How to guess on playing cards - a technique for beginners. Fortune telling on ordinary cards


Each person in life can have a difficult situation, from which it is problematic to find a way out on their own. Many in this case turn to the cards for help. Fortunately, today there are various layouts available for execution even for beginners. In this article, we will look at fortune telling on cards: layouts and the meaning of cards.

At the time of our ancestors, the magic of divination was known to at least one member of the family. In most cases, they were an elderly woman.

Before making an important purchase, making a fateful decision, starting planting or harvesting, this woman was asked to make a card layout that showed how well the situation would develop. Then fortune-telling occupied a huge role in people's lives, and its results were never in doubt.

Divination card rules

In order for the result of the prediction to be true, it is important to follow certain rules. First, you will need to choose a card that will be "you" in the divination process. This is done in this way:

  • if you are a young unmarried girl, a lady of diamonds is taken;
  • the fair sex in the age category from twenty-five to fifty years old must use the Queen of Hearts;
  • older women choose the Queen of Clubs.

For men, it is necessary to choose cards in a similar way.

From this video you can learn how to guess using ordinary cards, as well as tarot cards

Card layout "What was and what will be .."

Fortune telling on cards on the topic: “What was, what will be, how the heart will calm down” has always been very popular with girls. This alignment appeared a very long time ago, with its help you can find out the features of your past and future, as well as get a good recommendation on how you can improve the current state of things in your life.

Divination was actively used by our great-grandmothers, although, it should be noted, since then there have been some modifications in the meanings of the cards, but its meaning remains the same.

Now consider how to correctly perform fortune telling:

  • the best time to do it is at night. You will need to thoroughly mix all the cards from the deck;
  • then you remove the first five cards with the help of your left hand towards yourself and lay them out on the surface of the table;
  • repeat the described manipulation again;
  • perform the same action again, while one of the cards must be set aside separately. As a result, you will get 5 stacks of cards, each will contain 3 cards and one will lie separately.

The cards are interpreted as follows:

  • 1 stack- characterizes you as a person;
  • 2 stack- shed light on your anxieties and worries that torment you;
  • 3 stack- your home, close and dear people;
  • 4 stack- events of the past;
  • 5 stack- Events of the future.

And the very last card will tell you how the business you are thinking about will end. From her you will receive the main recommendation.

How to interpret the meanings of cards in the classic layout

To understand what exactly the cards are telling you, remember their correct interpretation.

heart suit

  • Six - you are very lucky;
  • Seven - boldly take risks, everything conceived will come true;
  • Eight - it is worth overestimating what you have, you are already happy enough;
  • Nine - you are in a good environment;
  • Ten - get financial benefits;
  • Jack - comrade;
  • Lady - a woman you do not know;
  • The king is an unfamiliar man;
  • Ace - take care of your family.

diamond suit

  • Six - all your plans will come true;
  • Seven - you have a great friend, you need to take care of him;
  • Eight - the person being thought of sincerely treats you;
  • Nine - everything will end successfully;
  • Ten - discard doubts, they are useless to you;
  • Jack - they are trying to "lead you by the nose";
  • Lady - you have a secret admirer;
  • King - someone secretly admires you;
  • Ace it is important for you to find out all the latest news so as not to miss the important.

Club suit

  • Six - it is worth listening to what they are talking about;
  • Seven - lady luck is with you;
  • Eight - promises to receive a present;
  • Nine - soon life will change for the better;
  • Ten - buy an expensive thing;
  • Jack - a pleasant fuss;
  • The lady is a family woman;
  • The king is a family man;
  • Ace - receiving interesting news.

spade suit

  • Six - you have to go through a breakup;
  • Seven - events will not unfold in the best way;
  • Eight - you will cry because of treason;
  • Nine - take a closer look at your health;
  • Ten - your actions will repel you;
  • Jack - empty fuss;
  • Lady - ignore envy with slander;
  • King - you have a secret enemy;
  • Ace - to bad news.

Divination for the fulfillment of the desired

The deck of cards is shuffled well, then you remove the cards with your left hand, think about your secret desire. Then the cards are laid out one by one in four piles so that the shirt looks up.

Then you take the first pile from the left side, turn it face up and remove all cards except the first ace. Do the same with all stacks of cards until they all merge into one.

The stack that turned out as a result should be decomposed into three parts, while the cards look up with images. Then repeat the previous manipulations (eliminate all cards up to the first ace). But do not forget to turn the right stack face up each time and put it on the left, while not mixing.

