How to bake delicious cakes in a pan. Delicious and quick cakes in a pan: simple recipes for fresh and rich cakes in a pan with and without filling


Very appetizing lean cakes that can be served with almost any dish instead of bread. A simple recipe for lean cakes is relevant not only for fasting people, but also for vegetarians.

Puff cakes, which are fried in a pan, are very tasty. They will help diversify your breakfast. These cakes can be sprinkled with sugar, or you can cook with onions.

A hot tortilla in a hurry will make your Sunday breakfast much tastier and more varied. Products - a minimum, pleasure - a maximum :) I share the recipe!

Cakes with cheese and greens prepared according to this recipe are delicious pastries of the national Caucasian cuisine. We prepare the dough on kefir, we prepare the filling from suluguni and fresh herbs. It turns out cool!

Indian naan cakes take pride of place in this cuisine. Surprisingly tasty and slightly sweet, naan cakes are different from our idea of ​​​​bread. Very tasty, I advise you to try.

Cheese cakes in a hurry - an incredibly tasty and satisfying addition to tea. Cook them, and your breakfast will become much brighter and more fun :) Fortunately, they are prepared very simply and quickly.

Green onion tortillas are very easy to make crunchy tortillas. In our family they are served instead of bread. They go well with hot soups, and just crunching them is very nice.

Recipe for making homemade tortillas with simple ingredients: flour, oil and water.

Apple cakes are an unusual dish made from ordinary ingredients. You probably always have all the products necessary for making apple cakes at home - so why not cook them? :)

Recipe for corn tortillas with black beans, spinach, corn and green onions.

They say that the simplest dish in the world is a tortilla. Well, let's test this hypothesis - we are preparing a cake with herbs.

Recipe for tortillas with onions and two types of grated cheese - Parmesan and Cheddar.

The presence of a huge number of bread products in the store does not interfere with the preparation of delicious homemade cakes in a pan. This is a quick and tasty dish that will appeal to adults and children.

Recipe for corn tortillas with fried chicken, onion, cilantro, avocado and lime.

Recipe for almond flour cakes with apples, cinnamon, ginger and allspice.

As a filling for rolls, you can also use: blanched and chilled asparagus; spinach leaves; ham; roast beef; chopped sweet pepper; boiled shrimp.

Recipe for tortillas with spinach, cheese and mushrooms. Serve them with your favorite salsa.

Soft juicy tortillas with bacon, Cheddar cheese and onions are perfect for a hearty breakfast. The tortillas can be reheated for a few minutes in a toaster - it retains the texture of the pastry much better.

Recipe for tortillas with ground beef, ketchup, mustard, garlic and Cheddar cheese.

Recipe for tortillas with fresh blueberries, vanilla extract and a sprinkle of brown sugar, wheat flour and cinnamon.

From the dough for cakes, a very thin cake is obtained, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Such a dough for cakes can be prepared for the future. And ready-made cakes can be "equipped" with different fillings. Tasty!

Yeast-free pastries to the taste of many. If you are one of them, then I bring to your attention simple and quick to make cakes without yeast.

Recipe for tortillas with chicken breast pieces, BBQ sauce, spinach, herbs, baked bananas and Brie cheese.

Recipe for wheat flour tortillas with fresh raspberries, ricotta and cream.

Cottage cheese cake with polenta is a very simple, rustic dish of Moldovan traditional cuisine. This delicious and nutritious cake is prepared in just half an hour and from four ingredients - it couldn't be easier!

Recipe for muffins with coconut oil, coconut flakes, Greek yogurt and vanilla extract.

Recipe for flour tortillas stuffed with cream, egg, feta cheese, fried tomato and green onion.

Khychin is a delicious dish. Previously, the highest hospitality of the hostess of the house was considered an invitation "to khychin". This is one of the most honorable dishes in the list of flour dishes of the North Caucasian cuisine.

