How mats affect a person. What do we attract into our lives when we say obscene and bad words


Speech is an indicator of the mind! What a person is, such is his speech. Obscene language is not only a set of obscenities. Such vocabulary testifies to the spiritual illness of a person. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds expressing a thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind.

The roots of foul language go back to distant pagan antiquity. Over the centuries, many attempts have been made repeatedly, in various ways, to destroy the pure genetics of the spiritual man. Including specially invented mantras of genetic destruction.

What other mantras, we don’t know such, you say? You know, of course, you just don’t understand what it’s about, because everything is so famously veiled. This is Mat. Checkmate is a mantric vibrational curse that is actually a terrible weapon. Who uses a mat in his speech, of course, they will now say that this is nonsense, we swear and live like everyone else. .. But is it really so?

Each mat causes high-frequency electromagnetic vibrations that destroy DNA. Under the influence of a mat, DNA begins to bend, break into pieces, individual genes can even change places, causing genetic replacements and rearrangements. Mutations occur that lead to the degradation of the human genetic background. Namely, this is the goal of those who created this weapon. Low-grade programs are introduced into the consciousness of a swearing person, which make a person very irritable, angry, selfish, degrading. Not only spiritual values ​​are dulled, but also mental abilities.

Please note that people who are not spiritually strong speak obscenities. Mentally unbalanced, without self-control, unable to accept people and all situations of their lives, in love and peace. Through frequently repeated swearing, they soon lose their sanity skills and become even more unbalanced, stupid and restless, judging, angry, and destroying everyone around them, and themselves.

And if a person just swears from time to time, but regularly, daily, then oncology and autoimmune diseases will not take long. Enough 10-15 years, and mutating cells begin to turn into a tumor. Either the immune cells will no longer recognize the “face” of the mutating cells and will begin to destroy them as strangers (autoimmune diseases arise).

The genetic weapon "MAT" was created in the 15th century purposefully by the servants of darkness, to destroy the spiritual source in a person, to reduce it to the level of material values, so that a person degrades, instead of evolution. A weapon with the help of which it is easy to turn a person who has not yet strengthened spiritually into an avid materialist with a perishing Soul, ready to destroy himself and others for the sake of power, fame and wealth.

Until the 15th century, there was no swearing at all, it was introduced and distributed through the merchants, for the most part mired in hopeless materialism. At first, merchants began to indulge in obscene abuse, then it was transferred to the city lower classes. And among the workers - farmers, the mat came already in the 18th century. And even then not everywhere. For a long time they believed that cursing was a sin. On the one hand, the Old Believers did not allow swearing, honoring the traditions of spiritual development, on the other hand, the vokhvs living in the forests.

But the planting of obscene abuse for centuries was carried out persistently and for a long time to the state of prevalence in which we now hear it. In recent years, this weapon has reached a high level of implementation - obscenities are heard in public places, and even from TV screens, in songs, in films ... they would have been in camps for this before, but now no one is embarrassed ...

But let's not condemn, but let's start with ourselves and our children ... slowly but surely, this weapon can be neutralized generation after generation. Stop swearing and your genes will stop mutating, freaks and downs will stop being born, a healthy generation will be restored. After all, swearing causes destruction in the chromosomes, approximately like radioactive exposure to 1000 x-rays. Don't believe?

Do an experiment. Record obscene speech on any medium and turn it on to a house plant. Very soon it will "bend", and with it you, if you continue to listen and reproduce these mantras of destruction and death.

Be conscious, do not let yourself and your loved ones be destroyed, give up swearing and explain to your children why swearing has been introduced into folk speech.

A spiritually rich person not only does not swear himself, but does not even condemn the one who swears nearby, equally endowing him with his love in order to warm his Soul, to help him grow stronger with his high vibrations. Gives him an invisible helping hand.

Being spiritually developed does not mean being very clean and disdainful in dealing with spiritually weak people, condemning them, criticizing and looking down contemptuously. If you yourself have grown stronger, then you will never condemn anyone, but you will only try always and everywhere to lend a helping hand to the needy. We cannot impose our vision of the world, we can only respond to the call for help when a person is ready and begins to ask questions and ask for advice, wanting to develop the Soul. Everyone goes their own way at their own speed.

And therefore, the purpose of the article is not to condemn those who cannot communicate without swearing, but only to reveal to them the meaning of swearing, and only everyone will decide for himself. Unfortunately, the mat destroys not only the one who swears, but also the one who hears. Therefore, a person is responsible for the harm done not only to himself, but also to those around him who suffered through him. It is important to be aware of this.

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Devil Summoners
On the energy-informational essence of swear words

Let's remember the Bible: "The Word was in the canal, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Speaking in modern language, this means that the primary act of creation was energy-informational. In us, living intelligent people, there is, as they say, a spark of God, we also own the word and, therefore, are capable of creating energy-information reality ourselves.
Doctor of Biological Sciences Ivan Belyavsky tried to find out how ordinary words affect the human body. His many years of research led to the discovery that every word spoken or heard affects our genes. The rate of aging of the body and, consequently, the duration of our life directly depends on the language environment in which we live. Different words are "charged" in different ways, and just as in ordinary physics, there can always be two "charges" - either positive or negative. Any swearing affects us, of course, with a minus sign.

Monitoring the health status of large groups of people brought surprising results: a fifty-year-old Russian language teacher turned out to be biologically younger than a thirty-year-old loader with foul language. The longevity of opera singers, as it turned out, is not at all accidental. The profession contributes to the fact that most of their lives they live in a harmonious language environment.

In general, swearing is harmful. And for those who scold, and for those who are forced to hear dirty speech. Recall that the main swear word that begins with the second letter of the Russian alphabet and means a woman of well-known behavior comes from the word fornication.

