What is the dream of a white mouse.


Many people are interested in the interpretation of dreams, because you may even dream of something that we have never seen in real life, but why is a white mouse dreaming? It is believed that if in your dream this animal runs from one side to the other all the time, it means that in the near future the dreamer will have not too serious, perhaps very simple things.

What if there was a white mouse in a dream?

A mouse of just such a color in a dream portends a person's feelings of anxiety and puzzlement. If you dreamed of a white mouse without spots on the body, it means that very soon something unexpected will happen in your life, it may even be connected with unfinished business. Why white mouse? The fact is that the color of this color is not only rare, but also indicates a purebred origin. Which is quite surprising today, and even more strange to see such an animal in a dream.

If the mouse was small in your dream, this indicates that pretty soon small but unpleasant changes will occur in his life. Perhaps now you should not rush to implement some projects, because you can get into a mess. Modern dream books recommend remembering what kind of tail the white rodent had, if it is long, then you are likely to have problems with the computer or its system.

By itself, a white animal, often in a dream, portends family troubles and dishonorable acts of someone from a close circle. It may also happen that the planned course of affairs does not go in a completely different direction, which you cannot foresee. But the killed animal portends a 100% problem over enemies who want trouble for a person.

If in your dream you let the mouse run away, then this is a clear sign that very soon he will have to fight, the outcome of which will be successful, but this will not last long.

In the case when a young woman dreamed of a white mouse, she needs to be careful in dealing with other people, because in the near future secret ill-wishers can commit fraud or some kind of dirty trick. If the animal ran along the bottom of your favorite dress, this symbolizes a big conflict that will start around the mistress of the dress.

All dream books state that a white mouse symbolizes ingenuity and dexterity, but at the same time a weak character. In general, a lot of greetings are associated with the appearance of a white mouse in a dream. For example, if a mouse was able to overcome a person in a dream, then very soon hungry times will come to his house. The people who lived during the formation of Rus' believed in this sign.

What does the dream of a white mouse bring with it?

If in your dream there was not an ordinary white mouse-vole, but a bat, it means that in the very near future you will have good luck or success in some business. Do not forget that dreams do not appear on their own, dreams are signs that the human subconscious conveys. So on the subtle plane, events happen earlier and we often foresee that something will happen, either good or bad, but we are not always able to realize it.

It is very important that you answer the question for yourself, what exactly did the dream of a white mouse mean for you, what does your subconscious mind want to say?

For example, a mouse seen in a dream that runs away from a cat is a sure sign that the dreamer will be able to overcome all obstacles and pass the test. Feeding a white mouse in a dream indicates that a person should develop mercy and forgiveness in himself, be more tolerant of people. If you succeed in not building your attitude to situations and not judging others, just realizing that the world is not divided into good and bad, and any medal has a second side. Then you will be able to find happiness within yourself.

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For many people, mice cause hostility and fear. If in a dream you saw precisely these rodents, then this can mean both happiness and trouble. Each dream book interprets in its own way what such a dream means.

In most cases, small mice mean chores and minor troubles. One of the few interpreters who interpret this plot positively is the dream book of the 21st Century. According to him, little mice portend joy and easy overcoming of all sorts of obstacles that exist in real life.

It is also worth paying attention to the color of the rodents seen in a dream. Auspicious sign - white mice. In real life, you will succeed a lot. You will feel truly happy. Trying to catch a little rodent for an early matchmaking. You have to build good plans for the future regarding the conclusion of marriage bonds.

Seeing small mice in a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book is a sign of the loss of a loved one. Another option for why such a dream is dreamed of according to this interpreter is the presence of secret enemies. Show maximum caution and utmost care in real life. Excessive gullibility will only seriously worsen the situation.

If you caught a rodent, then in reality you can take revenge on the partner who cheated on you. Another explanation for this plot is getting pleasure from passionate feelings. There is a small mouse to danger. The dream warns that in reality it is necessary to be extremely careful when communicating with other people.

According to 21 dream books, kill a rodent in a dream to sorrow and sadness. Put in your dream some kind of mousetrap for dirty gossip. Only your own foresight will minimize the negative consequences of false talk.

What is the dream of a little mouse according to Miller's dream book

Dreaming of little mice promise trouble in reality. Moreover, if there were a lot of them, then in the near future adversity will fall "on your head" enough. Did you see a similar plot? Do not trust friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Some of them definitely wish you harm. Most likely out of jealousy. The dream interpretation strongly advises not to believe flattering words and empty promises in boundless devotion.

To dream of a lot of small mice and try to crush them all to defeat enemies or just ill-wishers. In real life, you, as well as in night dreams, will defeat evil gossip and all sorts of intrigues. Convincing rodents promise a dubious victory. Perhaps the confrontation will not be completely over and you will have to fight for your interests a little later.

Miller's dream book also explains why little mice dream of a young woman. Such a plot warns a girl that she has secret enemies. A rather cruel deception conspired by these enemies is not excluded. If in a dream a young lady sees that a mouse is sitting on her dress, then in reality it is worth preparing mentally for a grandiose scandal. At the epicenter of this scandal will be the dreamer herself. But no matter what happens, you always need to control yourself.


Why is the white mouse dreaming?

If in a dream a person sees how a white mouse constantly scurries in one direction or the other, then this dream indicates that soon small, perhaps completely trifling matters await him. Another question is also of great interest: why is a white mouse dreaming if it looks almost invisible?

If such a mouse is dreamed of, then this means that soon the following feelings will arise in a person: puzzlement and anxiety. A dreaming of a white mouse (without any spots on the body) suggests that a person will soon be very surprised, perhaps even some insoluble matters will be introduced into his life. Why white mouse? Because such a coloration is not only very rare, but also one that indicates its purebred origin. Which is very surprising in our time, and even more so to see such a mouse in a dream.

If a person dreamed of a small white mouse, then this indicates that something relatively harmless, but very unpleasant, will happen to him soon. Perhaps you should not rush to complete any small assignments, otherwise you can just get into a mess. In a modern dream book, it is recommended to pay attention to the mouse tail, if it is long, it means that soon there will be problems with the computer or its system.

The mouse itself, in many cases, portends trouble in the house, as well as dishonest acts on the part of a friendly environment. It is also possible that the course of affairs cannot be foreseen in advance. But a killed mouse is a 100% victory over people who wish harm to a person.

If in a dream a person allows a mouse to escape, then this is a clear message that soon he will fight, the outcome of which is to achieve intermittent success.

A young woman who saw a mouse in her dream may not even doubt that she has secret ill-wishers, and that fraud will soon take place on their part. If a mouse ran along the bottom of your favorite dress, this is a sure signal of a loud scandal in the future, in which the main role will be assigned to the mistress of this dress.

The white mouse has always represented dexterity and ingenuity, though at the same time as weakness. A lot of signs are associated with the appearance of white mice in a dream. For example, if a mouse overcomes a person in a dream, then hungry times will soon come. So, at least, people who lived during the formation of Mother Rus' always believed.

