How to find a common language with a teacher, teacher. How to behave if the teacher is biased towards the child


Studying at school for a child is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the experience of socialization in a team of peers and adult people - teachers. Relations between people are very multifaceted, so it is not surprising that a student may encounter negative manifestations in his address from the teacher: picky or even hostility.

How to distinguish between prejudice and exactingness

Excessive exactingness is not always a manifestation of the prejudiced attitude of the teacher

As a rule, parents learn about problems in the relationship between the teacher and their child from the lips of the child. And, of course, he brings his subjective assessments and emotions into the story, often drawing a line: "She (he) does not love me and finds fault." It is difficult for moms and dads to figure out in this situation whether this state of affairs is an objective reality or the result of the student's suspiciousness or fantasy. In addition, many children perceive the exactingness of the teacher as a manifestation of a biased attitude. Therefore, it is very important for parents to draw up a correct picture of the existing relationship. For this:

  • talk with your child more often on topics related to school life - it will become clear where the truth is and where the fantasies are;
  • pay attention to the child’s performance in the subject taught by the teacher who makes claims against your student (if the grades have dropped sharply, then work with the child or hire a tutor, then it will be possible to conclude that the grading is objective);
  • visit the school, talk to the teachers and the class teacher, but do it not “about”, but as a monitoring of progress (neither the child nor the teachers need to know the true reasons for visiting the educational institution).

In this way, you will be able to understand what kind of relationship your student has with teachers and students. And also to find out whether the teacher is really biased towards the child, or simply demanding on the quality of knowledge.

How to mentally set up a child

Trust is the basis of a relationship with a child

Relationships between people are multifaceted, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that someone likes and someone does not. Interpersonal relationships between teachers and students are no exception. A teacher is a person like everyone else, so he can have likes and dislikes. Some teachers like active, inquisitive students, some like disciplined quiet ones. Of course, a professional teacher knows how to hide his emotions, but sometimes there are exceptions. In this case, a conflict situation arises with three participants:

  • student;
  • teacher
  • the student's parents.

The task of the latter is to find a way out of the situation with minimal losses for the emotional health of the emerging personality. Therefore, it is very important to correctly adjust the child in this particular situation:

  1. Tell your child more often how you love him - the child must be sure that he is accepted and loved by the closest people;
  2. Explain that any child, even a small one, is also a person, and no one has the right to insult, ridicule or humiliate him;
  3. Analyze the conflict situation with maximum objectivity - regardless of who was wrong, explain to the offspring why, such behavior is unacceptable;
  4. Try with your child to outline a strategy for behavior in case the teacher finds fault or allows insults;
  5. Outline a plan for further joint actions (talking with a teacher, director, moving to another class or school) to resolve the current situation.

How can you get rid of prejudice?

Parents should communicate regularly with teachers

Nagging, prejudice on the part of the teacher, as a rule, does not go away on its own, so parents need to take active measures to resolve the conflict. There are several ways:

  • open conversation with the teacher;
  • conversation with representatives of the administration (director, head teachers);
  • transferring a student to another class or school;
  • public coverage of the problem in the media.

Let's analyze each of them. The easiest and most correct way out is to talk with the teacher. Having determined the reasons why the teacher disliked the child, it is possible to find a joint way out of the conflict situation. We will dwell on how to properly plan a conversation with a teacher a little later.

If the teacher does not go to the conversation or does not consider it necessary to change his attitude towards the child, then you should contact the director or head teachers - perhaps they will have more compelling arguments convincing the teacher to reconsider their behavior.

This is interesting! Every year, about 20% of children transfer to other schools due to nagging from teachers.

When the conflict is too long, and the attitude of the teacher negatively affects the psychological and emotional state of the student, it makes sense to transfer the child to another class or school. However, you should not see this method as a panacea for any difficulties - in life your child will have many meetings with uncomfortable or conflicting people, therefore it is not recommended to create greenhouse conditions for him in childhood.

If the teacher not only allows himself public insults, but also uses physical force against the child, and there is evidence of this, then such egregious violations of children's rights should be covered in the media with the involvement of social services and law enforcement agencies.

