What is the dream of a small mouse or a big one, a lot of small mice? The main interpretations are what little mice dream of. Why does a white mouse dream: interesting interpretations of dreams about rodents by different dream books


Mice cause different feelings, from tenderness to disgust and panic fear. Sometimes they are kept as pets. An ambiguous attitude towards these small rodents affects the meaning of dreams. To correctly decipher the dream of a white mouse, you need to remember all the details of the dream.

General value

The white mouse symbolizes empty chores, huge efforts for the sake of insignificant results. Sometimes a dream portends deceit on the part of a loved one.

Meaning depending on circumstances

For women:

  • Running after the mouse is a good sign. The dreamer will soon receive a marriage proposal.
  • Catch by the tail - avenge treason.
  • To see on a dress is to be at the center of a scandal.
  • A mouse with red eyes - petty squabbles at work and at home.
  • Floats in clear water - for a wedding with a loved one.
  • Scrapes the walls and squeaks - a quarrel over a husband with his mother-in-law.
  • Bitten - a beautiful and determined rival wants to recapture her husband.

For men:

  • Sitting or standing - a loved one spreads rumors about the dreamer.
  • With red eyes - overwork.
  • Bitten - conflict at work.

In a dream, you can see one or more mice:

  • One means infidelity in love and loneliness.
  • Two mice symbolize a married couple. Fight - to discord.
  • A lot - to quickly get rid of problems.
  • A lot of little mice - to a lot of small troubles. You should not try to do everything at once, you should make a list and follow it step by step. Another interpretation is that an old dream will come true.
  • Too much - the sleeper will cope with difficulties and feel happy.

Sometimes the mouse runs, bites, nibbles something:

  • Gnawing furniture - to losses, boards - to a fatal illness of a loved one, food - to well-being and prosperity.
  • Scraping the wall and squeaking - relatives are discussing the dreamer's family life.
  • Sitting on the table - to tears and a sad feast.
  • Runs away from a cat - the sleeper will cope with a difficult situation on his own.
  • Peeps out of a mink - soon the dreamer will find out the good news.
  • Runs out of the house - you should not make rash purchases, you need to monitor expenses.
  • Scratches and bites - to a conflict with a friend.
  • She ran to her feet - the moment had come for the planned purchase.
  • Bitten on the leg - to a long road for an unpleasant reason.
  • Bitten to the blood - to the bad news about friends and relatives.
  • Digs the ground - to a trip to the cemetery.
  • Sleeping is a good sign for those who have small children. Sleep means that they are coping with schoolwork, well-behaved and not sick.
  • Washes - for an easy life and upcoming fun.
  • Floating in clear water - a favorable dream. The sleeper will be happy and rich. If the water is cloudy and dirty - to trouble.
  • In a stormy river - to interesting and bright events.
  • At sea - the sleeper is confused and unsure of himself. It is necessary to define life guidelines.
  • Drowned - to trouble.

It should be remembered where the mouse was:

  • In bed - to family troubles and conflicts between spouses.
  • In the toilet - for profit. The sleeper will suddenly receive a large amount of money.
  • In a cage - much in the dreamer's life depends on a secret or a monetary debt.
  • In the house - the sleeper learns that one of the close people cannot be trusted. Another interpretation is trouble in the household.
  • In a mousetrap - to trouble from new acquaintances.

What did the mouse look like?

  • A small white mouse - to be touched in a dream means to experience a similar feeling in reality. Another meaning is fidelity in boring relationships. The second half does not appreciate the dreamer's feelings.
  • A born white mouse - to good luck and pleasant changes.
  • Turned from white to black - danger will bypass the dreamer.
  • White with black spots means that in reality the sleeper is too picky in relation to acquaintances.

What does a dead mouse mean:

  • Usually dreams of material problems. In the near future, the dreamer will need a large amount of money.
  • In food - to quarrels in the family, in water - to tears and disappointment.
  • In a mousetrap - the dreamer expects trouble from new acquaintances.

How the dreamer's actions are interpreted:

  • Holding a mouse that bites in your hands is a betrayal of a friend.
  • Catch and release - to an easy victory over a dangerous enemy.
  • Feed the mouse - in reality you need to remember mercy and help the weak.
  • Catch by the tail - take revenge on the enemy.
  • Kill - to change in life. A dream portends a difficult life stage that will require a lot of strength and energy. At the end of it, the dreamer will have a dizzying success.

