How can I promote a group in VK. Quick promotion of a VKontakte group from scratch


Therefore, competent promotion of the VKontakte group can bring its owner an impressive permanent income. To monetize the community or the following options can be used:

  • The most popular extraction method is the publication of paid posts with advertisements;
  • Placing links to other communities in the panel on the right;
  • Mediation in the organization of various events. VKontakte has built-in tools to attract people to various events in real life through advertising in groups;
  • Publication as a community logo of a particular brand;
  • Mediation in the sale of goods. For each person who clicked on an advertising link and made a purchase, the owner of the group receives a certain percentage of the cost.

The effectiveness of the above methods directly depends on the number of users who have entered. You can attract people to the group in various ways, which can be divided into two more categories: paid and free. I also advise you to think carefully about the design of your group and to make the page easy to navigate and attractive to the reader's eye. Otherwise, a sloppy community will alienate future customers.

How to promote a group in VK yourself for free, spending only personal time

In terms of promotion, the VKontakte community is very similar to a regular web resource, so special knowledge and financial investments are required for serious promotion. But if you are taking your first steps in the SMM niche ( SocialMediaMarketing- marketing in social media), then to get acquainted with the specifics of this area, it is worth starting with free methods. Such an independent promotion of VK groups will require only time, patience and some knowledge.

It is worth saying a few words about your target audience. In order to attract users and further effectively sell goods or services to them, promotion should focus on a certain category of people. It can be people over 40, dog lovers or stamp collectors. In pursuit of the number of subscribers, you should not forget about their quality, because otherwise most of the participants will be useless ballast, uninteresting to advertisers.

The first and easiest way is through private messages and inviting friends. To do this, in the search for people, set the necessary parameters and send a letter to all potentially interested. This process is much faster with the "Tell Friends" button, which posts a community ad with your comment on the wall of all your friends and followers.

You can also contact the administrators of other groups and ask for a free publication or for your link in the advertising panel on the right. You should not contact popular publics with dozens of users, as they will not do for free what they usually charge a lot of money for. It is much more efficient to find contact with small but active groups of 1,000-5,000 members. It may well happen that the owner is sincerely interested in the subject of your community and will help you promote it for free.

Since it is not very easy to promote a group in VK yourself and completely free of charge, you need to approach this matter creatively. An example of such a creative can be, in order to participate in which you need to join your community. You can advertise the promotion, including using profiles with a large number of friends. As practice shows, a successful competition can attract several hundred new people at a time.

Various third-party programs, such as FvCheat, VKBot, VKinventer etc., allowing you to automate many VKontakte functions. But using such scripts, you act at your own peril and risk, since the administration carefully monitors such activity and without hesitation gives a permanent ban for it.

You can try to interest users of extraneous Internet resources. If your community has a narrow theme and is regularly updated, then an unobtrusive link to some specialized forum may well be a great way to replenish the number of subscribers.

As mentioned above, the VKontakte public is in many ways similar to traditional sites, so SEO optimization methods are also applicable to them. First of all, you need to optimize the content of your community for the internal search results of the social network. This applies not only to the title and description, but also, for example, musical compositions, the titles of which can lead a large number of users from the search.

Search engines index VKontakte groups as full-fledged web pages, so you can attract people through Google or Yandex. Since promoting a group in VK yourself for free using SEO optimization is quite effective and simple, especially if you are familiar with the principles of search services, then you need to take this method with great responsibility.

First, form the semantic core of your community. Use mid- and low-frequency queries for this, as they are much easier to compete with. Don't forget about geographic location of keywords. The generated database of keywords should be found not only in the title and description, which are analogues of the title and description tags, but also in all regular posts.

For example, if you are selling children's goods in Penza, then you should select the main frequency query for which you would like to move up in the search results not only for Yandex and Google, but also in the list of groups, then this query should be selected as the name of the group and find second query on the topic in the status and description.

Thus, you can simultaneously take the TOP of the issue with your site and the community for a couple.

By the way, VKontakte has a high level of trust in the database of search engines, so the SEO promotion of the group in this aspect is greatly simplified. Link promotion works in a similar way. Relevant links posted by you on third-party resources will increase the position of your community in the search results, which means that the promotion of the VKontakte group will be even more productive.

