How to write an article about an organization. We write the text “About the Company” (for which we are not ashamed)


The "About" or "About Us" page is a place to meet people. Future customers will find out who you are, what you do and why you decided to open a store.

In addition to satisfying the curiosity of visitors, this is the first step to establishing long-term relationships with customers. This is the page where you introduce yourself and the brand. Sounds serious, right? That is why the text about the company must be approached responsibly.

You can write such a text yourself, following the advice of Kaleigh Moore, founder of Lumen Ventures, a professional copywriter and content strategist.

Focus on the interests of the buyer

On the About page, you tell about yourself and the history of your store, but at the same time, you need to make the client the central figure.

For what? Because this page is needed not to amuse one's self-esteem, but to create a trusting relationship with potential customers, to inspire their respect for your business and you personally.

Instead of talking about yourself, talk about the people you work for.

“I opened this store because I always dreamed of selling handmade jewelry and I want to become a leader in this field.”

“I opened the store so that customers from all over the world can purchase high-quality and beautiful handmade jewelry that will delight them for a lifetime.”

The first option tells about the owner's personal goals, the second one tells that he wants to create value for customers. Think about what will hook your audience when you write about your company.


Tell a story

Add context to your store goals and mission to make it engaging. This does not mean that you need to write a fictional story, just color the story with interesting facts. Just make sure it's not too long. According to research, the average reader can only focus for 15 seconds.

“We are focused on providing the best service. Our goal is to offer personalized B2B solutions.”

“A personal manager works with each client. We want our partners, when they come with a new order, to work with a person they already know.”

The story about the company in the Belolapik online store

The history of the name of the Belolapik store is sad, but true and touching.

Add personality

Let your brand sound its own, unlike anyone else's voice. Even by writing about yourself in simple terms, you can bring a little personality that will make your brand and store more attractive.

An easy way to do this is to tell who you are NOT: how you differ from your competitors, why your product is better than another that looks similar at first glance. Tell us a little about the company culture.

This approach will help visitors feel the "soul" of your business. And if your values ​​match, they will love the brand.

British Collection

Text about the company in the online store Maxgoodz

Break up text with photos

Remember, as they say: it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. This expression is very suitable for a text about a company.

As we have already said, the text should be short, and the photos will help you replace a few hundred words.

Add your personal photos, team photos, maybe even your pets to show visitors who is hiding behind the brand name. Photos make the page more emotional. Just take the selection of pictures seriously: let them be not only suitable in meaning, but also of good quality.

Story about the company in the online store

Do you need a text about the company on the site if all the necessary information is presented on the main page? Three times yes. This page is very important for users, because it sometimes plays a decisive role in the “buy/not buy” question. Let's figure out what to write in the "About the company" section in order to inspire confidence among potential customers and get a bunch of orders.

Text about the company: what mistakes to avoid

Most site owners think that the text in the "About Us" section should resemble a laudatory ode. After all, we are such a cool company, we have been on the market for so long, we offer a truly high-quality product. As a result, from the infinite "we" begins to ripple in the eyes.

Of course, you can’t hide your strengths from customers, but you always need to remember the setting: the selling text must be client-oriented. So that after reading the user has a picture in his head that thanks to your product / service he will solve the problem that has arisen. Are you willing to bet that the text in the "About the company" section does not apply to sellers, and is necessary primarily for positioning the organization? That's right, but believe me, trust is also for sale.

The second significant mistake is the placement of the text if only there was. “Do competitors have what makes us worse?” - not the most correct position.

It is possible to catch that the company is connected with car key fobs, but the main specialization is not clear - is it sale, repair or manufacturing? Oversaturation of the text with metaphors and vivid visualization does not allow focusing on the most important thing - the product.

Try to answer the questions “who are you” and “what do you do” in a nutshell. Do not spill like a nightingale, huge texts, in which it is written in all colors what you are good for, hardly anyone can read to the end.

To summarize: when presenting information, you should focus on two important truths:

  1. After reading the text, a potential client should not have a single question about the scope of your company and the specifics of your business.
  2. He must put aside all doubts about the competence of your specialists and unconditionally recognize you as professionals.

How to write a text about the company so that everyone gasps

Before you start creating the text, decide how you want to present the information. Would you like to appear to potential customers as a solid business firm or, conversely, become a good friend? Choose a writing style.

Storytelling(from English. storytelling Storytelling is a great way to introduce readers to your business. It is always interesting to learn about the company's success story: how did the idea to create an organization come about, were there only ups or downs, at what point did the business owner realize that he had chosen his life's work?