The cards that remain must be divided into two parts and again repeat the described steps. At the end, lay out the remaining cards in two piles, mix well and lay out in one line. If at the same time all 4 aces converge, your innermost dream will certainly become a reality.

Having resorted to card fortune telling, it is easy to understand the true state of things in your life, because the cards act as an "independent expert" who will help you find answers to exciting questions and make the right choice in a difficult situation.

Do you want to know your near future, the prospects for developing relationships with your soulmate, etc.? In this article, we will tell you how to learn how to read Tarot cards on your own for beginners without the need to contact a specialist.

Is it possible to learn to read Tarot on your own?

Anyone can learn the art of divination. Specialists of the Russian Tarot School will tell you in detail how to learn to read Tarot cards on your own - you only need to sign up for courses. In the process of learning and after reading this material, beginner tarologists will be able to develop their intuition, become wiser, hone their analytical skills, spatial thinking.

Think about why you need fortune telling?

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is necessary for every person. You will be able to expand the boundaries of your subconscious, read the signs that the deck sends, figure out the true purpose of earthly existence, predict your own future, etc.

What questions can Tarot answer?

  • Status of the current situation/case
  • Development trends/prospects
  • How to act rationally
  • Identification of the cause of the problem situation

Choosing your first deck

To gain experience in this type of divination, it is better to use classic decks. The most popular option is the Rider-Waite cards. Universality of application, accessible images, simple interpretation of meanings are only part of the advantages of this Tarot interpretation. A large selection of specialized literature will help you easily understand the meanings of each Arcana.

Don't like the classics? Then choose another deck according to the criteria described below.

Cards should be with understandable symbols. Abstract images will cause bewilderment and confusion for a novice tarologist. In the beginning, practice on a simple deck - this will help you move on to interpreting the complex meanings of other versions of the Tarot

  • Images must be on each card. In some deck options, pictures are partially used - do not buy them
  • The first deck should be known - this will help you find tips, useful tips from the specialists of the Russian Tarot School or on the Internet
  • Listen to the energy of the cards - if you like the deck, buy it. Fear, apprehensions, negative emotions are sure signs that the Tarot is “not yours”

Learning Theory

How to start learning divination from scratch on Tarot cards for beginners

  • Man's desire. Get rid of prejudices, stereotypes that the cards will accurately show you the future even without your direct participation
  • Divination by cards is like the interpretation of dreams. Know how to correctly catch the necessary images, listen to your own feelings, emotions. Maps will tell you the best solution - the main thing is to decipher it correctly
  • Each value can be selected individually for a person - one of the foundations of Tarot divination. Do not be lazy to take notes after each alignment done.
  • The fortune-telling deck must be brand new, so it is forbidden to take it as a gift from someone
  • Regular communication with the cards will help you quickly establish contact with them. Record the results in a special notebook. With constant practice, you will be able to get to know the deck much better.
  • "Hurry is good for catching fleas." Tarot divination is painstaking, hard work, comparable to spiritual development. The main thing is to reach mutual understanding
  • Study specialized literature (for example, "Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards" by Sergey Savchenko), try new layout techniques on Tarot cards for beginners. This will help remove the edges, develop susceptibility in the spiritual realm.

Practice: first steps

If you are wondering how to learn fortune telling on Tarot cards at home, then constant practice with layouts will help you. Start with the simplest ones - this will help to correctly interpret the resulting value.

Why should one not use detailed interpretations of the symbols of other authors in the process of divination?

  • The ready-made formulation makes it impossible to interpret. Turn on intuition, partially relying on the standard meanings of the symbols that have fallen
  • The interpretation of the lasso depends on its position in the layout, position (straight, inverted). It is impossible to memorize all the existing options even for decades - learn to listen to your own subconscious

In the process of divination, tune in, discard extraneous thoughts, retire to the room. Take the deck in your hands and carefully consider each sign, writing down the associations associated with it on a piece of paper or in a notebook. Systematize the information received by compiling a small table with brief information on each lasso.

"Card of the Day" - a simple divination for beginners

"Card of the Day" is one of the easiest tarot card spreads for beginners. Fortune telling will help you better learn all the secrets of the selected deck, remember the main meanings of each sign. Constant practice will help you feel the cards, feel their energy, etc.

It is better to do the layout in the morning - it predicts the events of the next day. The fallen Arcana will tell you what to protect yourself from, and what not to “slip”. But do not get carried away - you should guess every few days.

