Why dream of delicious blueberries? Interpretation of various dreams with blueberries in all details of sleep.



On a small grass - a black berry. This is blueberry. My daughter and I bent over her and a voice explains to us: “This is blueberries, and in nature there is a shrub related to it - currants. She is also black, but grows on a bush. We shift our gaze to a beautiful green bush with bright leaves and ripe black berries. Then we got into a green Zhiguli car. The husband of a friend was driving, a friend was nearby, and my daughter and I were in the back seat. We went to see another black berry that is already growing on the tree. The same voice told us the name of this tree, but I did not remember it. There was a lone tree in the middle of the field. There is sand all around, and in the center there is one huge ebony tree. A lot of branches, a black trunk, everything is strewn with large black berries, but completely without leaves. The voice explained to us that all these plants with black berries are related, only they grow in different ways - one on the grass, the second on a bush, and the third on a tree. We began to discuss why the tree does not have leaves. Someone (maybe one of us) said that most likely the leaves are knocked down by birds. I lay down on a deck chair and saw many, many black birds like swallows, which swiftly flew into a tree, flew through it, knocking down the bark and breaking branches. In places of broken bark, the white body of a tree was visible. As if they were blind, they did not see any branches or berries. Maybe they wanted to peck at the berries, but for some reason they could not see them. Suddenly a huge lion came out from behind a tree. With a smooth step with a cat's plasticity, he began to bypass the tree and headed towards me. I closed one eye so as not to see him. I thought that if I didn't meet his eyes, he wouldn't touch me. I asked my friends if he was close. I felt that he poked my hand with his big cold nose, licked my hand with his tongue. The friends who stood behind me seemed to have nothing to do with him. They just let me know what he was doing. When the lion left, we jumped into the car. I was already in the first seat next to the driver. We rushed along the winter knurled road (before it was summer). They raced beautifully, in full swing, like a troika. We drove through a familiar dacha village, choosing a place to celebrate the New Year. I talked about the places we passed. “There, around the corner,” I said, “behind the dachas of my friends are chic palace houses, that’s where we need to be.”


Berry (in the first approximation - regardless of its color) symbolizes success in life and the pleasure derived from it. The heroine of the dream collects various edible berries, but she is very dependent on others. (She does not drive the car herself, she is accompanied by a voice). The most striking episode: a flock of birds that breaks the berry tree, but then comes the majestic lion. Birds symbolize the decline in the social sphere (I mean the ability to be a genius in some professional field. If not, then neither children, nor sex, nor money will help, that is, at some point they will suddenly stop helping) . Leo "indicates the presence of a force that should be avoided at the moment, but subsequently must be developed." Leo is an internal resource, internal potential, a cure for a possible crisis. The dream shows that at the moment the heroine is doing well, but she is too heteronomous (heteronomy (“hetero” is “others”) is the opposite of autonomy). In this sense, the black color of the berries acquires a certain signal meaning (clouds joy).

Dream interpretation blueberries

Blueberries are a rather multifaceted symbol, which is interpreted by dream books rather ambiguously. In order to find out what blueberries dream of, you need to answer a number of questions.

Why see berries in a dream

The dream interpretation gives quite a variety of interpretations of this berry. From health troubles to peace and tranquility in family relationships.

Blueberries according to the dream book

I dreamed of a healthy berry

To figure out what exactly you dreamed about blueberries, we advise you to study several sources that give the interpretation of dreams.

Big dream book

Picking blueberries in a dream is a short-term malaise in real life.

Dream Interpretation Avadyaeva

Eating berries in a dream - you are on the path to happiness, most importantly, do not turn off the right path.

Picking blueberries in the forest, carrying them in a bucket - your family relationships are ideal, each family member stands up for his relative with a mountain.

To see how you are preparing some kind of dish with blueberries, for example, a pie, a cake, jam - you will do wrong and recklessly.

Miller's dream book

Collecting blueberries in the forest, carrying them in a bucket, while understanding that they will be spoiled, as they will be wrinkled, is a very negative sign. It is believed that you will do good to people, and they will respond to you with betrayal and bad deeds.

To see a lot of unripe berries in the forest - try not to rush things. All in good time, be patient. If you continue to force them, you will not achieve anything, but will only make it worse.

Your actions

Seeing a bush with berries in a dream

Seeing berries on a bush in a dream, while not trying to pick them - you will be offered a dubious business.

