How to draw ordinary eyes step by step. How to Draw a Realistic Eye in Photoshop


How to draw eyes with a pencil? Each of us roughly imagines what the human eye looks like and can draw at least such a primitive image:

But, since you are puzzled by the question of how to draw an eye in stages, apparently you want to get more.

First, I advise you to go to the mirror and carefully examine your eyes. A simple study of an object always reveals a lot of new things. I remember a school drawing lesson in which we were given a task. I drew as best I could and brought it to the teacher for checking. And Natalya Maksimovna advised me to take a closer look at her eyes. “Pay attention,” she said, “we have eyelids and wrinkles under the eyes. They also need to be drawn. At that moment, it became a real discovery for me - it turns out that if you look at something with all your attention, and not just paint it from memory, the object will reveal its new facets to us. One has only to add a few details and the eye begins to look completely different. It becomes more alive, real.

In the next few years, until the very end of school, I painted a lot of self-portraits sitting in front of a mirror. And the more the hand worked with the pencil, the better the result. Gradually, the drawing and the reflection in the mirror began to resemble each other, which was not initially observed at all. The longer I drew, the less doubt there was about choosing a profession. I definitely wanted to be.

In this lesson I want to show you how to draw realistic eyes, the volume of the eyeballs, the pupil. If you understand the structure of the eye, then everything will become easier and more understandable.

At the heart of the eye is a ball, which is hidden in a special hole in the skull (eye socket). The ball cannot be lit evenly. Some part of it will be in the shade, some in the light, and between the light and the shadow is the territory of chiaroscuro. Accordingly, the protein in front of the eyes (the white field around the colored circle) will not be uniformly white. Below I will demonstrate this more clearly.

The iris of the eye, the one that happens to be green, blue, brown and in the rarest cases purple, is a rounded bulge that extends beyond the eyeball. Accordingly, it will be unevenly lit. In fact, the iris does not stick out of the ball so much, but I exaggerated for clarity.

On top of the eyes is the skin that covers most of the eyeball and forms folds - the upper and lower eyelids.

Would you like to learn how to draw a child's eyes? How are they different from the eyes of an adult? Look at the photo below. The iris in babies seems to be much larger in size than in an adult. In fact, children have a smaller incision in the eyes - a hole between the eyelids through which the eyeball is visible. Over time, when the child grows up, the incision will increase and the eyes will “grow up”. And, as a rule, the eyes of children are wide open. They look at the world with surprise and do not judge anyone. Toddlers are simply saturated with information about the place in which they live.

Gradually, under the influence of society, a person develops a character. The "mirror of the soul" acquires its own special features. Some people get laughing eyes, others are stern. In someone's eyes you drown like in the sea. They are bottomless and attractive. But there are eyes that you want to turn away from and never look into them again, because there is nothing there but emptiness or anger.

We will draw big beautiful eyes. How to draw eyes step by step?

Draw 2 parallel lines and divide them into 3 equal segments. Why 3? The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of one eye. It may be a little more or a little less.

In most people, the inner corner of the eye is slightly lower than the upper one. In other words, people's eyes are slightly slanted. This "slantness" is most pronounced among the peoples of Asia - the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Mongols ... However, it is also present among Europeans.

The inner corner of the eye is slightly narrowed. Here is the so-called lacrimal caruncle - a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bpink color. Everyone's eye shape is very different. I draw rather large eyes of a girl.

We mark the area that the lacrimal caruncle will occupy on the inner corners of the eyes. Then draw the iris in the form of a circle. As a rule, the iris is not completely visible. Partially it is hidden under the upper eyelid. If you want to draw frightened eyes that are filled with horror, do the opposite - hide part of the iris under the lower eyelid, and leave free space between the upper eyelid and the iris.

Now draw the pupil exactly in the center of the iris. The size of the pupil depends on the illumination. The brighter the light, the smaller the pupil. In the dark, when a person peers somewhere, the pupil becomes 2 times larger. We draw the upper and lower eyelids. The shape and width of the eyelids are different for all people. In the elderly, the upper eyelid may become completely invisible due to the overhanging superciliary arches. The crease of the lower eyelid is not so noticeable, at least in young people. With age, all wrinkles become more pronounced.