Another option for using fortune-telling "Map of the Day" is the answer to a question that requires an unequivocal answer from the "yes" or "no" series. It is not necessary to immediately look for a detailed description of the value that has fallen out, it is enough to see in what position the sign fell out - direct / inverted (respectively, a positive / negative answer).

How to lay out tarot cards for beginners?

The correct layout of the deck will help the novice tarologist get truthful answers to questions of interest. Follow these guidelines:

  • Concentrate, ask the cards a question of interest - it can relate to any sphere of life. You can use generalized formulations from the “what awaits me if” series. Replay the question in your mind as you shuffle the cards.
  • Draw cards. There may be several of them - it all depends on the layout used. There are two ways: you can spread all the cards on the table in a fan, randomly taking out the required number of symbols from it, or choose directly from the shuffled pile. When you take out the cards, try not to think about this process.

To interpret the values ​​obtained, turn the cards face down, evaluating the layout as a whole. If a fortuneteller has several cards of the same suit, they symbolize a sphere of life that is of value to a person.

Note. The presence of the Major Arcana indicates the fateful events taking place in a person's life.

When unfolding the arcana, intuitively determine what they want to tell you. If you use a complex layout and the meaning is not clear, use the standard interpretation of the dropped symbol. Do not forget to write down the results - this will come in handy for subsequent fortune-telling.

The video “How to properly lay out Tarot cards when divining” will help to avoid mistakes in the process of layout.

Based on the above information, there are several “golden rules” that will help beginners to better understand Tarot cards.

Guessing should be in good health, high spirits

  • Use only "charged" cards. To do this, carry them with you for a couple of days, “talk” with them (seclude yourself, light a white wax candle, hold the deck in your hands to pleasant music, preferably without extraneous thoughts)
  • Sew a special linen bag or case for the deck. You can use other, natural materials in neutral shades.
  • Intuition, imagination, analytical thinking are your main assistants in learning the secrets of Tarot
  • Learn to interpret the values ​​​​obtained on your own, occasionally looking at the "cheat sheet". Take courses - they will help develop the missing qualities necessary for the correct interpretation of the result of divination
  • Record everything in a special notebook
  • Don't bore your deck with every little thing. Any fortune-telling should be carried out no more than once every two days.

May this information help you better understand the secrets of Tarot. Stay tuned for updates, don't forget to leave comments. See you soon!

How to learn to guess on ordinary cards

A line from Alla Pugacheva's song "Fortuneteller" "... people are arranged like this: they want to know what will happen ..." confirms the human interest in fortune-telling. You can predict fate using ordinary cards, you just need to know the layout methods and be able to read them.

For fortune telling on cards, you should not take those on which you have repeatedly played. Buy a new deck, or even better several, with different backs. For each layout, select a specific deck of cards and do not confuse them.

Do not let anyone touch fortune-telling decks of cards and treat them with respect, store them separately from any junk. Let them rest, i.e. do not use them often and for nothing.

For predictions, choose special days: your birthday, full moon, Friday the 13th, Christmas time, New Year, Christmas. It is not recommended to guess on Sunday, especially if you are an Orthodox Christian, and on Monday (it is believed that cards can lie on this day).

Before guessing on ordinary cards, formulate a question that interests you. If you want to know the fate of another person, then mentally imagine his face or look at a photograph.

Layout "Three"

This simple fortune-telling on the cards is suitable for elementary (not global) questions, for example, how will today go or where is a certain person now. Shuffle the deck and place any 3 cards in front of you. Then take out the other 3 and, if the answer is not clear, take out another three of a kind.

Fan layout

For this method, you can ask any question: about love, career - or find out fate. Think of a specific card for the person you are guessing at. For example, the king of hearts is your husband, and you are the queen of hearts (you can guess on both at once).

Fan out the first 3 cards from the deck in front of you, the next 3 under them, etc. until the hidden card appears, then put 3 cards from the bottom. Those cards that are next to the key card are the present, below are the past, and above are the future.

Layout "15"

Lay out any 15 cards from the deck on the table, stacking them into 5 piles of 3 cards. 1st pile - the present person; 2nd - family, personal life; 3rd - friendly and friendly relations; 4th - goals, dreams; 5th - future (warnings or advice).

Card meanings

Worms - love suit:
- 6 - road;
- 7 - conversations;
- 8 - meetings;
- 9 - love;
- 10 - goals, hopes, dreams;

- Lady - a married woman or the mistress of an unmarried man;
- The king is a married or divorced man;
- Ace - hearth.

