How to write a literary analysis. Approximate schemes for the analysis of literary works


Each of us was once a schoolboy, and, perhaps, each, with all the love for such a wonderful subject as literature, did not really like to delve into the text trying to find something that, in fact, is not there. The operation of searching for hidden meaning has a wonderful and very interesting name - the analysis of a literary work. In this article, we will popularly explain how to do it.

First of all, in order to make a normal analysis of the work, it is necessary to read it. Ideally, you need to read the full version of the book, but if you are short on time and do not burn with the desire to read, an anthology is also suitable. Remember that your best friends while reading should be a small notebook and pencil, where you will methodically write down everything that is useful for analysis. And the following might come in handy.

The composition of the work - a breakdown into chapters, parts or other logical sections. It is important to understand what principle the division is based on - according to chronology, according to the logic of the plot, according to the place of action, or in some other way. When analyzing a work, you must first of all describe what parts it consists of.

However, when dividing a work into separate logical sections, one should not forget that you are still dealing with a single semantic whole, the storylines of which can run through the entire narrative. That is why you need to, when moving to the second section of this type of work as an analysis of a work, list all the main characters, and then briefly describe the storyline regarding each of them. This will help to quickly structure the content of the work both for yourself and for the person who will read your research.

And then ... Then creativity begins! Do not forget that literature is a free business, and you, by and large, are free to perceive the content of each book you read as you see fit. Describe how you felt reading the book (however, if the only feeling you have is a sense of hopelessly lost time, it is better not to mention it), but do not forget that your speech should still be logical and consistent with what you wrote in the first two sections. A combination of rigorous logic and a flight of fancy is what constitutes correct analysis.

You also need to pay attention to what the author uses in his creation. Yes, yes, you will have to remember and try to get out of memory the definitions of such words as "epithet", "metaphor", "hyperbole" and many others. Without this, in any way - if you do not mention how the author tried to influence the mind of the reader, do not explain how he tried to make us think about something that can only be found between the lines, then your work is not an analysis of the work, but only his retelling. Agree that a mere retelling of any book, even a very detailed one, will not reach a full analysis. And to better grasp the difference between analysis and retelling, we advise you to read examples of literary criticism.

And the last. Most often, such a voluminous work as the analysis of a work is set long enough before the deadline - as a rule, we are talking about two to three weeks allotted for writing the work. We advise you not to postpone the task until the last day - as soon as you were given an analysis, immediately read the book and make small notes, after which do not return to the work for several days, but let it “lie down” in your mind. This will help in the subsequent use of the text of the work while writing an analytical work to quickly navigate it, as well as make a holistic, established impression of what has been read. We wish you successful analytical work!

1. Analysis of a work of art 1. Determine the theme and idea / main idea / of this work; the issues raised in it; the pathos with which the work is written; 2. Show the relationship between plot and composition; 3. Consider the subjective organization of the work /artistic image of a person, methods of creating a character, types of images-characters, a system of images-characters/; 4. Find out the author's attitude to the topic, idea and heroes of the work; 5. Determine the features of the functioning of the visual and expressive means of the language in this work of literature; 6. Determine the features of the genre of the work and the style of the writer.
Note: according to this scheme, you can write an essay-review about the book you read, while also presenting in the work:
1. Emotional and evaluative attitude to what is read.
2. A detailed justification for an independent assessment of the characters of the heroes of the work, their actions and experiences.
3. Detailed substantiation of the conclusions. 2. Analysis of a prose literary work When starting to analyze a work of art, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific historical context of the work during the period of creation of this work of art. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of historical and historical-literary situation, in the latter case it means
literary trends of the era;
the place of this work among the works of other authors written during this period;
creative history of the work;
assessment of the work in criticism;
originality of perception of this work by contemporaries of the writer;
evaluation of the work in the context of modern reading; Next, we should turn to the question of the ideological and artistic unity of the work, its content and form (in this case, the content plan is considered - what the author wanted to say and the expression plan - how he managed to do it). Conceptual level of a work of art
(themes, problems, conflict and pathos)
Subject- this is what the work is about, the main problem posed and considered by the author in the work, which unites the content into a single whole; these are those typical phenomena and events of real life that are reflected in the work. Does the theme resonate with the main issues of its time? Is the title related to the topic? Each phenomenon of life is a separate topic; a set of topics - the theme of the work. Problem- this is the side of life that is of particular interest to the writer. One and the same problem can serve as the basis for posing different problems (the theme of serfdom is the problem of the internal lack of freedom of the serf, the problem of mutual corruption, mutilation of both serfs and serfs, the problem of social injustice ...). Issues - a list of issues raised in the work. (They may be complementary and subject to the main problem.) Idea- what the author wanted to say; the writer's solution to the main problem or an indication of the way in which it can be solved. (The ideological meaning is the solution of all problems - the main and additional ones - or an indication of a possible solution.) Pathos- the emotional-evaluative attitude of the writer to the narrated, which is distinguished by a great strength of feelings (maybe affirming, denying, justifying, elevating ...). The level of organization of the work as an artistic whole