If you dreamed not of a simple white mouse, but of a bat, then this suggests that soon a person will have great success or good luck. Simply, in a measured life, very lucky! The subconscious of a person, as a rule, is based on various life events. And all of them have a direct connection with the motifs of folklore. Based on this, various versions of the interpretation of dreams have appeared.

If you observe in a dream how a white mouse runs away from a cat, this is a sure signal that a person will be able to get around the previous danger. Feeding a white mouse in a dream is a direct hint that the person himself should be somewhat more tolerant of those people who surround him! Even if these people are many times weaker than the person himself. Just one day there may come a moment when the help of these people will be needed. Therefore, do not show your own arrogance.

The dream in which the white mouse had a dream is a clear indication that a person should be more careful, perhaps not to make additional acquaintances, especially with those people to whom it is impossible to show a sense of confidence in full force.

It is very interesting that when a person is in a dream, his body is almost completely paralyzed. That is why the human subconscious begins to work in full force and sends us such mysterious dreams. Often, it is those that are directly related to the physical sensations that a person has recently experienced.


Why is the Mouse dreaming

ABC of dream interpretation

Mice - personifies pettiness, fearfulness of the soul, at the same time the slyness of character. News that will make you lay low or take action. Successfully overcome obstacles.

American dream book

Mice - a feeling of insignificance.

English dream book

Dreaming mice - portend your enemies and slanderers interfering in their own business, as well as poverty and unsuccessful entrepreneurship. The dream also promises an unhappy marriage and naughty children.

Big online dream book

To see a mouse in a dream portends all sorts of domestic troubles and the deceitfulness of friends. Your business affairs can also take a completely unexpected, illogical turn for the worse.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse, then this means that in the very near future you will successfully deal with all your ill-wishers.

If you chased a mouse, but she managed to elude you, this means that your intense struggle with circumstances will not give any serious result.

A mouse seen in a dream by a young woman means a hint-warning about the strengthening of the forces of her secret ill-wishers. It is possible that they are plotting against her some deceitful actions.

If a mouse jumped on a woman's dress, this means that a grandiose scandal awaits her in the near future, in which she will play the most important role.

Eastern dream book

Why does the Mouse dream in a dream from a dream book?

Mouse - dreams of domestic troubles and failures, such a dream warns: there are insidious slanderers and dirty tricks nearby.

If a young woman saw that a mouse was sitting on her, she should be more careful not to be involved in a scandal.

Children's dream book

Mouse - some minor trouble will happen, you will get into a mess or become a laughing stock; if the mouse tail is too long, it means that you simply have problems with your computer.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If anyone sees that a mouse has been eating food or anything else in his house, this will shorten his life.

Idiomatic dream book

"Mouse fuss" - petty, trifling matters, vanity; "poor as a church mouse - failure in reality"; "quiet as a mouse" - not very noticeable; “nibbles like a mouse” - concern, obsessive, restless feeling; “white mouse” - an expression of surprise, oddity; "mouse" - a gentle caressing expression; something relatively harmless.

Lunar dream book

Mice - loss of money.

Small Velesov dream book

Mouse - mockery, enemy, illness, hunger, trouble, losses through relatives; catch - a girl will be born; mice - there will be hunger; flying - troubles, hidden enemies, a thief in a hut, death; the cat catches mice - chores due to evil tongues.

Muslim dream book

If anyone sees that the mouse was eating food or anything else in his house, this is to shorten life.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why does the Mouse dream?

Mice - to a change of residence.

White mouse - to vain fuss, minor chores; toothache.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The mouse is shy.

Russian dream book

Mouse - gossip, the person who dissolves them; bat - unpleasant changes in life.

Russian folk dream book

The computer mouse is a symbol of situation management. It may mean, in your dream, the desire to control events with your own hand. Or the illusion that you supposedly control the situation.

The mouse is a small animal that can crawl everywhere; depending on the real attitude in life towards them, it can mean both a minor nuisance and a sentimental attitude towards someone.

Family dream book

Mice dream - to domestic troubles and insincerity of friends. Things in business can also take a bad turn.

They killed a mouse in a dream - in reality, defeat your ill-wishers.

They allowed her to escape - a positive outcome of the struggle is in doubt.

A mouse seen in a dream warns a young woman of secret enemies plotting some kind of deception.

dream interpreter

To see - means a cunning mockery from a vicious woman; bat mouse - does not bode well and generally means secretive enemies.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Mouse?

Seeing mice in a dream means that soon you will find out the name of the person who spreads dirty gossip about you. A young woman has such a dream - she recommends taking care of her reputation.

Killing mice is a sign of victory over all enemies.

If the mice managed to escape from you - your fight against enemies will take place with varying degrees of success.

For a young woman to see mice in a dream is a warning that she has secret enemies who seek to deceive her.

If she sees a mouse on her clothes, she should be wary of a scandal in which she may be involved.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Mouse - the need to pay attention to details. The need to stop being afraid of everything in the world. The need to stop feeling like a gray mouse. The need to reassess the reserves of any knowledge, to increase your self-esteem.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Mouse dream about in a dream?

If you dreamed about mice, this is fortunately, joy, successful overcoming of obstacles.

Seeing white mice is a particularly auspicious symbol.

Catching a mouse, running after it - to matchmaking, good plans for the future.

Catching a mouse means that you will experience satisfaction from passion, take revenge on the traitor.

There is a mouse - to the need to be more careful, danger is possible, to kill a mouse - to sadness.

To see a mousetrap in a dream means that someone is slandering you.

If you set a mousetrap, this may serve as a warning that you need to be extremely careful not to give rise to gossip.

If you saw bats in a dream - this is a very bad dream, to sadness, bad news, trouble, a thief in the house.

Seeing a flying bat means rejoicing in the failures of your sworn enemy.

To kill a bat - to recover from a dangerous disease, to get rid of mortal danger.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

The mouse is an enemy, secretive, invisible, unfamiliar.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Seeing a mouse in a dream is a danger. You should be as careful as possible and not make acquaintances with people in whom you are not sure or afraid of them. The energy of a good person is usually clean, you do not need to "filter" your emotions in relation to a well-charged person. But if you feel discomfort when communicating with someone, then this person does not have a completely healthy biofield and may try to influence you in some way.

Catching a mouse or seeing a mouse caught in a mousetrap - a dream means either profit, or receiving a gift, or a good purchase for the house.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Mice - a hidden enemy or domestic troubles and insincerity of friends; if the mouse fell into a mousetrap or was eaten by a cat - to get rid of enemies and troubles.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

If you dream of a mouse, this means that you are constantly quarreling with your loved one or spouse.

If a girl has such a dream, it means that someone is trying to harm her and is plotting to quarrel with her beloved.

A mouse on a dress - portends a scandal in which a woman will take part.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

To see mice - happiness, joy / successful overcoming of obstacles.

Seeing white mice is especially favorable.

Catch, run after them - matchmaking / good plans.

Catch - satisfaction of passion / pleasant revenge.

There is danger.