Unleavened cakes on water and flour in a pan can be cooked in no time, but they taste excellent. This is the perfect analogue of ordinary bread. Such pastries, which can be made in a hurry, without even turning on the oven, will be a great addition to cabbage soup, soup, okroshka and other first courses. You can bake flour cakes in a pan for any other dishes: pilaf, potatoes, vegetable stews, salads, etc. Some hostesses like to cook them specifically for meat or salty culinary compositions. Also, a well-proposed variant of lean baking is combined with chocolate pastes, jam, honey, nougat, toppings. Try it! It's really easy, delicious and fast!

Cooking time -45 minutes.

The number of servings is 8.


To bake cakes instead of bread in a pan quickly and easily, you need to prepare a minimum set of ingredients. All of them are affordable, inexpensive and will surely be found at hand any day. So, here is a complete list of the right products for a recipe for delicious cakes in a pan:

  • boiling water - 250 ml;
  • wheat flour - 450 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil (preferably refined) - 20 ml;
  • sugar - 7 g.

How to cook tortillas in a pan

Many hostesses often think about how to cook cakes in a pan without unnecessary fuss and financial costs. Actually, it's not that difficult. You can make delicious and simple cakes without yeast in water in a frying pan for “one-two-three”, if you clearly follow the presented recipe with a photo and follow all the recommendations.

  1. Let's get started! First you need to prepare everything that is indicated in the recipe for unleavened cakes without yeast in a pan.

  1. We will cook the dough for cakes in a pan in a hurry. To do this, you need to sift the flour. Pour salt into it. Add granulated sugar. Pour in refined sunflower oil (you can take olive oil, it is also great).

  1. Now, following the step-by-step recipe for tortillas in a pan without eggs, mix the mixture thoroughly with a spoon. Keep in mind that it will not work too wet.

  1. Heat a glass of clean drinking water with a capacity of 250 ml to boiling water. Pour steep var into the resulting composition on cakes in a pan instead of ordinary bread.

  1. How to mix the resulting mass. First you need to do this with an ordinary spoon.

  1. Next, knead the dough for cakes according to the recipe with flour in a frying pan by hand. This must be done thoroughly so that the mass is elastic, tender and completely non-sticky. Wrap the composition in cling film and leave at room temperature for half an hour.

  1. After the specified 30 minutes, remove the wrapper. Divide the resulting mass into 8 equal parts. Roll each piece of dough into a ball.

  1. Now you can roll out the blanks according to the recipe for cakes in a pan on the water.

On a note! While working with one piece of dough, cover all other pieces with cling film so that the balls do not wind.

  1. You can fry our cakes instead of bread in a pan according to the recipe with a photo that is offered here. To do this, the dishes must be well heated. It is not necessary to lubricate it with oil or other fat.

  1. As soon as the first side is browned (this happens very quickly), use a spatula to turn the product over and fry it on the other side.

Following this principle, it is not difficult to cook all the cakes. But remember: they will not turn out magnificent, since there is no muffin in them. But still, the cake is surprisingly tasty and satisfying.

Video recipes

In video format, recipes for cakes in a pan on water will help you cook something tasty, but quite unpretentious and simple instead of ordinary bread:

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

To bake wonderful unleavened cakes in a pan instead of bread, you will need only the bare minimum of products. Ordinary flour, salt and water are always in the house. It is only necessary that the hostess has a desire to bake such cakes: and you don’t have to go to the store for bread. Freshly made tortillas will replace even the most delicious store-bought bread. Homemade pastries, which are filled with the warmth of women's hands, will outshine any store-bought baguette or loaf. There are many recipes for homemade bread -, ... But unleavened cakes are prepared much easier and faster. The most valuable thing in such baking is that cakes can be eaten with anything, anytime and anywhere. I always give such cakes to my husband at work and to my son at school. Such pastries come out dry and do not crumble, so my men always take fresh unleavened cakes. I once took such cakes to a picnic, so the whole family ate them in a minute. So, we cook together unleavened cakes in a pan - instead of bread, loaf or baguette.

Required cakes:

- 500-600 grams of premium flour;
- 200-250 grams of water;
- 1 teaspoon l. salt.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First of all, I sift the flour several times so that the dough becomes airy later. I add salt to the sifted, snow-white flour to make the dough tastier.