Collect in the forest - to receive an invitation to visit. Putting it in a wicker basket - to the well-being of the family.

Overeating blueberries in the company of best friends - you will become a successful person. But eating green berries is a disease.

What was the berry in the dream

Why dream of blueberries that lie in a bucket are already pretty spoiled - troubles are brewing in your personal relationships. Eat it - you can hear news about the infidelity of your soulmate.

To choose the largest and most beautiful berries on the market - you are overwhelmed with anger and resentment. You want to take revenge on some person, the dream book says.

If you bought sour berries, then think a hundred times before putting your revenge plan into action. The person whom you considered your ally will stand up for the object of your anger. You may lose a good friend.

If blueberries grew in the wrong place, then you will face a vile deception.

blueberry dish

Dream dishes with berries

You may not dream of the berry itself, but of the dish that was prepared using it. Such dreams also have their own interpretation:

  • Dairy products with the addition of blueberries, whether it's cottage cheese, a cocktail, ice cream, yogurt - unexpected and good news.
  • Blueberry confectionery (cake, pastry, roll) - a surprise, a pleasant surprise.
  • Sweets: jam, sweets - you will get rid of troubles, overcome obstacles.
  • Drinks: fruit drinks, juices, kissels, compotes - to diseases, both physical and spiritual.

Other interpretations

Dream about picking berries

To see a blueberry juice stain on your clothes - unpleasant people will come to your house. In addition, such a vision may indicate your behavior, perhaps in dealing with people you behave abruptly, uncivilized.

Watch how your teeth turn black as a result of eating this berry - act recklessly, you will regret it.

To see how other people pick berries in the forest - you will be forced to make an unpleasant trip, which will be associated with work.

Washing berries in a dream - you are too self-confident, do not listen to advice, do not see anyone around, considering yourself omniscient and omnipotent. The interpreters wish you to realize as early as possible that the earth does not revolve only around you.

We noticed too small a bush with blueberries in the forest - your relatives will be in time in time to save you from trouble.

Her appearance in a dream symbolizes various troubles and problems. However, they will not be very large. The dream interpretation writes a lot about what blueberries dream of for various people, especially not in the season of this fragrant berry.

To understand this dream, pay attention to exactly where she was in the dream and what you did with her.

Dial in the forest

Such a dream symbolizes thankless work and the fact that you will receive less for your work than you planned. This means deceit, grief in love and a lot of routine work. However, seeing a large basket is a good sign. Here the dream book interprets blueberries as a worthy reward for routine work, good news and happiness in love.

Seeing in a dream a basket collected by other people - to sad news, trouble and great grief. For a girl, such a dream predicts tears and great grief. If in a dream you started picking blueberries and found a large bush with this beautiful berry, expect great misfortune and trouble. Sometimes such a dream means the unexpected and imminent death of a relative or friend, trouble in the house, or suffering because of love.

Why dream of blueberries in the forest on a bush, and there are a lot of them? The dream interpretation writes that after such a dream you will have troubles and small affairs and expenses. Collecting it in small bushes - to vain work and grief. You will have to bit by bit make your future and happiness.

For guys, this dream predicts a lot of routine work and that their business will slowly progress due to lack of funds or cramped circumstances. Girls picking blueberries in a dream - to great disappointment, trouble from a loved one and bitter tears.

Cake, ice cream and cocktail

If you come across it in any dairy product, soufflé or cream, expect interesting news. For girls, such a dream can predict illness and trouble, especially if they don’t like this berry in life. For men, blueberries in a cocktail or souffle means meeting a charming brunette. However, the romance with her will not last too long.

Why dream of a cake decorated with blueberries? Expect a gift or a surprise. Blueberry sweets or jam mean a favorable resolution of difficulties and anxieties, getting rid of troubles and troubles. It is very good if you eat them or treat others with them.

Drinking blueberry juice or jelly - to illness and depression. To receive a bucket of blueberries as a gift is a great insult and unpleasant news. However, if it is candied or in cream, the troubles will be minor and not worth much attention. For men, such a dream predicts flirting and an easy adventure, but for girls, especially teenagers, such a dream promises problems due to moles and acne, doubts about their own attractiveness, or deterioration in health.

