Why dream of a white seagull. I dreamed of seagulls: deciphering sleep

  • The seagull is a graceful, beautiful bird, but in dreams it is a symbol of sadness, even a tragedy that must happen; in general, a seagull is a messenger of trouble. So, if a seagull often appears in your dreams, then higher powers warn you of impending misfortunes. Serious difficulties await you, and you will have to prepare for the fact that you will need maximum stamina and courage in order to adequately accept everything sent to you by fate. If you show all your best qualities, you will be able to maintain human dignity and respect for yourself, as well as peace of mind and harmony. But it is worth indulging in despair and rigidity, as at the same hour your rapid fall will begin. To see yourself sailing on a ship, and at the same time a seagull is circling above you, maybe not alone - misfortune will happen to you personally. You may get sick or have an accident, but water is a particular threat to you in the near future. Try to avoid, as far as possible, situations in which you will have to be near water bodies, try not to resort to the services of water transport and generally behave very carefully - this will help you, if not avoid trouble, then at least minimize their consequences. A dream in which you are making an effort to catch a seagull says that your life may be in serious danger in the near future, but you will be able to get out of the situation with minimal losses. This whole story could have ended much worse, and for you personally it could have been the end, so discard sad thoughts and learn to enjoy life again and not look back at the past. If you managed to not only catch, but also kill a seagull (cruel, of course, but nothing can be done - dreams are beyond our control), then in real life you will easily avoid danger thanks to your dexterity, composure and other equally valuable qualities, but besides this, you will provide significant assistance. You are standing on the seashore and you see how a flock of seagulls is circling over the waves and trying to look out for prey, and some birds have already managed to catch fish - you will soon witness quite unpleasant events, but no matter how much they bother you, they will in no way will not affect you. You will only have to state the facts and regret that life is so unfair to others. This wording may seem too confusing to you. To dispel this impression, let's turn to the specifics: most likely you will find out that there are serious violations in your organization, apparently financial ones, but since you yourself did not take part in these acts, the publication of such a fact does not threaten you . To see how a seagull carries prey in its beak - in real life, one of your friends will receive a fairly large profit, but this will not please you, since the money will be earned as a result of a very dubious operation, or, to put it more simply, the most common fraud. And you, of course, will not fail to tell about your doubts and feelings to the originator of these worries, which will not please him very much. It is possible that as a result of "showdowns" and finding out how the money is earned, you will seriously quarrel or even part.

The bird is graceful, beautiful, but in dreams it is a symbol of sadness, even a tragedy that should happen in general, a seagull: a messenger of trouble.

So, if a seagull often appears in your dreams, then higher powers warn you of impending misfortunes.

Serious difficulties await you, and you will have to prepare for the fact that you will need maximum stamina and courage in order to adequately accept everything sent to you by fate.

If you show all your best qualities, you will be able to maintain human dignity and respect for yourself, as well as peace of mind and harmony.

But it is worth indulging in despair and rigidity, as at the same hour your rapid fall will begin.

To see yourself sailing on a ship, and at the same time a seagull is circling above you, maybe not alone: ​​misfortune will happen to you personally.

You may get sick or have an accident, but water is a particular threat to you in the near future.

Try to avoid, as far as possible, situations in which you will have to be near water bodies, try not to resort to the services of water transport, and generally behave very carefully. time may be in serious danger, but you will be able to get out of the situation with minimal losses.

This whole story could have ended much worse, and for you personally it could have been the end, so discard sad thoughts and learn to enjoy life again and not look back at the past.

If you managed not only to catch, but also to kill a seagull (cruel, of course, but nothing can be done: dreams are beyond our control), then in real life you will easily avoid danger thanks to your dexterity, composure and other equally valuable qualities, but besides this, you will provide significant assistance.

You are standing on the seashore and you see how a flock of seagulls is circling over the waves and trying to look out for prey, and some birds have already managed to catch fish: you will witness quite unpleasant events in the near future, but no matter how much they bother you, they in no way will touch you.

You will only have to state the facts and regret that life is so unfair to others.

This wording may seem too confusing to you.

To dispel this impression, let's turn to the specifics: most likely you will find out that there are serious violations in your organization, apparently financial ones, but since you yourself did not take part in these acts, the publication of such a fact does not threaten you .

