Why dream of boiled fish. Boiled fish interpretation of the dream book


"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments. Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort. To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy. If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed. If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business. Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future. To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The bigger the fish, the more money you get. Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money. But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it. Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true. Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel. A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret. If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose. It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity. The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw. Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, business obstacles and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful. Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true. Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work. Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm. Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune. For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage. It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

Why dream of fish in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a fish, this expresses deep unconscious processes. Men and women cutting fish are a sign of sexual interaction. For a girl: fish portends an intimate acquaintance, marriage. For family people: happiness and the birth of a child.

If you dreamed of fish bones or a dead fish - to be insensitive to someone. Eat fish in a dream - to gain new knowledge. If you dreamed of a huge fish poking out of the water, it is a sign of good change. Buying fish in a dream is a sign of deceit and falsehood. To clean fish in a dream - you will face serious trials. Cooking fish in a dream - you will achieve well-being. If you dreamed of a fisherman - friends will let you down.

Why dream of fish in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed that you were catching a large fish - to great joy or monetary profit; If you dreamed that you were catching small fish - to an unpleasant conversation or a showdown of family relationships; eat boiled fish in a dream - fortunately and wealth; eat raw fish in a dream - you will lose time, and this will lead to losses; to see a lot of colorful fish, for the patient - to increase the disease; for a healthy person - to illness or mental anguish.

Feeding fish in a dream is a victory over cunning enemies; cook fish, her head lies separately - after a few months, say “goodbye” to a deceased relative; to see a dead fish in a dream - your hopes are in vain; if you dreamed of smoked fish - a little luck in the lottery; to fish with your hands in a dream - you risk making enemies; to see small fish, decorative, of the same color - to an illness or a major fright; if you dreamed of large ornamental fish - to an important enterprise.

What is the dream of fish according to the folk dream book

Every person can see a fish in a dream. But this is a rather controversial symbol, so it’s simply impossible to say unequivocally what the fish is dreaming of. In different nations, her appearance in a dream had different interpretations.

Did you dream that you caught a fish? It is highly likely that your clan or family will soon be replenished. But it is not at all necessary that replenishment is expected in a matter of days - it is possible that this will happen only after a few months.

In a dream, did you see a surprisingly ugly and at the same time aggressive fish? Such a dream has a more complex interpretation. It is possible that in your environment there is a person who behaves too obsequiously in front of his superiors and at the same time tries to recoup his subordinates. Seriously think - are you that person?

A dreaming slippery fish is usually considered a symbol of hypocrisy and betrayal. Be careful talking to people you can't trust completely. It is possible that one of them, having learned about your plans, will try to prevent them from being realized - for their own benefit or even out of harm.

It is much worse if you want to know why the fish is rotten and smelly in a dream. Almost always, such a dream portends serious financial losses.

Fish in esotericism personifies righteousness and purity, and is also considered a harbinger of important events. To find out in which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife they will occur, it is important to remember the details of night vision. When interpreting, it is worth considering the variety and size of boiled fish. A small fish portends troubles and worries. Big - an increase in wages and the dreamer's participation in a festive event as a welcome guest.

Gender of the dreamer

If a young girl sees a dream, then Miller's dream book prophesies her a meeting with a young man, thanks to whom she will experience first love. The couple will have a bright and sincere relationship filled with happiness. However, the prediction is not so rosy if a young girl dreams of her own wedding. The man to whom she gave her heart does not reciprocate. He keeps aloof and does not show his affection.

For a woman who is legally married, boiled fish is a sign that in reality her husband will begin to give her compliments and surprises. The manifestation of attention and care on his part will strengthen the marriage and improve relationships. The sleeping woman, in turn, must demonstrate in response her love and tenderness to her beloved man.

For a pregnant woman, boiled fish portends a successful birth - the baby will be born healthy and strong

For men, a fish in a dream indicates a change in professional activity and in personal life. The dream book advises paying attention to the time of day at which the sleeper had a dream:

  • If you dreamed of boiled fish in the early morning - to difficulties in business at work.
  • If the dreamer saw a fish during an afternoon nap, then this is a sign that he does not know how to enjoy life. You need to get your priorities right.
  • A night's sleep portends a conflict in a relationship with a beloved woman.

