Kabbalistic signs and their meaning. The Most Influential Symbols in Human History


Modern man is characterized by a craving for everything mysterious, just like his distant ancestors at the dawn of the birth of mankind. And he is also characterized by fears, the predominant of which is the fear of the unknown. It is not surprising that even inveterate skeptics sometimes carry various amulets with them and put tattoos on their bodies - images of magical symbols, trying to enlist the support of unknown Higher powers.

Secret symbols of good luck and wealth with pictures

If earlier, during the period of their occurrence, the meaning of esoteric signs belonged to the field of sacred knowledge, accessible only to a select circle of initiates, today every curious person can obtain comprehensive information about them. It is important to know that this kind of knowledge should be taken with respect and gratitude, and used with caution.

All secret signs have come down to us since pagan times, later supplanted by the Christian, which firmly connected everything pagan with witchcraft and evil spirits. This opinion still finds many supporters.

For practical use, you can choose any magical artifact in accordance with personal preferences and goals. It is important not to use it thoughtlessly, but to perform some kind of ritual in order to recharge your energy. It is advisable to make a talisman yourself using natural materials: wood, leather, metal, bone, clay.

Be sure to monitor your internal state during the manufacturing process, excluding negative thoughts and emotions. The finished talisman should be held in your hands, while inhaling, pronounce its name and exhale on it. Thus it is activated. Runes have their own names; it is permissible for other amulets to come up with names.

All occult sciences say: using magical signs, you can significantly improve your life, in particular, bring more luck and material wealth into it. Signs that bring good luck and wealth:

  • Fehu - the first rune of the futhark- Scandinavian alphabet. A symbol of wealth and possession. Runes are perhaps the most popular and common magical signs. The graphic representation of runes is a set of interconnected lines of various configurations.
  • Dazhdbog- Slavic welfare. The invariable attribute of Dazhdbog is the cornucopia. Slavic runes appeared later in time on the territory of modern Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. There is reason to believe that they were borrowed from the Scandinavians, with whom the Slavs were in close contact.
  • Pentacle of Solomon. In the center of the pentacle is a magical shield that protects against financial risks and unreasonable spending. Helps increase income. Refers to Kabbalistic signs. Kabbalah is one of the most mysterious currents in the history of world religions. It is an offshoot of Judaism and has a developed system of magical signs, many of which were used in the Masonic movement, shrouded in an even denser veil of mystery.
  • "All-seeing eye"- a sign traditionally considered Masonic, depicts an eye inside a triangle. Sometimes the eye is located on top of a truncated pyramid. Symbolizes the Great Architect of the Universe, provides control over world finances.
  • Feng Shui - Chinese coin of happiness. In ancient China, it was used for payment; such coins were available to noble persons with a special disposition of power. With the advent of printed money, they became a rarity and acquired their current status of "happy".
  • "Wheel of Fortune" symbolizes cyclicality, the change of ups and downs, birth and death. Will bring the owner good luck in matters where luck is the main factor: lotteries, gambling, etc.

Amulets and protection

Mystical signs, among others, perform the function of protecting the owner from negative energy from the outside. In the people, such a negative influence is called or damage, and is also explained by the influence of unclean forces, evil spirits.

On an energetic level, one can suffer from extraneous hostility even if a person did not have a conscious intention to harm. In the hearts, a curse pronounced can come true if it is pronounced by a person with strong energy, accompanied by intense emotions.

To strengthen your own biofield and protect yourself from external influences, we recommend:

  • Pentacle "Power of Light"- a five-pointed star inside a circle. Each ray denotes one of the four elements - water, fire, earth and air, and the fifth symbolizes the Spirit. It is no coincidence that the star, located with the tip up, means the Divine principle, in an inverted position - the devilish one. Grants power over supernatural forces and protects against their possible harmful influence.
  • Atlantean sign. It was discovered during archaeological excavations in 1860. It has radiation that gives strength to resist aggressive external influences, including deliberate ones (evil eye, damage, curse). Promotes the development of intuition and paranormal abilities.
  • Yin-Yang (Taiji)- an ancient Chinese sign of the merger of the feminine and masculine principles, personifying the Unity of opposites. Protects from evil spirits.
  • Abracadabra. A triangle pointing down, within which the mantra is written in descending order from the full word to the last letter. It is recommended to wear in the form of an amulet and say a mantra. With the created vibrations, it is easy to strengthen your biofield and protect yourself from illnesses, needs, accidents.

Runes are also powerful amulets:

  • Algiz. Provides protection not only from someone else's harmful influence, but also from accidents. In addition, it strengthens, thereby helping to foresee future troubles.
  • Berkana. Protects women during pregnancy, childbirth, feeding. Brings harmony and prosperity to the family.
  • Alatyr. The ancient Slavs considered this rune a strong protection for children.
  • Raido (Raduga among the Slavs) will protect on the way, and also help to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Ancient spells

“In the beginning was the Word”… It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of words as symbolic meanings of objects and phenomena, not only surrounding us, but also abstract, imaginary. Scientists conducted a demonstrative experiment: over a glass of water, words of various contents were pronounced.

Words carrying a negative semantic load deformed the water molecule, making it shapeless and ugly. If we remember that a person consists of 80% water, we can come to completely unambiguous conclusions.

In antiquity and the Middle Ages, conspiracies and spells were actively used by mystics for a wide variety of purposes: treatment, exorcism, love spell, removal of the evil eye and damage, exorcism, communication with the other world. Adepts of black magic did not disdain causing direct harm to others in their personal selfish interests.

For those who decide to use the knowledge of the ancients in practice, there are a number of conditions:

  1. Fasting.
  2. spiritual cleansing. Prayer, meditation, mindfulness.
  3. Unity with nature. It is desirable both during the preparation period and during the ritual.
  4. Sincerity and purity of intention while casting the spell.

An example of an ancient Slavic spell -:

In the name of Svarog and Perun, I will drink my fate to the bottom. In the name of Veles, I call on the blood of my ancestors. Gather, kind of strength. Rise, ancestors, from the grave. Protect your son (daughter) (y) (name), endow with purity of the family. So that the evil eye does not touch, so that he wakes up with a smile, so that the path and heart are open. The doors of truth and essence will open! I call on Svarog, I cover his son (daughter) (name) with his protection. It will truly become, it will not part with the Gods.

Eternity and immortality

All sacred knowledge is designed to provide its followers with eternal life. Ways to achieve this goal are used in a variety of ways: the same magic signs and symbols, as well as agmas and mantras.

Mantras came to us from Hinduism, they are also used in Buddhism. They are a set of sounds that need to be pronounced concentrating, in a meditative state, with a high degree of awareness. They are an analogue of a prayer or a spell. One of the most impressive is the mantra Mrityunjaya, Conquering Death.


Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam



Worship the Three-Eyed Lord,

Shiva, the Fragrant, who Brings Good!

Able to break the bonds of birth and death,

May He grant us freedom from death for the sake of Immortality!”

The mantra is a powerful protection against deadly diseases, snakebite, accidents.

A variety of Vedic mantras are Slavic agmas- short spells of one to three words, capable of establishing a connection between the speaker and the Gods and the forces of nature. They are usually pronounced 77 times. They change the internal energy of a person and thereby provide an opportunity to change the surrounding reality. The main agma of the Slavs sounds like "Rode-radi-rado".

Of the talismans associated with immortality and eternity, the most notable are:

  • Ankh- an ancient Egyptian cross with a rounded top, which symbolizes the second birth. The key to health and longevity. It is a kind of key that opens the door to another world.
  • Longevity Knot- a complex geometric figure without beginning or end, personifying infinity. Tibetan sign. Reveals the secrets of immortality and eternal youth to seekers, brings health and harmony.
  • aforementioned tai chi, better known as Yin - Yang, which marks infinity and eternal life.
  • Yantra Shambhala- found in ancient manuscripts in the foothills of the Himalayas. Shambhala, according to Tibetan legends, is a mythical country where only an enlightened, pure in heart and mind person can get. This sign provides a connection with a parallel world.

Eternal life surrounds us throughout the lifetime. These can be plants, animals, objects, etc. So, the pomegranate is a symbol of eternal life in Christianity, and the peach is in China. The well-known symbol of Eternity is a snake biting its own tail.

In ancient Egypt, the scarab beetle was revered as the emblem of immortality, and in ancient Greece, the butterfly. Egyptian pyramids are associated with immortality and eternity with their special energy fields, called torsion ones.

Our universe is full of mysteries, and many of them were known to the ancients. The revival of interest in centuries-old sacred knowledge will bring undoubted benefits to humanity and reveal the boundless possibilities of the Spirit.

Each symbol means something and is intended for something. We see them every day and without even thinking, in most cases we know what they mean. They certainly make our lives easier. However, few of us know their origin and original meaning. Below we will look at 10 well-known symbols and tell their story.

10. Symbol of the heart

The heart-shaped symbol is known all over the world and usually signifies love and romance. But why do we instinctively perceive it as a heart, because it does not at all resemble a real human heart?
There are several theories about where this symbol came from and how it became what we know it today. Some theories claim that the symbol is associated with a well-known part of the human body. To understand which part of the body we are talking about, just flip the symbol. However, there is little evidence for this theory.

Others believe, based on ancient drawings of this symbol, that the "heart" is nothing more than an image of ivy leaves, a plant associated with fidelity.
An even more plausible explanation comes from the now-extinct sylphium plant. Once it grew in abundance on a small stretch of the coast of North Africa. It was revered by both the Greeks and Romans for its medicinal properties and was also a means of birth control.