To see how a seagull carries prey in its beak: in real life, one of your friends will receive a fairly large profit, but this will not please you, since the money will be earned as a result of a very dubious operation, and to put it simply.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

A seagull in a dream means business relations with stingy and not very noble partners.

A dead seagull portends a long separation from friends.

If you dreamed of a teapot, then unpleasant news awaits you.

If a woman dreamed that she was pouring cold water from a kettle, someone would soon pay attention to her. In general, a dream about a teapot usually portends the beginning of difficult work.

Boiling water dreams of decisive changes in life. A boiling kettle promises you a happy family life.

A kettle from which water has boiled away - to discord in the family.

A broken teapot means that you may fail on the path to success.

A broken teapot dreams of problems in relationships with both home and colleagues.

A girl who dreams that she is pouring tea from a dark teapot will be disappointed in love.

A bright teapot promises a woman a marriage with a wealthy man.

Interpretation of dreams from

Almost any dream has a certain meaning, for example, to see a small child in a dream means future troubles, many mice - to wealth, and any dream from Thursday to Friday is considered prophetic.

So, if a seagull is dreaming in a dream, how will famous dream books interpret such a dream?

A seagull dreaming in a dream means that greedy and dishonest people will become business partners in a person in the near future. Dead seagulls are a sign of the impending separation from close friends. If in a dream you dreamed of a seagull that sways on the waves, this is a sign that a person will not be able to receive any money from outside. A seagull fishing - to a good profit, if in a dream you feed a seagull from your hands - to bad news and a protracted deep depression.

According to the dream book of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, seeing a seagull means that a person is visited in a dream by the soul of the deceased, acting as a guardian angel. If in a dream a seagull flies or attacks, this is a warning about an impending disaster - the crash of a car, plane or ship. To be pecked by a seagull in a dream - a protracted illness and long treatment awaits a person ahead.

Dreaming of seagulls that fly overhead means serious passions in sexual relations with a partner. In the near future, an explosion of emotions and feelings should be expected. If in a dream a seagull falls - to a decrease in love attraction to a lover, coldness and indifference.

A dream in which a seagull had a dream means that a person will live to old age.

A snow-white seagull seen in a dream, floating freely over the boundless expanse of the sea, symbolizes openness, creativity, self-development and the embodiment of one's potential.

If a woman dreams of a seagull flying over the sea, this dream marks a bright feeling that her chosen one has for her. If in a dream seagulls fly in, peck, beat their wings - you should avoid stressful situations and worry less, because such a dream portends a nervous breakdown. A dream with piercingly screaming seagulls symbolizes separation from close friends, relatives and home. Dead seagull - sadness, longing, the collapse of hopes.

What does it mean to see a seagull in a dream according to an esoteric dream book

A high-flying seagull means that a person thinks about the high, spiritual and beautiful. Wounded, unkempt and scary birds are a symbol of pessimism, you should reconsider your attitude to life and people around you. A love pair of birds means that thoughts of love have completely replaced other thoughts, you should think not only about love affairs.

A dreaming seagull is a symbol of success in the business sphere. A screaming seagull means that in order to get out of a difficult situation, you should carefully consider your moves, step by step. If a seagull is caught in a dream, it is a good sign.

Eastern sages said that to see a seagull in a dream - to wealth, power, beauty. A seagull sitting in front of a person is good news. A seagull sitting on the head or shoulders symbolizes the good or evil deeds of a person. If the bird is white, the person's deeds are good and good, the black gull indicates bad deeds and evil thoughts. Flying sitting on a seagull is a sign that a journey awaits a person. A seagull rising into the sky and hiding from the eyes is a symbol of collapse, death, misfortune.

Seeing a seagull in a dream is an unfortunate omen for a rich person. Most likely, things will go badly in the near future. On the contrary, to see a seagull in a dream to a person who is not used to swimming in money means an improvement in the financial situation. If in a dream a seagull screams - to a long journey, success in business, prosperity. A dead bird symbolizes a certain stagnation in life, which, in the end, will end happily.

  • Seagull in the house.

If you see in a dream a seagull that flew into the house - to unpleasant news.

A seagull soaring in a dream - to success in business. A high-flying bird is bad news, but not directly related to the person who had such a dream.

If in a dream a seagull pecks - to illness, unpleasant news, problems. If one of the relatives or friends feeds the seagull, big trouble awaits him.

Sign of freedom, creative self-expression.

To money. At the same time, in many dream books one should be careful - a person who dreamed of a seagull flying over the sea could be in danger.