To kill a mouse is sadness.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Do you feel like a "gray mouse" - this may be a sign of fear and fear.

Do you feel you have to be quiet, or are you concerned about being too quiet? Are you too quiet? - isn't it time to declare yourself so that people know who you really are?

Mice - associated with the ability to notice the little things in life. Be attentive to details, then big things will take care of themselves.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If the mouse gets to the very feet - it's time to go shopping, perhaps prices will rise soon.

If the mouse is sleeping, everything is in order with the children, both with health and with their communication with their peers.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, it is a sign that you are carefully hiding something from a loved one, but be careful, it is better if he learns your secret from you. Gossip is spread about you, and soon you will find out the name of the one who did it.

If the mouse is white, do not be surprised that a person close to you spread rumors about you.

Black or gray mouse - life is devoid of change, everything will remain the same in the near future.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Mouse - domestic problems, insincere friends.

Kill the mouse - deal with the problem.

Runaway mouse - it is better to give up the fight.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Mice in a dream - symbolize someone's secret plans.

Seeing mice in a dream - get ready for the fact that your plans may be confused, and the people you considered friends will let you down.

A woman has such a dream - portends intrigues that can jeopardize her domestic well-being.

Catching or killing a mouse in a dream is a sign that the machinations of your ill-wishers can lead to a loud scandal.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Mice are ordinary - a sign of trouble, negative emotions and diseases; white mice - promise an improvement in the situation.

Miller's dream book

Seeing a mouse in a dream portends domestic troubles and the insincerity of friends. Things in business will become discouraging.

To see that you have killed a mouse means that you will defeat your ill-wishers.

Letting her run away is a harbinger of a struggle with a dubious result.

A mouse seen in a dream for a young woman is a warning about her secret enemies. There is also the possibility of deceit, which is planned by them.

Chinese dream book

A cat catches a mouse - portends great profits, wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

To see hordes of mice in a dream - war, pestilence, famine.

Seeing a dead mouse in a dream is experiencing financial difficulties.

If in a dream a flock of bats attacked you, in reality you will encounter terrible evil.

The dream in which you feed a bat from your hands means that you need to show patience and endurance if you want to prevent dangerous events.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Mouse in a dream?

To see mice running around the apartment in a dream portends an invitation to a wedding. Chasing mice - to matchmaking. Kill a mouse - portends a sad event in the family. To see mice climbing onto the table and eating everything that is there - to the well-being and well-being in your home.

A white mouse in a dream means strong family ties. Hear the squeak of mice or how they scratch nearby in the dark - you are in danger of being robbed or robbed.

A lot of mice in the basement portends financial hard times.

To see a mouse standing on its hind legs - you will be able to fulfill all your plans. Pick up a mouse - a young rival will cross the road for you.

A mouse that has bitten you is a sign of revenge and betrayal in love.

If in a dream you set a mousetrap, it means that in reality you will expose the secret intentions of your enemies. If a mouse got into it, the property will be divided in court. Seeing a cat with a mouse in its mouth - get the necessary support from your friends in time. A mouse that ran away from a cat - you will witness a scandal in the family of your friends.

Seeing a bat hanging upside down in a dream means domestic problems, discord in business and losses. Bats flying above you with a thin squeak - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation and will be falsely accused. To be frightened by a bat flying in the dark in front of your very face - you will experience disgust for a vile person.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Mouse - to pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Catching mice - your plans are good; white - a strong marriage; search for mice - they want to rob you; many mice - hard times; the mouse is a hidden enemy.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

A mouse in a dream - portends domestic troubles and insincerity of friends, an unforeseen course of your affairs is possible.

To kill a mouse in a dream means victory over ill-wishers.

Letting her run away is a harbinger of a struggle with varying success.

A mouse seen in a dream warns a young woman about the appearance of secret ill-wishers in her, about a possible deception on their part.

If she sees a mouse on her dress, this is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will play a major role.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: A mouse from a dream book?

The mouse is a secret ill-wisher; old unresolved obsessive problem, thought, feeling; white - fidelity in unnecessary relationships; mechanical, electronic - creative ideas.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Hordes of mice - hunger, war, danger.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Most often, a mouse in a dream portends domestic troubles and insincerity towards you of your friends. In business, too, there may be some decline.

If you killed a mouse in a dream, then defeat your ill-wishers. But if she was allowed to escape, the outcome of the struggle would be very doubtful.

A mouse seen in a dream warns a young woman about secret envious people. Perhaps they will try to deceive her.

If she sees a mouse on her dress, she will most likely be drawn into a scandal in which she will be the central figure.

To see a lot of mice in a dream - to monetary profit.

If you dreamed of a white mouse - your business will be unreliable; if there are a lot of mice, your business will take a good turn.

You dreamed that you turned into a mouse - you can become a victim of a robbery.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The mouse is a secret enemy, an enemy; loss through relatives, acquaintances.

Aesop's dream book

Mice are associated with folk signs and sayings that could give rise to the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before the fire", "There is something that the mouse gnawed, the teeth will get stronger", "If the mouse gets into the bosom, then it will be a big trouble", "Mice will gnaw through clothes (dress) - to death", "Do not name, caressing , kittens as mice: the mother will bite them.

The mouse symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness.

Bat - is the personification of the night, blindness.

But according to some popular beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness. So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that occurred in your life, in one way or another related to folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily be able to avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant towards them at this time.

Setting a trap in a dream in order to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it in a mousetrap, such a dream means that you have a very difficult task ahead of you, and you can only get out of it as a winner thanks to your courage.

Seeing a large number of mice in a dream is a happy way to get rid of problems.

To see a bat in a dream - a dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger.

Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your long-standing hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your business, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream is evidence that you should beware of night time. You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects, such a dream portends great happiness. Maybe you have a profitable business that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of the people around you.

French dream book

Mice in a dream - warn you of deceit on the part of a loved one.

Ukrainian dream book

Mice - weakness, hunger.

Flying mouse - the thief will clean up to the house.

Seeing a cat catching mice is a hassle through bad languages.

Gypsy dream book

Usually mice dream of minor troubles.

If the mouse scared you, you will feel confused due to some kind of incident.

A caught mouse is a sure sign that you do not know how to stand up for yourself and allow others to push you around.

Catch a mouse - to receive an unpleasant letter.

Mouse in a trap - you will have to do what you did not want.

Esoteric dream book

Mouse - small nonsense, stupid position.

Catching a mouse - in search of entertainment, you will find yourself in a stupid position.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: The mouse according to the dream book?

If you saw a mouse in a dream, you will worry about the fact that a lot of household chores have piled on you.

Killed her - it means that soon you will be able to defeat all your enemies.

If she managed to escape from you, you will go against the circumstances, but you will not be able to improve the situation.

It was a dream that there were a lot of mice - you can earn good money.

The white mouse is an omen of all the best.

They held the mouse in their hands - beware that someone young will try to beat you.

Become a mouse yourself - someone will try to rob you.

