How to find a good job - a detailed guide for those who want to get the job of their dreams! We like to do things in common. Clearly defined regulations, responsibilities, etc.


Well, first of all - of course, money. financial independence. I am my own mistress, I do what I want. You don't have to ask anyone. The opportunity to see the world (at the expense of the company it is especially nice to travel somewhere :-) Acquaintance with amazingly interesting and nice people, somehow I am always very lucky with the team, I hope that this will continue. And then, work makes me study. I myself am lazy as hell, in life I will not do business. And to keep a job, you have to learn something new all the time, so that's another benefit. True, in addition to all of the above, the work also gave me a complete breakdown of the nervous system and, as a result, imbalance and chronic insomnia, visual loss from constant sitting at the computer, and something else, in short, I can’t sit in one position for a long time, my muscles begin to ache. But this, you see, is nonsense.

02/10/01, KAMIKADZE
And she gives me a hell of a lot - bucks, you can wrap a branded car in private and it doesn’t take much time, I’m not full, in the evening I work in my free time. Your money is awesome!!!

31/05/03, Sail
Because for me, work is like a mountain for a climber, a blue hole for a submariner, a world record for an athlete. This is a challenge to yourself and a victory over the task. The work gives me the opportunity to realize my thirst for creativity in the way I want it. I am pleased to see how out of nothing, as out of a simple idea, not even formalized in words, but only in thoughts, something tangible, something helping, something significant, necessary, in demand, appears. Isn't that part of happiness - doing what is right for others.

12/03/04, KyM
Whoever wants where he wants to work there ... I don’t want anywhere ... so far ... therefore I work for myself. how much you earn, how much you get. And don't buzz!

17/05/04, Lerka
Came to the company with zero knowledge. Many do not believe, but this is so :) I learned everything along the way .. Experience, that's what matters. Work experience in this direction. And most importantly - a more tolerant attitude towards people.

20/09/04, Natusik from work
Eh, work ... Generally speaking, between us, I can’t stand her, but who loves her? Get up early, go somewhere to the office, do something there ... But on the other hand, my work put a lot of necessary and useful knowledge into my head. She showed me the kitchen of the business, which I had no idea about before, and which turned out to be so complicated. In addition to everything else, new acquaintances, new impressions and, most importantly, the most useful connections. A very valuable life baggage, which is useful not only in work, but also for personal purposes, there are many examples of this in my life.

19/08/06, Sofia 3
This is happiness! Thanks to journalism, I visited such places, met such Stars, talked with them, sat at the same table. It's amazing, it's incredible! I travel so much when I write articles, every time I feel happiness. I really love my job, its creativity, and, of course, the opportunities it provides me.

26/02/07, Trauma
I love my work for the fact that I can realize myself, it is creativity, communication with people, the opportunity to "grow" depending on how I personally express myself. At the same time, my work is not stressful, and I have learned not to overload my brain during the day so much that I come home tired. On holidays I miss work, I fly to it after the weekend! But ... I would like more money. I won't say it's not enough, but I deserve more. On the other hand, I'm not at a loss!

26/02/07, like everyone else
I'm thinking: what did she give me? Probably, for now I can say "thank you" for only one thing: it's easier for me to communicate with people now, much easier. I think that this gives any job, one way or another connected with the service sector. When you constantly communicate with people, then, without noticing it, you become more sociable, and in our life the ability to make acquaintances, establish contacts is very important, isn't it? So ease of communication is a definite plus. I will not stay long at this job, I do not want to become a professional in this field, but I think that I will still work for a few years, and then, you see, the work will provide some other bonuses. Every job has something to offer. I'm still thinking about who I want to be ... My work is difficult, although, probably, there are no easy ones. But I want something less stressful.

02/04/08, Warm Snow
Gave experience, and it is already far a lot. I was lucky, I started working immediately after the institute, and they were also waiting for me. When I defended my diploma, I knew where I would work. Soon it will be a year since I work and, pah..pah..pah, I'm happy with everything. And the experience really accumulates, both in my specialization and in related ones, and in general, experience in communicating with all kinds of people. It is now quite difficult to get a job without work experience - here lady fortune should play along. Some people get lucky right away, some don't. My friend has been unable to get a job for more than half a year after the university - she already itches nervously from interviews, since there were an unmeasured number of them, but they don’t take them in any way. Maybe her demands are too high, maybe employers, but so far their interests do not converge.