To success, wealth, profit. However, if a person dreams that he himself feeds a seagull from his hands - to trouble.

Seeing birds in a dream is a good sign. Often they are a sign of good news, vitality, change, or a quick trip. Why the seagull is dreaming specifically, you can find out by reading the interpretations of the most popular dream books.

Seeing a bird in a dream

According to the psychologist Meneghetti, a seagull in a dream is a symbol of the extraordinary potential that lies in the dreamer. And in the near future, he will finally open up, a person will know his true abilities. After that, it is important to systematically engage in hobbies and maintain your talent.

When interpreting dreams, it is important to consider the time of year at which the vision came to you. So, a dreaming seagull in autumn is a harbinger of success in society. You will become a popular person in your circles. Your opinion will be listened to, and some people will consider your lifestyle ideal and take it as a standard of behavior.

I dreamed of a seagull in the spring - you will unexpectedly receive material benefits. It is likely that your long-term investments will finally allow you to make significant money. If you borrowed money, then in the near future they will return the loan, and with interest.

It is interesting to know why a seagull dreams in summer. This is a harbinger of a period of passion and love in your life. A whirlpool of feelings will overwhelm you, as if you will merge with your passion, which will allow you to enjoy each other's company and strengthen relationships. Dreams in winter are a symbol of imminent warming. Often such dreams come at the end of February before the start of a warm spring.

A seagull enters the Women's Dream Book as an omen of imminent business communication with closed and stingy people. Most likely, you are waiting for work negotiations, as a result of which you will need to come to a common decision. If you are attentive and listen to the desires of the interlocutors, you can quickly reach a consensus and at the same time maintain friendships for a long time.

Seeing a dead seagull in a dream is a long separation from loved ones. It is likely that your friends or relatives will be waiting for a business trip or a trip. However, do not despair, you will be able to keep in touch daily with the help of modern technology, and parting will only allow you to strengthen the relationship.

The medium Hasse claimed that if you see a seagull in a dream, you will live to a ripe old age. Your lifestyle will allow you to keep your body and mind in good shape. Energy and curiosity will motivate you to new travels and hobbies.

A seagull, pecking grain from your hands, enters a dream as a harbinger of communication with an envious person. This person will simultaneously experience opposite feelings for you - admiration and envy. If you support a friend and give him advice, you can easily keep your relationship on track and become good friends later.

Holding a seagull in your hands is a good sign for business people.. All projects will turn out to be profitable and successful for you, even if they seem like failures to you. If you managed to stroke, then soon you will significantly improve your financial situation. Wealth will become your constant companion in life.

The bird soars in the sky

The Small Velesov dream book connects a seagull in a dream with a happy omen for an unmarried girl. I dreamed of birds hovering over the water - soon you will meet the groom, while there is a high probability that he will be a foreigner. The seagull had a fish in its mouth - the beloved will be rich and generous.

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation writes that a seagull in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's state of mind. If the birds soared in the sky over the raging sea or, then the person has a restless state - a storm of emotions, feelings, experiences rages inside him.

This can be caused by a certain period in life (exams, preparation for an important event, moving, and more). However, any storm ends sooner or later, and after it a bright and warm sun peeps out, so the dream book predicts that a joyful and calm period will soon come in the dreamer's life.

If under the soaring seagull there was an ironed sheet of water, then the person is in harmony with himself and the world around him. In life, he found his place both in work and in the family. We can say about this person that she knows how to enjoy every day and enjoy simple little things.

A dream in which you saw a seagull soaring up promises you new bright desires and aspirations. If you quickly start to fulfill them, then easily and quickly make your dreams come true. Such a dream to a person who is in a place of temporary isolation (hospital, prison, etc.) portends an imminent release.

Why dream of seagulls circling over water with in their beaks, you can be told by the Modern Dream Book. This is a prediction that in reality you will witness unpleasant events that will bypass you. However, you will be directly involved in solving the problem and quickly cope with the tasks assigned to you.

Seagulls soaring high in a dream are a harbinger of news that will have little to do with you personally, but will turn out to be interesting and curious. Birds flew low over the ground or water - expect important news for you. As a result, you will have to drastically change your plans, but this will turn out to be a favorable outcome for you.