Paid ways to promote a VKontakte group

If you have a budget for promotion in VK, then the whole process will be much easier and faster. Some free methods, such as advertising in other publics and organizing contests, can give much more rewards if a certain amount of money is spent on them.

The most elementary way to get a community with a large number of subscribers is to purchase a ready-made group. An average group of up to 10 thousand subscribers will cost several thousand rubles. But keep in mind that if you are going to radically change the subject, then with a high probability many users will leave the group, as it will become uninteresting to them.

For lovers of easy ways, VK has a special opportunity for automated promotion of the community for money. All VK users below the left navigation bar can see a couple of advertisements that change after page refresh. The promotion of groups in this way occurs if you click on the link "Advertise the community" in the control menu.

In the settings window that opens, you need to upload an advertising image, specify data about the targeting group of users (place of residence, gender, age) and the type of payment: either you pay for each click on your ad, or for a certain frequency of display. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost, since the prices are set by the VKontakte administration, which has tens of thousands of customers willing to pay for such a service.

And finally, it must be said about the "selling" subscribers. Specialized services such as VKtarget, which in just a few clicks realize a significant influx of new subscribers. But be aware that there are a lot of scammers in this area who fill groups with bots, as a result of which your community may even be banned for cheating.

An alternative could be various freelance and copywriting exchanges, many of which allow you to place orders for micro tasks such as likes, reposts, adding friends and joining groups. This community advertising differs from the previous method in that you do not just buy subscribers from an intermediary, but pay each individual user, which is much more reliable.

Subscribe to my blog updates and apply the knowledge gained in practice. Competent optimization of the group will help get to the top of search engine results next to the site.

Don't forget to choose a suitable group name and forward to profit and visitors -)))

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.


How to promote a VKontakte group?

I will say right away - there is no easy and quick instruction. Only high-quality systematic work. Or order from professionals if you have money. And in this case, the result is not guaranteed.

In this article, you will learn how to independently promote a group from scratch and without any investments, avoid common mistakes and get a high-quality public with a real and active audience as a result.

About everything in order. Let's start from the very beginning, i.e. from creation.

Idea and audience

First, make sure your project idea is enough interesting And unique. Rapid growth is possible only in this case. It is likely that a group with an identical concept has been around for a long time, and you should either refine (perhaps narrow or expand) your idea or add some zest that your competitors do not have. Something that will make your product stand out. To do this, it is very important to clearly define your audience. Who are these people? What interests them? What are their problems? What brings them pleasure?


There are two options: positioning by brand or positioning by service. The first is, for example, "M Video", and the second, in this case, is "household appliances and electronics stores". The first option is good if you already have a recognizable brand or catchy name, for example, "Lifehack", "Fuck normality" or you can invent it. Such names are more suitable for entertainment communities that aim to sell advertising.

If you are selling a product or service, then positioning by service is appropriate in this case. For example, «Repair of Samsung phones in Moscow» or "Inexpensive installation of interior doors". VKontakte is well indexed by search engines, and with the right name, you can count on a good increase in search traffic. In order to make the name of the group as effective as possible, use the Yandex tool - wordstat. With it, you will track the most popular search queries on your topic.


After you have finally decided on the main idea, you can proceed to the next stage of group promotion - content generation. Content must be unique, relevant and the most important thing viral. This means that it must repost. When users like a post, they share it on their page, and it becomes visible not only to your followers, but also to their friends, friends of friends, etc. The page is starting to gain followers. If no one reposts your content, change the topic or direction, you don't need to keep posting uninteresting content. Remember content is the main tool for promoting a group .

Scheduling and posting publications

Updates should occur regularly, but you should not overdo it either. I recommend 1-3 posts per day. Make up taking into account the time of day, because. the peak of users' stay in the network falls on the evening.

Structure the content (tags, categories). If you want your tag not to overlap with tags from other publics, then use this pattern:


Think for your posts. The text should be similar to real appeals, as if you were talking to people live. Use emoticons, but in moderation. Conduct surveys and collect feedback.

Try to keep good manners, do not chase likes. Specify links to authors and sources, if any.

Contests and promotions

If you are promoting any service or product, then for promotion you can use such a popular method as a contest. Play something attractive to your target audience. Participation conditions are:
1. Be in a group / public
2. Repost the post with information about the draw

The prize can be exactly what you are promoting. As a result, you get subscribers and advertising.