Blueberry pie means news that will concern several people. There is it - to great joy and a pleasant pastime. Sometimes a dream book predicts guests who will arrive unexpectedly. Baking cookies or eating a pie yourself - to the great resentment or chagrin that you inflict on your loved ones and relatives.

Dream interpretation blueberries

Dreams, where the image of blueberries is present, hint at health problems or are aware of material well-being. Depending on the storyline of sleep and the appearance of the berry, the meaning of dreams will also change. The date of birth of a person who dreamed of a wild berry also affects the interpretation of a dream. To understand in detail what blueberries are dreaming of, a dream book will help.

The more blueberry bushes I had to see in a dream, the greater the profit fate prepared for the dreamer.

General value

Interpretation directly depends on the psychological characteristics of the individual. If a person remembers from childhood that in order to maintain health it is necessary to eat the gifts of the forest, then in a dream a healthy berry will be a sign of visual impairment, lack of vitamins, and colds.

It is a dream that in the forest the dreamer came across a blueberry plantation - to minor troubles that will follow one after another .

The dream interpretation says: to collect sweet fruits in dreams - love feelings will take over the heart.

Bitter berries portend minor diseases of digestion, visual centers, malaise from overwork.

How Miller interprets the sign

The dream book of the psychoanalyst Miller interprets the symbolism of vision, taking into account small details, putting together the puzzle of night dreams into a coherent picture.

See blueberry bushes in a dream

  • For couples in love, crushed berries in a basket portend sorrows, tears, scandals, disagreements.
  • A small bush will tell about a strong family, warm relationships between loved ones.

It is necessary for people to diversify their lifestyle, in whose dream they had to pick overripe berries deep in the forest .

Modern explanations of sleep

A modern dream book will tell you what dreams with blueberries can mean.

Dreams, where it turned out to feast on ripe fruits in the forest, speaks of success in work and business.

good news

Remember some of the details that visited the world of dreams.

  • Did you dream that you were eating rafts in a huge clearing? For spiritual and physical healing.
  • For a young girl, a plot with berries portends a possible marriage.
  • Feel the taste of the fruits of the bush in a dream - life will be filled with adventures. They will be accompanied by positive emotions.

Important Details

The person who cooked blueberry jam in dreams will be responsible for his actions.

A dark shade on the teeth, lips and clothes from the juice will tell about the dreamer's damaged reputation.

The relationship between the dreamer's birthday and blueberries in dreams

To understand why blueberries are dreaming, it is necessary to take into account such a nuance as the dreamer's date of birth.

For people born in the summer, berries symbolize a harmonious relationship with a lover.

Spring dreamers may regard visions with dark berries as a hint of declining health.

If the birthday falls on the autumn-winter period, then the long-awaited meeting is not far off.

Other interpretations

What other details were waiting in the night dreams?

  • Walking through the forest in dreams, looking for blueberries - your financial opportunities are decreasing.
  • A well-groomed small bush is a symbol of sincere love.
  • Did you dream that you were drinking juice or fruit drink from berries? Get good news.

If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you a deep sadness for the irrevocably gone bright days.

To fall into the dusk of a thick impenetrable thicket - in reality you will not be able to cope with a matter that at first glance seemed utterly simple.

Walking through the forest, picking berries or mushrooms - get great pleasure from visiting a theater or a concert.

To be in the spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage.

A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business for a positive result.

An autumn forest in gold and crimson flying foliage is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the requirements of partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in the winter, this portends ruin, need and job search.

Wade in the forest through solid dead wood - to losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect.

Pine Forest says that in a dispute over the division of property, you will achieve a favorable solution for yourself.

Walking in a dream through a charred area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forest is a change in business for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strengths and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest through which a terrible hurricane has passed - such a dream portends the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in the pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hearing the singing of forest birds - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear how deadwood is cracking under your feet or fallen leaves are rustling, it means that you have to endure a sad loss.

Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends had a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a date alone with a secret friend.

If in a dream you survey the forest from the top of a tall tree, which you somehow got into, expect a quick promotion.

If you are gathering brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end brilliantly for you.

Chop trees in the forest - to mourning and grief. To see a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience an unconscious fear, being all alone.

If you get lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, you will face failures at work and family disagreements.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly it began to rain heavily and cold - in reality you have to go on a forced trip. Hooking in the forest - to receive good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and make your way through the dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some kind of expedition, wait for an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else's expense.

Being in a palm forest portends a calm course of affairs without any upheavals in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from

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