If in your dreams a bird attacked you, then this is a warning: in the near future your body may fail due to a heavy load. However, remember the proverb: "Forewarned is forearmed." Watch your diet and work / rest schedule, and then ailments can be avoided. A seagull attacked your friend - you have to help this person with advice.

The birds flew in and sat right in front of you - expect a good deed in your address. You will be presented with a long-awaited gift, they will show care or help out at the right time. It is important to take into account the color of the plumage of seagulls:

  • White promises a good attitude from a loved one.
  • We saw a black bird - expect an unexpected location from a stranger.

The girl can be pleased with the interpretation of the dream in which the seagull circled over the water. Her lover will inflame hot feelings for her. At the same time, it is important to note that the young man will be able to maintain his love for many years, and for him it will become one of the main goals of life - to maintain a romantic relationship with his wife.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why the Seagull Dreams

According to the dream book, why the Seagull is dreaming - a hollow bird flying freely over the boundless sea, decorating cliffs and sailboats sailing in the rays of the sun. It is a symbol of action and a free situation, a symbol of free potential that can lead to a great result.

Autumn dream book What does the Seagull dream about in a dream book:

Seagull - To success in society.

Summer dream book What does the Seagull dream about in a dream book:

Seagull - You will be overwhelmed by an excess of passion, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book What does the Seagull dream about in a dream book:

Seagull -

Small Velesov dream book Why does a Seagull dream in a dream:

Seagull - Above the water - the groom from afar; with fish - inheritance.

Spring dream book What does the Seagull dream about in a dream book:

Seagull -

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Seagull - A symbol of the human soul, which forever cannot find peace; romantic desires, aspirations; to lead from afar, from abroad; for prisoners, release.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why does the Seagull dream in a dream:

Seagull - The seagulls you dreamed about are an omen that you will start business relationships with stingy and not very noble partners. Dead seagulls in a dream portend a long separation from friends.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo Dream Interpretation: Seagull

Dream Interpretation Seagull - The seagull is a graceful, beautiful bird, but in dreams it is a symbol of sadness, even a tragedy that must happen; in general, a seagull is a messenger of trouble. So, if a seagull often appears in your dreams, then higher powers warn you of impending misfortunes. Serious difficulties await you, and you will have to prepare for the fact that you will need maximum stamina and courage in order to adequately accept everything sent to you by fate. If you show all your best qualities, you will be able to maintain human dignity and respect for yourself, as well as peace of mind and harmony. But it is worth indulging in despair and rigidity, as at the same hour your rapid fall will begin. To see yourself sailing on a ship, and at the same time a seagull is circling above you, maybe not alone - misfortune will happen to you personally. You may get sick or have an accident, but water is a particular threat to you in the near future. Try to avoid, as far as possible, situations in which you will have to be near water bodies, try not to resort to the services of water transport and generally behave very carefully - this will help you, if not avoid trouble, then at least minimize their consequences. A dream in which you are making an effort to catch a seagull says that your life may be in serious danger in the near future, but you will be able to get out of the situation with minimal losses. This whole story could have ended much worse, and for you personally it could have been the end, so discard sad thoughts and learn to enjoy life again and not look back at the past. If you managed to not only catch, but also kill a seagull (cruel, of course, but nothing can be done - dreams are beyond our control), then in real life you will easily avoid danger thanks to your dexterity, composure and other equally valuable qualities, but besides this, you will provide significant assistance. You are standing on the seashore and you see how a flock of seagulls is circling over the waves and trying to look out for prey, and some birds have already managed to catch fish - you will soon witness quite unpleasant events, but no matter how much they bother you, they will in no way will not affect you. You will only have to state the facts and regret that life is so unfair to others. This wording may seem too confusing to you. To dispel this impression, let's turn to the specifics: most likely you will find out that there are serious violations in your organization, apparently financial ones, but since you yourself did not take part in these acts, the publication of such a fact does not threaten you . To see how a seagull carries prey in its beak - in real life, one of your friends will receive a fairly large profit, but this will not please you, since the money will be earned as a result of a very dubious operation, or, to put it more simply, the most common fraud. And you, of course, will not fail to tell about your doubts and feelings to the originator of these worries, which will not please him very much. It is possible that as a result of "showdowns" and finding out how the money was earned, you will seriously quarrel or even part.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Seagull in a dream

Seagull - With abstinence, you will live to old age.