If you saw a mouse in a dream - you are now angry or sad, you are dominated by negative emotions that harm you in the first place. Such a vision warns that if you do not change the course of your thoughts, something wrong will happen.

If she bit you, most likely you are too fixated on something bad, you cultivate longing and fear of something in yourself.

If you were bitten by an ordinary mouse - be careful, someone will want to use your kindness to use you for their own selfish purposes. But the worst thing is that you will seriously suffer from this.

She dreams of white color - not so often and is a special symbol that indicates that in the near future you will get rid of everything that oppressed you and enter a bright period of your life.

If it is ordinary, gray - be prepared for the fact that problems will fall on you from all sides, your health is most likely to worsen, and the ailments will be really serious.

If you dreamed of a black mouse, this is a cause for serious concern, since in real life you are firmly possessed by despondency and depression.

To see a huge rodent - to something very good, you will feel truly happy.

An inanimate mouse is dreaming - reconsider your affairs and be more economical, as in the near future your financial situation may be significantly shaken.

I dreamed about how a cat was trying to catch a rodent - be calm, you can overcome all difficulties and avert trouble from yourself, making a minimum of effort for this.

The dream in which you get rid of a rodent indicates that without determination and faith in your own strength, you will not be able to cope with the tasks that will be set before you in the near future.

It is a dream that you were able to catch a mouse - you got involved in a dubious, ignoble enterprise, which will undoubtedly bring you general discontent and censure, and besides, because of this, you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation.

If you ate it, this is a warning that in the near future you will not be hindered by excessive prudence and great prudence.


Why is the little mouse dreaming?

If a small mouse is present in a dream, then we can expect trouble at home, at work, a false attitude of others, anxiety, fussy chores. A mouse seen by a woman is a signal that hidden enemies are nearby, and perhaps they are planning a deception or scandal. A small mouse is an omen of stupidity, falling into an absurd position.

Kill a mouse in a dream - defeat your hidden enemies. And letting the mouse run away means that the fight against ill-wishers is yet to come. Catching a mouse or seeing a mouse in a mousetrap is a positive sign. He talks about a gift, profit or a successful acquisition. It is very unpleasant to see a small mouse on your clothes in a dream. In reality, this will respond with a big scandal and the fact that you will have to become the main face of this unpleasant situation. Why dream of a little mouse if you have to catch it? This is a sign that many stupid things will be done while looking for entertainment, and entertainment will be of dubious quality and bring trouble. A little mouse can also dream of naughty children, a quarrel in the family, discord with a spouse.

When a little mouse is dreaming, it is necessary to be prudent and attentive to details during the day. Do not communicate with those who seem suspicious. Avoid people who are not trustworthy. You will have to deprive enemies of the opportunity to interfere in your personal life, work or business.

An obsessive mouse can be a harbinger of price increases. So it's worth stocking up on some items. When a sleeping little mouse is seen in a dream, then this is good. This means that the children in the family are healthy, they have good friends, there are no ill-wishers and problems. A fussy, restless mouse speaks of disobedient offspring or a dysfunctional marriage. Not always what a little mouse dreams of is negative. For example, a mouse in a dream may mean that if there is a secret gossip who pours mud, then his name will soon become known. A white mouse in a dream means that the gossip will be a loved one or friend. A gray or black mouse is a harbinger of a lack of change in life. Also, the gray color of the mouse speaks of a feeling of fear, fear, an inferiority complex. But completely in vain.

If in a dream the mouse did not frighten and did not cause negative emotions, then troubles and conflicts in life will not bring tangible problems. And the unpleasant sensations from the mouse seen are a symbol of the need to be careful, not to succumb to the provocations of ill-wishers. A dead little mouse seen in a dream is a harbinger of material difficulties that will last for quite some time. We'll have to introduce spending controls and austerity. The dead mouse warns that you should not share secrets not only with the first person you meet, but also with close friends. Perhaps someone harbored a grudge or envy. Do not share information that will further harm the relationship. A cruelly killed little mouse is a warning about a man who wishes death.

It is important to pay attention on what day of the week the little mouse is dreaming. If on Tuesday, then it is better not to keep secrets from loved ones. They still know everything. And it is much better if they do not have to learn secrets from outsiders and draw the wrong conclusions from what they hear.

A small mouse in a dream is an assistant in reality to see lies, deceit, problems. It is worth paying attention to such a dream. It's not for nothing that they say that "forewarned is half saved." Carefully referring to what you see in a dream, you will be able to discern the hidden in reality.


Why do we dream of mice? Maybe such a dream tells you that troubles are coming, or, on the contrary, a good profit and pleasant changes in life?

Often, when asked what the mouse is dreaming of, sometimes you have to hear not the most pleasant answer. People see these creatures as a sign of disease and disorder. Therefore, these small rodents have never enjoyed respect among many peoples of the world. In order to better understand what the mouse is dreaming of, let's look at popular dream books.

According to Miller's dream book

For those who saw a mouse in a dream, such a dream portends unpleasant problems at work and at home soon. Your friends will amaze you with their dishonesty, and any business projects will fail completely.

But if in your dream you try to kill this mouse, then in reality you will be able to cope with the enemy, thereby increasing your self-esteem.

A rodent that could run away or just hide, portends an unpredictable result of the struggle for your future.

Big troubles await young and pretty ladies: if they saw a mouse in a dream, it means that they have a secret ill-wisher. And if a rodent appeared on the dress of a young lady, then she could not escape a big scandal.

According to Vanga's dream book

Wise Vanga interprets as follows: if a mouse in a dream finds itself close to a sleeping person, then this person urgently needs to buy goods of first importance due to their rise in price.

If you saw a mouse in a dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday, then you have some kind of hidden secret that you still don’t dare to tell your loved ones.

According to Loff's dream book

Loff pays special attention to the interpretation of dreams associated with these animals, because he believes that people attribute negative qualities to rodents, which are subsequently transferred to their subconscious.

Seeing mice in a dream means that in the mind of the sleeping person images of any specific people who annoy him in real life are reproduced.

According to Freud's dream book

Why is the mouse dreaming? A well-known psychoanalyst believes that the answer lies deep in the human mind and is a reflection of his problems in real life. Most likely, the sleeper is not happy with his marriage and is actively trying to find a way out of this sad story.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in a dream you dreamed of a whole army of rodents, then a bloody war is coming, pulling a terrible famine. A dead mouse in a dream symbolizes upcoming financial difficulties.

If the sleeper in a dream saw a flock of flying mice, which subsequently attacked him and tried to bite, then this person may actually face very bad villainy or damage directed at him.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book

A mouse in a dream warns that a sleeping person has a secret ill-wisher and he needs to be always on the alert.

To see a rodent in a dream symbolizes the loss of loved ones.

If you manage to catch a mouse in your dream, then this indicates the fulfillment of positive and ambitious plans.

Seeing a white rodent in a dream means fidelity to a spouse in real life.

