Why dream of a bathrobe: interpretation of the meaning of sleep according to various dream books for men and women. Why did you dream of a bathrobe


For sleeping. Illness, pain.

Dream Interpretation: why the Robe is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The dream in which you are dressed in a bathrobe indicates that you should change your intimate life. Relationships have become familiar and mundane, so it is likely that your partner will look for entertainment on the side. Try to avoid such a turn of events. If …

What does sleep mean - Bathrobe

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To put on oneself means to get involved in troublesome affairs, which, however, after a while will bring significant benefits.

I had a dream "Robe"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Putting on a dressing gown in a dream - getting involved in troublesome business, which will subsequently bring significant income.

Bathrobe - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To try on a bathrobe - to a long life, to wash it to chagrin, to buy a bathrobe - to joy.

Camouflage robe - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a camouflage robe or disguise is to the full readiness of one of your friends to serve you, but you won’t believe him.

What does the dream about Robe mean?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Prolonged internal illness, painful sensations.

Dreamed - Robe

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To measure a dressing gown - to a hospital bed.

Dreaming of "camouflage robe" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The camouflage robe you saw in a dream - to participate in hostilities.

The meaning of sleep about Robe

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Painful sensations. Luxurious - an imaginary elevation.

Dream Interpretation: why the Robe is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Try on a bathrobe - for a long illness. Terry - lack of attention and tenderness.

Robe is dreaming - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A white coat means a constant malaise or a specific illness. Putting on a dressing gown is taking on a lot of trouble in some business. You will understand in advance that it is worth it: later you will receive significant benefits and money.

Dreaming "Robe" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in professional activities. They give you or serve a robe - the interpretation is enhanced. Robe old or torn: to a quarrel in ...

Dreaming "White coat (medical)" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you see a bathrobe among other things, your professional skills will help you deal with problems. How to improve the value of sleep? Imagine that you are wearing a white coat, or you change the situation so that you are in a white coat.

Dream Interpretation: why the Robe is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing yourself in a dream in a bathrobe is forced idleness. Oh, again the child is offended. They make you mess up! And you are torn, waving your fists, pushing your elbows away: “Let me go! Give, let me clean the apartment! Let's take out the trash can! I want to work. " this is a dream? …

Dream about Robe

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To put on a dressing gown - to get involved in troublesome affairs, which, however, later on will bring significant benefits.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Robe

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A white coat means a constant malaise or a specific illness. Putting on a dressing gown is taking on a lot of trouble in some business. You will understand in advance that it is worth it, and subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.

Dream interpretation: why dream of White robes

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

They symbolize lack of communication skills, a separate position. The symbol is most often negative, as it indicates the "super-ego" or the influence experienced in the medical, religious or in the realm of feelings. Inappropriate metabolism. Metabolism - metabolism. In this case, it means in a broader sense - interaction with ...

Why does the Robe dream in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing doctors in white coats portends malaise or fear of the upcoming serious test, test, exams. A black work robe on someone portends a stranger's funeral, in which you will have to take a direct part. Blue satin robe - for a long standing in lines ...

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If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in professional activities.

They give you or serve a robe - the interpretation is enhanced.

Robe old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you are lucky, get an unexpected win.

Putting on a bathrobe is a warning: you need to get rid of stress, it is easier to relate to circumstances - and you will succeed.

Someone is wearing a white coat - this person can be trusted.

You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take a decisive step.

A soiled or soiled bathrobe is an obstacle.

Wash a bathrobe: illness will prevent you.

Throw away a bathrobe - get rid of unnecessary ties. If it is a beautiful robe, be careful: you can quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella's outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic cloak.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Bathrobe

The dream in which you are dressed in a bathrobe indicates that you should change your intimate life.

Relationships have become familiar and mundane, so it is likely that your partner will look for entertainment on the side.

Try to avoid such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a bathrobe, but the situation absolutely does not match such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, laying out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you are angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of a bathrobe? The dream book offers many interpretations of this symbol, depending on its appearance, color, purpose, and the one who dreamed of it. It is important to remember all the details that are present in a dream in order to understand what to expect after such a vision.