Esoteric dream book If the Seagull is dreaming:

Seagull - To tears, the loss of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Seagull in a Dream

In a dream, why the Seagull is dreaming - With abstinence, you will live to old age


Why is the Seagull dreaming, what is the dream book of seeing the Seagull in a dream, what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why does the Seagull dream in a dream?

According to the dream book, see the Seagull - In the northern peoples, the seagull is a symbol of a yearning woman. According to legend, a woman turned into a seagull after the death of her husband. Also, the seagull is a symbol of mother's crying for her children. If in a dream it was seagulls that you dreamed of, then this dream portends you separation from loved ones, family members, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does the Seagull dream in a dream?

Seeing a Seagull in a dream means - Seagull - new business acquaintances and relationships, but with stingy, unpromising partners. Dead seagull - to a long separation from friends, there is no one to rely on.

Summer dream book

Why is the Seagull dreaming:

Seagull - an excess of passion will overwhelm you.

Autumn dream book

If the Seagull is dreaming, what is it for:

Seagull - To success in society, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why does the Seagull dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Seagull - A dream foreshadowing acquaintances with people unworthy of your attention. Dead seagulls predict a long separation from loved ones

Modern dream book

According to the dream book, Seagull means sleep:

Seeing a Seagull in a dream - A dead seagull portends a long separation from friends. If you dreamed of a teapot, then unpleasant news awaits you. If a woman dreamed that she was pouring cold water from a kettle, someone would soon pay attention to her. In general, a dream about a teapot usually portends the beginning of difficult work. Boiling water dreams of decisive changes in life. A boiling kettle promises you a happy family life. A kettle from which water has boiled away - to discord in the family. A broken teapot means that you may fail on the path to success. A broken teapot dreams of problems in relationships with both home and colleagues. A girl who dreams that she is pouring tea from a dark teapot will be disappointed in love. A bright teapot promises a woman a marriage with a wealthy man.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Seagull:

Seagull - hear the cry of a seagull - to the death of parents; to see a seagull on the water - to prosperity.


White seagull

Dream Interpretation White Seagull dreamed of why the White Gull is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White Seagull in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Hear the cry of a seagull - to the death of parents; to see a seagull on the water - to prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Seagulls in a dream portend the emergence of business relationships with stingy people. Dead seagulls dream of a long separation from friends.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

A seagull in a dream means business relations with stingy and not very noble partners.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Dream Interpretation - Seagull


white gulls

Dream Interpretation White Gulls had a dream, why do White gulls dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see White Seagulls in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

The bird is graceful, beautiful, but in dreams it is a symbol of sadness, even a tragedy that should happen in general, a seagull: a messenger of trouble.

So, if a seagull often appears in your dreams, then higher powers warn you of impending misfortunes.

Serious difficulties await you, and you will have to prepare for the fact that you will need maximum stamina and courage in order to adequately accept everything sent to you by fate.

If you show all your best qualities, you will be able to maintain human dignity and respect for yourself, as well as peace of mind and harmony.

But it is worth indulging in despair and rigidity, as at the same hour your rapid fall will begin.

To see yourself sailing on a ship, and at the same time a seagull is circling above you, maybe not alone: ​​misfortune will happen to you personally.

You may get sick or have an accident, but water is a particular threat to you in the near future.

Try to avoid, as far as possible, situations in which you will have to be near water bodies, try not to resort to the services of water transport, and generally behave very carefully. time may be in serious danger, but you will be able to get out of the situation with minimal losses.

This whole story could have ended much worse, and for you personally it could have been the end, so discard sad thoughts and learn to enjoy life again and not look back at the past.

If you managed not only to catch, but also to kill a seagull (cruel, of course, but nothing can be done: dreams are beyond our control), then in real life you will easily avoid danger thanks to your dexterity, composure and other equally valuable qualities, but besides this, you will provide significant assistance.

You are standing on the seashore and you see how a flock of seagulls is circling over the waves and trying to look out for prey, and some birds have already managed to catch fish: you will witness quite unpleasant events in the near future, but no matter how much they bother you, they in no way will touch you.

You will only have to state the facts and regret that life is so unfair to others.

This wording may seem too confusing to you.

To dispel this impression, let's turn to the specifics: most likely you will find out that there are serious violations in your organization, apparently financial ones, but since you yourself did not take part in these acts, the publication of such a fact does not threaten you .

