Why dream of washing your feet? Why dream of washing your feet in clean water.


In order to correctly decipher night dreams, you need to remember them in detail and try to understand what imprint the dream left in your soul: positive or negative. Why dream of washing someone's feet and should you take a nightmare as a prediction of trouble?

What if you dream of washing someone's feet?

To wash someone's feet in a dream - in reality to be humiliated in front of another person. Some interpreters believe that the sleeper will be involved in some kind of intrigue, as a result of which he will be disgraced.

If the dreamer watched how he washed the feet of his relative or friend, in real life he will have to turn to relatives for help. Not very pleasant events will occur in the fate of the sleeping person, there will be many problems and it will not be possible to cope with them alone.

To wash the feet of the enemy in a dream - in reality, to be defeated in a long-standing confrontation. A person should not throw all his strength into proving his own innocence to the enemy. Everything will be in vain. To wash the feet of an enemy and at the same time laugh in nightmares - in real life, deceive other people. The dreamer admits his defeat, retreats for a while, and then delivers a decisive blow to the enemy. Perhaps a person will commit a not very honest act.

You should not take what you see seriously if the events of a nightmare somehow resonate with reality. For example, if in reality a person found out that a close relative's legs hurt, the dream is only a reflection of his experiences.

Washing the feet of a person is not pleasant in nightmares - in reality, experiencing the need to turn to someone for help or start communicating with someone with whom you don’t even want to talk.

Equally important is the appearance of the water in which you had to dip your feet in night dreams. Washing someone in clean and clear water is a good sign. The sleeper will turn to a loved one for help and receive serious support. Dirty water symbolizes unpleasant conversations, gossip. If the dreamer watched how he dipped someone's feet into a basin of muddy liquid, in reality he would entrust a secret secret to one of his friends, but he would be betrayed. This man will tell everyone about his secret. Vision should be taken as a warning. No need to once again talk about your experiences, make personal public property.

Washing your parents' feet in muddy and dirty water is a bad omen. Sleep prophesies serious health problems.

What portends?

In a dream, washing the feet of a person of the opposite sex - to a meeting with your soulmate or to the beginning of a new romance. For family people, a vision portends a major scandal with a spouse, which can flare up on the basis of jealousy.

Washing the feet of your loved one in a dream - in reality, completely obey him. Some interpreters consider such night dreams a serious warning. The sleeper should think about how his relationship with his soulmate is built. Most likely, the dreamer is so in love that he does not want to notice the shortcomings of another person and allows himself to be treated not in the best way. The key to a happy family life is mutual respect. If the sleeper wants to experience satisfaction from communicating with a lover or lover, he should ensure that his opinion is taken into account.

Washing the feet of a small child in a dream for a young girl is a symbol of readiness to create a family and have children. She has been wanting this for a long time and in the near future the wish will come true.

Wash someone's feet in a dream - in reality, belittle your own merits, elevate another person in your eyes, ask for help from loved ones. At the same time, visions in which water appears dirty, muddy, with a fetid odor are considered a very unpleasant omen.

Sometimes, “in the arms of Morpheus,” interesting images appear to a person, which can be interpreted in completely different ways. One gets the impression that the compilers of dream books take their explanations “out of their heads”. However, it is not. More precisely, not quite so - many of them use psychological laws in their work and draw certain parallels.

What if you dream of washing your feet?

Often such daily processes penetrate dreams, such as washing feet. Surprisingly, the compilers of dream books build very curious predictions on the basis of such visions, and sometimes reveal the thoughts of the sleeping person, hidden deep in the subconscious. This article is just written so that everyone can understand why they dream of washing their feet, and can use the information received for their own benefit.

Washing your feet in a dream may mean that in the near future the sleeping person will have a long road or some kind of exciting journey that requires some preparation.

For business people, washing feet in a dream can be a very good sign. Such a dream is sometimes perceived as a signal that the sleeper will not be left alone with his problems, and will certainly receive support from his companions.

In the case of women, such a dream may mean that the desired protection and patronage will be received, which comes from a wealthy person. It is quite possible that it will help you feel more confident, somehow “rise” in society.