How to build a conversation with a teacher

Peaceful conflict resolution is the main goal of the conversation with the teacher

Knowing about the problem in the relationship between the student and the teacher only from the child, it is impossible to form a complete opinion about the reasons for the nitpicking on the part of the teacher. Therefore, the best way out is to talk with the teacher. However, for the conversation you need to prepare and lead it in such a way as not to aggravate the situation. So, going to talk with the teacher:

  1. Try to make an appointment in person, not through the school administration.
  2. Pick the right time. It is best if it is after school, but not at the end of the working day.
  3. It is desirable that the meeting be held face-to-face, but within the walls of the school (the best option is an office, serious conversations in the corridor are taboo).
  4. Try to make it clear to the teacher that you are not going to accuse or accuse him of anything.
  5. Start the conversation by stating the desired outcome (“I would like our conversation to lead to positive changes in the relationship with my son/daughter”).
  6. Be sure to include the fact that you recognize some of the shortcomings of your child, and gently steer the conversation towards the recognition that everyone has the right to make mistakes (in case your child is really guilty of something).
  7. Next, you should directly ask a question about the reasons for dissatisfaction with your child. Perhaps in this way the teacher "revenges" for some actions in his address on the part of the student (for example, an insult).
  8. Depending on the answer received, the conversation can go in two directions: mutual understanding and recognition on the part of the teacher of his mistakes, or anger because of your attempt to convict the teacher of an unprofessional attitude towards children.
  9. In any case, you need to end the conversation by thanking for your time.

Depending on what results you can achieve with a conversation with the teacher, it is easier to outline a plan for further actions.

There will always be a child in the class who in one of the teachers causes an irresistible desire to find fault and criticize. The laces are not tied, the shirt or skirt is soiled, the subject does not know, the answers to questions are wrong, does not deserve good marks. Each lesson, the student listens to a lot of reviews and notations about his undeveloped intellect and disgusting appearance. Each time the score for the answer is not higher than three.

From afar, the situation looks unpleasant. But what if all this concerns your own child?

Listen to the student

First, talk to your child properly. No need to hastily find out what the charges are, and then go to the fight for justice. Resist the momentary impulse to repay well anyone who dares to offend a child. Find out if the teacher's nagging or dissatisfaction is justified.

It is best to listen to examples of specific situations that the student should talk about taking into account all the circumstances. How he behaved, what he did when the teacher made comments. How classmates behaved, how the child answered the teacher.

In addition to verbal accusations, one should try to find evidence of the teacher's biased attitude. Perhaps in the student's notebook there are tasks that were clearly rated lower than they should have been.

By the way, pay attention to what the child wants. In one case, the student just needs to stop being reproached and left alone. But sometimes he wants to be shown love and indulgence. The teacher will not have time for a lesson if he communicates affectionately with everyone, cherishes and cherishes everyone. This needs to be explained to the student.

It may very well be that in some situations the child himself provoked the aggression of the teacher. It is worth noting that the teacher has no right to insult or engage in assault under any circumstances. But it is better if the parents once and for all explain to the student that it is impossible to piss off the teacher.

If the child admits that his behavior was far from decent, it is better to convince him not to do it again and apologize to the teacher. If, according to the student, he did not violate discipline and good manners, it's time to talk to the teacher.

Conversation with the teacher

Find out in advance from the child the name and patronymic of the future interlocutor. Talking on the phone or on the way to school will not give the desired result. You have to go to school in person. If the teacher cannot talk now, you need to agree on a specific time and day.

Prepare your questions before the meeting. It is better if they are written on a separate sheet in legible handwriting. If the showdown is very unnerving, it is always good to have a note on hand that will not let you forget something important.

When you arrive at a meeting, do not start a conversation with reproaches, and even more so with threats. The easiest way to start a conversation: "I would like to know about the progress and behavior of my child in your lessons." If the teacher has complaints, he will express them himself. There is no need to inflame with a thirst for revenge when the teacher explains his position. Listen to everything, and then ask if the interlocutor has any suggestions that will change the situation. Very often, teachers throw phrases like: “It was necessary to raise a child better! Do what you want!”, which speaks of unprofessionalism and unwillingness to resolve the issue peacefully.

