How does the medical community feel about Elena Malysheva? The hosts of the program "It's healthy to live" on the First - who are they.


Celebrity biography - Elena Malysheva

Elena Vasilievna Malysheva is a well-known TV presenter, therapist, professor, teacher and just an amazing woman. Her health programs are a huge success, and her weight loss techniques are effective and in demand.


On March 13, 1961, TV presenter and doctor Elena Malysheva was born in Kemerovo. Galina Alexandrovna, her mother, was in charge of the infectious diseases department of the clinic, and her father, Vasily Iosifovich, was the head physician of one of the major hospitals. Sister Malysheva and her brother are also associated with medicine. Sister Marina trained as a neurologist, and brother Alexei became a surgeon and head physician of the clinic. Elena's parents had strict rules. For educational purposes, when the TV presenter was 15 years old, her mother sent her to work as a nurse in the hospital department, where small children (up to one year old) were lying. She cleaned the wards and looked after sick children.

Lenochka (with glasses) with her family

Lena was an inquisitive child and always studied well

The beginning of the creative path

Malysheva studied at a general education and music school. From childhood she was an activist, she loved to sing. After graduating from school with a medal, Elena became a student at a medical institute in Kemerovo. Here, too, she excelled. In 1984, after graduating from high school, she entered the graduate school of the institute at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow.

Malysheva's maiden name is Shabunina

In 1987, Malysheva became a candidate of medical sciences. After working in the clinic as a therapist for a period, she decided to return to science and got a job as an assistant at the Department of Medical University. Until now, she occasionally lectures here.

TV presenter career

When Malysheva's youngest son was undergoing rehabilitation after a serious illness, she sent a written complaint to the press service of the Kemerovo administration that there were no positive and useful programs on the air. Thanks to her old friend, Elena met the editor of one of the TV channels, and he invited her to become the host of a health program. So, by chance, the future TV star ended up on television.

The start of the release of Elena Malysheva's medical programs falls on 1992. The first was the TV show "Recipe", which appeared on the Kemerovo channel. Then, in 1993, the Lazaret program was released. Her host was Malysheva. In 1994, she went to the States to improve her skills at the European Health Center.

In 1997, when Malysheva returned from America and she was chosen to host the Health program, which was again resumed on ORT. Then she became its leader. The program was broadcast on TV and radio.

The country's chief TV doctor simply and clearly explains the complex processes in the body

In 2007, the presenter received membership in the Academy of Russian Television and defended her second dissertation. Since 2010, she has been the TV presenter of the program "Live is great!". The program is aired as part of the morning broadcast of Channel One on weekdays. Elena wrote about fifty works on health and medicine. In 2006, the TV presenter was awarded the Order of Friendship.

This is the norm!

Subject proper nutrition and all kinds of diets have always been in almost all Malysheva's programs. Therefore, within the framework of the TV program "Health", a project appeared - "Drop the excess." Spectators who want to lose weight began to participate in it. Under control, they followed a special diet, which was developed by Dr. Malysheva and other nutritionists, and also used the recommendations of the program's consultants. The results were amazing - minus fifteen kilograms per month, so the number of volunteers grew rapidly. The project is popular and in demand.

Since 2012, the TV presenter has been promoting her project - Elena Malysheva's Diet. As part of this project, a brand for the production and delivery of diets for weight correction was launched. Dr. Malysheva has also written a guide book on various diets.

Personal life

The marriage of Elena Malysheva with a talented microbiologist has been going on for thirty years. According to the TV presenter, her husband has a calm and patient character, so their conflicts are rare. Disagreements between spouses sometimes arise only in matters of education. Elena admires her husband, recognizes his superiority in everything, always takes into account his comments about work. They have two adult sons. The eldest - Yuri, works with Elena on television. He is a creative producer. And Vasily, the youngest son, is engaged in jurisprudence.

Elena and her husband Igor have been married for over 30 years!

Dr. Malysheva responsibly approaches her health. She is convinced that everyone should eat only healthy foods and sleep a lot. Malysheva also pays special attention to the health of loved ones. They go in for sports with the whole family, visit the pool and the sports club. Despite the difficult rhythm of life and busy work schedule, Elena still tries to spend time with her loved ones more often.