The actions of the sleeper in a dream

Eating boiled fish without a head is a bad sign. It portends the illness of a person close to the dreamer. But do not get upset and give up. Thanks to the timely intervention of doctors and the support of relatives and friends, almost any ailment can be overcome. If a man had to eat fish in a dream, then he may have problems of an intimate nature. Cooking fish - for arranging your own home or summer cottage. A long-awaited purchase or change of housing is possible.

To clean fish with caviar - to financial profit. There will be an opportunity to earn extra money. If the dreamer has his own business, then he will be offered a lucrative contract. Watching someone cut boiled fish is a sign that in reality the dreamer will become a participant in the scandal. He will quarrel with his girlfriend or with one of the family members. To avoid conflict, it is worth postponing the showdown with loved ones for a while.

To unexpected news, dream of boiled fish floating in the water. The dream also portends the arrival of distant relatives or a meeting with old friends. This interpretation is relevant only if the water was clean. A dirty pond is a harbinger of health problems.

If the sleeper puts boiled fish in the refrigerator, then the dream reflects his inability to manage his own finances. The dream interpretation advises to draw up a plan for income and expenses. This will help you control your budget and avoid unplanned expenses. If you neglect this advice, in the future there may be an urgent need for money.

Type of fish and its size

When interpreting, it is important to take into account all the details of the dream. One of its key symbols is the type of fish:

  • Boiled pike perch is a harbinger of financial stability. The dreamer's income will allow him to abandon austerity and make a long-awaited purchase. But don't waste your money recklessly.
  • A small ruff personifies a surprise that will please the dreamer and will be remembered for a long time.
  • Crucian - to the loss. A close friend of the sleeper will betray him, so you should not trust your secrets to anyone. It is highly likely that they will become public. An alternative interpretation advises avoiding noisy companies and communication with strangers. The sleeper will become a victim of scammers.
  • Sturgeon is a symbol of fleeting feelings and relationships. Soon the dreamer will feel indifference to his other half. Their romance will be short-lived, but will leave pleasant memories behind.
  • Boiled bream dreams of a pleasant pastime.
  • Sardines are a harbinger of minor household chores.
  • Pike is a sign that the sleeper will become a victim of deception. Therefore, you need to be careful and not make hasty decisions, no matter what benefits they promise.

Do not neglect such a detail as the size of the fish. A large carcass is an auspicious symbol. If the dreamer is in a quarrel with his friend or loved one, then their relationship will soon improve. For careerists, a dream portends an increase in the ranks and an increase in salary. A different interpretation is given in the case of a small fish - it symbolizes minor troubles and negative emotions.

When a cold-blooded inhabitant of rivers and seas appears in the dreams of a passionate fisherman or a housewife who has been stuffing pike for tomorrow's celebration all day, this is easy to explain. But if a person does not even think about fish, and dreams continue to come, and they dream of envy, colorful and memorable, one is drawn to look into the dream book. But does this event portend something significant?

What is the dream of the fish

As is always the case with the interpretation of dreams, it is not so much the dream symbol itself that is of decisive importance, but its appearance and accompanying circumstances. We pay attention to them first of all.

Alive or dead

Most of the dream books agree: if it is not possible to recall other details of night vision, then a living fish should be interpreted as a good sign promising the dreamer big profits, and a dead one as extremely bad, leading to discord in business and a breakdown. However, in reality, the list of interpretations is much wider and often depends not on the details, but on the gender of the dreamer.

Woman or man

Nine out of ten interpreters associate women's dreams about underwater inhabitants with pregnancy. A particularly clear indication of the birth of a new life is a dream in which a lady had to descend from a hill or other hill before she saw a pond with fish: it is believed that by this descent our body draws attention to the lower body. However, this interpretation is not the only one.

Dreams about fish are often favorable for the fair sex.