If the teacher does not make contact, do not stoop to insults or open hostility. Say goodbye politely and leave. It's not a defeat at all. Now it's time to turn to outsiders.

Third party to the conflict

As an independent judge, you can involve a class teacher. Ask him about the teacher. There are teachers who never praise or encourage anyone, they speak harshly. This is part of the methodology used by many experienced teachers. Then the child will need to be taught not only not to be rude, but also to be calm about what is happening. After all, a trio of one of the items hasn't killed anyone yet. And the negativity on the part of the teacher can be listened to with half an ear.

In the event that the child turned out to be the only object of dissatisfaction, you need to ask the class teacher to help sort out the situation, to influence a colleague. It would be useful to turn to a school psychologist so that he evaluates what is happening from the point of view of the psychological health of the student. The combined influence of the parent, class teacher and psychologist can turn the situation into a peaceful direction.

But what if the class teacher is the same eternally nagging teacher?

In this case, it makes sense to talk to the school principal. If it turns out that the teacher really finds fault with the child completely unjustifiably, the top management can influence the subordinate. Apply your leverage, so to speak.

If all the conversations described above have led nowhere, there are two ways: go to the Department of Education or transfer the child to another school. Both ways are good. Which one to use? This is decided only by the parents, taking into account the opinion of the child.

Common Parenting Mistakes

  • The most basic mistake is to rush into battle without clarifying the circumstances. This is what unrestrained people do, for whom the conflict situation itself is more interesting than the way it is resolved. At first, parents know about the problem only from the words of the child. It makes sense to know the position of the opposite side.
  • It is not necessary to teach the child to defend his point of view, not observing the rules of decency and respect towards the teacher. Yes, the student has every right to defend himself, but this must be done with restraint and without insults.
  • There is no need to make public out of the current situation. After retelling the problem to the parents of classmates, you may not notice the “well-wishers” who will convey your words to the teacher in a distorted form. Then it will have to be disentangled. The child's classmates also do not need to know that the parents of the student are taking action. This will give rise to a lot of gossip and rumors that children love to embellish so much.
  • Sometimes parents think that everyone should love their child. This has never happened and never will. Some people like it, others annoy, others infuriate.
  • The child, although he is already a schoolboy, still does not know how to competently and tactfully resolve controversial issues with adults. Do not expect him to solve the problem on his own. Wait for either the aggravation of the conflict, or a serious depression and a nervous breakdown in the student.
  • A common fear is that the teacher will become even more embittered by trying to resolve an argument. None of this will happen if the parent acts calmly, competently, carefully, but decisively. If you do not insult and do not throw tantrums, no one will have a reason to recoup the child.
  • It is necessary to understand the problem meticulously, without making hasty conclusions. If the child is destined to still study at this school, there is no need to make a scene, having barely figured out the problem.

As a result

Tactful and polite communication will give the desired effect. The conflict with the teacher can be resolved on your own, without involving other people. Most often, in such situations, teachers go forward. But at the same time they manage to insert a few caustic phrases.

| 27.01.2015

The situation of the conflict "teacher - student" is unpleasant in itself, not at all simple, but it happens that the problem is contrived. In this article, we will deal with the nitpicking of the teacher, or rather, what the child may consider nitpicking.

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Unfortunately, it happens that a child does not want to go to school because of bad relationships with the class teacher or other teachers. Children have a fairly developed sense of justice, and nit-picking is unfair and therefore especially offensive. Although "nitpicking" may well be a normal part of the learning process. But the child does not always understand this. The problem of mutual understanding between the teacher and the student leads to a decrease in school motivation. The child may not only begin to study worse, but also skip classes.

Of course, I would like to draw the attention of parents to the fact that the child's complaints against the teacher in themselves are not always an indicator that the teacher finds fault with him. Sometimes quite fair demands are taken for nit-picking to learn the assignment, write more accurately, and not chat with classmates in the classroom.

Signs of Conflict

You can determine that the child has developed a tense relationship with the teacher at an early stage for a number of signs:

  1. The child neglects studies or any one subject, refuses to do homework, spoils the textbook, keeps the notebook sloppily than usual.
  2. The child draws caricatures of the teacher, speaks disparagingly or aggressively about him, gets annoyed when you ask questions about his lessons.