Imagine that the client is a school friend whom you have not seen for a hundred years, and you have accumulated a lot of news. Storytelling captivates with its sincerity and unusual presentation of facts.

However, this format of presentation of information is not acceptable for every audience. For the B2B sphere, it is better to choose business style. No metaphors and spreading thoughts along the tree - only dry facts and specifics.

7 components of the text about the company that can increase trust

  1. Advantages

    Grab the attention of customers - tell the merits of your organization in numbers. Proper design and presentation, and now customers are already studying your “biography” with interest.

    Here's how this block is designed in our "About" section:

    Be more attentive to the headings, because templates like “Our advantages” will not surprise anyone. We already wrote how to come up with a killer headline that will immediately hook a potential client.

  2. Certificates / diplomas / letters of thanks

    And other material evidence of the achievements of your company. It is a sin to put them in a closet or hang them on the wall in your office. Reveal to the world the options scanned and posted on the site and get another +100 to trust, because diplomas and certificates are a direct confirmation of your fruitful work and responsible approach to business.

  3. Guarantees

    The main thought that sits in the head of the user before buying: will they deceive me? And if a marriage comes, can I exchange it or get my money back? And there are just a million such fears. You will warn yourself in advance against questions if you describe in detail all the obligations to the client. In detail - it means point by point, and not shrugging off the template "100% guarantee". This phrase does not carry any semantic load, moreover, it arouses suspicion.

    To complete this block, play a game with relatives or friends - let them pretend that they are your potential, but very capricious customers. They will need to thoroughly study the site and find "pitfalls" that are not spelled out on any page: the total warranty period, delivery time and price, minimum order amount, returns and exchanges. So you can understand what really excites your future customers.

  4. Photos

    Another great installation for credibility and increasing trust in your company. And for the service sector, photography is a real must have, which should be present on the site. Suppose a certain female representative decided from a burning brunette to become a cold blonde. Naturally, before visiting your salon, she will thoroughly study the photos of the work and information about the master. It is unlikely that anyone wants to leave a good half of their hair in the sink after the blonding procedure. And seeing the stylist in person, reading his regalia, looking at examples of various coloring techniques, in 80% of cases the girl will calm down and trust the professional.

    But, as you understand, the photos must be real, and not downloaded from photo stocks. And even if they depict beautiful people with Hollywood smiles, they certainly do not inspire confidence.

    Good example:

    By clicking on the “Details” button, you can find out all the “inside and out” of the master: where he studied, what he specializes in, what is the length of service, are there any merits.

Selling article about the company. There are already 9999 posts on this topic on the Web. Why did I decide to write another one? Because I write the text about the company in a completely different way than the authors of these posts tell. This does not mean that I do it better or worse than others. But this means that my experience is unique, and now you will at least read something new, and not a banal and boring retelling of advice that appeared several years ago in the blogs of famous copywriters.

How not to write a text about a company

The main thing to understand is that you cannot blindly follow the recommendations of other authors.

I'll give you an example.

A few years ago, a popular copywriter in (and then repeatedly on his blog) said that you should not write about yourself, but about the benefits that a client receives by working with you. That is, instead of the statement “We are the market leaders”, it is better to use a wording like this: “You are cooperating with the market leader, therefore you get the highest quality.”

I agree with the words of the famous copywriter. Still, I think that you should not abuse his advice.

Imagine a situation. You are the owner of a prestigious restaurant. Now you need to choose a good security guard for your establishment.

Two guys come to you. One is thin with a pale face and a frightened expression. He shyly enters your office and begins a “selling” speech: “You hire me and get a reliable employee. You no longer need to worry about the safety of customers and staff. You get absolute peace of mind in your restaurant.”

The second guy is tall and strong. Muscles stick out from under the shirt. On the face of steel confidence. He begins his conversation with you with the following words: “I am a two-time champion of Moscow in Thai boxing. I served in intelligence. I worked in security for 5 years. I want to work at your company".

Who will you choose? Do not hurry. Think. The choice is very difficult. One guy has all the qualities of a professional security guard, the second one speaks to you in "You-style", uses "secret" marketing techniques.

I'm tired of texts that are full of phrases "You will get ...", "You will have" and which are posted on a cheap crooked site and are not backed up by absolutely no evidence.

The word "you" is not magical. If it is repeated 10 times in the text, the credibility of the company will not increase. The desire to cooperate with her and buy from her will not increase.

It is much better to write “We are the most effective company in our niche”, and place a few screenshots below the text that prove this statement.

What screenshots will work? There are many options. Starting from awards, quality certificates and ending with documents that confirm work on large projects and cooperation with well-known brands.