In order for the eyes to look more expressive, they need a beautiful frame, or rather eyebrows. The distance between the eyebrows is greater than the length of the eye. The outer ends of the eyebrows extend beyond the outer corner of the eye. Of course, everyone's eyebrows are different, but, as a rule, they are adjusted to modern beauty canons with the help of cosmetics. In the Middle Ages, women shaved off their eyebrows. This is such a strange fashion requirement ... Perhaps in 100 years they will laugh at our ideas about beauty. Who knows…

In our drawing, the light will fall on the right. We note the glare on the iris. These are the lightest spots on the eyes. If you look in the mirror at your eyes, you will see how they sparkle. Why is the highlight on the iris? Because the iris is the most convex area in the eyes and it gets the most light.

Now let's start shading the eyes. We take a sharply sharpened HB pencil (hard-soft) and with neat strokes fill the entire drawing with the exception of highlights in the eyes.

We gradually gain tone by changing the direction of the stroke.

We darken the eyebrows, irises, upper and lower eyelids on the left (shadow) side.

Slightly darken the areas on the sides of the nose. We continue to darken the eyes and eyebrows layer by layer.

Now let's draw the cilia, some of which are shorter, others are longer. Draw eyelashes with short strokes from their roots to the eyebrows.

We make the lash line on the upper eyelid darker. This will give the eyes expressiveness.

Now let's get to the fun part. Take a soft pencil (I used 5B) and darken a few areas, namely the pupil in the middle of the eye, the iris, paying particular attention to the outer edges. We also darken the lash line and the eyelashes themselves on the upper eyelid. Let's highlight the lower lashes a bit. Let's also make the eyebrow a little darker. As you can see, the eye has come to life. The difference between the right and left parts of the figure is obvious.

And when entering special institutions associated with the profession of a painter, these skills are required.

And of course, the eyes are considered the most important element of the portrait, because the general atmosphere of the picture depends on how you portray them.

Through the look you can guess the mood of a person, his character. It reflects what we think and care about, what intentions we have. That is why, if you want to start working with images of people, you need to pay great attention to the eyes.

Despite the fact that the images of any object and object are the better, the more you have it, knowledge of the device and anatomy will help to simplify the task.

In this article we will look at how to learn how to draw eyes step by step quickly and beautifully.

Structure: how to draw eyes?

So, as mentioned earlier, in order to draw beautifully in stages, it is necessary to follow all the anatomical subtleties keep proportions.

The eye is a small sphere placed in the eye socket and covered with eyelids, which, in turn, are framed by eyelashes. The space between the eyelids is called the palpebral fissure. You should also pay attention to the third fold above the eye, located on the upper eyelid.

The part that is visible to us if the eyelids are raised is the protein coat, which turns into a slightly convex and transparent cornea. But already under the cornea is the iris. Iris has a curious structure: it is made of muscles, and this is where all the pigment contained in the eye is located.

As everyone knows, the hole in the middle of the iris is called pupil. Since muscle fibers tend to narrow, the pupil can change its size depending on how much light hits it. Therefore, be extremely careful, because if you depict a character’s face flooded with light or, on the contrary, he is in pitch darkness, the size of the pupil will vary.

The indentation in the corner is called the tear lake, which is designed to moisten the eye when you blink. Its inner part is always rounded, while the outer one has a sharper end. You should also pay attention to how the eyelid is placed and how it fits the eyeball. The extent to which it hangs over the eye can add a significant number of years to a person.

How to draw human eyes?

Drawing an eye with a pencil is not so difficult. To start drawing the following tools are required:

And now let's get to work. How to draw eyes correctly? Remember that the first time no one in life will ever be able to do this job well and correctly, so be patient and don’t give up! The more training and practice you have, the faster and better you will get every time.

