How to write an effective speech for a political campaign.


For me, a great country is peacetime patriotism. In fact, patriotism and a great country, Russia, is only great when a person is comfortable and calm in it, when he is guaranteed a normal old age, and so on. I don't want to engage in this populism. And only this archaic power can do this. I believe that today all candidates, including Vladimir Putin, represent the archaic, absolutely antediluvian Soviet power. This can be done by a new power, which knows its place and which releases the energy of people outward, taking care of the weak and disadvantaged. And this is true patriotism, the patriotism of the authorities. So far, patriotism is demanded from the people, while the authorities are getting fat.

But you understand, we understand very well that where the number of bureaucrats meets the demand of society and the population and performs its functions, power is inexpensive there. Even with the high salaries of officials, it is not expensive. And in this case, you have enough money in the same France, Europe to pay so much for children that they are born, and even in poor families they have the opportunity to eat normally and get a good education. When the power is expensive, thieves, when in fact a huge amount, up to forty billion dollars a year, is spent on the absolutely illegal existence of officials, with their formally low salaries, then there is not enough for benefits or anything. If you make nine out of forty-eight ministries, and only a part of these ministries will deal only with the social sphere and security, you will see that the child allowance may not be five hundred rubles, but the child allowance may be three thousand rubles, and then the family will be at least some somehow protected.

I do not agree with the flat scale with such wild taxation of enterprises. I was silent about it, I was on the team, now I am an independent candidate. I do not agree with the fact that no one answered either on the crisis of the ninety-eighth year, or on the depreciation of deposits in the ninety-first year. And in general, I do not think that there was a liberal policy in Russia, it was market Bolshevism. But I also believe that Vladimir Putin is not a liberal president. He is trying to build an Orthodox, authoritarian state with a market, but without democracy, surrounding himself with secret services and snickering officials. And this is his terrible mistake.

And I do not limit budgetary wages to any amounts, I believe that they should ensure not survival with a living wage, but a living wage of two thousand one hundred and forty rubles. It turns out that you receive a survival salary, but you must ensure the quality of life; the quality of life is changing, growing, and for scientists, especially, and for teachers and doctors, it is very important to keep up with this quality. Because if a doctor does not improve his qualifications, if a teacher cannot receive new methods, and if a scientist does not have enough money to work on the Internet, or, for example, travel to international conferences, then he is not a scientist.

And now the question of the source. I repeat once again, there is plenty of money. Do not believe this government, which says that there is no money. I told you. Look, eighty billion dollars is only the reserves of the Central Bank, accumulated petrodollars, which are pumped in just in case something happens to the ruble. Two hundred and seventy billion, we get about ninety billion dollars - this is the government's reserve, which is not spent on anything. It's like a bad housewife who puts it in the basement, and gives people like this how it gives you crumbs. This is all the money, plus forty billion dollars, plus twelve percent of GDP - we are the taxpayers, including you, pay the bureaucrats.

After all, you pay a tax to the medical insurance fund - it's not a tax, but you don't get anything back. And so each of us pays, we are simply robbed every day. So the right question is what to do about it. There must be real insurance, the contract must be within the framework of compulsory state health insurance between you and the doctor, and you must individually know what services you receive, for what amount, and for which services you must pay extra. None of us knows this. The doctor gets nothing. Everything is taken by the hospital administration.

Therefore, for me the main thing is the reform of power. It looks like you know today's authorities, you are all modern now, you are used to working in a competitive environment, in the hardest market life. But this is our modern society dressed in this old decrepit Soviet dress of absolutely greedy, boundless, immoral power, which lives only by holding its position.

Therefore, my first decree is a decree on the change of power, the reduction of these ministries, the reduction of expenses for officials and, accordingly, a different use of all these reserves. And you get ten, twenty times.

Enough bullying when they propose that administrative reform be carried out by the main participant in the bureaucratic system itself, either the prime minister or Alyoshin. Useless. This is the political will of the president himself, which uses the services of completely independent experts. And the second condition, if you want to carry out a reform of power, is that President Putin must explain what kind of power he wants to build, what path awaits Russia in general, unfortunately no one knows this.

If we want to fight poverty, then we must for the first time make power hired by the people. I am probably the only honest presidential candidate who is ready to agree that the people hired me to make them happy.

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Election program of Mikhail Prokhorov. Full text.


I, a citizen of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov, put forward my candidacy for the post of President of Russia and appeal to all citizens to support the new course of the country's development.

I am firmly convinced of the basic principle of democracy: not a person is called to serve the authorities, but the authorities - to the person. This principle should be taken as the basis of state policy in any area. This policy in the interests of this society.

I also appeal to the authorities: “Gentlemen, times have changed! Finally. Live the way you like, you won't do it again!" Today you will have to repay the debt to the citizens of Russia and instead of “subjects”, “masses”, “population”, “electorate”, finally see living, real people. The time has come to realize and take for granted that the key to the successful development of the country is not in the number of barrels of oil produced, tons of coal and cubic meters of timber, but in the system of human values, which is shared by most of society; in a quality education, in a culture that uplifts the human spirit, in the best healthcare in the world, in independent and free people who are protected by law.

For the past few years, we have been living in the PRESENT PRESENT. What is it? Russia continues to be a great country, but our society is fragmented along geographic, national, religious principles, in terms of income and consumption, and in terms of legal capacity. We live in a country with an authoritarian political regime. We live in a fake world, with fake politics and fake economics. We have no choice, and, accordingly, no opportunity to bear responsibility for our country. Under the guise of stability and the fight against unemployment, in fact, there is a loss of competitiveness in industry and agriculture, behind beautiful words about modernization and innovation - the development of state budgets. Behind the air-shaking slogans about the fight against corruption and bureaucracy is a multiple increase in the number of officials and their privileges. Corruption, with which the authorities allegedly desperately fought, in recent years has reached an unprecedented, monstrous level, penetrating all levels of the power "vertical". The authorities told us that they were supporting entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, while in reality we saw the tightening of the screws, increasing state control in all areas of the economy and the growth of administrative pressure. Culture, science, education, health care - the foundations and guarantee of the successful development of any society - existed on the principles of residual attention from our government. We need to change all of this.