Elena Malysheva's TV shows are always interesting and positive. They cover various health topics and carry a lot of useful information to their audience.

Elena Vasilievna has two sons - Yuri and Vasily


Biography of Elena Malysheva

Elena Shabunina (Malysheva). born March 13, 1961 in Kemerovo, Soviet and Russian general practitioner, cardiologist, teacher, doctor of medical sciences, professor.

Elena's father is Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin. Mother - Galina Alexandrovna Morozova, both were doctors. Elena has an older sister and twin brother Alexei. Sister is a neuropathologist, brother is a surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the City Clinical Hospital. S.P. Botkin.

Elena Malysheva in childhood

As a child, she graduated from a music school in the piano class. After the 7th grade I went to work with my twin brother. Her mother got her a job as a barmaid in a hospital, and her brother as a janitor.

“I carried food from the kitchen to the children's ward and fed small children. I earned 40 rubles a month, as I remember now, and gave every penny to my parents, ”she said, adding that her children were brought up on the same principle.

Elena graduated from secondary school No. 19 in Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine. From childhood, Elena used to take everything she does seriously. Therefore, she plunged headlong into comprehending the secrets of the medical profession. As expected, the result of such conscientious training was a red diploma and confident admission to graduate school. Elena decided that if to be a doctor, then successful and famous.

She graduated from the Institute with honors in 1984. In the same year, she entered the graduate school of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow, three years later she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of heart rhythm disturbances by adapting to stressful effects and activating gamma-aminobutyric acid”.

Elena Malysheva - doctor

Elena began her medical career in a regular district clinic as a local general practitioner. But she did not like this work too much, because it was boring and monotonous. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arose, Elena moved to the Second Medical Institute to the Department of Internal Diseases, where she already had the opportunity to seriously engage in science. There she became an assistant to the Department of Internal Diseases. Now Elena Vasilievna works as a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

Elena's personal life

The personal life of Elena Malysheva has never been a top topic for the tabloid press and has not provided food for rumors and gossip.

Elena Malysheva got married while still studying at a medical institute. It is not surprising that the husband Igor Malyshev is also a doctor. Currently, he is one of the leading Russian microbiologists.

The couple has two sons, Yuri and Vasily.

Children of Elena Malysheva

The eldest son, Yuri Igorevich Malyshev (born March 16, 1988), is a doctor by education, is the author of topics and the head of a group writing scripts, creative producer of the program “Live is great!”, Married. He is married, his wife's name is Karina, on January 25, 2015 they had a son - the grandson of Elena Malysheva.

The children of Elena Malysheva now live in America.

Host Elena Malysheva

When Elena's youngest son was only ten months old, he fell seriously ill. The baby was operated on in Moscow, and the family returned to Kemerovo: it was easier to go through the rehabilitation period in their hometown. It was then that Malysheva suddenly noticed that there were no good and informative medical programs on the air at all. Elena Vasilievna even called the press service of the Kemerovo administration to complain about this omission.

It turned out that one of Elena's friends has connections on local television. He introduced her to the editor-in-chief, shortly after which the first program, Recipe, appeared. (Channel "Kuzbass"). According to media reports, she was not at all afraid in front of the cameras - she worked immediately on the air.

The family leaves Kuzbass again and a year later, Lazaret appears (Channel 5, TV channel Severnaya Korona).

Having worked for only two years on a local TV channel, having gained some popularity and invaluable experience in conducting programs on medical topics, Elena decided to try to break into television in Moscow. Spouses again move to the capital with their children.

And in 1994, Elena already comes to RTR with a daily program. "Did you call a doctor?"

Since the revival of the Health program on ORT (October 1997), Malysheva has become its author and presenter. During this time, the program has changed its format more than once, being both a TV magazine and a talk show. It was here, in this studio, that real operations were carried out - for the first time in the history of popular science broadcasting.

She has been hosting a talk show of the same name on Russian radio since 2013.

"Live healthy!" with Elena Malysheva

And since August 2010, the program “Live healthy!” appears on Channel One, which covers issues related not only to medicine as such. In addition, Malysheva from time to time raises slippery controversial topics. Sometimes even intimate. Heated discussions, and even a number of parodies, caused an episode in which she showed a woman how circumcision is done by cutting off the collar of her turtleneck.