22/09/14, Konstantin Antipin
I went to work as a courier at the age of 17 when I couldn't go to college. During this time, I explored many areas of Moscow, learned to communicate with people, including bosses and even directors, improved my health and earned enough money to pay for the start of my studies at the institute, which I entered the following year. And for the first time in my life I rode a sports car. I also realized how unfair life is. For example, once the girls in the city center laughed at my clothes, but I could not adequately answer them and was "trolled", as it is now fashionable to say. When I returned there and came up with an answer, some major was already taking them away - and I did not contact him. Another time I was delivering documents to a prestigious bar - and then I found out that the half-sister of a friend of mine celebrated her graduation there.

08/03/16, Lina K
She killed in me the habit of complaining, whining, stupid, slowing down, cowardly, snapping her beak. She gave almost everything - physical and psychological endurance, unpretentiousness in everyday life, the ability to adapt to adverse conditions, save money, concentrate as much as possible, and complete the task in a short time.

“You can work hard, but you can work with your head”

hired work. Not everyone can imagine their life without her now. But even 250 years ago in Russia there was not even the concept of “hired work”.

In ancient Egypt, during the construction of a fortress, the slaves, exhausted by hard work, were preparing a revolt. This became known, and one of the priests figured out how to prevent it. At sunset, the decree of the pharaoh was announced: “With the dawn of a new day, freedom is granted to all slaves. For each stone invested in construction, a free person will receive one coin. Coins can be exchanged for food, clothes, housing, etc. From now on, you are free people.
The next morning, thousands of former slaves raced to drag the same stones as before. The guards also joined them. Later, they built carts for transporting stones and chose traffic controllers. “Soon they will choose their chiefs, judges,” thought the priest. “Let them choose, because they consider themselves free, but the essence has not changed: they still carry stones…”.
The full version is in V. Megre's book "The New Civilization".

Employees believe that work is the safest and most reliable way to earn money. But is the situation where someone can cut off your income with two words: "You're fired" like a safe and reliable situation?

What gives work?

Free time?— he is not. Two days off a week and a month off a year, often not even when you want to. It has nothing to do with what is called managing your time.
Money?- the salary that the majority receives is only enough to support their existence.
What about prospects? A beggarly pension in his declining years.

Therefore, work is a trap where people change the time of their lives for money. Many are forced to work all their lives. The best years of life from 20 to 60 years! And then - live out, eat up and carry on.

Well, if you love your job, successfully combined your hobby with making money.
But now more and more people choose work on the principle: “where they pay more”, and not “where I'm interested”.
And this, by the way, is one of the reasons why it is not comfortable to live in modern society. People who work for money do not feel good at work, to put it mildly, while serving their labor service. What can a bonded person create and give to society, looking only for ways to fill his pocket? In the wrong guidelines lie the roots of bad work, deceit for the sake of profit, corruption. A person cannot give happiness to another if he himself does not have it.

Choose the business you love! And the money will come if you think about the benefits for people.
“Life is given to a person only once and it must be lived in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years ...”.
N. Ostrovsky "How steel was tempered."

When a person works, he has a goal and a task. But this is someone else's goal, and the worker's task is to perform his duties well. And he knows exactly what time he should get up in the morning and where to go to work.

Money, more and faster. Nowadays, the stereotype of consumption is being imposed on us from all sides. Comfort, fashionable rags, expensive "prestigious" cars. Values ​​that have nothing to do with real life. These values ​​correspond to hired work: quick money with which you can buy things. And people forget about the main thing, about life itself: about their hobbies, dreams, communication with family, friends and much more.
If the only purpose of your work is money, then you are simply flushing the time of your life down the drain.

Life → work → money → fur coat + car + beer and sausage →…

However, we need money to buy the necessary things and eat and free ourselves from hired work.

If you want to live better, take an example from those who live well, and not from those who work hard. And learn to form your own informed opinion. After all, there are opposite opinions on the same phenomenon. Evaluate each from the standpoint of your benefit: what will you get if you think this way - and what will you get if you don't.

Watch this video (1 minute) - a wonderful illustration of our life.

You won’t even remember the last time you woke up with a sense of trepidation and excitement about the upcoming work day. The joy of new prospects and opportunities for cooperation opening up before you is long gone - when you first got a job in this position. For the most part, work is associated with routine. Reminds you of your life? Consider looking for a new job!