Conversation comes first

First you need to understand the situation, whether the teacher really finds fault, or whether his requirements are fair. Or even vice versa, the child is trying to hide something and deceive the parent.

First of all, parents should clarify the details and circumstances of the ongoing misunderstanding: why this situation arose, as well as discuss options for solving the problem.

Children don't always tell their parents what's going on at school. If you see that the child is upset, depressed or aggressive after the lessons, and there are unsatisfactory marks in the notebook for a well-done task, then there is every reason to try to figure out what is happening.

By the way, by talking with a child, you will learn much more than about his relationship with teachers. It may turn out that, or he has.

  1. Question the child. It is very important to understand whether the conflict is long-term. It happens that a poorly completed test or refusal to participate in an extracurricular activity can serve as the beginning of difficulties.
  2. Don't be led by emotions. Of course, every parent is ready to protect their child. Try to separate the emotional from the rational.
  3. Take an objective stand. Agree that in any conflict, both sides can be to blame. Be kind and confidently tell your child, “I understand that you are upset and offended. I am ready to help you figure it out and find a fair solution. Just please tell me how it was." Children are afraid that they will be scolded and punished, that they will become "bad" and will be less loved. And in order to avoid - they lie and fantasize. Children are still liars, all without exception. Remember, the child does not always want to tell the truth, and will try to get around sharp corners by coming up with 1000 excuses, one of which is: “They find fault with me!”. Do not swear, but try to understand. Moreover, it can become a wake-up call. Especially if all the teachers “find fault” at once.

Student advice . Always tell your parents about your problems with teachers. Very often, it is the parents who give the right advice on how to solve a particular problem. This will help to find a solution that suits both parties.

What is considered a teacher's nitpick?

Requirements for doing homework, studying materials, following school rules, etc. can't be considered bullshit. Such is the school order and the learning process. Yes, some teachers may be overly strict about, for example, the appearance of students or school routine. Many teachers are very fond of their subject, and consider it the most important. Many people have favorites. However, a professional understands that children are children, they can be naughty, restless and restless, and everyone has their own abilities and interests, and much more. But putting low grades and pulling a student out of personal dislike for him or his parent is a completely different question.

Low ratings

It may happen that a child who knows the subject is shy, embarrassed, afraid, not sure, etc., so his answer in the lesson came out crumpled, for which he will receive a lower grade than expected. The teacher did not see the knowledge, because the student did not show it because of inner trembling. And the student is offended, because he taught.

If the situation is like this, then this is not about nit-picking, but about the fact that the child does not know how to show his knowledge. In the adult world, this is called self-presentation, and this skill will greatly help in the future. You need to help your child learn this skill. Encourage your child to answer questions and demonstrate their knowledge. The answer always sounds more convincing if it is voiced cheerfully and confidently, without trembling in the voice. Knowing the answer is half the battle, the other half is a sense of confidence and rightness.

Student advice . If you did not answer the question insufficiently, but you know the subject, ask the teacher what exactly he did not like in your answer. Do not be afraid, this will show that you care about his subject. If you feel that you cannot immediately answer the teacher’s question during the lesson, you are shy, practice reading the textbook at home and answering aloud.

Conflict "nonsense"

Constant conflicts from scratch, nit-picking, and even offensive statements because of nonsense. Maybe in fact, or the child perceives communication with the teacher in this way. Many teachers are ready for a dialogue, so the first thing to do here is to ask the teacher: “What, Mary Ivanna, did you mean by calling me / my child so-and-so?”. Yes, a teacher can say something harsh, clinging to some detail, and trying it on to his stereotypes. All people are different, and they think about the same things and perceive them differently. A good teacher admits his mistake and corrects the wrong opinion.

Maybe it seemed to the teacher that the child was not doing anything in the lesson, he was drawing something, but in fact the student completed the task and he had nothing to do, but was ashamed to say: “I am everything”. It happens that teachers, meeting many years after graduation with former students, say: “But he was such a slob, but what a sense it came out.” And the child was inquisitive and studied, but he was very shy and quiet.