Dynamic cover

One of the latest trends is dynamic headers for VKontakte groups. With their help, you can display information such as the most active commentators, users' birthdays, etc. in the header. You can create such a thing, for example, using the service discover. There is a free plan for one group.


Simple but gray method. Now it's irrelevant. Create a group profile as a person. Fill out, fill out and send friend requests to target audience. You can find it in the public-competitors. It is important to add unpopular people with a small number of subscribers, tk. the popular ones probably won't reciprocate. To do this, scroll down the list further down or change the sort order in the search.

If you have a group, then you can immediately invite added friends to it.

The VKontakte administration has recently begun to temporarily block pages for such actions, so use this method sparingly.

Previously, it was possible to send 40 friend invitations every day. Now, adding in this mode, I got a page block already on the fourth day. It is advisable to send applications after a certain time interval. Use not the entire daily limit of invitations. Don't add every day.


Another easy way to get the audience's attention. Like the target user by posting an advertising post on your wall.

Cheat Services

A bad method, but it can be useful in the early stages in order to gain at least some number of subscribers. But in general, it is not very effective, as it builds up a dead audience. There are paid and free services:

It, you can proceed to the next stage. And the topic of today's publication is how to promote a group in VK without spending more 30 minutes a day. Please note that this publication is more suitable for those who are just starting their journey in SMM and want to promote the group on their own and for free.

Among other methods that help promote a group in VK, there are so-called "black" methods - they are able to give a quick increase in subscribers, but for the most part they will be bots that will not buy anything. In addition, because of this, the community may be blocked, so it is better not to use such methods of promotion.

How to promote a group in VK: yourself and for free

The promotion of a group in VK pursues certain goals:

  • Sale of goods, services companies (performance indicators are applications and sales);
  • earnings on the group, advertising (the number of subscribers, involvement is important: likes, reposts and comments);
  • Hobby, creativity(maybe it will be enough that you and your mother are in the group).

Depending on the chosen goals, a plan is drawn up to promote the group, but in general terms it consists of the following points:

  1. Definition of the target audience;
  2. Attracting subscribers (how and from where new subscribers will be attracted);
  3. Content plan (a detailed plan is drawn up for the types of content that will be published and the time of publication);
  4. Contests (holding contests and sweepstakes to attract new subscribers);
  5. Advertising (targeted and native);
  6. Work with bloggers, opinion leaders, guest posting;
  7. Evaluation of effectiveness and adjustment of actions for promotion.

For effective promotion, you need to think over and implement each stage, while tracking feedback in order to evaluate all actions. Then ineffective actions are either corrected and tried again, or immediately discarded. Effective actions are either left in the form in which they are, or we set up experiments to improve.

Determine to whom you are going to sell or who will read you. Understanding the target audience, its interests, needs, fears and desires is almost half the success.

Let's look at the definition of the target audience in VK, using the example of a commercial community.

  1. Buyer type: individuals or companies. What segment are you going to work in, B2C or B2B?
  2. Purpose of purchase: resale or use. Why do people buy from you? For yourself or to resell your goods in your city at a higher price?
  3. Socio-demographic characteristics: gender, age, marital status And so on. Even if you work in the B2B segment, you have to deal with people. Learn all about the decision maker so you know how to persuade them to buy.

Of course, this is only a general idea of ​​the target audience, then you can segment customers into different types and create a description for each type (segment).

Cheat subscribers

In this paragraph, in accordance with the topic of the article, we will consider free ways to cheat VKontakte subscribers.

Content and publication plan

Let's analyze the main types of content that we can post in our group in order to attract and retain the target audience.

  • Selling posts- in them you talk about your product, how to use it, why you need to buy right now and how much it costs.
  • Entertainment content- 1-2 times a week, you can publish texts or memes, one way or another related to the topic of your activity. But do not abuse such content - the purpose of the sale, not entertainment.
  • Polls- at least once a month, do polls or polls, this will help you get to know your subscribers better and involve them in interaction.
  • Situational posting- posts tied to any events that are happening right now (Oscar presentation to Leonardo di Caprio) or holidays (September 1, Airborne Forces Day, New Year).
  • Video content– it is not necessary to hire a professional videographer to release video content, shoot on your phone: jobs, product production process, interesting remarks and comments on your product.
  • Reviews - those who bought your product or used the service, ask them to write a review and post it in the group.
  • Links to the site- if you have a website, then periodically publish links to news, articles and products.