I pour water in parts

and start kneading the dough without lumps.

Then I pour in the remaining flour, but also in parts, with spoons and gradually.

I form, roll the dough into a single ball and see that it no longer sticks to my hands. If the dough is elastic, tight, then there is enough flour and you don’t need to add more.

I will leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes. Then I cut it with a knife into uniform small parts in order to roll a rounded shape for a cake from each.

I roll out one piece of dough thinly so that the surface of the wooden board on which I roll out is practically visible. But the dough should not tear. I catch the moment when I need to stop rolling with a rolling pin, and cut out a cake with a round plate.

I put it on a hot dry frying pan and bake on each side for 15-20 seconds.

I transfer the hot baked cakes to a separate plate. Cakes in the process of drying will rise, swell and stand on end. This is a normal occurrence. Beauty! From ordinary products without yeast, lush cakes are obtained. It's a miracle!

As a result, I get a mountain of the freshest delicious cakes.

These unleavened cakes in a pan instead of bread (of course, cooled down a bit so that no one gets burned) can be served on the table with any sauce, and even with meat. And you can make delicious ones out of them.

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious bread cakes

2018-05-29 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

1 gr.


42 gr.

193 kcal.

Option 1. Classic recipe for bread cakes in a pan

Homemade bread cakes are a great alternative to store baked goods. It will take only three ingredients that can be found in the kitchen of any housewife: water, flour and salt.


  • premium flour - 2.5 cups;
  • drinking water - a glass;
  • finely ground rock salt - a pinch.

Step by step recipe for bread cakes

Pour the indicated amount of drinking water into the prepared dishes. Add rock salt and stir until completely dissolved.

Pour in most of the previously sifted flour and stir, carefully breaking up lumps. Gradually adding the remaining flour, knead the elastic pliable dough. We divide it into small equal pieces.

Roll them out one at a time into a fairly thin circle. Heat up a frying pan and brush lightly with oil. We spread the cakes and fry until browned on both sides.

If the dough is rolled out as thinly as possible, you will get pita bread, in which you can wrap any filling and serve for breakfast with drinks. You can knead the dough not only with water, but also with milk or sour-milk drinks.

Option 2. A quick recipe for bread cakes in a pan with herbs

An easy and simple recipe for tortillas that are perfect instead of bread for first or main courses. They can be served with tea, flavored with sour cream. For cooking, you only need flour, fresh dill and water. Thanks to the greens, the baking is incredibly fragrant.


  • 100 g fresh dill;
  • a glass of drinking water;
  • 20 ml sunflower oil;
  • 5 g of rock salt.

How to quickly cook bread cakes in a pan with herbs

Sift flour twice and combine with salt. Pour it in a slide on the countertop and make a funnel in the center. Pour sunflower oil and water into it. Sprinkling flour from the edges, knead the plastic soft dough. Cover it with a towel and leave for ten minutes.

Rinse dill greens under running water. Remove excess moisture with a paper towel and chop finely.

We divide the dough into three equal parts. Roll each one out into a thin circle. Sprinkle chopped dill on top. Roll the cake into a tight roll. Cut it into small pieces with a sharp knife.

Roll each piece into a small circle. We spread the cakes in a pan with heated oil and fry until golden brown. Flip over and brown on the reverse side.

If you cook cakes in winter and there is no fresh herbs, you can use dried ones. For flavor, you can crush with Provence herbs. Such pastries can be served on their own with garlic sauce based on sour cream or ketchup.

Option 3. Bread cakes with oatmeal and almonds

Oatmeal cakes with spices and almonds are very tasty and fragrant. In addition, such pastries contain a minimum of calories, so it is suitable for lean and diet food.


  • a bag of dry instant yeast;
  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • a glass of filtered water;
  • a glass of high-grade flour;
  • 5 g of granulated sugar and rock salt;
  • 50 g almonds;
  • 3 g each of nutmeg and thyme.

How to cook

In the container where you will knead the dough, pour a glass of slightly warmed water. Add dry yeast, salt and granulated sugar. Stir until ingredients are dissolved.