The Greek colony of Cyrine, located in the region that today belongs to Libya, became rich thanks to this plant and even imprinted it on their coins. On them we see a well-known symbol.
However, due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plant's habitat and the high demand for it, it died out by the first century BC.

Another theory of the origin of this symbol comes from the Middle Ages. Based on the writings of Aristotle, where he describes the heart as having three chambers and a cavity, the 14th century Italian physician Guido da Vigevano made a series of anatomical drawings in which he depicted the heart in this form.
This image of the heart gained popularity during the Renaissance, it began to appear more often in religious art. From there it came to us as a symbol of love and affection.

9. Yin Yang

The Yin-Yang symbol is deeply rooted in Chinese philosophy and is also a key element in the Taoist religion in China. Today it can be found everywhere. Its meaning is as simple as it is complex.
The concept of yin and yang was first discussed in the 3rd century BC, when there was an interest in philosophy. Both yin and yang are both good and bad, they are two sides of the same coin. Yin can turn into yang and vice versa. The point at which each sign begins is the potential, the opposite of the seed.

Yin is the feminine side that manifests things like darkness, water, cold, softness, passivity, north, transformation, introspection, it gives spirit to everything. On the other hand, yang is light, mountains, fire, heat, sun, action, movement, yang gives form to all things.
Taoism believes in the idea of ​​embracing both aspects in order to find balance in everything. To understand how strong this concept is in China, just look at the names of some settlements.

Villages on the sunny side of valleys and rivers have names like Liuyang and Shiyan, while those on the opposite side have names like Jiangying.

8. Bluetooth symbol

At first glance, there is no connection between this wireless technology and the blue tooth (this is how the word bluetooth is literally translated from English). But believe it or not, there is actually a connection.
This technology was invented back in 1994 by the Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson. In keeping with the Viking past in Sweden, the symbol is two runes joined together. Rune H and rune B, together they form a well-known symbol.

But what do they have in common with the blue tooth? This is the surname of the first Viking king of Denmark, Harald Blåtand. And the Swedish word “blatand” means “blue tooth”. Harald lived from 910 to 987. AD and during his life he managed to unite all the Danish tribes, and later captured Norway, ruling it until his death.
He is also credited with the adoption of Christianity by the Danes. He did this more for political and economic reasons than for any other, to avoid the movement of the Holy Roman Empire to the south, and also to keep his trading partners.

The origin of his last name, Blue Tooth, is a mystery. Some believe that he may have loved blackberries, which gave his teeth a blue tint. However, a more plausible-sounding explanation is that Blue Tooth is actually a misinterpretation of the records of medieval historians, and in fact his name was more like "dark chief".

7. International Flag of Planet Earth

Every space mission today uses a different national flag depending on which country is funding it. All this is good, but the astronauts, regardless of their country of origin, "advocate" for the planet as a whole, and not for the state that provided the funds for the flight.
For this reason, the flag of the planet Earth was designed. It consists of seven white intertwined rings on a blue background. Rings symbolize all life on our planet.

However, the symbol itself is much older than the flag and is more commonly known as the "Seed of Life". It is considered part of the "Sacred Geometry". The term is used to refer to the universal geometric patterns often found in nature. The Seed of Life bears a striking resemblance to the cellular structure during embryonic development.
Moreover, the Seed of Life, as well as the Great Flower of Life, have been found in many places around the world. The oldest find was found in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt, about 5000-6000 years old.

A similar "design" was also used in Buddhist temples in China and Japan, modern Turkey, India, throughout Europe, Iraq, and many other places. The Seed of Life also plays an important role in various religions. For example, in the old Slavic religions, the symbol of the Seed of Life meant the sun.

6. Hammer and sickle

The Soviet “hammer and sickle” is perhaps one of the most recognizable political symbols, being on par with the Nazi swastika and American stars and stripes in terms of recognizability.
And although their meaning is most likely straightforward, it may carry hidden messages. The hammer can mean the proletariat (blue-collar workers) and the sickle can mean the peasants. Together they were the unity and strength of the Soviet state. However, coming up with a logo was not as easy as it seems.

With the hammer, the situation was simpler, since it was traditionally associated with workers throughout Europe. With the second part of the symbol, it was more complicated, there were several options: the hammer was with an anvil, a plow, a sword, a scythe and a wrench.
The designer himself, Evgeny Kamzolkin, is also intriguing. He was not a communist even at heart, but was a deeply religious person. He was a member of the Leonardo da Vinci Society, and as an artist, he understood symbolism very well.

Perhaps Kamzolkin used the hammer and sickle to convey a completely different message, even if no one understood it. For example, in Hindu and Chinese culture, the hammer was often associated with the triumph of evil over good. The sickle in different religions was associated with death.
Before the scythe appeared, in medieval Europe Death was depicted with a sickle, Hindu religions also depicted the god of death with a sickle in his left hand. What exactly Kamzolkin had in mind when developing the design, no one knows.

All this is speculation, and no one asked the designer, who died back in 1957, the correct answer. The key point in this case is the interpretation of the symbol, because depending on the context, such emblems can mean two completely different things.

5. Pentagram

Today, this symbol is associated with Wicca (modern witchcraft), Satanism and Freemasonry. But few people know that the pentagram is much older than any of these practices and has been used since ancient times.
The five-pointed star was found on a cave wall in Babylonia, and the ancient Greeks believed that it had magical properties. It is assumed that the pentagram is the path that Venus takes to the night sky in relation to the Earth in an 8-year cycle.

The pentagram was even the seal of Jerusalem for some time, and in the Middle Ages it symbolized the five wounds that Jesus received during his crucifixion. It also denoted the proportions of the human body and its five basic senses.
It wasn't until the 20th century that the pentagram began to be associated with Satanism, likely due to its use by the Wiccans. Previously, the five points of the star represented the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) and the human spirit.

However, among the Wiccans, the pentagram symbolizes the victory of the spirit over the four elements, while in Satanism, the five-pointed star is oriented downwards. This means that each person is primarily material.

4. Symbol of anarchy

To properly understand the symbol of anarchy, one must first know what anarchy is and what it really means. Anarchy is the same political ideology as democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, communism or liberalism.
It developed in ancient Greece along with democracy, and from ancient Greek this word is translated as "without a ruler." This means that anarchy is not lawlessness and chaos, but rather a society with proper rules and regulations in place, but without an authoritarian ruler.

Anarchy developed even more actively and became more perfect during the period of the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century. In the same period, anarchy gets its negative connotations because the ruling elite was understandably opposed to such a regime.
On the standard political map, in addition to the usual economic left and right, there are also authoritarian and liberal authorities. All the famous dictators like Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc. are at the very top of the chart, either on the left or on the right, depending on their economic principles.

At the very bottom of the diagram is anarchy in its various forms, such as anarcho-communism, syndicalism, mutualism, anarcho-capitalism, anarcho-socialism and others. In fact, Karl Marx was talking about communism being a form of anarchism with statehood and a class-free society.
However, questions began to arise when everything began to be put into practice. While the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin argued that statehood should be abolished from the very beginning, Marx said that the Big Government should first act as a temporary intermediary that would restore order and ensure the normal functioning of anarchy in the end.

But as we all know, people who come to power rarely give it up, so communism has become the exact opposite of what it was intended to be. The desire for some form of anarchy is in principle inherent in all modern political systems that claim to support and promote freedom or equality.

3. Symbol of medicine

Few people know that the symbol of medicine (a cane with wings and two snakes) is actually the result of a mistake.
According to legend, the god Hermes (Mercury among the Romans) had a magic wand called the caduceus, which looked exactly like a well-known symbol. The wand possessed great power, could stop any disputes and reconcile enemies, but was in no way connected with medicine.

It turns out that more than 100 years ago, American military doctors confused the caduceus with the staff of Asclepius, on which there were no wings, and there was only one snake. Asclepius is the ancient Greek god of medicine and healing, so the mistake can be understood.
Later, this symbol took root, and now it is used as a sign of medical secrecy.

2. OK sign

The vast majority of people perceive the sign “OK” as “everything is fine”, “good”. But it is not generally accepted positively. For example, in France, if you show a person such a gesture, he will be very offended, thinking that you called him zero. There are several versions of the origin of this sign.
According to one version, OK came from the abbreviated name of the birthplace of American President Martin Van Buren - Old Kinderhook (New York State). Martin adopted a pseudonym that coincided with his place of birth, and his campaign slogan was "Old Kinderhook is O.K." The man on the poster, at the same time, showed this gesture.

Another hypothesis suggests that American President Jackson used this expression when making decisions. He wrote the English all correct in the German way - oll korrekt.
Proponents of the third version argue that this gesture is nothing more than mudra (a ritual sign in Hinduism and Buddhism). The gesture symbolizes constant learning, and the Buddha is almost always depicted with this sign.

1. Sign Power (food)

This sign can be found on almost all devices, but hardly many people know about its origin.
In the 1940s, engineers used a binary system to designate different switches, where a one meant "on" and a zero meant "off." Later, this was transformed into the sign that we all know today - the circle and the wand (zero and one).

I created this section because I did not find information about signs in RuNet. I want there to be information about different symbols used both in religion, magic - and in everyday life.

At the moment there is not a lot of information, but I will try to replenish the section with new characters in the future. In the meantime, I posted only those that caught my eye and were interesting. If you want to add something, or provide interesting information, thereby helping me, I will be very happy.

A person thinks and expresses his thoughts in different ways.. The artist is on canvas, the poet is in the form of a poem, the musician is in the form of music. Sometimes, in order to preserve their spiritual wealth, a person uses signs. There are many signs, they can be individual, or they can be general, beautiful and incomprehensible ... In a word, all sorts.