  • Very easy and sketch without too much pressure eyeball, which is a regular circle.
  • Then draw it for centuries, while covering about one third of the eyeball with the upper eyelid and the same amount with the lower eyelid. The upper eyelid, or rather, its area should be slightly concave.
  • Note that the outer corner of the eyelid is slightly raised in relation to the inner one (the one closer to the nose).
  • Add to drawing lacrimal sac.
  • Now move on to creating the iris and pupil. Do not place the iris exactly in the middle of the eye, because this will make the look look aggressive. And also do not lower it too low to the middle eyelid. This part of the eye should be very slightly covered by the upper eyelid.
  • Adding highlights. This should be done not just like that, but based on which side the light falls on. Don't make the highlights too big, as this can reduce the expression of the eye.
  • Moving on to shaping. We start hatching from the most pigmented, and, consequently, rather dark part of the eye - the iris. It is important to know that its upper part is the darkest, slightly lighter on the sides, and the lower part is the lightest.
  • When hatching, it is important to draw the "rays" that come from the pupil. You don’t need to highlight them too strongly with a pencil: there should be a lot of them, but they should not be very noticeable.
  • Highlights can be left unshaded if you have already drawn them, or created with the tip of the eraser after the entire iris has been hatched.
  • To give more liveliness to the eyes, again, with the help of an eraser, several light rays should be depicted.
  • It is important not to repeat the mistake that many make, leaving the protein completely white. In nature, this does not happen, and therefore, the drawing will come out unrealistic. That's why add some gray shadows in the corners, as well as near the border with the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Let's start shaping the eyelids. The crease of the upper eyelid is the darkest place. After drawing it, slightly blend to lighter areas.
  • Let's move on to eyelashes.. They can be very different: short, long, fluffy and not very. All this is at your discretion. However, do not forget that each eyelash differs from the other in size and in nature they are not absolutely identical. The ciliary row begins from the very corner of the upper eyelid and ends closer to its border with the lower one.

How to draw eyes the same?

So, with how to draw one eye, we figured it out. But many artists who have worked out the drawing of all the small details perfectly have a problem in order to depict the second one as well. It should not mow, should not be more or less, corners, irises - everything should be the same. The task is undoubtedly difficult, but quite feasible. We recommend drawing two eyes at the same time.

I have already said that the eyes and lips are the most important parts that a beginner artist needs to be able to draw on a person's face. we have already depicted, now I will tell you how to draw a person's eyes in stages with a pencil for beginners. In addition to the fact that this is just a part of the face, you need to understand that for each shape you need to depict different eyes. You also need to understand that from the fullness of the eye and its color reproduction you can express your mood and mind. In fact, the eyes are the most difficult to draw, since basically the overall picture is formed from them. The pupil, eyelashes and corners of the eye are of great importance, we will pay attention to these moments and draw a more or less standard eye, novice artists usually train on this drawing.

We draw with an ordinary pencil, if we draw with colored paints, then we will have to work even harder, since color reproduction is a difficult moment in the picture. I give you a master class on the phased drawing of a human eye.

We immediately draw the lower eyelid, two lines, a horizontal elongated and a semi-vertical small one.

Now a lot of elements need to be drawn. On both eyelids, we immediately draw a few eyelashes, it is very good if they are casually depicted, for naturalness. Above the right eyelid, draw a semi-arc, for the fullness of the eye. And most importantly at this step, we denote the boundaries of the pupil, on the right is a vertical arc and on the left. On the left, we even draw a slight bulge, it is needed to diversify the eye and the pupil in particular.

Then we need to depict the pupil. On the left we make another arc, and it turns out as if the letter B. We draw a circle and in it another circle, we draw the central one. We also sketch the upper part of the pupil. And in the very central part, it leaves a miniature oval undrawn. The direction of the lines with which we sketch the parts of the eye is very important, they must be directed in different directions. For example, in the center of the pupil, vertically, in a slightly higher line, they look diagonally to the right down.

Slightly direct all the lines of the eye and draw the empty part of the pupil with very thin lines.