Among the ancient Slavs, this was the name of a masculine demon, inciting women to defiant debauchery. They called for "fornication" (bringing human sacrifices to it) in order to either punish the enemy-woman with suicidal debauchery in the harsh house-building, or, conversely, to expel "fornication" from the "weak front", as they say now, women.

In the latter case, other swear words were attached to the demon's name in order to show the demon that, in terms of the degree of indecency, the exorcist can be stronger than him. The phrase, standard in our battle, meaning the physical possession of the mother of the interlocutor, is a heavy legacy of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The conquests were accompanied by mass violence of the victors over the women of the vanquished. The primary meaning of the phrase is not at all sexual, but boastful, they say, “I am many times stronger than you, I have already defeated you.”

We, uttering swear words, often purely mechanically, as it were, call ancient demons into our lives, we call on Evil day after day, year after year. As a result, we get evil in the form of small troubles first, and then larger ones - with health, with children, with loved ones, and finally, we find ourselves in a period of complete bad luck ...

Many believe that mat is a deeply Slavic tradition. In fact, foul language in Rus' until about the middle of the 19th century was rare even in the countryside. In the cities, it was a criminal offense. Under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, a swearing man was subjected to public flogging. Swearing was then the speech of robbers from the high road. The Church - the highest authority for a person of that time - severely condemned swear words precisely as a call to ancient pagan demons. "... The blasphemous will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Let no rotten word come from your lips, but only good."

The modern church no longer ranks mating among the most serious, mortal sins, however, it condemns abuse with all the power of its authority. The most regrettable thing is that people who call on the devil cause energy-informational harm not only to themselves, but also to those around them, especially children. Modern science confirms to us ancient truths that are fundamentally important for the very essence of our life: normal people should not swear!

How to get rid of foul language

How to overcome the habit of swearing in yourself and your children, and how one person can make the whole world refuse to swear.

Cursing is a bad habit, and you need to get rid of it, like any other bad habit.

Methods are different: you can limit yourself gradually, or you can quit in one day. Assign yourself a punishment: swore - click on your forehead or sit down several times.

In my opinion, the most important thing here is the reflection of habit - its awareness, control and accounting. It's good to turn on the internal counter: swore : swore - click yourself on the forehead or sit down several times. Such tactics will gradually lead to a decrease in the number of swear words in speech. But the complete rejection of foul language is not a matter of one day.

The language environment around us is quite aggressive: they swear at work, on the street, sometimes at home. Is it really possible to stop swearing in such an environment? The Monk Seraphim of Sarov said: "Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved." One person can influence the norms of the team. If, for example, you stop swearing while standing in a smoking room at work, then it is likely that other people in the smoking room will stop swearing too.

People who try to give up swearing note that at first it becomes more difficult to talk. Where in speech a swear word always conveniently fell on the tongue, now it is emptiness, the brain needs time to find a replacement for it.
Without justifying the mat, nevertheless, it should be recognized: with it, the thought is often formulated faster.

But the downside is that in the end we get used to stuffing the whole huge range of human feelings into one or two swear words. Using a mat, we deliberately impoverish ourselves - we move away from nuances, shades. Returning to normal speech, of course, you will have to creak your brains: the gears will rotate slowly at first, but over time they will pick up speed, become faster.

But in order to get freedom from swear words, it is not enough to control yourself and your phrases, you need to clean your soul at the level of thoughts, only then the root of the problem will be removed. And for this there are special exercises and methods.

So what can be done:

1. Get a dictionary of good words. It is not enough to decide not to say bad things, you need to learn how to express emotions in a new way. To do this, it is necessary to enrich the vocabulary with unusual words and phrases. Observe what those around you are saying. If you think the phrases are suitable for a new life, write them down in a dictionary. Re-read the finds daily and incorporate words into communication. Before you make a phone call, set yourself up to say a specific phrase in a conversation. So get used to another speech.

2. Tell people you know to stop using foul language in your presence. If someone continues to persist, stop communicating with such a person. Words repeated by someone several times are remembered, turned into thoughts, and then asked to come out, and everything goes in a second circle. Therefore, avoid people who do not want to be cleansed of internal filth.

3. If possible, stop visiting places and watching shows that use slurred speech.

4. To clean up the vocabulary, read the books of the classics: Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Gorky and other writers who fully own the beautiful and powerful. For many readers, this literature is a cure after reading the books of some contemporary authors.

5. Communicate with children and observe how they express emotions. Some children have learned foul language from adults, but there are educated boys and girls who express fear, indignation, joy, delight, dissatisfaction with normal phrases. They do not keep emotions inside, you can learn to speak and think purely from them.

6. Make new acquaintances. Some people never say bad words. Look for places where you can meet with such fellow citizens, find common interests for communication. What environment you can create, such will be the speech.

7. If you believe in God, pray for deliverance from bad thoughts, then there will be no unnecessary words in the vocabulary.

8. Write essays or keep a diary. Written language is easier to control because there is enough time for reflection. Practice for a month and those around you will be amazed at the changes within you.

How bad language affects health

Lately, there has been an increase in verbal promiscuity. Today, schoolchildren, young people, adult men and women speak obscenities. "Mat" comes from the TV screens.

Is this bad habit really harmless?

Foul language is speech filled with indecent expressions, obscene words, and swearing. This phenomenon has many definitions: “obscene language”, “unprintable expressions”, “swearing”, “obscene language”. But for a long time an obscene word in the Russian people has been called foul language, from the word "filth". In the dictionary of V. I. Dahl, which is the result of a deep study of the living Russian language, it is said:

Filth is an abomination, disgusting, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, indecent, that disgusts carnally and spiritually; dirt, and rot, decay, carrion…;

In Russian, swear words are called swear words. The root of this word is mother. To pronounce such words means to encroach on the most dear, the most sacred thing that a person has - on his mother.

