How to use maternity capital for the education of children. Maternity capital for the education of an older child


According to the rules, maternity capital can be spent on the education of children. Despite the fact that this type of assistance is issued after the birth of a second or subsequent children, funds can be used to pay for education any child. Educational institutions working with the program include:

  • kindergartens;
  • early development centers (for children from 3 years old);
  • language schools and courses for children;
  • schools regardless of status (general education, lyceum, gymnasium, private, boarding or half board);
  • distance learning;
  • Universities and specialized schools.

Main condition- the educational institution must have the appropriate accreditation.

Parents also have the opportunity to pay with maternity capital child's accommodation in the dormitory of the educational institution. You can apply for the withdrawal of funds from the certificate only after the child who gave the right to apply reaches the age of 3 years, therefore nurseries and educational circles for young children do not fall under this program.

The money can be used to pay for the education of children in any institution throughout the country. You can use all the funds available on the certificate at once, or a certain part of them, it is also allowed split the money between all children in the family. All financial settlements related to the use of state support for any types of paid educational services are carried out exclusively by non-cash payment.

Payment for additional education

Additional school education or clubs in kindergartens can also be paid for with program funds. Institutions include:

  • children's and teenage circles;
  • driving schools;
  • art and music schools.

Direction of funds produced in the following order:

  1. Conclusion of an agreement with an institution for the provision of paid services.
  2. Writing an application with a corresponding request.
  3. Submission of documents to the Pension Fund at the place of registration.

Maternal capital for mother's education

Despite the fact that maternity capital can be spent on educational purposes, the program provides that it is allowed to use the funds only for children. For education, retraining or paying for courses of parents, in particular mothers, these funds should be spent forbidden by law. The only way to spend money on the applicant is to arrange maternity capital funds as part of the funded pension.

Rules for the use of funds

To use maternity capital or part of it for educational purposes, according to the law, you can observe the following rules and regulations:

  1. Institutions must work with the program and have state. accreditation.
  2. The disposal of funds is carried out by the person who received the certificate (parent, adoptive parent or guardian).
  3. Persons who have left the country submit documents to the PF (in the area where the educational institution is located).
  4. All actions related to payment or debiting of funds for education are carried out on the basis of a formalized agreement with an educational institution.
  5. Payment is made by bank transfer to the bank accounts of the organization.

Maternity capital, also upon the fact of application, can be paid for all services if the child lives in a hostel. At the time of admission (beginning of studies), he should not be older 25 years. Cash out maternity capital not allowed. In the event that the child ceases to use educational services before the expiration of the contract executed with the institution, the person who issued the maternity capital certificate must apply to the PF at the location of the institution or residence, with a statement of denial from services. View and download here: . This also applies to cases of termination of the contract of social employment (if the child lived in a hostel).

List of documents

The necessary documents for exercising the right to pay for tuition with maternity capital should be submitted to the Pension Fund at the place of registration. You can apply in person or online.

The general package of documents that is required to pay for any educational service:

  • an application indicating the amount required for payment (the form is filled out in the PF or online). View and download here: ;
  • certificate for maternity capital or its duplicate notarized (photocopy);
  • passport;
  • SNILS of the applicant.

Education is very necessary for building your career and improving the quality of human life. That is why one of the purposes for which maternity capital money can be spent is education.

What kind of education can I pay for MK

Maternal capital for the education of children is provided by the state quite often, since not everyone can enter state-funded places, and not many families can afford to pay for education from their own funds.

Parents can spend maternity capital on the education of any of the children in the family, regardless of his order or the fact that he was born or adopted.

The baby, with the advent of which the parents had the right to receive maternity capital, should already be three years old.

In 2011, the deputies of the Russian Federation actively discussed the issue of the mother's ability to use the mother's capital for education, but the proposals were rejected.

Despite the fact that capital is called maternal, in 2019 it can only be used for the benefit of children. The only option for using the funds in the interests of the mother of the child is to transfer it to pension savings.

You can use the funds of mother capital for educational purposes:

  • stay of the baby in development centers and kindergarten;
  • study in language centers;
  • studying at an art or music school;
  • receiving secondary or higher education;
  • other expenses related to the education of the child (living in a hostel, etc.).
Important! The funds will not be transferred to the parents' bank account, but to the account of the institution or educational organization where the child is studying, on the basis of an agreement. The Pension Fund never gives out such assistance in cash.

Requirements for educational institutions

The state does not restrict parents in choosing an educational institution for their child, but imposes some requirements on them.

Among them:

  • it must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • have a license for educational activities, that is, have the right to provide educational services.

