I decided how to write a letter to Vlad Chizhov. Presenter Vlad Chizhov ("Decided") - biography, latest news (photo)


Is the high number of fraud reports in Russia due to the increase in the number of crimes or the increased frequency of such news in the media?
- Nothing changes in the world. The number of scammers as it was before, and remains. But 20 years ago, when you live in a five-story building and an old woman is deceived from your entrance, you learn about it from your neighbors. Now, with the Internet, television, newspapers and other media, the information flow collects all cases of fraud. And all this passes through us. Therefore, it seems that there are more such cases.

- What do people most often come across?
- The most common vices of people who are played by scammers are greed and greed. If a person is promised a freebie, his thirst for profit is triggered, he drives himself into the clutches of scammers and he is very easily undressed. 90 percent of such divorces reach the final, people get money. I lived abroad for a long time and I can say that the story is about the same all over the world. Except that fraud based on trust - for example, when people are asked to lend money, to pay in advance - is peculiar only to Russians. I don't speak to Russians, to Russians. We are kinder, we are more sincere than in other countries. For example, it is almost impossible to breed for trust in England.

- How is the shooting of "Reshala" going?
- Difficulties that the viewer does not need to see are not included in the final editing. This is hard work, which is connected with analytics, with security issues. So there is an erroneous feeling that everything is simple and easy. The program itself is removed, of course, not in one day. It takes time for preparation and for the actual shooting, time for editing. All the hard work is behind the scenes. I can’t tell you about the technology of the program, since it is a trade secret. All topics are right here in my head. I find confirmation of their demand in my blog, where people constantly write about what interests them more. We all carefully read and select messages, which we then work out. As for the swindlers, due to my age, I perfectly understand who plays what instruments and on what instruments. Therefore, when I see a fraudster who is working right now, I already figure him out by the tone of the conversation, by certain words. I immediately calculate it to the very end. But since we are filming a program, in the show we gradually decompose any fraud scheme into elements so that everything fits into the viewer's head. In particular, signs of fraud, how to behave if you got into a bad story, how to get out of it, what could be the consequences.

- How not to fall for the bait of a scammer?
- Universal advice does not exist. I always say: everything in life should be without fanaticism. If you are now determined to live like a minefield, your life will turn into hell. For what? You have to live the way you lived. But at the same time, if you live too relaxed, then every brat will climb into your pocket. So the truth is somewhere in the middle. Enjoy life, but don't lose your scent. Listen to events around you. If you start to offer something profitable, you should tense up and understand that someone is hunting for your wallet.

Fraud has become one of the most widespread types of crimes, and at the same time, the detection rate of such cases is only 25%. It seems that people increasingly have to rely only on themselves. So it's useless to call the police in the 21st century?
- I saw what was happening in the country in the 80s, 90s, in the 2000s, I see what is happening now. I can say: the state machine is working, the police are working. You are not afraid to walk around the city in the evening. They don’t take off your hat, they don’t poke you in the ribs with a knife, they don’t throw you out of cars. The government has done something very powerful to keep you safe. Another issue is that I never communicate with the police in terms of my case. It is my choice. At the same time, I understand that people who write to me on the blog: “Vlad, help me,” even 10 percent do not work out the resource of the state machine. Therefore, I always advise you to contact the police, the courts, fill out applications correctly, tell you how and where to complain. Unfortunately, the situation with legal literacy among people is not very good.

A unique project on the Che TV channel, in which viewers will learn what to do if you have become victims of scammers.

« decided"- a reality show that gives answers to questions about how to act in a given situation when you are faced with scammers. Leading project "Reshala" - blogger Vlad Chizhov, known on the Internet as a debunker of scammers and swindlers.

“People live relaxed in a big city and do not see what is happening around,” Vlad Chizhov shares his experience. - You are driving in a car, and your car has already been impaled, it is being driven. The scammers know how much it costs and what you have in the front seat. You are already a victim. I accurately identify these people, I experienced this in the nineties. In my blog, I wrote many times about how not to get into such situations, and if you do, how to get out of them competently. I am very glad that the management of the Che TV channel liked this idea, now together we will show specific cases of divorces and help real people.”