In ancient Rus', mat was a spell, a formula against evil spirits. Through swearing, people entered into communication with evil spirits, as if tuning in to their wave, calling them into their lives. The swear word was the language of communication with the demons. Our ancestors uttered them, calling on the help of the demons of evil. Witches and sorceresses used foul language in their conspiracies, sending a curse. But everyone knew that it was impossible to scold children with such words: they would be tormented by demons. It is impossible to swear in the house: demons will live in this dwelling.

Misconception is the generally accepted opinion that swearing is a Slavic tradition. Foul language in Rus' until about the middle of the 19th century was not only not widespread, but was criminally punishable. During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, it was simply impossible to hear swearing on the street. And this is explained not only by the modesty and delicacy of our ancestors, but also by the policy pursued by the state. For foul language, a person was subjected to public flogging: disguised officials with archers walked in the markets and along the streets, grabbed scolders and then, in front of the people, flogged them with rods for general edification.

Foul language and health

The most important and scientifically confirmed is that swear words are dangerous to health, they not only contribute to a decrease in intelligence, provoke crimes, rob people spiritually, humiliate and insult, but also, absorbing verbal dirt, cripple people's destinies, and lead to early aging and premature death.

A group of scientists led by Candidate of Biological Sciences P.P. Garyaeva came to a stunning conclusion that with the help of verbal images a person creates or destroys his genetic apparatus. Researchers have proven that swear words seem to explode in the human genetic apparatus, as a result of which mutations occur, which with each generation lead to the degeneration of a person.

Scientists have invented an apparatus that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations. They are known to affect DNA molecules (heredity). A person swears obscenities, and his chromosomes squirm and bend, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs. This is how the program of self-destruction is gradually passed on to offspring.

Scientists have recorded that swear words cause a mutagenic effect, similar to what gives radioactive exposure with a power of thousands of roentgens. The experiment with communication was carried out for many years on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant, almost all of them died. And those that survived became genetic freaks.

On this basis, scientists concluded that certain words have an informational effect on DNA, i.e. DNA perceives human speech.

Another group of scientists led by Doctor of Biological Sciences I.B. Belyavsky dealt with the problem of foul language for 17 years. They proved that inveterate swearers live much less than those who do not swear. In their cells, age-related changes occur very quickly and various diseases appear.

Moreover, foul language negatively affects not only the health of those who swear, but also those who are forced to listen to swearing. But our ancestors have long known that evil words kill. The curse struck to death. And with a word they raised the dead, healed the sick.

Interesting experiments were carried out by the scientist Gennady Cheurin. He spent 20 years studying the power of the influence of swear words on a person.

The scientist claims that these words have a very active effect on the human body, eventually destroying all living things, everything that grows or stretches upwards.

Cheurin's hypothesis "about the influence of profanity on the state of living organisms" scientists managed to prove. When scientists poured “obscene” water on wheat grains, the result shocked the scientific world: the grains watered with water that they scolded sprouted only 49%. And then the scientists tried the opposite effect - they poured water over wheat, over which prayers were read. It sprouted 96%.

Modern scientists do not deny the existence of an invisible, unexplored world. The well-known Russian researcher V.I. Vernadsky wrote, for example, about water, which is capable of accumulating, storing and transmitting information. Experiments were carried out: different words were pronounced over test tubes with water. Over some - good, over others - abusive. The equipment showed that in the first, water particles lined up in beautiful structures, similar to voluminous snowflakes, in others, tangled, torn pieces formed. A similar experiment was repeated with plant sprouts. Those over whom harsh words were spoken began to wither. Over the same plants began to say a prayer. Scientists called it a miracle: DNA structures began to recover. That's what a powerful energy lies in ordinary words that we sometimes pronounce so thoughtlessly. To the same extent, our words have a destructive or constructive effect on others. After all, more than 80% of the human body consists of water. It is easy to guess what risk a person who uses or hears such words is exposed to.

For a number of years, the scientist and several of his associates monitored the two groups. The first of them consisted of people who could not do without swearing in conversation, the second - in principle not using "strong" words in everyday life. And this is what long-term observations have shown. The "swearers" very quickly appeared age-related changes at the cellular level and various chronic diseases. In the second group, on the contrary, the general condition of the body was 5, 10, and sometimes even 15 years younger than their official age.

"Kind vocabulary", which Krasnoyarsk doctors began to use in their psychotherapeutic sessions, not only cheered up patients, it also really changed the composition of their blood: it increased its energy capacity, cellular immunity. There were also changes in the structure of DNA. In patients who came to the Krasnoyarsk Center, with the help of "word therapy" purulent abscesses began to heal faster. Patients with colds recovered 5-7 days earlier than those who took medication. Such words as "love", "hope", "faith", "kindness" had a particularly strong impact on people.

A person who is accustomed to swearing is already dependent on his bad habit. Often swearing is used, as they say, to connect words. People get used to it so much that they cannot do without it. Is it possible to get through to such a person, how to show him the beauty and expressiveness of the Russian language?

Our language is the most important part of our general behavior in life. It takes a long time to learn good, calm, literate speech - by listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying. Although it is difficult, it must be done.

Tips for those who want to get rid of foul language

    Cursing is a disease of the soul. Like all diseases of the soul, it is healed with the help of the Word of God. Prayer, reading the Bible and spiritual literature is the first and most important step.