2. You are unhappy

Perhaps even worse: not only do you not enjoy the new day, but you feel miserable every morning. There is a high probability that your work, to which you give almost all of your time, is to blame. This is not the fault of your boss or your colleagues. Perhaps you just once incorrectly put yourself in the team.

But this does not mean that you are now obliged to suffer until the end of your days.

Learn from your mistakes and look to the future. an attractive vacancy, and let the new job become your favorite!

3. Your company is doomed

Sometimes we do everything in our power, but the circumstances are still not the best. If you are soberly aware that the company is sinking, you should not sink with it. Do not wait for sunset - start looking for a new job now, so that later you do not have to indicate a non-existent place of work in your resume.

4. You don't like your colleagues at all.

Your colleagues and boss are the people you spend most of your life with. And if you take into account the time that you give to sleep, traffic jams, shopping, then, in fact, they are next to you almost all the time. In moments of ups and downs, rejoicing and breakdowns. Most likely, they are really looking forward to when you come out of vacation or sick leave (we will not go into the search for true motives). Therefore, it makes no sense to stay in the company whose employees you do not like.

Even if you like the work that you do, the lack of normal contact with colleagues will sooner or later play a negative role in your career.

Think about the people you really enjoy being with. And go where they work. Then life will become much more pleasant.

5. Your boss only looks up.

Often, in caring for his promotion, the leader pays attention only to higher management, not providing sufficient support to those who are subordinate to him. This situation is not uncommon. However, such a policy will not lead to positive results. Productive teamwork implies an interest in the overall result of everyone. Do you feel that the leader plays only for himself? Don't fool yourself - you won't succeed here.

6. You are stressed

Today, more and more people complain about a feeling of constant background anxiety and even panic. Perhaps you are one of them? Then pay special attention to this paragraph of the article. You should not think that anxiety can be unreasonable if it has become your constant companion, although, at first glance, nothing unusual is happening. Most likely, the reason lies precisely in what has become routine and familiar to you - in your work.

You can, of course, resort to the help of a psychologist, sedatives (almost certainly you have already tried this). But these remedies only treat the symptoms. If your anxiety starts in the morning, and in the evening you fly out of the office in the hope of finally hiding in your shelter (home, gym or bar) - this is a sure sign that you need to look for another job.


7. You get sick more often

In some cases, it can lead to even more negative consequences: poor health becomes habitual, chronic diseases develop. But before grumbling about the deteriorating ecology and saying that “old age is not a joy,” think about whether you really eat so badly or don’t get enough rest? If yes, try to change it. But if you wonder how your friends manage to stay full of energy despite the fact that they do not follow all the healthy lifestyle rules that you are obsessed with, and you were not a weak child as a child, then it is worth changing tactics. Try this time to change not yourself, but the world around - start with work.

8. You do not share the ideas of your company

If it seems to you that the company should work in a completely different way, then it will be difficult to strive for the same goal with the management.

When you are not at all close to the corporate spirit, moral principles and ethical standards that prevail at work, no matter how hard you try to disguise it, the “flock” will not accept you.

You have every right to your own vision of how things should be arranged. But do not aggressively oppose it to the existing order. Allow the other to be different, and let yourself be yourself. And find a job among your own.

9. You can't achieve balance.

You constantly rush between work and family, feeling that you do not have time either there or there. Spending more time with your family means you don't have time to complete your boss's assignments on time. And by staying at work, you miss important events for your loved ones. It looks like you have a "work - personal life." Take a deep breath and soberly admit that you better try yourself in another position. And it is better if it is your decision, and not the boss or your family.

10. Your productivity has dropped.

Even if you're still doing your job but feel like you're no longer productive, it might be time to make a change. Finding advice is easy. But try not to get bogged down in all these ideas of self-development, motivation and personal growth - know the measure and remember the goal. If you are not planning to become a business coach, then you need to look the other way. Namely - in the area of ​​your professional interests. But perhaps in a different position or in a different company.

11. Your abilities are not being used.

This is not the first time you have been denied a promotion, and attempts to take on more difficult tasks are not successful. It seems that your management simply does not want to admit that you are able to give the company more. Don't let your ambitions be ruined. Try to find another place where your talents will be given the green light.

