How to change the language on the computer. How to change the language on the keyboard in various ways


Although this problem is rare, it should not be left unattended. Some users may experience some difficulties when changing the language. In this article, we will show you how to overcome these difficulties and switch to English on the keyboard, as well as from English in just a few seconds!

There are 3 easy ways:

1. This method involves automatically switching the keyboard to the desired language. For this to happen, you need to download the Punto Switcher program to your computer. It is freely available on the Internet, and is completely free. After installation on a computer, Punto Switcher automatically detects the word being entered and selects the desired layout for it. After installation, the program will automatically load with the operating system, thus saving you from having to constantly run it. Now you don't have to worry about switching layouts - if you need English, the program will automatically change the layout.

Note: if the program changed the language by mistake, then you can cancel this action in its settings with one click.

2. Combined keystroke. This method involves the use of keyboard shortcuts to change the keyboard layout. The most common combination in the Windows operating system is the combination "Shift" + "Alt", For Linux - "Shift" + "Ctrl". However, they can be used on any operating system.

Note: Press the "Shift" key first, as pressing "Alt" will activate the control panel of the open window, which can make your actions difficult.

3. Switching through the language interface of the operating system. You need to find the language icon in the system tray (next to the clock) (displays the current one for the layout), then left-click on this icon and select the language you need. To view more detailed settings, right-click on the icon.

Computers are used by people all over the planet, so text editors are designed so that people from any country can use them. The Windows operating system supports a huge number of languages ​​that can be enabled using the system tool. An indicator is lit in the lower right corner that indicates the layout currently in use. If necessary, you can add additional languages ​​and switch between them in a couple of clicks.

When typing, a person periodically needs to enter words in English, which requires switching layouts. In some cases, the language of communication and for the official documentation are different, so there is a difficulty in typing. You can change the layout in several ways:

  • switching the language on the keyboard with hot keys;
  • using the system tray in Windows;
  • change the layout can special software.

How to switch language using hotkeys

The operating system is designed so that a person can quickly change the layout by pressing a certain sequence of buttons on the keyboard. Initially, the user specifies several languages ​​that he would like to use while writing the text. Then, using hot keys, he alternately changes the layouts from the list. This is done as follows:

  1. You need to open a document or browser window where you need to type text.
  2. As a rule, switching the keyboard from Russian to English is performed using the Ctrl + Shift key combination, but sometimes Alt + Shift can also be used. If you press these keys at the same time, you will change the layout to the next one from the list.

Changing the hotkey combination

The user, if desired, can assign another keyboard shortcut that is convenient for him to change the layout. To do this, you need to set the buttons in the Windows settings section. Follow the following step by step instructions:

  1. Open "Start" and go to the "Control Panel" section. You can get to the required section if you click on the language bar in the lower right corner and click "Language settings".
  2. Locate the "Clock, language, and region" section in the list and click "Change keyboard layout or other input methods."
  3. Click the "Change Keyboard" button.
  4. A new window will open, at the bottom click on the inscription "change keyboard shortcut".
  5. A selection of possible combinations and buttons will appear. Choose the option that is more convenient for you.

If you are uncomfortable using keyboard shortcuts or they do not work, you can change the layout using the mouse. Changing the input language without using the keyboard is done as follows:

  1. Move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the screen to bring up the taskbar.
  2. Swipe to the right edge and find the icon that displays the current input language.
  3. Click on the "Language Settings" section. Here you can add the layouts you need.
  4. Next, when you click on the panel with the left mouse button and select the required layout from the list.

Automatic Keyboard Switching with Punto Switcher

If you often have to switch between Russian and English when typing, then a special program can help you. Punto Switcher is a smart utility that can determine what language you wanted to write a word in, even if you haven't switched layouts. For example, you write a note about the operation of the operating system, type “Tsshtvschtsy” in Russian, and the program can translate this character set as “Windows”. To use you need:

  1. Download and install Punto switcher on a laptop or desktop computer.
  2. Launch the application. If you do not enable it, then the program will not be able to change the layout.
  3. Set the necessary items in the settings and save.
  4. Minimize (do not close) the application.