The new program was fundamentally different from its prototype. There were practically no special medical terms in it, and all the information was presented in a simple and understandable language, accompanied by a visual demonstration. It is not surprising that the audience liked the new medical show. And Elena Malysheva became the most famous Russian doctor.

The chief TV doctor of Russia and her team are not afraid to raise slippery and risky topics in their programs. On the federal channel, problems with potency or gas formation can be discussed. The show often plays puppet shows, uses mock-ups and costumes, children participate, especially in issues related to children's health, the audience bathes in tea, doctors depict internal organs - the least what happens in the studio looks like a serious medical broadcast.

According to experts, this story (and, like others, of a provocative nature) made it possible to return the viewer to a period when there was a drop in the audience of the program.

The TV presenter is criticized from time to time for harsh statements, for individual recommendations voiced on the air (in particular, by her well-known colleagues).

This makes Malysheva's broadcasts bright and memorable, causing a public outcry. Although sometimes this resonance also has a humorous connotation, giving abundant food to parodists. Maxim Galkin and Ivan Urgant made "friendly cartoons" on Malyshev more than once. In 2011, the presenter was even awarded the Silver Galosh anti-prize in the Malysheva and Udalysheva nomination.

Also, the leading ill-wishers on the Internet were often accused of inadequacy, and sometimes they attributed various world conspiracies to her, for unclear reasons, often referring to her external resemblance to Leon Trotsky and the alleged Jewish nationality.

"Diet of Elena Malysheva"

Another fact that Elena's name is associated with is her diet. Since 2012, she has been promoting the commercial project Diet of Elena Malysheva. Some time ago it became known that she filed an application with Rospatent for registration of the trademark "Diet of Elena Malysheva".

Achievements of Elena Malysheva

Today, Elena Malysheva already has a lot of regalia. She is a member of the Russian Academy of Television and the International Academy of Television and Radio. She was awarded the Order of Friendship, and the medal "For Services to Domestic Health Care" and the badge "Excellent Health Worker". Unofficially, she is called "the main television doctor of the country."

She does not give up her scientific activity either, having defended in 2007 at the MMA named after. I. M. Sechenov doctoral dissertation (“Reprogramming of cellular responses of macrophages: a new strategy for controlling the inflammatory process”). She has published more than 50 scientific articles in the field of medicine, and is a professor at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry.

Instagram Elena Malysheva is Elena's official account.

Elena Malysheva's income

Elena Malysheva is a good businessman. She earns about 1 billion rubles a year for her health.

She owns a clinic that opened at the end of 2015 on the site of City Clinical Hospital No. 19 on Krasnaya Presnya.

She also owns the media portal.

In addition to Elena herself, her sons Yuri and Vasily have shares in the company. Two other companies of Malysheva are engaged in attracting advertising. One of them - LLC WVM Corporation - is owned by Malysheva alone. Revenue in 2014, according to the latest data from the Spark database, amounted to 249 million rubles, net profit - 13 million rubles. Another company - PM Partners LLC - Malysheva owns together with a well-known TV presenter, producer, ex-senator Alexei Pimanov. Revenue in 2014 is declared at the level of 1 million rubles, net profit - 571 thousand rubles.

Malysheva's most profitable business is diet kits. Together with Shchiglik, the TV presenter owns Diet of Elena Malysheva LLC, established in 2012. The company sells food packages for those who want to lose weight. The sets are packaged in boxes, each weighing 13.5 kg, which the seller claims will last for two weeks. The menu includes "meatballs with red sauce with buckwheat", "Italian spaghetti with meat balls and tomato sauce", "chum salmon fillet with steamed bosto rice". These are mostly frozen meals. One box costs 14.5 thousand rubles. The company's revenue in 2014 amounted to 503 million rubles, net profit - 100 million rubles.