There is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 926 of December 24, 2007, which fixes all the main nuances of disposing of maternity capital for educational purposes.

Use of funds in educational institutions

You can use maternity capital to pay for the education of one of the children, or part of the education of several children, only after three years have passed from the birth or adoption of the child. An exception is the allocation of MSC funds for preschool education, including the services of kindergartens and private nannies. Here, age restrictions have been canceled since 2018.

The legislation does not prohibit using this amount, parts and for each of the children, and not for one. For example, you can pay tuition for an older child, and also pay a tuition fee for a younger child.

The only thing is that you can not pay for the education of a child if he has already reached the age of 25.

Also, the state allows one-time payment of the entire amount of tuition at a higher educational institution or pay it in installments, for each semester.

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List of documents

To apply for a tuition fee, you will need:

  • maternity capital certificate;
  • SNILS to the person who is the owner of the certificate;
  • proof of identity (preferably a passport);
  • a statement indicating the purpose for which the funds must be sent;
  • an agreement confirming the fact that the child enters an educational institution on a paid basis;
  • certificate of this institution that it has state accreditation (certified photocopy);
  • a contract for renting a room in a hostel (with the obligatory attachment of a certificate from an educational institution that the child really lives there).
Important! It is obligatory to write an application to the Pension Fund before May 1 of the year in which the child is planned to enter an educational institution.

During this period, it is necessary to bring only the main documents, and the papers that can be taken only after receipt will need to be brought before October 1 of the same year. Only after that the necessary funds will be transferred to the account of the institution.

Childcare in preschools

In 2011, with the release of Government Decree No. 931, maternity capital funds can be spent not only on educating children, but also on paying for the supervision, care and maintenance of a child in kindergartens.

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Funding conditions

Having a license is the main criterion for a kindergarten to be allowed to transfer money to their account. The institution must be in the form of a legal entity and may be:

  • private;
  • municipal;
  • departmental.

The contract, which is submitted to the Pension Fund along with other papers, must:

  • contain the obligations of the party to care for and look after the child;
  • be drawn up between the parties: the certificate holder and the given institution;
  • maintain the bank account of the educational organization to which the funds will be transferred;
  • fix a specific amount for the maintenance of a child in an institution for a certain period of time.
Attention! Parents have the right to independently decide how the payment will be made by the Pension Fund. This can be a one-time transfer for a whole year of the child's stay in an institution or monthly payments.

Transfer of funds

The transfer will be made within two months from the date of application by the parent of the child. If the payment was chosen monthly, then the remaining payments will occur in accordance with the terms specified in the contract.

A family that has decided to pay for kindergarten with maternity capital is entitled to compensation provided for by local legislation. That is, the funds that are transferred to the account of the institution will already be calculated taking into account this compensation.

Important! In the event that parents decide to terminate the contract with a preschool institution, they must notify the Pension Fund in writing.

Payment for accommodation of a child in a hostel and other cases

In addition to paying for tuition in educational institutions, the law provides for the possibility of payments for the child living in a hostel. This is provided only for the time while he is studying at a college or university.

Important! In this case, the basis for the transfer of funds will be the contract for renting a residential building concluded between the parent of the child and the institution where he is studying. Transfers will go to the account of the organization with which such a contract of employment is concluded.

The education of a minor in an art school, various sections and circles, as well as in a driving school can be paid for from maternity capital if:

  • there is an agreement between the parties on the provision of paid educational services;
  • the organization has a license that allows them to carry out educational activities;
  • paid educational services are carried out according to programs that have state accreditation.

Educational programs that are subject to state accreditation include:

  • general education (primary, basic, secondary);
  • training of mid-level specialists;
  • higher education;
  • retraining and advanced training.
Attention! It is allowed to use funds from maternity capital only if there are programs in educational organizations that have state accreditation. The only exceptions are preschool institutions.

Payment for the education of a child or several children with maternal assistance from the state is highly demanded. According to statistics, it ranks second in terms of targeted use of maternity capital, after improving the living conditions of the family.

Cancellation and refund

At the request of the certificate holder, the application for the use of funds for education can be withdrawn (cancelled). To do this, an application is submitted to the territorial PF personally by the owner of the certificate or his representative.

An application can be submitted no later than 2 months from the date of submission of the previous application for the disposal of maternity capital funds and before the transfer of PF funds according to the previous application.

Reasons for cancellation of an order may include:

1. Expulsion of the child before the expiration of the agreement on the provision of paid services in the field of education or the death of the student.