How to change the language on the on-screen keyboard

For people with disabilities or in the absence of a conventional keyboard, Windows tools have an electronic one. It completely repeats all the buttons from the standard keyboard, you can press the letters with the mouse or other pointing device. If you need to change the layout, you can use the mouse and the language bar in the system tray (the method is described above) or the following instructions:

  1. Click on the picture of the Alt button once with the left mouse button.
  2. Then click on Shift twice.
  3. You can change the sequence: once with Shift and twice with Alt.


Automatic switching . By itself, it will not change the language you enter, for this it needs help. You will need a special Punto Switcher program, which, after installation, automatically detects the word you enter and sets the layout you need for it. If the program mistakenly changes the language, you can cancel the change by pressing one key, which you set in the program settings. Itself is possible on the Internet - the program is distributed.

Switching the input language using a combined keystroke. In order to change the language to , you need to simultaneously press the "Shift" + "Alt" or "Shift" + "Ctrl" keys. Try to press the “Shift” key with the first button, since the primary pressing of “Alt” activates the control panel of the open window, which makes it quite difficult and at times knocks down the caught working rhythm.

You can also switch the keyboard layout through the language interface, which is accessed through the control panel. In the panel, you will see the currently displayed input language. Click on it with the left mouse button and check the box next to the English language. More detailed settings are made by right-clicking on the shortcut.

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Even those who know English well sometimes give up when they have to translate something. It is often easier to speak a foreign language than to write, and even more so to translate a specific text. Let's try to figure out the tricks that can help when translating into English.


To translate the text into English, it is worth first of all to compile a glossary, i.e. a list of words unfamiliar to you or causing you doubts. These words need to be translated using any dictionary, in case of difficulties, you can also use an English-English dictionary - a dictionary of definitions (definitions of a word). However, only those who know English quite well can use the English-English dictionary. You will spend time compiling a glossary, but this will save it during the direct translation of the text: you will not have to look in the dictionary too often.

Whatever translation method you use, your text is unlikely to be "English" enough, because someone who does not have a translation or experience of living in an English-speaking country is usually unfamiliar with the intricacies of translating certain expressions. To keep abreast of live English and follow the intricacies of translation, of course, it is not necessary to go to England, although this is the best way. According to teachers at universities, listening to English-language news and watching films will also be a fairly effective method. All this will allow you to deepen your knowledge of English and translate better into English.

If you want to change the language entered on the keyboard, all actions will take you no more than a minute. To date, there are three ways to quickly change the language mode.

You will need

  • Computer, Punto Switcher software



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Translation into a foreign language of complex terms, conditional abbreviations and abbreviations that are used daily in business and informal vocabulary is often a difficult task. Most often, when translating such a plan, they use specific dictionaries, including electronic ones.


Choose a dictionary with which you will translate the word. It can be a classic Russian-English dictionary, made in paper form. You can buy it in a bookstore or use the services of the library. If you translate a lot and often, then it will not be superfluous to purchase such a dictionary and use it at home or on the road.

It is often more convenient to translate using electronic dictionaries. This is a device that actually stores a database of words with translation. Unlike a paper dictionary, where you have to look up each word by flipping through many pages, an electronic dictionary provides the ability to quickly search for a word or phrase by its first .

A good and inexpensive alternative to an electronic dictionary is a program that can be installed on a personal computer, smartphone or PDA. Such a program provides for the possibility of connecting various dictionaries, including medical, legal, technical and others. You can select different languages. Thus, the dictionary will always be at your fingertips. In addition, there are a large number of dictionaries that can be used on the Internet.