Meaning according to different dream books

  • By Miller's dream book a white mouse means duplicity of others and problems at home. To kill - to cope with troubles, to miss - to waste time and energy in vain.
  • By Wangi's dream book a calm white mouse symbolizes the prosperous life of children and grandchildren. If close to the dreamer, food prices are expected to rise.
  • By Freud's dream book symbol has a negative meaning. The dream portends poverty, failure in business, trouble with children and problems in personal relationships.
  • By dream book of Tsvetkov the white mouse symbolizes a secret ill-wisher. White color - an indication of a close circle (friends, relatives or old acquaintances).
  • By dream book of Nostradamus a dream about a white mouse is a bad omen and portends trouble. Kill - to problems with money. Many mice are terrible disasters, global catastrophes.

Most compilers of dream books consider the dream of a white mouse to be unfavorable. Sleep means trouble or a bad person among loved ones. Sometimes the plot and actions of the dreamer change the meaning to neutral and good.

It often happens that a dream can raise questions. To get answers to them, many prefer to turn to dream books. After all, it is quite possible that it will be possible to correctly interpret the dream. And if this is done correctly, then the person will receive a signal about what can happen in the near future. This article will tell you what the little gray mouse is dreaming of.

general information

Each dream book interprets the dream differently, but each has common features that can be traced very clearly. Why is the little gray mouse dreaming? This is an omen that unpleasant events will soon occur in your personal life or at work. The surrounding people will be hypocritical and try to deceive. If a woman witnessed such a dream, it means that there are people nearby who want evil.

Options for actions in a dream

If a person has to kill a gray mouse, that's good. Most likely, he will soon be able to win an important victory in life. If the mouse ran away, then the path to the goal will be thorny and full of obstacles.

In a dream, the animal sits on the clothes of the fair sex - a scandal is to be expected, which will have serious consequences.

Mouse from a cat - a person will be able to avoid danger. Feeding the mouse - you need to become more restrained in relation to those people who are weaker.

The fluffy animal ended up in a mousetrap or died - there is a difficult task ahead, which will be unraveled with the help of ingenuity. A lot of mice - very soon it will be possible to solve the accumulated problems.

Sometimes, in a dream, you have to catch a gray mouse. What could this mean? First of all, that a person will soon have ambitious plans. If you managed to catch the animal, you can soon get pleasure from passion or take revenge on someone who has long deserved it.

It also happens that you have to eat the animal. No matter how disgusting it may sound, such dreams are also often dreamed. If this happens, then you need to keep your ear sharp. Probably danger nearby. If the animal itself eats right in front of the eyes of a person, perhaps very soon one of the relatives will die.

What else interesting will the dream book tell? The small gray mouse is a symbol of a problem that has not been solved for a long time. If she dreams for a long time, you need to think about the fact that it's time to change something in your life.

Interpretations according to different dream books

Why is the little gray mouse dreaming? An old Slavic dream book says that this is a small animal that can climb into any hole. Based on this thought, people came to the conclusion that a gray mouse in a dream is a nuisance. However, if a person went to bed in a good mood and saw this beast in a dream, feelings are probably born in his heart. In some legends of antiquity, this animal was a symbol of dexterity and courage.

According to the family means, you will soon have to make some purchases for the house. If she sleeps, then the children will be fine with health.

And how does he explain why the little gray Sigmund Freud is dreaming? It turns out that such a dream warns that ill-wishers and envious people will interfere in a person’s affairs. Rodents can also mean failure in business, in other endeavors and in relationships with children.

The dream book of the white magician says that if a mouse dreamed, troubles could not be avoided. If it is possible to refrain from meeting a suspicious person, then it is better to do so. If the feeling that unpleasant energy emanates from the person does not leave, it is better to stop communication.

According to Vanga's dream book, a dreaming mouse means that there will be a bad harvest, and food prices will probably rise. The great seer assured that if a dream occurs on Tuesday, it means that a person has secrets from loved ones. We need to open them up before it's too late.

The above are excerpts from only a few books. They most accurately describe what the gray mouse portends in a dream. In general, in the rest of the dream books there is also little positive, but more negative points.