General interpretation

What is the dream of a doctor in a bathrobe? The sleeper is in danger of being unwell, or he is afraid of a future important test - an exam, a test.

To meet a person dressed in a dressing gown is evidence of the failure of attempts to attract assistants to some important business for you.

Dreamed of trying it on? Vision promises family happiness, long life. Buy - to joy. Wash - unfortunately.

A doctor in a medical gown in a dream is a warning: a disorderly life will later turn into disappointment, bitter regrets.

What was he like

New - a new acquaintance or love relationship is ahead. Old, torn - you seek to manipulate people and get annoyed when they do not give in. The dream interpretation recommends: reconsider your attitude towards others, otherwise you risk being left alone.

Expensive silk oriental in a dream portends, according to Miller's dream book, great luck - a big lottery win, inheritance. Perhaps there will be a love date.

Buying a terry bathrobe, which later turned into a medical one for a man, means: a new acquaintance will bring difficulties. For a girl, such a dream promises health complications or difficulties on the love front.

A dreaming home dressing gown is a symbol of relaxation. The dreamer feels comfortable, cozy, like at home, so he sees him in a dream.

Robe color

The white dream book is interpreted as a harbinger: desires can be achieved. In addition, it is necessary to maintain endurance; red or yellow speaks of the dreamer's own confidence, because he knows his strength, as well as his readiness for self-sacrifice; black - due to bad advice, the sleeper may set the wrong goals. Such a dressing gown in a dream warns of difficulties in communication, fading of passion, breaking ties; blue promises victory, a successful rivalry or a trial favorable to the sleeper; pink - the expectation of tender, romantic love; this color reflects the dreamer's dreaminess, his commitment to fantasies. The dream book advises not to get too carried away with building castles in the air, since the reality may turn out to be somewhat different; blue, like the previous one, characterizes the sleeping dreamer, dreamer. In addition, the color indicates: the energy of the one who saw such a dream and the support of friends will make it possible to achieve the long-cherished goal; green dream - portends happiness, prosperity, possible financial success.

Business, career

To see that in a dream they came to a dinner party dressed as they should, and other guests put on bathrobes, is a favorable omen. The dream interpretation interprets the plot as an upcoming promotion, receiving some kind of award, or attracting the attention of an inaccessible person.

If in a dream you are wearing a dressing gown, and elegantly dressed people are around, then, believing false rumors, you will find yourself in a stupid position. The dream interpretation warns: before deciding to take any step, make sure that you have reliable information.

This piece of clothing with a hole in a dream means: energy and enterprise are now decreasing. Therefore, a decline in business activity is possible, an excessive desire to analyze everything, and an unfruitful one at that. The dream interpretation emphasizes: the moment must be waited out, trying to avoid decisive actions that can only harm.

Why dream of receiving a bathrobe as a gift if there is no desire to wear it at all? People who know you well in reality will want to do harm, hinder your plans, spoil your mood.

Love, relationships

Had a dream of putting on and fastening a bathrobe? The dream book informs: it's time to diversify your sex life, to bring something new. This is especially true for wives, who must show imagination so that their husbands do not have to look for something new, original on the side.

Why dream of a white coat?

A white coat seen on oneself may portend health problems. But this image has a positive interpretation. If it was clean, snow-white, then the next stage will begin in your life, you will start something from scratch, and these will be changes for the better. However, if the clothes were not distinguished by the perfection of color, on the new path you will encounter numerous difficulties. If someone else was wearing such a piece of clothing, you will receive the support that you so need.

Why dream of a medical gown?

A medical gown can be a completely transparent symbol and promise a deterioration in well-being, which will require the intervention of doctors. Perhaps you vaguely, intuitively feel some kind of problem - it's time to get a medical examination and face the truth. The meaning of sleep may have nothing to do with health and medicine. A neat, snow-white doctor's coat promises to receive the necessary support in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, and also reflects the dreamer's professionalism, which allows him to feel confident in this life.

Why dream of wearing a bathrobe?