  • Miller's dream book indicates that a teenage girl, some time after such a dream, will experience her first love interest, which will bring her many bright moments.
  • A marriageable girl, on the contrary, will predict an unrequited feeling: her chosen one will be just as cold.
  • Ladies of Balzac age and older can count on signs of attention from their rightful life partner.

For the representatives of the stronger sex, dreams involving fish rarely speak of feelings. Basically, their predictions are related to the business sphere: a new round of career, income growth and an improvement in social status. But there is one subtlety:

  • If the fish dreamed in the morning or during the afternoon "siesta", beware of trouble at work.
  • An evening dream predicts a quarrel with a loved one. But do not be sad, making amends will be easier than ever.
  • And only in rare cases, an anxious night's dream about cold-blooded creatures is considered a warning not to rush anywhere, not to make important decisions and devote the coming days to the family.

It is very unpleasant to see a dead rotting fish in a dream. If this is exactly what happened to you, start a family ledger and start tracking the smallest expenses, as a serious crisis threatens your financial situation. In addition, keep in mind that problems can come under the guise of a favorable event, the real meaning of which can not be unraveled immediately. Be careful! And if the fish also turns out to be toothy and wormy, tune in for a long separation from your loved one.

But it's not all that bad! Some dream books indicate: if rotten fish began to fall apart right in your hands, count on acquiring wealth.

The dreaming naked skeleton of a small fish advises to come to grips with their official duties. "Backbone" - the skills and knowledge necessary for a career - you already have. It remains to "grow meat", showing diligence and punctuality, and you will be rewarded.

Big or small: interpretations and meanings of dreams

I dreamed of a large fish in clear water - wait for good luck

A large beautiful fish covered with shiny scales predicts an increase in material well-being. And the more it was, the more significant will be the gifts of fate that fell to your lot. During this period, you can act bolder, start new projects and even take risks. Hasse's dream book, for example, directly calls a big fish a prototype of an important undertaking that awaits the dreamer, and Zhou-gun's dream book sees a promise of recognition and glory in a beating giant fish.

Smaller fish are more difficult. One little one can mean worries, fears and illnesses, while a cheerful flock of fish means ... No, not tenfold problems, but a profitable enterprise. And if the fish in your dream spawned together, consider yourself a darling of Fortune, doomed to happiness.

A small rotten fish warns of a heap of worries that will make you say goodbye to free time and your favorite hobbies for a long time. What can you do, you have to devote yourself to business.

What does a fish swimming in water mean in dream books

From the point of view of psychology, the water that we see in a dream personifies our inner world - emotions, feelings, desires, hidden thoughts and movements of the soul. Therefore, the state of the river in which the night guest frolicked is of paramount importance.

The water was crystal clear, fresh and inviting, and the fish were lively and cheerful? Sounds like your state of mind is fine. Such a dream promises pleasant surprises, but rather not of a material, but of a spiritual nature. For example, the emergence of new interesting ideas and interests, personal or professional growth, acquaintance with a “soulmate”. But a dirty river with stunted fish swimming between the remnants of garbage and mud indicates that chaos reigns in your soul. If you want order in life, put it first of all in your own thoughts, or sleep will bring you losses.

A large catfish gliding in troubled water is the image of an enemy who has started an intrigue against you. Beware!

Why did a lot of fish dream

Swimming among the fish means achieving your goal.

Have we already mentioned a school of small fish, the appearance of which in a dream promises good luck? So: the rule of "happy flock" applies to all underwater inhabitants without exception. Whatever the details of the dream and the size of the fish, the appearance of a friendly scaly family is almost always interpreted positively.

  • According to the Muslim dream book, it predicts a move, and three fish swimming nearby - great luck.
  • According to Hasse's dream book, a fish school symbolizes wealth.
  • According to the interpretations of Nostradamus, it warns of a chance for great luck, which is important not to miss.
  • A lake with fish scurrying in the water promises businessmen a good deal.
  • A pool full of fish - a meeting with relatives.

Boiled, salted, smoked, fried or frozen

So far, we have been talking about raw fish. But in our dreams, it appears not only in its “original” form!