New tips about writing an article about a company. For the site and not only

Show that the company is in the same reality as its customers

First, I want to ask you a question. When you want to buy something or use the services of a specialist, what is the first thing you do?

Personally, I consult with friends and relatives. Agree, this is the most reliable source of information.

Now think about how a friend talks about his experience. For example, he recently installed plastic windows, and you are going to do this in the near future and are looking for a reliable company.

Does he really tell you: “I worked with Okna Plus because they have been on the market since 1991”? Or maybe he tells you: “Go to the World of Windows. After all, these guys have already installed 9832 windows”?

Of course not!

  • Your friend talks about how he called the company and what they answered him.
  • How long did he wait for the measurer?
  • Which workers came to him, what difficulties they encountered during installation, how they reacted to his questions and comments.
  • Which profile was used and why.
  • How are the windows installed now? Whether they freeze, whether a loud shot is heard during heavy rain.

I believe that such details are needed in the text about the company. It is necessary to write as if a friend who used its services is talking about the company.

Moreover, the style must also be friendly. You should not write: "Our measurer arrives a maximum of two hours after the application." Write better: “So that you understand whether it is worth cooperating with us, let's tell you how windows were installed in the NetLen office center. As you know, it is located next to the square. In the very center of the city. Therefore, our measurer was there already 20 minutes after the call from the customer. Although it usually takes him at least an hour to get to the object.

With the help of such a simple technique, you show that the company is in your real world, and not in the ideal world of advertising, where everything always happens as quickly as possible and leads to maximum results.

When I was ordered a text to sell the services of a psychologist, I asked the customer to tell about her clients, chose the most vivid and revealing story of recovery and inserted it into the article.

Take a look at the page on this site. There I talk about myself as a specialist. The page also contains dry facts, but there is also a story of cooperation with one of my favorite customers. I think it helps a lot to understand to potential clients whether I am suitable for their project or not.

A huge plus of such a presentation of material is that this approach works when describing very young companies. I have read many times that novice businessmen have nothing to brag about. Nothing to write on the About page. Recently on the market, there are no awards, the price is also not encouraging.

But they didn't show up yesterday, did they? Worked with at least a few clients. So it is necessary to beautifully describe how everything went. What requirements did the customers have, how did they manage to implement them, what difficulties did they encounter, etc. All this often works much better than dry numbers taken from nowhere and talking about who knows what.

Show the nature of the business

Sometimes convincing figures and real documents are not enough. Sometimes they don't work at all. There are cases when the main thing for the text about the company is to show the nature of the business.

What does it mean?

This means creating a text that can tell about the people with whom you have to deal.

I do not mean to add to the article data on diplomas of employees, their marital status and attitudes towards smoking.

I'm talking about a more subtle approach.

I'll explain now.

I think you have been in a similar situation.

You see two people. They are the same age and gender. But they have different clothes and hairstyles. And one of these people you like, the other causes antipathy. They didn’t say a word about themselves, but you already have some impression about each of them. You can already roughly tell which of them is kind and which has a more nasty character. You can imagine one of them as your friend, and the second as a rival.

Now an example from my practice. An excerpt from a text about a consulting company.

Let's talk. Tell us about your business. About successes, problems, goals. What do you want to know about taxes? What are you not sure about? What documents are difficult?

When clients contact us, that's what they hear. We are in no hurry to announce prices for our services and prove our competence with excerpts from laws. We are listening. We delve into the work of your company. We think how we can help. We discuss the nuances. We give advice. All this is free. And so it is with every client.

There is no specific fact in this passage. There is no information about the awards and the year the company was founded. But you already roughly imagine the guys with whom you will need to communicate, right? Your mind builds an image of a pleasant and polite person. It is unknown what his appearance is. But how well the character is seen!

An important nuance! I prefer writing about the company in a friendly and polite style. My clients value me for the fact that I can create a business image with pleasant and helpful employees. Still, not everyone needs refined manners. Someone prefers a firm and even tough approach. Focus on the target audience. Remember that your text does not always have to be associated with a guy in a neat suit and correct speech. Someone is more comfortable working with an unshaven man in a simple shirt and jeans.

Personally, I wouldn't order from these guys. But I understand why they are still afloat.

Don't be afraid of stamps

Once upon a time, George Lucas (a director popular in some circles) uttered the following phrase:

Do not avoid clichés. They have become a cliché because they work!

I agree with him. Stamps and clichés are effective. Not only in cinema, but in many other areas.

Banal example.

