Why dream of a pectoral cross. Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream


Why dream of finding a cross? The dream book gives several different, sometimes opposite interpretations of this religious symbol. A dream vision promises the favor of fate, happiness, prosperity, but also warns against committing rash acts.

Find a patron, avoid danger

Seeing such a plot portends: you will soon have a reliable patron, protector.

Did you dream of finding a cross and recognizing your own in it? This means: you are in danger, but you can avoid it.

The cross found in a dream promises: despite the obstacles that have arisen, you should not give up your plans. With effort, you can achieve them.

Tests to come

Why does a married woman dream of finding someone else's cross? The dream interpretation tells: trials and troubles await her ahead.

If you know who owns someone else's religious attribute, but in a dream you decide to keep the find for yourself, you can commit an ugly act towards someone. Try to stay away from it though.

Had a dream of seeing how they found a chain with him somewhere? The dream book explains: you don’t need to take actions for which you will be ashamed later.

Favor of fate, improvement of the situation

But a precious chain with him in a dream promises the favor of fate. Very soon, the circumstances that were against the dreamer will change for the better.

We found a chain with a pectoral cross - a warning: one should not succumb to dangerous feelings, passions. Work on yourself, find interesting activities to spend time with benefit.

Why dream of finding a pectoral cross? This is a good omen. The dreamer's life will soon improve, unless he himself does something irreparable and crosses a dangerous line.

Dreamed of a golden pectoral cross? The dream book indicates: the current situation will improve significantly, worries will go away. Peace and joy will settle in the soul.

What was he like?

The interpretation of sleep takes into account what it was like:

  • golden - joy awaits;
  • silver - do not lose hope;
  • copper - you have to work hard;
  • iron - you need to be patient;
  • wooden - there is a test of loyalty.

Be happy, overcome problems

Also, a golden cross in a dream is a symbol of protection of higher powers, happiness, contentment with life, complete well-being.

Did you find a beautiful small silver cross somewhere? The dream book tells you: even if now is not a very favorable period, everything will get better soon. Having overcome problems, you will realize your plans.

Miller's dream book: beware of conflicts

Why dream of finding a cross? A dream warns of trouble: there will be a conflict with others, which will bring problems.

Other meanings

Seeing a lot of them in a dream is a warning. Emotions can prevail over reason and push to actions that will adversely affect your reputation. You should not succumb to them, you need to calculate the consequences of your words and actions, especially if they concern other people.

Very often, a person who dreamed of a pectoral cross at night begins to experience a feeling of anxiety in the morning. And this is quite normal, because the cross, in addition to being a symbol of Christianity and victory over death, evokes associations with difficulties. When they say "he/she bears his cross", it usually means that a person has been overtaken by difficult life trials. Therefore, the desire to find out what the pectoral cross is dreaming of is dictated by the desire to quickly get rid of anxiety, gloomy thoughts, and bad forebodings. First of all, you should understand that in a dream a pectoral cross, a grave cross, a cross on a church, a cross on Golgotha ​​are completely different things, and not all of them have a negative meaning.

Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream is a good sign

If you dreamed of a pectoral cross, try to remember what metal it was made of. Seeing a silver cross in a dream means hope. It is difficult to say what kind of hope, it depends on the general and on the current events of your life. Perhaps right now there are any problems in your life, and then this dream - a silver pectoral cross gives you hope for their speedy and successful resolution. A golden pectoral cross portends joy, good news.

According to the dream book, a pectoral cross made of wood portends success, copper - labors, iron - patience. Finding a pectoral cross in a dream means a quick victory in something.

A pectoral cross in a dream can warn of impending danger

Sometimes a pectoral cross is dreamed of so that you can concentrate on your life and the lives of people close to you. If you put on a pectoral cross in a dream to someone you know, think about it: are they in some kind of danger? Perhaps one of them has been complaining about feeling unwell for a long time, but due to lack of time, he can’t get tested?

Show attention to loved ones, perhaps a cross in a dream warns you of danger. It is also considered an alarming sign if you lost your pectoral cross in a dream - often this portends some kind of threat hanging over you. But you should not panic in any case, because it is better to be warned about troubles and have a chance to prepare for them than if they fall like snow on your head.

Lose - trouble or illness.

Wear discreetly - you do not want to notice the danger, be careful if you see it in time - you will be able to cope with it.

Buy, receive as a gift, find - help will come from where you do not expect.