Washing feet in a dream can be a kind of warning. Finding your feet dirty and deciding that they urgently need to be cleaned, according to many, means that you should be wary of someone else's cunning and intrigues. Say, they deliberately harm, actively interfere with the prosperity of the sleeping person.

It is also believed that washing your feet in a dream is an obvious sign that in reality you will have to sort things out with someone because of some unpleasant rumors or offensive gossip. Therefore, having seen such a dream, it is better to be careful when communicating with others.

Sometimes, washing the feet is interpreted by the compilers of dream books as an early release from the heavy burden of doubts about one's own viability in resolving any issue or engaging in useless deeds.

What portends?

Since ancient times, people have associated dirty feet with some kind of discomfort. Therefore, do not be surprised that most dream books indicate that this dream speaks of trouble. Wiping your feet at the entrance to the house is interpreted as a gift that the sleeping person will definitely wait for, and washing your feet means a joyful event.

Dreams in which attention is focused on the legs can also be inspired by sexual desires. However, most likely, the subconscious simply emphasizes the need to act - perhaps find a way to avoid some unpleasant situations that can have a very sad ending.

Sometimes washing feet indicates that the dreamer may be prevented from fulfilling his plan. Care should be taken.

At the same time, to see yourself barefoot in a dream often means the intervention of some ill-wishers in the dreamer's life. Kissing other people's feet, as you might guess, to humility and submission. Swollen feet are associated with soreness.

Whatever the washing of the feet seen in a dream means, do not forget about personal hygiene in real life. After all, cleanliness in general is a guarantee of health, and cleanliness of the feet is comfort, a sense of self-confidence and the ability to get rid of shoes without embarrassment.

Anchor points:

to someone

There is an opinion that washing feet in a dream to another person in real life - is a harbinger of repentance. It is possible that the dreamer, being a purposeful person, goes too actively towards achieving the task, sometimes crossing the line of what is permitted. However, sooner or later the moment will come when he will have to answer for his actions and find a worthy justification for them.

In order not to get into a similar situation, it is better to moderate your ardor for a while and surrender to chance. Reconciliation with circumstances will ensure a favorable outcome of events. And the position of an “outsider” will allow you to save good relations with others.


There are two possible interpretations for this.

The first version says that wash your own feet in a dream- it means that soon in real life you will have to face a problem that requires an immediate solution. No need to flatter yourself and believe that the issue can be resolved instantly. This will require a certain amount of time and energy. Nevertheless, the dreamer will cope with the problem, and will also be able to learn a useful life lesson for himself.

Another interpretation promises that washing feet in a dream promises the dreamer meeting with insidious enemies. Most likely, at work you will have to work on a hopeless project that will not bring the desired result and will only take a lot of time and effort. And there will always be people nearby who will reproach the dreamer for laziness and unwillingness to work in the name of a common cause, while trying to secretly take possession of his achievements.

There is only one conclusion: one should not take to heart the failure of the work begun. This project will bring the only positive result - it will allow the dreamer demonstrate business qualities "in all its glory". Management will appreciate it. And it is better to minimize communication with hypocritical colleagues and not pay attention to attacks on their part.

in the pelvis

There are moments in life when a person faces a choice: to preserve his moral character or improve material well-being in a not entirely decent way. If you had a dream, according to the plot of which you had to wash your feet in a basin, bowl or tub, is the same case. The dream speaks of the dreamer's greed and the victory of material values ​​over spiritual ones.

In life, events are coming that will significantly replenish the contents of your wallet. And for the sake of profit, a person will decide on risky steps, forgetting about the people around him. It is possible that the dreamer will appropriate both his own and someone else's, depriving his colleagues of the opportunity to earn money. To avoid trouble and universal condemnation, you do not need to "walk over the corpses." The ability to share and think about others will allow keep your good name and good reputation.

In a river

The essence of the interpretation of such a dream depends on the purity of the reservoir. If you have to wash your feet in a clean river- it means joy and good luck in life. If the water in the river is cloudy or with an unpleasant odor, then you should expect unexpected troubles that can lead to unfortunate consequences.