According to Hasse's dream book

This interpreter, answering the question of what mice dream of, does not bode well. In his explanations, he invites a person to immediately prepare for the upcoming serious trials - this may be the death of loved ones, serious injuries and other troubles. Hasse believes that the appearance of this rodent in a dream portends a terrible fate to the sleeper. Terrible grief awaits the one who saw the white mouse - this means that death awaits the sleeper.

According to the idiomatic dream book

If you dreamed about the "fuss" of mice, then trifling little things and fuss await you.

According to the children's dream book

What is the dream of a mouse in a children's dream book? There is a possibility that some minor trouble will happen, a person will get into a mess or become an object of ridicule.

According to the female dream book

Seeing a mouse in a dream speaks of impending trouble in your home, as well as the dishonesty of friends. An unplanned shift in your affairs for the worse is also possible.

According to Velesov's dream book

If you saw a mouse in a dream, it means that hunger, illness, various troubles and losses are coming.

Catch a mouse in a dream - wait: a girl will be born soon. A cat in a dream is trying to catch a mouse - unpleasant chores await you because of your enemies.

According to the Russian folk dream book

Why do mice dream? The Russian folk dream book answers this question as follows: this animal is dear to a person, therefore he dreams of it, and he is able to relate to someone in life with special reverence.

According to the gypsy dream book

See a mouse in your dream - expect a cunning mockery from an unpleasant woman. The bat symbolizes negative events and means that there are enemies, envious people around you.

According to Aesop's dream book

Why is the mouse dreaming? If you saw mice running out of a house or apartment, this is an unpleasant sign and it means a fire.

If the mouse climbed onto the chest, then trouble cannot be avoided by the person. An animal gnaws at your or someone else's clothes, then this is to death.

The bat is a good herald, bringing with it good luck and happiness.

See how in a dream a cat is chasing a mouse - you are lucky and you can avoid an unpleasant situation.

According to the dream book for the whole family

The answer to the question of what the mouse is dreaming of is very ambiguous in this dream book. If a rodent has crept up to your feet, then it's time to go shopping, as prices are expected to rise.

If the mouse is just sleeping, this is good news and means that your children are doing great both with health and with communication with peers.

According to the dream book of the 21st century

We saw a mouse in a dream - this is a sign that joy, happiness and overcoming all obstacles await you. A white rodent is a favorable sign.

If you are trying to catch a mouse by all means, this is a matchmaking, positive plans for the future.

They caught a mouse in a dream - therefore, they got satisfaction from passion and will soon take revenge on their rival.

If you saw a mousetrap in a dream, it means that someone is slandering you. You see someone setting a trap for mice - be on the lookout: this dream is a warning that unexpected troubles may arise.


Why do little WHITE mice dream?


Ushakova Tatiana

After such a dream, it would not hurt you to check your health.

Yana Angel

If you dreamed of a mouse or any rodents in general, then such a dream means family quarrels, quarrels, mutual insults and deceit.
If in a dream you had a chance to pick up a mouse, then you will probably become the top corner in a love triangle.
The dream in which you were bitten by a mouse means that because of your misdeeds, your lover decided to take revenge on you.
If in a dream you tried to catch a mouse with a mousetrap, then this dream suggests that you need to be wary of the actions of your enemies, and you should not underestimate them. In the event that a mouse has fallen into a mousetrap, then in reality you will be able to bring your enemies to clean water and prevent their insidious plans.
Seeing a dead mouse in a dream indicates that you have malicious envious people and you should behave with restraint and not give them a reason to annoy you.
If in a dream you tried to catch a mouse, but she managed to escape, then in reality it will be very difficult for you to stay afloat in the face of fierce competition.
If you had a chance to see a dead mouse in a dream, then such a dream promises unpleasant news and a scandal in the family.
If in a dream you managed to kill a mouse, then in reality such a dream means that you will be able to win a brilliant victory over your enemies and put your enemies in their place.
If you dreamed of GRAY MICE running around the room, expect a wedding invitation.
To dream about how a cat plays with a mouse - to wealth and prosperity in your family.
If you dreamed that a black mouse was running over you, then expect a serious scandal, which you will be the cause of.
If you dreamed of a WHITE MOUSE, then such a dream means that your relationship with your loved one will become stronger, quarrels and mutual insults will be forgotten.
To hear in a dream how mice scratch and squeak, be careful and vigilant, as you are in danger of losing money or being robbed.
If you dreamed of a lot of mice in the basement or in the attic, then such a dream promises poverty and thoughtless waste.
Seeing in a dream, like a little mouse, standing on its hind legs, means good luck and luck in love affairs.

In which mice are present, it causes unpleasant associations and even fear. In some cases, these dreams become nightmares. The interpretation of a dream involving mice largely depends on the size of the rodent: big ones portend big troubles, but why do small mice dream?

Interpretation according to different dream books

The interpretation of the same dream in different dream books is often different and has several conflicting options. To choose the most suitable option for yourself, you need to study several popular dream books.

Mice in a dream

Mice in a dream symbolize the connection with the family, their roots, in many cases indicates children. If a woman dreams of mice, then this indicates her imminent pregnancy, and for an unmarried woman, it indicates an early meeting with her betrothed. For men, such a dream means that one of his household is uncomfortable or has a grudge against him.

Another interpretation of sleep - are unsatisfied human desires or fears that have their onset in childhood. Subconsciously, a person tries to push them deeper and forget, but sooner or later they will manifest themselves.

The color of the mouse's coat also affects the interpretation of the entire dream. Gray mice talk about self-doubt and phobias that a person is unable to overcome. Dark color indicates an insidious enemy, as well as a series of small problems that poison life.

Red mice talk about petty quarrels with friends, colleagues, as well as the deceit of relatives. White mice are a symbol of the birth of something new. In most cases, it portends a wedding and the birth of children, but it can also mean unexpected changes in life, new acquaintances, and inspiration.

Had a dream about mice next to their mother means to be in the very center of gossip and intrigue, try to fight off gossip and envious people.

big rodent

A big mouse in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's fear of enemies, rivals, life circumstances. And the bigger the mouse, the stronger the fear. Such a dream speaks not only of horror, but also of complete helplessness in front of this fear and inability to act.

white big mouse talking about panic in front of some powerful person - it can be a boss, husband, father, and so on, as well as an unwillingness to fight for their happiness. A dark-colored mouse indicates the hatred and anger experienced by the dreamer. These feelings poison the soul of a person, pushing him to rash acts.

Big gray mouse says about the unstable mental state of the dreamer, and also warns of a disease developing in his body. The red mouse, on the contrary, is a harbinger of rainbow changes. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer has decided to fight for his dream and.

If a girl dreamed of a big mouse before the wedding, then most likely the marriage will be unhappy or short-lived. If a woman dreams that a big mouse is sitting on the hem of her dress, then this warns of adultery, as well as a physical attack by a man.

Mice cause disgust in most people, and in some, panic fear. It is unpleasant to see a rodent not only in reality, but also in a dream. As a rule, such night visions portend problems, the extent of which depends on various details. Let's figure out what little mice dream of.