Imagine that the cross is not yours, but someone else's. You find the owner and give him the cross.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Pectoral Crosses

Good day, Olga! There is a popular sign that you can not wear a found or someone else's pectoral cross. This is a sign for non-Christians. For a Christian, any cross is holy. His church canons do not even oblige to consecrate. Since the Cross of Christ itself sanctifies everything that it touches. I think that since you connect this dream in some way with the love triangle in your life, then this dream is a good sign that everything will be resolved as it should. But it is quite possible that not as you need, but as it was decided from above ... Happy Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos! Http://www. sunhome. Ru/religion/19450 Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Pectoral Cross

This dream, perhaps, is about letting go of what is outdated, outdated. A dream may indicate a lifestyle that existed before, but which will have to be abandoned. The pectoral cross may indicate this renunciation, letting go. For a blessing before letting go. This is exactly what was expected of you (beloved "came to life"). Looks like he needs your permission to leave. This will make it easier to carry. The silver cross can mean his own destiny and destiny in this life. I assume that he is afraid to talk to you about it, so he "hides". Perhaps you should take a step forward. I hope that everything will be fine with you, even if you have to part, you can keep the Spiritual connection with each other. Good luck to you! (Additionally, read the interpretation of the dream about the dog).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

The cross is an ancient symbol that people have been using since ancient times. It represents the connection of two entities: heavenly and earthly, good and evil. Many religions interpret it as a ladder to God. In Christianity, it has acquired a special meaning, symbolizing patience and eternal love. If you saw this sign in one form or another in a dream, it will be difficult to figure out for yourself what the cross is dreaming of. It is better to turn to the dream book for decoding.

Crossed lines in a dream can have many interpretations - this is both sacrifice and the end of a big deal, perhaps even an esoteric meaning. What the cross dreamed about in each case depends on the circumstances of the dream.

Connection with the cemetery

A grave cross in a dream is not such a bad sign as it might seem. A cemetery is a place where the underworld meets the souls of living people. The dreams associated with it predict fate and warn of trials.

To see a cemetery with crosses in a dream means that a person is burdened by many insults and troubles. You need to learn not to stir up the past, forget about these little things and move on. It is worth turning to the dream book to find out what the cemetery cross is dreaming of. This is a sign that it's time to reevaluate your behavior and do more good deeds. If someone is suffering now through your fault, it's time to settle the situation, otherwise a bad deed may have a bad effect on the future.

The cross on the grave in a dream symbolizes death and rebirth. It must be remembered that something new can appear only when the old one gives way to it. Dream Interpretations give several transcripts of what a grave cross is dreaming of. If it is clearly just installed - someone is planning a dishonorable act against the dreamer, and if the old one, entwined with ivy - sadness will pass thanks to a kind and wise person with whom a meeting will soon take place.

To see a stone cross on a grave in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of reliable protection from impending misfortunes, the secret patronage of a strong person.

Features of the cross

To give an accurate interpretation of sleep with a cross, dream books recommend paying attention to the material from which the cross is made.

Dream Interpretations ambiguously interpret what the golden cross is dreaming of. This may be a sign that you will soon be faced with a choice: to help loved ones by sacrificing your own interests or to pass by, turning away. If in a dream a cross on a gold chain is also a particularly auspicious sign. You should expect material and spiritual benefits. It is possible to receive an inheritance or meet a very interesting person.

The dream interpretation will explain what the wooden cross is dreaming of. It means that you will have great success, a promotion, or even a new romance. But a golden chain with a cross made of wood in a dream portends some kind of injustice. Perhaps colleagues will envy the promotion, and the new lover will be guided by selfish goals.

The main interpretation of the silver cross in a dream, the dream book considers hope. Such a dream warns - if you are on the verge of despair, you no longer believe in the success of the business, now is not the time to lose hope. There is a chance for a good resolution of all issues, but it is very important that you do not give up and continue to take steps to achieve your goals.

To figure out what the cross means in a dream, in addition to the material, dream books are advised to pay attention to other features.

Dream Interpretations unanimously agree on the definition of what the burning cross is dreaming of. This sign in a dream means danger. Do not treat him carelessly. Pay attention to your health. If you have been planning a trip to the doctor for a long time, do not put it off any longer. Ignoring the warning can lead to serious consequences. Early detection of a problem is an easy way to solve it.