Composition- construction of a literary work; unites the parts of the work into one whole. The main means of composition: Plot- what happens in the work; system of major events and conflicts. Conflict- clash of characters and circumstances, views and principles of life, which is the basis of action. The conflict can occur between the individual and society, between characters. In the mind of the hero can be explicit and hidden. Plot elements reflect the stages of development of the conflict; Prologue- a kind of introduction to the work, which tells about the events of the past, it emotionally sets the reader up for perception (rare); exposition- introduction into action, depiction of the conditions and circumstances that preceded the immediate start of actions (it can be expanded and not, whole and “broken”; it can be located not only at the beginning, but also in the middle, end of the work); introduces the characters of the work, the situation, time and circumstances of the action; tie- the beginning of the plot; the event from which the conflict begins, subsequent events develop. Development of action- a system of events that follow from the plot; in the course of the development of the action, as a rule, the conflict escalates, and the contradictions appear more and more clearly; climax- the moment of the highest tension of the action, the pinnacle of the conflict, the climax presents the main problem of the work and the characters of the characters very clearly, after which the action weakens. denouement- the solution of the depicted conflict or an indication of possible ways to resolve it. The final moment in the development of the action of a work of art. As a rule, it either resolves the conflict or demonstrates its fundamental insolubility. Epilogue- the final part of the work, which indicates the direction of further development of events and the fate of the characters (sometimes an assessment is given to the depicted); this is a short story about what happened to the characters of the work after the end of the main plot action.

The plot may be:

In direct chronological sequence of events;
With digressions into the past - retrospectives - and "excursions" into
In a deliberately changed sequence (see artistic time in the work).

Non-plot elements are:

Insert episodes;
Lyrical (otherwise - author's) digressions. Their main function is to expand the scope of what is depicted, to enable the author to express his thoughts and feelings about various phenomena of life that are not directly related to the plot. Some elements of the plot may be missing in the work; sometimes it is difficult to separate these elements; sometimes there are several plots in one work - in other words, storylines. There are various interpretations of the concepts of "plot" and "plot": 1) the plot is the main conflict of the work; plot - a series of events in which it is expressed; 2) plot - the artistic order of events; plot - the natural order of events

Compositional principles and elements:

Leading compositional principle(the composition is multifaceted, linear, circular, "string with beads"; in the chronology of events or not...).

Additional composition tools:

Lyrical digressions- forms of disclosure and transmission of the writer's feelings and thoughts about the depicted (they express the author's attitude to the characters, to the life depicted, may represent reflections on any occasion or an explanation of his goal, position); Introductory (insert) episodes(not directly related to the plot of the work); Artistic previews- the image of scenes that, as it were, predict, anticipate the further development of events; Artistic framing- scenes that begin and end an event or work, complementing it, giving additional meaning; Compositional techniques- internal monologues, diary, etc. The level of the internal form of the work The subjective organization of the narration (its consideration includes the following): The narration can be personal: on behalf of the lyrical hero (confession), on behalf of the hero-narrator, and impersonal (on behalf of the narrator). 1) Artistic image of a man- typical phenomena of life reflected in this image are considered; individual traits inherent in the character; reveals the originality of the created image of a person:
External features - face, figure, costume;
The character of the character - it is revealed in actions, in relation to other people, manifested in a portrait, in descriptions of the feelings of the hero, in his speech. Depiction of the conditions in which the character lives and acts;
An image of nature that helps to better understand the thoughts and feelings of the character;
Image of the social environment, the society in which the character lives and acts;
The presence or absence of a prototype. 2) 0 basic techniques for creating an image-character:
Characterization of the hero through his actions and deeds (in the plot system);
Portrait, portrait characteristic of the hero (often expresses the author's attitude to the character);
Direct author's characteristic;
Psychological analysis - a detailed, in detail recreation of feelings, thoughts, motives - the inner world of the character; here the depiction of the “dialectics of the soul” is of particular importance, i.e. movements of the hero's inner life;
Characterization of the hero by other characters;
Artistic detail - a description of objects and phenomena of the reality surrounding the character (details that reflect a broad generalization can act as symbolic details); 3) Types of images-characters: lyrical- in the event that the writer depicts only the feelings and thoughts of the hero, without mentioning the events of his life, the actions of the hero (found mainly in poetry); dramatic- in the event that the impression arises that the characters act "on their own", "without the help of the author", i.e. the author uses the technique of self-disclosure, self-characteristics (found mainly in dramatic works) to characterize the characters; epic- the author-narrator or narrator consistently describes the characters, their actions, characters, appearance, the environment in which they live, relationships with others (found in epic novels, short stories, short stories, short stories, essays). 4) The system of images-characters; Separate images can be combined into groups (grouping of images) - their interaction helps to more fully present and reveal each character, and through them - the theme and ideological meaning of the work. All these groups are united in the society depicted in the work (multidimensional or one-dimensional from a social, ethnic, etc. point of view). Artistic space and artistic time (chronotope): space and time depicted by the author. Artistic space can be conditional and concrete; compressed and voluminous; Artistic time can be correlated with historical or not, intermittent and continuous, in the chronology of events (epic time) or the chronology of the characters’ internal mental processes (lyrical time), long or instantaneous, finite or endless, closed (i.e. only within the plot , out of historical time) and open (against the background of a certain historical epoch). The position of the author and ways of expressing it:
Author's estimates: direct and indirect.
The way of creating artistic images: narration (image of the events taking place in the work), description (consistent enumeration of individual features, traits, properties and phenomena), forms of oral speech (dialogue, monologue).
The place and significance of the artistic detail (artistic detail that enhances the idea of ​​the whole). External form level. Speech and rhythm-melodic organization of a literary text Character speech - expressive or not, acting as a means of typing; individual features of speech; reveals the character and helps to understand the attitude of the author. Narrator's speech - evaluation of events and their participants The peculiarity of the word use of the national language (active inclusion of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, archaisms, neologisms, dialectisms, barbarisms, professionalisms). Figurative techniques (tropes - the use of words in a figurative sense) - the simplest (epithet and comparison) and complex (metaphor, personification, allegory, litote, paraphrase). Analysis of a poetic work
Poem analysis plan 1. Elements of a commentary on a poem:
- Time (place) of writing, history of creation;
- Genre originality;
- The place of this poem in the poet's work or in a series of poems on a similar topic (with a similar motive, plot, structure, etc.);
- Explanation of obscure places, complex metaphors and other transcripts. 2. Feelings expressed by the lyrical hero of the poem; the feelings that the poem evokes in the reader. 3. The movement of the author's thoughts, feelings from the beginning to the end of the poem. 4. Interdependence of the content of the poem and its artistic form:
- Compositional solutions;
- Features of self-expression of the lyrical hero and the nature of the narrative;
- The sound range of the poem, the use of sound recording, assonance, alliteration;
- Rhythm, stanza, graphics, their semantic role;