Dream Interpretation

To begin with, let's turn to popular dream books and find out what events such chimeras speak of, according to well-known interpreters:

  1. Miller. This dream book says that such dreams warn of the insincerity of others and future troubles in the family. But if the dreamer managed to kill the rodent, this means that he will be able to defeat his ill-wishers.
  2. Hasse. This dream book gives the gloomiest interpretation. According to the interpreter, mice dream of great misfortune, and if the animals are white, the dreamer will die in the near future.
  3. Vanga. What the little gray mice dream of, the soothsayer explains as follows: in the near future, the shameful secret that the sleeper keeps will become known to many. And if a small pest gets close enough to a person, this threatens with financial problems.
  4. Tsvetkov. This interpreter claims that ghostly rodents warn of secret enemies who will harm the dreamer in every possible way. It is bad if a mouse has bitten a person, which means that he will be defeated by his enemies.
  5. Freud. According to this famous "psychologist", the ghostly rodents symbolize dissatisfaction with the relationship, as well as the fact that the dreamer is ready to make a radical decision in order to get out of this situation.
  6. Nostradamus. This predictor is of the opinion that everything depends on the number of individuals in a dream. If the rodent is alone, this portends minor troubles affecting the family and the financial side of life. But if there are a lot of voles, such a dream will be a harbinger of any global problems, whether it be a natural disaster, famine, epidemic or war.
  7. Esoteric dream book. This source says that rodents dream of the fact that soon the person who sees them will fall into a foolish position and appear before others in the most unfavorable light.

What do little mice mean in a dream

It is believed that gray mice symbolize troubles in various areas of life - family, work, relationships with friends and colleagues, as well as health problems. If the rodents in a dream are small, the difficulties that have arisen will be the same.

Their appearance and behavior also affect the interpretation. When the mice behave aggressively and try to attack the dreamer, this promises quarrels with strangers. If rodents damage property, spoil food and things, most likely there will be problems with money in the future.
And when gray mice look sick and dirty, health disorders are possible that do not pose a threat to life. Probably, some chronic disease will make itself felt, or the person will feel unwell due to accumulated fatigue.

Another thing is if the color of their fur coat is light. Why do little white mice dream? Most likely, a person is waiting for a change in his personal life, and soon someone will appear next to him, bringing joy and happiness.

When a young girl sees many mice in a dream, this indicates that she will soon have a new admirer. For a man, such a night vision promises a meeting with his fate.

If, in addition to white rodents, there are also people in a dream, this portends a meeting with old friends or a great celebration in honor of a joyful event.

When a lot of little mice dream, still very tiny, with a snow-white clean coat, this suggests that the dreamer will be able to cope with all the problems that have arisen, relying solely on his own strength.

White rodents in dreams

The prognosis for the future is more favorable if white rodents dreamed. This color is a symbol of positive events, which means that such a vision does not promise much trouble. Some interpreters claim that white mice seen in a dream portend positive changes in life, for example, moving or changing jobs to a more interesting and highly paid one.

In accordance with other interpretations, white mice that people dreamed about before they met their soul mate portend a pleasant acquaintance that will end in matchmaking and marriage.

Why do white mice dream in a dream

The meaning of a dream in which a person sees a white mouse or many white mice is twofold. On the one hand, dream books interpret dreams about a white mouse as a harbinger of a lasting marriage - such dreams for both men and women promise a strong and happy marriage.

In this interpretation of sleep, the number of mice is of great importance: if a person dreamed of a lot of white mice, the dream is considered extremely favorable.

On the other hand, dreams in which a white mouse appears have another, much less pleasant interpretation. Seeing a white mouse in a dream - to small chores that will take up all your free time, small but unpleasant tasks, futile fuss.

In addition, a dream about a white mouse can warn of certain health problems - in particular, portend problems with teeth.

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of a white mouse

Why do rodents dream? No good. However, the white mouse is an exception. This is a good omen, and for newlyweds and family people, it portends a strong and happy marriage. So if this rodent dreamed, then there is nothing to worry about. A white mouse also dreams of improving close relationships with a dear person. Grievances and quarrels after such a dream are quickly forgotten.

But if this rodent showed aggression towards a person who had a dream, then there is probably an ill-wisher in his environment. Also, such a dream is a harbinger of minor troubles and worries that will take a lot of time. It is also worth paying attention to the condition of the teeth.

I would like to note that there is no clear answer to the question “what the white mouse is dreaming of”, since the interpretation is very ambiguous. As already mentioned, it can mean a lasting marriage. In particular, sleep is favorable if there are a lot of white mice in it. But there are also negative interpretations. For example, such a dream may be a warning that you will soon have to plunge into petty things. And it will be in vain.

You may also dream of a white rat. It is an omen of an imminent inheritance. Even after such a vision, it is worth taking a closer look at the signs - you can make a profit that was not expected. Also, this dream speaks of the possible help of acquaintances or friends, and also of partnership.

Why is the gray mouse dreaming? To the fact that you need to change something in life. Show yourself, change some of your qualities, since these dreams reflect the state of a person. He probably feels some kind of fear or feels like an insignificant person. This rodent can also dream as a harbinger of a static life, that is, nothing new will happen soon.

“What is the dream of a white mouse, at the sight of which there were unpleasant sensations?” - also a popular question for the dream book. Probably gossip was spread about the man. It could be one of your friends or colleagues.

It is worth considering what the white mouse is dreaming of according to the Modern Dream Book. Basically, to the insincerity of friends. Business can also get worse. Killing this creature in a dream means - in reality, defeating your ill-wishers. To allow to escape means that the struggle, the outcome of which is now in doubt, will be won. If a young girl dreamed of a white mouse, it means that some troubles and deceit are coming. Hordes of mice, as Nostradamus interpreted, dream of famine, pestilence and war. Dead white mouse - future material difficulties. I would also like to note the significance of sleep when a person sees bats. This portends that in reality he may face evil. And if he feeds the mouse from his hands, then he should show restraint and patience in order to prevent unpleasant and even dangerous events.

The English dream book says that mice dream of fruitless attempts to start their own business, financial problems, plus the possibility that enemies and slanderers want to do much harm to the sleeper. And the French dream book contains information that this is a betrayal and hypocrisy of a close or dear person.

Strange as it may seem, but a small mouse is a fairly common animal in human dreams. Therefore, in different dream books you can see a large amount of information and interpretation. It all depends on the size of the mouse, its behavior and actions in the sleeper's dream.

If a mouse is dreamed of by a business person who had negotiations or business conversations the day before, then this means that the subconscious mind works at night. Most likely, this person does not trust partners or colleagues and sees deceit in their words. Reflections of distrust during the day resulted in a subconscious image of a mouse. Most often, in such cases, in a dream, a person catches a mouse or hears its presence, but cannot detect it.

If a dead mouse is dreamed of, it means that the person has completed a difficult task, won an argument, or simply solved an annoying problem. And now the subconscious shows its triumph in the form of a dead mouse.

If a dead white mouse is dreamed of by a young girl, this means that she managed to avoid the shameful situation in time, which was set up by ill-wishers, envious people, or simply harmful people from her environment.