Signs protect KNOWLEDGE, and are often used as amulets and as guides of higher powers.

No matter how trite it sounds, but the main amulet is the cross. The cross is the most ancient and effective sign. However, in recent times it has become associated with Christianity.

It happens that the historical context is added to the true meaning of the sign. Take, for example, the sign of Shiva, which, at the moment, cannot be represented by the majority as an ancient sign, as it is associated with fascism and Nazi Germany. And the Star of David almost always carries the image of the Jews and Israel.

The main problem is to realize the real meaning of the signs, cutting off the historical context. And then, everyone will decide which element is suitable and which is not.

My main task is to investigate the signs used in magic and religion and briefly acquaint you with them.

Signs of the Japanese religion MAHIKARI

I found these signs on one of the European sites. I found out that both of these signs are in a medallion called omitama. They are written on yellow paper. Both mean the same thing - the image of God SU (the supreme god).

1. An image inside a level 1 medallion.

2. The image inside the medallion of the 3rd level.

The medallions themselves look like this:

With the help of these medallions, a person belonging to mahikari has the ability to give people divine light. That is, the medallion is, in fact, an energy transformer. Light comes from the highest Spiritual (Divine) dimension and was originally designed to purify the spiritual (primary) aspect of everything that exists, incl. our soul-spirit. And the toxins melt and come out as a result, because by clearing the source, the mouth will also be cleared. Therefore, the Light delivers from the spiritual defilements accumulated during many past lives.

Light is supplied to the energy points of the body in 2 stages:

1. Light on the 8th point (Ajnachakra or 3rd eye).

2. Light to all other points (or chakras)

I have been asked more than once what this symbol means, which I use as a logo . About 11 years ago, I realized that the legendary Chinese Emperor Huang Di developed a binary-octal system for classifying the levels of reality according to the Yang-Yin ratio, today known as Bogoa. And then I thought: "What if we generalize Bouhat to hexadecimal, etc. number systems, because this will give a more detailed classification?"

But the form of presentation proposed by Huang Di is not very suitable for this purpose (trigrams around Bogua). Then I decided to take a ring for each bit and just fill it with 0 with one color and 1 with another. I made a program that visualizes this. It turned out a lot of different options on this topic. The first one I chose. In general, this is a modern generalized form of Bogus and at the same time a classification of the levels of reality (or rather unreality) in Samsara.

The meaning seems to me quite deep and I put this Logo on all my developments (practically it has become mine). This logo was also on the seal of my company "Eidos" (in the center). I saw a very similar one in one newspaper - it was a layout plan of an ancient Indian city (or rather, a diagram of the lines of force of an artificial magnetic field in this city, which also corresponded to the layout. And at first I thought that I came up with it myself. Or maybe I just remembered it Although the fact that 2x2=4 is known to everyone even without the memory of reincarnations or telepathy.

Star of Solomon

A. The Jews have the star of Solomon (or David) - a six-pointed star built from two triangles that are included in each other. The upper triangle - point down, means the lowering of the Spirit to the Earth - involution. The lower one - point up - the rise of the Earth or matter to the Spirit. In the middle - the interaction of evil and good forces, the ends of the star are "representatives" of light and dark forces in opposite kingdoms, like diplomatic missions in states.

B. This is a sign of harmony - two equilateral triangles. In Hindus, this sign denotes air and the heart chakra, which is located just in the middle relative to the others and in which energy directed upward and directed downward meets. But the most important thing is that the subtle body of a person fits into a figure consisting of two equilateral tetrahedra, i.e. if you imagine the star of David in volumetric form. This energy figure is called Merkaba, which means chariot in Hebrew. This is a means of transportation of a person to other dimensions.

More information about this sign can be found on the English site Drunvalo Melchizedek - The ancient secret of the flower of life http://www.floweroflife.com - this is sacred geometry (a detailed description of the universe in terms of geometry).

Pyramid with the 3rd eye at the top.

This picture can be found everywhere. Indeed, there is power in the pyramid. There are many hypotheses about what the pyramids were built for, but the fact remains that they really radiate torsion fields, which can be formed due to a certain curvature of space. Undoubtedly, this sign can also characterize telepathic abilities, an element of meditation, some source of knowledge and opportunities.


The most common sign in the occult and just in magical circles. This sign is almost always associated with Satanism and the devil himself, but this is not entirely true. This sign is protective. For example, if the left corner of the star is open, then it is believed that evil spirits pass through it and accumulate there. That is why, in all films, the devil's lair is sealed with this very sign.

In general, the pentagram is a fairly effective sign and recommended by history. It is applicable to many situations, especially good for defense.


This sign is the most simple and very common. Like the pentagram, the circle has the properties of protection, in fact, for which it is used. It is believed that evil spirits cannot overcome the boundaries of the circle.

There is a theory that the history of the development of all things goes in a circle. There is also the concept of a circle of light, which is the divine part of being and exists on the astral plane. The circle can represent nature as such. In nature, wavy lines predominate rather than regular geometric ones. Therefore, it is believed that wavy lines are natural, and clearly geometric lines are human, that is, those that a person introduces into the world around him.

Trinity Christian symbol

People wearing this talisman go through life without any obstacles and disappointments. In all matters, success awaits, especially with regard to creativity.

Slavic sign "Perun"

The talisman bestows victory, courage and success. It cleanses the earth from evil spirits, returns fertility, brings prosperity and wealth to the house.

Seal of Lao Tzu

Magical ancient Chinese talisman. Brings happiness, good luck to those who have pure thoughts. It allows you to improve your health, increase income, rise in the eyes of others.

An ancient Chinese sign of kindness, good wishes, friendship and love.

This sign is the ancient Chinese character "FU". The magic formula of this sign personifies everything good: friendship, love, happiness. In China, this sign is often given as a gift stacked with flowers, or placed in the corner of the Zhen family (Feng Shui Geomancy) in the house in order to strengthen relationships and their auspiciousness. Gifted to a loved one is proof of strong friendship and love.

Ancient Slavic symbols

Original ancient Slavic symbols carry encrypted messages in their image. Our ancestors were aware of the simplicity and complexity of perceiving the World. Each group to which Slavic signs and symbols belong has a direct impact on our true desires. Thanks to this, consciousness is tuned to a healthy tone of work.

Slavic protective symbols are divided by elements, they are conductors of male or female energy. Symbols set up consciousness, perform protective functions, serve as conductors between the worlds created by the Family. This article is the key to understanding the swastika, runic symbolism. Here you will find everything you need to interpret Slavic symbols used in embroidery of folk clothes, in everyday life, in military affairs, and sorcery.

Perception of a graphic image by the brain

For a contemporary, it is no secret that our brain is a complex and mysterious phenomenon. Conventionally, it is divided into two halves: conscious and unconscious perception of reality. Its structure contains the evolution of humanity itself.

Called "elongated", the oldest department is responsible for our primary instincts, actions that are not controlled by us intentionally. It is also responsible for our reaction to any phenomenon and the subsequent work of the whole organism.

The most amazing thing is that Slavic signs and symbols are able to directly carry information to this department. In this case, images of Scandinavian runes or Celtic ligature do not have such an effect. This is due to the fact that our deep departments store codes for decoding genetic memory.

Thus, Slavic symbols are in contact with our brain. They conduct a dialogue not only with us, but also with a whole generation of ancestors. The graphical structure of each sign is read, conveying the embedded information at the root level.

Static lines and dynamics

Considering the ancient Slavic symbols as geometric patterns, one can notice their amazing property. Simple lines are woven into a pattern perceived as movement. This is not an optical effect. We fix the direction, and the brain completes the dynamics according to its ideas.

The ingenious decision was the fruit of the observation of our ancestors. A thrifty attitude and sensitivity created these images in their worldview. Logic is honored in every stroke, the absence of superfluous or cumbersome.

Slavic signs and symbols - what did our Ancestors see in them?

All characters can be divided into groups:

  • magical and protective;
  • tied to the elements;
  • personifying the gods;
  • reflective phenomena of nature;
  • for different generation groups;
  • patrons of crafts.

The most incomprehensible thing is that Slavic symbols, with all their diversity, have common features. They are aimed at uniting the soul and spirit of man.

Our Ancestors believed in the complexity and multifaceted structure of the World. Such was, in their opinion, the man. The individual was divided into spirit, which filled the essence with content. At the same time, the soul was another phenomenon bestowed by the Gods.

With all the separation, the ancient Slavic symbols were not isolated from each other. They had a specialization, but at the same time they had common features. Thus, each sign was part of the general and complemented the whole picture.

Mysterious messages from the past: Slavic signs in the structure of the Universe

The ancient Slavic symbols known to us store not only specific information. They carry the codes of the structure of the Universe. It is already known that the Slavs knew about the diversity of cosmic bodies. They had access to information about those celestial bodies that cannot be seen without special equipment.

The space explorer Yakov Nikolaevich Borzhevsky once noticed that the structure of the solar sign of the Solstice resembles a rotating galaxy. Considering his assumption in more detail, he became convinced of the affinity of other Slavic symbols with the appearance of cosmic bodies.

It remains to be assumed how much knowledge we have not yet inherited from our ancestors. And what secrets carry the true meanings of ancient drawings. Perhaps the combination of symbols reveals amazing details of the creation of our universe or the possibility of interstellar travel.

How symbol information was collected

For a long time, scientists attributed the available information about the found images to applied art. The currently collected Slavic protective symbols are the product of a long and painstaking work.

Only a part of the surviving ancient monuments became a clue to the true meaning of the inscriptions. With each new found city or excavated temple, the number of images multiplied. At the same time, there was no doubt that graphic images carry sacred and cult information.