What is the PRESENT FUTURE? The future is not a distant prospect. The future is "here and now", it is our choice. We choose a cool, fashionable, modern country where every person is responsible for their actions, learns, works, develops and constantly strives for the best. We choose a country where everyone is equal before the law - regardless of position and privileges, where arbitrary power is unacceptable; country with an independent judiciary. We choose the present future because we want to live and be happy in our country, we want to work, build, make discoveries and breakthroughs in science and art for its good. I am convinced that the main wealth of Russia is human potential, and the main strategic investments are investments in people. I want all of us to remember that we are the heirs of the greatest culture in the world, an integral element of European civilization, and this obliges us to a lot. Russia must stop being an outsider in the world process, but, on the contrary, become a model, a "headliner" of the civilized world, the most educated, cultural, free and prosperous country of the third millennium. Only a free person in a free country has the opportunity to create and create in the interests of the whole society! I believe that together we can change a lot and change for the better. I want to build the real future of Russia together with you.


There is no future without the past. The tragic events that our country experienced in the 20th century - wars, terror, the cult of personality - need to be comprehended, given final publicity and an honest, adequate assessment. We must know our history well, but its tragic pages must not hinder our progress. Contrary to popular belief, Russia does not have any historically predetermined special, tragic fate. We are a great country and we have a great future. However, we can achieve well-being and prosperity only by relying on our past, without hushing up or distorting it.

Therefore, I propose as a priority measures:
Open the archives of the communist era;
Perpetuate the memory of the victims of the Leninist-Stalinist terror;
Carry out the identification and burial of the ashes of all those who died during the Second World War;
To declare November 7 the Day of Remembrance for all Russians who became victims of revolutions and wars of the 20th century.


I see the future of Russia in our country becoming a society of equal opportunities, in which the main value is the human person and the principles of respect for each other and mutual assistance are fully affirmed.

To do this, I consider it necessary to provide:
Recognition as the main value of the freedom and dignity of every person; restoration of trust in relations between citizens and the state;
Consistent protection of individual rights, human security and guarantees of property rights, enshrined in Russian constitutional norms;
Formation in Russia of a single civil nation, in which the rights of a citizen are primary in relation to the rights of social, ethnic and religious groups;
Equality of political and social rights of representatives of any confessions, atheists and citizens who do not want to disclose their beliefs;
The development of culture as an important factor in the modernization of the country and the harmonious development of its constituent territories.

As priority measures that I intend to implement in the office of the President of the Russian Federation, I would like to note:
Repeal of laws and regulations that are contrary to the spirit and letter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
Ensuring the freedom of the media, the mandatory sale by the state and state companies of blocking and controlling stakes in television and radio companies;
Cessation of any experiments with changing time zones. Return of the country to normal astronomical time;
The prohibition of any propaganda of authoritarianism and the cult of personality by public servants, as well as a ban on similar activities in educational institutions.


I see the future of Russia in the return of real politics to the country. We must become a state in which a person is more significant than power, and citizens freely and honestly choose their leaders; a state where the voice of everyone is taken into account in determining the main course of development, and the government bears political responsibility to its citizens.

For this I intend to:
Limit the possibility of electing the President of the Russian Federation and the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to two terms during their lifetime;
Voluntarily limit his own term as President of Russia to 4 years, then resign and hold the next presidential election on Russia Day, June 12, 2016;
Introduce the principle of notification of the organization of political parties and develop a new electoral law that meets the interests of all political parties;
Switch to direct elections of heads of local self-government, mayors of cities, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and members of the Federation Council;
Allow the formation of electoral blocs and reduce the barrier to entry for election to the State Duma and regional legislative assemblies to 3%;
To ensure the unhindered nomination by parties and blocs of candidates to the State Duma, regional and local authorities, as well as to the posts of heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the President of Russia;
Go to the mixed nature of the election of deputies of the State Duma; elections of 50% of its composition in territorial single-mandate constituencies; grant the right to nominate candidates to political parties, blocs and groups of citizens of at least 500 people;
To prohibit candidates elected on the list of a political party from refusing the mandate of a deputy of the State Duma or a regional legislative assembly; require candidates to take leave from public office during any election campaign;
Remove the executive authorities from the formation of election commissions and form them only from among the representatives nominated by political parties or electoral blocs;
Ensure the fairness and fairness of elections by prohibiting the removal of observers throughout the election and vote counting process;
Expand the powers of the State Duma, giving it the right to approve the personal composition of the government, limiting this right to a maximum of two justified rejections of candidates for one post in a row;
Simplify the rules for holding all-Russian referendums, which can be called upon submission of 500,000 signatures of citizens, as well as at the request of the President of Russia, 50% + 1 deputies of the State Duma, 33% + 1 members of the Federation Council or legislative assemblies of at least 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Taking into account the situation that has developed after the elections on December 4, 2011, if I am elected President of the Russian Federation, I intend in a short time to:
Submit to the State Duma a package of laws on political parties and reform of the electoral legislation, including on the restriction of early voting and the abolition of absentee ballots, the return of the “against all” column on ballot papers, as well as on equipping all polling stations with automatic voting devices;
Establish a commission for an independent investigation of election abuses on December 4, 2011, the results of which will be sent to court in order to punish all those guilty of distorting the election results, as well as those involved in the destruction of evidence of such falsifications;
Establish two dates, Russia Day on June 12 and Constitution Day on December 12, as unified voting days in the Russian Federation, declaring them non-working;
Achieve the dissolution of the State Duma of the VI convocation and call early parliamentary elections.


