Why dream of a bottle. What does it mean to see a bottle in a dream? Broken or whole? All interpretations


The bottle, like a vessel, symbolizes the female genital organs. Hence all the typical interpretations.

Opening the bottle symbolizes sexual intercourse, the loss of innocence.

The jet from the bottle symbolizes ejaculation.

A large number of different and beautiful bottles in your bar symbolizes your active sex life, and also speaks of a large number of your sexual partners.

Indecisiveness when choosing a bottle in a store or fear of such a choice speaks of your insecurity in front of the opposite sex and fear of sexual contact.

If you send your children to donate bottles, then you are aggressive towards your children.

If you entrust this to your half, then you secretly hate him (her).

If you hit someone with a bottle, then you are unhappy with your partner and want to change him, and you already have a replacement.

A broken bottle symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life.

Collecting empty bottles speaks of your promiscuity.

Buying a good and beautiful bottle in the store indicates that you value your partner, or you will soon meet your dream.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretations find it difficult to give a generalized answer to what the bottle is dreaming of. A lot depends on what it was with, as well as what material it was made of, full or empty, with or without a sticker, with a narrow neck or with a wide one. In a word: if you want to know the true interpretation - remember the details you saw in a dream!

Miller's dream book

It’s good if in a dream they drank from a bottle filled to the very neck. This suggests that very soon you will be able to overcome all obstacles in matters of love. But if the bottles are empty and not washed, misfortunes are coming, with which it will be very difficult for you to cope alone, the dream book upsets.

Generalized interpretations

Despite the difficulty in generalizing, there are still several common meanings for dreams in which the bottle appears.

  • I dreamed of a bottle of wine or other alcohol - to joy, pleasant communication.
  • A bottle of water - to get acquainted.
  • With any vegetable oil - to the guests.
  • Broken bottles are a sign of a quarrel or illness.
  • Empty containers - to impotence.
  • Dirty or cracked - to unpleasant rumors.

Content as the definition of the future

The interpretation of sleep largely depends on what the bottle was filled with.

Mineral water or any other clear liquid that you are going to drink predicts an acquaintance with an honest and responsible person. But with water unsuitable for consumption - to unpleasant meetings, predicts pastor Loff's dream book.

A damask with cognac or some other kind of alcohol dreams of a pleasant pastime.

Interested in what a bottle of milk is dreaming of? Wangi's dream interpretation gives an interpretation: good health awaits you and your mood is cheerful.

A container with a wide neck filled with beer, kvass or mash promises a sleeping person some discontent that can be resolved very quickly.

Plastic or glass - from poverty to wealth

Seeing a plastic bottle in a dream, for example, with alcohol - to poverty due to drunkenness, but with milk - your material future is in your hands.

A full glass container with alcohol, especially if it is a bottle of expensive alcohol that you dreamed about, means a lot of money in your "pockets". But if you dreamed that a bottle of elite cognac or whiskey was half empty, expect rumors.

Medea's dream book says: a dream in which you pour something from a glass container into a plastic one, and the resulting foam interferes with you - you will experience uncertainty when making a decision regarding other people's finances.

Break glass - to trouble

Drinking beer and breaking dishes - to unpleasant moments.

Had a dream that a drunkard breaks a bottle on the head of his drinking buddy? An evil vision that does not prophesy anything good: take care of yourself, it says!

Breaking a bottle fished out of the sea to extract a note - according to the Lunar Dream Book, this is bad news.

Did you dream that fragments of broken glass containers glisten in the sun and blind you? You have to face lies.

Breaking a bottle in a dream, in which there was a lot of oil, and slipping on it - to the difficulties in communicating with friends.

Glassblowing profession, or joy awaits you

Collecting empty liquor bottles for remelting is the joy of creating something new.

Pouring sunflower oil from a bottle, throwing it into molten boiling glass and then blowing rainbow glass products - a joyful mood awaits you.

The person who sees beautiful bubbles blown by a glassblower in a dream can count on happiness, the Eastern Dream Book promises.

Buying or selling, as a symbol of gain and loss

Do you want to know why you have a dream in which you buy shampoo in a large bottle with a bright label? Take a look at the Spring Dream Book - you will find out that this is a dream to update your image.

Selling someone in a dream or giving bottles of various colors and sizes, filled with a wide variety of fillers, from milk to perfume? If you experience pleasure at the same time, then pleasant finds await you.

In a dream, handing over freshly bought bottles to the reception of glass containers - to the loss of something material. And if you previously poured their contents onto the ground - to parting with a loved one.

Strange dreams - a sign of surprise and practical jokes

To see a strange dream in which forest animals sell bottles of water or other drinks - you will be very amazed at something in reality.

I dreamed of a red flying "bottle" with green men - to the surprise of the new hobbies of your old acquaintances.

Is it a dream that a dead man, unfamiliar to you, pours burning alcohol into glasses and invites you to share a meal with him? Wait for the draw, and not the most harmless one, the Modern Dream Book predicts.