In addition, with cold water, where the dreamer happened to wash his feet, it can mean an upcoming cold and deterioration in health.

in a puddle

Many dream books agree that washing feet in a puddle- characterizes the dreamer as an infantile and irresponsible person. In reality, a person is prone to reckless actions, for which others often have to pay.

This dream should be taken into account and try to "grow up". Sooner or later, the consequences of rash actions will entail big problems, which you will have to solve on your own, without anyone's help. This means that your behavior now needs to be carefully controlled, drawing conclusions from past mistakes and making informed decisions.

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    See in dream, What washed legs, in real life - there comes a period when it is important not to rush to make a decision, but you can’t delay it either. If had a dream dream, according to the plot of which it was necessary wash legs in a basin, bowl or tub - this is the same case. Dream speaks of the dreamer's greed and the victory of material values ​​over spiritual ones. Events are coming in life that will significantly replenish the contents of your wallet.Read completely

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    launder dirt. If in dream get dirty barefoot legs V mud promises trouble, then why dreaming that wash them? Seeing this in the process means: insidious ill-wishers will interfere in your plans. But if a person is now tormented by an injury or other ailment, then the disease can be dealt with. dreamed legs V mud, and how they are rinsed in a large tub - this is nothing more than a warning against stinginess. Wash to themselves means that family life is disgusting. Read completely

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    Soaps in dream legs- do not be surprised at human cunning, which will somewhat confuse your plans. The woman who dreamed that she has hairy legs- will command her husband in the future. Curves legs- to suffer losses; to see - to start a risky venture. dream interpretation from A to Z. If in dream You wash legs- this portends a fascinating journey and along with it a short love affair. Dirty legs- a sign of insatiability in love and passion. Read completely

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    Some of our dreams are quite conscious and understandable, but often we have to think for a long time about what this or that object meant. in dream. Let's say for what reason can dream legs? Different dream books explain this phenomenon in different ways ... As the saying goes dream book, legs dirty which you wash- to travel. On fire - a truce in the family. prosthesis instead legs- injustice in life. put on shoes in dream- to the fast track. As he says dream book, barefoot legs V mud- to money, in blood - to the enemy. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Filthy house dreaming to illness. If in your dream You washed a house, an apartment, which means that your life will soon get better, things will return to normal. If in such dream you have hard feelings or you clean up, and mud more and more - bad changes, quarrels, scandals, strife, divorces. dirt in dream or launder dirt- heal. Wash legs from mud- to recovery. Read completely

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    If in dream the sleeper sees that he cleans heels with a pumice stone, scrape them to clean from mud, then in the near future, numerous trips await the sleeper. in dream having more than two legs, will indicate the fact that the enterprise of this person, most likely, is reflected exclusively in fantasies, has absolutely nothing to do with real affairs. If suddenly dreamed, What in dream do not obey legs, then such dream predicts poverty.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Sweep dirt in dream or launder dirt- heal. Wash legs from mud- to recovery. Wash dead man in dream- stop yearning for the past. Wash in dream legs- to good and quick changes, to the end of a series of failures. Wash hands means getting rid of a job or duty that was unpleasant for you. If in dream You washed walls, dream means an attempt to create a strong position.Read completely