Rating of the most outstanding phrases of Malysheva:

  • And today we want to start the program with a heading that we love very much. Am I normal?
  • If you want to leave this life with a beautiful smile, we will provide it for you.
  • It can be seen that they entered into a second marriage with traces of the first. Oh no no no!
  • Doctors know that the number of patients increases if my colleagues, like me, work as cardiologists!
  • At this age, madness is contraindicated ... (E.M. about makeup after 40).
  • After 40 years - you are already an unhealthy person!
  • Chili peppers are very hot. Volodechka, we want you to try the pepper. We need to know what's going on in your mouth. Kusnet? Prepare a glass of water. Gnaw! Wait with water, he's not bad yet. What is already bad?
  • Wait, don't let's - now let's see what's going on. This is interesting: what does pepper do? What really burns?.. Some people eat pepper and die.
  • Germanshaich, come here! Now we will make conception in a test tube!
  • In a good way, frying pans should be changed every six months!
  • Silver should not be washed in the dishwasher along with steel appliances, otherwise they will darken!!
  • Because the skeleton is like losing consciousness.
  • Water is water. 0 calories. We only drink water. All other drinks are FOOD. We eat them.
  • Unfortunately, when you get out of bed, you are out of control.
  • Medicine is the ONLY most logical science.
  • Today in our kitchen there is an unusual creature. When I say 'creature', I don't mean you, Dmitry Nikolayevich.
  • Cleaning the house does not have to be done very carefully so that the germs do not get used to it.”
  • If your salad is winding down, you can freshen it up by adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and put it in the refrigerator. And then you can treat the guests!

Elena Malysheva:

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Biography, life story of Malyshev Yuri Igorevich

Malyshev Yuri Igorevich is the son of a Soviet, Russian doctor and teacher, known as the host of the popular Health program on TV.


Yuri was born on March 16, 1988. He became the successor of the family dynasty of doctors, because his father, Igor Yuryevich, is also a doctor by profession. Malyshev is a senior doctor of medical sciences and a professor at the Moscow Dental University. Yuri's younger brother, who went to live in the USA, decided to devote his life to jurisprudence.


Just like his star mother, Yuri decided to become a doctor, so he went to get a medical education. And he also went to work on television, to help his mother. He was entrusted with the position of creative producer of the program “Live is great!”.

The following fact testified to how unconventionally Yuri Malyshev approached the solution of the tasks assigned to him: he came up with a song about testicles, which became a real hit on TV. And not only invented, but also appeared before viewers in the form of one of the male gonads. The outrageous performance was perceived by the audience in different ways. Some laughed to tears, others were indignant. She herself expressed pride in her son, who literally gushed with all sorts of ideas and made programs on highly specialized topics much more interesting.

Yuri began to combine work in the studio with listening to lectures at the institute. , according to her, did not spoil her son with a decent salary. Moreover, for one year he generally worked without receiving a penny.



The fact that Yuri Igorevich officially tied the knot, it became known from his mother. The TV presenter, in communication with reporters, could not hide her joy. According to , the event was held in a solemn atmosphere. Colleagues from the television workshop were invited to the celebration. We had a great walk, after which the happy newlyweds flew off to spend their honeymoon in the USA.

Thanks to Yuri, the professor became a grandmother: her eldest son had a boy. The birth of her grandson touched the presenter so much that she initiated the appearance of a new section in her program called “I am a grandmother!”. Since then, the doctor of medical sciences began to tell viewers about how little citizens of the country grow and develop.

By the way, for a long time she did not dare to tell the media about her grandson. I dared to do this only during the holiday program, which aired on February 23. And not only told about her grandson, but also showed a photograph of a dark-haired boy. Before that, according to her, she did not want to draw the attention of the paparazzi to the personality of the young mother. With the Armenian girl Karina, the mother of the baby and the wife of her son, the host of the wellness program has always been on excellent terms.

In the world of television, Elena Malysheva is known to viewers as one of the most extraordinary and provocative TV presenters. Therefore, such an interesting person is often discussed on forums or her image is parodied.

She was born on March 13, 1961 in a family of doctors, respectively, when choosing a profession, young Lena gave preference to medicine, although she had journalistic ambitions for some time. While receiving a medical education, Elena met her future husband, Igor Malyshev, who at that time had already reached considerable heights in medicine.