    Avoid interacting with people who are sources of foul language. If this is not possible, accept it as a temptation and resist the temptation to be like them. Sometimes you need to change your environment - friends, acquaintances, if they do not accept normal communication.

    Don't rush to speak. It is better to first think about what to say, and only then speak.

    Avoid conflict situations, and even better - learn to get away from them. Conflict is always a source of great internal tension, which must be dumped somewhere, since a person cannot stay in such a state for a long time. Everyone has their own way. Someone cries, someone immediately starts doing housework, in the garden, in the garden, someone goes in for sports. Choose one of these methods for yourself, but in no case do not dump negative energy on other people.

    And the most important advice - have a desire to become better, get rid of bad sinful habits. Without desire, no result can be achieved.

Medical Prevention Center

Life is now such that swearing sounds almost everywhere, even in places with which it is incompatible - in educational institutions, in the family circle, in public places. And after another collision with this alien destructive energy, a desire arose to systematize the thoughts that arise on this occasion.
The influence of the mat on health, consciousness, human life

Let's start with the definition of swearing given in Wikipedia: "Swearing (swearing, swearing, swearing, matyuki, (obsolete) barking swearing) is the most rude, obscene kind of profanity in Russian and in languages ​​close to it."

In ancient Russian manuscripts, mating is regarded as a feature of demonic behavior. By uttering obscene words, a person, even if he does it involuntarily, invokes dark forces and participates in a savage cult.

Swearing performed among the Slavs in the function of a curse. For example, one of the swear words with the letter “e”, which is of Slavic origin, is translated as “curse”. The person who pronounces it thereby curses himself and those around him. A person who utters swear words automatically calls all the dirtiest and sickest things on himself, his children and his entire family. At the same time, the swearer often expresses surprise and regret about serious problems with the organs, primarily the genitourinary system, cancer and other diseases, while continuing to use foul language.

Here it is appropriate to recall a well-known fairy tale related to European folklore. The girl, who spoke kindly and cordially, had roses falling from her lips. And the girl, who spoke dirty and rudely, had toads jumping out of her mouth and snakes crawling out ... What an accurate artistic image.

What is a "swear" word, what is a "mat"? There is an opinion that the origin of this or that curse, its etymological component is not of great importance. These words are traditionally considered "the worst". And when a person decides to use them for some reason, it is obvious that either extreme malice, or fierce contempt for someone, or complete lack of self-control makes him do so. The mystical component of foul language is the mysticism of malice boiling in the human heart, malice that connects a person with the destructive forces of the Universe, makes him a slave, while love connects with the Creator.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of Medical and Technical Sciences P. Garyaev experimentally established that protein chromosomes contain all the information necessary for the formation of a living organism. In the course of numerous experiments, he proved that the genetic apparatus of any living being reacts in the same way to external influences, causing changes in the genes. How does this happen? It is known that a person consists of more than 75% of water.

Words spoken by a person change the structure of water, building its molecules into complex chains, changing their properties, and, consequently, changing the genetic code of heredity. With the regular negative impact of words, genes are modified, which affect not only the person himself, but also his offspring. Modification of genes accelerates the aging of the body, contributes to the development of various diseases and thus reduces the life span. And vice versa, under the influence of positive words and thoughts, the human genetic code improves, the aging of the body is delayed and life span is increased.

Another scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences I.I. Belyavsky for many years dealt with the problem of the relationship between the word and human consciousness. With mathematical precision, he proved that not only a person is characterized by a certain spectrum of energy, but each of his words carries an energy charge. And the word affects the genes, either prolonging youth and health, or bringing diseases and early old age closer, significantly worsening the overall quality of life.

Thus, once again it was proved that in foul language there is a huge destructive power. And if a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like a shock wave of an exploding bomb, spreads in all directions from a swearing speech, he would never utter it.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries whose national languages ​​do not contain swear words indicating the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy have not been found, while in Russia, for example, these diseases are not uncommon. If a person, when ejecting negative energy, remembers the genitals, then this has a negative effect on them. This phenomenon is studied by psychosomatics (other Greek soul and body) - a direction in medicine and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases. Therefore, swearers become impotent early or acquire urological diseases. The difficulty is also in the fact that it is not necessary to scold yourself, it is enough to accidentally hear swearing, because of which people who live surrounded by foul language suffer from diseases. Of course, it is possible and necessary to develop the ability to withstand negative impacts from outside. But even if such an ability is formed, how much effort goes into the constant neutralization of the "linguistic bombing" ...

Mat is used to express outright evil, manifested as anger and defilement. They fulfill their purpose, destroying the mind, the health of both those who produce swearing and those who heard it, even just bystanders.

Historical reference. Among the ancient Slavs, mate was equated with a curse. Its similar use is recorded in Slavic writing. In the Bulgarian chronicle, the word “mutilated” did not mean “cursed”, but simply “cursed”. In Rus', until the middle of the 19th century, not only was swearing not widespread even in villages, but for a long time it was a criminal offense. For obscene language in a public place, even according to the Criminal Code of the USSR, 15 days of arrest were supposed. In modern Russia, foul language in public places entails administrative liability - a fine or administrative arrest for up to 15 days, this is provided for by Article 20.1 of the Administrative Code "Petty Hooliganism".

However, the bans do not solve serious internal problems. Most people recognize that non-literary expressions humiliate a person, but the same majority nevertheless uses these expressions. It is hard to imagine a hostess pouring a bucket of slop in the middle of the room, but foul language is the same slop. Children are punished for bad words, but no one punishes adults, and the child, hearing a bad word, smirks in order to repeat it later. Thus the circle closes.