Mosiacs of the Etruscans

Ethnographers and adherents of the original faith conducted their own research, replenishing the treasury with transcripts. The source of reliable information was the folk epic, which can still be touched. Epics, sayings and other information revealed the true meaning of Slavic signs.

Analogies with symbols of other countries

Considering Slavic symbols, one can note their affinity with other cultures. One of the fundamental inscriptions - the Cross - can be found in the culture of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Scandinavia, Celtic and German cultures, Anglo-Saxon, Hinduism and Buddhism.

The crossed lines denoting the field in all cultures have a similar meaning. The swastika, or solstice, has the same design and meaning in all cultures.

buddha statue

Swastika Slavic symbols can be traced on the map of the entire globe. This fact is confirmed by:

  • folklore;
  • excavations;
  • religious movements of many peoples, where swastika symbols serve as the basis of the cult movement;
  • the architecture of ancient structures, which are thousands of years old.

One example of such monuments of ancient architecture is the temple buildings of the city of Baalbek, located in Lebanon. Baalbek is considered one of the oldest cities in the world. Unique footage provided by employees of the Veles online store.

Temple buildings in Baalbek

However, Slavic protective symbols, despite all the similarities with the cultures of other countries, have their own unique impact on our consciousness.

Protective properties

Slavic protective symbols for the culture of modern man enjoy great attention. The need to become aware of oneself and feel connected to one's roots leads people to explore meanings. Each inscription carries its own unique information, which is aimed at eliminating blocks and negative programs in the mind.

Due to their positive essence, Slavic protective symbols influence:

  • to a holistic perception of one's personality;
  • adjustment of internal systems of life;
  • harmonization of energy metabolism;
  • restoration of mental balance;
  • creation of strong logical connections between parts of the brain;
  • balance of perception of reality.

Putting on the chosen symbol, a person interacts with it at all levels of his essence. This allows him to build his own shield from negative external influences. A complex or simple interlacing of lines works as a cipher against the entry of hostile entities. Thus, the owner receives not only protection, but also help from the ancestors themselves.

The meaning and interpretation of Slavic symbols

Our ancestors transmitted the description of Slavic symbols orally. The process of Christianization has largely disrupted the continuity of generations. That is why disputes and disagreements are raging among modern admirers of the original culture in the true interpretation of Slavic symbols. However, it is necessary to understand that our modern perception in many respects differed from the everyday way of life of the ancestors. The accumulated knowledge, sacred meaning and unique worldview were invested in each cult image.

How did our ancestors perceive the world?

The intricate tie of patterns left by our ancestors carries a whole ocean of knowledge. In trying to decipher their meaning, we little think about how different a person's worldview is then and now.

Modern man is surrounded by various encrypted and open information. Artificial heap blocks the true perception of things. Our ancestors invested in Slavic symbols and their meaning only those information that are of real importance for the body and spirit.

Our ancestors saw the drawing of intricate patterns in every bend of a branch or plexus of a web. The openness and emancipation of consciousness allowed them to read information without distortion. That is why the study of the basics of the signs and symbols of the Slavs is a kind of healing of the mind from the layers of excess intellectual burden.

Subtleties of energy connection with the universe

The description of Slavic symbols contains many provisions on energy exchange. The direction, the number of turns and the smoothness of the lines are important. For our forefathers, all this served as a kind of map of the ley lines along which they led their energy.

In the center of each image there is always a place for the most important element - a living beating heart. The symbol itself is part of a single flow of power. Reuniting with a person, this chaotic energy of life is transformed into creation.

After all, only a person is able to transform the world around him to his inner state. That is why it is necessary to select symbols carefully, with knowledge of the subtleties.

Slavic signs: interpretation of the symbol

Even in the culture of our ancestors, the interpretation of Slavic symbols was a real art. Knowledge of the rules of inscription and the time of making an amulet or amulet was highly valued. It was possessed by the most experienced members of the community and some masters.

The geometry of life

An amazing fact, but Slavic symbols and their meaning are directly related to geometry. Even before this science acquired its own name, its foundations were actively used by our ancestors.

The main geometric shapes in symbolism:

  • cross - the definition of the four cardinal points, the distribution of energy;
  • the circle is the sphere of each standard of living;
  • square, rhombus, rectangle - stability of positions;
  • dot - basis, creation, outcome;
  • bending is a complex figure that personifies movement.

Our ancestors more deeply and broadly understood the structure of any geometric phenomenon. Stable sharp corners are combined with soft fluid transitions. It is the center of perfect balance in which any act of creation is possible.

Direction in sign

The most common description of the right-hand and left-hand direction in signs. However, the description of Slavic symbols includes much more complex provisions. If we compare the movement of the symbol with the direction of the blood flow through the human body, we can get a clear picture of the distribution of energy according to the sign.

In the female body, the left half of the hemisphere has the greatest activity, in men - the right. This affects the activity of the vascular system. That is why female and male symbols act differently on representatives of different sexes.

Inscription on clothes

The interpretation of Slavic symbols contains sacred information about human capabilities. The combination of a cross and an oval gives a stable composition of the distribution of the flow and the suppression of third-party interference. Broken and smooth lines give direction to the active zones of our body.

If creativity prevails in a person, he is able to give more than he takes. This creates an unstable position in the exchange of energies. In the old days of such a person, relatives would embroider a shirt with rhombuses and squares. Thus, his energy through the prism of the sign would be in balance.

Masculine and feminine

Slavic symbolism is divided according to the principle of strengthening energy centers. In this series, male Slavic symbols combine a list of signs, are associated with the elements of air and heavenly fire. Whereas the Slavic symbols for women are turned to the moon, the water element, the earthly principle. All of them make up a single cycle of balanced protective symbols.

Male Slavic symbols

The traditional Slavic symbol for a man represents:

  • strength;
  • protection;
  • freedom;
  • movement;
  • power.

All these signs refer to the elements of fire, air and heavenly light. The semantic load that the Slavic symbol carries for a man is aimed at awakening his true beginning.

The sword in the symbolism of the Slavs

Symbols deserve special attention - swords. They have different forms of writing, but each sign has characteristic features:

  • direction;
  • magnitude;
  • sustainability.

The sword is an attribute of power, protection and patronage. These concepts were perceived in the broadest aspect. Divine patronage, absolute power. However, this implied a wise perception of one's power, aimed at the benefit of the community. Swords served as a security and attacking symbol at the same time.


Kolovrat is the personification of rebirth, the ascending energy of life. He absorbed the cosmogonic picture of the structure of the World, created by our ancestors. It is a direct reference to the ancient knowledge of the universe.


Patiborets is a bright solar symbol, the true embodiment of universal fire. This is not just sunlight, but rather a flash in which life is born. One of the strongest signs of the male line.


Sign Yarovrat - refers to the art of war and agriculture. Our ancestors praised the plowman on a par with the defender. There are two styles of Yarovrat - six- and four-beam. At the same time, the root "yar" makes a reference to the blazing fire that protects from darkness.


The image of the Falcon is interpreted as freedom, victory, superiority, protection. In mythopoetics, a Slavic symbol for a man means the ascent of the spirit, the fulfillment of a karmic duty to the family.

Slavic symbols for women

A special place was occupied by female Slavic symbols, personifying creation and creation.

Messages are hidden in every female sign:

  • fertility;
  • veneration of ancestors;
  • hidden sacred knowledge;
  • women Health.

According to the surviving information, Slavic symbols for women were compiled based on their status, occupation and significance for the community.


Almost all female Slavic symbols are divided into three age periods. Lunnitsa depicts a young moon, it is a symbol of the tide and fertility. It could be worn by young unmarried women who had recently married.


One of the oldest symbols Rozhanitsa personifies the connection with the family, ancestors. This is the power of matriarchy, the protection of the most valuable gift - childbearing. He is the creation, creation and giving of life in one image. The symbol was worn by women who entered maturity, married and gave birth to children.


The paired sign Ladinets echoes the male symbol Kolyadnik. This is a symbol of the harmony of the two principles. It contains the patronage of the feminine chaotic principle, ready to move into a peaceful state of creation. It contains two figures representing fire and the full moon.

The amulet is intended for women practicing mysticism. It is a strong defense and guide in the Implicit World. Protects from false knowledge, reveals consciousness. Through it, the owner reveals the deep ancient female magic.

Symbols of the Slavic Gods and their meaning

Universal love is the power carried by the symbols of the Slavic gods. Each sign contains unique codes that reveal the secrets of the universe. Through the symbols of the Slavic gods and their meaning, we receive the blessing of our ancestors.

Strength and harmony in every sign

In the view of our ancestors, the main driving force was love. Everything generated by the Gods was permeated by it and consisted in unbreakable harmony. If we consider the symbols of the Slavic Gods separately, it is easy to notice a unique fact.

All images of the Gods can be combined, creating groups of new signs. At the same time, the strength of each element subordinate to God will be summed up. The clear geometry of the symbolism makes it possible to compose ornamental rows.

The sacred semantic load, which the symbols of the Slavic Gods possessed and their significance in the life of their ancestors, has only partially survived to this day. From the known data, it is clear that the signs served as a kind of communication center with the patron. Turning to the deity through a symbol, a person tuned in to creation.

Common symbolism of the Slavs

The symbols of the Slavic Gods are divided into personal and elemental. Some are addressed specifically to God, others are the elements that he commands.

The collected symbols of the Slavic Gods and their meaning differed slightly among different nationalities. The transcripts below describe the most characteristic features of signs that coincide in meaning with all Slavic peoples.