Yuri gave birth to her first child on March 16, 1988, the son went to study in the footsteps of his parents. But he did not stay to work in this area and took the post of creative producer in the program “Live is great!”, Which is hosted by his mother. At the age of 26, Yuri married a lover named Karina, and on January 25, 2015, their son Igor was born. The kid turned 2 years old in 2017, and his father Yuri celebrated his 29th birthday in the spring and is actively engaged in raising a child with his family.

Elena gave birth to her second child a few years after the birth of Yuri, the youngest son Vasily was born on December 21, 1990, he was often sick as a child. Little Vasya's health problems caused his mother to appear on television, because he needed money for treatment, as well as imported medicines. There was no fear of cameras, and the TV doctor felt at ease on the air. After all, it was not in vain that in her youth she had a desire to study as a journalist.

The youngest son of Elena Malysheva, having received an education, works as a lawyer to this day and at the moment, unlike his older brother, is not married, although he turns 27 in the winter of 2017.

In March 2017, Elena Vasilyevna turned 56 years old, and her husband Igor celebrated his 58th birthday on January 17, 2017, but age does not prevent them from leading an active lifestyle, adhering to a healthy diet and having fun outdoors.

Elena Vasilievna has been married to Igor Malyshev for over 25 years. Over the years, the couple managed to raise two sons and become grandparents, while not losing care and love for each other. They claim that they do not have medical discussions, and they know how to resolve disagreements in everyday life and find a compromise in any life situations. They also instilled in their children a love of physical education, a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, so it is not surprising to hear from sons that parents are role models.

The presenter has been a co-founder of the commercial project "Elena Malysheva's Diet" for more than five years. The essence of such a diet is to maximize the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and minimize fat in the diet, including animal origin. A woman by her example proves that you can be in shape and look healthy, regardless of age.

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- You have an absolutely amazing family abode ... It can be seen how much effort, time, and money have been invested in it ...

Our apartment is a vivid example of how you can create something amazing out of nothing with the help of a good idea. Previously, there was a technical attic floor. My mother, when she saw all this, said that Igor and I had gone crazy, because it was impossible to live in such a place. There were continuous pipes here ... For a whole year my husband was engaged in repairs, and then he left for America. I moved here alone. But now we are all together again. I always tell my family: the only member of the family who does not have his own corner is me. The husband has an office, the sons have a room. And I only have a kitchen. But not so long ago, I was given personal space. My husband set up a table for me in the dressing room. (Laughs) So now I have an office. Only in the locker room!

- You are from Kemerovo. How did you solve the housing problem in Moscow?

We moved into our first apartment in 1994. Before that, we lived in a hostel for many years and were absolutely happy. They gave birth to children, defended their dissertations, loved each other. When I hear: “We don’t want to have a child - there are no living conditions,” I think: an end should be put after the words “we don’t want to have a child.” And the living conditions here have nothing to do with it.

Leskov in his story “Peacock” wrote: “Hardly in anything else human frivolity often peeps to such a terrifying extent as in the arrangement of marital unions” ...

Unfortunate are those people who change one family after another. Very rarely the next family is better than the previous one. There is such a pathological condition: intimophobia. This is when a man has a million mistresses, but there was no loved one, and no. Usually such people themselves are afraid of close relationships. Because intimacy is, in fact, responsibility for each other. If the proximity is formal - today Tanya, and tomorrow Manya, then you are lonely, and not Tanya and Manya. I feel sorry for the people who have gone through life and they have no one to return to. There is no shore where you will be accepted by anyone. For me, this coast is my family and the family of my parents, in which I grew up. And I was absolutely happy when one day our children came from English classes: “Do you know, parents, that we have an ideal family?” We ask: "Why?" - “And today we translated the text. It says: the ideal British family is a mother, father, two children, a dog and a housekeeper.

- There are three men in your family. What is the only woman in this union?