You met two girls online. Both of you are asking to describe themselves. One reports: "I am a slender athletic blonde with long luxurious hair and firm breasts." Another: "I have a red and blue hat, and I can play the bandura."

Who will you invite on a date? “Slender blonde” is just a cliché standard. Bandura is creative, a sign of extraordinary thinking.

95% of men will choose a blonde. Without a doubt.

I don't see anything wrong with the phrase "a young and dynamically developing company". This means that the guys do their job no worse than impudent well-known brands and appreciate every client. Of course, without evidence, these words will not be useful.

Young? Show documents on the foundation of the company. Is it developing fast? Show documents (screenshots of documents) about the recent expansion of the range of goods (services) or the increase in the number of branches, or the growth of investments.

Here, too, there is a nuance. Avoid hackneyed phrases if you are writing copy targeted at advertisers. They hate clichés because they see them 56,786 times a day. People far from advertising read sales texts much less often (hundreds of times less often) than copywriters and marketers. They often value both "individual approach" and "dynamic development".


The main conclusion (which can be made at the end of each of my posts 🙂) is to use what works, and not what they try to impose on you. Another important point - do not forget the old, but try to find something new. Even such a banal topic as "Text about the company" can be looked at a little differently. You can write amazingly compelling text about a very young business without waiting for it to grow in numbers and without resorting to deception.

You: We have been on the market since 1991.

Them: We don't care.

You: You have a good development dynamics and a young, friendly team.

Them: So the experience of the employees is not enough… What does a good development dynamics mean?

You: Experienced professionals with 20 years of experience!

Them: Enough of this dregs. Show what you have done and how you will be useful to me. Give me specifics.

They are website visitors, potential customers or partners who want to learn about your company and the benefits of working with you. They also doubt your competence and reliability, which is why they opened the About page.

How to write text on the page "About the company" to convince the visitor that your company helps to solve the problems that concern him now? To do it in an environment of angry, ad-crazy and "good deals" customers?

The problem is that you have everything like everyone else:

  • low prices;
  • reliable equipment;
  • modern technologies;
  • specialists are professionals in their field, who have zero customer focus.

If you don’t know how to write a text about a company for a website and need examples, then this article is for you.

Teleport by article:

We are the first on the market! We have the best production technologies, individual approach and German quality equipment.

The text "About the company", what should be there?

Complimenting your company is a bad idea. To write honestly: the company "N" was created to make a lot of money - this is also somehow not catchy.

People are selfish. What is the site visitor thinking? About Me! What is he most afraid of? That he will be divorced for money. For example: instead of a bath, they will build a “hut”, where the temperature does not rise above 80 degrees, the corners are damp, the door is swollen from moisture, and the closest relative of penicillin lives in the sink.

How to reassure the visitor? A professional team, a guarantee for all types of work (without deadlines), as soon as possible (without specifics) or 12 years of experience in the market? Does it calm you down? I'm gone.

If you are not Apple, Gazprom or Coca-Cola, then you need to tell something about the company.

What should be on the About page:

  1. What the company does and how it can help.
  2. Who applies to the company.
  3. Why you can help, but Vaska (my neighbor) cannot, and how your help differs from Vasya's. In what way are you better than your competitors?
  4. Have you already helped someone? Prove with examples of your work. Show the tasks you have already solved.
  5. Why do you write that only Russian teams of builders work for you? Show me the people who will be responsible for the result, preferably in person.
  6. Why are you talking about a cool office, can't you just show a photo.
  7. Who do you work with and who recommends you.

The truth is that the client does not need your company. And he doesn't need Vaska either. He needs to:

  • the wallpaper in the room was pasted evenly;
  • the timing belt was replaced at the selected time and with a 6-month warranty;
  • the bathhouse was built in 3 months in order to broom their friends in the winter.

The client needs a solution to his problems and this is where the fun begins.

Typical client. I do not want to decide anything. I don't want to think about anything. Copywriter, don't force my brain! I just want to not give a damn.

An example of a text about a company - techniques that increase trust

Concreteness, credibility and evidence a potential client is waiting when he is interested in your services. But something scratches my heart. And so he goes to the About page. Goes in search of answers.

When even the cat does not trust

The page about the company was created for doubting customers. She is the last chance to convince a person that you are not a camel.

Let's find some examples of "About the Company" texts, highlight interesting points and analyze unsuccessful examples so as not to wave our hands in pitch darkness.

General Tips:

  • talk about the client's problems and their solutions;
  • be specific;
  • set yourself apart from your competitors;
  • prove your words with facts;
  • demonstrate the results of your work (photos, videos, recommendations);
  • handle customer inquiries;
  • draw a portrait of a potential client;
  • make an unexpected offer;
  • use the authority of the CEO;
  • show your best case;
  • offer something for free.