When you meet a person using a mat, you involuntarily think: is everything in order with his head? Because only a sick, sexually preoccupied person can mention the genitals and sexual intercourse so often in colloquial speech.

You can often hear that there is nothing wrong with swearing, a person simply dumps negative energy, and language cannot do without swearing. However, there is another opinion. Language not only reflects the system of values ​​of a person and society (obscene vocabulary, for example, indicates an obvious vulgarization of such values), but also powerfully influences this system, subordinates it to itself, determines the very worldview of a person, his behavior. As a result, the character of the people as a whole, the public consciousness, and the course of historical events are changing.

Swearing is based primarily (though not exclusively) on the vile and offensive use of the word "mother". One of the highest concepts for a person is reduced to the level of cynically vulgar. Here it is appropriate to quote the words of A.P. Chekhov: “How much wit, anger and spiritual impurity was spent to come up with these nasty words and phrases aimed at insulting and defiling a person in everything that is sacred, dear and dear to him.”

Inferiority is always aggressive, and this aggressiveness manifests itself primarily at the level of language. Checkmate is a "format" of losers, weak, unbalanced people who are not able to find their place in life. Mat clogs the language, destroys its beauty and harmony, leads to the degradation of the personality.

Mat makes communication difficult. A swearing person is not able to convey his thought to the interlocutor in full and fills with foul language the voids caused by his own stupidity.

Mat - a demonstration of disrespect not only to the interlocutor, but also to the world as a whole, it undermines trust between people, exposes the one who swears in the most unfavorable light. Yes, there are social strata where the one who does not swear appears to be an inferior member of the corresponding group. But now we are talking about swearing not from the standpoint of marginal circles, but from the standpoint of normal people.

In medical practice, there are cases when people with certain types of paralysis cannot say a single normal word, but without hesitation utter entire expressions consisting exclusively of obscenities. This amazing phenomenon indicates that swearing speech is formed along completely different nerve chains, not like ordinary human speech, which is suggestive ...

Scientists, studying the phenomenon of the mat, came to the conclusion that its use suffers from the general health of a person and reduces the overall quality of life. They empirically proved that a spoken or heard swear word carries an energy charge that negatively affects a person. For several years, researchers have been monitoring two groups of people. One included those who had only obscenities in their speech, and the second group of the observed did not use rude words at all. The results speak for themselves: in people who used the mat, chronic diseases worsened; the members of the other group had a significantly better body condition, and their biological age turned out to be several years younger than their passport age.

Mat affects primarily male potency and women's health. A man, using obscene language, provokes the formation of infertility. It is male infertility that currently causes particular concern among specialists. The male factor accounts for approximately 40% of the causes of infertile marriages; in recent decades, a progressive decrease in the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, inexplicable from generally accepted medical positions, has been observed. Approximately 6-8% of men are infertile. About 40% are female infertility and 20% are mixed. The body of a regularly cursing woman switches to functioning, in many respects similar to the functioning of the male type. A child who constantly hears foul language leaves a sense of shame, and this is a bridge to future degradation. Swearing has a noticeable effect on intelligence. Children significantly lag behind in mental development, this fact has been scientifically proven.

“The affectionate word is the master of wondrous divas. The word is the commander of human strength." And sometimes silence sounds so beautiful - calm, conscious, benevolent.

People have long noticed the amazing effect of words on their spiritual and physical condition. They drew attention to two ways of such influence: with the help of rhythm and with the help of images that certain words evoke in the subconscious of a person.

In folk tales, proverbs, sayings, there is often a hidden rhythm that enhances their impact. This rhythm can heal the patient, or it can send damage to him - a kind of "mental virus" that causes disorder of internal organs. The sounding word has long been used by village healers, who used prayers and slander to get rid of the disease. Slanders were also used in the villages by sorcerers and witches, but only for a different purpose - to cause significant harm to health and the psyche.

In recent years, serious scientists have also taken up the issue of the impact of the rhythm of the sound of phrases (texts). They quickly established that the rhythms related to the so-called harmonious music heal people, awaken hidden abilities in them. For example, babies in the womb develop faster, and after birth they have extraordinary abilities.

Conversely, the disharmonious muttering of sorcerers destroys the human psyche. One of the hypotheses that explains this influence of sounds is the idea of ​​the informational properties of water. Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules (and our body consists of about 80 percent of it) begin to line up in complex structures. And depending on the rhythm (and, as some researchers believe, also on the semantic load), these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body.

Today, scientists have received new confirmation of the importance of rhythms in the life of nature, including humans. For example, the response to the rhythm, sound and emotional structure of the word "hello" is always positive. Psychologists, linguists, doctors believe that in order to fight diseases, it is necessary to match the rhythms of healing music to one or another state of a person.

The influence of rhythms on health also interested the famous American scientist J. Miller. He explains the peculiarity of this effect by the "throughput" of our nervous system. The statistics of his experiments confirmed that some external rhythmic influences on a person cause a kind of "resonance" in his body, actively influencing the course of processes taking place in it. Therefore, skillfully selected music, the sound of prayer and even poetry have a healing effect on people, relieving them of all kinds of ailments.

Of no less importance for the state of mind of a person are the images that wake up in his subconscious the words he hears. One of the first scientists who tried not only to speak openly about this, but even to defend a scientific dissertation on this topic, was Ivan Belyavsky. He put forward this assumption and substantiated it on the example of a long-term examination of several groups of people. According to the scientist, every word spoken or heard by a person carries an energy charge that affects his genes.

For a number of years, the scientist and several of his associates monitored the two groups. The first of them consisted of people who could not do without swearing in conversation, the second - in principle not using "strong" words in everyday life. And this is what long-term observations have shown. The "swearers" very quickly appeared age-related changes at the cellular level and various chronic diseases. In the second group, on the contrary, the general condition of the body was 5, 10, and sometimes even 15 years younger than their official age.