People who are learning to draw are often interested in the question: how to draw eyes so that the drawing is as if alive? Indeed, the eyes always play a major role in a portrait. Therefore, when learning to draw a person, of course, you need to pay enough attention to the drawing of the eyes. In this lesson I will tell and demonstrate how to draw eyes using the example of my drawing. If you do not get distracted by the details, then you need to learn a few key thoughts.

1. So, the first. The eye is spherical. Therefore, this is not a flat, but a three-dimensional shape with the name "eyeball".

2. Second. The eyeball is protected from above by the eyelids, which form the usual contours of the eyes.

3. Third. The eye is located in the "recess" of our skull, which is called the eye socket. Therefore, drawing an eye does not mean drawing the contours of the eyelid, but “sculpting” the volumes of the eyeball and what surrounds it.

4. Each eyelid is thick and rises above the surface of the eyeball. In addition, the eyelids form characteristic skin folds.

5. To learn how to draw eyes, you need to understand the shape of the eye socket, eyelids, eyeball. To do this, I draw a conditional line in my drawing, repeating the "relief". With the help of this line, the shape of the eyes and all the curves are clearly visible. In the final version of the drawing, this line, of course, should not be drawn. I added it for educational purposes only.

6. For even greater clarity, I apply conditional hatching according to the shape of the surface. The lines of this hatching show all the bends. Our drawing, as it were, consists of planes or faces, with the help of which the form is “molded”. Such a “faceted” drawing helps to understand the essence of the form without being distracted by unimportant details. This greatly simplifies the drawing process for beginner artists.

In conclusion of this stage of the drawing, I will also add that each person, of course, has his own unique shape of the eyelids, eyebrows, bridge of the nose ... But we are all united by a number of features inherent in all people. Therefore, my drawing is conditional, conveying these key features.

7. Next, I proceed to transfer the volume using hatching (read how to hatch). As you know, the volume is transmitted according to the well-known law of chiaroscuro: the brightest place is a highlight, then light follows, after light - penumbra, then a shadow, and finally - a reflex. It turns out such a tonal stretch - from light to dark. Depending on the direction of the light, a person's face can be illuminated from above, below, or from the side. Therefore, the transition from light to shadow can be not only from left to right, but also from top to bottom. Therefore, I shade the eyeball, eyelids, nose bridge, eyebrow area, taking into account this moment. For example, the area between the eyebrow and the eye will be the lightest on the left and top, and the darkest part of it will be on the right and bottom. The same applies to the upper eyelid - it will be the lightest on the left, and the darkest on the right. It turns out such a tonal stretch from left to right. But the direction of the light may be different. For example, a person's head is illuminated not by the sun from above, but by a lamp from below. Then everything will be different. But the principle I'm talking about will remain. Therefore, you need to understand how the light is distributed in shape, which side the light source is on, etc.

8. Now I am intensifying the shadows that were only outlined at the beginning of the drawing.

9. I continue to work, I work on the tear and lower eyelid.

10. I draw the iris and the pupil of the eye. This stage always interests people the most. How to draw eyes so that they are "as if alive." To do this, you need to understand a simple principle, which I clearly outlined in the diagram below. If opaque spherical objects are light on the light side and dark on the shadow side, then transparent spherical objects can look exactly the opposite. Depending on what surrounds such a transparent object, it may look different. For example, often from the side of the illuminated part it is dark, and from the side of the shadow, on the contrary, it is light. It turns out that the usual chiaroscuro (glare, light, penumbra, shadow, reflex) will be absent here, since the object is transparent and shiny. Therefore, here you need to convey glare and reflexes (reflections) on the surface of the eyes. The iris and pupil are located under the transparent lens-shaped cornea of ​​​​the eye. The shiny surface of the eye (cornea) reflects light in the form of glare. In addition, everything that surrounds the eye is reflected on the surface of the eye. These reflections (reflections) will not be as noticeable as glare. The artist does not have to list all these reflections. You should choose the most interesting ones and focus on them. An excess of such details will not only complicate the work, but also ruin the drawing. Having coped with this stage of the drawing, the eyes will turn out “alive”, with a “sparkle”.