Student advice . Do not be shy and do not be afraid to find out with the teacher what he does not like. Resentment can cause the teacher to be unfair and get a wrong opinion of you. You can approach the teacher after the lesson and talk about what you are doing wrong and how you should do it.

Your opinion

Every person, even a child, is entitled to their opinion. Often teachers find fault with students who solve a problem differently than everyone else. And the student may have his own point of view, according to which the child will look for new ways to solve the problem. But due to the fact that the student's opinion differs from that proposed by the teacher, the latter considers your answer incorrect in advance. Also, mocking can fly from classmates: “Are you the smartest, or what?”. If smart, what's wrong with that? Being a fool is worse.

The way out of the situation is to explain your point of view to the teacher, and prove, maybe even on the blackboard, that your way of solving the problem is also correct. If the student makes a mistake in the process, the teacher will prompt, and together they will come to an understanding of the problem.

Student advice . Feel free to talk to the teacher. Yes, she or she is older, and may look harsh, but if you feel unfair, you need to explain your opinion and stand up for yourself and your opinion.

Excessive suspiciousness

Do you get the feeling that the teacher devotes half of the lesson to discussing your mistake, listening more attentively to your answer at the blackboard? This kind of attention makes you uncomfortable. But maybe your story at the blackboard attracted the attention of the teacher, because he is pleased to listen, and the student is simply not very confident in himself. Or made a mistake that is important to explain to everyone in the class. The teacher's job is to teach, to convey knowledge, and not to observe one single student.

Often a feeling of close attention along with a judgment occurs when the student is not confident enough in his answer and in himself, and it seems to him that now he will make a mistake, or he has already made a mistake and did not notice, and they will start laughing at him and / or scolding him. Therefore, the child's perception of the teacher's attention is appropriate.

However, if in a conversation with a child you notice a low self-esteem of the latter, try to figure out why the child did this and solve the problem as soon as possible so that the child does not become overgrown with complexes.

Student advice . Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, and there's nothing wrong with that. If you were rightly pointed out to a mistake, you have a wonderful opportunity to correct it, no need to be offended by this.


The child did his homework, and he was smashed to smithereens and given bad grades? How did the student complete this task? Maybe an article that is on the knee 5 minutes before the lesson. So formally the "homework" is done, but in essence - no.

Student advice . Ddo your homework at home, in advance, thoughtfully, and check. Prepare not only written exercises, but also oral answers. If you don’t understand something, turn to a friend or teacher for clarification, ask your parents for help, look for an answer on the Internet. Be confident in your knowledge - then at the lesson itself you will feel much more confident.

Did not get along

There are a few common moments that are common to many school conflicts. And all of them are connected with the human factor, with the conflict of personalities, temperaments and stereotypes.

Authoritarian teachers usually dislike creative, liberated children. If such a child expresses his own opinion, the teacher sees in this the shortcomings of education, and when the student solves the problem in his own way, he is accused of poor assimilation of the material.

Temperamental teachers can expect a violent reaction to their subject, but they don’t find it from a calm child, because. The student does not clearly express his interest.

Pedantic teachers who pay a lot of attention to the design of notebooks and the appearance of students, as a rule, make claims precisely to these details.

If you know that the child is not getting along with the teacher, it is necessary to intervene. Of course, the role of parents is not to be responsible for all the misconduct of the child and to protect him from any manifestations of discontent on the part of teachers, but to help the student understand the nuances of the problem and show the possibility of a constructive dialogue with the teacher. Do not allow the confrontation between the child and the teacher to drag on.

Many students have conflicts with teachers. In most cases, this happens through the fault of schoolchildren, but often through the fault of the teachers themselves. One such situation can discourage interest in a particular subject forever.

Why do teachers find fault and what is the right thing for children to do? The first rule is not to be silent about it, but be sure to talk with your parents or even with the school psychologist.

Among the reasons for nagging a teacher, the most common are personal dislike and a desire to gain. Most parents whose children are bullied in class trying to appease teachers with gifts or money. This is fundamentally wrong, because by such actions they create a bad tradition and themselves encourage teachers to such behavior. Problems with teachers most often occur among “newcomers” who had to change schools and places of residence, for example, because of the work of their parents.

