How to draw May 9th day. How to draw a tank with a pencil step by step


On the ninth of May, all of Russia celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day. To tell in a playful way what kind of holiday it is, and at the same time prepare a gift for veterans, draw a picture with your child.

Drawing is an important element necessary for the harmonious development of the child. With the help of a drawing, he learns the world around him and tries to reproduce it with the help of images that are understandable and accessible to him. Psychologists say that before the age of 8 you should not teach a child to draw, point out mistakes, thereby you impose your own vision of the world on him.

Before you sit down the kid for the drawing, tell him about the theme of the upcoming holiday, the feat of the Russian people and the selflessness of the soldiers, tell about your relatives who fought, about their merits. Show photos from the front and listen to war songs, all this will help to get the right mood. Explain that on this day we always say "thank you" to veterans, and any veteran will be pleased to receive a sincere children's drawing.

How to draw a picture for May 9?

The execution technique can be any, for example:

  • gouache
  • watercolor
  • colour pencils
  • watercolor pencils
  • markers
  • wax pencils
  • crayons

For work, take paper of a small A4 or A3 format, it is better if the paper is thick, then the drawing will look better and last for a long time.

You can also draw a picture on a computer, there are many programs with which you can easily create an image and be able to make adjustments to it. A graphics tablet is also a great option for creating drawings digitally.

Drawing by May 9 in stages

Not only children, but also adults want to express themselves and draw, but not everyone has artistic talent. To make the drawing look like in the picture, draw in stages, constantly referring to the instructions. For example, to draw a St. George ribbon, repeat the following steps:

  • Place a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil, a ruler, an eraser, and a black and orange felt-tip pen in front of you.
  • In the center of the drawing, draw two parallel lines at an angle of 60 degrees, between the lines there is a distance of about 2-3 cm, then you need to draw two more lines that will intersect the first lines at an angle of 45 degrees, as shown in the figure.

  • Remove the extra lines, as shown in the figure, and connect the upper ends of the two extreme lines with a semi-oval, the same semi-oval should connect the inner ends of the lines. Connect the lower ends in pairs with a straight line, erase the extra contours.

  • now draw 3 black thick lines along the entire length of the drawn tape

  • paint over the rest of the space with an orange marker and the St. George ribbon is ready. To complete the drawing, you can add the inscription "Congratulations on May 9!".

Military drawings for May 9

Since the holiday is military, the postcards and drawings that are presented at the holiday are mainly on a military theme. You can depict a soldier, a tank, a helmet, a machine gun or an airplane.

To draw a military aircraft, follow the instructions:

  1. Draw the body of the aircraft in the form of a recumbent cone, in the middle of the cone mark the line of attachment of the wing
  2. Draw two wings from this line in different directions, erase the extra lines from the far wing, because part of it covers the body of the aircraft
  3. At the tail of the plane draw a vertical stabilizer
  4. Draw a streamlined cockpit that rises above the hull,
  5. Draw the propeller in the front and the stars on the wings
  6. Color the resulting drawing

Easy drawing for May 9

The easiest drawing for May 9 is a star. It needs not so much to draw as to build on reference points:

  • Using a compass, draw a circle and draw two lines through the center that will divide the circle into 4 even segments.
  • Now on the circle you need to mark the reference points, between which the same distance.
  • Point 1 is at the intersection of the line and the circle at the highest point of the drawing, to find points 2 and 3 put the compass at point 1 and draw a circle of the same radius as the first circle, mark the intersections of the circles with a pencil to find points 4 and 5 alternately from points 2 and 3 draw two more circles.

  • Erase extra lines from the drawing, mark only 5 anchor points on which the whole drawing will be built.
  • Connect them as shown in the figure and erase the extra contours.

  • To make the drawing bright, color the star.

Drawings on the theme of May 9

To make the drawing good, you can draw it in stages or use a transfer stencil. If you have a beautiful picture at hand, you can translate it through the glass and then just colorize it.

To choose a theme for your drawing, look at popular pictures on the Internet, postcards, or use the most popular step-by-step diagrams for drawings for May 9, which are given in the article below.

