How beautiful to draw a ship. How to draw a sailing ship


Nowadays, it is rare to find wooden sailing ships. But, nevertheless, sailboats are a favorite object of drawings for many boys. However, pictures of sailboats are not so easy to draw. They have many masts, various ship gear, very complex sails and stern. Almost all ancient sailing ships were equipped with cannons, the vents of which stuck out at the ready from the loopholes. Without cannons, it was impossible to defend against pirates. In this lesson, we will be able to step by step draw a ship frigate cutting the sea waves.

1. The contour of the hull of a sailing ship

First, draw the main outline of the ship. For the future hull, draw such a simple outline, from which we will "build" the ship.

2. Add a mast to the sailboat drawing

Now you need to draw the base of the masts of an old wooden sailboat. To do this, first draw two long vertical lines. The first on the right will be the largest and the left a little shorter. Mark the ship's masts with dashes where the sail bars will be.

3. Draw the outlines of the sails of the frigate

At this stage, you need to draw the outlines of the sails of the frigate. Draw them in an almost rectangular shape. On the far right mast there will be three of them (triangular). On the middle mast there will be five sails, on the last mast of the ship there will also be five, but only of a smaller size.

4. Stern and deck of a sailing ship

Now we will need to draw the stern of the sailing ship in detail. Draw the side line of the stern with a smooth line, and also note that the back of the stern should be slightly lower in relation to the bow of the ship. Select the bow with another vertical line and draw longitudinal sections along the body.

5. Draw the masts of a sailboat

At this stage, we draw the masts and sails of our sailboat in more detail. First of all, erase the previous unnecessary contours of the base of the ship and masts with an eraser, and then draw the final shape of all the sails and masts. To make it easier for you to do this, be guided by my drawing.

6. Drawing of a sailing ship is almost complete

Now let's deal with the sails of the ship "thoroughly" and stretch their cloth with the wind. Let's start with the first tilted mast. These sails will be in the form of triangles. Let's give these sails a slight bend from the side wind. Draw in detail the main sails of the ship. To do this, the vertical straight lines need to be replaced with slightly curved ones. This will create the impression of the wind blowing into the sails, and at the same time the movement of the ship.

7. How to draw a ship. Applying shadows

If you will draw the ship only with a simple pencil, then use a soft pencil to apply shadows. Shade the hormonal areas of the poop. With the help of shadows, the masts and sails in the figure will become voluminous.

In this video, the drawing of the ship is also made in stages, at the last step it is painted with colored pencils.

8. Drawing a ship on a graphics tablet

I made this drawing of a sailboat on a graphics tablet. To draw such a sailboat, you need not only a tablet and experience, but also spend a lot of time, so I advise you to use ordinary colored pencils for coloring. And this picture of the ship is better to use only as an example of how you can paint a sailboat.
To make your drawing of a ship look complete, watch the lesson "How to draw a sea" and make small additions to the surrounding landscape of your drawing. You can draw another ship in the distance, or draw storm waves crashing against the side of the ship.

You can draw a shark next to a pirate sailboat. This predatory and dangerous sea animal will only emphasize the sinister nature of a pirate frigate or brigantine.

The drawing of a ship, a sailboat looks unfinished without the surrounding landscape, namely the sea. If you draw a stormy sea, then try to convey the movement of the waves in the drawing.

Maps of the area have been known since ancient times, but for us they are primarily an attribute of pirate times, sailboats with skulls on the flag, treasures hidden on the islands, which can only be found on the map. Wandering the seas on their sailing ships, the pirates made many hiding places, many of which have never been found.

Dolphins love to chase ships at sea. Perhaps out of simple curiosity, or perhaps in anticipation of food, but they can sometimes accompany the ship for hours.

If in our time the extraction of whales is prohibited, then in the days of sailboats, whales were hunted on special whaling ships. Such ships were called whaling schooners and the fishing gear was arrows (harpoons) tied to the deck with a strong cable.

A statuette of a mermaid carved from wood adorned the stern of almost every sailboat. It was believed that she brought good luck to the ship.

Teaching a kid to draw is not at all such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. For example, you can explain and show your child how to draw a boat. Of course, before this, it is worth showing the baby pictures of ships or their photographs, as well as explaining to him what the purpose of the sails, deck, mast and other important details is.
After the conversation, it is worth preparing those items that will inevitably be needed in the drawing process:
1). paper;
2). multi-colored pencils;
3). Pencil;
4). Eraser;
5). Black pen (gel pen is best).