Crosses - business suit, except for nine:
- 6 - business trip;
- 7 and 8 - business meetings, conversations;
- 9 - love, strong attachment to someone;
- 10 - profit, money;
- Jack - chores, problems;
- Lady - mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor or colleague (depending on the question asked and nearby cards);
- The king is a business partner, boss or colleague. For the unemployed - a person who is much older than the fortuneteller (father, father-in-law, father-in-law);
- Ace - business.

- 6 - close road;
- 7 and 8 - conversations, meetings;
- 9 - love between a couple who is not married to anyone;
- 10 - plans, hopes;
- Jack - chores, problems;
- Lady - an unmarried woman, daughter, girlfriend, mistress of a married man (king of hearts);
- The king is an unmarried man, son;
- Ace - letter, news, significant documents.

- 6 - a long road;
- 7 - sadness, tears, disappointment;
- 8 - visiting, drinking;
- 9 - severe illness, next to a lot of peak cards - death is possible;
- 10 - unfulfilled dreams, ruined plans and hopes;
- Jack - empty chores;
- Lady - enemy, jealousy, anger;
- The king is a colleague, an honorary figure, a noble person;
- Ace - if the peak lay with the tip up in the form of a glass, then a drink, if down - defeat, failure, blow.

The ability to guess on the cards is useful to everyone. It is not difficult to learn the art of fortune telling - simple lessons and videos will help you correctly lay out and interpret the answers to any questions.

How to read cards correctly

There are a number of nuances, they are taken into account before starting a divination. They are relevant regardless of whether playing cards or Tarot will be used.

Basic rules of divination:

  • Truthful answers need a new deck. An exception is when she got it from a relative who used to tell fortunes and taught the heir.
  • Cards must not be given to strangers. Compliance with the rule will relieve the influence of someone else's energy. For divination, get a separate deck of cards. The one who is guessing touches it before receiving answers.
  • You can't ask the same questions in a row or “reguess” the result if you didn’t like it for one reason or another. Abuse will cause the cards to refuse to answer truthfully.
  • Treat the fortune-telling deck with care and respect. It is stored in a secluded and clean place.
  • You should tell fortunes, knowing why and what kind of answers you expect to receive. Do not guess for fun and don't be skeptical of the process.
  • Mood and condition seriously affect the result. In case of nervous tension and stress, fortune telling is not necessary. It can be misinterpreted or disrupt the subtle energy connection between the owner and the instrument.

In any magical art, there are limitations to its use at certain times. Maps are no exception. Tradition forbids women to do this on critical days. Favorable divination on the growing moon. Do not use the deck on Monday unless absolutely necessary.

Each month there are certain days on which you should not engage in divination. These are the following numbers:

  • January - 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12 and 20.
  • February - 11, 17 and 18. In a leap year, divination by 29 is true.
  • March - 1, 4, 14, 24.
  • April - 2, 17 and 18.
  • May - 7 and 8.
  • June - 17.
  • July - 17 and 21.
  • August - 20 and 21.
  • September - 10 and 18.
  • October - 6.
  • November - 6 and 8.
  • December - 6, 11 and 18.

Every deck has a significator card. The owner of the magical attribute symbolizes her.

Fortune telling on another, also choose a significator for this person. The card of a fortuneteller is located in the center of the working surface.

In standard layouts, the images above the significator are a reflection of plans, reflections, they describe future events. Located at the bottom tell about what he is currently involved in.

On the left side, the cards indicate the past or what disappears from a person's life. On the right are the causes of events or the consequences of actions.

Professional fortune-tellers say that it is impossible to determine exactly in what scenario the card is removed with the right, left hand, towards or away from you. Whether to adhere to a certain scheme or lay out one after another.

Understanding what to do in a particular case will come with experience. The more you work, the sooner your intuition wakes up, and it will tell you what techniques to use for a particular person.

They begin to work with the deck using simple layouts. So it will turn out to establish an energy connection with a magical instrument, understand the character and learn the principles of interpretation. We present simple divination lessons below.

One of the easy ways to ask the universe a question and get an accurate answer. For him, you need to know well. In divination itself, two are used, and it is carried out to get an answer to any questions.

But one should not only thoroughly study the interpretation, but also understand how the meanings are combined with each other.

