Jethro Tull is the best. Jethro Tull: the history of a rock band


There are not many bands that, having started their musical activity in the legendary sixties, still exist and regularly release albums. One of these bands, of course, is with its permanent leader Ian Anderson (Ian Anderson). Formed back in 1967 and experimenting with various names, the group settled on the name of Jethro Tull, a famous English agricultural engineer and inventor who became famous for a number of inventions in agriculture.

With such a psychedelic name, it would be just right to perform the corresponding music, but the musicians decided to try their hand at a kind of progressive version of blues-rock, fortunately, guitarist Mick Abrahams gravitated towards this style. The debut album "This Was", released in 1968, received decent reviews not only from the public, but also from critics. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Abrams and Anderson parted ways. Both were leaders, and they failed to get along in the same team.

It is worth mentioning right away that Jethro Tull frontman Ian Anderson, in addition to the original vocal data, for the first time in the history of rock music began to use the flute as a permanent solo instrument. This did not happen immediately, but gradually, but already on the first album, the future corporate style of the group is clearly audible.

The seventies for Jethro Tull were the most successful and fruitful time. Albums came out one after another, constantly getting into the charts, and as a result, the band became a welcome guest at all rock festivals in the world. At this time, the best records of the group are being recorded, which will later enter the golden treasury of both progressive and folk rock. It is these two directions that have become dominant in the history of Jethro Tull, which continues to this day.

It is worth noting that Jan Anderson, as the author of most of the group's compositions, has always paid special attention to their semantic content. His lyrics, like another Englishman from Pink Floyd Roger Waters (Roger Waters), invariably had an acute social character. In them, the author in a poetic form scoffed and criticized English society and the processes that took place in it.

After the progressive folk seventies, Jethro Tull, like most bands, began a period of decline and outright profanity of what we mean by the term "progressive rock". The musicians even began to use electronics in recording albums, and on the album Under the Wraps (1984), the drum machine took the place of the drummer. This was followed by a short-term passion for hard rock, although, it is worth noting that the group's corporate style has always been distinguished by some kind of heaviness. Most likely, this is due to the complex arrangements that the band is famous for.

From the original composition in the group, as one would expect, today only Ian Anderson remains. Guitarist Martin Barre, another long-liver, joined the band in 1969 and has remained with it ever since. Jethro Tull's latest studio album "Thick as a Brick II" is due for sale on April 2, 2012, which indicates that the musicians are full of energy and further popularize the name of the legendary English agricultural technician, whose existence without this unique band, hardly anyone would I still remembered it.

Subjectively the best composition:

  • Ian Anderson - lead vocals, acoustic guitar, flute, violin, trumpet, saxophone
  • Martin Barre - electric guitar
  • John Evan - piano, organ, harpsichord, mellotron
  • Jeffrey Hammond
  • Barriemore Barlow - drums, percussion, timpani
  • David Palmer

Selected discography:

  1. This Was 1968
  2. Thick as a Brick, 1972
  3. Living in the Past 1972
  4. A Passion Play 1973
  5. War Child 1974
  6. Minstrel in the Gallery, 1975
  7. Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young to Die!, 1976
  8. Songs from the Wood, 1977
  9. Heavy Horses 1978
  10. Stormwatch 1979
  11. A, 1980
  12. The Broadsword & the Beast, 1982
  13. Under Wraps 1984
  14. A Classic Case, 1985
  15. Crest of a Knave, 1987
  16. Rock Island 1989
  17. Catfish Rising, 1991
  18. night cap 1993

Initial composition:

Ian Anderson (vocals, guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, percussion, flute, b. 1947),

Mick Abrahams (guitar)

Glenn Cornick (bass)

Clive Bunker (drums)

Ian Anderson made his first appearance in Blackpool's John Evan Band in 1966, whose members later formed the nucleus of Anderson's legendary Jethro Tull project. And at first, only Ian Anderson and bassist Kornick broke away from the Blackpools: in December 1967, they arrived in London and announced a set of musicians. In the spring of 1968, the new ensemble performed successfully at the Windsor Jazz Festival. Critics described him as a rising star of art rock, and the producers of the Island company offered Anderson to sign a three-year contract.