In such a situation, in order to stop payment, it is necessary to submit an application to the territorial PF to cancel the transfer of funds (be sure to indicate the reason for the refusal). The application is made in any form. Attached to it:

  • the student's dismissal decision (or a certified copy);
  • document from the death of the child (court decision on recognizing him as dead or missing).
If the amount of funds transferred exceeds the amount of actual expenses incurred, then the difference must be returned by the educational institution to the Pension Fund of Russia.

2. The use of academic leave by the student.

To stop the transfer of funds, you must:

  • submit an application to the PF for the cancellation of funds;
  • attach a copy of the order on granting academic leave to the student.

To resume the transfer of funds, you should:

  • apply for the renewal of the transfer of funds;
  • attach a copy of the order to terminate academic leave and admit the student to study.
A copy of the order must be certified by the educational institution.

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From 2007 to the present, money from the federal budget has been sent to all regions of the country to finance the costs associated with the use of residential premises. Later, these funds received an additional designated purpose. They began to be used for living in hostels and education.

Funds allocated to finance education allow:

  1. Obtain high-quality knowledge in educational institutions that have received state accreditation;
  2. Ensure the stay of children in kindergarten or school;
  3. Make payment for the student's accommodation in the dormitory.

Below is a more detailed discussion of this topic.

Payment for the child's stay in kindergarten

At an early stage of developmental education, children can receive financial support to pay for maintenance in kindergarten. What are the requirements for kindergarten?

As a legal entity, a preschool institution may have one of several organizational and legal forms:

  • departmental;
  • municipal;
  • commercial or private.

The rules for providing capital are such that in order to receive it, an Agreement concluded between the parents of the child and the management of the preschool institution must be submitted to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. From the party receiving the services, the document must be signed. The second party under the contract is the head of the kindergarten. The agreement must specify the list of obligations that the employees of the institution for the care and supervision of the child assume.

The document must also the amount of the cost of services is clearly indicated provided by the institution during a certain time period (in particular, a month). At the end of the text of the agreement indicate: the full name of the legal entity with all the details, as well as the surname and initials of the owner of the parent certificate with passport data.

With what frequency to make payments, the owner of the certificate decides independently, in agreement with the management of the institution: monthly, once a quarter or at a time for the whole year. All transfers are carried out according to the approved schedule, with the exception of the very first payment. It is made within 2 months from the date of submission of the application of the owner of the maternity certificate to the account of the local branch of the Pension Fund.

Here it is important to understand difference between payment categories carried out from the funds of the federal and municipal budgets. In many localities, the cost of children's stay in kindergartens is partially compensated to parents from the local budget. But when the costs are paid at the expense of maternity capital, the municipalities do not produce any compensation.

The use of certificates involves the expenditure of funds not from the local, but from the federal budget.

Practice has shown that maternity capital is more often used to pay for the maintenance of children in private kindergartens, since at a cost it exceeds the amount of parental fees in municipal preschool institutions.

Things to remember when applying for kindergarten

For the first two months, parents pay for the maintenance and care of the child. from own funds. This is the time required for local PF employees to coordinate documents and redistribute funds from the federal budget. It should be understood that a child may miss attending kindergarten for various reasons. Therefore, the amount payable for the institution's services should be reviewed and adjusted after the fact.

Since the Pension Fund will transfer money according to the calculations presented by the parents, an overpayment may result. The excess amounts must be returned to PF, followed by transfer to the account of the certificate.

The funds are not transferred to the account of the certificate holder, but directly to the current account of the legal entity where the child will be kept or educated.

When you can not use the mother's certificate to pay for preschool services

Before submitting a package of documents to the PF department, it is necessary to clarify whether this legal entity has state accreditation. In the event that the institution is not accredited, then maternity capital cannot pay for the services of this institution.

These institutions typically include:

  • Private sports sections;
  • Dance, music, singing courses;
  • Courses with in-depth study of foreign languages;
  • Tutoring lessons not accredited by the state.

Payment for schoolchildren and students

The choice of college or university should be decided in advance. It is recommended to coordinate the draft agreement on education in advance at the local branch of the Pension Fund.

Is it always possible to pay for education with a mother's certificate

The law has several requirements:

  1. The educational institution must be registered in the Russian Federation;
  2. Training programs must be accredited by the state;
  3. The maximum age of an applicant is 25 years.

Education of schoolchildren in the Russian Federation is free of charge. However, many children receive paid educational services. They can be paid with a certificate. Among them:

  1. Basic educational programs (in excess of limited budget places);
  2. Training in special courses;
  3. Getting services from a tutor;
  4. Additional training programs;
  5. Program with in-depth knowledge of individual subjects;
  6. Higher and secondary education.