I see Russia's future in building an economy that can fully utilize the creative potential of all Russians and, in the process of development, create demand for an educated and skilled workforce. The Russian economy must become a truly developed economy and help the country move away from the humiliating status of a raw-material appendage of the world economy. Competition in Russia should become a fundamental principle that operates in all spheres of economic life. I believe that the main task of the government is to create conditions for sustainable economic growth and cost reduction. The challenges that the domestic economy is facing today require us to:

In the field of ensuring competition:
Increase the role of competition in the economic life of the country, sharply reduce the participation of the state in the economy as an economic entity, and dismantle the system of state corporations;
To make the fight against the dominance of monopolism, cartels and price fixing the main direction of the state economic policy; achieve stabilization of tariffs for raw materials, energy carriers and electricity in the domestic market;
Make the creation of jobs for highly qualified personnel a priority for economic development;
Radically reduce the number of articles of the Criminal Code providing for imprisonment for economic crimes;
Abolish the concept of strategic industries, allow private capital to build and own infrastructure facilities, including railways, roads, pipelines and airfields;
Reform labor relations by making a fixed-term employment contract the basis of the relationship between the employee, the employer and trade unions; cancel work books;
To increase the mobility of the labor force in every possible way, to stimulate flexible working hours and remote employment;
Cancel the institution of registration for citizens while strengthening control over illegal immigration;
Reduce administrative pressure on small business and taxes on it, simplify tax and accounting reporting;
In order to stimulate the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the implementation of public procurement, at least 50% of the total amount of expenditures should go to the purchase of Russian-made goods and services.

In the field of reform of the tax and budgetary system, I propose to take the following measures:
Structurally reform the country's tax system in order to turn the tax system from the center to the regions and bring the "regional" share to 2/3 of the income of the consolidated budget of Russia;
To make payment to the citizen by the employer of the entire amount of his salary (including that part of it that is now withheld by the enterprise to pay taxes and insurance fees), so that the citizen independently builds tax relations with the state; switch to this system from January 1, 2015.
Stimulate business through tax holidays for new industries and new mineral deposits;
Replace VAT with a sales tax;
Raise the tax on dividends from 9% to 13% for Russian residents and from 5% to 26% for non-residents;
Reduce taxes from the competitive sector of the economy and limit insurance fees from wages to 25% of its size;
Eliminate all federal targeted programs and transfer the costs of them to the current budget expenditures;
Raise excises on tobacco products, alcohol and luxury goods, while reducing excises on gasoline and other motor fuels;
Cancel vehicle tax.

In the field of infrastructure and industry development:
Sharply increase investments in infrastructure so that at least 50% of them are carried out by private capital, subject to the subsequent use of the facilities by investors;
Create a system of indicative planning for the development of the country and strictly adhere to the adopted plans and development guidelines;
Initiate a program for the construction of roads, railways and airport complexes according to European standards and with the attraction of foreign investment; by 2016, lay at least 5,000 km of new high-speed railway lines and 40,000 km of motor roads; build at least 10 new airports;
Ensure an increase in the average speed of movement of passengers and cargo across the territory of the Russian Federation by at least 50% by 2020;
To ensure direct transport links between the regional centers of the Russian Federation by the end of 2016, up to 60% of domestic air traffic and at least 50% of rail passenger traffic should be carried out bypassing Moscow;
Together with investors from OECD countries, create powerful industrial regions in Siberia and the Far East, in close proximity to the border with China, to prevent excessive expansion of Chinese capital and labor resources;
Refuse direct state support programs for enterprises, making the only tool for such support to stimulate demand for their products (the decision on this matter must be approved by the legislative, not the executive authorities);
Cancel all requirements for additional certification for industrial equipment supplied to the Russian Federation from OECD countries.

As priority measures in the office of the President of the Russian Federation, I intend to:
Submit to the State Duma a draft resolution on amnesty for persons convicted of economic crimes and who have spent at least a third of their sentence in places of deprivation of liberty or pre-trial detention;
Cancel from July 1, 2012 Federal Law FZ-94 on public procurement;
Provide all gas producers with equal access to the transport system and export supplies by transferring control of gas trunklines directly to the state;
Divide OAO Gazprom into competing companies while respecting the interests of its employees, shareholders, customers, creditors and investors;
By the end of 2013, sell on market terms all non-core assets of state corporations, as well as their stakes in non-core businesses in Russia and abroad; prohibit them from sponsoring;
Carry out the privatization of state corporations to cover the current deficit of the Russian Pension Fund;
To put into effect on the territory of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2015 the safety certificates and technical regulations for the production of products adopted in the European Union;
Introduce from January 1, 2014, after the completion of the tax reform, a 10-year moratorium on any change in taxes.

These days, the topic of the 2018 presidential election is riveted to the attention of the media and users of social networks. YABLOKO became the first political force to announce the participation of its candidate in the presidential campaign. In February this year, the party congress formally Grigory Yavlinsky's presidential candidate.

Here is the full text and video recording of Grigory Yavlinsky's speech at the February Congress.

The main feeling of today is a dead end. And what we saw yesterday at the march, and the mood of the people, and, by the way, the number of people who came - this is a feeling of a dead end. And the main threat is the country's loss of historical perspective. This is the absence of a clear, understandable idea for people about where the country should go in 20, 30, 50 years. This state renders meaningless any pre-election programs, any strategies, any efforts and results that should be manifested, say, in the medium term, and in the short term, not to mention the long term.