The first disc of the group, led by the best flutist in rock music, appeared at the end of 1968. This is the only project of "Jethro Tull", whose compositions are based on blues guitar (this is the manner of Mick Abrahams). Leader Ian Anderson, however, gravitates toward a slightly different form of musical expression, namely art rock in the spirit of minstrel ballads with significant hard rock influences. Tony Yommi and Martin Barre were the most suitable guitarists for this purpose. Yommi soon founded Black Sabbath, and Barre successfully established himself in Jethro Tull and soon became one of the most virtuoso rock guitarists. So, instead of Abrahams, who went to the group "Blodwin Pig" (together with the former guitarist of "Yes" Peter Banks), Martin Barre firmly took the place of the leader-guitarist in "Jethro Tull".

Starting from the second album, the style of "Jethro Tull" has been strengthened within the framework of "heavy" art-rock with pronounced guitar riffs and Anderson's amazing flute improvisations. This has never happened before in the history of rock music, and the ensemble very quickly took its place in the symbolic five of the most innovative bands in the world, along with the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Genesis and Led Zeppelin.

Since 1970, Jethro Tull's production has been a great success in all developed countries, but from disc to disc, the group's compositions have become more complex and deep, which (despite the highest quality of the musical material of those years) in 1973 led to a conflict with critics music publications that accused the ensemble of excessive "pretentiousness" and "abstruseness". In response to this accusation, "Jethro Tull" only once tried to return to an accessible and simple manner of presenting their songs (1974 disc), but then the listeners were outraged, who expected further "serious" developments from the group. As a result, the musicians rightly took the opinion of the fans as a basis, and the further production of the ensemble until 1980 consisted of high-quality art albums with amazing music, which no one has yet undertaken to imitate. From the discography of the period from 1970 to 1980, it is difficult to single out any one disc as the best. It is easier to point out those that are a little weaker: this is a 1974 disc and an 1979 album (sold in the USSR, Polish production). Conceptually, the philosophical works of 1972, 1973, 1975, 1978 and 1980 are the most profound.

During the heyday of Jethro Tull, Ian Anderson returned to his former colleagues in the John Evan Band (see lineup changes), which contributed to stability for many years. The crisis overtook this wonderful team only in the early 80s: the albums of 1982 and 1984 were too "loaded" with orchestrations with elements of electronic sound, and the lead guitar faded into the background. The strength for a revival was found by Anderson in the middle of the decade. The band's last two albums (especially 1989) will undoubtedly stand among the masterpieces not only in the band's discography, but also in the history of rock music in general. Today, in a period of near-total gloom in the art rock camp, Rock Island is truly an island of salvation in a sea of ​​commercial entertainment production.

Line-up changes:

1969: - Abrahams + Martin Barre (guitar)

1970: + John Evan (keyboards);

1971: - Cornick, + Jeffrey X. Hammond (bass guitar);

1972: - Bunker, + Barrymore Barlow (drums, now all the old friends from the John Evan Band have gathered in Jethro Tull);

1977: Hammond + John Glascock (bass) + David Palmer (keyboards)

1979: - Palmer, - Evan, - Glascock (died after an unsuccessful heart operation), - Barlow, + Dave Pegg (bass guitar), + Mark Craney (drums), + Eddie Jobson (keyboards, violin);

1981: - Jobson, - Crane, + Peter John Wittes (keyboards), + Gerry Conway (drums);

1985: - Wittes.

On account of Ian Anderson one solo album (1983).

Current line-up:

Anderson (vocals, flute, keyboards, acoustic guitar, percussion drums, synth bass)

Martin Barre (lead guitar)

Dave Pegg (bass guitar)

plus as "guest" Gerry Conway (drums).

Recording companies:

until 1970 - "Aylevd",

all the rest are Chrysalis.


Ian Anderson, Robbie Black.

Pharm, Air, etc.

A collection of songs from the period from 1969 to 1977 was released in the USSR.