Raw river gifts are a reproach. You left unfinished business that you took on, and subconsciously remember this all the time.

Why dream of actions with fish

In real life, without mercantile interest, only aquarium owners and oceanologists watch the fish. More often, aquatic animals are caught, sold, bought, cooked and eaten with pleasure. Naturally, all this is reflected in our dreams.

Catch with a fishing rod or hands, dreams about fishing

The one who in a dream tries to get fish with his bare hands:

  • It has every chance of succeeding, relying only on its own intelligence and experience.
  • … But if the slippery prey slipped right out of your fingers and disappeared into the depths, don't count on serious victories. The lack of self-discipline and the habit of rushing will prevent you from getting what you want. Draw your own conclusions!
  • A desperately beating fish in your hands is a warning of unforeseen circumstances that threaten to frustrate your plans. Be prepared to act resourcefully and decisively. In addition, this sign serves as a warning about an insidious enemy who has planned to use you for his own purposes.
  • A catfish that dived into your hands on its own is a harbinger of an unexpected twist of fate. Expect good news that brings change.
  • An attempt to pull a fish out of the aquarium indicates that you have become cramped in your current state. You have stood still for too long, you need to develop and grow above yourself.

Fishing is the best place for meditation and introspection

Fishing with a rod is associated with self-knowledge. The principle of interpretation is simple: a small fish will bite - mental confusion will subside, controversial issues will be resolved, and you will discover qualities in yourself that you did not suspect before; breaks - you have to engage in soul-searching further. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to see a psychologist?

In addition, a fish caught on a bait for a man means career success and financial stability, directly proportional to the size of the catch, and for a woman, pregnancy or a successful marriage. But when the prey is off the hook, be careful! So your plans can collapse if you miss the chance given by fate.

How to talk about the interpretation of dreams and not remember Freud?! The founder of psychoanalysis called the fishing rod a modified image of the penis, and he considered a person who was keen on catching fish in a dream to be clamped and too focused on business. Even in a fit of passion, such a subject cannot completely relax, which makes it seem unnecessarily cold - a fish. And if, in addition to everything else, in his nightly visions, a man watches how the catch eludes him, there is a fear of being insolvent in bed.

If in a dream you did not exchange for fishing rods, but immediately took up the net, you are a thorough person who knows where to look for what he needs and knows how to achieve his goal. Happiness will not bypass you.

In a person’s attempts to catch a large fish in any way, Vanga’s dream book sees a desire to deal with enemies. If the night fishing ended successfully, you can be calm: the enemies themselves will fall into the hole that they are digging for you. The Muslim dream book is of the same opinion: if you happen to kill a fish in a dream, in reality you will bring down a strong enemy. Worse, if you had to chase small fidgety fish with varying degrees of success. The vast majority of dream books call such a sign a harbinger of failure, tears and betrayal.


Buying fish has two meanings. If you clearly saw the money that you paid for the goods, know that everything is in order with your vital energy, and you will have enough strength and good luck to implement your plan. However, the absence of this lucky symbol warns of danger from a stranger. Stay away from aggressive personalities and deserted streets, and bypass all kinds of "thimble-makers" for three miles.

A seemingly harmless dream about the fish trade indicates a spiteful critic who is trying to harm you on a mental level. If you tend to panic at the words “evil eye” or “spoilage,” try getting up in the shower every night for the next few days, imagining how the water washes away negativity from you and carries it down the drain. For a believer, the best protection will be regular church attendance and washing with holy water.

Walking among these delicacies will really cheer you up.

Wandering among the fish stalls, looking at the goods on the shelves with pleasure, means getting unexpected joy.

What does sleep mean when you clean a carcass

Interpreters associate attempts to clean fish in a dream with our subconscious desire to expose some hidden problem. For example, for a man, such a vision often means dissatisfaction with his professional activities, and sometimes a desire to completely change his occupation. A woman needs to make adjustments to her behavior with members of the opposite sex. There is a possibility that the habit of acting too aggressively or obsessively repels potential suitors and prevents her from building normal relationships. If the fish constantly slipped out of your hands in a dream, you have to bring a deceitful person to clean water.