About the reality show Reshala

Today, almost every day, Russians are faced with one or another kind of scams and new fraudulent schemes. Due to ignorance of situations and legal illiteracy, Russians easily fall into the hook of swindlers. And, unfortunately, in almost all cases, citizens do not want to deal with police officers. However, if the victims of fraudsters still reach the police station, they hear the same thing in response to complaints: there is practically no chance to solve such a crime.

No matter what law enforcement officials say, it is possible and necessary to fight the activities of fraudsters. It is for this purpose that the Che channel launched the reality show Decider.

Each issue of the program contains real stories of real people. And “Solved” will help them all. In addition, host Vlad Chizhov will talk about the most famous scam techniques and ways to get around them. The program will demonstrate situations in which it will be clearly shown how deceivers act.

Host of the show "Reshala" Vlad Chizhov First of all, he is known to many viewers as a blogger who has been exposing scammers for several years and telling Internet users about it. Now he intends not only to share with people how swindlers usually commit crimes, but also to help those deceived to achieve justice.

You may not know, but it turns out that supermarkets deliberately arrange bottles of alcohol so that they are dropped. Nine out of ten buyers pay the cost of the goods, considering themselves guilty, although the law is on their side. Internet scammers are common, requesting personal information, phone numbers and bank cards. Never approve requests from unknown sources.

Scammers on the street are waiting for you at every corner to fool you from scratch. For example, dropping a pre-prepared "doll" in front of you - a bundle with banknotes. One of the scammers offers to share the find, for this he asks to show all the money that you have, and imperceptibly most of it appropriates for himself. Be careful with strangers on the streets. A "kind" passer-by may offer to erase a stain on your jacket by discreetly pulling your wallet out of your pocket.

On the TV channel "Che" viewers are waiting for a specific program "Reshala". This is a reality show about how anyone can successfully resist scammers. Also, the program will talk about what to do if a person or his relatives have already caught the attention of crooks.

TV presenter Vlad Chizhov tries to pick up only the sharpest and most exciting things that can affect every viewer. For example, in a story that has already attracted the attention of viewers on social networks, fake smartphones became the main topic. Chizhov decided to find out who is selling pirated smartphones.

To find out who exactly sells counterfeit smartphones, the presenter decided to personally come to a meeting with a potential supplier. The parties began a conversation, but literally five minutes later the situation got out of control and almost ended tragically for Vlad Chizhov, who, fortunately, was not taken by surprise.

“I didn’t understand what happened at all. I simply suggested to the seller to turn on the mobile phone that I was going to buy, and he began to behave inappropriately. I realized that the matter was unclean, and decided to put pressure, ”- Chizhov shared.

However, his attempt to put pressure almost ended with a visit to the hospital. The host was able to deal with the attacker only thanks to serious physical training and great personal experience. He noted that in his profession it is always necessary to be ready for anything, because the fight against fraudsters does not pass without a trace.

Russian TV presenter, blogger, who became famous for exposing scammers. Host of the program "Solved" on the channel " Che».

Vlad Chizhov. Biography

Youth Vlada Chizhova fell on the dashing 90s, and he more than once got into extreme situations: he encountered dishonest sellers and swindlers who fraudulently lured money. There is no information about Vlad Chizhov's family on the Web, if he has a family, then he hides it very well. It is only known that Vlad lives in Moscow, and at the time of the start of the "Decided" project, he was 45 years old.

August 21, 2017 on the television channel " Che"The reality show" Decided ", hosted by Vlad Chizhov, started. The program is designed to teach viewers to expose scammers and defend their rights.

During the filming of one of the episodes of the program, Vlad Chizhov was attacked. A counterfeit mobile phone salesman attacked Vlad with his fists. Fortunately, the host was not hurt. When the shooting of the second season of "Reshala" was going on, in November 2017, Vlad Chizhov's life was again in danger: an unknown person tried to set fire to Vlad's "lair". Fortunately, the incident was averted.

“In our profession, you have to be ready for anything. When you fight against scammers every day, sooner or later you will make enemies and learn to take a hit, ”the host of the show“ Decided ”admitted.