- Motivation and accuracy of the use of expressive means. 4. Associations caused by this poem (literary, life, musical, pictorial - any). 5. The typicality and originality of this poem in the poet's work, the deep moral or philosophical meaning of the work, which was revealed as a result of the analysis; the degree of "eternity" of the issues raised or their interpretation. Riddles and secrets of the poem. 6. Additional (free) reflections. Analysis of a poetic work
Starting the analysis of a poetic work, it is necessary to determine the direct content of the lyrical work - experience, feeling; Determine the "belonging" of feelings and thoughts expressed in a lyrical work: a lyrical hero (the image in which these feelings are expressed); - to determine the subject of the description and its connection with the poetic idea (direct - indirect); - to determine the organization (composition) of a lyrical work; - to determine the originality of the use of visual means by the author (active - mean); determine the lexical pattern (vernacular - book and literary vocabulary ...); - determine the rhythm (homogeneous - heterogeneous; rhythmic movement); - determine the sound pattern; - determine intonation (the attitude of the speaker to the subject of speech and the interlocutor. Poetic vocabulary It is necessary to find out the activity of using separate groups of words in common vocabulary - synonyms, antonyms, archaisms, neologisms; - to find out the degree of proximity of the poetic language with the colloquial; - to determine the originality and activity of the use of trails EPITHET- artistic definition; COMPARISON- comparison of two objects or phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of the other; ALLEGORY(allegory) - the image of an abstract concept or phenomenon through specific objects and images; IRONY- hidden mockery; HYPERBOLA- artistic exaggeration used to enhance the impression; LITOTES- artistic understatement; PERSONALIZATION- the image of inanimate objects, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings - the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel; METAPHOR- a hidden comparison, built on the similarity or contrast of phenomena, in which the word "as", "as if", "as if" are absent, but implied. Poetic Syntax
(syntactic devices or figures of poetic speech)
- rhetorical questions, appeals, exclamations- they increase the reader's attention without requiring an answer from him; - repetitions- repeated repetition of the same words or expressions; - antitheses- opposition; Poetic phonetics The use of onomatopoeia, sound recording - sound repetitions that create a kind of sound "pattern" of speech.) - Alliteration- repetition of consonant sounds; - Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds; - Anaphora- unity of command; Composition of a lyrical work Necessary:- to determine the leading experience, feeling, mood reflected in the poetic work; - to find out the harmony of the compositional construction, its subordination to the expression of a certain thought; - determine the lyrical situation presented in the poem (the hero's conflict with himself; the hero's inner lack of freedom, etc.) - determine the life situation that, presumably, could cause this experience; - highlight the main parts of a poetic work: show their connection (determine the emotional "picture"). Analysis of a dramatic work Scheme for analyzing a dramatic work 1. General characteristics: history of creation, vital basis, design, literary criticism. 2. Plot, composition:
- the main conflict, the stages of its development;
- the nature of the denouement /comic, tragic, dramatic/ 3. Analysis of individual actions, scenes, phenomena. 4. Collecting material about the characters:
- character's appearance
- behavior,
- speech characteristic
- the content of the speech / about what? /
- manner / how? /
- style, vocabulary
- self-characteristics, mutual characteristics of the characters, author's remarks;
- the role of scenery, interior in the development of the image. 5. CONCLUSIONS: Theme, idea, meaning of the title, system of images. Genre of the work, artistic originality. dramatic work The generic specificity, the “borderline” position of the drama (Between literature and the theater) obliges it to be analyzed in the course of the development of dramatic action (this is the fundamental difference between the analysis of a dramatic work from an epic or lyrical one). Therefore, the proposed scheme is conditional, it only takes into account the conglomeration of the main generic categories of drama, the peculiarity of which can manifest itself in different ways in each individual case, namely in the development of the action (according to the principle of a untwisted spring). 1. General characteristics of dramatic action(character, plan and vector of movement, pace, rhythm, etc.). "Through" action and "underwater" currents. 2 . type of conflict. The essence of drama and the content of the conflict, the nature of the contradictions (two-dimensionality, external conflict, internal conflict, their interaction), the "vertical" and "horizontal" plan of the drama. 3. System of actors, their place and role in the development of dramatic action and conflict resolution. Main and secondary characters. Off-plot and off-stage characters. 4. System of motives and motivational development of the plot and microplots of the drama. Text and subtext. 5. Compositional-structural level. The main stages in the development of dramatic action (exposition, plot, development of action, climax, denouement). Assembly principle. 6. Features of poetics(the semantic key of the title, the role of the theater poster, stage chronotype, symbolism, stage psychologism, the problem of the finale). Signs of theatricality: costume, mask, game and post-situational analysis, role-playing situations, etc. 7. Genre originality(drama, tragedy or comedy?). The origins of the genre, its reminiscences and innovative solutions by the author. 8. Ways of expressing the author's position(remarks, dialogue, stage presence, poetics of names, lyrical atmosphere, etc.) 9. Drama contexts(historical and cultural, creative, proper dramatic). 10. The problem of interpretations and stage history.