If a country does not know what it is doing, what it is creating and building, then dragging stones from pile to pile is a meaningless exercise. And we see it every day. We have already spent the huge funds received by the country from the conjuncture in the oil markets. It was just a huge amount. Russia has never in its history had such wealth! We have held all sorts of prestigious events, with the results of which we now do not know what to do. Huge amounts of money have been spent on buying our so-called geopolitical allies, who are in fact frankly burdened by the situation of their younger brothers, and for an insignificant contribution compared to this amount, either side will quickly be able to change their orientation, as has happened more than once.

Now we have launched military programs unprecedented in the last 40 years. Most of the free resources are spent on armament, rearmament, and most importantly - a demonstration of all this to the whole world. Isn't it clear that a strong armed forces in the long run is impossible without a strong economy. It's just not possible, that's all. Therefore, what is being done now is just window dressing. And just because it's on TV all the time, it doesn't change anything. It creates an image that has nothing behind it. Because there is no economy that can create it. It's like building bridges without roads or electric trains, but not having rail tracks, or leading pipelines (of which we are building an unlimited number) to places where it is no longer necessary, but they are being built and built. And we already depend on our consumers not less, but more than they depend on us, and there is no understanding of this. All these noisy social pension programs that are announced all the time instead of being implemented. And so on.

In general, the absence of a long-term goal leads to the fact that the country is wasting resources, and most importantly, talents, and losing its advantage. And what is the most important advantage the country is losing? I'll call it for you: time. Time is the most valuable and most irreplaceable resource. They lose everything. And those who consider themselves winners, who are unusually rich today, are lucky, have powerful resources, personal fortunes. But first of all, young and talented people, full of strength and ambitions, capable of a lot, fruitful and honest work, are losing. Because there is not and cannot be a serious personal perspective if the country in which you live does not have such a perspective. None of those who govern the country are able to clearly explain simple but important things - what we are building, what we are doing, why it is and where it will all come. The government even classified the report on its anti-crisis program. This is another small proof of a complete dead end and a complete misunderstanding of either what is happening or what needs to be done. It is pointless to ask what we will do in six months, it is pointless to ask what the country will do in a year, and even more so in 5 years. What should people be guided by? What perspective should they build for themselves? With what guidelines should they link their lives? There is no answer to this question.

We are told that the country must be strong. But who is against something? We are told that we should be respected. I don’t know who owes whom, but here it’s also like - yes, please, is anyone against it? But I would like to say: a force that is respected is not the ability, excuse me, to shit under the neighbor’s door, it is not the ability to scare everyone all the time, blackmail everyone, explain to everyone that you will not solve any of your tasks without us, get into every conflict and make it unsolvable. This will not be respected. They will put up with this for a long time and even enter into situational alliances that are beneficial to someone. But they won't be respected. And at the first opportunity they will try to isolate them from resources and push them as far away as possible in the future. Here's the situation we're in.

And with all this, no one is able today to decide on a positive program. She just doesn't exist. Calls to fight with everyone, to despise everyone, to hate everyone cannot replace a positive program. And to develop such a program, the first thing you need is to honestly determine for yourself the position in which we find ourselves. Honest and sober. In particular, to admit that we have in our country an inefficient, very simple in its structure and an extremely small economy, with which it is simply absurd to claim the role of a global force. We must finally admit that our economy is organically connected with the world, and that curtailing ties with the most developed countries will lead our economy not to a crisis, but to collapse. To deceive oneself with fairy tales that allegedly this isolation will force unknown people to take up some unknown reforms, which then suddenly bring miraculous results - this is absolute nonsense. It will not happen. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Secondly, it would be useful to know that our large nuclear missile potential is a means of deterrence, and not an instrument of influence and domination. For all its importance, it will never be able to replace for us either the development of the economy and society, or even just a normal life. We started to blackmail and scare everyone, but this will only lead to the fact that we will be more and more in a state of a besieged fortress. And we will more and more give rise to a response that will really lead to the fact that we will simply be surrounded by very dangerous constructions in military-strategic and political terms. We run into it ourselves and provoke it ourselves.

Finally, we must admit that in 25 years we have not created a single tool for self-development: neither mechanisms, nor institutions - we have not built anything. And without them, economic and social life will stagnate and degenerate, which is what we are seeing today.

Secondly, we need to decide on a big scale with our geopolitical priorities. We must answer the question. We have a fork in the road: what will we do - geopolitical adventures and maneuvering or our own development and modernization? It will not be possible to combine both, and it is not necessary to count on it. To behave like a superpower, you have to be one. And this is impossible with the economy we have today.

And third. It is necessary, of course, to offer the country a real program. Now, in particular, I am talking, for example, about the economy. There is such a program. Not only that, everyone knows her. All literate and even semi-literate economists already know perfectly well what this program is about. I don't even want to repeat it. It's all been said a hundred times. So it's clear what needs to be done. All recipes are spelled out, and there is simply no need to reinvent the wheel here. Some specific figures, macroeconomic indicators - all this can be quickly compiled. And it is quite clear that this program should be focused on the specific situation in our economy and in the global economy. And most importantly, this program was simply really carried out by many countries, and with great success.

It's pretty clear what needs to be done. The question is: can it be done? Can this program, even if it is announced, be implemented? And what is the main obstacle? And the fact that people do not believe in anything! Now I come to the main point. Everything I have said so far can be read in various articles. Many people know and understand this.

People don't believe. People are moving away from politics and from participating in the life of their own country. This is the worst thing, the result of the policy that is being pursued. Because the collapse of the Russian state occurs when the gap between the people and the state becomes insurmountable. People are ready to say that 85% are for Putin, 146% are for Putin, 330% - they don't care. Just not to bother. People just don't believe in it anymore. And they don't want to be a part of it.