Pour a glass of oatmeal and knead thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Add nutmeg and thyme. Gradually adding wheat flour, knead a slightly sticky dough.

Place the almonds on a cutting board and finely chop. Add it to the dough and mix well. Fill a large saucepan with ice water and place the dough in it. After 15 minutes, it will float to the surface.

Squeeze out the dough with your hands and knead, adding a little flour. Form small cakes. Put on a baking sheet and leave for ten minutes. Turn on the oven at 180 C. Send a baking sheet with cakes to the preheated appliance and bake for 20 minutes.

Top cakes can be sprinkled with white or black sesame seeds. Wrap the finished cakes in a towel to keep them warm longer. Almonds can be slightly dried in a hot frying pan.

Option 4. Kefir bread cakes

Pan fried bread tortillas are a great alternative to bread. To knead an obedient dough, you need a minimum of ingredients and very little time. If you plan to serve flatbread with tea, butter the hot pastry and sprinkle with granulated sugar.


  • half a liter of kefir;
  • three glasses of high-grade flour;
  • 4 g of soda and rock salt;
  • 10 ml vegetable oil + for frying;
  • chicken egg.

Step by step recipe

Pour kefir into a suitable dish and dissolve soda and rock salt in it, stirring vigorously. Beat the egg and pour in a spoonful of vegetable oil. Stir everything again.

Sprinkle the sifted flour in small parts, knead the elastic pliable dough. We spread it on a countertop sprinkled with flour and knead for about five minutes. Cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rest for 20 minutes.

Divide the dough into eight equal parts. We crush each and form a ball out of it. We press a portion of the dough with the palm of our hand and roll it with a rolling pin into a circle according to the size of the pan.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and heat it well. We spread the cakes and fry for three minutes until golden brown. Then turn over and brown on the reverse side.

Cakes can be served with tea, first or main courses instead of bread. Baking can be used as the basis for making sandwiches. The calorie content of cakes depends on the fat content of kefir. You can bake cakes in a dry frying pan, or with the addition of vegetable or butter.

Option 5. Bread cakes with milk

Bread cakes with milk, due to their neutral taste, successfully replace bread. Flavored with garlic, pastries are perfect for borscht. If the cakes are sprinkled with honey or smeared with boiled condensed milk, they will be a great addition to tea.


  • 300 g high-grade flour;
  • 50 g of homemade milk;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil;
  • 4 g of soda;
  • a pinch of rock salt;
  • 10 ml apple cider vinegar.

How to cook

Sift flour for cakes twice. Add salt and stir. Pour homemade milk and vegetable oil into the flour. Put slaked soda. Knead a soft elastic dough. Leave it to rest for ten minutes, covered with a kitchen towel.

Divide the rested dough into ten equal portions. Roll each into a ball. Spread the table with vegetable oil. Put a portion of the dough on it and roll it into a cake three millimeters thick.

Place the skillet over moderate heat. Fry the cakes on it until golden brown. Turn over and brown on the reverse side. Stack the baked goods on a flat plate. Cover with a kitchen towel to keep the tortillas soft.

If you use acidified milk, you can not extinguish the soda with vinegar. To prevent the cakes from puffing up during baking, make a few small cuts with the tip of a knife. Part of the wheat flour can be replaced with oatmeal, buckwheat or corn flour.

Cakes in a pan - delicious healthy alternative to bread. In many national cuisines of the world, tortillas take pride of place, and to this day they are the main type of homemade bread. In Asia it is pita bread, matnakash, in Mexico it is tortilla. For example, lavash is appreciated by the world community. In 2014, it was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List from Armenia.

Making cakes at home is not difficult. Any housewife can quickly bake them, if you run out of bread at home, you want to diversify the menu or eat healthy food, consisting of ingredients that you are sure of.

Thin cakes are made from the simplest unleavened dough consisting of flour and water. Lush cakes can be made on kefir with the addition of soda or on yeast. In addition to wheat flour, it is permissible to use corn, rye, buckwheat flour. Such cakes have a specific taste, less calories, but more useful. They are eaten instead of bread, they are used to make rolls, stuffed envelopes, burritos, shawarma, tortillas and other national dishes.