If in the kingdom of Morpheus you had a chance to put on someone a robe, then you will surround this person (or someone else) with your care and attention. If the clothes did not fit or did not like, other problems arose, your noble impulses will be answered with ingratitude. Or maybe you will do someone a disservice with your attention. Another meaning is that something will appear in your life that you want to hide, hide from everyone.

Why dream of a dressing gown?

The interpretation of a dressing gown dreamed about is not difficult. The body makes it clear that he is tired of the crazy pace of life, it's time to spend more time at home, in a relaxed atmosphere. However, if the type of clothing in a dream left much to be desired, attempts to change lifestyle will not be very successful. To see another person dressed in a dressing gown (especially in an inappropriate environment for this) - your attempts to find allies and helpers are doomed to failure.

Why dream of a women's bathrobe?

A chic, beautiful women's dressing gown dreamed of by the fair sex promises a relationship that will give her a feeling of warmth, security, and comfort. But if he was inappropriate in the context of sleep or for some reason the dream left an unpleasant aftertaste, a person may find himself in an absurd position or drop out of social life for some time, without wanting to. If a man put on a dressing gown intended for ladies in a dream, he lacks feminine and maternal warmth. Or maybe a new companion will soon appear in his life.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Freud's dream book

If in a dream you put on a bathrobe, it means that you need to try to bring something unusual, new into your sex life. Especially such a warning applies to women - the keepers of the hearth.

Having seen such a dream, they need to show maximum imagination, otherwise the partner will want to look for some “zest” on the side. And there - who knows how tasty this very raisin will turn out to be.

To dream of someone dressed in a bathrobe in some inappropriate setting, say, at a fun party - in real life you will find yourself in some kind of ridiculous position, having opened up with a person who does not deserve and does not understand such an attitude.

An old, torn robe is a sign that you are trying to manipulate others, and when you fail to do this, you begin to get angry at the whole world. Be careful: if you continue to need to feel the subordination of people to your will, then in the end it may turn out that you will be left completely alone.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Dressing gown in a dream - symbolizes relaxation.

If you dream that you are putting on a bathrobe, this means that it is time for you to distract yourself from extraneous problems and devote time to yourself and your family.

Dirty or torn dressing gown - portends a quarrel in your home.

To meet a person dressed in a dressing gown - suggests that your attempts to attract someone to some business will be fruitless.

Work robe - usually portends certain business chores.

To dream of one of your acquaintances in a white medical coat is a sign that you may need the help of this person. The dream also suggests that you can trust him with something that you do not trust others.

Why dream of a bathrobe

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Robe - on this day, try to leave the house as little as possible; possible criminal troubles.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Spring dream book

To try on a bathrobe - to a long life, to wash it to chagrin, to buy a bathrobe - to joy.

Seeing a camouflage robe or disguise is to the full readiness of one of your friends to serve you, but you won’t believe him.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Summer dream book

Trying on a bathrobe - to family happiness; to sell a bathrobe - to envy; buy a bathrobe - to separation.

Wearing a camouflage robe in a dream - hide your income.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Autumn dream book

To measure a dressing gown - to a hospital bed.

The camouflage robe you saw in a dream - to participate in hostilities.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream portends malaise or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc.

A black work robe on someone - portends a stranger's funeral, in which you will have to take a direct part. Blue satin robe - to long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an exquisitely dressed public means that in reality you will find yourself in a stupid position, believing false rumors.

Silk robe - for a love date, terry - you will be asked to borrow a large amount of money, a torn old robe - to emotional distress and nervousness.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Robe - prolonged internal illness

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Walking in a bathrobe - to an uninvited guest.

If you dreamed that you were buying a bathrobe, you would casually invite someone to visit, not even hoping that the person would come, but he would certainly come, and not alone.

In a dream, they gave you a bathrobe - your wife, bride or lover (husband, groom or lover) will invite a person to your house whom you would not like to see in your house, and he will certainly come to visit.

You sold a bathrobe - an uninvited guest will come to you, whom you do not want to see, but you will be able to quickly get rid of him.

If you dreamed that you gave or threw away a bathrobe - you yourself will invite a guest to your wife, bride or lover (husband, groom or lover) and because of his visit you will have big troubles.