But, moreover, what is it - such polls and such results? I don't know if this is true or not. But I admit that the results are great. What does this say? The fact that people do not believe in their own strength anymore. And in this sense, the policy that began in 1992 and continues to this day in various modifications has led people to this. They absolutely do not believe in their own strength either in politics, or now in business, or simply in anything at all, that they can do something. And this disappointment will now grow rapidly. Why is it growing so fast? Because all the trends in the economy, as economists say, will be downward. The economic situation will worsen. Social life will deteriorate. Last year, there was almost a 10% loss in real income, in real wages. Everything will fall.

And life will lead to the fact that people will increasingly doubt and be disappointed in what is happening with us. The process of disintegration of a system or regime, if you like, creates a new situation with new patterns, opportunities and dangers. Today, our main obstacle to the future is no longer even Putin himself and his system, but apathy. Apathy and disbelief. And this, in particular, political apathy is an adversary no less serious than those who sit in the Kremlin and in the Duma. Because when the majority in the country is apathetic, it is the outcasts who start to run the show, create and dictate the agenda. And it's time to admit to everyone that it is useless and even harmful to rush between the romantic hope for an explosion of popular indignation and the gloomy hopeless statement that the Russian people are the bearer of a slave psychology.

But people ask: why are we in this situation? How did it happen? Some answer them that external enemies are to blame. People say: yes, we have never lived as badly as under Obama. Others say - this is Russian rock, it doesn’t happen otherwise in Russia, this is a rut, you can’t get out of it, let's have a drink. And that's the end of the conversation. These are the most popular arguments. Enemies and the Russian rut.

Still others, the most enlightened, say: and this is happening because you endure everything and vote for the wrong people. True, people answer: we will not repeat, upon request, who, we have already voted recently “against United Russia, it doesn’t matter for whom” - and what did we get? We got everything the same as it was. Then, too, there were appeals, letters were written.

So what's the problem then? Here is our answer to you. We ended up where we are, because until now, dear people, reforms and changes in the country have been planned and implemented, not for you, but for anything else: to build socialism, to build capitalism and a market economy, to create an energy superpower is unknown for what, to support and conquer Novorossia, so that the domestic inhabitants of the Kremlin would be respected in the world and feared - for anything, reforms were carried out, policies were carried out, except for you.

And we want to say: we want to implement such programs and such reforms that will be for you. And we have set this goal before. But now it is becoming absolutely obvious that the reforms should be for the majority - for you, the people, for you, the citizens. This is our aim and task. And it's not true that you don't want to work. You want to realize yourself with high efficiency, to do what you know how, but so that the fruits of your work are yours, so that no one can take away what you have earned and what belongs to you.

You are not afraid of competition, but you want it to be fair. And this requires an independent judiciary. You are not against laws, but you want them to be the same for everyone. And these should be laws that are good for you. You are not opposed to paying taxes, but these taxes should be spent on the creation and functioning of a police force that protects you, that you are not afraid of, and that helps you. This money is needed for such an education, in which there is no need to be afraid for the child, for his head. And the same goes for medicine, and all other services - that's what you want to spend your taxes on. This is how we understand you. So we ourselves think. And we, together with you, can make sure that life in our country is organized in a human way, and not only for the elite, but in a human way for everyone. In short, my key idea is that man is above any ideology - communist, nationalist, great power, liberal and conservative. There is nothing particularly new in this thought either for Yabloko or in general.

I affirm (this was mentioned today, and I am very glad) that the only true national idea for Russia is respect for the individual. This is the most correct and understandable formula for Russia for the European path and the European dream. People want to be respected. To realize this and convince the country of this is a reform comparable to the abolition of serfdom. This can and should be done much faster than Russia came to the abolition of serfdom.

The essence of the reform is not property and legal relations, but relations to each other. And this should be built into every step of the new president. So that people respect themselves, their history, moreover, real, not fictional, not falsified. Those who suffer from an inferiority complex falsify history. We, the people of Russia, want to respect our state, respect our government. But we demand that the state respects us, that the government respects us. And this is not a fantasy, this is not a utopia. This is how billions of people live. This is precisely the European dream for Russia, which must become a reality.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky said that “without ideals, no good reality can ever turn out. One can even positively say that nothing will happen, except for even greater abomination. ” My main ally in moving towards the realization of a dream is the Russian people. I believe in him, in my people. Our common goal is to create a country in which people respect themselves and others, have the opportunity to become happy without breaking the laws, but by fulfilling them, hope for the future, believe in it and have protection.

The person, the voters have another important question, which will also be addressed to me and us. It is a question of when all this will be, when all these expectations will come true, when life will be worthy. There can only be one answer: now. Not in the sense that after the elections, no matter how they end, free abundance will fall from the sky, but in the sense that Andrei Sakharov once spoke at the congress. And, based on what he said, I will say this today: I cannot immediately make the court fair, I cannot stop the rise in prices and the decline in wages, I cannot immediately resolve all national problems, I cannot eliminate all corruption at once, I cannot return you immediately clean air, water and forests. But to create political guarantees for the solution of these problems is what I am obliged to do, and this can be done as soon as the political course changes, to create political guarantees for the solution of these problems.

When the political course changes, people will immediately feel that life can become fundamentally more honest, fair and free. And then people will understand that their time has come, and no one will tell them anymore: tighten your belts and endure a little longer, while we enrich ourselves, endure a little more.

What political guarantees of the realization of this European dream can be in our conditions? Faith in it, national faith. How can you make people believe in it? And talk to them honestly, openly, professionally, but most importantly - with love for them. So that they feel that they are not indifferent, that they are needed, that every fate, every soul is dear to us. Then people will turn to us. And then we will be able to carry out all those programs that we can write in abundance on any topic, but they have never been carried out. This is something that our democrats and authorities did not understand for decades.