Original discography:

"This was" -1968,

"Stand up"-1969,


"Thick as a brick"-1972,

"A passion play"-1973,

"War child" - 1974,

"Minstrel in the gallery"-1975,

"Too old to rock" n "roll; too young to die" -1976,

"Songs from the wood" - 1977,

"Heavy horses" - 1978,

"Stormwatch" - 1979,

"The broadsword and the beast"-1982,

"Under wraps"-1984,

"Crest of a knave" -1987,

"Rock island"- 1989,

"Catfish rising"-1991.

lan Anderson - solo.

Ian Anderson's first band, founded in 1963 in Blackpool, was called The Blades. In 1966, the name was changed to the John Evan Band, after the band's pianist and drummer John Evan. This group included Barry Barlow ( Barrie Barlow), who would later become a member of Jethro Tull.

In search of a better fate, the group moved to the outskirts of London, and more precisely to the city of Luton. Often they also visited Liverpool. However, the team failed to achieve great success, and very soon most of its members went back to Blackpool. Only the most persistent remained: Anderson himself and bass guitarist Glen Cornick ( Glenn Cornick). They did not despair, and soon joined forces with blues guitarist Mick Abrahams (Mick Abrahams) and drummer Clive Bunker (Clive Bunker), who played in the local team McGregor's Engine.

At first, things did not work out for the new ensemble, and they were rarely invited more than once to the same institution. Naturally, the best way out of the situation was to constantly change the name of the group in the hope that the owners of the clubs did not remember them by sight. The names changed so often that the team members simply ran out of imagination, and they asked the guys from technical support to come up with another version. And then, once, one of them, a history buff, proposed the version of "Jethro Tull" in honor of the English innovator agronomist of the 18th century. The only reason why this name was firmly attached to the group was the fact that it was under this name that the first director of the club saw it, who more or less liked the performance of the musicians, in connection with which they were invited to perform again. The director's name was John Gee ( John Gee), and the famous Marquee was the club. They entered into an agreement with the thriving Ellis-Wright agency ( Ellis Wright) and thus became the third group to be run by a company that would soon become an empire.

1968: Progressive Blues

Jethro Tull perform in the famous show Rock'N "Roll Circus

First single from Jethro Tull, produced by Derek Lawrence ( Derek Lawrence), never gained much recognition from the public (it was a rather sugary composition "Sunshine Day", written by Abrams), but became a valuable booty for collectors, since the band's name was misspelled on the cover of the record: "Jethro Toe". Soon the team released their debut album in the blues style. This Was(). On this disc, in addition to the original creations of Anderson and Abrams, there was a version of the famous song "Cat's Squirrel", which clearly showed Abrams' blues-rock inclinations. Anderson got the opportunity to fully demonstrate his talent as a flutist in the jazz composition "Serenade to a Cockoo" by Roland Kirk. By the way, Anderson first picked up a flute just six months before the release of the album. The general style of the group of that period Anderson defined as "a kind of mixture of progressive blues with a pinch of jazz".

After this album, Abrams left the group and founded his own - Blodwyn Pig. There were several reasons for his departure: Abrams was an ardent supporter of the classic blues, while Anderson wanted to use other musical styles; the mutual dislike of Cornick and Abrams; not too much desire to travel, especially abroad, and play more than three times a week, while all the other members of the team wanted to see the world and gain fame outside their homeland.

With Abrams gone, the band had to look for a new guitarist. Many candidates were looked at, one of which was Tony Iommi, who went on to fame with Black Sabbath. The latter, although he appeared with the team at the recording of the famous TV show The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus (where all members of Tull, except Anderson, had to perform to the soundtrack), did not take root in the group (the exact reason for leaving is unknown, among the versions: musical disagreements, Iommi's addiction to marijuana, Tony's desire to continue working with his team).