Try to translate the term in parts. The word "society" in English can be translated as company, considering it as an economic term. The phrase "limited liability" is a fairly well-established expression used in, and is translated into English as limited liability. In addition, you can find a direct translation of the entire term "limited liability company". Most dictionaries suggest that this would be a limited liability company or just a limited company.

Find a translation of the abbreviation " OOO". In, like this will be an abbreviation made up of the first letters, that is, LLC. The abbreviation Ltd. is also widely used, which is an abbreviation of the word limited. Sometimes it is used with the addition of the word company, and then it is like Co. Ltd.


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Modern computer technology is aimed at providing user comfort. In order to save work space and reduce size, manufacturers make a multifunctional keyboard: in different key combinations, it allows you to perform various functions.


As a rule, in Russia, the standard computer is bilingual: the same buttons allow you to type in either language, since they function within the framework of the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. At the same time, two letters are written on each button: a Russian letter is shown in the lower right corner, and a Latin letter in the upper left corner. For additional convenience of the user, characters of different alphabets differ in color and brightness.

Please note that punctuation marks and non-text characters on the keyboard also follow different layouts: some characters can be used when the keyboard is in the language, others when switching to English or another Western language (depending on the settings of the computer system). These signs, as well as letters, are located in different corners of the key and have different colors.

Most often, text documents and browser windows are set to English by default. That is, when you open a document, you will start typing in Latin. If you need the Russian alphabet, switch the language layout on your . There are many ways to translate the keyboard from English into Russian. Pay attention to the "Taskbar", which is located at the very bottom line of your computer. Next to System Tray, where the clock and other system shortcuts are located by default, is the Language Bar. It displays which language is currently activated on your computer. If you see the designation "EN", left-click on this icon. The "language bar" will expand and you will see a line with the image "RU" - this is the Russian language. Click on this menu term and your keyboard layout will change from English to Russian.

You can change the language in which the keyboard prints using certain keys. Press the "Shift + Alt" keys at the same time (on some computers, the combination "Shift + Ctrl" works) and your keyboard layout will change.

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language based on scripts. Most often used to programmatically specify when pages react to user actions. The presence of java scripts on the page makes them slightly heavier, so it is not recommended to use complex programming constructs.

In the process of typing text, and just while using a computer, it often becomes necessary to switch the input language. It is not convenient to repeatedly use the language bar in the lower right corner to switch, since the bar icon is quite small and takes some time to move the mouse cursor, which will be very tiring with frequent switching. Therefore, many personal computer users are concerned about the question of how to switch the language on the keyboard.

Indeed, in all modern operating systems with a graphical interface, it is possible to change the input language using the keyboard. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, the input language is changed by one of the following keystrokes or their combinations:

  1. Ctrl and Shift
  2. Alt on the left and Shift.
  3. Yo or accent mark (`)
You can find out which method is configured on your computer by experience, trying all the methods listed above, until the desired result is achieved, that is, switching the input language.

Keyboard input language switching can be disabled in the settings of the Windows operating system. To enable it, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" from the menu that appears on the right.
  2. In the control panel, double-click on its last component called "Regional and Language Options".
  3. In the window that opens, go to the "Languages ​​and Keyboards" tab and then click the "Change Keyboard" button.
  4. Make sure that at least two languages ​​are present in the list of installed services - Russian and English. Otherwise, there will simply be nothing to switch.

    If there is only one language, then you need to add a second one by clicking the "Add" button and selecting the required language in the window that appears.

  5. After checking the availability of languages ​​in the "Languages ​​and Text Input Services" window, go to the "Keyboard Switching" tab and click the "Change Keyboard Shortcut" button at the bottom of it.
  6. In the new window that opens, choose a convenient way for you to change the language from the three proposed and confirm the choice by pressing the "OK" button.
  7. Double-click "OK" in the remaining open windows and check the effect of the settings made in any text editor.
Switching the input language on the keyboard is the easiest and fastest way to change the current language using standard operating system functions. There is also an even more elegant solution in the form of a third party program called Punto Switcher. This program automatically recognizes in which language the input takes place and switches the input language of the keyboard, simultaneously replacing the part of the word that was previously typed incorrectly.