The disunity of society, the lack of trust is the basis for the prosperity of everything: corruption, theft, and fraud. Rogues are always present when there is no mutual understanding and mutual assistance. So, it is very difficult to love people, seeing everything that is happening around. And everyone knows it. This is not some rosy talk about nothing. It is really very difficult. But it is the President's task to remove hatred from politics and public life. Now all politics and all social life is filled with hatred for everyone and almost everything. We need a different policy - a policy for the people. Since there is no such policy at the state level today, we need a party and a presidential candidate who will be associated with such a policy.

And we do not need power at all in order to force someone to do something. We need power in order to understand our responsibility and implement it. We take on the burden of responsibility, not the right to control someone. Therefore, our election platform is the protection of the life and dignity of a person and citizen. We believe that no one has the right to deprive a person of life. No person shall be arrested, or imprisoned, or deprived of property, or declared outlaw, or expelled in any other way from the country, except by law. And the law will be adopted by a really elected parliament representing the interests of all citizens of the country. We want to unite our people on the basis of the values ​​of human preservation and respect for man, on the basis of the history of the country, torn apart by lawless Bolshevik rule. We want to unite society and the state, which are separated by totalitarian and authoritarian models of relations. We want to create a state that is a continuation of civil society, which has no other goals than the realization of the interests of citizens and is controlled by citizens. But with such a program it makes sense to go to the parliamentary and presidential elections.

But our most important value lies in the fact that we do not need lies. We don't need it to defend our position. We don't need to falsify history. We do not need to retroactively change our own political biography. And we accept our country and our history as it is. This does not mean that we like everything or that we justify evil. We say: this is evil, and this is good. We know the difference between them. For us, the essence of the restoration of the Russian tradition is the creation of a connection between society and the state, and the creation of a process of really working democratic institutions through their real work, real saturation of their meaning. And the main thing is the unshakable right to choose.

There is still no state that respects citizens. That is our task - to create such a state. It could not be created for centuries, but we are obliged. Maybe everything we have planned will not work out. Could it be that it won't work? Maybe. But if there is no other possibility, and there is none, it means that all efforts, all energy, all resources must be invested in the realization of this dream and this idea. Because there is nothing else to save them for. We will not finish it - the next ones will finish it. But we have to do our part. And I choose freedom - the freedom to do what is necessary for my country, the freedom to be myself. And know that I am not alone. Thank you.

The examples below are working versions of campaign texts, illustrating the relationship in the chain: image - themes - text design. All examples are taken from real campaigns. Words in italics replace the real names of regions, cities, etc.

Example 1 Campaign for elections to the Regional Duma. The district is located in the capital of the region, the candidate is the current deputy of the city Duma.

A campaign was built on one topic: interbudgetary relations between the city and the region. The topic was provided - defense against the release of compromising evidence.

The image of the candidate is "a fighter for the interests of the city."


1.1. Message

Dear citizens!

In December 2000 residents of the ... district elected me as a deputy of the city Duma. A lot has been done in a year and a half, hundreds of people have been helped. But even more problems remained unresolved. The reason is simple: the city is chronically short of money…

What's the matter? Maybe we are stupid and lazy; we do not know how to earn money for the improvement of our city? All this is complete nonsense! In fact, the city has enough funds. It's just that they are annually selected for the regional budget, where they disappear like in a black hole; are spent on ridiculous and useless projects. Hence the majority of our painful problems: housing, communal apartments, roads and much, much more.

City Cities


townspeople we live much worse, than we work. If City actually pulls the entire region (and now that our region has become a "donor", we are also feeding Moscow) - that means we, townspeople we work with dignity. It's time to live with dignity.


1.2. Program interview

1. You worked in the City Duma for only a year and a half, now you are going to the Regional Duma. Why?

Because to achieve a radical improvement in life in city It is possible only through the Regional Duma.

City gives the region 70% of the income. Only 30% comes back. For an average resident of the region, 3,500 rubles are allocated in the budget. Per inhabitant Cities- a third less. This is unfair and shameless: you cannot treat our city like a cash cow that you can not feed, not water, but only milk it indefinitely.

I'm going to the new Regional Duma to return City and its residents the money that the current Duma has taken from us. City funds should work for the city. Then we will live more dignified, better; and our native City will become well-organized, beautiful and kind.

2. Don't you think that you first need to fulfill the promises that you gave to the townspeople, and only then go to the region.

And I'm going to the Regional Duma precisely in order to fulfill my program as a city deputy. Everything that could be done at the expense of meager city funds - I did, in a year and a half I managed to help hundreds of people. We will return to the city the money unfairly taken from it - we will help thousands.

3. So, regional deputies are to blame for everything?

The fact that the current deputies from Cities failed to protect the interests of the city and its inhabitants in the Regional Duma - this, as they say, is a "medical fact". But I would not want to look for extreme ones - this will not help the cause. If the current deputies of the Regional Duma are clearly not pulling, then we must go to the Regional Duma ourselves and correct the situation. In my opinion, this is the only way any normal man should act.

4. Ordinary voters are tired of squabbles between deputies. People don't care who is to blame: whether city deputies, whether regional deputies - you all look the same.

If we do not want to sit all our lives without hot water and walk through potholes, we will have to figure out who is who. Today, most of the city's funds go to the regional budget, which is managed by regional deputies. With one vote, they can solve problems over which city deputies have been struggling for months. Opportunities for regional deputies are immeasurably higher.

5. And you want to seize these opportunities?

Yes I want to! I just want to "grab" the funds that the region has unfairly taken away from Cities and return them to the city and its inhabitants. This money should be managed not by the regional, but by the city authorities; and they should work for the townspeople, and not disappear in the regional budget, as in a black hole and spend money on ridiculous and useless projects.

So the first thing I will do as a regional deputy is "rob myself." I will return the notorious "opportunities" to their true owner - the city and the townspeople.