To make it easier for a child to draw a boat, it is worth helping him at some stages. Then the result will surely please him and, perhaps, next time he will be able to portray a magnificent ship completely on his own. It is most convenient to draw a ship step by step:
1. Draw the contours of the ship, making its back slightly raised, as the upper deck will be located there;
2. Draw a mast, and in its upper part draw a small observation deck;
3. Draw a sail;
4. At the top of the mast, draw a flying flag. Then draw the bow of the ship;
5. Draw the back of the ship. In the same place, draw a small flashlight;
6. To draw a boat beautifully in stages, do not forget about small details. Therefore, depict windows, as well as an anchor. Use light lines to mark the location of the boards from which the ship is made;
7. Draw a rope ladder leading to the observation deck. Then draw two sailors, because someone has to manage the ship. You can draw a boat with a pencil and make it, for example, a pirate. Then it is worth depicting the symbol of pirates on the flag - a skull and bones, and instead of sailors, draw a couple of these desperate sea wolves;
8. The ship cannot sail through the air, so draw waves and two fish that jump out of the water;
9. To make the drawing even more interesting, it is worth depicting clouds in the sky and birds soaring in it;
10. Having learned how to draw a boat with a pencil in stages for children, you can proceed to the next stage of working on a drawing - coloring it. To do this, first circle the sketch with a pen, and then remove all extra pencil lines with an eraser;
11. Color the sky with a light blue pencil, and the sea with blue;
12. Windows and anchor paint yellow, and frames and some other small details - dark green;
13. Color the boat in different shades of brown, fish in yellow, birds in gray, and clouds in blue;
14. Now color in the flag, sail and sailors. Shade the clouds lightly with pink in places.
The drawing is ready! Knowing how to draw a boat, you can definitely teach this to your baby!

Today I decided not to write lesson how to draw a ship, since the pictures will make it clear. Instead of this there will be a small philosophical play.

Pirates of the Unknown Sea

Characters: Captain of the ship Kidd, Navigator. The action takes place on the deck of the ship. Our ship is sailing on the sea of ​​life, shrouded in thick fog. As it makes its way to its destination, it soars over moorlands, mountains, storms and all kinds of weather. After an unsuccessful voyage, the ship's crew was greatly thinned. Many left, only the most faithful sailors and the captain remained. The sea is calm. The captain comes out from his cabin on deck. Captain Kidd: Autumn mood. I want to close my eyes and believe that the promised land is waiting for us soon. Add speed! Let's float to the horizon! Navigator: Captain, we've been sailing too long, we're running out of supplies, we need to get ashore. Captain: If you feel the splashes of the sea in your soul, then you will certainly feel the waves of inspiration, splashing beautiful thoughts onto the shore of life ...

Navigator: People are not interested in beautiful thoughts, they want bread and circuses. They don't care about anything other than satisfying their own needs. Captain Kidd: In fact, only one thing is important: what a person is capable of, and what he is not capable of. The spirit of piracy is in our blood, and nothing can be done about it. The captain looks long and thoughtfully into the distance, takes out his pipe and lights up. Navigator: We need to change our lives, people are tired, they want change - to start living anew. Captain Kidd: Change? You can start life from scratch, of course, but the handwriting cannot be changed. Navigator: If nothing changes, nothing will happen. We need to believe in ourselves, move forward, not repeat old mistakes. What are we afraid of? Captain Kidd: Be afraid to lose yourself. Navigator: I have already lost myself, we are lost to the whole world. Nobody knows about us. We are a drop in the ocean, we are nothing! We have lost a happy life! Captain Kidd: And yet, we are part of this sea. And as long as there are particles like us, the sea will live. This is the meaning of our existence. And there is no happy life. There are only happy days, minutes, seconds.. End. Why am I doing all this? Oh yes, we must today draw draw a ship with a pencil!

How to draw a ship with a pencil:

First, draw the frame, the deck.
Add some details, sails and mast.
And here's the end result you should get. And as always, I tried everything myself. Here is my boat:
What boats did you get? Answers in comments. Write what other lessons to prepare for you. More useful lessons for you.

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How to draw a sailboat with a simple pencil step by step

Video: how to draw a sailboat with a pencil on paper

How to draw a big sailing ship with a pen

  • Step 1

    First, draw the main outline of the ship. For the future hull, draw such a simple markup from squares and draw the outline of the ship's hull.

  • Step 2

    Now you need to draw the base of the masts of an old wooden sailboat. To do this, first draw two long vertical lines. The first one on the right will be the largest and the one on the far right will be the smallest. In some places of the masts, you need to draw the crossbars for the sails. Next we will draw a long keel ahead of the ship's stern.

  • Step 3

    At this stage, you need to draw the outlines of the sails for the ship. Draw them in an almost rectangular shape. On the far right mast there will be three of them (triangular). On the middle five and on the last mast of the ship there are also five, only of a smaller size.

  • Step 4

    Now we will need to draw the stern of our ship in detail. To do this, round off the side line of the stern, and also note that the front of the stern should be higher than the back and middle. After that, draw another corrugated strip on it, it will finish the upper part of the stern. Next we will make a railing at the top of the stern. In the next step, add a few round windows to the ship drawing.