With that figured out, let's move on. And then we arrange brainstorm and generate ideas for 20-30 posts. We just write the names and in order not to forget what the post will be about in general terms. Then we distribute the resulting posts by day of the week and time of publication. Post 1 to 3 posts per day. This will be your monthly content plan.

To ensure that each post comes out on the right day at the right time, we will use the delayed publications function. To do this, right under the new publication, click "More", select "Timer" and set the time when the post should be published.

Also, this process can be automated, for example, using the service SMMplanner. It provides up to 100 free posts per month, plus the same post can be published in several social networks at once. networks (Facebook, Instagram).

How to make a selling post VKontakte

As an example, let's analyze the structure and design of a selling post.

1. Attractive header.
2. Disclosure benefits and uniqueness of the offer.
3. Appeal to the target audience (or to individual segments) for which the post is written.
4. deficit(only 5 pieces left in stock, free time for today and so on).
5. Call to action. A clear and as simple as possible action that the user must perform: leave + in the comments, call right now, go to the site to find out more.

Image for post.

On the photo that will be attached to the post, you can duplicate the main theses and add an image of the product or the process of use. Make sure there is a slight indent between the edges of the image and the text.

Contests and sweepstakes

You can attract new visitors, subscribers and customers with the help of contests and sweepstakes, in which a prerequisite is to join a group and repost with the terms of the competition. In order not to spend money on the prize fund, you can offer your product or service as the main prize. and then so more people will know about your group. And also new members will be added, and some of them will become customers.

The mechanics of the competition, you can mean several options for determining the winner.

  1. The participants will do it. Whoever has the most likes wins.
  2. Selected by the group administrator.
  3. Independent jury.
  4. Random selection (random number generator).

Advertising VKontakte

When you have the first customers and money, you can think about advertising. VKontakte can run 3 types of advertising:

With the help of simple options, you can set to whom your group or publication will be advertised. But since our manual implies free promotion of the group, we will not focus on this point.

Working with bloggers

Another area of ​​advertising in VK is working with bloggers. At the same time, it is quite possible to agree on barter with bloggers - you give them your product / service, they give you advertising. Bloggers who will place ads must meet certain criteria:

  • they must be signed by your target audience;
  • they must have authority or expertise to listen to them;
  • depending on the type of business and the required coverage, the number of subscribers is from 1000.

Evaluation of promotion effectiveness

Be sure to collect feedback for each tool you use and track all possible metrics.

  • Do you receive calls after posting?
  • When do posts get the most likes and comments?
  • Do draws allow you to attract customers or collect only freeloaders?
  • What methods of attracting subscribers work better/worse?
  • Is there any negativity towards you? Constructive?
  • What actions give a surge in attendance?

In the community settings, there is a special statistics section where you can get even more accurate data.

  • Attendance(number of unique visitors and views).
  • Coverage(the total number of users who viewed the group or posts in the news feed).
  • Activity(number of likes, reposts and comments).
  • Entries(details of coverage and activity for each individual post.

For example, in the first week you held a contest, spent 3,000 rubles on gifts and attracted 1,000 new subscribers. It turns out that each new subscriber cost 3 rubles. In the second week, you launched targeted advertising, spent 5000 rubles and attracted 100 new subscribers due to this (50 rubles / subscriber). At first glance, it seems that the second method is inefficient and costly, but upon deeper analysis, it turns out that in the first week there were no sales, and in the second week there were 5 sales through the VK group. But even this is not a reason to draw a final conclusion.

Is it possible to promote a VKontakte group from scratch by devoting only 30 minutes a day?

If you are just starting to promote your business on social networks, then at this stage it is quite possible to independently promote the VKontakte group from scratch. At the same time, spend on it on average 30-40 minutes a day.

To do this, you need to draw up a work plan for the month for the items listed in this article, break it into 30 small tasks (1 task per day) and distribute them by day. Then you can easily cope with the promotion of the group and in the future you can hire someone who will administer the community under your strict guidance. And you can use the free time to explore other ways to promote on social networks.