Lelnik was considered a symbol worn by children and young girls. The decoding of the name has the meaning "nurtured", that is, nurtured in love. The patronage of the deity protected the growing children, a special favorable attitude towards girls.

It was believed that Lelnik absorbs the power of sincere deep love and drives away evil spirits and evil thoughts.

Symbol of the Family

The symbol of the Family enjoyed special love for our ancestors. He personified powerful forces:

  • the relationship of generations;
  • help of ancestors;
  • Creator of all things;
  • creative power of creativity.

Worn by representatives of different generations and genders. Possesses incredible power, enhanced by a respectful attitude towards the family tree. Influences the fate of the owner, giving him clarity of thought.

Ax of Perun

The traditional male symbol of the ax of Perun refers to personal amulets. Connecting with the energy of the owner, it influences his character and worldview.

Impact on character:

  • willpower;
  • sobriety of thinking;
  • courage;
  • self-discipline;
  • strength of mind.

The ax was one of the types of weapons that Perun used to fight the dark forces.

Veles symbol

The personal symbol of Veles has a schematic outline of the head of the tour. According to one version, the deity turned into this animal. Through the amulet, a person established a connection directly with the deity.

The strength of the sign stands guard over justice, it is a defense against lies in any manifestation. It is believed that contracts were concluded on the sign. The owner of the amulet gets the opportunity to feel the hidden meaning.

Veles seal

Veles seals are depicted as two signs - the paws of a wolf and a bear. Both animals were considered sacred, through them they carried out their will in the Explicit World.

According to the semantic meaning, the bear's paw belongs to the iconic amulets. He grants the owner good luck in solving legal affairs, trade. The symbol nourishes the inner strength of a person, giving him the breadth of thinking.

The wolf paw amulet is suitable for mystical personalities. His strength embodies the power of Veles over the world of the subtle plan. It is in his power to protect a person engaged in spiritual practices from mental attacks.

Star of Lada

The traditional female protective symbol was the star of Lada, the patroness of love and family. The personalization of the Goddess through the sign protects the life and house of the owner.

The value of the amulet has a wide range:

  • honor;
  • faith;
  • justice;
  • love of freedom.

This is a guide to the source of the wisdom of generations, carrying out the relationship with the ancestors. He is credited with protecting motherhood, since it contains the power of omnipotent love.

Reza Dazhdboga

The solar sign Dazhdbog carries the unshakable power of the deity. It contains the energies of fertility, rebirth and sunlight.

Under his patronage:

  • weddings;
  • prosperity;
  • military courage;
  • spiritual guidance.

He is a powerful protection and guide for those who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Reza Chura

The strong sacred sign Chur refers to personal amulets. It is in his power to establish powerful protection from otherworldly forces. God Churu obeyed the spirits of nature, living next to a person. Under the patronage of a deity, the owner may not be afraid of the machinations of opposing forces.

Makoshi sign

The Makosh amulet is intended for wise women. It is a powerful conductor of fertility energy. Through symbolism, the Goddess guides her children, helping them find inner peace and wisdom.

The image of the symbol bears two main geometric shapes - a cross and a rhombus. The first is a conductor of solar energy, the second is the personification of the earthly principle. Uniting, they form a sown field - fertility and prosperity.

Reza Beloboga

Consisting of broken lines, the harmonious symbol of Belobog develops into a bizarre labyrinth. Its features contain knowledge of the complex structure of the universe. Refers to personal symbols; conductor of pure energy of love and light.

Wishes are encoded in it:

  • well-being;
  • clarity of thought;
  • of good;
  • purity of thought.

Reuniting with the owner, the sign brings the inner world into harmony with the thoughts and aspirations of a person. Thanks to the amulet, the wearer gains the ability to soberly weigh the facts and find the right solutions.

Kolyadnik or cut Kolyada

The amazing Kolyadnik is the personification of the power of rebirth. This is the eternal desire of the Universe to renew and recreate life. The solstice depicted on the sign is in perpetual motion, the so-called “salting” direction.

Symbolism of the ancient Slavs memory from the depths of time

The first discovered finds bearing Slavic signs date back to the 1st millennium BC. e. The Penkovskaya, Prague-Korchak and Kolochinskaya cultures are recognized as the progenitors of the Slavic nationality. The discovered household and cult objects are covered with the symbolism of the ancient Slavs, the meaning of which has practically not changed to this day.

Slavic signs - early archaeological finds

In the works of Soviet and Russian archaeologists, the first Slavic signs are attributed to the period from the 1st millennium BC to the 1st millennium BC. e. until the 6th century.

These include graphics:

  • carved on stone statues;
  • covering clay and wooden utensils;
  • embossed on leather or jewelry.

Clay vessel. Pozdnyakovskaya culture

Basically, these are primitive drawings depicting wavy lines, dots and semicircles. Gradually, these images are transformed, becoming more complex. At the turn of the 6th century, the first examples of clear solar symbolism appeared. The found clay vessel of the Pozdnyakovskaya culture (middle of the 2nd millennium BC) is covered with images of the Fern Flower and wavy lines.

Proto-Slavic and pre-Slavic cultures

The early progenitor cultures include the Penkovsky, Prague-Korchak and Kolochinsky. They existed in the period of the 5th-6th century and left a large number of monuments of those civilizations. Historian-archaeologist V.V. Sedov assumed that during this period the list of running symbols was finally formed.

The Slavic signs and their meaning found in the southern Pripyat basin and the upper reaches of the Dniester repeat the elements of ornaments and fragments of images of other regions.

Among the discovered finds of the 5th-10th centuries, graphic symbols are presented:

  • solar;
  • elements of the cult of the earth;
  • stylistic images of animals;
  • cult symbols of deities.

There is reason to believe that this historical period reflects the origins of the formation of a single Slavic symbolism.

Pagan symbolism of the Slavs - Kyiv culture

Cultural monuments of the Kyiv type belong to the end of II-IV centuries. Most of the finds were found in the Middle Dnieper, Seim, Desna and Dnieper. Kievan culture echoes the layers of the Baltic and northern tribes.

Among the items of utensils, jewelry and megalithic finds, the symbolism of the Slavs was found, which is repeated in other regions. The main feature of this period was the manufacture of amulets as a separate direction of fishing. Precious metals were used that were not found in earlier finds.

V. V. Sedov assumed that active trade relations with neighboring tribes were established during this period. What influenced the development of pottery and blacksmithing. Judging by the numerous finds, Slavic signs and their meaning were influenced from outside. Elements appeared borrowed from the Romano-Germanic peoples. The Black Sun and the Valkyrie came into use.

Interpretation of symbols

Archaeologist G.S. Lebedev suggested that the Slavic signs reflected a unique understanding of the laws of the surrounding world of our ancestors. Each symbol carries several meanings that have one semantic root.


Named as Alatyr, the image is widespread in folk craft. This symbolism of the Slavs occupied a cult place, since it belonged to sacred signs.

This is evidenced by the list of its interpretations:

  • the center of the universe;
  • unity of the four elements;
  • the unity of the world;
  • original fire.

The first finds of this sign date back to the 10th century, they were found at the Troitsky excavation site in Novgorod.


Triglav, a symbol of the trinity of the divine principle, is found on stone and clay products of the 2nd century BC. e. It was repeatedly recorded as part of the decoration of religious buildings and stone sculptures of different cultural periods.


Kres - the symbolism of the ancient Slavs of the 6th-10th centuries BC found in the Caucasus. e. included complex images. Among them, on bronze items, there were prints of an image recognized as Cres - symbols of purification and fire. The drawing included a number of elements that only in 1982 were deciphered and were able to identify the name.


The pagan symbols of the Slavs had a lot of unique images that belong to pre-Slavic cultures. One of these is Krin, a symbol of new life, a sprouting sprout.

tree of life

A symbol common in different eras. Complements the cosmogonic ancient Slavic signs, rooted in the Aryan culture. It was brought by nomadic tribes, as evidenced by the finds of the Smolensk-Polotsk long mounds.

Flower of Life

The plant symbolism of the Slavs and their meaning are inextricably linked with rebirth and the eternal cycle of life. Images of the Flower of Life have been found on numerous finds of household utensils from various eras. Archaeologist P.K. Semenov suggested that the image came from the Aryan culture along with the settlers.

Deer images

The pagan symbolism of the Slavs is closely connected with craft. Images of animals and people in the process of hunting were found on petroglyphs throughout Russia, Belarus, and some regions of the Caucasus. The Deer symbol refers to the early civilizations of the Slavs, apparently depicting the remains of glacial fauna. The Scythian culture is especially rich in deer images - apparently this animal was the main totem of the people of that time.


The animalistic symbolism of the Slavs and their meaning refers to sacred cults that preceded a single pantheon. The Tur symbol is found on cult stones and rock carvings. T.N. Grekov put forward the theory that our ancestors tried to borrow the strength and power of the animal.

indrik beast

Ancient Slavic signs were supplemented not only with real animals, but also with mythical fauna. The symbol of Indrik the beast adorned the walls of Radagost, according to the testimony of Titmar of Merseburg. The images of the indrik carved on wooden facings were found by P. A. Vavilov in the excavation under the village. Kanevo, Vologda region.

Swastika symbols of the Slavs and their meaning

Slavic solar symbols are built according to the laws of the universal accordion and sacred geometry. Each bend or curl is subject to the law of equilibrium and balance. Through these schematic representations, our Ancestors turned not only to the power of the luminary itself, but also to the energy of creation.

heavenly fire

In the view of the ancients, the Explicit World was created by a powerful life force. Directing this energy with the power of creative thought, the mighty Rod recreated everything that exists. An incredible amount of energy was involved in this act, which had visible forms of heavenly fire.