A bottle seen in a dream usually represents a person's emotional experiences. In order to understand what events in life this symbol portends, you first need to remember all the details of the dream, and then familiarize yourself with the interpretation of various dream books.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

According to the dream book, the bottle symbolizes a depressive state, restless thoughts and emotional experiences. However, a lot depends on how it looks. If you dreamed of a clean glass container, happiness awaits you in family life, a plastic bottle, on the contrary, means emptiness and loneliness. A beautiful vessel represents a tender attitude towards your lover or portends a meeting with the person of your dreams.

In accordance with the interpretation of the dream book, a bottle of wine seen in a dream reflects your psychological state. A clogged container indicates that you keep your feelings to yourself and do not share them even with close relatives. An open bottle symbolizes you as an open and emotional person. If you dreamed that you broke it, all your experiences will soon break out, and you will do an unexpected act that will cause astonishment among others.

Women's dream book

A dream of an empty container suggests that you will have to spend a lot of effort on solving unexpected problems. Seeing in a dream a bottle filled to the brim with water - to the successful implementation of all plans.

Dream Interpretation Taflisi

If a girl dreamed of a bottle, she would soon be disappointed, and for men this dream promises an acquaintance with an interesting woman. A broken container may portend the death of a wife, and an empty one - a marriage with a poor girl. If a man dreams of a clean and transparent container, he will meet a decent and attractive girl.

Spring dream book

If the bottle is broken in a dream, serious problems should be expected in reality. An empty container symbolizes confusion and misunderstandings, and a full one promises a fun pastime.

The latest dream book

A bottle of vodka is a bad sign that portends a headache, a mental breakdown, or damage to you. To see a merchant selling alcohol is to get acquainted with an unreliable person.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

If you see a bottle of vodka in a dream, but do not drink from it, in real life emotional experiences await you. Drinking an alcoholic drink - to ruin or commit some bad deed, because of which you will later be tormented by guilt.

Dream interpretation bottle

Among the various interpretations of what the bottle is dreaming of, it will be possible to find both negative meanings and favorable predictions. It will be possible to disassemble the signs sent by the subconscious if you put together the whole picture of a dream. For example, such a thing as a glass shade or neck width can drastically change the interpretation.

Seeing bottles of expensive wine in a dream is a symbol of the upcoming comfortable life, capital growth, and the purchase of expensive goods.

In reality, a person who drank from a wide neck expresses dissatisfaction with the place of work, a narrow hole in dreams is identified with disabilities, the sleeper is not allowed to reveal his creative potential, circumstances fetter the person, blocking the path of development.

General interpretations

As the dream book assures, a bottle of alcoholic drinks is a dream before pleasant evenings spent with friends and relatives.

Dreamed of mineral water

  • An ordinary mineral water in a glass container in a dream symbolizes internal energy, good health, the desire to fight for your own happiness.
  • Had to keep a bottle? You will rejoice at unexpected news, and a container that accidentally falls out of your hands will hint at missed opportunities.
  • A broken container for liquids promises the loss of the most valuable. Some will lose the trust of a friend, others will have financial problems, some will be disappointed in the second half.
  • The purchase of drinking water in dreams will tell you that the time has come to go on vacation, travel, discover everyday things from the other side.
  • The dreamer, who picked up an old bottle thrown ashore, will receive the sad news about the death of a distant relative.

Night visions with the image of bottles filled with various bright liquids predict that the coming changes will bring many positive emotions.

Meanings from popular dream books

It will be possible to overcome obstacles when bottles with clear water are dreaming, says a modern interpreter. What meanings do sorcerers, mediums and folk dream books give?

  • According to Tsvetkov, the container can be dreamed of before a long separation or even a divorce.
  • According to the esoteric interpreter, alcoholic drinks promise headaches caused by a hangover.
  • An empty bottle, according to the small Velesov interpreter, speaks of a feeling of boredom, sadness, tormenting insomnia, and a full one symbolizes an increase in profits, wages at their true worth.
  • Useless conversations will drag on for a long time if you dreamed of a bottle, the interpreter of the Stranger assures.
  • According to Hasse, breaking a bottle is making an enemy, taking on difficult work.

The sand inside the bottle is a sign that warns of the insidious plans of rivals, and the placed note will tell you that soon after the daydream a way out of a difficult situation will be found.

Psychologist's comment

Dreaming of a broken container

Love affairs will finally get better after visions of bottles full of liquids. Unrequited lovers will be reciprocated, and married people will be able to renew their long-extinguished passion, return their old feelings, says psychoanalyst Miller.

As the dream book says, a broken bottle predicts a grandiose quarrel, which, as a result, will put an end to all disagreements.

Seeing dirty dishes, dusty wine bottles in a dream means that in reality you will have to face work that you will not like.

The plot of the dream

Finding an unambiguous answer to what the bottle is dreaming of is quite problematic. In this attention-demanding matter, a good memory is required to restore a holistic picture of vision. You need to remember the dream object, the main characters of the dream and doable actions regarding the bottle.