Full plan for the analysis of the work

1. History of creation (time of writing; how the writer worked on the work).

2. Direction, genre and genre.

3. Topics and problems (main topics and problems).

4. Idea and pathos (ideological and emotional assessment).

5. The main characters (their place in the figurative system). In a lyric poem: the image of a lyrical hero.

6. plot and composition.

7. Artistic originality:


- scenery;

- artistic details;

- means of poetic expression (tropes);

- features of the language of the work;

- features of poetic syntax;

- features of phonetic organization (sound writing).

8. For lyric poems:

- poetic size;

- rhyme features;

- stanza.

9. The meaning of the work:

- place of work Vthe work of the writer;

- significance in the literary life of the era;

- significance for subsequent eras;

- relationships with the works of the same author and other writers.

When working on works according to this plan, pay special attention to those questions that are important not only for preparing the material for writing (task C5), but also for answering the tasks of parts B and C1-C4. From this point of view, it is important not only to note the direction in which this or that work was created, its genre, to highlight the features of the composition and key moments of plot development, to give a brief description of the main characters, ideological and thematic content, and to consider the author's assessment of the depicted, but and give examples of the relationship in various aspects with the works of other writers. Indeed, in tasks C2 and C4, the question of the literary context is included as a mandatory one. It is far from always possible to quickly find the answer to such questions in the conditions of work at the exam - it is better to prepare for them in advance. According to our plan, this can be done in paragraph 9, which deals with the meaning of the work. For example, speaking of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time", it should be noted that he not only continues the theme of the "hero of time" begun by Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin", but also opens the way for the development of this theme for writers of the second half of the 19th century. At the same time, it must be emphasized that the attitude towards the type of personality that appeared in the novels of the first half of the 19th century and then received the name "extra person" is gradually changing. Writers of the second half of the 19th century see in him weaknesses and shortcomings rather than virtues. Such are the heroes of this socio-psychological type in Turgenev's works "The Diary of a Superfluous Man", "Rudin", "The Nest of Nobles", "Fathers and Sons", in Nekrasov's poem "Sasha", in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov", in Chekhov's story "Duel ". And although the type of “extra person” belongs to the literature of the 19th century, the very problem of finding the “hero of time” remains relevant in the literature of the 20th century, for example, in Pasternak’s novel Doctor Zhivago. In addition, it is important to note those artistic achievements of Lermontov, which were continued in Russian literature. First of all, it should be said about the formation of the genre form of the Russian realistic socio-psychological novel of the second half of the 19th century. Lermontov's discoveries were especially important for the formation of Tolstoy's psychological method of "dialectics of the soul".

Another example is from the lyrics: speaking of Pushkin's poem "The Prophet", one can single out a certain tradition in it, coming from the spiritual odes of M.V. Lomonosov and G.R. Derzhavin. But at the same time, it should be emphasized that here Pushkin, for the first time in Russian literature, elevated the poet to the level of a prophet, thus defining one of the most important features of Russian literature as a whole. It was after Pushkin that the notion of a special role in the society of poets, called to a service similar to that of a prophet, was established. Following Pushkin, Lermontov continued this theme in his "Prophet", written shortly before his death in 1841. Then it was picked up by the writers of the second half of the 19th century - Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and many others, who became for the whole world the personification of that special mission of the writer, which the Russian poet of the 20th century E. Yevtushenko defined with the words: "A poet in Russia is more than a poet."