That is why for the Slavs swastika symbols played a leading role in culture. Their images were an integral part of the cultural and everyday life. The most important meaning of the solar sign is the living embodiment of divine love for all that exists.

Swastika Symbols and Sacred Geometry

From the point of view of geometry, the swastika symbols of the Slavs combine similar features:

  • cross;
  • starting point;
  • sphere or hemisphere.

The direction of movement of the sign determines the course of energy through the lines. Continuous rotation pulls particles of life force into the center of the symbol. Thus, any solar image is a powerful accumulator.

Experts recommend that when choosing a sign, take into account the activity of blood movement in the human body. For women it is left-sided, for men it is right-sided. However, it is worth paying attention to personal characteristics, as well as the meaning of the symbol that has come down to us.

Unique swastika symbolism

The Slavic solar symbols known to us form an arcade of many signs. And this set is not accidental. It is a unique combination of stability and contradiction. The main interpretation of multidirectionality is the departure of the obsolete, the re-creation of the new. The symbol of rebirth formed the basis for the description of each solar image. Taking on one of the amulets, a person agrees to be included in the process of good changes and renewal.


Svarozhich heads the Slavic solar symbols, one of the strongest protective signs. He is the embodiment of the heavenly power of Svarog. The visual labyrinth system builds an insurmountable defense against spiritual degradation, protection of the soul.


Not inferior in importance to Svarozhich. Rodimich also crowns swastika symbols and embodies the power of the Family. He patronizes ancestral memory, carries a powerful charge of the creative energy of creation. Symbol of the continuity of generations.

Fern flower

The embodiment of spiritual purity, vitality and regeneration. Suitable for people involved in spiritual practices, as it builds reliable protection against otherworldly interference. The Fern Flower has the power to bring out the hidden.


Odolen-grass is an incredibly powerful symbol of protection against ailments. The process of purification takes place on the bodily and all levels of spiritual existence. It cleanses the thoughts of a person, setting him up for goodness and harmony.


Complements the swastika symbols of the Slavs, facing the Family. Molvinets embodies the ideas of spiritual growth, the inner "burning" of the spirit. Protects from slander, negative thoughts. Protects family ties from curses.


Active security sign. It is based on images of meridians - celestial arrows. Protects babies from evil, often depicted on cradles. Radinets is filled with the power of joy and peace.

Wedding attendant

An ornate sign promises protection to all newlyweds. The bridegroom attracts good luck and happy occasions. It is aimed at the successful embodiment of the desire to create a family hearth.


Dukhobor is an important symbol for leaders and spiritual practitioners. Strengthens the spirit and restores the relationship with the soul. Protects inner harmony and agreement of the true "I" with the world.


A unique sign that has a double direction. The lantern models the movement of energies in the universe. Its essence is the reunion of the earthly and the spiritual. Divine embodiment of love.


Svitovit is a transforming symbol that brings the energy of renewal to the owner. Resonates with the essence of the owner, revealing his inner potential. Symbol of the defenders of truth and justice.


The incarnation of the heavenly fiery deity. Keeper of the universal fire. It encodes a whirlwind of vitality. Znich carries protection from destruction and internal disagreement.


The embodiment of balance and movement. A newborn gives inner peace, acceptance of the true "I" of a person. Directs the owner's aspirations to the knowledge of true laws.


Bogovnik is the quintessence of the patronage of all the bright Gods. An energetically rich depiction of the relationship and opposition of the four basic elements of life.


Rodovik redirects the collected heritage of previous generations into one powerful stream. Connects the owner to this current. The result of this process is a clear understanding of one's destiny, the choice of the right path.


Image of celestial electricity. Has a salting direction, protects from lightning. It carries the meaning of the will of the gods. Depicted on the doors of dwellings, temple complexes.


The direction of the sign is to the left. Bestows the patronage of Indra on the wearer. The meaning is heavenly wisdom, longevity and the weapon of a true warrior of the spirit. They were applied to the entrance portals of the vaults. It was believed that the Thunderbolt strikes those who entered with bad thoughts.


Symbolism of the defenders of the fatherland. Valkyrie recreates a single chain with relatives who defended their homeland. Increases the spiritual potential of the wearer. It carries the meaning of "peaceful warrior".


Recreates the picture of Perunov's way. Embodies a graphic representation of the structure of the solar system. Oriented to people of creativity, leading spiritual quests.


Complements the swastika symbols of the Slavs with a contradictory (bipolar) meaning. It bears the seal of the goddess Tara, who protected the four spiritual paths of man. Helps to search for the true purpose, its generic program. At the same time, sharply curved lines embody the four great winds, opposed to the spiritual search.


Recreates a harmonious relationship with nature. It gives strength to join the surrounding world, to find in it a reflection of oneself.


A powerful symbol of protection of balance, reunion. It unites all childbirth, allows you to connect to a common karmic network. Appeal to the spiritual flame, transmitted from generation to generation.


Female solar symbol. It personifies the protection of heavenly mothers. Through him, the appeal to any of the Goddesses receives the strength of an increasing impulse. Protects motherhood, bonds of parents and children.


The symbol combines two geometric shapes - a cross and lightning. It is considered a female sign of protection of reproductive possibilities. It was of particular importance for young girls, protecting their fate from damage and the evil eye.


Personification of the God of the Highness in the sign. Embodies protection from decline, lack of money. Attracts the benevolent energies of creation, wealth and balance.


The task of the symbol is to preserve the paths of the true search for the meaning of life. Reunion of heavenly and earthly fire.

sky boar

Included in the swastika symbols of the Slavs. The personification of the meeting of the future and the past. Protects the spiritual self-improvement of the owner, endows him with perseverance in achieving goals.

spiritual swastika

The symbol of immaterial fire, which embodied the thoughts of the Sort. This is the pure energy of universal love, imprinted with lines.

soul swastika

Connects to the energy of the spirit. Regulates the conscious life of the earthly incarnation. It has power over the lines of a person's fate, responding to his intentions.

Spiritual strength

Spiritual power helps to feel the relationship of the mind with the subtle plane. Adjusts the flair to the subconscious choice of the right path.


The image of a person in both hypostases - material and spiritual. It helps to manifest the opportunities bestowed by the Gods and pacifies negative character traits.


A female symbol that can be worn by men. Its main meaning is fertility, bestowed by the Mother of the Raw Earth. A gift from the origins of life, bringing prosperity to the owner.


Retribution symbol. Enhances any action, allowing you to quickly feel the results. This is an energy boomerang that allows you to get the fruits of what you honestly earned on time.


Embodiment of the original nature of the soul. It personifies the halls of Alive, from which the creative energy of creation comes.


Equilibrium symbol of the order of the Universe. Light and dark beginnings in the eternal dance of true harmony. A person on the path of spiritual search shows all the visible and hidden paths of development. The choice of path determines what energy the sign will use.


The embodiment of the connection of two parallel worlds - Navi and Yavi. Grants access to the unique capabilities of a person in the spiritual realm. Protects from otherworldly interference.


It unites the spiritual and physical energy of a person. A symbol of the connection between pure light and the material world. Increases the momentum of aspiration, allowing you to see your goals more clearly.

solar cross

The embodiment of the powers of Yaril - the summer sun. Enhances the health and power of a person. Strengthens the connection between spirit and soul. Patronizes warriors. Male symbol.

heavenly cross

A universal symbol suitable for both sexes. Depicts the eternal power of rebirth. Protection given to spiritual search, family ties.


Another symbolism of the Sort. Often depicted on his idols. An insurmountable barrier from the evil influence on family ties, the support of the ancients.


Male symbolism of fertility. The fullness of life, the fire of eternal flame. It was considered a protective sign against diseases for livestock, maintaining profit in the house. It was drawn on stables and cowsheds, applied to news posts.


Sign of fortitude, male symbol. Aimed at protection from unclean creatures, allows you to develop both sides of the essence. It gives stability to the psyche, connecting the internal reserves of a person.


The symbolism of the unity of the entire race of Slavs. Conductor of powerful creative energy of creation. Gives protection to the entire nation. It revives the desire to know the roots and heritage.


Household symbols that protect home life and prosperity from external interference. Endowed with the power to increase the material heritage. Universal sign.


Incarnation of Yaro-God. Male symbol of fertility, rebirth and life after death. Symbols were painted on barns as protection of the seed from spoilage. Gives fertility and a bountiful harvest.


Symbols of the Slavic halls

The Svarog circle is united by 16 signs, each of which is under the auspices of a certain deity. The semantic load carries the concept of the structure of all layers of the world. Each image has unique features that affect the fate and character of the owner.

The meaning of the symbolism of the palace for a person

At birth, a person is given the opportunity to enlist the support of the gods. You can contact your intercessor through the symbols of the halls. The sign is a conductor of the will of the petitioner and a channel of energy transmission. Since each symbol has its own characteristics, unique changes will occur in the life and character of a person. Amulets allow you to acquire protection and direct the energy and efforts of the owner to achieve harmony with his life task.

Under the auspices of the gods

The symbols of the Slavic halls are endowed with unique features. Their value makes adjustments to the characteristics of the wearer, depending on the patron deity.


It is under the tutelage of the goddess Jiva. Refresh energy conductor.

The owner is endowed with the following qualities:

  • independence;
  • stubbornness;
  • purposefulness.

All these qualities are manifested due to the transmitted energy of youth, love for life.


The sign is under the auspices of Rahmat, the deity of the Heavenly Court, Universal justice and law and order.

Gives character traits:

  • striving for purity of thoughts;
  • clarity of consciousness;
  • balance.