Similar results were obtained on the other side of the globe. The American Psychotherapist's Association has published data from years of research on the health of thousands of believers and atheists. Doctors have come to the conclusion that, on average, a person who regularly attends and prays in church lives longer than those who reject religion. At the same time, believers are much less likely to suffer from the so-called diseases of the century: cancer, hypertension, diabetes. And this is not accidental: after all, prayers are filled with kind words that calm the soul, inspire faith, love for others.

Scientists from the Krasnoyarsk Center for Medical Technologies at the Siberian Branch of Sciences came to the same conclusion. Their research confirmed the influence of verbal information on the human immune system. Experts objectively showed that our ancestors were right, who used conspiracies and prayers in the treatment.

"Kind vocabulary", which Krasnoyarsk doctors began to use in their psychotherapeutic sessions, not only cheered up patients, it also really changed the composition of their blood: it increased its energy capacity, cellular immunity.

There were also changes in the structure of DNA. In patients who came to the Krasnoyarsk Center, with the help of "word therapy" purulent abscesses began to heal faster. Patients with colds recovered 5-7 days earlier than those who took medication. Such words as "love", "hope", "faith", "kindness" had a particularly strong impact on people.

The most interesting studies that allow looking into the very mechanism of the impact of prayer on human health were carried out in the laboratory of neuro- and psychophysiology of the St. Petersburg Institute named after V.M. Bekhterev. They were attended not only by scientists, but also by priests, as well as parishioners of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. During the service, an encephalogram of the believers' brains was recorded. Modern science is of the opinion that there are three main states of the brain that differ sharply in the features of their encephalograms: wakefulness and the so-called fast and slow sleep. Scientists have identified another state that can be conditionally called prayerful wakefulness. At the same time, the cerebral cortex is turned off and the perception of information by a person goes bypassing thought processes. According to scientists, this state, like sleep, is also necessary for the normal functioning of the body. If it is absent, then harmony is disturbed in the body, physiological processes are disturbed, which leads to the emergence of various diseases. By sincerely saying a prayer, a person escapes reality, beneficial waves arise in his brain that affect his health. The same waves are often recorded in infants up to six months of age. Therefore, the words spoken in the Bible "Be like children, and then you will be saved" can also be regarded as a specific physical and therapeutic wish.

"Cancer" psychovirus cells

Swearing, swearing has a different effect on a person. Alas, swearing is becoming more and more part of the everyday lexicon of Russians. Even "some" two or three hundred years ago, the problem of mass swearing did not exist in Rus'. During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, it was simply impossible to hear swearing on the street. And this is explained not only by the modesty and delicacy of our ancestors, but also by the policy pursued by the state. According to the Council's regulation, a cruel punishment was imposed for the use of obscene words - up to and including the death penalty.

Then other times came. The great reshaper of Russia, Peter the Great, introduced drunkenness into the custom of the Russian people. Rough abuse sounded first in taverns, and then splashed out onto the streets of cities. In the 19th century, swearing gradually turned from swearing into the basis of the language of factory workers and artisans. In the diaries of the connoisseur of the Russian soul, the writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, there is a magnificent sketch. A group of artisans, among whom Dostoevsky happened to be, for half an hour conveyed "... all thoughts, sensations, and even whole deep reasonings with the mere name of this noun, which is extremely uncomplicated."

After the revolution, swearing entered the lexicon of political figures. Just before perestroika, he took one more - the last stage. He was picked up by the "intelligentsia", especially the humanitarian ones. Young girls leaving the doors of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, for hours, without repeating themselves, demonstrated their abilities in foul language.

It would seem that what's terrible is that people have stopped being hypocritical and are cutting, as they say, the "truth-womb" right in the eye? Why be indignant when the excellent actors of the Mayakovsky Theater in the magnificent performance "The Gin Game" do not shy away from obscene expressions? Is it worth it to write about licensed cassettes of foreign films sold at every corner, in the simultaneous translation of which obscene words slip through every now and then. Moreover, censorship, at least moral, no longer exists.

It turns out it's worth it. And the essence here is not only in morality, although because of it, it would be necessary to cover up some episodes in films and television programs a long time ago. The question is about the health of the nation, and not only spiritual, but also physical.

Sometimes they say that the mat came to us along with the Mongol-Tatar invasion. But it's not. The obscene designation of a woman of easy virtue is already found in birch bark Novgorod notes. Only now it had a completely different meaning there.

This is the name of the demon with whom the ancient sorcerers communicated. It was his "duty" to punish delinquent women with what is called "womb rabies" in modern medicine. And the rest of the Russian swear words have the same demonic origin. Our ancestors uttered them, calling on these demons of evil to help them.

It is with this that another mechanism of the influence of foul language on a person is connected. The mat "awakens" in his subconsciousness the "psychoviruses" inherited to him along with the gene memory. Using swear words in conversation with friends, relatives, modern people, without suspecting it, perform a secret ritual, invoking evil day after day, year after year, on their heads and on the heads of their loved ones. The number of swear words, in full accordance with one of the fundamental laws of philosophy, turns into quality. At first, people have minor troubles, then major ones, then health problems arise, and, finally, life itself “breaks”.