6. Somehow everything turns out very simply for you - take everything and share it again.

"Take and share" - this is exactly what is happening today. I suggest we stop the scamming.

It is often said: "As we work, so we live." We, townspeople we live much worse, than we work. It's time to live with dignity.

7. Do you want to leave other districts of the region without funds?

It's not about that at all. See what's happening - on average each resident Cities pays in taxes much more than a resident of any other district of the region, but receives back (in the form of social programs) significantly less. According to the mind per inhabitant Cities it is necessary to spend more from the regional budget than for the average resident of the region: the city has the most complex and neglected public utilities; it carries an additional burden as the capital of the region. How much more is a matter of debate; We are not going to plunder areas. But, in any case, no less.

8. All right, you will return the funds to the city. And what will ordinary citizens get from this?

For a year and a half of work as a deputy of the City Duma, I managed to break through several important targeted programs: a program to support the poor, support medical institutions, and youth; allowances for employees of libraries, boarding schools and schools, normal nutrition in kindergartens and orphanages; and much more. Have we begun to live much better? No! Why? Because the funds invested in these programs are absolutely not enough. We will return the funds from the region - and each of the programs listed will work several times better. Many other programs will also work.

My team and I know how to quickly and radically improve life in the city in all respects - if only there was money. And, if I am elected a regional deputy, I will be able to return the money to the city.

9. The City Duma, of which you are a member, voted to increase utility rates. How do you have the guts to look people in the eyes after that?!

I did not vote for the increase in tariffs - you can see the transcript. So I can well tell my voters that I am white and fluffy, and other, bad deputies are to blame. I can quite earn my popularity as a great fighter for the interests of the townspeople.

True, there is one catch. If nothing is done with housing and communal services for several years, then the city will finally be left without water, heat and electricity. Then, indeed, not one deputy will be able to look people in the eye.

The increase in tariffs is not the result of any special malice urban deputies. Tariffs are rising across the country. We are dealing with a federal issue. Previously, housing and communal services were subsidized from the federal budget, now the Russian government is stopping subsidies. Another reason is the policy of monopolies, which constantly raise prices for gas, fuel and electricity. The regional authorities, which are obliged to regulate the prices of monopolists, cannot or do not know how to stop their arbitrariness.

As a result, all over Russia, the authorities of cities and regions are forced to raise tariffs.

10. Again, not you, but someone else is to blame?

Again, I repeat: I'm not going to look for the extreme. I'm going to make amends.

A deputy is chosen to solve the problems of voters, and not tell them that he, the deputy, is not to blame for the fact that problems are not being solved.

11. And how do you intend to solve the problems of housing and communal services?

I think you are familiar with my seven-point program of priority measures. Five of them relate to housing and communal services and the improvement of the city. This is something that can be done very quickly; literally the next day after the city receives the money unfairly taken from it. If we talk about a cardinal, strategic improvement in the situation in the housing and communal services, then this, of course, will take time. But we can handle it: the city has sufficient funds to "pull out" housing and communal services. More precisely, will have - when we return City money taken from him by the region.

12. Don't you think that you are too optimistic? Do you really believe that we can quickly improve life in the City?

Absolutely sure.

Judge for yourself: City actually pulls on itself the entire region. And now that we have become a donor region, City it also feeds Moscow. It turns out that we are not the last city in Russia, if we are capable of such miracles. There is power, and not a small one. If you direct this force to the improvement of the city ... . Let's move mountains!

Today we, the townspeople, are overwhelmed with a whole bunch of problems - water supply, heat, dilapidated housing, dirt, bad roads. We do not know what a strong, healthy, strong foundation our city stands on. In fact, we have only one problem: we live beyond our means. Not in the sense that we spend more than we earn. On the contrary: we earn much more than we spend - but what we earn is taken from us.

And the root of the solution to all our problems is the same: we need to RETURN THE MONEY TO THE CITY.

We'll do the rest.

Dear residents of the Khabarovsk Territory, participants and authorized organizations of the Primaries-2011!

One of the key factors that will contribute to the withdrawal of our society from the social and economic crisis is control and responsibility at all levels of management and management. This has been said from high tribunes for several years. But the inertia of the existing management system is great. Therefore, it is necessary to help it with the infusion of new personnel and the inclusion of more advanced methods of managerial work.

Today, most key management positions are occupied by men. This is good. But, as the experience of history and modernity shows, women are better at real responsible control and social altruism. The keepers of the family hearth and the surrounding society at the genetic level successfully manage many enterprises of the country, head departments, departments and ministries of the government of the country. And there should be even more such women in order to create a reasonable balance in relation to male managers.

I am a mother of three children, so I know very well what Russian families need. Knowing firsthand about the problems and joys of a unit of society, it is easier and more accurate for a deputy - a mother of many children to submit initiative documents and pass laws related to the healthy formation and life of families in Russia.

I also want to say that having considerable experience as the head of a medium-sized business, I am not limited to caring only for my own well-being. Part of the profits of the audit center "Nika" is regularly transferred to citizens of organizations that need it. Of course, our own strength is not enough to help others, so we are creating a charitable foundation for social support of the inhabitants of the Far East - "Nika". Its goal is specific targeted support and coordination of the efforts of those citizens, businessmen and organizations that have decided to carry out charitable deeds. The work of the foundation will be open to society and transparent to all those interested in its specific projects and results.

People's deputies in the federal authorities must necessarily express the interests of the healthy majority of Russian society. Only this guarantees positive results today and opens up new bright prospects for the development of the country!

Campaign speech at public hearings in Sovetskaya Gavan and Pereyaslovka (August 5-9, draft):


Good afternoon, dear participants, citizens and authorized public organizations!