If the mice dreamed

If mice (small ones) came to you in a dream, you need to prepare for changes in your personal life. Very soon a person will appear who will give joy and happiness. Probably, there will be a meaning in life. If a girl dreams of mice, someone likes her and soon the fan will make itself felt. If a man had a dream, he will soon meet the one who will become the one and only for him.

When the dream is such that there are both people and mice in it, there will soon be a big holiday. If only animals dream, a meeting with an old friend or girlfriend awaits a person.

On a note

Remember that gray is a symbol of illness and trouble. And when a person sees himself in the guise of a gray mouse, it means that he is quiet, modest and inconspicuous, and perhaps he needs to change.

Be that as it may, after such dreams one should not forget that danger may await nearby. Aware means armed! You should always listen to your feelings and feelings.

What did White mice dream of (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

  • Such a dream has a positive meaning, but only if you see not one White Mouse, but many at once.
  • Why do white mice dream - get a reason for joy. This will be good news, the successful completion of affairs.
  • Why white mice dream of a woman is a sure sign of a prosperous and strong family union.
  • Caught white mice symbolize satisfaction, a pleasant end to long-standing affairs.
  • Why do fussing white mice dream - a warning about deceit and betrayal of loved ones.
  • Being bitten in a dream by white mice is a warning about the presence of a serious enemy who wants to take your place in a career or relationship.

Why do White mice dream of a dreamer (Miller's Dream Book)

  • White mice symbolize troubles that are not decisive, but cause a lot of grief. This is a quarrel with a friend, a quarrel with a loved one, gossip and the like. Do not attach importance to such things, life consists not only of joyful events. And let all the troubles be only small, the same as White mice.
  • Why dream of white mice gnawing something - a sign that there is a distant enemy with whom you do not communicate personally, but through third parties. White mice identify distant enemies.
  • Seeing White mice running chaotically is a sign of a rise in food prices. Therefore, if White mice suddenly dreamed, the dream book advises not to waste money, but to start making the necessary supplies. Here is an original explanation of the dream about White mice gives Miller's dream book.

Analysis of the dream in which the White mice dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

Why do white mice dream? The father of psychoanalysis associates the image of White mice in a dream with food shortages. This dream is negative and symbolizes hunger. Sleep is a warning of impending poverty or a likely rise in food prices.

White mice denote enemies that cause concern or trouble.

Interpretation of the White Mouse from the Dictionary-Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

  • White mice or rats come to dreams in order to warn that trouble is threatening in the near future. Or you will become a participant in dangerous events. Dealing with them will not be easy, it will require willpower, wisdom, and endurance. Remember that it is easier to deal with a problem together, so find allies for yourself and, of course, do not neglect reasonable advice.
  • Why do dead white mice dream - soon they are waiting for a change in their personal lives.
  • Passively watching mice is a business trouble.
  • Chasing white mice or catching at least one of them is an unexpected turn in your career, the end of a hopeless business.

Why do White mice dream in a dream (interpretation by Rick Dillon)

  • The number of White mice in a dream determines how many joyful and happy moments await in life.
  • Why do white mice dream if they run around the cage - I had a dream for the next happy marriage. This marriage will be prosperous and strong.
  • Fussing white mice will bring a lot of worries and troubles associated with the hearth.
  • Why do white mice dream of lying and looking sick - there will be serious health problems, and problems with teeth are also possible.
  • When in a dream you catch White mice, then know that soon the people whom you considered enemies will become allies.
  • A white mouse locked in a cage indicates that you will become a hostage to a secret.
  • But in a dream, stroking or feeding mice means a declaration of love.

Many people are interested in the interpretation of dreams, because you may even dream of something that we have never seen in real life, but why is a white mouse dreaming? It is believed that if in your dream this animal runs from one side to the other all the time, it means that in the near future the dreamer will have not too serious, perhaps very simple things.

What if there was a white mouse in a dream?

A mouse of just such a color in a dream portends a person's feelings of anxiety and puzzlement. If you dreamed of a white mouse without spots on the body, it means that very soon something unexpected will happen in your life, it may even be connected with unfinished business. Why white mouse? The fact is that the color of this color is not only rare, but also indicates a purebred origin. Which is quite surprising today, and even more strange to see such an animal in a dream.