Noteworthy are such details as the color and size of the fish:

  • Green signifies spiritual renewal and inspiration.
  • Yellow represents a gossip that you will be able to expose.
  • Red symbolizes someone else's vital secret, accidentally revealed to you.
  • A small fish warns of the appearance of minor, but annoying troubles and quarrels. It is especially unpleasant when family members help you clean it in a dream - the first squabbles will begin with them.
  • Touching the "naked" body of a fish without scales portends a disease, the complexity of which can be judged by the size of the prey. The larger it is, the more serious the disease threatens you.

If, after cleaning the fish, everything around was strewn with small scales, pay attention to the other half. Something does not suit your partner in your behavior, although so far he (or she) does not focus on this. Large and shiny scales resembling coins, on the contrary, speak of the harmonious development of relationships.

For those dreamers who not only cleaned, but also cut raw fish, there is a separate prediction:

  • Singles get a chance to meet the love of their life.
  • Those in a relationship - an opportunity to turn a temporary cooling of feelings into a new flash of passion.
  • If after a dream in which you cleaned and washed the fish, you receive an offer to relax with a big company, do not refuse. Fresh impressions and adventures are guaranteed.


A real chef is always a little creative and magician.

The process of cooking is a kind of creativity, sometimes no less than writing pictures or poetry. And the fact that along with him in a dream there was such a cold and emotionless creature as a fish indicates your excessive tightness or shyness. You feel the need to create, but for some reason do not allow yourself to do it with full dedication. Learn to express yourself and be amazed at your talents.

Sometimes a dream in which a person had to fry fish predicts large expenses, but there is no need to regret them - everything spent later will return a hundredfold.

Yes: what does it mean for a girl or a guy

People who relish delicious fish in a dream will spend time in reality with pleasure. Things will go like clockwork, luck will circle next to the lucky ones, and a randomly bought lottery ticket will turn out to be winning. In any case, Hasse's dream book assures so. In addition to that, Nostradamus's dream book also promises great news, and only Freud's dream book adds a small fly in the ointment to the prediction. He calls a man who ate fish in a dream an egoist who does not care about the feelings of his partner in bed. But for a pregnant woman, all interpreters without exception promise a successful birth.

  • Fish fillet here acts as a prediction of a crowded fun feast.
  • Dried fish - how the council will painstakingly prepare for the upcoming journey, "prepare food for the future."

You should be wary if in a dream you were afraid to choke on a bone. Misunderstandings and troubles with households are coming.

Other dream options

Do you believe in the fairy tale of the Golden Fish?

Do not forget to pay attention, firstly, to the appearance of the dreaming fish:

  • A goldfish is considered a good messenger if it is cheerful and agile. For women, such a guest brings a successful marriage with a wealthy boyfriend; men - great luck, and sometimes both prophesy a long journey full of interesting events. One thing is bad - some interpreters believe that in real life there is no place for fairy tales, and the fortuneteller in golden scales is called a symbol of deceived hopes. Whom to believe, decide for yourself. A dead fish unequivocally broadcasts a period of severe trials. In particular, such a dream warns a woman: a seemingly profitable marriage will in fact bring only worries.
  • Karp is a more positive predictor. Without any ambiguous interpretations and options, he promises the resolution of problems and success in a case that seemed hopeless.
  • The eel symbolizes the development in the dreamer of the ability to diplomacy. You learn to get your way without brute force and conflict.
  • A ram (colloquially a ram) is a symbol of a heart-to-heart conversation with relatives, which you miss so much. Perhaps because, under this fish and a mug of good beer, conversations develop more easily?
  • Herring predicts a long streak of failures.
  • Whale - stability and complete satisfaction with life.
  • Salmon and salmon - intelligence and spiritual growth.
  • Sturgeon - well-being.
  • Catfish - bad news and depression.
  • The pike represents danger.
  • Piranha warns against rash acts. Increase your vigilance so as not to become a victim of a scammer or a robber.
  • A flock of small but biting fry means the danger that comes from crowded gatherings. Refrain from visiting clubs and parties, and also install a good alarm on your car - you can lose it.