Finally, let's turn to another very important issue regarding the preparation of text material for the exam. It will be about lyricswhich is represented in the codifier by a very voluminous list of works by various poets of the 19th and 20th centuries. As a rule, in the themes of the composition of the 3rd part, it is supposed to consider not any one specific poem of one or another author (this is contained in the second part of the work), but a whole ideological and thematic layer. For example, in the demo version, the third theme (C5.3) sounds like this: “What makes the theme of the Motherland tragic in the lyrics of S.A. Yesenin? The same feature of the questions in this part was also characteristic of the KIMs of the Unified State Examination in the literature of past years, for example, in 2008: “On what features of A.A. Feta pointed out L.N. Tolstoy, who noted the "lyrical audacity" of the poet? Obviously, this specificity will remain in the KIMs of the Unified State Examination in literature, according to which you have to take the exam. This makes it necessary to consider in advance the lists of poems by the work of each of the poets presented in the codifier, andgroup in a certain way their works.

For example, let's turn to the section on Pushkin's work: the codifier contains a list of 25 poems. What is the best way to arrange them when preparing for an exam? Of course, you can choose the traditional way - chronological. It is quite justified when studying the works of the poet at school on a historical and chronological basis, since it allows you to trace the creative path of the writer, his evolution. But for the purposes of preparing for writing on lyrics, it is better to turn to another principle -thematic.Thus, you can determine in advance the circle of those poems that you will be guided by when writing an essay. Of course, this circle can be expanded to include works that are not included in the codifier, but those of them that correspond to the theme of the essay, of course, should be considered.

Based on the list of poems on Pushkin's work, the following thematic groups can be distinguished: freedom-loving, civic-patriotic, philosophical, landscape lyrics, the theme of the poet and poetry, the lyrics of love and friendship. In accordance with these topics, we define groups of poems (within such groups, you can use the chronological principle):

1. Freedom-loving lyrics: “To Chaadaev”, “Village”, “The daylight went out ...”, “Prisoner”, “The desert sower of freedom ...”, “To the sea”, “October 19” (“The forest drops its crimson dress ..."), "In the depths of the Siberian ores...", "Anchar", "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands...".

2. Civic-patriotic lyrics: "To Chaadaev." "Village", "In the depths of the Siberian ores...", "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands...".

3. Philosophical lyrics: “The desert sower of freedom ...”, “Anchar”, “Imitations of the Koran” (IX. “And the tired traveler grumbled at God ...”), “Demons”, “Elegy” (“Crazy years faded fun. ..”), “Cloud”, “Again I visited ...”.

4. Landscape lyrics: “The daylight went out ...”, “To the sea”, “Winter road”, “Anchar”, “Winter morning”, “Demons”, “Cloud”, “Again I visited ...”.

5. The theme of the poet and poetry: "The conversation of a bookseller with a poet", "Prophet", "Poet", "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...".

6. The theme of love and friendship: “To Chaadaev”, “The daylight went out ...”, “October 19” (“The forest drops its crimson dress ...”), “K ***” (“I remember a wonderful moment .. .), “Nanny”, “In the depths of the Siberian ores...”, “On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night...”, “I loved you...”.

It should be borne in mind that poems of different thematic groups can be repeated, since Pushkin often has several themes in one poem. So, for example, the poem “October 19” (“The forest drops its crimson dress ...”) can be attributed to the lyrics of friendship, since it refers to the poet’s lyceum friends and is dedicated to the date of foundation of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum; it can be considered in connection with the evolution of the theme of freedom in Pushkin's work; this poem expresses the poet's philosophical reflections on the inexorability of the passage of time, on the connection of the moment and eternity, memory and oblivion, and on the role of fate.

So, we have completed the consideration of a very important aspect of preparing for the exam in literature, concerning its content. In fact, if you are well versed in the ideological and artistic content of works, you know and are able to use theoretical and literary concepts in their analysis, you understand historical and literary relationships, then most of the preparation for the exam in literature can already be considered completed. But there is another important aspect of this work: you need to learn how to build written detailed answers to questions, write an essay based on all this knowledge. This will be the subject of the next chapter of the manual. But before moving on to it, check your knowledge.