12. Your responsibilities grow, but your salary doesn't.

There may be various reasons for this alignment of affairs, but in any case, you should not take it for granted. If the reduction in the company has led to the fact that twice as much work fell on you, and the salary, meanwhile, is not proportional, then the management is pursuing an unscrupulous policy.

Even if you're offered a raise, before you celebrate, make sure your pay rises in proportion to your responsibilities.

Do not give in to vanity and do not chase after a beautiful job title. If you think that your work is underestimated - look for another job!

13. Your ideas are not being heard.

Your proposals are no longer appreciated, and your ideas are brushed off like annoying flies? This is a bad trend. Of course, you should not quit a letter of resignation if it happened once or twice. Maybe you need to change the way you present your thoughts. However, if they do not want to take your opinion into account over and over again without explaining the reasons, you should not be disappointed in yourself and in the world - you should look for a new job.

14. They don't thank you.

If, on the contrary, your proposals are used with might and main, and the successful decisions of the company are largely built on your ideas, but no one says thanks to you, this is an unhealthy atmosphere. Perhaps, of course, the head is reflected in the amount of payments. In such a situation, determine for yourself honestly whether only a material assessment of your own merits is enough for you. If not, and even more so in the case when your ideas are simply brazenly appropriated by someone else, you have every moral right to quit and find a place where you will be sincerely grateful.

15. You are in stagnation

Are you bored. At your job, you perform the same tasks day after day and do not learn anything new. Most likely, you have already grown out of this position.

Answer the question for yourself: are you developing here as a professional?

If there is no opportunity for growth in this company, you should move on and look for a place in another.


16. You are criticized

In any situation in the work environment, there is only room for criticism of your work. If the boss gets personal and showers you personally with negative assessments, these are problems of his character and upbringing. If you are unable to change the style of such communication to a more productive one, do not be offended, do not be impudent - it is better to look for another job under the guidance of an adequate professional.

17. You are insulted

It is absolutely unacceptable if you are insulted by one of your colleagues. If you are the victim of intimidation, sexual harassment or any other aggressive behavior, if you are deceived in financial matters or do not keep promises, immediately!

18. You promise yourself to quit.

For many years, they promise themselves and their loved ones that they will change jobs. However, this never comes to fruition. Over and over again, you wait until “they throw you a new bone,” and justify with it that you are not doing anything. Seeing the good in every situation is the path to peace. But not always the way to development.

Don't fool yourself - take action to build a successful career and a happy life.

19. You do not dream of a leadership position

Do you work diligently and fulfill all the tasks set by the management? Can you imagine yourself at least in your dreams in the place of a leader? If not, then you are in the wrong place. Not everyone, of course, is to be bosses and directors, but at least becoming a project manager is a natural development in the workplace. If you do not see yourself in this position in the next few years, you should think about changing activities.

20. You are afraid to think about the future

In such a situation, changing jobs should be a top priority. This decision will not be easy to make, because you have already compiled a whole list of excuses for yourself. Write down on paper all the reasons why you think that you will not be successful in your career. Crumple up and throw in the trash!

Remember your childhood dreams, make a list of your skills and a list of what you would like to learn. Find common ground and start moving towards improving your life.

You can and must give yourself and the world more than the dull expectation of the end of the working day!

Work for the vast majority of people is the only source of livelihood. To gain access to life's blessings, a person needs to have the means. Food, clothing, appliances, utilities, internet access, and all kinds of entertainment all cost money. It is wages that become the main incentive forcing millions of citizens to regularly go to work and perform work duties.

However, material rewards are far from the only incentive to work. And today, when the cult of money has reigned in society, there are often those for whom work becomes a way to realize their creative potential, to grow professionally. Awareness of one's high professional level and recognition from competent colleagues gives a person weight in his own eyes. For such workers, moral satisfaction from a job well done is more important than a monetary bonus.

There are also those who consciously choose for themselves a prestigious job, which makes it possible to achieve social success in the eyes of others and make a career. Climbing the steep steps of the career ladder, a person is fully involved in this social game and often gives it all his strength and even free time, sacrificing family and relationships. Earnings also tend to increase as you move up the career ladder.

But more importantly, a person occupies a high position in the social hierarchy, which provides special advantages and gives power over other people.

Is there an alternative to work?