The owners of the sign are determined, but not reckless.


Those born in this sign were lucky to become the beloved children of Rozhana, who is responsible for family comfort and prosperity.

The people of this symbol are inherent in:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • desire for peace.

It is difficult for the owners of the sign to leave the comfort zone. However, they adapt well to change.


The Great Heavenly Mother of God Mokosh leads the destinies of people born in the sign of the Swan.

Character carriers are characterized by:

  • caring for others;
  • joyfulness;
  • abundance;
  • well-being.

He bestows the gift of clairvoyance on women who have reached their peak.


The sign is subject to the keeper of the Heavenly Fire Semargl. The symbols of the Slavic palaces associated with the fire element have the strongest influence on the owner.

Those related to the amulet have:

  • clear sober mind;
  • perfect internal balance;
  • irascibility;
  • ambition.

The sign has a supportive effect during a difficult period.


The sign is under the jurisdiction of Kolyada. The patron of change and the paths of human destinies endows the owner of the symbol:

  • good nature;
  • sense of humor;
  • deep wisdom.

The bearers of the amulet have an amorous and open character.


One of the main symbols belongs to Svarog.

Those born in the hall have:

  • fortitude;
  • justice;
  • boundless kindness.

The owners of the amulet strive to achieve a strong position through creative work. Their quality is to destroy vital barriers on the way to the chosen goal.


The ancient symbols of the halls always refer to the power of ancestral ties. The Hall of the Stork is under the auspices of the Family. It is particularly strong bonds with past generations.

The owner is given the following features:

  • flair;
  • ability to navigate in life situations;
  • developed sense of duty;
  • desire to create a family.

The carriers of the amulet receive a blessing for the birth of healthy and full-fledged offspring.


The symbolism belongs to Veles, the keeper of the Gates of the Interworld. Supports the defenders of the family and the fatherland.

The characteristic qualities of the carrier are:

  • success in business;
  • Thirst for knowledge;
  • prosperity and prosperity.

The owners of the symbol are able to build strong communications.


The wise earthly goddess Marena sends a blessing to the bearers of the sign.

The owner of the amulet grants:

  • mental flexibility;
  • cunning;
  • curiosity.

Enlisting the support of the goddess, a person achieves good luck in business, shows ingenuity.


The sign is supervised by the god Kryshen. God has two hypostases - a warrior and a reaper.

In his ward enhances the qualities:

  • diligence;
  • the ability to listen to oneself;
  • sense of the true purpose of life.

God helps his child to gain confidence and stability in self-interest.


Mother Lada patronizes the life of those born in the sign.

Thanks to her supervision, a person acquires:

  • honesty;
  • a strong desire for justice;
  • Love;
  • understanding with others and with yourself.

People of this sign are devoted to their work, find joy in serving society.


The god of the bright worlds Navi Vyshen takes care of the carriers of the symbol.

The sign helps the owner to acquire:

  • perseverance in the fight against dark forces;
  • sincerity;
  • clear vision.

It protects the wearer from slander, the evil eye.


The Kupala amulet complements the symbols of the halls, providing the wearer with protection from the disease.

The qualities of the owner of the mark are:

  • purity of soul;
  • body strength;
  • a heart free from false feelings.

Being under the auspices of Kupala, a person receives a deep inner impulse for renewal.


Perun patronizes the soldiers and defenders of the peace of the fatherland.

The owner of the symbol is endowed with the following properties:

  • firmness;
  • internal balance;
  • decisiveness.

The owners of the mark act without hesitation, always find the right solution.


The Keeper of the great universal Wisdom Dazhdbog blesses those born in his sign.

They are endowed with the following qualities:

  • prudence;
  • foresight;
  • the ability to make plans.

The owners of the symbol radiate inner light and confidence. They know how to unite people around them, leading them to true goals.

Slavic symbols and Runes

Slavic symbols and runes cause heated debate among the scientific community. Since the facts that have come down to us are fragmentary, the very existence of writing is called into question. However, there is evidence that the symbols of the runes performed a ritual role and were of a communication nature. The signs of the Slavic runes allowed the tribes to conduct business, to transmit information. The found symbols of ancient runes are known for their sacred meaning.

Runic symbols of the Slavs

The Slavic peoples had developed communication, which for foreigners created the impression of a single nationality. Despite the originality of each tribal union, the runic symbolism of the Slavs made it possible to transmit information in an accessible form.

There is evidence that the symbols of the ancient runes had two purposes:

  • writing;
  • divination.

The German chronicler Titmar of Merseburg, who studied the monuments of Slavic religious culture, described that in Radogost each idol was inscribed with the name of a god or goddess. Despite the fact that those who came to give praise were from different tribes, they read and understood these inscriptions in the same way.

This suggests that the symbols of the runes come from a single source that gave rise to all the cultural branches of the Slavs. The remaining decoding into Slavic symbols and runes refers to their religious meaning. The fact that this information reached contemporaries in a relatively complete form speaks of the special place that the signs of the Slavic runes occupied in the cultural life of our ancestors.

Symbols of the ancient runes

Known rune symbols include 18 characters. Some of them are named after gods. The meaning and interpretation depends on who the inscription is dedicated to.

The runic symbols of the Slavs used as divination have a unique set of meanings. Each decoding embodies the originality of the worldview of our ancestors.

World- He is also called Belobog. The embodiment of the World Tree, a sign of prosperity, order and prosperity.

Chernobog- chaos, a destructive force that brings change.

Alatyr― the embodiment of balance and harmony, the starting point of the World.

Rainbow- the sign symbolizes movement, the path. The rune signifies a spiritual or physical journey followed by inner development.

Need- the personification of Viy, means the destined outcome of the current action or event. Everything that happens is in the power of higher powers, does not depend on the will of the fortuneteller.

Krada- financial stability, rebirth after a long stagnation or complete ruin. A symbol of ascending forces that bring prosperity to any area of ​​​​life.

Force Spiritual cleansing energy, Warrior Spirit. Combining purpose and aspiration.

Treba- a symbol of the edge of the sword, masculinity and victory. The strength of perseverance and faith in victory, backed by the spiritual patronage of the gods.

Wind― personification of spirits and elements of air, the pointer of a way. It means the direction of willpower towards goals that will lead to the integrity and successful outcome of the enterprise.

Bereginya- a symbol of protection from negative influences. Powerful spiritual protection, support of ancestors. Delivered irresistible protection from the evil eye.

Oud- the second interpretation of the name Yarilo. The embodiment of the power of love, the energy of passion. It personifies a powerful creative principle.

Lelya- the potential of creativity, the rune of imagination, the power of intuition. Indicates a smooth course of change of direction.

Rock- closed possibilities, the inevitability of what is happening. A pre-planned scenario, the course of which cannot be changed.

Support- a rune of good luck, the help of higher powers. The key value of the message from the ancestors, support from their side.

Dazhdbog— the symbol has a double meaning. A test that brings purification. Support of the divine patron.

Perun- the intervention of powerful forces, a person endowed with power.

Eat- material abundance obtained by following one's destiny. A reward for long and hard work.

Source- stop, calm before a favorable period. Hidden deep growth, stagnation phase.

Slavic symbols in embroidery, their meaning and patterns

Slavic symbols in embroidery were used as a talisman for the body and spirit of the wearer. Techniques for applying cult images include satin stitch and cross-stitch techniques. Geometric symbols formed into ornaments, the meaning of Slavic symbols in embroidery formed a message to higher powers.

Cult signs in everyday life

Even before the formation of writing, signs and symbols served for our ancestors as a means of transmitting and saving information. Cult signs were applied to household items and clothing. According to the set of images and the nature of their application, the nationality of a person and his social status were determined.

The signal system was most clearly expressed by Slavic symbols in embroidery. She covered both outerwear and lower layers. Each type of decoration had its own set of drawings and signs. There were unwritten rules according to which the images were subject to a clear structure of inclusion in the composition.

Ornament formation rules

The signs used in embroidery were not performed separately. Each element was included in a complex ornament. By the nature of the arrangement of the picture, it was possible to read the encrypted meaning. The meaning of Slavic symbols in embroidery determined the group of symbols that could be included in a single pattern.

Women's and men's signs have never been combined. They were diluted with a pattern with a neutral meaning.

For example, the symbolism of abundance - birds of paradise always coexists with earthly signs of fertility.

Slavic ornaments have geometrically regular patterns, the balance of every detail. The protruding parts do not break the composition, they are complemented by balancing elements.

Women's and men's symbols

The difference in female and male symbolism lies not only in the set of symbols. Solar signs and elements of nature are introduced depending on the nature of the meaning.

So the right-handed Kolovrat was depicted only in mature men, the left-handed one could be present in the female ornament. Signs were distributed according to age criteria, for example:

  • Bereginya with lowered hands is a symbol of a young maiden;
  • folded on the sides - a married mature woman;
  • hands raised - an elderly person.

Plant topics were also differentiated according to gender and age criteria:

  • rose, lily, viburnum - female drawing;
  • oak, cornflower, Chernobrovtsy - male signs;
  • hop - youthful ornament;
  • poppy is a girlish sign.

Male ornaments were more symmetrical and clear. Fluid smooth lines prevailed in women's patterns.

Reading the scheme of embroidery of Slavic symbols

The schemes of embroidery of Slavic symbols reconstructed by folk craftsmen practically did not change. To read an encrypted message, it is enough to know both individual values ​​and their group value. By the type of images used, it was possible to find out where a person lived and what position he occupied in the tribal union.

Among the inhabitants of mountainous areas, broken angular lines prevailed in embroidery. Wavy in combination with ovals were found among the inhabitants of the water area of ​​reservoirs. The higher the status of a person in the community, the denser the outfit is covered with patterns.