1969-1971: Finding my own style

Album cover "Stand Up"

After long and painful trials, Anderson approved the role of guitarist Martin Barr ( Martin Barre). Most of all, he struck Anderson with persistence: he was so nervous at the first viewing that he could not play at all, and when he showed up for the second audition, he forgot to grab the cord to connect the guitar to the amplifier. Despite these misunderstandings, it was Martin Barr who became the permanent replacement for Abrams in Jethro Tull, and the real long-liver of the group, having lost in it for so long that it is second only to Anderson himself in this indicator.

The new line-up of the group recorded an album stand up() This album was the only one in the history of Tull, which managed to climb to the top of the British popularity rating. All music, with the exception of the jazz arrangement of Bach's "Bourée", was composed by Ian Anderson. In fact, it was no longer a blues album, and a sophisticated listener will immediately understand that the musical style in which the group began to play can be more accurately defined as progressive rock. In the same 1969, the group released the single "Living in the Past", which reached number 3 in the British charts. And although the release of singles at that time was quite rare for musicians who performed prog rock, Jethro Tull did not stop there and consolidated their success with several more such compositions: "Sweet Dream" (1969), "The Witch's Promise" () , "Life Is a Long Song" (). In 1970, John Ewen returned to the group (at first as a guest musician), and together with him the band released the album Benefit.

After recording Benefit bass player Kornick left the band, and Anderson invited his childhood friend Jeffrey Hammond to replace him ( Jeffrey Hammond), for whom such songs as "A Song For Jeffrey", "Jeffrey Goes to Leicester Square" and "For Michael Collins, Jeffrey, and Me" were named. Jeffrey would later narrate the production of "The Story of the Hare Who Lost His Spectacles" on the album. A Passion Play. On the covers of discs and during live performances, Jeffrey was often called Hammond-Hammond, it was a kind of inside joke. This joke alludes to the fact that Jeffrey's mother's maiden name was the same as his father's, Hammond, but they were not related.

In 1972, the group published a collection of songs from previous years, for various reasons, not included in the albums. It received the symbolic name Living in the Past(Living in the past). One of its sides contained a recording of a 1970 concert at the New York Carnegie Hall. The title track of the disc became one of the team's most successful singles. Experiencing serious problems due to exorbitant taxes in their homeland, the musicians of Jethro Tull decided to record their next album in France. To do this, they rented a studio in which such stars as Elton John and the Rolling Stones managed to work before them. However, in the process of work, Anderson was completely disappointed with the quality of the equipment provided, and as a result, the rehearsals were interrupted. In 1993, the recordings of the infamous session were released as a separate Nightcap album. After returning to England, the group recorded new material in a short time, which became the basis for the next conceptual creation of Jethro Tull - the album A Passion Play. This time, Anderson chose reflections on the topic of life after death as the main theme. Musically, ambiguous experiments with sound were continued, in particular, on the disc, noticeable attention was paid to the saxophone. A Passion Play sold pretty well, however, as always, Anderson's mood was significantly spoiled by music critics. The reviewer did his best in this regard. Melody Maker Chris Welch, who smashed the band to smithereens for her not very convincing, in his opinion, concert performance.

As far as the relationship between the leader Jethro Tull and the critics obviously deteriorated, the attention and love for the group from the listeners also obviously increased. This trend was confirmed by the 1974 album War Child. The work is interesting in that most of its compositions were originally intended for the film of the same name, which was never released. The disc eventually reached number two on the magazine's popularity list. Robert Hilburn.

1977-1979: Folk rock trilogy

"Songs From The Wood" album cover

Three albums connected with folk themes summed up the turbulent decade: Songs From the Wood, heavy horses And Storm watch(the first of the mentioned discs received a generally positive assessment of music criticism for the first time since Benefit). There was nothing surprising in this genre turn, since, firstly, the group had long been considered its own in the circle of folk rockers (in particular, there were close friendly relations with the well-known band of this direction Steelye Span), and secondly, by this time the leader of Jethro Tull Ian Anderson settled on a country farm and the quiet rural life was clearly reflected in his subsequent work.