Analysis of a lyrical work is one of the options for writing. As a rule, topics of this kind look something like this: “The poem by A.A. Blok "The Stranger": Perception, Interpretation, Evaluation. The wording itself contains what you need to do to reveal the ideological and thematic content and artistic features of the lyrical work: 1) tell about your perception of the work; 2) to interpret, that is, to approach the author's intention, to unravel the idea embodied in the work; 3) express your emotional attitude to the work, talk about what affected, surprised you, drew your attention. Here is a diagram of the analysis of a lyrical work.

  • facts from the author's biography related to the creation of a poetic work
  • to whom is the poem dedicated (prototypes and addressees of the work)?

2. The genre of the poem. Signs of the genre (genres).

3. The title of the work (if any) and its meaning.

4. The image of a lyrical hero. Its closeness to the author.

5. Ideological and thematic content:

  • leading theme;
  • idea (main idea) of the work
  • development of the author's thought (lyrical hero)
  • emotional coloring (orientation) of the work and ways of its transmission

6. Artistic features:

  • artistic techniques and their meaning;
  • key words and images associated with the idea of ​​the work;
  • sound recording techniques;
  • the presence / absence of division into stanzas;
  • features of the rhythm of the poem: poetic size, rhymes, rhymes and their connection with the ideological intent of the author.

7. Your reader's perception of the work.


1. The history of the creation of the work:

  • facts from the author's biography related to the creation of this work.
  • connection of the work with the historical era of its creation;
  • the place of the work in the work of the author.

2. The genre of the work. Signs of the genre (genres).

3. The title of the work and its meaning.

4. From whose face is the story being told? Why?

5. Theme and idea of ​​the work. Issues.

6. The plot (story lines) of the work. Conflict. key episodes.

7. The system of images of the work:

  • characters of the work (main, secondary; positive, negative;
  • features of the names and surnames of the characters;
  • the actions of the characters and their motivation;
  • subject-household details that characterize the character;
  • connection of the character with the social environment;
  • attitude towards the hero of the work of other characters;
  • self-characterization of characters;
  • the author's attitude to the characters and ways of expressing it.

8. Composition of the work:

  • division of the text of the work into parts, the meaning of such division;
  • the presence of prologues, epilogues, dedications and their meaning;
  • the presence of inserted episodes and lyrical digressions and their meaning;
  • the presence of epigraphs and their meaning;
  • the presence of lyrical digressions and their meaning.

10. Artistic means, techniques that reveal the idea of ​​the work.

11. Features of the language of the work.


Get to know the work you are going to analyze well, because the correctness and clarity of the result depend on it. Most likely it will be a classic describing the abundance of social and moral problems, the multifaceted and controversial work of the writer. Perhaps something modern, relevant and dynamic. Choice works remains with you.

Begin book analysis by formulating a common theme works, describe the problems raised by the author, reveal the main ideas. At the same time, try not to violate the logic of your reasoning, express your thoughts sequentially, without jumping from one thought to another.

Pay attention to the originality of the genre. For example, Gogol called his "Dead Souls" a poem, despite all the rules, and "Eugene Onegin" was described by Pushkin as a novel. In such cases, the mass Among other things, the linguistic features of the narration inherent in this particular author, and the means of artistic expression used by him, will not be superfluous at all.

Next, make a description of the artistic images presented in the work - another part of the analysis that requires weighty reasoning. Literature is filled with ordinary and generally accepted types of people, whose habits and habits are still today, and sometimes non-standard and surprising. Therefore, try to describe in as much detail as possible and give your assessment of the characters of the characters.

Then smoothly move on to the plot works, touch on his conflict, state the conclusions accepted either by the author himself or by the character on whose behalf the problematic issues are raised. It will be a plus to present your opinion on this matter.

At the end of your analysis, write about the importance and significance works in the work of the author, about the contribution he made to Russian and literature. Depending on the required amount of analysis, some details from the biography of the writer, his features can be inserted into this part.