The difference from the amount of transferred and actually spent funds must be returned to the PF.

When payments stop

  • In the event of a student's academic leave;
  • When a student is expelled due to poor performance;
  • With a lethal outcome.

In all of the above cases, it is necessary to write an appropriate application to the Pension Fund on the termination of the transfer of funds and justify the refusal. When studying is resumed, an application is again written for the direction of funds to pay for the student's tuition or accommodation in a hostel with the Order on the restoration of the student at the university attached.

List of documents for tuition payment

  1. Certificate confirming the availability of maternity capital;
  2. SNILS issued in the name of the recipient of the certificate;
  3. Passport;
  4. Application indicating the intended use of capital;
  5. An agreement with the rector of the university confirming the enrollment of the child;
  6. A certified copy of the certificate of state accreditation of the university;
  7. An agreement confirming the fact of hiring a room in a hostel by a student of an educational institution.

The listed documents must be submitted to the PF department in the current academic year by May 1.

Using the certificate to finance residence in a hostel

In addition to tuition fees, capital allocated from the federal budget can be directed for hostel fees if the student successfully completes full-time studies at an institute, college or other educational institution accredited by the state. Since there are often not enough places in dormitories, many parents are forced to rent a living space for full-time students for a separate fee. For these purposes, you can spend the resources of maternity capital.

In this case, the owner of the certificate must conclude an agreement with the hostel management on the allocation of a place for the student to stay for the entire period of study. According to the approved schedule, non-cash funds are credited to the account of the institution indicated in the agreement according to the agreed schedule. The first payment to the settlement account of the university will be received within 2 months following the results of consideration of the application.

The state continues to stimulate the birth rate in the country through maternity capital until the end of 2021.

Is it possible for a mother to receive training at the expense of maternity capital resources?

Despite the established practice, many controversial issues arise regarding the targeted use of maternity capital. In particular, can these resources be used for the educational purposes of the mother?

The law unequivocally answers that at present such direction of the use of federal budget funds in terms of maternity capital is not provided.

Despite the fact that a mother receives a certificate for the birth of a child, funds from the mother's capital can only be used to improve the quality of life of the child itself.

- a certificate issued by the state for parents who give birth or adopt a second or subsequent children with Russian citizenship.

The maternity capital is received just once. If it was issued earlier for the second baby, then after the birth of the third or subsequent children, the family cannot take part in the program.

Initially, the amount of support was 250 thousand rubles. For 2018, set at 453 thousand 26 rubles. This amount has not been indexed for several years. The nearest indexation, according to the plans of the government, will take place in 2020 at 4%. The size after the increase will be 471 147 rubles.

The period for receiving financial assistance was originally set for the period from the beginning of 2007 to the end of 2016. Due to the entry into force of the amendment, the state program is extended until 31.12.2021.

Maternity capital to pay off education expenses

Maternity capital is not cash, but a certificate used only in the prescribed manner. At the moment there are four directions for which:

  • changes in living conditions;
  • children's education;
  • replenishment of the pension contribution for the parent;
  • purchase of rehabilitation means for disabled children.

This can be done in three ways:

  1. In the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of permanent registration (registration).
  2. Through the official website of the pension fund using a personal account.
  3. In the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of actual residence.

In addition to the application, you will need the following documents:

  • passport of a Russian citizen declaring his desire to spend money on education;
  • certificate of maternity capital (obtained in the Pension Fund of Russia);
  • an agreement confirming training in a paid educational institution.

In cases where it is planned to spend funds to pay accommodation in the hostel at an educational institution, you will need:

  • certificate of admission to full-time education;
  • a copy of the contract for renting a room (bed) in a hostel;
  • a certificate from the dean's office of the department confirming the receipt of housing in the hostel.

Documents are submitted on time before May 1 of the current year when the child enters school. In case of payment for the hostel, if the child successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in an educational institution, additional papers must be provided no later than October 1.

When applying for an academic leave, payments under the certificate are suspended. In cases of self-elimination or expulsion from an educational institution, payment will be completely terminated. The rest of the funds under the certificate can be spent for any purpose permitted by law.

An example of using maternity capital for the education of a child

Every person who has a second or subsequent child has the right to receive maternity capital, regardless of his place of residence. Very often people leave for other countries for work or personal reasons and live there for a long time. If the child is born in another country, but at the same time is a citizen of Russia, the parent has the right to receive a certificate.

The application may be submitted electronically or through the consulate in the state where the person lives. In the first case, it is enough to register on the official website and follow the instructions that are described on it.