When there are only men in the family, a woman must be in the ranks all the time, since she is responsible for everything. I realized a long time ago: you should not demand order from men in the house. I will have to solve this problem. Moreover, it must be solved in such a way as to remain a close person for those whom I love. It is sad when, when a woman comes home, she cannot pay attention to her husband and children, but instead must cook, wash, and mop the floors. If possible, I wish all women to have at least a dishwasher. I had a culture shock when my husband gave me this assistant. I suddenly realized that I always have clean hands with fresh manicure and no peeling nail polish. Thank God, now we also have a keeper of the hearth - the language does not dare to call her a housekeeper! An amazing, dear woman to us, a member of the family - Nadezhda Semyonovna. She loves, accepts the Malyshev family with all their troubles. Keeping a house is hard, hard work. I think it is difficult for her with us, but for us it is paradise.

- Are you a demanding mother?

I am an active mom. My children are lucky that I work hard, otherwise I would have exhausted them completely. (Laughs) Both sons are now studying in America. One is 17, the other is 20. The eldest, Yuri, will be a doctor, the younger, Vasily, will be a lawyer. I ask them all the time: “What will you do on the weekend?” They, like soldiers, report on the phone: “First we go to the Metropolitan Museum, then there, and then there.” And if I call when they are in a clothing store, I say: “What a meanness! You are men!

- Do they really need to buy something?

They don't need anything, they have everything! In our family, it’s not customary to just wander around idly. I educate them - while they listen to me. Health is not worth a lot of money!

- As far as I know, your husband worked in the USA for a long time. And now?

My husband, the great Russian scientist Igor Malyshev, is now working in Russia. It must be admitted that our state has begun to take the first steps to support science. Igor received a big grant. Husband's home office is his world. He writes endlessly. It is a great happiness, luck in my life to meet such an intelligent and decent person. I don't understand when a woman demands that her husband hammer in nails and tile the toilet. I think this is stupidity. My husband is a great scientist, and if there is anything left in history from our family, it is what he did. I never told Igor: nail the shelf, fix the faucet. Although he is a man with beautiful hands.

The television world in which Elena Malysheva rotates is very different from the scientific one. How does your husband feel about your publicity?

When we go to parties together, my husband immediately gets tired to the point of insensibility from the noise and din that reigns there. And after 5 minutes he says to me: “Do you mind if I leave? Do you want me to wait for you in the car? I answer him then: "Go home, I'll call you to pick me up." Igor is completely far from this world ... It would be funny if he combed his hair and went to some party ahead of me. The last time we were at the presentation of Valeria's new disc - we love this singer and her family very much.

Do you have obligations to the TV channel regarding experiments with your appearance? Once you arranged a vote among the audience: take off or leave Malysheva's glasses?

I have no written commitments to anyone. Once I came to Oleg Volnov, Konstantin Ernst's deputy, rebellious, sexy, without glasses. He told me: “Very well, Elena Vasilievna. But you can't broadcast like that." I think he's right. The audience is very accustomed to the image of the presenter. Therefore, I do not experiment with hair color. I do not feel like a blonde in the sense in which they say. Because smart, already takes passion! (Laughs.) By the way, there are only 4% of real blondes in the world.

- How can a low-income family maintain health?

It is complete madness to think that maintaining health requires some kind of material investment. There are 5 risk factors. Smoking. Gotta quit smoking! Obesity - comrades, eat less! Hypertension - with the loss of each kilogram of weight, the pressure drops by 1-2 mm Hg. Hypodynamia - 40 minutes of vigorous walking at a frequency of 120 steps per minute prolong life. Hypercholesterolemia. High cholesterol is acquired in obese people - see point 2: eat less. It happens to be hereditary. Then only medical treatment will help. If you follow all these rules, you will save a lot of money on cigarettes, food and medicines.

You have a poster on your refrigerator: "I will lose my self-respect if I open the refrigerator." Tell women: how to get a wasp waist?

In our program, we are already tired of talking about obesity ... But this is such a popular topic ... Our society lives in a world of food. This is an entire industry that has a huge number of tricks on how to get us to buy and eat. A lot of overweight people eat sausages, sausages, thinking that they are eating protein. This has nothing to do with meat at all. There is bone meal, fat, dyes and flavorings that give appetizing smells. The older you get, the less carbs you need to eat. I used to always eat oatmeal in the morning - a wonderful thing, especially if it is uncooked. But in Lately I have a vegetable salad for breakfast. I do not add any vegetable oil, or mayonnaise, or sour cream. Only kefir 0% fat. Awesome gas station!

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