White fish, in whatever form it appears, is a wonderful symbol. Expect an invitation to an engagement or wedding party. Black fish - a sign of "conditionally bad." It means either an illness, but a short one, or the need to visit a cemetery, but not in connection with someone's death.

...Secondly, in place:

If you dreamed of a fish in a well, Zhou Gong's dream book suggests you think about changing your job. The current framework is too tight for you.

A fish swimming in a jar is a reason to sort out your motives and actions. You are not completely honest with yourself, which is why a painful dissonance arose in your soul.

An abundance of bright colors is not always good

A spacious aquarium filled with colorful fish is a dream before the start of favorable changes, if it is clean and well-groomed. Moreover, fish swimming in pairs or towards each other will bring good luck to the lonely, and flocks of fry, symbolizing pregnancy, will bring luck to married women. However, too many fish, from which it begins to dazzle in the eyes, is not the most desirable dream for girls, as it predicts marriage with a person of an inappropriate temperament and interests. A neglected, dirty aquarium reflects discouragement and sad events. If you washed it yourself, beware of becoming a victim of fraud. But if someone else put the aquarium in order before your eyes, soon everything will work out and life will return to its usual track. Feeding scurrying aquarium fish means doing a tedious chore. It is important to remember how you felt at the same time. Irritation and fatigue? Efforts will go to waste. The joy of contemplating funny colorful kids? You will receive a worthy reward for your labors, and the luckiest ones will start a passionate romance.

... And finally, on the behavior:

  • A fish biting a person in a dream embodies unresolved problems in a relationship. If the hands fell under the attack of a cold-blooded predator, the dreamer lacks independence and the ability to take responsibility. Legs suffered - be prepared for the appearance of rivals who will try to "knock you to the ground."
  • A huge fish trying to swallow you is a sign of self-doubt and emotional instability. It seems that you are going through a difficult period and are afraid that the problems will not swallow you whole.
  • Flying fish says the opposite. You are full of strength, self-confidence and ready to move mountains. Literally fly! Moreover, now luck is on your side, so you can afford to decide on the most risky changes.
  • The talking fish, no matter what it tells you, brings unexpected material profits and invites you on a journey. Pack your bags, your tour promises to be exciting!
  • A dream in which one fish swallows another can predict both financial collapse and a multiple increase in profits. If everything went positively and easily, like in a children's cartoon, a lot of small receipts will provide you with capital growth. If a big fish hunted for small ones in dirty water or even on land, there is a great risk of squandering your savings on nonsense.

The head of a fish, if it is clean and does not cause disgust, predicts a man to fight with several competitors and a resounding victory over them, a woman - strengthening relations with her husband, and a girl - marriage. However, a bloodied, frightening head speaks of monetary losses and disappointments in love. If at the same time you remember exactly what species the headless fish belonged to, it does not hurt to return to the list at the beginning of this paragraph and check what exactly it means. Based on this, build your assumptions.

And finally, remember that for each individual, the meaning of sleep can change. These interpretations indicate only a general direction for its explanation. Does your dream mean exactly what the dream books say, and does it mean anything at all, only you can understand by analyzing your feelings and associations caused by the type of fish.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, a fish in a dream is associated with a woman. Boiled fish just indicates the presence of the weaker sex. And accompanies any benefit. But it is important to pay attention to what exactly happens in a dream.

What if you dream of boiled fish?

If you cook fish in a dream, it means that profit or luck will come dishonestly. You can hurt the feelings or pride of other people, only in this way to achieve success. This is if it is baked, fried, boiled. Will have to think about it.

Seeing a fish being cut or cut means that a serious quarrel or scandal is approaching. And with a loved one, most likely with a girl. Therefore, you should wait with a showdown or other showdowns. Just put it off for a couple of days. So you can avoid the foreshadowed disaster.

It is believed that dreams are not signals from the future, but echoes of the past. That is, the moments experienced during the day, any experiences can be reflected in a dream. You just need to correctly decipher them and compare them with reality. Maybe there is no threat.