We have selected the most interesting recipes that will tell you how to cook cakes in a pan, and we also offer various options for serving this simple but delicious dish.

Photo of thin cakes on water and flour in a pan

The dough for thin cakes is prepared in water. And better on boiling water. Choux pastry is very plastic, easy to roll, does not tear. It is convenient to work with him even for novice housewives. Such cakes can be eaten during a strict fast, since they do not contain either milk or eggs.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • flour 2-3 cups
  • water 1 glass
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon

Method for making cakes on water and flour:

  1. Sift the flour into a bowl. Mix with salt. Add boiling water to the flour in a thin stream, kneading the dough with a spatula or spoon. You should get a lump resembling jelly.
  2. When the dough has cooled slightly so that it can be handled, turn it out onto a floured work surface. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Roll out the sausage. Cut it into 6-8 pieces. Take one piece. Cover the rest of the dough with a towel or cling film so that it doesn't dry out.
  3. Put the pan on the fire. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a thin layer. The size is slightly larger than the diameter of the pan. Place the dough on the hot skillet. Fry 40-50 seconds each side in a dry frying pan.
  4. Cakes can be baked in an oven heated to 200 ° C. They cook quickly, 1-2 minutes each. Just keep rolling.
  5. Thin cakes will be more varied if half of the norm of wheat flour is replaced with flour from other cereals. Rye, oat or corn cakes have a specific taste and are very healthy.

Submission method: Thin cakes can be served instead of bread for the first and second courses, but it is more interesting to use them as envelopes for stuffing. Wrap vegetable salad, a piece of boiled egg with herbs and mayonnaise, ham with cheese and a lettuce leaf in a tortilla. Beautiful, comfortable and very tasty.

Photo of lush cakes on kefir

Lush cakes on kefir are thick, soft and tasty. They can be baked filled or empty instead of bread. Unlike pies, tortillas are cooked in a dry frying pan or lightly greased with vegetable oil, so they are not greasy, more healthy. They use cottage cheese with herbs, boiled eggs with green onions, mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage and other toppings, which is enough imagination.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the test:

  • flour 2 cups
  • kefir 1 cup
  • margarine 125 g
  • sugar 1 teaspoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • soda 1/2 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil (for frying) 20-30 ml.

For filling:

  • mashed potatoes 250 g.
  • dill bunch

Cooking method:

  1. Add sugar, salt and soda to kefir. Let stand until the soda begins to foam. Melt margarine. Add to kefir.
  2. Sift the flour in a heap onto a work surface. Make a hole in the center of the hill. Pour kefir into the funnel. Knead soft dough. Let him rest for 10-15 minutes covered with a towel.
  3. Divide the resulting dough into 4 parts. Roll out each lump into a cake. Place the filling in the center. Turn the edges of the dough up. Snap it. Roll out the resulting bag flush with the diameter of the pan.
  4. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the pan. Lay out the cake. Fry over medium heat, covered, until the bottom side of the tortilla is browned. Turn the cake over. Fry until done.
  5. Ready-made cakes can be greased with butter while they are hot. Or put one on top of the other, cover with a towel and let stand. The cakes will become soft.

Submission method: Serve the tortillas with broth or entrees as bread. Good cakes with milk or sour cream.

Photo of homemade yeast cakes with cheese in a pan

You and your family are guaranteed a delicious, hearty breakfast if you know how to make homemade cheese tortillas. Yeast dough can be put in the evening. In the morning, cooking takes no more than 30 minutes. Cottage cheese, cheese or cheese as a filling will provide the body with proteins. You can take the cake with you to work or wrap the children at school. One cake can be a full meal, satisfying your hunger until the very evening. It is not greasy and very tasty even when cold.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the test:

  • flour 1/2 kg.
  • water 1/2 liter
  • sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • dry yeast 1 sachet (11 g)
  • vegetable oil 150 ml.