For clarity, all the steps described above are shown in the video.

The use of computers in modern life has become ubiquitous. Computers are used by people of all ages to achieve a variety of goals. Most often, those who deal with a computer or other electronic device are well versed in them. However, if a person has only recently begun to “contact” with computers, then even a seemingly insignificant problem can become an insurmountable task for him. For example, the question of how to switch the language on a computer can be confusing for an inexperienced user. Let's consider the answer to this question.

What is a computer language?

More precisely, the input language. Each computer has hundreds of languages ​​in the database for the possibility of using them. So, any key is responsible for a certain character in each language. Computers produced specifically for the CIS countries are equipped with keyboards that use keys with symbols of two languages ​​- English and Russian. For ease of use, the letters are often painted in different colors.

Why does a computer need more than one input language? In the CIS countries, most people speak and write in Russian, which means that it is important that it is also in the computer. But why do you need English even for those who do not speak it?

For example, Latin is required when registering on many sites. To create your account, you need to create a username and password. At the request of the administration of many services, such as social networks, such data must be entered in English. These are just one of many cases where it is important to know how to switch the language while working on a computer.

How to do it?

In the Windows operating system, there is a so-called language bar, with which you can change the input language. It is located, as a rule, in the lower right corner of the monitor. You can recognize it by the icon RU or EN, depending on the language selected as the main one at the moment. By clicking on this icon, you will see a small list with keyboard layout options for different languages. To switch to the language you need, you only need to select it from this list.

This option may well suit a novice user who simply did not know before, for example, how to switch the language to English, or vice versa. But for advanced users who work a lot on the computer and who have to constantly change the keyboard layout, this method may not seem the fastest. There is an option how you can switch the language faster. To do this, just use the so-called hot keys.

Using the keyboard to switch languages

When a user often needs to change the input language on a computer, the steps described above can end up taking a lot of time. This is actually true, especially if you have to work in this mode all day long. How to switch to Russian using only the keyboard?

For this, two keys are most often used. By default in the Windows 7 operating system, these are the Shift and Alt keys. With rare exceptions, this can be a combination of Shift and Ctrl. In order to switch the language, simply press these two keys at the same time. The fact that the action was performed successfully will be evidenced by the change in the icon of the language bar. Here's how to switch the language on your computer.

How to change hotkeys

For those who are uncomfortable using the above keyboard shortcuts, it is possible to change them. To do this, right-click on the language bar icon and click the "Options" menu. After that, a small window "Languages ​​and text input services" will appear on the monitor screen. Of the three tabs available in this window, you need to select the last one - “Keyboard Switching”. In the window you need to find the line "Switch input language". Place the cursor on this line and click the "Change keyboard shortcut" button located just below.

After that, a window will appear that allows you to change the input language and keyboard layout.

If the desired language is not in the panel

How to switch the computer language if the required one is simply not in the language bar? You just need to add it there. To do this, right-click on the language bar icon again and select "Settings". The "Add" button will appear in the window that opens. By clicking on it, you will see a long list of languages ​​and keyboard layouts for them, which can be used to enter data on your computer. Having found the desired language in the list, double-click on it and select the layout for your keyboard. Then click "OK" and "Add".

So in the language bar you can put any language that you need.

Language issues on tablets

How to switch the language on the tablet? Tablets are mobile devices that are most often used for social networking and Internet surfing. Therefore, sometimes it may be necessary to switch the keyboard layout. Most of these devices are based on the Android operating system. The standard keyboard of this OS is equipped with a key to switch the language. It looks like a globe, by clicking on which you can change the language to the desired one.

To become a successful user of technology, you need to learn from the basics. By understanding how to switch the language on your computer and learning something new, you will become a confident user who completes his tasks quickly and efficiently!

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