  • Step 5

    At this stage, we draw the masts of our sailboat. Erase the previous contours of the ship's base with an eraser and draw the final lines of the masts. Shade them with a simple pencil. The same will need to be done with the keel.

  • Step 6

    Now let's deal with the sails of the ship. Let's start with the first slanted mast first. The sails will be in the form of triangles. Let's give these sails a slight bend. The remaining sails of the ship will be drawn with a bend inward.

  • Step 7

    If you will draw the ship only with a simple pencil, then use a soft pencil to apply shadows. First, shade the bottom of the stern, making it as dark as possible. Darken the top just a little. Darker will have to make only a horizontal strip in the middle of the hull of the sailboat. Let's also give the sails a little shade. Let's paint the windows and add flags at the top of each mast.

Video: how to draw a Cutty Sark ship with a pencil

In this video you will see how you can draw a sailboat with a pencil on paper.

How to draw a sailing ship Brigantine with a pencil step by step

  • Step 1

    We draw the base of the ship, its deck and three masts.

  • Step 2

    We depict the water level, which reaches approximately half of the side of the brigantine. On the left side of the vessel we draw a bowsprit - an element that protrudes from the bow of the vessel. On the masts we draw yards, four perpendicular on the first two and two inclined on the third.

  • Step 3

    We depict the rigging of the brigantine, the cables that hold the masts, four on the first two and one on the last. In the back of the side, draw a rise in the form of a rectangle.

  • Step 4

    On the first mast we depict a sail.

  • Step 5

    Now we are finalizing its shape, emphasizing each of the four canvases with an arc from below. We also depict the outlines of the sail on the second and third mast.

  • Step 6

    From the bowsprit on the bow of the brigantine we draw three cables holding the front mast of the vessel. On the central mast we emphasize the shape of the sails, as in the fifth

  • Step 7

    We finish drawing three canvases on the cables, in front of the ship depicted in the last step. And one more in the back of the vessel, which is attached at one end to the mast and two to the deck of the brigantine.

  • Step 8

    More detailed rendering of the sails, showing the folds on them. Adding a couple of cables to emphasize the shape of the ship, drawing rope ladders, the side of the ship, emphasizing its texture and the waves on which the ship sails.

  • Step 9

    At this point, the lesson is complete. You can leave a pencil sketch or add color to the drawing. We wish you creative success!

How to draw a ship with sails?

To be honest, it's difficult. I looked at the statistics of requests for drawing sailing ships and was touched - there is even a request - "how easy it is to draw a sailing ship." Despite the fact that now these ships are very rare and we mostly live not by the sea, no one has actually seen them. You will have to draw from a photograph and also comprehend the structure of these ships. And they, whatever one may say, are complex and that's it.

As a child, I was very fond of sailing ships and learned a lot of terms, but in the course of my life I forgot a lot - somehow they did not come in handy for me. However, I can explain a little. So the ship has a hull front - bow, rear - stern. Top flooring - deck. The sails are mounted on masts (high wooden poles). Masts can be from one to five or six. Let us have a three-masted ship. First draw with a pencil.

There is also an inclined mast on the bow - a bowsprit, but it seems not to be included in the total bill.

Sails are rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal. So that they are in a straightened state and do not fall off, they are strengthened on the yards - these are the transverse beams on the masts. Moreover, the upper edge is fixed along the entire length of the rail, and the lower one is only around the corners. So, to the question of "drawing a ship with sails is easy," I will say that it is very difficult for children to understand this is all speculative. Most of the children have seen models of sailboats with paper sails strung on the masts like ... barbecue and wonder why there are some other yards. However, they are needed.

We have decided on the contours. Notice how tall the ship is. How he keeps his balance and does not fall when turning is a mystery to me. Once in my life I saw a real sailboat from a distance - on a bend! The spectacle was exciting - as if a high-rise building turns sharply leaning.

But back to our ship. Refine the drawing. First, draw the hull and masts.

Draw the rig:

And here is all the sailing equipment:

For courage, let's color it brighter - let it be a ship with scarlet sails.

By the way, I almost forgot - do you see the nets stretched along the masts? You and I understand that these are stretch marks that prevent the masts from falling onto the deck, and the sailors climb up on them. But if you want children to draw a sailboat, then all this will have to be explained again speculatively. What if you don't explain? No, comrades, it is necessary to explain, otherwise we will accustom children to complete disregard for lifelikeness.

Of course, the whole variety of sailboats is not exhausted by this one ship under scarlet sails. Let's draw at least one more... for now. And there you will see.

Sailboat - drawing 2

We are looking for a beautiful picture on the Internet and draw it as similar as possible:

But this is the final result, and we start by drawing a sketch with a pencil:

This ship is of a more modern design - the hull is streamlined and there are no archaic decorations. Mast two. We see one completely, the second is partially obscured by sails:

We draw the equipment of the mast that is closer to the stern:

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