After Crainy left the team, the search for a suitable drummer began. During this period, several well-known musicians alternately performed with Jethro Tull, including Phil Collins ( Phil Collins). became the first year not to see the release of another studio album by the band. In 1982 was published Broadsword and the Beast, on which the sound again acquires a folk color, although synthesizers were not forgotten either. The concert tour that followed was highly successful. Musicians dressed in medieval costumes performed on a stage designed in the form of a Viking ship.

1987-1991: Hard rock

Flute - heavy metal instrument

In 2003, the Christmas collection saw the light Christmas Album. There were both traditional songs performed by the band, as well as original compositions by Jethro Tull. In -m on ) and Aqualung Live(). In the same year, Ian Anderson recorded his version of the famous Pink Floyd composition "The Thin Ice", which was included in the Back Against the Wall album, dedicated to the group's work.

2006 pleased with several new editions at once. The collection was released on DVD Collectors Edition, which features a recording of one of Jethro Tull 's finest live performances at the 1970 Isle of Wight Festival . This collection also includes the best fragments of the band's performances during the 2001 tour of Britain and America. The highlight of the publication was a video of a joint performance of the members of the first line-up of Jethro Tull Anderson, Abrams, Cornick and Bunker.

In March 2007, a collection of the band's best acoustic works was released. It includes 24 compositions from albums of various years, as well as a new live performance of "One Brown Mouse" and a dedication to King Henry VIII "Pastime With Good Company". In September of the same year, another live DVD was released. Live At Montreux 2003. It contained, among other things, live performances of such well-known songs as "Fat Man", "With You There To Help Me" and "Haunting Girl".

The musicians of Jethro Tull toured extensively in 2007, and also began recording a new album. Some fragments from the new material were performed by the band at concerts last autumn. If nothing interferes with the plans of Anderson and his colleagues, then the new disc will be the first studio release in the last 8 years.

According to statistics published at the end of 2006 on the website, since 1968 Jethro Tull has performed a total of 2,789 concerts, an average of 73 performances per year for 38 years.

  • the song Aqualung was included in the soundtrack to the film Fallen. Ride the sky for Billy Marx's video.


  • Ian Anderson (1968 - still) - harmonica, guitar, flute, lead vocals;
  • Mick Abrams ( Mick Abrahams; 1968) - guitar, lead vocals
  • Glen Cornick ( Glenn Cornick; 1968-1970) - bass guitar;
  • Clive Bunker ( Clive Bunker; 1968-1971) - drums;
  • Tony Iommi ( Tony Iommi; 1968) - guitar (at the Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus concert)
  • Martin Barr ( Martin Barre; 1969 - until now) - guitar, mandolin, flute;
  • John Ivan ( John Evan; 1970-1979) - keyboards, organ;
  • Geoffrey Hammond-Hammond ( Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond; 1970-1975) - bass guitar;
  • Barymore Barlow ( Barriemore Barlow; 1971-1979) - drums;
  • John Glascock ( John Glascock; 1975-1979) - bass guitar;
  • Tony Williams ( Tony Williams; 1978-1979) - bass guitar (temporary replacement for Glascock);
  • David Palmer ( David Palmer; 1976-1979) - keyboards;
  • Dave Pegg ( Dave Pegg; 1979-1995) - bass guitar, mandolin;
  • Eddie Jobson ( Eddie Jobson; 1980-1981) - keyboards, violin;
  • Mark Crainy ( Mark Craney; 1980-1981) - drums
  • Paul Burgess ( Paul Burgess; 1981-1983) - drums (one tour only)
  • Gerry Conway ( Gerry Conway; 1982, 1987) - drums
  • Peter John Vetess ( Peter-John Vetesse; 1982-1985) - keyboards, synthesizers;
  • Doane Perry ( Doane Perry; 1984 - until now) - drums;
  • Don Airey ( Don Airey; 1987-1988) - keyboards
  • Martin Alcock ( Martin Allcock; 1988-1992) - keyboards;
  • Dave Mattax ( Dave Mattacks; 1991-1992) - drums;
  • Andy Giddings ( Andy Giddings; 1991 - until now) - keyboards;
  • Jonathan Noyce ( Jonathan Noyce; 1995 - until now) - bass guitar.