It doesn’t matter whether a person believes in God or not, religious symbols in a dream are a common personification of faith and love, the temple of the soul. So, why dream of a church cross? Dream Interpretations say: this is a good sign. In reality, people will forgive you for actions that previously offended them. It will bring peace of mind to everyone. Take a step forward to restore relationships faster.

The pectoral cross dreams of upcoming worries and anxiety. He is the talisman of man, his personal guardian. Therefore, to see a cross in a dream is a warning against higher powers. You will need to get together to prepare for trouble, then they will not be able to take you by surprise.

Think about what area of ​​life is currently the most unstable situation. Most likely, troubles should be expected from there. But why the Orthodox cross is dreaming, dream books decipher very positively. This promises release from anxiety and a happy resolution of all problems.

Crucifixion in a dream symbolizes a free gift or sacrifice. If in real life you are happy to help someone, it will bring joy and well-being. And in the case when this help is a burden, it is worth considering, perhaps you are simply manipulated for the purpose of obtaining benefits, or these efforts are not needed by a person.

The dream book will tell you why the black cross is dreaming. Do not be afraid, dreams are a kind of inverted reality. Black color in a dream promises joy and peace. There is nothing to worry about, the next life will be calm, you can not expect unpleasant surprises.

The inverted cross resembles a sword. This dream portends a successful struggle for one's own interests. Don't listen to someone else's opinion. Now, more than ever, it is important to show your individuality and defend the right.

Actions with the cross

For a clear understanding of what it means to see a cross in a dream, the details of what happened to him are important. They can determine a lot in the sense of this multi-valued symbol.

To understand why you dream that the chain with the cross has broken, you should look into the dream book. He will tell you that health problems should be expected in reality. Consider changing your lifestyle. Perhaps now is the best time to break bad habits. The dream interpretation reassures - you should not be afraid of a broken cross in a dream - it does not bode well. A broken amulet indicates that serious trouble was imminent, but now you are safe. He takes on all the negative energy.

A positive sign, according to dream books, is to find a cross. He portends the acquisition of an imperious patron. There may be a change of leadership at work. Your work will be appreciated. Probably help from a secret well-wisher. For young women, finding a golden cross in a dream portends a successful marriage. Perhaps the chosen one will be much older. But there is no reason to doubt his honest intentions, it will be a strong marriage for great love.

The dream interpretation explains why you dream of kissing the cross in a dream - this is a sign of impending difficulties. Possible loss of a large sum of money. But a person can overcome everything with dignity. The dream interpretation warns: if during trouble you do not stain yourself with unworthy behavior, then you will probably find a profit that covers all losses.

If not everything is going smoothly in life now, and you dreamed that you had to give the cross in a dream to another person, then you have a real friend. Look around, despite the feeling of complete loneliness, there are people around who wish you well. Do not be afraid to entrust your problems to a loved one. Probably, it will be he who will offer a solution that did not come to mind before. It could be one of your parents.

Carrying a cross in a dream, according to dream books, means that in real life you have shouldered too much on your shoulders. Some people take advantage of your kindness. Solving the problems of strangers can lead to exhaustion and health problems. The subconscious is trying to reach out to a person - it's time to give yourself a rest. To do this, first of all, you need to learn how to refuse all petitioners.

Dream Interpretations explain what the big cross is dreaming of. The dreamer is on the verge of a great accomplishment. The turning point is coming, and now every step is especially important. A serious problem that has been haunting lately will soon be resolved. For this to finally happen, you just need to make the last effort.

The dream interpretation deciphers: to draw a cross in a dream means to create problems for yourself in your personal life. If lately there have been many quarrels with your loved one, you should try to make concessions first. For single people, this is a sign that it is time to move on to action. One has only to take a few steps towards, and fate itself will begin to offer interesting options and introduce you to suitable people.

Dream Interpretations interpret the cross in the sky in a dream as a very good sign. It symbolizes open opportunities, making it clear that you will find indispensable success.

According to Miller's dream book, a cross in a dream is a harbinger of impending troubles, the fault of which will be the surrounding people. Do not take part in enterprises that will offer in the near future. Seeing a cross on another person - someone is in trouble and is waiting for help from you.

comments 34

  • Today (from Saturday to Sunday) I dreamed that a lot of moths fly out of my finger, I close my eyes, and when I open them I see that all the moths flew up to the ceiling and formed a large even cross out of all their "brothers". In a dream, she experienced great surprise, but it did not seem to be fear. What can a moth cross on the ceiling mean?