How to understand that the behavior of a teacher, especially a class teacher, does not correspond to pedagogical ethics? The teacher who delivered the purpose of unfairly carping, does the following:

  • invades the student's personal space, publicly ridicules his shortcomings, discusses his family affairs, health or other problems;
  • compares children among themselves, elevating "favorites" and humiliating others;
  • encourages teenagers to inform on each other;
  • threatens to punish for the slightest infractions;
  • understates grades and tries to "fill up" the student.

Of course, you can buy a teacher such a welcome gift or treat him to dinner in a restaurant, but this will not save you from all unpleasant situations in the future. We must not pay off problems, but solve them. Parents will not be able to be around all their lives and come to the rescue when needed. Eat several ways to resolve this misunderstanding:

  • Transfer to another school. Sometimes this is the only way. No need to be shy or afraid, but clearly and firmly state your intentions to your parents.
  • Seek justice through the press, contact the director or the education department (provided that the teacher openly demands money or it has become unbearable to study). In this way, one can unite with other victims of the teacher’s bad attitude and achieve his punishment.
  • Adapt to the situation, that is, ignore the teacher's nit-picking or pretend to agree. Perhaps if the teacher realizes that there is no reaction to his criticism, he will lose the point of finding fault and fall behind.

Some teachers offend, as they say, out of good intentions. In other words, criticize means they see potential. This is also the wrong approach to the student, especially if he is already a teenager and emotionally unstable. In this case, you should try to deal with the teacher yourself.

After the lesson, you need to come and clarify what wishes he has regarding the educational process of a particular student. It is necessary to show that you are ready to hear the teacher, that his opinion is important to you. There is a possibility that he really wishes the children well and wants the best of them to develop to the maximum.

If you have made such a conclusion, there is no need to confront, respond with rudeness and express dissatisfaction. Promise your teacher that you will try your best and that you appreciate his concern.

If the teacher continues to cling and spoil the mood, you need to learn not to pay attention to criticism, but to take into account only constructive comments.

How to properly prepare for the lesson? We must immediately realize that the school was invented not at all in order to mock children, but in order to bring up smart civilized people from them. You can choose a class or a gymnasium with an appropriate bias in order to give more strength to those subjects that you like. But it happens that even your favorite disciplines “do not fit into your head” due to conflicts with the teacher. Perhaps, instead of arguing with him, it is better to just listen carefully to him in order to better understand the material. Attention in class is already half the homework.

If you want to find out something right on your hand (regarding his topic), you should think over the questions and possible arguments in advance if you are not satisfied with the teacher's answer. You can write them down and peek into the cheat sheet, so you show your interest. It is necessary to speak calmly, without barbs and bad words. If a teacher yells or expresses himself tactlessly, this does not mean that we should take an example from him.

Be sure to write down what the teacher recommends in class. It can be an abbreviated version or even small notes. No teacher will like it if in his lessons they dreamily look out the window or chat with friends on the phone. He will consider this as a manifestation of disrespect and will definitely not praise.

Everyone knows that it is not nice to laugh and talk to other students during the lesson. But if these are remarks on the topic, then they are acceptable. The teacher always sees when students are interested in what he is talking about, and when not. Educators love active students, so feel free to ask interesting leading questions. But anyway try to argue less, because the school is a temple of knowledge, not a studio for discussions and shows.

If the teacher does not like your behavior, apologize politely and try not to let him call your father or mother to school. But if he still wants to meet his parents, do not go with them, this will only aggravate the conflict.

If the teacher made an entry in the diary, for example, “Laughed in class”, or “Chewed gum”, this is not a reason to make him a sworn enemy. Look at such remarks with humor, and henceforth behave culturally.

It is not uncommon for teachers to intentionally deliver material poorly and give poor grades, and then offer individual services for a fee. You should not agree to this, because in this way you only reinforce this harmful practice. All is well analyze and find out for yourself if you need a tutor or you are able to master the discipline yourself.

Study more at home, look for additional literature, resort to the help of the Internet. If you are confident in your knowledge, but you are unfairly underestimated, You can contact the Department of Education or other authorities. Teachers do not need hype and red tape, and after trying to protect their rights, they can change their attitude to a more adequate one.