Many want to guess the future. A simple tutorial will help you determine what to expect and what to pay attention to in life. It is done like this:

  1. The deck is shuffled.
  2. Three cards are drawn face down and laid out next to each other.
  3. In turn, each of them is turned over from left to right.
  4. The first is the past, the second is the present, and the third is the future.

In this situation, remember that they do it infrequently. The optimal period for repeating fortune-telling is three months.

Table of contents [Show]

The future is mysterious and hazy. Sometimes, in moments of weakness and self-doubt, there is a desire to know what lies ahead. Not without reason is sung in a well-known song: "... people are arranged like this: they want to know, they want to know, they want to know what will happen." The information received helps to boldly enter into tomorrow, to make decisions on which future life depends.

In modern society, many types of fortune-telling are in demand. One of the most popular and ancient is predictions on playing cards, but not on those that have already been used before. You need a new deck.

Divination was an integral part of the life of the ancestors. They decided to find out fate back in the fourteenth century, when playing cards had just begun to take over the minds of people. There are several layout options, choose the one that suits you. The ability to guess on the cards will teach you to know the future of any person.

Preparing for divination

It is not difficult to learn layouts, it is more difficult to feel a mental connection with an attribute. Buy a new deck. For thirty-six cards, there are special conspiracies that will enhance contact with the owner.

Choose a suitable day for divination. Special, personal dates that matter, or holidays are suitable: birthday, Christmas, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and more. There are "most favorable" days - the thirteenth of any month and Christmas time.

After printing the deck, briefly squeeze it in your hands. Stay alone so that outside sounds do not interfere with focus and communication. Close your eyes, relax. If you decide to use a conspiracy, say the words in a whisper.

Before divination, shuffle the deck properly with your left hand, towards the heart, remove some of the cards from above and move to the bottom. Everything is ready for the session.

☞ Video plot

People have come up with many card layouts that give the answer to any question. Among the well-known, there are three of the simplest, suitable for beginners:

  • Troika;
  • Fan;
  • Fifteen.

Having chosen the appropriate alignment and knowing in advance the meaning of the cards, formulate the question of interest. Do not disturb the cards over trifles, ask questions, the answers to which are important. If it concerns another person, keep their image in your mind or put a photo next to it and look at it.

This alignment is suitable for everyday issues. If you are interested in how the day will go or where the person is, the method is chosen correctly. Shuffle the deck with your left hand and remove any three cards from it. Compare the value with the result. If the answer is unclear, draw three more cards. Fortune telling continues until you know the answer.

Ask about love, work, further destiny.

  1. Choose a card that you associate with yourself, such as the Queen of Hearts.
  2. If fortune-telling involves the participation of another person, take a separate card for him.
  3. After shuffling the deck, arrange the cards in rows of three under each other.
  4. Find in the laid out cards the one that you have guessed in advance - this is you.
  5. Above is the future, below is the past, and adjacent cards display the present.

Shuffle the deck and choose any fifteen cards from it. Put them in five piles, three in each:

  1. The first - personifies the present of the person;
  2. The second - refers to his personal life;
  3. The third is for friendship;
  4. Fourth - will tell about goals and dreams;
  5. Fifth - will indicate warnings or advice about the future.

The meaning of the cards

Each card and suit has its own meaning: “worms” are identified with love, “baptizes” with business and career. At first, you will have to check with each fortune-telling, but soon you will learn to understand intuitively and you will not need hints.

☞ Video plot

Fortune telling on cards - is it a sin or not?

From time immemorial, the attitude of religion to divination has been negative. In Orthodoxy, it was believed that only the Devil points to the future of a person, directs him along the wrong, destructive path. However, over time the stereotypes have changed.

Orthodoxy still does not approve of the use of cards, but after a couple of fortune-telling they do not go to Hell. In addition, some of the sins can be expiated. As for other religions, the attitude towards fortune telling is more loyal.

If you decide to check your fate using ordinary cards, there are several recommendations that will make fortune telling correct.

  1. Buy several decks of cards for different types of divination. Let each have its own purpose in order to increase the percentage of prediction accuracy. Choose decks with different backs to always differentiate them.
  2. Try not to use fortune-telling more than once a week and don't ask questions whose answers are unimportant. The higher the value of divination, the more accurate the result.
  3. Use special conspiracies for a deck of thirty-six cards, this will help to strengthen the spiritual connection with the owner.
  • Do not guess on Sundays and Mondays.
  • Do not tell fortunes in poor health, in a bad mood, while intoxicated. The result will be inaccurate.
  • Do not pass the deck into the wrong hands, so as not to weaken the connection with the owner.
  • Keep cards separate from other things. They need rest and replenishment of energy.