On February 6, 2018, Vlad was attacked again when he was returning from the filming of new episodes of The Deciders: a black SUV blocked traffic, three people got out of the car and attacked the TV presenter. A fight ensued, one of the attackers broke the windshield of the car. According to Chizhov, everything is in order with him, and his car took the brunt of the blow.

“Everything is under control, I know these freaks, we will still talk. I only regret that I was not alone, ”commented the presenter.

Laura Chuguevskaya

Columnist for Tricolor TV Magazine

TV presenter and blogger Vlad Chizhov about beatings and scandals, work on the Che channel and the reality show Decided

TV channel "Che" launched on November 27 about the fight against scammers with the tough name "Decided". One of the most mysterious modern TV presenters, Vlad Chizhov, slightly lifted the veil of secrecy over television production and his worldview. He prefers to just do good, he ended up on television by accident and offers to rely on« feel» to avoid danger.

The host of the project, Vlad Chizhov, is a well-known blogger who became famous on the Internet thanks to his exposure of scammers.

Is being a "decisive" - ​​is it to be a TV star or a knight of the 21st century?

You have put me in a dead end. I wouldn't choose either one or the other. What I do, if I may say so, is a dirty job. Do stars do the dirty work?

Did you receive an offer from the Che TV channel or did you offer him the idea of ​​a program?

I was offered cooperation by the producers of the Che TV channel. They liked my blog on the Internet. They felt that it would be useful for their audience to learn how not to fall into the hands of scammers. I am a person with a heightened sense of justice. This topic is very close to me - to warn people from danger and « kidnyakov”, to tell how not to get stuck in all sorts of stories.

Beatings and scandals - costs of production?

What do beatings and scandals mean? I don’t seem to be a scandalous person and I think that people who make scandals are stupid and unrestrained. As for the beatings, this is not at all the right place. I never go where you can catch beatings, I can only find myself in a situation in which I will not lose, but will be at least equal with a person. The use of violence is the absence of verbal arguments. Therefore, if we are talking about some current issues within the framework of the project, I can say that at the moment there are enough negotiation processes to deal with the problem. And only if people do not know how to talk or are not responsible for their words, the only way to get them to talk is to use force.

What story of exposing scammers do you remember the most and why?

I'm not a collector, I don't collect or memorize stories. All of them are very important. I don't want to focus on just one.

What was a surprise during the work that you did not plan?

There is only one surprise - the working day has become endless. I have no days off, free evenings and pleasant breakfasts. Now I only have a job.

"Che" is your first TV experience? Where did you get used to the camera?

Before the channel "Che" "in the TV » I have never been. Everything turned out somehow organically. I still don't consider myself a television person. It feels like you just live next to people with cameras.

What dangerous adventure did you get rescued from?

The best assistant is your "sense", your mind. The best warnings are an inner voice, a sense of the situation and life experience. Now I see hundreds of cases where people get into some kind of stupid story, and I begin to understand that with age the phrase "become experienced" literally takes on a material embodiment. There is a feeling that this is not very good, there is no need to climb here.

What for you is the main gratitude for the successful solution of the problem?

I never expect gratitude, I live by the principle of "do good and throw it into the water." He did good - and then immediately forgot it, without telling anyone about it and without boasting. As soon as a person begins to expect gratitude from the good done, it becomes not a good, but a service.

Was television your childhood dream or a lucky coincidence?

Television has never been the limit of my dreams, I never even thought about it. Like many guys, I wanted to become a pilot, but my childhood was in the difficult eighties, my youth in the nineties, so I earned as much as I could, in the end I came to the conclusion that real money is money that you earned with your own hands.

What are your expectations from the project?

At Reshal, we do our best to choose the most important, most relevant stories that can happen to everyone, but from which not everyone can get out. The main thing is that the project helps people. Just open my blog and read the reaction of the viewers. My expectations began to be justified when I began to read more and more often: “We watched the program and saved our money”, “If it were not for your program, I would have been thrown.” I began to understand that I was doing something really necessary.

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