist.

Organizer and artistic director

Dmitry Kogan is not only a violin master, but also a good organizer. At the First International Festival. Leonid Kogan, which took place in 2002, Dmitry proved to be an excellent artistic director. Moreover, he became the author of the idea of ​​a festival called "Days of High Music", which is now held every year on Sakhalin. In 2007, Dmitry became the founder of another event. It was the international "Kogan festival". Then he caused a great resonance in Yekaterinburg.

First in everything

The biography of Dmitry Kogan is of interest due to another extraordinary act of the violinist. In 2009, he performed at the North Pole. Dmitry became the first violinist who played for polar explorers. Moreover, among the people of his profession, Kogan was the first to speak in Beslan, as well as in the city of Nevelsk after the earthquake. After this act, Dmitry became famous as a fearless musician. In 2008 he was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Nevelsk". Kogan was the youngest Russian ever to be awarded such an important title.

Concerts in support of classical music

In 2008 and 2009, the artist toured many cities in Russia with a large concert tour. During this time, Dmitry Kogan gave more than thirty concerts. His tour had an important purpose. The violinist promoted classical music, wanted to draw the attention of society and the state to the problem of supporting traditional art. Dmitry believes that the classics are the basis for the formation of a generation that will have a healthy morality and a high system of values. It is not surprising that it was Dmitry Kogan who received the legendary musical instrument. Violin "Robrecht" was created in 1978. In 2011, this violin was purchased by a foundation that supports unique cultural projects. And soon the instrument was handed over to Dmitry. The violin was presented in Milan.

Creative activity in recent years

In 2013, Dmitry presented a first-class cultural project called "Five Great Violins". The concert was held at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Among the listeners present were representatives of the world political elite, as well as major businessmen. Dmitry Kogan never ceases to amaze fans with his creativity. In 2015, he presented another unique project, which included the performance of such a famous piece of music as The Four Seasons by Vivaldi and Piazzolla. The concert was accompanied by a modern multimedia video projection. In addition, in the same year, Dmitry received a medal of the Russian Orthodox Church from the Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg and Kirill of Verkhoturye.

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