The number of accounts registered on Vkontakte is rapidly approaching 500 million, the number of groups has exceeded 156 million. Every minute, 50 new communities are registered on the social network. It is easy to get lost among such a variety, but it is still possible to make a VK group a working business tool.

goal setting

First you need to understand what exactly the Vkontakte group is for. We immediately reject the wording “everyone has it and I also need it” or “let it be” - any tool should work. There are four main goals for creating a group:

  1. to increase traffic to the site;
  2. to sell a product or service;
  3. to earn money by placing ads;
  4. for entertainment and recreation (interest groups).

SMM gurus can't come up with a definitive answer on what is best for business promotion, everyone has their own positive experience of their own. Therefore, it is worth understanding how a page differs from a group and what exactly your business needs from being on VKontakte.

Group or public page?

To understand exactly what you need, answer a few questions.

  1. Who will have the right to publish? In the group, all members can post on the wall, and only admins can post on the public page. If you want to have the exclusive right to post news, pictures, videos, polls and other materials, then register a public page. If you want anyone to be able to post content, you need a group. By the way, in the group, if necessary, this function can be disabled.
  2. Who will see the content posted on the community wall? Everything posted on the public page can be seen by everyone, even people who are not registered with VK. When promoting a product or service, this is a definite plus. But in the group you can restrict access to materials. If the group is closed, then posts in it can only be read by members of the group. Publications in an open group are visible to everyone.
  3. Ability to invite people to join the community. You can invite 40 of your friends a day to the group for free, but the public page is deprived of such an opportunity.
  4. Privacy of community members. Public pages appear in the "Interesting pages" block if the participant visits them often. But the list of groups in which a person is a member can be configured. Why is this needed? It is unlikely that anyone will want to advertise their participation in communities dedicated to some health problems, for example, infertility treatment. So if your business is related to solving personal or intimate problems of clients, then it is better to create a group rather than a public page.

The group can be made public or private. In a closed group, only members will be able to read it, but this option is hardly suitable for business promotion.


The success of the promotion directly depends on how you name the community. The name is one of the tools for promoting a group in VK. Vkontakte has its own search engine and the correct name is a guarantee that the group will be well indexed. Moreover, Yandex and Google also perfectly index the names of VK groups.

6 ways to come up with a working name

  1. When choosing a name, you should remember one main rule - the name of the group must contain the keywords that you are promoting. How to choose them correctly will be discussed below.
  2. Monitor your competitors, they may come up with an interesting idea.
  3. Create intrigue.
  4. Name the group after your company's name.
  5. Arrange a brainstorm - write down all the names that come to mind, even the most ridiculous and strange. Then filter out those that already exist, that are contrary to the specifics of the business, or that you simply don’t like for some reason.
  6. Name an interest group of people who will join in it: "Typical programmer", "Knitting club" or "Excel Academy" are quite suitable.


The group and public page settings are almost identical. It is always worth remembering that the effectiveness of promoting a group in VK depends on the correct settings.

When describing the community (1), you should not post "War and Peace", 10 sentences are enough, no one will read more anyway. This point should not be neglected, otherwise you risk remaining the only subscriber. The page will automatically be assigned a digital address, it can be changed to a beautiful and memorable one, for example, the name of a company or public (2).

If you want to attract traffic to the site, then its address must be entered in the appropriate line (3). In the "location" column, be sure to indicate the address of the company (4).

From the list, select the features that will be useful to you and set up access. You can select editors and page administrators. For an online store, it is worth connecting “products”, this will help promote the group on VKontakte.

Useful feature "community messages", it is better to include. If subscribers or group members want to write to you, they will not have to look for the administrator's contacts and write him private messages. All messages will be addressed to the community and any administrator can reply to them.


What you will fill the wall of the group with depends only on your capabilities and imagination. But at the same time, you need to remember that all content should be based on three principles:

  1. correspond to the business theme;
  2. contribute to the achievement of the group's goal;
  3. be interesting to the participants.

Dining room No. 100 from Astrakhan was able to promote the group in VK thanks to posts that were unusual in style. All of them are somehow devoted to food and in just a few days they gain thousands of views.

At the same time, posts must be unique and filled with keywords in order to be noticed by search robots.

The most common question that arises among those who decide to engage in promotion on VKontakte is how many posts per day do you need to make? Vkontakte allows you to post 50 messages per day in a group.

But don’t be afraid, in fact, there is no need to come up with so much content to promote and promote a business group. This is exactly the case when the quality of the posts is more important than the quantity.