Having remembered these rules, start studying the meaning of each card, choose the next suitable day and start guessing. For the first time, the predictions will seem fuzzy and blurry. By enriching your experience with the cards, it will be easier to see destiny. Once you learn to fully trust your cards, they will reveal the whole truth.

Divination is increasingly attracting modern youth. After all, everyone dreams of knowing their fate or the future of romantic relationships. But how to learn to guess on playing cards if you are not a psychic or a medium? Very simple. There is no need to have any skills for this. Just follow the simple rules and you will be able to see the future. Although, of course, the exact result will not be achieved. After all, even the most famous predictors are wrong.

When is the best time to read playing cards?

This should be done on Friday or the 13th of every month. This is the most favorable time for such rituals. This way you will get the most accurate result.

If you look within the framework of the year, then it is better to guess at Christmas time, from January 7 to 19. This time of many centuries is considered the most magical.

Do not forget that it is better to guess on new playing cards that are not clogged with extraneous energy. Also, it is necessary to tune in to the process morally. If you laugh and joke, you will fail.

How to learn to guess on playing cards?

First, you need to learn how to shuffle cards. This is the main technique for divination. Without this, it will not be possible to achieve a truthful alignment.

Learn a few simple divination tricks. This way you can get the most reliable answers. Of several rituals, one thing is sure to develop.

Learn what each card means individually. Although, suits in general carry their own meanings:

  1. Hearts are the element of water. They are responsible for love and romance;
  2. Tambourines - Earth. They are responsible for the material side, money;
  3. Clubs (crosses) - fire. Responsible for power and position in society;
  4. Peaks - air. Failures, difficulties and losses.

In general, it is impossible to learn this from books. To be able to guess, you just have to do it and feel the cards. That's what old gypsies and experienced psychics say.

Learning simple fortune-telling on cards

If you do not want to waste time, then refer to the simplest card divination. Take a deck and shuffle it carefully. At the same time, you should think about the question that interests you. For example, "Will I find love?".

With your left hand, remove the top of the deck, as during the game. Arrange the cards on the table in 3 rows of 3 cards wrong side up.

The first row is the past. The second is real. And the third is the future. Now just remove the cards, look at their designations and analyze the information. This type of divination is well suited for those who are just starting to do such things.

Guessing on a loved one

If you love a person about whom you know little, then cards will come to the rescue.

Shuffle the deck and remove the top with your left hand. Remove the first card and look at it. These are the thoughts of the person you have chosen.

Shuffle the deck again. Remove one card and place it on your right. These will be the feelings of your lover.

Then also remove 4 more cards, which will indicate:

  • 3 card - the future of a loved one;
  • 4 - his desires and hopes;
  • 5 - surprises;
  • 6 - the distant future.

Card divination rules

Never guess in a bad mood. This is a bad omen. Don't guess to anyone who doesn't want it. It's better to ask people's consent.

Do not give those cards on which you are guessing to strangers. Otherwise, they will "become dirty" and will not show the future well.

If you are interested in something important, then do not guess at it no more than 1 time per day. The more often you turn to the cards, the more reliable the answers will be.

In the case when one or more cards accidentally fell during fortune-telling, it is worth deciphering their meaning. It could be a secret sign from the future.

Learning to guess on playing cards is impossible. Such a gift must be within you. And if it is not there, then it is quite difficult to obtain it artificially. But if you want, you can get certain skills. Just don't put everything on the cards. After all, many things in life depend on us.

Fate code by date of birth and its meaning

Swear in a dream with relatives. What is it for?

ASK AN ANONYMOUS QUESTION ABOUT YOUR PROBLEM The answer will be published in the section "Your questions". Write normal questions! Snippets of phrases like “3a34km I want to become an ldrppit blogger” are not accepted!

Who among us is not attracted by the desire to know the future or quickly understand this or that life issue? Often, such urges lead a person to a fortuneteller, who answers the questions in detail using a deck of cards. However, what if you also want to start guessing? Is it possible to do this for every person, and how to learn to guess on the cards? These and other questions will be discussed later in the article.

Fortune telling with the use of cards was popular several centuries ago.