So, in order to resolve the conflict with the teacher, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • find out the cause of nitpicking;
  • try to make amends in a calm and peaceful way;
  • be cultured and balanced, not be led to provocations;
  • do not lie to your parents that everything is fine, or, conversely, exaggerate the teacher's guilt in your favor;
  • if everything turned into open hostility, go to another school.

When trying to create a conflict show that you don't want to fight and find a common language. Do not interrupt the teacher, let him express the essence of his requirements. Perhaps he is fundamentally right, but he chose the wrong approach to the student. Share your vision of the learning process, but in an unobtrusive way. You can praise the teacher, but do not suck up!

Adolescence is a period of personality and worldview formation. The teacher must understand that he is no longer communicating with a child, but with an adult who has his own dignity.

But when she once hit me, I didn’t say anything to my parents and did it differently. I began to stubbornly prepare for her lessons, but at the same time, so to speak, "shut her mouth." At a meeting, she always told both her parents and grandmother that I was a very big fellow, I try, I can, but at the lessons she simply ate me.

I felt this myself. I have always loved school and I studied well both at the olympiads and competitions and art exhibitions - I participated everywhere. But in the 8th grade, I wanted to run away from her. One teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature got very angry with me. Everything has been going on since 7th grade. At first, my parents did not believe me and said that she was always very strict and demanding.

Why teachers are prejudiced against some children

In fact, prejudice against a particular student is quite rare. And if this happens, then the reason for this is the unprofessionalism of the teacher, who does not treat the child very well because of personal hostility towards the parent, possibly after a conflict or misunderstanding.

Teachers are people too, so they can relate to someone better, to someone worse, and not to digest someone at all. On the other hand, the teacher should not show the child his attitude towards him, whatever it may be. If such a demonstration occurs, then the teacher allows himself too much.

How to behave if the teacher is biased towards the child

Knowing about the problem in the relationship between the student and the teacher only from the child, it is impossible to form a complete opinion about the reasons for the nitpicking on the part of the teacher. Therefore, the best way out is to talk with the teacher. However, for the conversation you need to prepare and lead it in such a way as not to aggravate the situation. So, going to talk with the teacher:

  1. Tell your child more often how you love him - the child must be sure that he is accepted and loved by the closest people;
  2. Explain that any child, even a small one, is also a person, and no one has the right to insult, ridicule or humiliate him;
  3. Analyze the conflict situation with maximum objectivity - regardless of who was wrong, explain to the offspring why, such behavior is unacceptable;
  4. Try with your child to outline a strategy for behavior in case the teacher finds fault or allows insults;
  5. Outline a plan for further joint actions (talking with a teacher, director, moving to another class or school) to resolve the current situation.

How to complain about a teacher

Today, as a rule, all of the above public authorities have their own websites on the Internet, which contain hotline phone numbers for complaints, including on such issues, and also developed a special form for filing complaints electronically, that is right on the site. To do this, you need to fill out a simple feedback form, indicating your data in it and state the essence of the problem in a specially designated field. As a rule, all incoming complaints will be answered in one way or another, but it often takes too long to wait. Therefore, we recommend that you nevertheless draw up a complaint in writing and personally submit it to the office of a particular institution.

Before preparing a complaint against a negligent teacher, it is necessary to determine the goal pursued. If you just want to punish the teacher, or take revenge on him for the humiliation of the child., then most likely you will not get the desired effect. A tense situation will be created, which will not be to your advantage, but nothing more. But if a teacher violates the law and there is concrete evidence for that, then it is necessary to complain, and at what actively in order to prevent impunity and impudence.

How to punish a teacher for being biased

I apologize for invading your discussion, I just couldn’t start a topic in the forum differently, but my question is basically from the same direction. Namely, unfortunately I can’t say anything about favorites, whether they exist or not, I don’t know, but I know for sure that there are such students who belong to the “unloved” category.

As stated in the Letter of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 1998 No. 1561 / 14-15, an assessment is a statement of the quality of assimilation of educational material by students, and not of their behavior. (The teacher does not have the right to put deuces or other negative marks for behavior in elementary school).

