How to train well with a punching bag. Practicing punches on a pear - work on a punching bag - boxing lessons


Many guys from childhood dream of being invincible, mastering the techniques and methods of combat that always ensure victory. Everyone wants to have a strong punch and be very fast in order to avoid the opponent's punch and strike instantly. In any battle, victory can be obtained in two ways: the first is to grab the enemy and hold a painful one, and the second is to ensure the unconsciousness of the enemy thanks to strong blows.

Some types of martial arts develop both approaches, but most of them emphasize the latter option. To develop correct and quick strikes, all fighters are trained on pears. They learn how to hit a bag, and at the same time this is transferred to the concept of how to hit an opponent. Training on pears provides the development of a strong and fast blow, in addition to this, the stamina of the fighter himself. That is, the role of the pear is significant enough. Consider how to hit a pear correctly.

But, first, let's get ahead of ourselves, namely, we will talk about the pear itself. It should be a projectile weighing up to 65-100 kilograms and should have sufficient softness. Fighters must hit the bag with full force without fear of getting hurt from its stiffness.

Before training on a pear, be sure to stretch your muscles. Warming up and stretching the muscles reduces the risk of injury. That is, you need to stretch your hands well, the arms themselves, the muscles of the arms, moreover, hitting a pear is not only a punch on a pear, but also work with the whole body. The correct blow comes first from the body. That is, the body makes a movement and then the force of this movement is transmitted to the hand and at the end through the fist. Therefore, you need to stretch all parts of the body. Hands should always be wrapped in bandages and gloves should be worn. Upon impact, the wrist may be injured first of all, so it is worth wrapping it with bandages.

Impact technique

Next, proceed to the impact training itself. There are various techniques for striking. You need to practice hits on approaches. One approach should be equal to 30 seconds to a minute. Can be more. But be sure to take breaks. Breaks also in the case of learning the wrong technique can make it clear the error. Within one approach, choose one type of strike and repeat it the maximum number of times during the approach.

Many types of punch can be described, but let's focus on developing the right punch. All other strokes can be seen on the Internet by watching a video on how to hit a bag. There will be a story about the setting of the body and the sequence of the strike.

So right hand strike. With any punch, remember that the maximum effect of punching is achieved as follows:

  • The fist should be in a straight line with the hand, and the blow should fall on the part of the fist where the index and middle fingers are located. It is this part of the fist that should be on the same straight line as the hand. When you start twisting your fist to the sides at the moment of impact, you can injure yourself.
  • So, a right hand, provided that you are right-handed, begins with the movement of the body itself. Having become in his fighting position, the support of the body is transferred to the left leg. And you do the body movement along with the right leg. Immediately after this movement is the movement of the hand, which carries the force of the movement of the body. And strike the bag with your fist in the position of the fist described above.

When striking with the left hand, the position of the fist should be the same. A very important point is not to overload your muscles, because when they get tired, you hit with the last of your strength and any hitting technique is put aside.

Another important point when practicing hitting technique, the point of your hit should be a point on the pear, which is at the height of your height. In order not to be injured, you do not need to rush when striking. It is better to strike slowly at first, having developed the correct technique, and then increase the speed.

When learning the rules of how to hit a bag, another important point is the presence of a partner who will point out your mistakes.

All martial arts fans practicing contact martial arts use pears (or bags) in the training process to practice punches. Initially, pears were used in a boxing environment, which is why they are commonly called boxing bags.

Currently, pears are used in almost all types of martial arts. They not only help to develop accuracy and speed of impact, but also contribute to the development of endurance, balance, the development of a sense of distance and the strengthening of striking surfaces.

There are several types of pears and bags.

This is a large cylinder made of tarpaulin, leatherette or leather filled with sawdust mixed with sand, plastic or rubber crumb. The weight of heavy pears is from 60 to 110 kg. The main purpose of a heavy pear is to develop powerful punches and develop lethal combinations. Due to its large weight, the pear is difficult to swing, therefore it is the most suitable for the work of athletes of a large weight category. In Muay Thai, powerful kicks are practiced on such a pear. The legs must be unprotected. Only beginners are allowed to use light rubbers.