Fortune-telling on cards gained its fame several centuries ago and to this day does not lose popularity. Therefore, more and more people are interested in this method to clarify the future and warn themselves against problems. You can learn the fortune-telling technique on your own, but be prepared that you will need restraint and a strong desire to learn magic. What do you need to know before starting fortune telling?

Any beginner needs to decide on the choice of a deck of cards. It can be like a playing deck of 36, or maybe a tarot deck. In this case, it is better to give preference to playing cards, because they are a more simplified version of professional divination cards.

When the deck is selected and purchased, it's time to start exploring the meanings. This stage is the most serious, because the interpretation of the received layouts depends on it.

You can guess correctly, taking into account the rules and recommendations from real professionals.

  1. Do not start fortune telling if your physical health is unsatisfactory, and the emotional background is disturbed. You also cannot learn to guess on playing cards while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
  2. The cards will not help you if the purpose of the training is to prove your skills to someone. The process of divination is so subtle that the slightest hypocrisy on the part of the fortuneteller will be revealed.
  3. As a rule, fortune-telling requires a special atmosphere. Have you noticed that the offices of professional fortune-tellers always give the impression of a different, magical world, a place where there is no counting time. You do not need to buy a lot of attributes and allocate an entire room for this. It is enough to find a secluded corner in the house where no one will interfere with your learning.
  4. Write down the meanings of each card in a separate notebook.
  5. Be prepared for psychological shocks and unexpected alignments. A fortuneteller must have serious moral preparation, because when learning new information about yourself or other people, it is important to correctly accept and interpret it. In addition, many negative forecasts often put the beginner in a state of shock. The overall outcome depends on the positive attitude of the fortuneteller.
  6. Start studying special esoteric literature.
  7. You should not spread with strangers about your desire to learn to guess, because it is not clear to everyone.
  8. Get ready for the fact that you can begin to condemn and dissuade.
  9. The best day for fortune-telling is Friday and the 13th of the month, Monday and Sunday are considered the worst.

Practical knowledge about divination

When a new deck of cards is bought, and the energy mood is "established", and your firm "I want to guess" has not evaporated, it's time to start taking action. At first, you may experience excitement, dropping cards from your hands. Do not rush to get angry or stop the procedure.

According to experts, the dropped cards are a kind of message to a person. In order to tell fortunes for yourself or a loved one, you need to shuffle the cards with your left hand, then “take off” a couple of cards and put them under the deck. The procedures performed prepare you for the beginning of fortune-telling and eliminate errors in interpretation.

Any person who knows what these or those cards and their suits mean can learn to guess on ordinary cards. The fortuneteller needs to take into account all the details, from the position of the suit to its proximity to others.

First you need to familiarize yourself with the suits, because each of them is a symbol of a certain element and represents the person on whom the fortune-telling takes place. What does each suit mean?

  1. The peaks are Air cards and show all the phenomena associated with misfortune and failure. Spades suits are symbols of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
  2. Clubs - are responsible for the element of Fire and talk about the financial condition, power, position of a person. The cards represent Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
  3. Worms are considered representatives of the water element and symbolize Cancers, Scorpions, Pisces. Cards are associated with sensuality, emotionality, relationships.
  4. The suit of diamonds belongs to the elements of the Earth and is associated with any kind of activity, lifestyle. Taurus, Virgo,
  5. Capricorns are representatives of the suit of Tambourines.

Capricorns - representatives of the suit of Tambourines

It happens that suits are associated with certain qualities and traits of a person. The club suit characterizes a dexterous, sly adventurer, hearts represent a loving, open, cheerful person, tambourines speak of a business personality, and peak suits can be compared with a gloomy and gloomy person. What are the methods of divination?

Having learned to understand the suits, you can proceed to the study of fortune-telling methods, each of which is important and worthy of attention. We learn to guess with the help of the following layouts:

  • alignment on "What was, what will be?";
  • divination to find out the near future;
  • alignment for a specific month or year;
  • fortune telling on cards for love;
  • layout for the betrothed;
  • divination at four volts;
  • layout for desire;
  • divination to find out your fate.

Each of the layouts requires a detailed study, therefore, before choosing the one you like, read the details on how to guess. Learning to guess on the cards, having a desire, is not difficult.

Cards and magic will be favorable to you if you come to them with a pure soul and thoughts. Having studied simple tips and tricks, the fortune-telling process will become a truly fascinating and unusual pastime for you.

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I had to hear requests more than once and even managed to receive a letter where the same phrase sounded: “I want to learn to guess on the cards.”