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    For what dreaming dirty legs? See on legs a lot of mud, which means that it is worth preparing for various troubles. It may also be an indication that numerous disagreements with people around you will seriously upset you. Dirty legs in dream are a warning that gossip will harm you. For what dreaming wash legs? If you wash legs, which means that in the near future it will be necessary to resolve unexpected issues.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    For what dreaming dirty legs in dream. A dream in which you are the owner dirty legs, - an unfavorable sign, promising a variety of troubles. If you in dream considering Feet, in the future you will meet new acquaintances and possibly even a romantic relationship. Wash legs. Break leg. nails on legs.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    General dream book. In dream you walk on mud- wealth awaits you. To you dreamed what you dig into mud- your undertakings will bring you a lot of income. See in dream someone strongly dirty- to money. Mud bath - for a trip to the sanatorium. throw dirt someone - put an eye on someone. Legs V mud- troubles in personal affairs; fall into dirt- changing of the living place. If you are walking along dirty road - you will lose friends through your fault. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed dirty Legs, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming dirty Legs in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I take off my shoes in dream, moreover, on the street and I need to go somewhere with a friend, and I look at my legs and as if these are not my paws, dirty feet, nails dirty, and I bend over with a stick, but on the street I start picking off the stuck dirt with nails, and I see a thumb, like my, I clean his, dirt...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Wash legs in dream- to deception, violation of hopes and betrayal of relatives. If in dream you see naked legs This means that you are very impressionable and your desires often manifest themselves in your fantasies, and not in your real actions. Legs in dreamdream book Vanga. if you dreamed big swollen legs, this is a loss of money, a serious illness and trouble.

Experts are sure that prophetic dreams can not only become a harbinger of something, but also direct a person on the true path, warn of danger. Why dream of washing your feet in a basin, is it worth taking this nightmare seriously?

What if you dream of washing your feet in a basin?

Washing your feet in a basin in a dream is not a very good omen. Such a vision most often turns out to be negative or even frightening. But do not panic ahead of time. Sometimes dreams come to a person only to warn him of a possible danger.

Washing your feet in a basin, and not in a river, is a very bad deed in reality. Subsequently, the sleeper will be very ashamed of this, but it will not be easy to correct the situation. It may not be possible to regain the trust of loved ones. If the events of the nightmare did not unfold at home, but at work, the troubles will be related to finances. In this case, a person needs to perceive what he saw as parting words. Recently, he pays too much attention to money, forgetting about spiritual values. Nothing good will come of this approach. The sleeper should think about how he lives, what is his main goal and how honest he is with his loved ones.

You should not take what you see seriously if the events of a nightmare resonate with what is happening in reality. For example, a vision can be considered empty if, shortly before his arrival, a person felt a sharp pain in his legs or learned about a serious illness.

Some interpreters believe that washing your feet in a basin in a dream is not waking up to realize the value of the present moment. The sleeper lives either in the past or in the future, but at the same time he breaks away from reality. In order not to regret the wasted years later, you need to learn to live for today and not regret what happened.

Washing your feet in a basin in your own bedroom - in reality, you will encounter personal problems. For free people, vision portends a meeting with a person who turns out to be not who he claims to be. Relations with him will not bring happiness to the sleeping person, but will lead to depression, awareness of loneliness and hopelessness. Wash your feet on your own in a dream - in real life, learn how to deal with problems yourself.

Seeing in a dream how someone washes the dreamer's legs in the pelvis is a good sign. In the life of this person there will always be people who are ready to help in difficult times. Washing the feet of parents in a dream and at the same time smiling - in reality, demonstrate a respectful attitude towards them.

What portends?

For a young girl in a dream to wash her feet in a basin and do a pedicure, take care of her own body - in real life, be afraid of old age, strive for beauty and harmony.

It is considered a bad sign to see yourself in a dream washing your feet in a basin of dirty water. This portends illness, shame. If a young lady dreams about how several men wash her feet in a basin of muddy water, then in reality she will face public condemnation, gossip, and gossip. People will reproach the dreamer for being too accessible. In order not to be disgraced, you need to weigh yourself a little more modestly.

Washing your feet in a leaky basin is wasting money in real life. For a man, such a dream is a serious warning. You don’t need to spray your attention on not all beautiful women at once, give them expensive gifts. It is time to make the final choice and finally find a life partner. Washing your feet in a large golden basin - to increase income, financial well-being.

Washing your feet in a basin in a dream - in reality, commit a bad deed and try to find an excuse for yourself, seek help from loved ones. For a girl, such a dream, in which dirty water appears, is a symbol of shame. People will begin to reproach her for being too frivolous, and these accusations will not be groundless. Sleeping, really, it would be worthwhile to behave more modestly.

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