Make a content plan for the month. For starters, you can limit yourself to 3-4 posts per week. Despite the fact that your goal is to sell, you should not make exclusively commercial posts. The specifics of the VK audience is such that people come here to have fun, so part of your content should be entertaining, at least at the initial stage, when you will gain subscribers.

  • company's news
  • information about goods and services
  • news story
  • stock

What can be entertainment content in a business group?

  • Polls
  • Voting
  • Contests and sweepstakes
  • Thematic news
  • Useful tips (for example, on the page of the dental clinic, tips on how to choose the right toothpaste will be quite appropriate)
  • Interesting facts (an online home appliance store can write on its page about the invention of an electric kettle or about the smallest vacuum cleaner in the world)
  • Photos and pictures

And remember: everything that attracts the attention of users contributes to the promotion of the VKontakte group.

What must be in a group?

  • Photo albums with high-quality photos of your products. It is best to make several albums by grouping the product according to some attribute.

On each photo you need to indicate the parameters of the product and the price

And this is what the wrong design of the album looks like. To get all the necessary information, group members have to ask questions.

  • Video recordings. It is desirable that they are related to your business, but some part may just be entertaining.
  • Discussions, questions-answers, wishes.

Posts must be supplemented with a picture, photo or video. And in order for your group to be indexed by search engines, you need to optimize it for SEO.

You can promote your Vkontakte group for free or for money.

Free promotion of the Vkontakte group


We have already talked about the fact that the name of the community must contain a keyword or a key phrase (words in the text that search engine robots react to, it is thanks to the keywords that links appear in search results). It is better not to use high-frequency (HF) and highly competitive (VC) requests, it will be quite difficult to get traffic from them. It is better to focus on mid- and low-frequency queries. The frequency of requests is easily checked at You don’t need to take a lot of keywords, 3-4 are enough for one group. If you decide to use more keywords, then search robots will simply consider the group as irrelevant and will not include it in the search results.

For the “Step-aerobics in Yekaterinburg” group, we will take the following as keywords: step-aerobics in Yekaterinburg, proper cardio training, weight loss aerobics, step-aerobics.

There are two main concepts in SEO - title and description. It is thanks to these meta tags that search robots evaluate the page. Title- the name of your group, so it must contain a keyword or phrase. Description– description of the group or public page. And if we advised users to write no more than 10 sentences, because no one will read long texts, then for search engines the description should be even shorter - only 160-170 characters. Therefore, try in the very first sentence of the description of the group to briefly indicate why it is needed, not forgetting the key phrases.

In our example, the title consists of a key phrase. In the description of the group, we use the key “correct cardio training”.

Where else can you write key phrases and words:

  • in the address of the group page
  • in community status
  • in discussion topic titles
  • in photo album titles

In this case, it is better to use different key phrases and words, and not just the key that is in your title.

With posts, everything is simple - post unique texts with keywords of different frequencies. And remember - you write posts for people, not for robots. If your group is interesting, then users will subscribe to it, visit it more often, like, discuss and repost messages. All this helps ranking in search engines and promotion of the group in VK.

This is what the page looks like:

Cross posting

Every company and every business has partners. And for sure they have groups or communities in VK. Arrange for an exchange of posts - this will help attract new subscribers to the group.

Invitation to the VK group

This option works only for groups, you cannot invite to become a subscriber of a public page. To get started, invite all your friends to join the group. At the same time, it is worth remembering that no more than 50 friend requests can be sent to grids, and an invitation to be friends that is too active can lead to blocking your personal page.



The more interesting the content on your page for group members, the more reposts you will receive. Which posts get reposted the most?

  • Competition, where one of the conditions for participation is repost. Usually, the prize is one's own products (cake, cheese basket, designer decoration) or tickets to an interesting event.
  • Life hack. If this is a really cool tip that makes life easier, they will definitely share it.
  • Commentary by an expert on a topical issue.
  • Short sale at very attractive prices.
  • Posts with a freebie, for example, with a promotional code.

Paid promotion of the VKontakte group

Posting links in other groups

  1. Find an active and popular group and agree with the administrator to place an advertising post with a link to your page. You can buy a repost of a post, message, post or photo from your wall.
  2. VK has an official advertising exchange where you can find communities and placement rates suitable for your ads. The exchange is available in the advertising account.