For filling:

  • cheese 500 g.
  • cottage cheese 500 g
  • butter 50 g.
  • greens (parsley, dill) small bundle

Recipe for pancakes with cheese in a pan:

  1. Pour a little warm water into a deep bowl. Pour sugar, salt and dry yeast into it, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Leave to stand warm for 15 minutes. Yeast should start foaming.
  2. Sift the flour, pour it gradually into a bowl of water, knead the dough. Put in a warm place for 1 hour. The dough should rise 2-3 times. How to make yeast dough can be gleaned from other recipes on the site. Any yeast dough for pies will do.
  3. Grate the cheese. Mix with curd. Add melted butter and finely chopped greens to the filling. If the cheese is not salty, you can salt the filling, add dry herbs to it to taste.
  4. Divide the dough for 10-12 pieces. Roll out a piece of dough into a circle slightly smaller than the diameter of the pan. Put the stuffing in the center. Gather the ends into a bag. Snap it. Lay the clump of stuffing seam side down and roll out again to the size of the pan.
  5. Fry the cakes in vegetable oil, adding it little by little, 2-3 minutes on each side. Stack the finished cakes.

Submission method: Serve the tortillas with soup or as an appetizer with beer. In the latter case, we advise you to grease the finished cakes with melted butter, generously sprinkle with ground black pepper and coarse sea salt.

Photo of delicious potato cakes in a frying pan

Soft, fluffy and very tasty cakes can be made from mashed potatoes left over from a previous lunch or dinner. Potato cakes can be prepared with fillings, but they are delicious on their own. They are served with kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk for breakfast or for a light snack during the day.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • mashed potatoes 300
  • milk 1 glass
  • flour 600 g
  • dry yeast 5 g.
  • salt 1 teaspoon
  • sugar 1 teaspoon
  • butter 50 ml.
  • Provencal herbs 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook potato pancakes in a pan:

  1. Heat the milk until it is warm but not hot. Add salt, sugar, Provencal herbs and dry yeast. Pour milk into mashed potatoes. Stir.
  2. Melt the butter. Add to mashed potatoes with milk. Gradually add flour. Knead the dough. It will stick a little to your hands. Leave the dough to rise for 1 hour. Punch down the dough after an hour and let it rest for another 30 minutes.
  3. Separate a small piece of dough. Roll out into a cake about a centimeter thick. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides.

Submission method: Serve potato pancakes with any sour cream sauce. To do this, combine sour cream with garlic and dill, or add pickled cucumber and boiled egg to sour cream. It is better to eat hot cakes, but when they are cooled down, they have an original taste and do not get stale for a long time.

Tips for making pancakes in a pan

Cakes in a pan should be cooked at least once by any housewife. Cakes will help out if there is no bread in the house. By wrapping the filling in a thin cake, you can quickly prepare original snacks for guests. Cakes are prepared faster and easier than pies, but they are not inferior to them in taste. If you know the subtleties of how to cook cakes in a pan, you can cook a delicious dish from almost nothing in any situation:

  • Thin cakes cooked in water, milk, whey.
  • To make fluffy cakes you need baking soda or yeast. If you cook cakes with soda, you need to provide an acidic environment. As a liquid component of the dough, it is better to use kefir, sour cream, or add a tablespoon of vinegar to the dough for every 1/2 teaspoon of soda.
  • Amount of flour in the recipe self-regulate, as it depends on the quality of the flour itself. The dough for cakes should be soft, plastic, not sticky to hands, but not tight. Otherwise, the cakes will turn out to be as hard as a sole.
  • Love crispy flatbread, do not stack them, do not cover with a towel so that they do not soften.
  • Hot cakes can brush with melted butter. They will become shiny, acquire a creamy aftertaste. Arrange buttered tortillas in a pile on a serving platter. They will become softer.
  • If you cook cakes without filling Feel free to add herbs, greens, finely chopped onions and other additives directly to the dough.
  • Bake cakes in a dry frying pan or vegetable oil. You can lightly grease the pan with oil before putting in a new tortilla. You can cover the pan with a lid.
  • Cooking cakes takes no more than 45 minutes. Any recipe is simple and easy.

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