A lot of glass containers in dreams can be interpreted as upcoming victories, and if you had a chance to juggle with bottles, then this is a hint that the sleeping person is deceiving loved ones, using their trust.

The second half suspects you of treason, false accusations will fall from colleagues after nightly dreams about a cracked bottle, a broken neck.

External features

Every smallest detail of a dream plays an important role in interpreting the signals of the subconscious.

I dreamed of a container without a cork

  • Strong foreign alcohol dreams of confident people who are ready to take risks in order to achieve their goals.
  • A bottle without a cork can dream of someone who feels lonely.
  • A broken drink in a dream symbolizes unrealized potential, abandoned business.
  • If, according to the plot, drunkards fight and break bottles on their heads, it is time to take care of their health.

Be careful, because a lie envelops you when you dream of fragments from a broken bottle that shimmer from the sun's rays.

Empty or full

Have a good time, sit heart to heart for a person who dreamed of a bottle of alcohol.

  • To make useful contacts, to find a reliable business partner is a sleeping person who poured drinks during a feast.
  • An empty bottle may dream, hinting at all sorts of troubles, says the dream book of lovers.
  • A full bottle is dreaming of successful people. The vision also predicts good luck on the love front, victories in the workplace.

In order not to fall into the trap prepared by competitors, after dreams of empty bottles, you need to be on the alert, warns the Eastern interpreter.

State of finances

Dreaming of milk in a glass container

Why dream of a broken bottle? You have to spend a large amount on a business that will not bring income.

According to the interpreter Vanga, who carries a container of milk in a dream, he is incredibly lucky. Perhaps you can find a treasure, get an inheritance, or win the lottery.

Plastic containers hint at material problems, impending poverty, and glass is a sign of prosperity.

Long-awaited changes

Collecting bottles in dreams is an attempt to restore already lost trust, faded feelings.

Buying soap, shampoo, perfume is a sign of the subconscious, hinting that it's time to change your image.

The work of a glassblower is often dreamed of by optimistic people who never give up.

Useless purchases are made by the one who rented glass containers in dreams in order to earn extra money.

strange dreams

The dream interpretation of broken bottles on which a person fell is interpreted as upcoming tests.

It is necessary to experience a strong surprise to the person who saw the flying bottle.

Spilled burning alcohol in a dream is the personification of hidden sexual desires that will soon break out.

Expect a prank on friends if you dreamed of a talking bottle the day before.

Even absolutely illogical actions have explanations, in reality it is worth thinking about the reasons for the strange behavior of acquaintances - in a similar way, a general interpreter analyzes night dreams, where forest animals poured drinks from bottles.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Seeing an empty bottle in a dream means anxiety and empty hopes, need and hard feelings. Sometimes a dream predicts a quarrel with a loved one or a divorce. If it breaks in your dream, then this is a good omen, foreshadowing that your affairs will go smoothly, but you will be hard pressed by what happened. A broken bottle in a dream is a sign of sadness; a filled bottle predicts that many problems and obstacles await you in business that will bother you so much that you will lose both sleep and appetite. If in a dream you drink from a full bottle, then expect an invitation to a party, fun, communication with friends, which will give you great pleasure. A dark bottle in a dream predicts the imminent death of a dear friend. A bottle of wine means prosperity. An overturned bottle - to trouble at home. See corkscrew, drink.

Why dream of a bottle in a dream book - "Wanga's Dream Book"

A bottle in a dream is a symbol of limitation, loss, unpredictability.

Trying to pour from an empty bottle in a dream:
A dream in which you are trying to pour something out of a bottle, and it turns out to be empty, indicates that all your attempts to change the situation are futile.

Treat yourself to a drink from a beautiful bottle in a dream:
If in a dream you are treated to an unusual drink from a beautiful bottle, this means that someone close to you will surprise you with their unpredictability. Drop a bottle and cut yourself with a shard In a dream, you dropped a bottle and cut yourself with a piece of glass - in reality someone will try to harm you. You may lose something very valuable to you.

Pour liquid from a bottle in a dream:
A dream in which you spilled something from a bottle portends an unexpected guest.

Donate empty bottles in a dream:
To dream about how you hand over empty bottles is a sign that in real life you should not indulge your weaknesses, as this can lead to sad events.

Why dream of a bottle in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

A broken bottle in a dream - illness, quarrels. A bottle of wine is a pleasant company. A bottle of water is a new acquaintance. Full bottle - prosperity and success in business. An empty bottle is a harbinger of misfortune that will be difficult for you to deal with. Going down to the cellar filled with bottles of wine is a love affair. Champagne bottles are a bargain. Milk bottles - pregnancy, wealth and prosperity. Drinking from the neck - a good trip, good mood.

Why dream of a bottle in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a full bottle - to an invitation to visit with a small feast; if you dreamed of an empty bottle - homesickness; breaking a bottle in a dream is a monetary loss.

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