  • When working with a heavy pear, you should bandage your hands and work only with special gloves.
  • Be careful when moving the pear in your direction. When struck, injuries to the wrist joint are possible.
  • Working with a heavy pear requires sufficient physical fitness.

2) Medium punching bag

The most common type of pear. It can be used for training both in the gym and at home. The average pear has, as a rule, a pear-shaped form. That's where its name came from. The average pear is made from tarpaulin, leatherette or leather. The filler is sawdust, rags, plastic or rubber crumb. The weight of an average pear ranges from 30 to 60 kg.


  • The pear is quite mobile, while the pear is moving in your direction, it is not recommended to strike.
  • Although the pear can be used for home practice, due to its range of motion, it requires sufficient space.

3) Light punching bag

Designed to develop the speed and accuracy of your punches. Its weight is from 5 to 30 kg. Most often, such pears are made from leatherette and filled with rags.

4) Uppercut or horizontal bag

Designed for practicing uppercuts. It is suspended horizontally with respect to the floor level. The bag is made from leatherette or leather, its weight is from 25 to 50 kg.

5) Pneumatic bulb

Inside this pear there is a latex or rubber chamber, which is inflated with air. Such a pear is used for setting fast and sharp blows, as well as for practicing reaction and ligaments with slopes. When working with such a pear, you can beat it in oncoming traffic, fly in or dodge it. Pneumatic pears are available in standard or reduced sizes.


- Since the bag is quite light and capable of developing great speed when returning to its original position, working with it requires a good reaction and increased attention.

6) Thai bag (in everyday life "banana")

Reminds a standard boxing bag, but has a length of 150-180 cm. The weight of the bag is 60-100 kg. The bag is mainly used for kicking. The bag is able to deform from impacts throughout the entire volume, therefore it is weakly amenable to buildup.

7) Water filled mannequin

The most modern development. It acts as a punching bag, but is made of the latest materials and is a mannequin on a plastic base.

How to work with a pear

With any kind of pear should be worked only after a warm-up. The warm-up depends on the sport and the training program.

Working with a big punching bag

Work with a big pear should be carried out exclusively in the presence of a coach and, as a rule, according to a plan specially created by him. When working, you should monitor the position of the hand and fist. The fist should be clenched at the very last moment, almost in full contact with the pear. After contact with the pear, the hand should not linger; it should be immediately returned to its original position.

The blow must be applied at a very high speed. When working with a big bag, punches are combined with movements forward, backward and sideways, which contributes to the development of footwork. The work is often carried out in a free style, which involves a wide variety of movements. Since working with a big pear is quite tiring, in the event of fatigue, classes should be stopped or more attention should be paid not to percussion, but to protective techniques. Otherwise, the movements will be performed and remembered incorrectly.

Video: Working with a pear

Working with a medium pear

Working with such a pear is almost the same as with a heavy pear. The only difference is that the medium bag is much more mobile than the heavy bag, and this allows you to strike from a variety of positions.

Video: How to hit a pear

Working with a pneumatic bulb can be done in two ways. In the first case, it is recommended to strike the pear at different angles, because of which the pear acquires a chaotic movement. After that, you should strike a clear blow on it. In the second case, clear direct blows are applied to the pear, setting the pear in motion of one axis (in a straight line back and forth). Thus, the accuracy of strikes and the correct placement of the fist are developed.

Video: Working with a pneumatic bulb

If you are tired of everything, TV, computer, and even your wife. Do not despair, there is an easy, and the most practical way to blow off steam and keep yourself busy. You only need to buy a pear, of course. With its help, you can both improve your physical shape, and many psychologists also advise using it more often, blow off steam or pass the time with fun and business. Little desire still needs to know how to hit a pear.