To submit documents at the consulate you need:

  • statement certified by the consul. View and download here: ;
  • birth (or adoption) certificate;
  • a document that confirms that the child is a citizen of Russia.

All documents, if necessary, will need to be translated into Russian. The question remains, on what and how the certificate can be spent if citizens live in another country.

Consider the example of Elena Kolesnik, who lives with her husband and children in Ukraine. She was interested in the question of whether she could send her eldest son to one of the kindergartens in Kyiv, if the certificate was received for the second boy, who was not even a year old. After the consultation, she learned that at the moment she cannot use the certificate.

This was due to two obstacles.

  1. Elena received a certificate under the federal program, not the regional one. According to the law, maternity capital can be used if the child for whom it was issued, reached the age of three. In some regions, the situation is different and allows you to use the certificate when the baby is one year old.
  2. Use of maternity capital for educational purposes possible only if the child will attend an educational institution that is located on the territory of our country. This restriction is in force, since educational institutions of other states cannot obtain a license and accreditation for the maternity capital program.

From this it follows that Elena will be able to use the certificate when the youngest child reaches 3 years old and only if the eldest son attends a kindergarten in Russia.


  1. Maternity capital can be provided only once.
  2. If twins are born, triplets do not increase.
  3. These funds are not subject to taxes or other fees.
  4. The certificate ceases to be valid if the second or subsequent child for whom it was issued dies. If parental rights are lost, the validity of the certificate also expires.
  5. If the document is lost, it must be restored through the Pension Fund of Russia.
  6. Any schemes for cashing a certificate are illegal. A person who takes part in an illegal transaction may be punished in accordance with applicable law.

Sample applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents.

Big family means big expenses. Every child should be given a good education. Prestigious or simply high-quality education is not cheap, and budget places are clearly not enough to provide all members of the middle class with free access to universities. Maternity capital may turn out to be unexpected and timely help - it can be used to pay for education costs.

What education can be paid for with maternity capital

The recipient can spend the social benefit on the education of any of the children in the family. During the discussions, the deputies voiced a proposal to allow spending money on the education of parents, but it was rejected.

Money for education will be transferred to the details of a preschool, general education, higher or secondary educational institution specified in the contract. The Pension Fund does not issue funds in cash.

You can direct maternity capital to pay for the following purposes:

  • finding a child in a kindergarten and development centers;
  • receiving secondary and higher education;
  • passing language and other additional courses;
  • studying at a music or art school;
  • accommodation in a student hostel for non-residents and other expenses during training.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 926 dated December 24, 2007 provides for the main provisions of the rules for disposing of maternity capital for educational needs. There are certain requirements for these institutions, but there are no restrictions on the type of classes or course programs.

Requirements for educational institutions

Institutions whose services are planned to be paid at the expense of maternity capital must meet the following criteria:

  • be located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • have the right and permission to provide the appropriate type and format of educational services;
  • have state accreditation in a particular area of ​​study.

Thus, sending children abroad at the expense of the Russian budget will not work, and the choice of an educational institution will have to be taken prudently.

This method of using maternity capital also has a certain time limit - the period for using funds is limited by strict limits. All parameters for the use of funds for educational purposes are specified in Article 11 of the Federal Law No. 256 of December 26, 2006, which lists other measures of additional support for families with children.

Terms of using maternity capital to pay for education

You can use a certificate to pay for education as early as two months after the emergence of the right to maternity capital - this period from the moment of the birth or adoption of a second child will have to wait. Then the money from the Pension Fund can be directed to pay for the corresponding educational services.

The family has the right to use this benefit gradually, spending part of the funds first on one, then on the other child. The main limitation in this case is their achievement 25 year old age. Until then, you can pay for any suitable services of educational institutions.

Due to this payment, you can pay for the entire period of study at once or annually transfer part of the funds under the contract for the provision of educational services.

Documents for paying for education with maternity capital

From the documents for receiving social benefits for tuition fees, you will need:

  • directly a certificate for the right to use maternity capital;
  • identity card of the recipient of the certificate - a general passport with a mark on the place of permanent registration or a certificate of registration at the place of temporary residence;
  • SNILS certificate recipient;
  • statement on the disposal of part of the funds of the MSC;
  • an agreement for maintenance in a kindergarten or an agreement for the provision of paid educational services;
  • a certified copy of the institution's certificate of state accreditation;
  • a tenancy agreement for housing in a dormitory, with a certificate from the educational institution, which confirms the fact that the child lives in it.

It is necessary to submit an application to the FIU about the intention to use the child allowance due to pay for educational services until May 1st, in which it is planned to enter the SUZ or university.

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