  • This Was ()
  • stand up ()
  • Benefit ()
  • Aqualung ()
  • Thick as a Brick ()
  • Living in the Past (1972)
  • A Passion Play ()
  • War Child ()
  • Minstrel in the Gallery ()
  • M.U. - The Best of Jethro Tull() (compilation)
  • Too Old to Rock And Roll, Too Young to Die (1976)
  • Repeat - The Best of Jethro Tull - Vol II(1977) (compilation)
  • heavy horses ()
  • Storm watch ()
  • A ()
  • Broadsword and the Beast ()
  • under wraps ()
  • Live at Hammersmith"84() (live recording)
  • Original Masters() (compilation)
  • A Classic Case(1985) (orchestral covers album)
  • Crest of a Knave (

Fact #3638

Ian Anderson loves Russia and is interested in the news of our country. On his 2000 solo album, you can find an instrumental track called Boris Dancing. The composition was inspired by an image of dancing Boris Yeltsin, whom Anderson saw on the news on CNN. Yeltsin was nominated for a second term, and as part of the election campaign he danced on stage with Yevgeny Osin.

“I saw footage of Yeltsin captured on Red Square: sweating profusely, with a bright red face, he danced frantically with a young Moscow rock band. He almost died of a heart attack a couple of days later,” Anderson recalled.

Anderson claimed that he always had a soft spot for Yeltsin. And the instrumental consists of pieces played in different time signatures (which is quite difficult to perform) to convey the “strange and unique” manner of Yeltsin dancing: he did not fall into the rhythm at all.

Source: Anderson's comments on the album

Fact #4256

Ian Anderson played a lot of concerts in cathedrals, but he does not always speak of them with enthusiasm: “The acoustics of the cathedrals are different - from pleasant to unbearable. And the more beautiful the cathedral, the harder it is to play in it. It is quite difficult in Canterbury, in Salisbury and Exeter "It wasn't easy, and in some cases, like in Liverpool and Coventry, I just couldn't afford to charge people for a concert. It's impossible to have a long reverb and a lot of echo. It's just a nightmare! You can't play rock music there, it immediately turns into a cacophony. A different, softer approach is needed here."

Fact #4257

For many years, Ian Anderson has been recording solo albums, but continues to perform with the group: “Frankly, musically, there is not much difference between my solo concert and the Jethro Tull concert. However, when I am announced as Jethro Tull, I I feel some pressure. It's like I have to play hard rock, because on the radio, especially in America, our heavier stuff is always played. So some part of the audience thinks that "Jethro Tull" should sound like that. And if at least a hundred people like that, they'll ruin it for everyone else, they'll whistle and hoot, and usually they're drunk. But if I come as Ian Anderson, these hundred jerks don't show up because they don't even know who Ian Anderson is."

Source: Johnny Black article, Classic Rock magazine, December 2011

Fact #5439

The leader of "Jethro Tull" Ian Anderson once amazed the audience with many minutes of solos on the flute, which he performed while standing on one leg. His silhouette in a heron pose even became the band's trademark. Once, during one of these performances, the musician fell unsuccessfully and spent the next few concerts sitting in a wheelchair.

Such troubles do not prevent Ian from continuing his career: he plans not to part with music as long as his health allows and as long as there are obstacles that he wants to overcome. And then, says Anderson, you can retrain as an artist, writer, or find another outlet for your creative whim. According to him, even death can be alluring, but by no means a pension.

Source: In rock magazine, January 2000

Fact #5499

JethroTull keyboardist David Palmer underwent a sex change in April 2004 and became known as Dee. Dee said that the realization of belonging to the other sex came as early as the age of three. Then only David's mother and Maggie knew about it - the girl whom he married and became the father of two children. After the death of his wife and mother, Palmer felt that he could no longer put up with existence in male form; two leading psychiatrists in the country dealt with it and came to the conclusion that the sudden loss of loved ones brought back the problems that had gone with childhood.

In the history of music, there are many currents that were popular in a certain period of time. In our case, the story will be about a group that has been proving for several decades that rock is alive. So the group.