It is important to remember that a dead mouse can not only talk about a deed that has already happened, but also portend the near future. Therefore, you should be more attentive to the people of your inner circle, colleagues and especially business partners.

If you dream that a person is feeding a white mouse directly from the palm of his hand, this may mean that one of his closest friends or relatives needs help. In the coming days, you need to be more attentive to loved ones and provide them with all possible assistance. And do not forget that help is not only monetary. Sometimes close people need moral and spiritual support.

If you dream that a person cannot catch a mouse, this means an unfavorable acquaintance that will occur in the coming days. It is worth paying attention to new people who are suspicious or frankly annoying. They can really do harm by setting up networks of intrigue, gossip and conspiracies.

If a person decides to invest his money in a new business, the "elusive" mouse in a dream means that the business will not work out and, most likely, there is a risk of being left with debts.

If a person sees in a dream a white, small and very fluffy mouse, and at the same time does not feel fear or dislike for it, then such a dream means an expensive, pleasant and unexpected gift.

If rodents dream for several days in a row, then this may mean that a person is oppressed by thoughts and experiences that he is no longer able to cope with on his own. It is worth talking about your feelings to loved ones and it will immediately become easier.

The situation is worse if the mouse has bitten in a dream. Such a dream can portend trouble or even illness. But if there were several such mice, this means the intrigues of enemies. A person who was bitten by mice in a dream needs to be extremely careful and attentive, not to believe unverified facts and avoid making new acquaintances. And on such days it is better to refrain from gossip and discussion, especially for the work team.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to pay attention to the days of the week when interpreting dreams. So, for example, it is believed that sleep from Sunday to Monday does not matter and is popularly called "empty sleep." Often the events dreamed in the daytime do not come true.

Dreams are a subtle science, but sleep does not always have any meaning for the future. Sometimes dreams simply express our anxieties, fears, experiences. And sometimes the subconscious mind simply turns the events of the past day into colorful images that we see in a dream.

Seeing a mouse in a dream - there is a secret enemy in your life, plotting and trying to destroy your plan by any means. You should be careful in dealing with unfamiliar people.

What color did you dream about mice? What size mouse did you dream about? How many mice did you see in your dream? Have you seen live mice in a dream? What did you do with the mouse in your dream? Where did you see a mouse in a dream? Did a mouse harm you in a dream? What happened to you in a dream when you saw mice? What did the mice do in their sleep? Who did you dream about with mice? Someone caught mice in a dream? What kind of mice did you dream about?

What color did you dream about mice?

White mouse Gray mouse Black mouse

Dreamed of a red mouse

I dreamed of a red mouse - in reality, an ill-wisher is approaching you, and an incredibly cunning one at that. Be careful and prepare for an attack from the enemy.

What size mouse did you dream about?

Little mouse Big mouse

Dreamed of a fat mouse

To see a fat mouse in a dream - you show excessive self-confidence. You should not rely only on yourself in everything, sometimes it is useful to ask others for advice.

How many mice did you see in your dream?

Many mice

Have you seen live mice in a dream?

dead mouse

Dreaming of a live mouse

A dream about a live mouse warns of impending troubles related to the financial situation or state of health. The mouse is sleeping - a good dream for parents. Your child is all right, no one offends or infringes on him.

What did you do with the mouse in your dream?

Kill a mouse Catch a mouse Catch a mouse Eat a mouse

Poison mice in a dream

She dreams that you are poisoning mice - in reality, you will win everyone's attention and find yourself in the center of events. The reason for this will be the successes and achievements that will be achieved in the near future.

Crush mice with your feet in a dream

The dream in which you crush mice with your feet is a reflection of hatred for enemies in reality. Try to keep your feelings under control so as not to do stupid things and defeat your opponents correctly.

Drown mice in a dream

Drown mice in a dream - an alarming sign. A rival appeared on the horizon. It will be necessary to show strong-willed qualities and determination in order to overcome him. The enemy will not be timid.

Where did you see a mouse in a dream?

Mouse in the house

I dreamed of a mouse in a mousetrap

A mouse in a mousetrap is interpreted by the dream book as the need to exercise caution. Enemies are ready to strike, you can fall into the traps set by them. You should gain courage and determination, it will come in handy in the near future.

Dreaming of a mouse in an apartment

The mouse is dreaming in the apartment - you will receive an invitation to the wedding. It can be a wedding of close friends or relatives. Either way, you can have fun.

Did a mouse harm you in a dream?

Bitten mouse

What happened to you in a dream when you saw mice?

Frightened by a mouse in a dream

I dreamed about how the mice got scared - in reality you will worry about the upcoming changes. This is especially true for those dreamers who are going to get married soon.

What did the mice do in their sleep?

Dream of running mice

Felomena's dream book interprets running mice as the end of a confrontation with opponents. The end of the struggle will be marked by your victory. Ate one of the fleeing mice - the enemies will disappear from your life without a fight.

Who did you dream about with mice?

Rat and mouse Cat and mouse

Dreaming of a mouse and cockroaches

A mouse and cockroaches are dreaming - your time rhythm will be disturbed, you will lose your spatial orientation. Serious health problems are possible, do not delay contacting a doctor. Try to shield yourself from negative thoughts.

Dreamed of mice and hamsters

The dream of mice and hamsters is a symbol of periodically coming bouts of greed. Your quirky nature will allow you to successfully bypass the obstacles that arise on the way.

What is the dream of a mouse with mice

Seeing a mouse with mice in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Detractors spread rumors behind your back that will be able to undermine your authority and set others around you against you.

Mice and kittens dream

Why do mice and kittens dream? Enemies will temporarily leave their interest in your person. While they are busy solving small and unpleasant problems, you can think of a plan of action.

A dream in which someone sees a lot of mice is interpreted depending on the details of the dream. It serves as a warning of the onset of unfavorable times in the event that you dreamed of a large number of mice that gnaw on your furniture and other property. Try to be more careful with money - you are threatened with theft or loss of a large amount. A house teeming with mice in a dream warns of hidden enemies that are near you. If mice have invaded your attic or basement, then you need to keep track of your spending to avoid impulsive and unnecessary purchases. Otherwise, you will have a long period of lack of money. If you dreamed of a lot of mice, but they don’t scare you and don’t annoy you, then soon in reality you will be able to successfully solve some important issue.

why dream of many, many little gray mice?


° ~...the ONLY...~ °

In itself, the appearance of mice in dreams is a signal
about the approach of trouble due to the hidden in
unconscious negative (emotions, information),
repressed earlier, and therefore unaccounted for in behavior.
Your subconscious wants to hint
that you need to group and be careful
to what is happening in life.
I do not want to scare, but something is brewing.
I think the dream is pushing you to
what needs to be sorted out in some circumstances
or relationship, then they will change their sign
and will not lead to negative consequences.
If you notice in time where the "root of evil" or "the wind blows" is growing from,
then you can prevent trouble from appearing.
Dreams help to do just that - to prevent
something bad. What is conscious has already been changed.