First action

You hung the pear, put on gloves specially designed for the pear. Immediately, instantly, the question arises: “How to use it at all?”. The first thing that comes to mind is boxing idols, watching on TV, you always saw how they beat not only each other, but also a pear. To be like, in terms of punching a pear, you should know the rules for your idols how to hit a pear.


Contacting a coach would be the most reasonable option, as he knows everything there is to know about this case. He will show you the technique of hitting, which hand to hit, and where to hit. After several such lessons, you can easily remember everything, and you can already, then independently continue your favorite business at home. If you are too far to go to the gym or do not want to go to it, you can watch training videos on the Internet. There you can find just a lot of videos, how to hit a pear. There is another option, you can practice on your own, but it can also be that you hurt yourself.

The main thing is not to harm. The main thing here is not to harm yourself. Movement is best done relaxed. hand, and as you approach, strain it.

Such simple blows will bear fruit of your efforts after a while. You will feel it. This is the first step to being able to defend yourself in different situations. Skill is basically 50% of self defense success, the rest depends on how you use your punches. For starters, an hour of training per day will be enough for you, when you feel that you can do more, then you can increase your pastime for the pear.

There is one very important remark, if you started, then do not dare to quit in any case. Otherwise, the pear will be your decorative object, which will constantly gather dust and take up space. And you will again return to the TV, the computer, which do not develop you either physically or mentally.

Look at the main types of punches on a punching bag:

The video is posted in the public domain on a third-party resource, the editors of the blog are not responsible for the content of the video and its quality and do not guarantee its availability and the ability to view it in the future

That's all for me. See you on my blog pages.

The pear is the best sports equipment for practicing punches. Please note that the weight of the pear should not be very large - about 100 kg, and its density should be medium. This will protect your hands and feet from damage and injury.

What will you need?

  • punching bag
  • gloves

Instructions on how to work out a punch on a pear.

Don't forget to watch the video at the end of the article! But before watching, read all the points and recommendations!

1. Before each workout, you need to warm up. Run, jump, well, in general, remember everything that you did in physical education classes at school!) Your body should warm up and be completely ready for classes.

Don't forget to bandage your limbs or wear gloves.

2. When striking, you need to use your imagination and imagine that you are not hitting a pear, but a real person (opponent). This will allow you to feel the atmosphere of a real fight.

You need to be in constant motion, move around, strike from different positions and at different angles. Perform both single strikes and combos. Vary the speed and force of the blow. Block "attacks" of a fictional opponent, dodge his attacks.

3. Hard hit technique. Go to the wall and lean on it with your hands. Let your muscles relax completely. Now increase the pressure, tighten up, feel the weight and rigidity of the support. Then change the position a little - the width of the legs, the distance from the wall, the bending of the legs. Work with each hand in turn, and then with both hands at the same time.

This exercise will prepare you for mastering the technique of hard hitting.

4. If you are new and want learn how to properly work out a blow on a pear, then you should start with a medium pear, weighing up to 30 kg. Start with a simple exercise - swing the bag and when it comes at you, then meet it with a direct blow. The projectile should stop completely or lean back a little. Then increase your punches, change hands and angle of impact.

5. Once you get a feel for the bag, its rigidity and weight, you can start learning the basic punches: top, bottom, straight, side, elbow, wrist, forearm, and punch.

6. To improve your skills, it is worth inviting a partner who will replace the pear during training. With it, you can learn how to avoid failed shots. For this. the partner must put on the paw and during your strike have time to take it away so that you miss. This exercise will teach you how to balance.

7. The speed and force of impact can be worked out during the next exercise. Let the partner stand behind the bag and hold it with a strong swing. You have to be and have time to hit from the opposite side until the bag starts to go to the side. That is, you need to keep the pear almost in a stationary state, not to let it loosen much. And you need to keep up, you need to move, constantly strike.

8. To work out the uppercut, you should use a small pear suspended higher to imitate the opponent's head.

9. Over time, it is worth finding a sparring partner. This will allow you to feel all the blows more realistically and contribute to the development of the correct technique.

Practicing punches, punching bags!

The main types of punches on a punching bag

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