11. Now about eyelashes. Most often, the drawing should not draw them in detail. It is enough just to outline a dark line on the upper eyelid. This line will look like a row of lashes. However, in this tutorial I do a detailed drawing. Therefore, I draw eyelashes in more detail than usual. But even in this case, they should not be drawn in the same degree of detail. For example, I make the lash line darker on one side and lighter on the other. Those. I emphasize the center of the picture. Also, the clarity of drawing eyelashes will be different: somewhere they are more blurred, and somewhere more clear.

Every artist who depicts someone's portrait should be able to draw the person's eyes. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated in this. However, in order for the drawing to turn out realistic, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and small details. How to draw a person's eyes beautifully with a pencil?

human eye structure

The human eye consists of several external structural elements, each of which performs a specific function:

  • upper eyelid;
  • lower eyelid;
  • upper eyelashes;
  • lower eyelashes;
  • iris and iris;
  • eyeball (sclera);
  • pupil;
  • teardrop.

To draw a human eye with a pencil, you need to take into account all the folds with smooth lines, shadows and much more, as well as choose the right location for the eyebrow. Otherwise, the drawing will seem implausible.

Step by Step Instructions for Drawing Human Eyes

It is necessary to draw a person's eyes with a pencil in several stages. Step by step, line by line, a whole image is formed from the structural elements. The step by step process of drawing a human eye can be seen in the picture.

Step 1

First you need to draw the shape of the eye. To do this, it should be enclosed in a frame with corners. Immediately you need to draw the folds that are visible above the upper and lower eyelids. Also, the shape of the eye can be drawn from two perpendicular lines crossed with each other. The horizontal line should be longer than the vertical one. Then four points are smoothly connected. A teardrop is indicated in the inner corner, without which the eye will turn out to be unnatural. External and internal corners can be drawn both at the same and at different levels. Extra lines need to be erased.

Step 2

It is necessary to draw the iris, which should be round. It is important to take into account that the third part of it is hidden by the upper eyelid. Inside the iris, strictly in the center, you need to draw a pupil, paint it in a dark color.

Step 3

Then you can start drawing the upper eyelid, behind which the part of the iris with the pupil is hidden. For this, the method of drawing lines in the form of strokes is used. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the eyelid turns out to be of optimal thickness, it is darkened in the crease zone. After that, you should draw the lower eyelid, which is selected from the inner corner of the eye.

Step 4

The next step is to draw a highlight near the iris on the pupil. It is depicted as a small circle. Opposite the glare, a spot of scattered light is formed, which is also located near the pupil, only on the other side. This is a reflex that needs to be drawn with smooth lines.

Step 5

The next step is the image of the eyebrows and superciliary arches, which provide protection to the eye from external stimuli. The eyebrow is always placed above the organ of vision and is pushed forward slightly. First, it is recommended to draw a test line, and then draw hairs from it. At the base of the eyebrows are thicker than at the temple. Hairs can be placed both in one direction and intersect.

The upper eyelid is higher than the lower. In the photo below you can see all directions. They must be observed, otherwise it will not work to draw a realistic eye.

Step 6

Eyes must be framed with eyelashes. They can be drawn in advance, but in the last stages you will still have to correct them. Like everything else, eyelashes should look realistic, and not like in children's drawings, where they resemble chamomile petals. The photo below shows the correct design. The upper lashes are always longer than the lower ones, thick at the base and thinner towards the end. To do this, as each eyelash is drawn in growth, the pressure of the pencil must be reduced.

Step 7

The last step is necessary in order to remove the auxiliary lines, remove unnecessary strokes, make certain places darker or lighter or darker. That is, to bring your drawing to perfection.

Video: how to draw a person's eyes in stages with a pencil

The video shows a lesson for beginners that will help you draw a person's eyes with a pencil, taking into account each line. Having clearly familiarized himself with the general recommendations, even an inexperienced artist will be able to draw a person's face.

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