Dmitry Dontsov

There are many ill-wishers among you.

Isabella Marie

Mice - personifies pettiness, fearfulness of the soul, at the same time the slyness of character. News that will make you lay low or take action. Successfully overcome obstacles.
American dream book

Mice - a feeling of insignificance.
English dream book

To see a mouse in a dream portends all sorts of domestic troubles and the deceitfulness of friends. Your business affairs can also take a completely unexpected, illogical turn for the worse.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse, then this means that in the very near future you will successfully deal with all your ill-wishers.

If you chased a mouse, but she managed to elude you, this means that your intense struggle with circumstances will not give any serious result.

A mouse seen in a dream by a young woman means a hint-warning about the strengthening of the forces of her secret ill-wishers. It is possible that they are plotting against her some deceitful actions.

If a mouse jumped on a woman's dress, this means that a grandiose scandal awaits her in the near future, in which she will play the most important role.
Eastern dream book

Mouse - dreams of domestic troubles and failures, such a dream warns: there are insidious slanderers and dirty tricks nearby.

If a young woman saw that a mouse was sitting on her, she should be more careful not to be involved in a scandal.
Children's dream book

Mouse - some minor trouble will happen, you will get into a mess or become a laughing stock; if the mouse tail is too long, it means that you simply have problems with your computer.
Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If anyone sees that a mouse has been eating food or anything else in his house, this will shorten his life.
Idiomatic dream book

"Mouse fuss" - petty, trifling matters, vanity; “poor as a church mouse - failure in reality”; "quiet as a mouse" - not very noticeable; “nibbles like a mouse” - concern, obsessive, restless feeling; “white mouse” - an expression of surprise, oddity; "mouse" - a gentle caressing expression; something relatively harmless.
Lunar dream book

Mice - loss of money.
Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Mouse - mockery, enemy, illness, hunger, trouble, losses through relatives; catch - a girl will be born; mice - there will be hunger; flying - troubles, hidden enemies, a thief in a hut, death; the cat catches mice - chores due to evil tongues.
Muslim dream book

If anyone sees that the mouse was eating food or anything else in his house, this is to shorten life.
The latest dream book

Mice - to a change of residence.

White mouse - to vain fuss, minor chores; toothache.
Psychoanalytic dream book

The mouse is shy.
Russian dream book

Mouse - gossip, the person who dissolves them; bat - unpleasant changes in life.
Russian folk dream book

The computer mouse is a symbol of situation management. It may mean, in your dream, the desire to control events with your own hand. Or the illusion that you supposedly control the situation.

The mouse is a small animal that can crawl everywhere; depending on the real attitude in life towards them, it can mean both a minor nuisance and a sentimental attitude towards someone.
Family dream book

Mice dream - to domestic troubles and insincerity of friends. Things in business can also take a bad turn.

They killed a mouse in a dream - in reality, defeat your ill-wishers.

They allowed her to escape - a positive outcome of the struggle is in doubt.

A mouse seen in a dream warns a young woman of secret enemies plotting some kind of deception.
dream interpreter

To see - means a cunning mockery from a vicious woman; bat mouse - does not bode well and generally means secretive enemies.
Modern dream book

Seeing mice in a dream means that soon you will find out the name of the person who spreads dirty gossip about you. Young


Little mice scatter

Dream Interpretation Little mice scatter dreamed of why in a dream Little mice scatter? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Little mice scatter in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mouse

The mouse symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness. Mice are associated with folk signs and sayings that could give rise to the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before the fire", "There is something that the mouse gnawed, the teeth will get stronger", "If the mouse gets into the bosom, then it will be a big trouble", "Mice will gnaw through clothes (dress) - to death", "Do not name, caressing , kittens as mice: the mother will bite them.

The bat is the personification of the night, blindness. But according to some folk beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope, and even happiness.

So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that occurred in your life, in one way or another related to folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily manage to avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant towards them at this time.

Setting a trap in a dream in order to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it in a mousetrap, then such a dream means that you have a very difficult task ahead of you, and you can only get out of it as a winner thanks to your courage.

To see a bat in a dream - a dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger.

Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your long-standing hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your business, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream is evidence that you should beware of night time. You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects, such a dream portends great happiness. Maybe you have a profitable business ahead of you, which will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of the people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Mice

To dream of mice running around the apartment portends an invitation to a wedding. Chasing mice - to matchmaking. Killing a mouse portends a sad event in the family. To see mice climbing onto the table and eating everything that is there - to the well-being and well-being in your home.

A white mouse in a dream means strong family ties. Hear the squeak of mice or how they scratch nearby in the dark - you are in danger of being robbed or robbed.

A lot of mice in the basement portends financial hard times.

To see a mouse standing on its hind legs - you will be able to fulfill all your plans. Pick up a mouse - a young rival will cross your path.

A mouse that has bitten you is a sign of revenge and betrayal in love.

If in a dream you set a mousetrap, it means that in reality you will expose the secret intentions of your enemies. If a mouse is caught in it, the property will be divided in court. Seeing a cat with a mouse in its mouth - get the necessary support from your friends in time. A mouse that ran away from a cat - you will witness a scandal in the family of your friends.

Seeing a bat hanging upside down in a dream means domestic problems, discord in business and losses. Bats flying above you with a thin squeak - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation and will be falsely accused. To be frightened by a bat flying in the darkness in front of your very face - you will experience disgust for a vile person.

Dream Interpretation - Mouse

The mouse symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness.

The bat is the personification of the night, blindness.

But, according to some popular beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness.

So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that occurred in your life, in one way or another related to folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily be able to avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you.

There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant towards them at this time.

Setting a trap in a dream in order to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it, then such a dream means that you have a lot to do.

It is a difficult task, and you can only emerge victorious thanks to your courage.

Seeing a large number of mice in a dream is a happy way out of problems.

To see a bat in a dream - a dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger.

Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your long-standing hopes are destined to come true.

Perhaps such a dream suggests that your business, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream is evidence that you should beware of night time.

You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting insects, such a dream portends great happiness.

Maybe you have a profitable business that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of the people around you.

Dream Interpretation - Mouse

Mice in a dream mean hostile relationships, especially in your home, or difficult times (if you see a lot of mice in a dream). After dreaming about mice, take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Someone close to you harbors a grudge against you and is trying to harm you. Sometimes a dream about mice portends the loss of a loved one or friend. Catching mice in a dream is a sign that you should not sit back. To carry out your plans, you will have to run a lot. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will avenge betrayal or betrayal. Running after a mouse in a dream is a sign of matchmaking or courtship. The squeak of mice to hear in a dream means that you should be more careful and not talk too much, as your envious people will try to harm you. Sometimes such a dream warns of theft. Seeing white mice in a dream means good luck in business and family happiness. For those who marry, a dream portends a long and happy life together. Killing a mouse in a dream is sad.

To dream of mice eating supplies means that you will have a lot of freeloaders. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted differently and means that the parasite family will not run out of supplies. See interpretation: bat.

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