If the mouse was small in your dream, this indicates that pretty soon small but unpleasant changes will occur in his life. Perhaps now you should not rush to implement some projects, because you can get into a mess. Modern dream books recommend remembering what kind of tail the white rodent had, if it is long, then you are likely to have problems with the computer or its system.

By itself, a white animal, often in a dream, portends family troubles and dishonorable acts of someone from a close circle. It may also happen that the planned course of affairs does not go in a completely different direction, which you cannot foresee. But the killed animal portends a 100% problem over enemies who want trouble for a person.

If in your dream you let the mouse run away, then this is a clear sign that very soon he will have to fight, the outcome of which will be successful, but this will not last long.

In the case when a young woman dreamed of a white mouse, she needs to be careful in dealing with other people, because in the near future secret ill-wishers can commit fraud or some kind of dirty trick. If the animal ran along the bottom of your favorite dress, this symbolizes a big conflict that will start around the mistress of the dress.

All dream books state that a white mouse symbolizes ingenuity and dexterity, but at the same time a weak character. In general, a lot of greetings are associated with the appearance of a white mouse in a dream. For example, if a mouse was able to overcome a person in a dream, then very soon hungry times will come to his house. The people who lived during the formation of Rus' believed in this sign.

What does the dream of a white mouse bring with it?

If in your dream there was not an ordinary white mouse-vole, but a bat, it means that in the very near future you will have good luck or success in some business. Do not forget that dreams do not appear on their own, dreams are signs that the human subconscious conveys. So on the subtle plane, events happen earlier and we often foresee that something will happen, either good or bad, but we are not always able to realize it.

It is very important that you answer the question for yourself, what exactly did the dream of a white mouse mean for you, what does your subconscious mind want to say?

For example, a mouse seen in a dream that runs away from a cat is a sure sign that the dreamer will be able to overcome all obstacles and pass the test. Feeding a white mouse in a dream indicates that a person should develop mercy and forgiveness in himself, be more tolerant of people. If you succeed in not building your attitude to situations and not judging others, just realizing that the world is not divided into good and bad, and any medal has a second side. Then you will be able to find happiness within yourself.

Find out more

Domestic rodents, even in a dream, cause a lot of anxiety and a feeling of disgust. However, unlike the interpretation of the dream book about gray mice, what the white mouse dreams of predicts joy and the successful overcoming of life's obstacles.

Appearance and features

According to Miller's dream book, to see a lot of white mice in a dream speaks of the pretense of imaginary friends, discord in family relationships and stagnation in business. In the noble interpreter N. Grishina, there is a radically opposite interpretation of the dreamed vision. So, many snow-white rodents promise joy, happiness and a successful combination of circumstances.

The dream book of the seer Vanga connects what the little white mouse dreams of with the inevitable rise in food prices. It's time to stock up and refrain from frivolous cash spending.

A bat white mouse in a dream is interpreted by dream books in two ways. On the one hand, this is a favorable sign that predicts the feasibility of plans and cherished desires, on the other hand, it indicates your “blindness” in working moments and relationships with others.

A dreaming black and white mouse symbolizes receiving news that will have an extraordinary meaning. Perhaps the people you think are a threat are actually harmless and friendly.

A dead white mouse in a dream is a harbinger of changes in personal life. To see a dead animal in food - to family quarrels, in water - quick tears, in a mousetrap - an opportunity to recognize an enemy hiding under the guise of a comrade.

Rodent behavior

The dream of a bustling white mouse, according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, is a warning about the deceit and hypocrisy of a loved one whom you consider your old friend.

To dream that a snow-white decorative mouse gave birth to a mouse is good news that brings joy. Two animals squabbling among themselves personify discord in family relationships or an unforeseen fight with an enemy.

For a woman to see a mouse on her dress, portends a scandal in which she will play a major role. Finding this small animal in the house is a surprise bordering on disappointment.

An aggressive pet suggests a quarrel with a friend, which can develop into open hostility and confrontation.

Animal interaction

I dreamed that a decorative white mouse bit you - get ready for a difficult confrontation with an insidious enemy. If she bites the dreamer while in her arms, it means that soon she will have to quickly recover from disappointment and a stab in the back inflicted by a former friend.

The dream interpretation explains why a dream in which a cat catches a snow-white rodent is a good profit. If in reality a dreaming cat belongs to a sleeping person, then in the near future the enemies will not bother with their intrigues.

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