Conflict with a teacher at school - how to act

Before deciding how to protect a student from an unfair teacher, one should find out the true picture of what is happening. There are several types of misunderstandings between the teacher and the student. It's one thing if the mentor finds fault, it's another if the student disrupts lessons every day, is rude and starts the whole class, turning the education process into a farce.

Go to meetings regularly, and as a parent, you also have the right to attend classes. Try to form an opinion, abstracting from personal likes or dislikes. You need a cool head here. You need to verify the words of your offspring yourself.

Responsibility of a teacher for insulting a student

One of the main ways to protect the interests of their own children is to send an official appeal to the authorities that control the work of an educational institution, this can also be a dispute resolution commission. Parents have the right to request detailed disciplinary proceedings against the educator. Based on its results, an employee of an educational institution can be held disciplinary liable and even dismissed. It is envisaged that the injured party may apply to the court with a demand to compensate for moral damage, in which case it would not be superfluous to contact a lawyer.

  1. Do not ignore your child's complaints that the teacher offends him. If the offender is ready for dialogue, you can try to solve the problem peacefully, limiting yourself to a personal conversation. Try to convey to the employee of the educational institution that your child is not used to such treatment. It is necessary to focus on the fact that such actions on the part of the teacher are simply unacceptable.
  2. If a personal conversation did not give results, you can proceed to the second way to influence the situation - write a statement addressed to the director. It can be done individually or collectively. In your appeal, be sure to list the facts, circumstances that, in your opinion, violate the legal rights of the child in respect of his honor and dignity. Be sure to ask for appropriate action, in some situations it is appropriate to discipline a teacher for insulting a student.
  3. You can send an application to the Commission for the settlement of conflicts between participants in the educational process. The initiators of the appeal can be both parents and students themselves. But! Parents must be part of the committee. To prevent the complaint from being perceived as a slander, if possible, involve other parents from your class - the director simply cannot ignore such a statement.
  4. The most extreme measure is to file a lawsuit with the court, law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office or the inspectorate that controls the education process. This is where the help of an experienced lawyer comes in handy.

Conflict between teacher and student: how to deal with

There are also completely neglected cases when the teacher, in response to disobedience, begins to physically influence the child. Some teachers allow themselves to hit children on the hands with a pointer, put them in a corner. Mass media have already broadcast about such cases more than once, therefore, in such a situation, parents must intervene in the conflict, and the whole class at that. A collective complaint against the teacher will certainly have an effect, because the school authorities do not want to risk the reputation of their educational institution.

Very often the subject becomes uninteresting to students. Teaching children is a whole art, because it is necessary to present the material to schoolchildren in such a way that they attend their favorite lesson with great desire. If the teacher himself feels dislike for his subject, then he will present the material dryly and without much interest. After such boring lessons, the natural reaction of the students will follow, and they will begin to literally fall asleep in the lesson. Therefore, the teacher should definitely do only what he loves. Perhaps teaching is an incorrectly chosen path in life for him and he should urgently look for himself in other areas of activity.

Teacher humiliates students

So that your complaint is not perceived as a slander, and your child is not guilty, try to involve other parents. They must have similar problems. A complaint to the director signed by the parents of the class is a very effective way. The director does not ignore such an appeal - he is obliged to conduct an internal investigation and has the right to bring the teacher to disciplinary responsibility.

  • Administrative responsibility. Insult, that is, humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in an indecent form - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to three thousand roubles; on officials - from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles; for legal entities - from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. (Article 5.61. Code of Administrative Offenses)

What to do if a teacher picks on a child

As an independent judge, you can involve a class teacher. Ask him about the teacher. There are teachers who never praise or encourage anyone, they speak harshly. This is part of the methodology used by many experienced teachers. Then the child will need to be taught not only not to be rude, but also to be calm about what is happening. After all, a trio of one of the items hasn't killed anyone yet. And the negativity on the part of the teacher can be listened to with half an ear.

First, talk to your child properly. No need to hastily find out what the charges are, and then go to the fight for justice. Resist the momentary impulse to repay well anyone who dares to offend a child. Find out if the teacher's nagging or dissatisfaction is justified.

27 Jul 2018 1803

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