Jethro Tull band: the history of the band

The band's origins date back to 1963, when The Beatles were just getting started. In Blackpool at this time, the group The Blades appears, in which the still unknown Ian Anderson participates. Over time, the group changed line-up, registration, moved to Luton and played in various clubs from time to time. But due to the fact that their music did not attract due attention, they often changed the name until they settled on. It is worth saying that this name did not come just like that. This is the name of an 18th century English inventor. Under this name, they finally got lucky with the public (it was in the famous London club Marquee) and they signed an agreement with the Ellis-Wright agency.

Jethro Tull: Path to Glory

She started in the blues style, but soon began to look for herself in new directions. The first album was recorded in 1968 and after its release guitarist Abrams left the band, who wanted to play exclusively blues. At this time, Tony Iommi, known from Black Sabbath, performs with the group for a short time. The new guitarist was Martin Barr, who came to the first audition without a guitar and the second audition without an amplifier. Nevertheless, his desire to play with Anderson resulted in their collaboration. The band recorded Stand Up, their only UK No. 1. Soon Geoffrey Hammond takes over on bass.

The team is recording the album Aqualung, which is regarded by critics as a concept and encourages Anderson to take up writing truly conceptual creations. Aqualung becomes their first platinum album.

Soon the drummer changes in the group, and Jethro Tull released Thick as a Brick, a ONE-song creation unique at the time, and no wonder it got huge recognition and even went #1 in the US.

In the first half of the 70s, the group is at the peak of popularity, its albums take first place in the charts and receive gold statuses, but clouds soon begin to gather. At this time, the composition leaves Hammond.

Jethro Tull: sound change

After the release in 1976 of the album, which told about an old rock musician, in which critics saw the image of the leader of the group, the band's style changed somewhat, smoothly moving from progressive to folk. At this time, 3 albums were released, which were built on folk motives. At this time, the band is undergoing an almost complete line-up change, with previous bass player John Glascock dying shortly after leaving during heart surgery.

In the 70s, the group experimented during their concerts, trying to keep up with their colleagues in the progressive workshop. But unlike them, they did not rely on a light show, but on unusual stage images, in which, however, there was no excessive extremeness, like Peter Gabriel from Genesis. After the costumes changed as the sound of the band changed.

Early 80s band Jethro Tull makes another turn in creativity, using a significant amount of synthesizers and, in fact, playing electronic rock. This stage of their work, however, did not arouse much interest in their work, and the group takes a short pause in performances, after which they return with a new sound close to hard rock. At this time, the band receives a Grammy Award for "Best Metal Performance", which was a real shock for metal music fans, and caused a mixed reaction. However, the musicians themselves were also pretty surprised and did not even attend the award ceremony.

In the early 90s, Jethro Tull began to play more ethnic music. In general, in recent years, the band has been releasing live albums and DVDs, and the last album with new material was released in 2003.

Jethro Tull Albums

In total, the group has 29 albums, 21 of them with new material. Here are all the studio JethroTull albums released over the years of creativity:

  • 1968 – This Was
  • 1969 Stand Up
  • 1970 Benefit
  • 1971 - Aqualung
  • 1972 - Thick as a Brick
  • 1973 - A Passion play
  • 1974 - War child
  • 1975 Minstrel in the Gallery
  • 1976 - Too Old to Rock "n" Roll: Too Young to Die!
  • 1977 – Songs from the wood
  • 1978 - Heavy horses
  • 1979-Stormwatch
  • 1980-A
  • 1982 - The Broadsword and the Beast
  • 1984 - Under Wraps
  • 1987 - Crest of a Knave
  • 1989 - Rock Island
  • 1991 – Catfish rising
  • 1995 - Roots to Branches
  • 1999 – J-Tull Dot Com
  • 2003 - The Jethro Tull Christmas Album

Now many members of the group are engaged in solo projects.

The significance of the group for the development of music is enormous, Jethro Tull expanded the range of rock sounds in general and proved that it is possible to be a successful band not only within the narrow limits of one style.

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