I am Natalia Suslova, a representative of the Union of Employers of the Khabarovsk Territory. Member of the United Russia party. Member of the "Union of Business Women" of the Khabarovsk Territory. I support all social projects of Svetlana Zhukova. Financial Director of the Center for Combating Corruption in Government Bodies of the Khabarovsk Territory. Born in Khabarovsk. Mother of many children. Married.

Why did I go to the primaries? Yes, because I really want to work in a team with enterprising people who really want and can change the lives of ordinary people in the Far East for the better. As a believer, I believe that it is necessary to help those who find it difficult. I am very grateful to fate that even I, a man of the people, can compete on equal terms with such respected people as Vyacheslav Ivanovich Shport, Sergey Alekseevich Khokhlov, Alexander Nikolaevich Sokolov and many others.

Today, most of the key positions in the management of society are occupied by men. This is good. But, as the experience of history and modernity shows, women are better at real responsible control and social altruism. The keepers of the family hearth and the surrounding society at the genetic level successfully manage many enterprises of the country, head departments, departments and ministries of the government of the country. And there should be even more such women in order to create a reasonable balance in relation to male managers.

I am a mother of three children, so I know very well what Russian families need. Knowing firsthand about the problems and joys of the cell of our society, it is easier and more accurate for a deputy - a mother of many children to submit initiative documents and pass laws regarding the healthy formation and happy life of families in Russia.

Having considerable work experience as the head of a medium-sized business, I was not limited to caring only for my own material well-being. Part of the profits of the NIKA Audit Center is transferred to a number of citizens and organizations that need it. At present, we are creating the NIKA Charitable Foundation for Social Support of the Residents of the Far East. Its goal is concrete targeted assistance to people. The work of the foundation will be open to society and transparent to the citizens and businessmen themselves, who do charity work within their own means.

I have experience in elections. I am the chairman of the election commission at a polling station in the Central District of Khabarovsk. She was an assistant to the deputy of the regional Duma. In general, I take an active civic position. I do not remain indifferent to the problems of people. There is a huge potential of energy for serious work.

Pay attention in your vote to women - future deputies who participate in the primaries. None of us is in the top 10 voting leaders. Are there no deserving ones? Popular opinion: “That a woman should cook borscht, raise children and take care of her husband is good! And that a cook cannot govern the state.” This is what most voters think wrongly. But practice shows the opposite, that many women can combine everything at once: “putting it on the shelves”, appoint responsible in each direction and control the quality of work. A good mother has happy children, a deputy who works with soul and responsibility has satisfied people. And who better than anyone else knows what Russian families, children, teenagers and young citizens who are just starting to build their adult lives need?

My program:

Being a mother of many children, I am better than many other deputies, and especially men, I know the problems of families that need to be addressed at the highest state level. Namely:

Support and promotion of a healthy and complete family, large families, to prevent divorce, and that children live in complete families. Affordable housing.

Real, not formal benefits for pregnant women and mothers with children under 3 years old;
- State control over the quality of baby food (dairy products, cereals, fruit mixtures and purees): it's no secret that today almost all milk, including children's milk, is produced using the so-called powdered milk of unknown origin, and juices, lemonades and packaged confectionery in most cases are not made from food products at all, which is unacceptable for the growing organisms of our kids.
- Improving the quality of medical examination and, if necessary, care for mothers and children.
- A sufficient number in the cities of children's creative studios for children of preschool age and sports sections of all kinds of directions for teenagers and young men. At the same time, the main thing is that these creative studios and sports schools should be accessible to all social strata of the population.
- Reducing utility tariffs or providing benefits to families with children, especially for families with many children.
- Providing families with many children with the opportunity to build their own home at actual, and not at market prices (ie, many times less).
- The introduction of strict liability for the media and Internet resources for the publication of information materials that can harm the psyche and healthy worldview of children.
- Building effective guarantees for the safe life of the family in the conditions of modern society.
- Establishment of an incentive system for enterprises, organizations and individuals that contribute to the healthy development of childhood and motherhood.

The partner of the enterprise I head is the Khabarovsk family magazine "Flowers of Life". We carry out joint projects. For example, the annual competitions "Expectant mother". We give gifts to children from orphanages. Together with the children's center "Rise" of Elena Parfenovna Larionova, we award prizes for the first places in competitions. Together with the Russian Orthodox Church, we are helping the home of a tiny women's colony.

- Support for the elderly, veterans and the disabled. Decent pension.

Free sports sections, modernization of stadiums, support for gifted children. I studied at school No. 76 in Khabarovsk, we had a sports class, from grades 4 to 10 we went in for all kinds of sports, went to competitions. It was interesting and we had no time to run around the streets, drink beer and smoke.

Support for young professionals after graduating from educational institutions (internships at enterprises). For young people - decent work with earnings with which you can live, and not exist. I am a member of the club of graduates of the Academy of Economics and Law of Khabarovsk. From September 1, I will share my professional experience with the students of the academy free of charge.

Control over labor legislation, so that the rights of employees and employers are not infringed. I am an economist by education, I graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Labor Sociology at the Academy of Economics and Law. The second education is the presidential program of managerial personnel for the national economy.

- Support for public and charitable organizations.

Control over tax legislation to make life easier for small, medium and large businesses, so that enterprises do not go into the shadows, from which the budget does not get large amounts of taxes necessary for the development of the social sphere. I am also a partner of the Fund for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Khabarovsk Territory. I teach beginner entrepreneurs the basics of doing business for free. Participated in the creation of a textbook for beginner entrepreneurs.

Support for agricultural producers, affordable loans and representation of sales markets. A male candidate spoke and said that he alone was touching on this problem. It is not true. I've been talking about this 6 times in the primaries!

All of the above is in constant development, so the list of relevant assistance for our society will continue.

I ask you to carefully consider my program and help me to implement it with your votes and suggestions.

Many thanks to everyone who will support the election program of Natalia Suslova!

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