If in a dream fish is eaten, then there are also two interpretations here. If it is cooked (fried, boiled, well decorated on a dish), then things are going very well. In this case, you can even relax and give fate a chance to intervene in what is happening, to make personal adjustments.

This usually does not bode well for any bad changes. Nothing bad will happen. If fish is served raw in a dream, this is already a sure sign that you need to intervene in making plans for the future. And do not let the development of difficult situations take its course.

What portends?

As a rule, the interpretation of sleep depends on what is happening there. This refers to the specifics of actions and events. The state of the fish, your mood, how it is cooked or, conversely, not cooked. Every detail is important.

So, why dream of boiled fish? Firstly, butchering fish is a quarrel with loved ones. Secondly, cooking fish is dishonest profit. Thirdly, eating raw fish is a sign of illness or a sign of interfering in personal affairs. Fourth, eating well-cooked fish is an indicator of well-being.

If there is such trust in dream books and dreams, it is better to adhere to the elementary norms of correct behavior. That is, do not provoke a conflict and do not play with fate, do not check whether the prediction of a dream will come true. This is an extra emotional load.

Of course, no dreams can radically change anyone's fate. These are just small clues and signals by which people have learned to live. And in which many believe. Maybe it's easier to interpret an already complicated life with its unpredictability.

As you know, for the fair sex, underwater scaly inhabitants most often become harbingers of pregnancy. But to figure out why a man dreams of a fish is a little more difficult. Tips from eminent interpreters will help to do this.

Why does a man dream of a fish - interpretation from dream books

In most modern dream books, fish portends financial success for a man. An innovative idea will come to the sleeper's head, which will allow him to significantly increase his own income, and, possibly, completely go into free swimming by opening a business.

According to Miller's dream book, fishing, which resulted in a lot of small fish caught, promises difficult life tests in reality. Unfortunately, you will have to deal with them exclusively alone.

In Loff's work, it is noted that a large fish in the hands of a man symbolizes his success in reality. Surely the man has already managed to achieve a high position in society and provide his family with a prosperous future. Now you can get some rest.

Buying a big fish in a dream (according to Medea's dream book) is a quick success that will exceed all the expectations of a man. He will reach those heights that he did not even dream of.

In Veles' dream book, it is noted: if a person releases the fish he has caught, it means that in real life he does not appreciate what he has. This feature prevents the sleeper from becoming absolutely happy.

I dreamed of a fish in clear, muddy water

If you manage to remember what water the fish was in in a dream, then this detail must be taken into account when interpreting:

  • An underwater inhabitant in a perfectly clean and transparent lake suggests that in reality a person constantly thinks about business and work. He has absolutely no time to rest. Be sure to allow yourself to relax a little and do your favorite hobby.
  • A small fish in dirty, heavy-smelling water is a harbinger of health problems. A man needs to pay special attention to the condition of his genitourinary system.

Why dream of fried, boiled, salted fish?

It is worth looking for a special meaning in culinary dreams only if they have not become a banal consequence of evening hunger. So, fried fish is a symbol of hidden resentment. To make it easier, you should openly tell your loved ones about it.

Smoked fish with an appetizing aroma portends light flirting and sexual entertainment. If a man is married, then before deciding on dangerous intrigues, you need to think several times. Because of fleeting pleasure, a strong family can be destroyed.

Any boiled fish suggests that there has been a cooling in the relationship between the dreamer and his soulmate. Most likely, the main reason for such changes was the lack of attention of a man to his partner. After a frank conversation with his beloved, he can easily correct all his mistakes.

Salted fish with caviar promises the representative of the stronger sex of the heir. In the very near future, the spouse can inform him of the pregnancy.

Dream interpretation dead fish

A dead fish under almost any conditions becomes a negative harbinger. Especially if it is already decomposed and smells bad. Such a plot promises a person difficulties in all matters that he would undertake. If there are a lot of dead fish, then in reality a man will have a long difficult period. Trouble will affect various areas of life.

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