When choosing a profession at a young age, many tend to focus on their interests, natural inclinations and talents. Having received an education, a young specialist is often faced with the fact that he is not in demand on the labor market, so getting a job in his specialty is not always easy. So an engineer or technologist has to learn a new profession on the go, far from his interests, but capable of guaranteeing a decent income.

Some people become representatives of free professions - freelancers, designers, artists, writers.

Is there another alternative to working for wages? Many people today are looking for other opportunities to earn money, becoming entrepreneurs, trying their hand at investing or trading securities in the market. Such sources of income are good because they give a person a certain autonomy, freedom and independence from the employer. But all these activities involve financial risk. It is very common to meet entrepreneurs who, working for themselves, work hard from morning to evening. Business for them turns into hard work, not always guaranteeing profit.

American scientists have selected and systematized more than 400 questions that the applicant can theoretically hear at the interview. However, in practice, the interview most often comes down to 10-15 standard questions and a few additional ones, depending on the specifics of a particular vacancy. "Forewarned is forearmed," the proverb says. So in this article, we want to warn about those difficult questions that recruiters often like to ask potential job applicants.

"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."
— Albert Einstein

Your career at a certain place of work will depend on the first meeting with the employer. You must be sure that everything is fine with your appearance, language and behavior, and you should be prepared for the questions that always arise when applying for a position. Some of them are considered standard and have long been studied by heart by both employers and applicants themselves.

There are two main goals to be pursued. Firstly, to give the interviewer the information that really interests him, because he conducts an interview for a reason and questions are asked for a reason. Secondly, you need to strive to give information about yourself that will help you get a position.

"Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers."
— Tony Robbins

No matter what pitfalls you encounter, remember that your primary goal is to demonstrate your qualifications and personality for the position offered. As you observe the interviewer, be prepared to make adjustments to your behavior if necessary. Keep calm, collected and do not forget about a sense of humor. Humor is the best way out of almost any situation.

Often, provocative interview questions are a blatant misrepresentation of what you said. They are used to confuse and disorientate the candidate. For example, an interviewer, conducting an interview, formulates the question as follows: “Tell me about yourself,” and after your story states: “Why did you come to the interview? After all, you do not correspond to this position!”. Correct refutation of such claims will greatly increase your chances of success. No need to resort to lengthy reasoning - just say that what the interviewer said is not true and you are ready to prove it with specific examples. At the same time, show restraint and do not rush to state your arguments. If evidence is needed, the interviewer himself asks clarifying questions.

You should also not give negative comments about the previous place of work, superiors and colleagues, as your interlocutor may regard this as a potential threat to his own company or person. It is better to name a neutral reason for dismissal: the irregularity of cash payments, lack of growth prospects, remoteness from the place of residence, inconvenient work schedule, and so on.

And most importantly, remember that the employer will immediately see that you are nervous or afraid to go through an interview. The only question is whether he will understand your condition correctly. Therefore, be collected, with a clear head, and always answer honestly and thoughtfully.

"Questions are never indiscreet, answers sometimes are."
— Oscar Wilde

Interview questions:

tell us about yourself

Correct answer. You should immediately lay out your advantages over other candidates like you (successful work experience, special achievements in your professional field, natural abilities, etc.), emphasizing your desire and full readiness to take this position. Speak calmly, confidently, concisely and precisely.

Error. Formal and dry presentation of biographical data, excessive excitement or emphasized indifference, confusion in simple facts, emphasis on minor details, verbosity.

What difficulties do you see in life and how do you deal with them?

Correct answer. Speak out in a positive way: life does not happen without problems, but difficulties can be overcome, the fate and career of a person are in his hands, people, for the most part, are friendly and ready to cooperate, failures mobilize forces.

Error. A gloomy perception of reality: complaints about fate, bad luck, injustice and constant insoluble problems, blaming other people and external circumstances for everything.

What attracts you to work in this position?

Correct answer. Give specific arguments in favor of the fact that this particular position will allow you to maximize your aspirations, abilities, knowledge and experience, and the company in your person will acquire an indispensable employee (“I have experience in this particular market segment, great connections, a lot of developments and etc.").

Error. Standard phrases: "I am attracted by an interesting job ... the prospect of growth ... a good salary."

Why do you consider yourself worthy of this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?