Check the text for grammatical and spelling errors. Edit all points. Correctly enter changes, if necessary. Try to achieve uniformity and integrity of the overall narrative.


  • The content and constituent elements of the analysis of literary

It is not very easy to analyze a lyrical work, since much depends on the personal subjective perception of poetry. However, there are certain analysis schemes that help structure the analysis more clearly. There is no single scheme or plan for analyzing a poetic text, but in any case, it should show how well and deeply the reader understood the poem.

You will need

  • The text of the poem, a piece of paper, a pen


Specify the theme of the poem. Ask yourself: "What is the poet talking about in this?". Poetic works can be, patriotism, politics. Some describe landscapes and the beauty of nature, others are reflections on philosophical topics.

In addition to the theme, sometimes it is also required to determine the idea or main idea of ​​the work. Think about what exactly the poet wanted to convey to the reader, what “message” lies in his words. The main idea reflects the attitude of the poet to the written, it is a key factor for a true understanding of a literary work. If the author of the work raised several problems at once, list them and highlight one as the main problem.

Write what artistic means and stylistic devices the author used in this work. Give specific ones from the poem. Indicate for what purpose the author used this or that technique (stylistic figures, etc.), i.e. what effect was achieved. For example, rhetorical questions and appeals increase the reader's attention, and the use of irony indicates the author's mocking attitude, etc.

Analyze the features of the composition of the poem. It consists of three parts. It's the meter, and the rhythm. The size can be indicated schematically so that it is clear which syllable is stressed. For example, in iambic tetrameter, the stress falls on every second syllable. Read one line from the poem aloud. So it will be easier for you to understand how the stress falls. The way of rhyming is usually indicated using the notation "a" and "b", where "a" is one type of line ending of the poem, and "b" is the second type.

Specify the features of the image of the lyrical hero. It is advisable not to skip this point in the analysis of the poem. Remember that in any work there is an author's "I".


  • Poem analysis plan

Any lyrical work reflects the poet's attitude, therefore, in order to analyze poem, you need to know about the features of the creative method in which it was written. In addition, a careful reading of the poem is important, since its analysis should be carried out at all language levels: from phonetic to syntactic. To structure written analysis verse, use the instructions.


Start analyzing a lyrical work by determining the date of writing and. Collect material on the creative history of the poem, tk. the factual side is very important for understanding its theme. Indicate to whom it is dedicated, if it has an addressee.

Determine the theme of the work, i.e. what he writes about: about nature, love, the relationship between the lyrical hero and society, about philosophical categories, etc. Answer the question how the theme of the poem relates to its title.

Follow the movement of the lyrical plot: how the mood of the lyrical hero changes throughout the poem, his attitude to what the author is talking about in. Words expressing feelings will help you with this: sadness, admiration, passion, bitterness, despondency, etc.

Determine the features of the composition of the work, i.e. its construction. Find the main compositional technique used by the author: repetition, contrast, comparison by association, etc.

Tell us about the lyric, which is revealed through a specific state of mind, experiencing a certain life situation at the moment. Answer the question, what position does the author take in relation to his lyrical hero. Note that it is not always necessary to identify his hero.

Consider the visual means of the work at different language levels: sound writing (phonetic means of expression), vocabulary (stylistically colored, the presence of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms), poetic syntax.

Determine the idea of ​​the work, identified as a result of the analysis. Answer the question with what message the author addresses the reader.

Consider the rhythmic organization of the poem, determine its size and types of rhyme.

Finishing the written one, determine how the features of the poetics of the creative method within which the work was created were reflected in it. To do this, using a literary dictionary, get acquainted with different trends in the history of literature (romanticism, realism, symbolism, acmeism, futurism).


  • how to write you don't change

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, perhaps, will forever retain his reputation as the greatest poet in the entire history of Russian literature. This, of course, was facilitated by the special talent of the writer, who lived from 1799 to 1837 and, unfortunately, died early in a tragic duel. So what works are included in the literary heritage of Pushkin?

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