Today is January 12th and on the night of January 13-14, the most correct fortune-telling awaits us. This night you can guess not only on the cards. But we will deal with them, they are always at hand, do not require any additional actions and investments. So…

1. Let's start with the environment. I think everyone will guess that when fortune telling there should be no noise and extra people. Only you and a fortuneteller, you can come with a girlfriend, but with the closest one.

2. But today we are guessing on our own. Therefore, before starting, take a deck of cards in your hands and hold them, transferring your energy and mentally guessing what you want to learn from them.

3. Shuffled the deck and throwing three cards on the table, select the object you want to know everything about.

How to choose and what card suit is suitable for a particular person?

king of spades- he is not chosen at all, this card denotes a noble, official or military man.

King of the Cross- a dark man.

King of Diamonds- Brown hair color.

King of Hearts- light, blond.

Kings are chosen by hair color. In different types of divination, the choice may occur according to other signs. Let's stick to the familiar.

Queen of Spades- also has a general meaning - this is evil, a woman who should be feared. But in combination with other cards, it changes its purpose.

Lady of the Cross- you can choose by hair color - dark, you can choose by age - a woman after 35 years.

Lady of Diamonds- a young girl, unmarried.

Lady of Hearts- a married woman under 35 years old.

4. We choose, for example, the king of diamonds.

Then shuffle the cards again and move part of the deck. We put the shifted part under the bottom of the entire deck. and now we begin to unfold.

Now we need to study the layout of cards and the meaning of ordinary playing cards.

Card layout

We put the king in the middle. Point 4 has been completed.

We take out a card from anywhere in the deck and put it under the king - here, what is under his heart. The most treasure.

Then we put two cards (we take them out of the deck one by one) on the king, closing it.

On the diagram card layout everything can be seen in a nutshell.

Then we hang out the deck and begin to get cards from anywhere and lay them out around the king.

The meaning of the layout of playing cards.

The sequence is this:

two cards above the king - this is what is in the head, what the person thinks about;

two cards under the king - this is what is happening now, is in the legs;

two cards on the left - the past;

two cards on the right are the future;

then we put 2 each in the upper left and lower corners - this all refers to the past;

then we lay out 2 in the upper and lower right corners - this is the future, he explains.

We have a small number of cards left. We will put them on the heart, on the king in this order: one for the king, we discard three, and so on, until the deck runs out.

The cards on the heart are at first hidden from us. In the picture, I showed them open.

In addition to this layout of cards, there are others: easier and faster, I will introduce them later. But I love just such a layout, here you guess in detail and for a long time.

Continuation of the lesson on divination on playing cards a year later. Thanks to everyone who has been waiting. 🙂

We look at the combinations of cards, below I have given links to all options for the meanings of the cards. It can be defined at first glance as follows: a lot of small cards of black suit are bad, strife, trouble and emptiness in life. If just small cards up to ten and red and black, then nothing happens in life - all is vanity of vanities and catching the wind. Large cards show that there are or will be important events in life.

We read the future and the present on the cards, collect them in one deck and hang out again. Then we randomly take out their decks one card at a time and lay them out into 6 parts. From the first to the fifth part we put 3 cards, in the last pile - one card. See this layout in the picture.

Lay cards one at a time - in piles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Then we return and again add one card to each pile, except for the last one. There is only one card in the “How it all ends” pile.

We open three cards in turn and look at what has fallen. See below for links to the meanings of cards when divining.

The image of revealed cards.

We look again at the meaning of what is happening, first looking at the cheat sheets, and over time you will begin to feel everything that the cards want to reveal to you. Sometimes you can't see anything. It can mean a specific emptiness in life. Reschedule your session to a later date.

Then we collect these cards and throw out the paired ones, by the way, we do this after each stage. There is an arbitrary number of cards left. This is what is left with.

Let's lay them out on the table one after another, and for a more detailed interpretation, we'll cover each with two additional ones. We will pull them out of the shuffled deck from the rest of the cards from anywhere.

Important note. I didn’t write everywhere that after you have laid out, opened for viewing and explained the meanings of the cards, you need to collect them in a pile and throw out the paired cards. For example, two jacks, two kings, two sixes, and so on. The discarded cards must be combined with cards that do not participate in divination.

Confused? If something is not clear, write in the comments - I will try to describe in detail the process of divination on simple cards.

Service "Online playing card layout" available.

The meanings of a combination of cards for divination

suit of hearts

Suit of tambourine

Suit of clubs

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