To see how a seagull carries prey in its beak: in real life, one of your friends will receive a fairly large profit, but this will not please you, since the money will be earned as a result of a very dubious operation, and to put it simply.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

To dream of a seagull flying over the surface of the water is a sign of a strong and pure feeling for you on the part of a man who claims to be your chosen one. Seagulls attacking you are a sign of mental discord and mental overload.

Hearing in a dream the piercing unceasing cries of seagulls - to a forced separation from home, friends, a loved one. A dream with a dead seagull is a sign of grief and unfulfilled hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

A seagull flying over the sea dreams of news from distant countries or business relations with stingy, spiteful and dishonest partners.

Seagulls on the ground are a sign of false promises and flattery.

A dead seagull symbolizes separation from friends.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

The seagulls you dreamed about are an omen that you will start business relations with stingy and not very noble partners.

Dead seagulls in a dream - portend a long separation from friends.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Hear the cry of a seagull - to the death of parents; to see a seagull on the water - to prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Seagulls in a dream portend the emergence of business relationships with stingy people. Dead seagulls dream of a long separation from friends.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

If you dreamed of a seagull soaring over the sea, you will have a long separation from friends. Flocks of seagulls flying screaming over the coast portend a long journey.

Imagine a seagull landing on your shoulder. You feed her fish. If you dreamed of flocks of seagulls, imagine that they all flock to you.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

A seagull in a dream means business relations with stingy and not very noble partners.

A dead seagull portends a long separation from friends.

If you dreamed of a teapot, then unpleasant news awaits you.

If a woman dreamed that she was pouring cold water from a kettle, someone would soon pay attention to her. In general, a dream about a teapot usually portends the beginning of difficult work.

Boiling water dreams of decisive changes in life. A boiling kettle promises you a happy family life.

A kettle from which water has boiled away - to discord in the family.

A broken teapot means that you may fail on the path to success.

A broken teapot dreams of problems in relationships with both home and colleagues.

A girl who dreams that she is pouring tea from a dark teapot will be disappointed in love.

A bright teapot promises a woman a marriage with a wealthy man.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Seagulls in a dream: portend that some events will excite you, giving rise to many bold plans in your soul.

At the same time, this dream: suggests that your dreams may remain dreams, and you need to not only fantasize, but act.

Seeing seagulls hunting fish portends you anxiety in matters related to profit.

If, in your dream, seagulls are circling over piles of garbage, the dream tells you that you should give up some ideas, because your plans will bring you nothing but a lot of problems.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

The seagull you dreamed about is a deceit, failures, unpleasant chores.

Poor seagull! She's lost her way, and that's why she's mischievous. Send her to a dream about the sea, and everything will be all right.


White seagull

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Washing bed linen in a dream portends tears, changes in life for the worse, resentment and insults that can end in separation from a loved one. For the poor, a dream about bed linen promises well-being, especially if the linen is clean and ironed. See interpretation: bed, clothes.

To dream that others are washing their bedding is a bad omen, which means that you will be embroiled in some big scandal and your reputation will be seriously damaged. See interpretation: erase.

If in a dream you twist wet linen, then grief and trouble await you. A dream in which you hang freshly washed clothes on a rope means getting a big win or receiving an inheritance. If the linen suddenly turns out to be torn or stained, then you will find a trial, disputes with relatives and a family scandal. Putting ironed linen in a closet or chest is a sign of stinginess and pedantry. The dream also means that you will never give in to a friend or relative in any dispute. See interpretation: wardrobe, chest, furniture.

Seeing linen clean in the closet is well-being. If in a dream you buy bed linen, then you expect a lot of resentment, disappointment and trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts that important changes will soon take place in your home. Selling bed linen in a dream is a harbinger of great failure, loss and need.

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Linen seen in a dream - to win or receive an inheritance. If the linen is torn, your career may fail. Rusty stains on linen - wait for the guests. Linen hung to dry portends quarrels and discord with friends and a loved one, loneliness. Twisting wet linen is unseemly deeds. Hanging it on a rope yourself is a disease of a close relative. To remove dry from the rope is a disaster in the house. Ironing clothes with an iron is a noisy visit of a cheerful company.

Wash clothes - start a general cleaning in the house or workplace. Seeing dirty laundry is a sign of family squabbles and troubles. Seeing clean, fresh-smelling linen on the shelves of the closet - to material well-being. Wearing underwear - find out interesting news. Walking in a headset - you will be overcome by restless thoughts. Buy linen - arrange family affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Hanging clean bedding on a rope - to win, to receive an inheritance.