Targeted advertising

  • Geographic features (country, city, district, street).
  • Demographic characteristics (sex, age, education, marital status).
  • Behavior and interests (in which groups and communities does it belong).
  • bank cards;
  • through payment systems;
  • through terminals;
  • cashless transfer.
  • members (total number, new members, as well as those who left the group, geography, demographic characteristics);
  • daily attendance;
  • reach (followers and the total number of people who visited the page or saw your posts with friends and in other groups);
  • number of views (page and its sections);
  • activity (likes, comments, reposts).

Any of these indicators can be improved. With a small coverage of subscribers and low activity, it is worth working on the number and quality of posts. If you are not happy with the indicators of full coverage, you need to post links to the group in other communities. To increase the number of unique visitors, you can run a contest so that subscribers visit the page more often.

  • advertising budget;
  • the cost of circulation;
  • the cost of a new member;
  • visitors who entered the group from advertising;
  • visitors who joined the group from advertising.

We recall the goals that we set when creating the group. Information about traffic to the site from Vkontakte will be given by any analytical service that you use: Yandex.Metrika, Google Analitics, Callibri, etc. You can track which transitions ended in sales in.

Communication with customers and sales to team members

There are goods that sell well through the Vkontakte group: women's, children's and youth clothing, hobby goods (patchwork, felting, drawing, designing, etc.), certain types of cosmetics (pharmacy, Japanese / Korean) and much more.

In order for sales to “go”, it is important to respond quickly to a potential client, because he will not sit forever on a social network. And if at that moment you are just not “in contact”? It's OK. In order not to check messages in the group every 5 minutes, you can use the multiwidget. It is installed on your site and can receive messages from buyers not only from the site, but also from any popular social network or messenger. If you, for example, are on the road, you can set up the multiwidget so that messages from VK and the site come to you in Telegram. Get the multiwidget for free for 14 days

To offhand understand whether sales will go through the Vkontakte group, ask yourself 2 questions:

  1. Does my product evoke emotion in any (virtually) person?
  2. Are there many forums, blogs, communities and social media discussions on my topic?

If you answered yes, it is very possible to increase sales through social networks.

What if the answers are “no”? Use social media to bring your clients/supporters together and keep them updated on important events. Or attract new customers with just a few taps: expert articles, social projects, interesting contests and sweepstakes. Tens of thousands of VKontakte groups are successfully promoting themselves. If they can do it, then you can too.

Thanks to Yulia Ivanova for additions and clarifications to the article

2 votes

Welcome to the Start-Luck blog pages. Somehow, in the minds of a lot of people, the group's ads are just dumb messages begging to join random accounts. For the second time in a week, the owners of quite impressive publics in my city answer the question of how they are advertised: “No way, there is no desire to add 40 friends a day.”

It's amazing that people who use cool, convenient and cheap don't even know what advertising methods exist in it. It strikes me personally.

A very important method

I started with a story that I asked a question to large regional owners. I managed to find out something from them. It turned out that the most effective option for those who promote their services, business on the Internet, namely VK - offline communication. A very effective method that I highly recommend to everyone to use if you have the opportunity.

Now many owners of their own service business take pictures of the result of their work (manicures, tattoos, hairdressers and even installing doors) and then post them to the community. Of course, a person has nothing against the fact that the master wants to put the successful fruit of his work on the world's review and they themselves willingly subscribe to the public, in which their own photo is about to be posted.

Let's assume you are. Usually, processing takes some time, and the client does not immediately receive the result in his hands. Nobody bothers to post several works in your own group and send a link to the customer. You have already communicated with him, most likely he is disposed towards you, which means he will willingly join the community and follow your work.

If you provide services to at least 30 people a month, then you have a ready-made, active and positively minded audience. It’s not a fact that they will contact you for the second time, but they can do what motivates their friends to buy something from you.

Perhaps you will not succeed with this method, but we all know that the advice of friends is the most effective recommendation, which plays a huge role in choosing a company from which a person orders services.

Moving on - other groups

This is where you'll find targeting, which we'll talk about later, and community ads. Open the available sites section.

You will see a whole scattering of publics with information about the number of participants, the average visit per day (do not forget that not every person enters the group every day), as well as the price of accommodation. Let me tell you, don't trust her. Sometimes it is different from what the administrator will call you if you contact him.

In almost every group, in the contacts section, there is a link to the account that is responsible for public advertising.

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