There is another reason why swear words should be thrown out of your vocabulary. In Russia, bad language is associated almost exclusively with the genitals. The information about sexual perversions awakened in the subconscious begins gradually, imperceptibly for a person, to influence not only his morality, but also the physiological processes that determine the birth and development of a small person. Not only scientists, but also writers have long noticed that children born to parents who love each other not only get sick less and develop faster, but even more beautiful born "in passing" or in a state of drunkenness. “You see, I loved for real, that is, love that happens only once in a lifetime. That’s why Ellie is so cute,” says one of the heroes of Bernard Shaw’s play “House where hearts break” about his daughter.

And that is why, not yet fully understood by scientists, but a very effective process of the birth of beautiful, normally developing people, is dealt its invisible, but crushing blow by foul language, which feels at ease not only on the streets, but also in apartments, and at work places of modern people. . Mat, abandoned in the hearts of parents, responds many years later with tears of their children and even grandchildren.

The Orthodox religion, not understanding the scientific problems of the impact of swear words on the health and fate of a person, has long warned believers about the dangers of abusing this addiction. In the book "On the Sins of the Language", priest Sergei Nikolaev writes that the use of obscenities, at first glance, is not one of the sins that religion classifies as the so-called "mortal", that is, the most serious. However, life itself testifies that "foul language always becomes the beginning of the path to even greater evil. For the one who calls on the devil invariably receives as a result a full set of consequences of communicating with him, including ruined health and a broken destiny."

Don't kill the chromosome

Obscene, vulgar language and semi-criminal jargon have become commonplace in our daily lives. As if most of the population had forgotten ordinary human speech. They speak obscenities everywhere: on the street, while working in production, in institutions, in markets, in places of recreation, at home, in the presence of all age categories of people, regardless of age or health. Women and men, youth and teenagers, even children swear. Probably, few people know what a destructive force is a mat. At the Institute of Quantum Genetics, Candidate of Biological Sciences P.P. Goryaev and Candidate of Technical Sciences G.T. Tertyshny conducted research for three years to partially answer the question: what happens to the human race?

Using the equipment developed by scientists, human words can be represented as electromagnetic vibrations that directly affect the properties and structure of DNA molecules. It is these molecules that are responsible for human heredity. Therefore, the content of speech directly affects the human genome. For example, a person constantly uses swear words in his speech. At the same time, its chromosomes begin to actively change their structure. In this case, if a person's speech is saturated with word formations that are negative in meaning, a "negative program" begins to be developed in DNA molecules. Gradually, these distortions become so significant that they change the structure of DNA, and this is passed on to descendants. The accumulation of such negative qualities can be called a "self-destruction program". Scientists have recorded: a swear word causes a mutagenic effect similar to radiation exposure. The word can kill and can heal if it is good. It's a double-edged tool. Swearing, distorted speech is fatal. The conclusion of scientists is stunning. DNA perceives speech and its meaning. Wave "ears" of DNA directly assimilate sound vibrations. At the same time, it does not matter for DNA whether the interlocutor is a living person or a television hero.

Let's touch on the basic structural-functional and genetic unit of a person - the cell. The cell consists of a membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. The nucleus is the main component of all cells. One of the components of the nucleus is chromosomes, and chromosomes contain 99 percent of DNA. The role of DNA is to store, reproduce and transmit genetic information. Mat destroys chromosomes. With a change in the nucleus, the quality of the cell of the human body changes. Hence physical and mental illnesses. I hope other readers of Rabochaya Gazeta are not indifferent to this phenomenon.

Life is now such that swearing sounds almost everywhere, even in places with which it is incompatible - in educational institutions, in the family circle, in public places. And after another collision with this alien destructive energy, a desire arose to systematize the thoughts that arise on this occasion.

Let's start with the definition of swearing given in Wikipedia: "Swearing (swearing, swearing, swearing, matyuki, (obsolete) barking swearing) is the most rude, obscene kind of profanity in Russian and in languages ​​close to it."

In ancient Russian manuscripts, mating is regarded as a feature of demonic behavior. By uttering obscene words, a person, even if he does it involuntarily, invokes dark forces and participates in a savage cult.

Swearing performed among the Slavs in the function of a curse. For example, one of the swear words with the letter "e", which is of Slavic origin, is translated as "curse". The person who pronounces it thereby curses himself and those around him. A person who utters swear words automatically calls all the dirtiest and sickest things on himself, his children and his entire family. At the same time, the swearer often expresses surprise and regret about serious problems with the organs, primarily the genitourinary system, cancer and other diseases, while continuing to use foul language.

Here it is appropriate to recall a well-known fairy tale related to European folklore. The girl, who spoke kindly and cordially, had roses falling from her lips. And the girl, who spoke dirty and rudely, had toads jumping out of her mouth and snakes crawling out ... What an accurate artistic image.

What is a "cursive" word, what is "mat"? There is an opinion that the origin of this or that curse, its etymological component is not of great importance. These words are traditionally considered "the worst". And when a person decides to use them for some reason, it is obvious that either extreme malice, or fierce contempt for someone, or complete lack of self-control makes him do so. The mystical component of foul language is the mysticism of malice boiling in the human heart, malice that connects a person with the destructive forces of the Universe, makes him a slave, while love connects with the Creator.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of Medical and Technical Sciences P. Garyaev experimentally established that protein chromosomes contain all the information necessary for the formation of a living organism. In the course of numerous experiments, he proved that the genetic apparatus of any living being reacts in the same way to external influences, causing changes in the genes. How does this happen? It is known that a person consists of more than 75% of water.

Words spoken by a person change the structure of water, building its molecules into complex chains, changing their properties, and, consequently, changing the genetic code of heredity. With the regular negative impact of words, genes are modified, which affect not only the person himself, but also his offspring. Modification of genes accelerates the aging of the body, contributes to the development of various diseases and thus reduces the life span. And vice versa, under the influence of positive words and thoughts, the human genetic code improves, the aging of the body is delayed and life span is increased.