Just seeing hanging clothes is a quarrel with loved ones.

Twisting wet linen - expose betrayal.

Folding linen - to stinginess, but just to see a stack of clean linen in a dream - in reality to have prosperity.

Change or buy bedding - to the disease.

Wash or cover the bed with dirty linen - to resentment, trouble, retribution for the sins of the past.

Jump out of bed in your underwear - find out very interesting news.

Seeing yourself in a dream half-dressed - to well-being.

Putting on underwear is a slippery position (it is not known whether success or failure will follow).

If a young woman sees herself in a dream in expensive underwear, she will have a loyal admirer.

If she accepts linen as a gift from a stranger, this is a warning about temptations and temptations.

Dream Interpretation - Linen

Any underwear is a symbol of a woman.

Bed linen symbolizes established sexual contacts.

Underwear symbolizes your desire to have sex with a much younger partner.

Any laundry operations such as washing. Ironing, mending, etc., speak of your desire for experiments in the field of sex.

The choice and purchase of underwear symbolizes a break with a sexual partner.

Lingerie hanging on a rope indicates that you tend to advertise your sexual achievements.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

With restraint you will live to old age

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

The image of a white bird flying freely over the boundless sea against the background of sailboats sailing in the sun and white rocky shores symbolizes an open, outward-directed action, an open situation that involves self-creation, a free potential awaiting its embodiment.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

(See interpretation: birds) Seeing seagulls circling above you in a dream predicts unrest and danger from the machinations of slanderers.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

Above the water - the groom from afar; with fish - inheritance.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

To success in society.

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

You will be overwhelmed by an excess of passion.


I had a dream: a white seagull in a blue sky. Description below.


Nata Poli

the image of heaven in dreams reflects the extremely emotional impulses of the dreamer's soul, a seagull-sadness, melancholy, separation, misunderstanding, callousness, callousness will invade the world of your feelings and emotions.


The bird is a good messenger. Soon you will be pleased with the good news that will change your life.
Good luck and happiness.


The seagull is a graceful, beautiful bird, but in dreams it is a symbol of sadness, even a tragedy that must happen; in general, a seagull is a messenger of trouble. So, if a seagull often appears in your dreams, then higher powers warn you of impending misfortunes. Serious difficulties await you, and you will have to prepare for the fact that you will need maximum stamina and courage in order to adequately accept everything sent to you by fate. If you show all your best qualities, you will be able to maintain human dignity and respect for yourself, as well as peace of mind and harmony. But it is worth indulging in despair and rigidity, as at the same hour your rapid fall will begin. To see yourself sailing on a ship, and at the same time a seagull is circling above you, maybe not alone - misfortune will happen to you personally. You may get sick or have an accident, but water is a particular threat to you in the near future. Try to avoid, as far as possible, situations in which you will have to be near water bodies, try not to resort to the services of water transport and generally behave very carefully - this will help you, if not avoid trouble, then at least minimize their consequences. A dream in which you are making an effort to catch a seagull says that your life may be in serious danger in the near future, but you will be able to get out of the situation with minimal losses. This whole story could have ended much worse, and for you personally it could have been the end, so discard sad thoughts and learn to enjoy life again and not look back at the past. If you managed to not only catch, but also kill a seagull (cruel, of course, but nothing can be done - dreams are beyond our control), then in real life you will easily avoid danger thanks to your dexterity, composure and other equally valuable qualities, but besides this, you will provide significant assistance. You are standing on the seashore and you see how a flock of seagulls is circling over the waves and trying to look out for prey, and some birds have already managed to catch fish - you will soon witness quite unpleasant events, but no matter how much they bother you, they will in no way will not affect you. You will only have to state the facts and regret that life is so unfair to others. This wording may seem too confusing to you. To dispel this impression, let's turn to the specifics: most likely you will find out that there are serious violations in your organization, apparently financial ones, but since you yourself did not take part in these acts, the publication of such a fact does not threaten you . To see how a seagull carries prey in its beak - in real life, one of your friends will receive a fairly large profit, but this will not please you, since the money will be earned as a result of a very dubious operation, or, to put it more simply, the most common fraud. And you, of course, will not fail to tell about your doubts and feelings to the originator of these worries, which will not please him very much. It is possible that as a result of "showdowns" and finding out how the money is earned, you will seriously quarrel or even part.

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