  • I go somewhere quickly in my hands in front of me, I carry a large cross, like the priests, it looks like a copper one, I go into the entrance, I go up the stairs to the second floor, I see a man standing in a clouded state, as soon as I get closer to him and suddenly he falls on me, I don’t see anything and I wake up.

  • I was walking somewhere in the dark and realized that I was missing something, put my hand to my neck, realized that my cross was missing, I began to look for it in anxiety, in all my pockets and found it, opening my palm I saw a bright golden cross, and the dream is over. Why is this a dream for 3 days in a row.

The pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior of people. The mystical meaning of the cross carries a symbol of suffering and miraculous salvation, death and resurrection. Why dream of a pectoral cross? According to popular beliefs, finding a cross is not good. And what does a dream about a pectoral cross mean according to dream books? Let's consider in detail.

What means find a cross in a dream? If this sign is considered bad in real life, then in a dream such a find will bring happiness. However, to see in a dream someone else's cross- voluntarily shoulder the problems of another person, carry his burden.

Remember what material the cross was made of:

  • golden - according to dream books, such a pectoral cross for joy and happiness;
  • silver - friends will help in solving problems;
  • iron - be patient, problems will not recede for a long time;
  • wooden - a symbol of health and well-being;
  • copper - soon all problems will be resolved;
  • inlaid with diamonds - you are tempted by wealth;
  • tied on a rope - to life's difficulties;
  • baptismal - to heavenly patronage;
  • blackened metal (or rusty) - for the coming trials;
  • plastic - to insurmountable obstacles.

Dreaming of a golden chain with a golden cross- to wealth through hard work, lonely people predict a wedding.

If the cross broke, which means that you have taken on a burden beyond your strength. Throw some of the obligations on other shoulders and continue to carry your cross further.

Actions with a cross in a dream

Remember what events happened in the dream, what did you do with the pectoral cross?

  • Throw out a cross - to the bad news.
  • Accept as a gift - to an authoritative patron.
  • Look for a cross - advice to complete the work you have begun as soon as possible.
  • Buy a cross - to a successful undertaking and completion of the plan.
  • Lose the cross - beware of sins for which inevitable retribution is coming.
  • To remove the cross from oneself - to repentance for the committed deeds.
  • Wearing around the neck - to favorable changes.
  • To give to someone - to hope for the help of others in solving their problems.
  • Stolen cross - you have many ill-wishers and envious people.
  • If you stole the cross - the search for easy ways and profit.
  • The cross fell - to get rid of a heavy burden in life.
  • Kissing the cross in a dream - to virtue and spiritual purity.

The meaning of the pectoral cross according to dream books

  • The Italian dream book considers the cross a symbol of sadness and difficulties on the path of life.
  • The Russian dream book considers the cross to be a symbol of humility and patience.
  • A modern dream book prophesies misfortune.
  • Azar's dream book sees an expression of sadness in the image of a cross.
  • Vanga considers the pectoral cross a protective symbol of protection from evil.
  • Dream Interpretation of Winter considers the pectoral cross a symbol of preservation from temptations and seductions.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century believes that the pectoral cross is a harbinger of good events. A golden pectoral cross dreams in a dream to joy, silver - to hope, iron - to trials. Find a cross in a dream - to success, wear it as a decoration - you will charm people.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z he sees in the image of a pectoral cross protection in difficult times, he prophesies mutual understanding to lovers, a speedy recovery to the sick.

Modern dream book warns: a pectoral cross promises trials, anxiety and anxiety. Putting a cross on someone in a dream - trouble awaits this person. The lost cross portends a series of troubles in the near future, which you will survive with the help of faith in higher powers. Buying a cross is for well-being.

Esoteric dream book considers the image of the cross as a symbol of trials. Difficult times are coming for the dreamer, however, with faith in the heart, you can survive everything. A cross on a gold chain warns: you will make a big mistake if you act thoughtlessly. The dream tells you - do not rush to make decisions, do not chop off your shoulder. The cross appears in a dream when a person has conceived an unseemly act.

If you quarreled with someone the day before, the image of the pectoral cross advises you to reconcile and find a common language with this person. The cross is the main symbol of faith in Christ, so the one who wears it must fulfill the covenant of God - to love your neighbor.

What happens if you do not listen to the prompt of the subconscious in a dream? You risk losing the support of higher powers, which you will soon need. The subconscious is trying to prevent future misfortunes, therefore it sends the image of the cross as a reminder of faith in God.

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