Darn a bathrobe - to the visit of an uninvited guest, which you will be terribly happy about.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Bathrobe - illness, pain.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Modern dream book

If you have washed a dressing gown and it has become very small or has faded a lot, this portends a surprise for you.

Buying a terry bathrobe, which later turns into a medical one, means for a man that a new acquaintance will complicate his life; For a woman, this dream portends difficulties in her personal life or health problems.

If you came to a dinner party in an evening dress, and all the guests are dressed in bathrobes, then you have to get a promotion, an award, or attract the attention of an inaccessible person.

If you have changed your dressing gown for a chic fur coat or coat of a random passerby, it means that luck awaits you ahead, which you never dreamed of.

If you are given a dressing gown, although you have never expressed a desire to wear it in your life, it means that people who know you very well will want to interfere with your affairs, try to harm you, spoil your mood.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Eastern dream book

Expensive oriental robe - dreams of great luck. Perhaps you will win a large sum or receive an inheritance.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

prolonged internal illness.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Bathrobe - It’s as if you are putting on a bathrobe - you will have to work hard in the near future, but you will also achieve significant benefits.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Bathrobe - painful sensations; luxurious - an imaginary elevation.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does the Bathrobe mean in a dream - If the dressing gown is beautiful: a man will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in professional activities. They give you or serve a robe - the interpretation is enhanced. Robe old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you are lucky, get an unexpected win. Wearing a bathrobe is a warning: you need to get rid of stress, it’s easier to relate to circumstances and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - this person can be trusted. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take a decisive step. A soiled or soiled bathrobe is an obstacle. Wash a bathrobe - illness will prevent you. Throw away a bathrobe - get rid of unnecessary ties. If it is a beautiful robe, be careful: you can quarrel with important people. Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella's outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic cloak.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Love dream book

A dream in which you wrap yourself in a terry bathrobe with pleasure means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Phoebe's big dream book

What does a White Coat (medical) mean in a dream - you will have a chance to improve your professional skills so that all your problems in work will be resolved and you will succeed. Imagine that you came to your work and saw a closet or hanger where a clean, starched and ironed white robe hangs. You put it on and go about your normal work. Immediately you are convinced that your work is arguing more deftly and quickly than ever, as if it is done by itself, without your participation, and you only enjoy the fact that your work is so successful. This dream will come true if you do not neglect the opportunity to improve your skills or learn from more experienced colleagues.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Old Russian dream book

Robe - Putting on oneself means getting involved in troublesome affairs, which, however, will bring significant benefits later.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

A bathrobe for what it is 1. A bathrobe in a dream has a double meaning. On the one hand, our vulnerability is revealed, on the other hand, relaxation is easily given to us. Wearing a bathrobe on someone in a dream means protecting that person. 2. The robe can represent our attitude towards sex and relationships. If it is clean, then we have a good conceit, and if it is dirty, then vice versa. A dirty bathrobe can also suggest depression. 3. From a spiritual point of view, a white robe represents innocence, while a seamless robe represents integrity.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Jewish dream book

What does it mean in a dream Robe - Light terry robe - to the blues, failures, fear and loss of hope. A dark terry robe - for a quick improvement in well-being and mood.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Robe - for a long life, if the robe is old - for a long but poor life.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What does Robe mean in a dream - home life.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Old Russian dream book

illness, pain.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Dream interpretation of relationships

The dream in which you are dressed in a bathrobe indicates that you should change your intimate life. Relationships have become familiar and mundane, so it is likely that your partner will look for entertainment on the side. Try to avoid such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a bathrobe, but the situation absolutely does not match such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, laying out all your problems to a stranger.

If the bathrobe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you are angry at everything and everyone. This approach can lead to loneliness.

Why dream of a bathrobe

Online dream book

I dreamed that the bathrobe sat down after washing - which means that something extremely unexpected for you will happen.

We bought it - you can bring new colors to your life if you are a little more sociable.

As the dream book says, being in the company of people in bathrobes is a sign that you can move up the corporate ladder.

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