For boys and girls, the edges of shirts and underwear were embroidered. Married women had several margins on their shirts from shoulder to wrist.

The solar symbol of the swastika was found in the southern and central regions of the Slavic peoples. Among the northern tribes, animalistic patterns often predominated.

Rules for embroidering Slavic patterns

In order to observe a clear sequence of alternating fragments, a corner part is selected to start work. From this point the space is divided into squares. Schemes for embroidery of Slavic symbols are formed based on who will be the bearer of the product.

The fields of edges were filled in first. Then large details of the pattern were located above it. Various additions were made last. The course of the pattern always had a direction to the female or male side.

Kabbalistic signs are mystical signs strongly associated with the occult tradition. With the help of these symbols, magicians create and charge talismans, enhance the effect of amulets, conduct sessions of spiritualism and call spirits in order to control them. Find out what they are, why they are important and what things are applied to.

In the article:

History of Kabbalistic signs

Kabbalah- a set of ancient knowledge based on the teachings of the spirit. It is believed that this knowledge contains the answer to the secrets of the Universe, the key to all physical and mental doors. This system is effective, works and is aimed at helping a person in understanding his life path, higher purpose, finding happiness and spiritual peace. Roughly speaking, Kabbalah is aimed at finding the meaning of life, and not at avoiding it through meditation and detachment, as Buddhist teachings do.

Many eminent scholars have studied Kabbalah to better understand the metaphysical aspects of their existence. Among these scientists were the famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras, the test physicist Isaac Newton, the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, as well as Leibniz and many others. Understanding this mystical teaching helps to better capture things that are insignificant at first glance, events that help establish cause-and-effect relationships, make it easier to understand the connectedness of all events. Knowledge of the laws of the spiritual world, their influence on the material universe strengthens the spirit of a person and makes him much more resistant to the blows of fate.

The very name "Kabbalah" came to us from the Aramaic language, in which it meant "getting something." There are no restrictions on the field, faith, nationality, age of adherents who want to accept this teaching - Kabbalah accepts everyone, because people always have the same goals. What? For example, the desire for happiness for yourself and your loved ones. Who doesn't want this? Mutual love, peace of mind, successful self-realization, indestructible well-being, good health.

Things that Kabbalah aspires to cannot be picked up, touched, held in hands, even seen. They are invisible, their nature is non-material, but, nevertheless, very clear and their existence is not questioned. It is these desires, their satisfaction, that are called "Light" in the teachings of Kabbalah. If we are talking about receiving something, no matter what, then we mean receiving this particular Light. Its manifestations are generally the same, but at the same time it is purely individual for each person.

Michael Laitman saw in this teaching the science of comprehending the secrets of the universe, which is fundamentally at odds with the opinion of other adherents of Kabbalah. However, magicians and witches are more inclined to agree with Michael. They actively use every symbol of Kabbalah for their amulets, talismans and other amulets.

Signs of Kabbalah and their meaning


The main symbol is the Kabbalistic hexagram (tetragram), otherwise referred to as the Masonic Seal or Solomon's seal. It depicts a hexagonal star with the top up, which means the opposite of the devil - God. It is a powerful tool of white magic. Many practitioners of the occult use this hexagram to summon evil and powerful spiritual entities to its center, which, being inside it, are not able to harm the performer of the ritual.

Kabbalistic tetragram, which is a subspecies or variation of the hexagram, which is not so widespread. Sometimes it is called the great state seal of the worldwide Masonic lodge. Inside the six-pointed star is inscribed the Number of the Beast - six hundred sixty-six. Since the star consists of two equal and equilateral triangles, sixes are depicted at three corners of each triangle.

Kabbalistic signs and their meaning are closely connected with the Masonic lodge. The next sign is also related to Freemasonry: it is sometimes called the Masonic "Solomon Seal". Among the Freemasons themselves, branches of the lodge (the so-called occultists, spiritualists, theosophists and many others), it is simply called the seal of King Solomon, in memory of the biblical God-chosen king. It consists of two equilateral triangles of white and black colors that make up a six-pointed star. Two symbols are applied to them - Alpha, which is translated from Greek as the First, as well as Omega, the Last.

In addition, the Tetragrammaton, the Pentacle of Solomon and the Tree of Life are among the significant symbols of Kabbalah.

The first of these, the one called Tetragrammaton, denotes the name of God, since no one knows His true name and cannot pronounce it. It is in some way an abbreviation, since it consists of four Jewish letters: “yod”, “heh”, “vav”, again “heh”. The first means the element of fire, as the most violent and indomitable, the second - water, as the most smooth and at the same time dangerous, the third is the element of air, the most intangible and incorporeal, and the last is the earth, without which people would not live. Fire symbolizes the creative paternal energy of God, water - maternal power, sensual component, air - a son, a thought that flies like the wind, earth - a daughter, a perfect action.

Pentacle of Solomon

Kabbalah signs, among other things, are closely connected with the Jewish tradition of magic, which means a close connection with the Bible. Pentacle of Solomon called a powerful magic symbol, with the help of which magicians protect themselves from third-party influences, call for good luck, wealth. It protects its owner from failure, suffering, disasters. The great king Solomon, as you know, was chosen by God to successfully rule the state of Israel. When Solomon received from his father David a magical artifact - a ring with a pentagram and strange signs, an angel descended from heaven and taught Solomon the mysteries of magic, controlling the power of the symbol given to him, the language of animals and birds. It was believed that Solomon became a magician, that is, he owned the name of God, could address him directly, receive his blessing and other benefits.

The Pentacle of Solomon is sometimes called a pentagram and this gives rise to considerable confusion. In fact, there is not much difference between them: the pentacle and the pentagram have the same power and the same meaning. It symbolizes the power of the earthly rulers, as well as the Earth itself. The seven symbols inscribed in the pentacle mean the seven planets known since ancient times - starting from the Moon and ending with Saturn.

To create a charm-talisman to attract good luck and wealth to you through the pentacle of Solomon, the Kabbalistic tradition advises to perform the ritual on a sunny day - Sunday. The moon must be waxing, not waning. The amulet must be made of a noble metal - gold. In addition, if a talisman is created for a one-time action, then it can be made up of a more fragile material - golden paper and golden paint. The creation itself must also be carried out on Sunday, making sure that the moon grows.

Also, the talisman must be cleared of extraneous energy. To do this, it is fumigated with aromatic smoke - best of all with incense. Sprinkled with spring water. Plain water or church water is not suitable for this practice. After cleansing, you need to face the east, as the sun rises there, raise the pentacle above your head and ask the Universe for what you want. At the same time, state your name or the name of the person to whom you wish it.

Finally, using the ring finger of your right hand, apply aromatic oil to the talisman in a clockwise direction. If there is no aromatic oil, then sunflower oil is also possible, since sunflower flowers are symbols of the heavenly body. Breathe on the pentacle and say three times:

As the moon grows, let wealth grow for me (name). Let it be so!

Tree of Life

The last of the most famous signs of Kabbalah is Tree or Tree of Life. It is a schematic representation of the world structure. It consists of ten spheres or Sephiroth. Name " Sephiroth comes from the Hebrew word for calculus. The Tree of Life is the very basis of the teachings of Kabbalah, an attempt by the founders of this teaching, using numbers and various terms, to decompose the alleged system of the universe with the participation of science and mathematics. A human attempt to grasp the immensity, to touch the secrets of creation.

It also personifies the perfect superman, created in the image and likeness of the Creator. And the ten Sefirot are the ten manifestations of the presence of the deity. Sometimes they are interpreted as archetypal states of the human body and consciousness, of which there are also ten. Each of them has its own number, celestial body, specific concept, area of ​​the human body.

Kabbalistic rings - personal and paired talismans

As we have already found out, people often wear amulets depicting the mystical symbols of Kabbalah as ordinary jewelry: earrings, necklaces, bracelets on legs and arms, rings. The latter occupy a separate place in the mythology and symbolism of mankind - there is a ring infinity symbol, because it is closed on itself.

Kabbalistic wedding rings

Kabbalistic rings are also a reminder of the very first ring, from which the tradition of making jewelry with similar symbols began - it was. To this day, it is a symbol of strong power, a sharp mind, and great insight. The bearer of such a jewelry-amulet exacerbates leadership qualities, becomes stronger character, stronger and more honest intuition.

In addition, the followers of the teaching have a tradition at the wedding to put on each other Kabbalistic wedding rings. These are not only symbols of matrimony, but also talismans-amulets from adversity on the path of life. Such rings are inscribed with the pentagram or pentacle of Solomon, the names of protective angels and patron archangels, and many other symbols of the ancient teaching called Kabbalah, the signs of which are aimed at protecting and helping the human race. Spouses wearing such rings protect themselves from treason, betrayal, lies, quarrels and omissions, slander and the evil eye.

Red thread Kabbalah bracelet

In addition, it exists as a bracelet. The source of this tradition is that the tomb foremother Rachel or Rachel, considered the greatest woman, the matriarch of the Jewish race, was wrapped in a red thread. In ancient times, people again wrapped this thread around the tomb of the foremother, and then cut off a part of the thread to tie it around the wrist.

Such a talisman had great power - best of all, it protected from an unkind look, the so-called evil eye.
The Kabbalah bracelet is worn on the left wrist, as the heart is located on the left. And it is through him that the most powerful energy passes, which protects from the evil eye.

However, the thread must be properly tied. If a person does this for himself, then this will not save him from the effects of the evil eye. Tying the thread must be accompanied by a special ritual.

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