So I can write a list of 50 items. But it won't make any sense. These tips are empty. Only examples of texts about the company can help.

Sample text about company No. 1

I love building companies. There is so much to write here. But they write all sorts of nonsense ( click on the image, opens in a new tab)

An example of the text "About the company" (

Not only is it difficult to extract useful information from the text, it is also difficult to read it. The volume is large, but it is not clear what it is for?

The company's website is interesting. You can look at the 3D model of the house. I would also like to add 3D models of already built houses to the card. In the gallery of completed works, everything is piled up, but this is already bad.

What can be the text about the company? For example:

The GK company affordable quality» builds houses, cottages, baths and equips the adjacent territory. People turn to us to order a turnkey project or save on it by choosing a ready-made version with original modifications. We build from wood, brick, aerated concrete in the Nizhny Novgorod region and the surrounding regions (including in the south of the Leningrad region).

Turnkey projects may include (we do not impose all services, you choose them):

  • designing buildings in his architectural office;
  • the whole range of construction works: foundation, walls, roof, stove, fireplace, exterior and interior decoration;
  • arrangement of the site: landscaping, construction of fences, wells, gazebos, sheds and outbuildings;
  • creation and connection of sewerage, electricity, water supply and development of a gas or wood-based heating system.

Most of all they succeeded in the construction of houses, Russian baths and cottages from rounded wood. More than 20 such projects have already been completed. Look at our work in the gallery .

Benefits that have helped us succeed in the market since 2002:

  1. Construction of small baths and houses (6x4, 8x6) for 2 months, thanks to its fleet, experience in similar work and the availability of ready-made log cabins.
  2. Professional design of houses and territories with the possibility of 3D modeling - we have our own architectural bureau (you could already see projects in 3D graphics , some of them have a discount of more than 100,000 rubles - look for the “Promotion” label).
  3. Turnkey project development. Dreams are visualized in our design office. Development of a 3D project free. But only if we undertake its implementation. Otherwise, the house project will cost 50,000 rubles, baths 20,000 rubles. With our drawings, any competent builder can implement it.

and blah, blah, blah...

As you can see, I didn't change anything. All this is in the text about the company on the website. But it's buried between lines, words and letters. Here I like my version more, I would also like to add graphics. And you?

I hope that this example of a company text has lifted the curtain on how to write such materials.

One project is not enough. So let's choose another topic.

Sample text about the company No. 2

This piece of text is taken from Company "SOCIAL" (click, opens in a new tab).

I do not know why. Maybe I'm still young. But in my understanding, “young progressive specialists” are students who did not find a job and founded their own “company”.

Despite the individual horrors of the text, it contains useful information. What is good in the text about the company:

  • 4 directions are allocated;
  • there is a statement of the client's problem;
  • work around the clock.

However, there are also problems. In the last paragraph, I saw "standard lead time is 1 day". Will there be an unexpected and strong guarantee now? No, she's not. But they would write that: if we do not fix the problem in 1 day, then we will return 5,000 rubles for each day of delay. That would be powerful. But this is not.

I will not write another text. Because the phrase "this mission ..." made me remember the mission of this text.

  1. A text about a company is an ideal opportunity to use infostyle. You have to deal with facts. Let them be few. Let them seem small. From the little things they collect difference and detuning from competitors.
  2. Show your strengths and weaknesses. There are hundreds of companies with similar services. But even twins have differences by which their parents easily distinguish them - character and life experience. Tell about it.
  3. A company is not premises, concrete and computers, but a group of people. They work to earn money. No sane person would give money for words and promises. Well, maybe 1 or 2 times he will give away due to his naivety and inexperience. People are willing to pay for results and for solving problems.
  4. Write for the Client, thinking from the Client. When a company throws adjectives, operates with dubious facts and talks about its exclusivity, then its credibility rolls to zero. There is a simple sales formula that works best: it was - paid money to company N - it became. Show the whole chain in a logical sequence.
  5. Company text template:
  • what are we doing;
  • what we do best;
  • who contacts us;
  • examples of our work;
  • the best project;
  • what is the difference between the company;
  • our team in person;
  • our company in numbers;
  • what clients say about us;
  • What guarantees do we give?

Web writers and copywriters will surely ask how to write a text about a company when the reseller cannot say anything about it. Be observant if the company already has a website. Contact the end customer or ask an intermediary to forward your brief. If you do not contact a company representative, the text will be clichéd, unsightly and ineffective.

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