Correct answer. Without false modesty, present your "trump cards" if you have not done so yet, or supplement what was said earlier (work experience, specialized education and the presence of additional, successfully implemented projects, etc.).

Error. Weak arguments in your favor (“I have no work experience, but I would like to try.”), an indication of formal personal data (“Read my resume, it says it all.”).

What are your strengths?

Correct answer. Be honest about your qualities that are valued at this job in this position. Professionalism, activity, decency, goodwill towards people, truthfulness and devotion are always and everywhere valued.

Error. A cutesy-modest answer: "Let others judge this ...".

What are your shortcomings?

Correct answer. Readily name 2-3 of your shortcomings, skillfully presenting them as strengths, for example: “I always tell the truth to my face ... Too demanding of myself and others ... I am often called a “workaholic”, etc. Remember: flaws should be a continuation of your virtues.

Error. Honest recognition of shortcomings (not familiar with such work, lacks special education, lazy, quick-tempered, etc.).

It is also wrong to say, "I have no faults." - this is perceived as a lack of criticality towards oneself, a tendency to blame colleagues in case of failure, or simply as a lie.

Why did you leave your previous job (decided to change jobs)?

Correct answer. Speak positively about the previous place of work, managers and employees. The reason for the dismissal is the desire to realize their potential to the fullest extent, to get a more difficult job and a higher salary.

In extreme cases, as reasons, you can indicate the remoteness of the house from the office or the reduction of the entire unit (and not you personally).

Error. A story about a conflict with management or employees, criticism of the previous place of work and people, recognition of the inefficiency of one's work.

Will your personal life interfere with the work associated with additional loads?

(irregular working hours, long or distant business trips, etc.)

Correct answer. Answer in the vein that you are ready for additional loads, which, however, should be discussed more specifically.

Error. Immediately agree to everything or refuse everything, explaining this by family difficulties, the presence of small children, etc.

How do you imagine your job (career) in 2 years (five, ten years)?

Correct answer. It should be answered that you are planning career growth in the future, having formulated the stages and goals of your personal career. It is better to moderately overestimate than to underestimate yourself.

Error. Surprise and answers: “How do I know?”, “I have no idea.”

What salary do you expect?

Correct answer. Find out the “fork” of salaries for this position and name a slightly higher figure than the one you are ready to accept.

Error. Underestimate or overestimate yourself.

“They cannot be absent,” says Grigory Cherkasov, commercial director of Citilink, “if the employer’s vacancy really interested you. Studying the company's website, you probably could not find all the information you are interested in. It would be appropriate to mention this at the interview. The job description also cannot include all the details related directly to your competence, so questions that clarify the "dark spots" will demonstrate to the employer how well you understand what you will be doing.

Now the employer not only asks questions, but also likes the applicant to show interest in the company in which he wants to work. The opinion of the representative of the employer who conducts the interview depends on the initiative of the applicant, on his, albeit ostentatious, but still interest. And it's in the applicant's interest to make a good impression.

Along with pre-thought-out answers to possible questions from the employer, you need to prepare your own list of questions that you need to ask the employer at the interview. Here are some questions, after receiving the answer to which, the applicant will understand whether he needs this job, whether the position that is offered is suitable.

  • What will be the job responsibilities (what tasks and plans will be set for a potential employee, what exactly will he do in the company, and should I ask a question about interchangeability)?
  • What are the reasons for this vacancy?
  • What is the procedure for applying for a job in a company (employment book)?
  • What mode of work is adopted at the company (including breaks during the working day, overtime work)?
  • What is the trial period? Is mentoring developed in the company, does it provide for the introduction of a new employee into the course of the company, is the workload given immediately or gradually?
  • What is the social package in the company: is the Labor Code fully observed, is medical insurance, food, corporate fitness provided? Separately, it is worth clarifying about the payment of sick leave.
  • What employee motivation programs have been developed in the company (bonuses, training, etc.)?
  • How can you characterize the relationship "boss-subordinate"?
  • What meetings / planning meetings / meetings will you have to participate in?
  • What are the company's plans in its market segment?

At the same time, it is worth showing the employer your interest in the proposed vacancy, as well as trying to give weighty arguments that the employer is exactly the person they need. It is also worth asking if there is an indexation of remuneration, how often the level of wages is reviewed, whether there are any formal procedures for this, or if this procedure occurs automatically (for example, annually).

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