Another scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences I.I. Belyavsky for many years dealt with the problem of the relationship between the word and human consciousness. With mathematical precision, he proved that not only a person is characterized by a certain spectrum of energy, but each of his words carries an energy charge. And the word affects the genes, either prolonging youth and health, or bringing diseases and early old age closer, significantly worsening the overall quality of life.

Thus, once again it was proved that in foul language there is a huge destructive power. And if a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like a shock wave of an exploding bomb, spreads in all directions from a swearing speech, he would never utter it.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries whose national languages ​​do not contain swear words indicating the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy have not been found, while in Russia, for example, these diseases are not uncommon. If a person, when ejecting negative energy, remembers the genitals, then this has a negative effect on them. This phenomenon is studied by psychosomatics (other Greek soul and body) - a direction in medicine and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases. Therefore, swearers become impotent early or acquire urological diseases. The difficulty is also in the fact that it is not necessary to scold yourself, it is enough to accidentally hear swearing, because of which people who live surrounded by foul language suffer from diseases. Of course, it is possible and necessary to develop the ability to withstand negative impacts from outside. But even if such an ability is formed, how much effort is spent on constantly neutralizing the "linguistic bombardment" ...

Mat is used to express outright evil, manifested as anger and defilement. They fulfill their purpose, destroying the mind, the health of both those who produce swearing and those who heard it, even just bystanders.

Historical reference. Among the ancient Slavs, mate was equated with a curse. Its similar use is recorded in Slavic writing. In the Bulgarian chronicle, the word "mutilated" did not mean "cursed", but simply "cursed". In Rus', until the middle of the 19th century, not only was swearing not widespread even in villages, but for a long time it was a criminal offense. For obscene language in a public place, even according to the Criminal Code of the USSR, 15 days of arrest were supposed. In modern Russia, foul language in public places entails administrative liability - a fine or administrative arrest for up to 15 days, this is provided for by Article 20.1 of the Administrative Code "Petty Hooliganism".

However, the bans do not solve serious internal problems. Most people recognize that non-literary expressions humiliate a person, but the same majority nevertheless uses these expressions. It is hard to imagine a hostess pouring a bucket of slop in the middle of the room, but foul language is the same slop. Children are punished for bad words, but no one punishes adults, and the child, hearing a bad word, smirks in order to repeat it later. Thus the circle closes.

When you meet a person using a mat, you involuntarily think: is everything in order with his head? Because only a sick, sexually preoccupied person can mention the genitals and sexual intercourse so often in colloquial speech.

You can often hear that there is nothing wrong with swearing, a person simply dumps negative energy, and language cannot do without swearing. However, there is another opinion. Language not only reflects the system of values ​​of a person and society (obscene vocabulary, for example, indicates an obvious vulgarization of such values), but also powerfully influences this system, subordinates it to itself, determines the very worldview of a person, his behavior. As a result, the character of the people as a whole, the public consciousness, and the course of historical events are changing.

Swearing is based primarily (though not exclusively) on the vile and insulting use of the word "mother". One of the highest concepts for a person is reduced to the level of cynically vulgar. Here it is appropriate to quote the words of A.P. Chekhov: "How much wit, anger and spiritual impurity was spent to come up with these nasty words and phrases aimed at insulting and defiling a person in everything that is sacred, dear and dear to him."

Inferiority is always aggressive, and this aggressiveness manifests itself primarily at the level of language. Checkmate is a "format" of losers, weak, unbalanced people who are not able to find their place in life. Mat clogs the language, destroys its beauty and harmony, leads to the degradation of the personality.

Mat makes communication difficult. A swearing person is not able to convey his thought to the interlocutor in full and fills with foul language the voids caused by his own stupidity.

Mat - a demonstration of disrespect not only to the interlocutor, but also to the world as a whole, it undermines trust between people, exposes the one who swears in the most unfavorable light. Yes, there are social strata where the one who does not swear appears to be an inferior member of the corresponding group. But now we are talking about swearing not from the standpoint of marginal circles, but from the standpoint of normal people.

In medical practice, there are cases when people with certain types of paralysis cannot say a single normal word, but without hesitation utter entire expressions consisting exclusively of obscenities. This amazing phenomenon indicates that swearing speech is formed along completely different nerve chains, not like ordinary human speech, which is suggestive ...

Scientists, investigating the phenomenon of the mat, came to the conclusion that the general health of a person suffers from its use and the overall quality of life decreases. They are empirical proved that a spoken or heard swear word carries an energy charge that negatively affects a person. For several years, researchers have been monitoring two groups of people. One included those who had only obscenities in their speech, and the second group of the observed did not use rude words at all. The results speak for themselves: in people who used the mat, chronic diseases worsened; the members of the other group had a significantly better body condition, and their biological age turned out to be several years younger than their passport age.

Mat affects primarily male potency and women's health. A man, using obscene language, provokes the formation of infertility. It is male infertility that currently causes particular concern among specialists. The male factor accounts for approximately 40% of the causes of infertile marriages; in recent decades, a progressive decrease in the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, inexplicable from generally accepted medical positions, has been observed. Approximately 6-8% of men are infertile. About 40% are female infertility and 20% are mixed. The body of a regularly cursing woman switches to functioning, in many respects similar to the functioning of the male type. A child who constantly hears foul language leaves a sense of shame, and this is a bridge to future degradation. Swearing has a noticeable effect on intelligence. Children significantly lag behind in mental development, this fact has been scientifically proven.

"The affectionate word is the master of marvelous divas. The word is the commander of human strength." And sometimes silence sounds so beautiful - calm, conscious, benevolent.

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