Tank on May 9 drawing

To draw a tank you will need a simple pencil, an eraser and green and red pencils or gouache.

  1. Draw the body of the tank, which consists of an oval (caterpillar) and two truncated pyramids (cabin)
  2. Then draw the wheels of the tracks, the muzzle of the tank
  3. Draw the chain on the tracks, the cockpit, the stars on the tank and small details
  4. Color the tank with a green pencil

Carnation drawing for May 9

The symbol of May 9, of course, are carnations, which are very easy to draw if you follow the scheme:

  1. Draw a long stick for the future stem, a triangle and a circle for the future flower.
  2. Draw on the stem small processes in the form of triangles
  3. On the head of the flower, mark the petals with smooth lines
  4. Add detailing, make the lines of the petals zigzag
  5. Color the drawing with pencils or watercolors

Salute drawing for May 9

Children and adults are all waiting for fireworks, this is not just a symbol of the end of the holiday, but also an amazing sight. People gather together on viewing platforms and rooftops to admire the bright lights in the sky. Salute can be called one of the simplest drawings, because in fact it is just splashes.

  1. draw a slanted line
  2. At the top end of this line, draw splashes flying out from the center.
  3. Add bright colors and stars and fireworks are ready.

You can also act according to a simpler scheme, apply paint (watercolor or gouache) on a brush and shake it off over paper, the scattered drops are very similar to salute. Use several different colors to make the drawing vibrant.

Small children can draw a salute with air felt-tip pens, you just have to blow hard and bright splashes will appear on the leaflet.

Eternal flame drawing for May 9

The drawing of the eternal flame may seem more difficult in execution, but if you work in stages, then you will succeed:

  • Draw an oval, 5 rays depart from it, of different lengths, as shown in the figure, these are the upper faces, the edges of the star

  • To make the star voluminous, repeat the contour at a distance of half a centimeter and draw the folds with straight lines

  • Draw the fire with smooth lines, as if blown away in the wind, if desired, the drawing can be colored

What to do with the drawing on May 9?

There can be quite a few options for the future fate of a drawing:

  1. Give a gift to a grandfather or grandmother, great-grandfather or great-grandmother who participated in the Great Patriotic War
  2. Give to veterans who gather on the main square of the city on May 9, along with a carnation
  3. Send to the exhibition of drawings that are often arranged by the local administration on the eve of the holiday
  4. Turn it into a beautiful postcard and give again
  5. Decorate the wall in the room
  6. Save for memory in an album with children's drawings

Drawing a picture for May 9 is a great way to spend time with your child in a fun and educational way. Come up with an interesting story and draw with the whole family!

Video: Drawing for a veteran on May 9

Our spring is rich in holidays, but one of the main and significant days is Victory Day. Every year we organize holidays, concerts, congratulate veterans. That is why on this date we very often turn to art - poems about the war, songs, dances, painting. A great way to join the art and congratulate everyone on Victory Day will be your drawing, in which you will put your whole soul, and I will help you with this. To do this, I created a lesson where I will tell you how to draw May 9th.

To do this, you will need: a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, paints / colored pencils / felt-tip pens.

  1. Lay the sheet vertically, take a simple pencil and draw a geometric figure in the middle of the sheet, as in example 1. With it, it will be easier for us to draw a beautiful red star. And at the top, select a place to write "May 9".
  2. Below, under the geometric figure, draw a line that will be a branch. We leave a place to fit the leaves on it and at the bottom we also leave a place to write "Happy Victory Day!".

  3. Drawings on the theme of May 9, of course, will not do without the image of a star. Therefore, we begin to draw it in detail: we put a point in the middle of the geometric figure and draw lines from each corner that will converge at this point. After that, we put one more points that are located between these lines.
  4. Again, from each corner of the figure we are already drawing two lines that will converge at these points. Thus, we have an even star. Be careful and follow the example in figure 4.

  5. Children's drawing on the theme of May 9 and the Great Victory can look simple and at the same time very beautiful. At this stage, the first thing we do is erase our geometric shape with an eraser, but leave the star itself. At the bottom, we add stems for leaves to the branch.
  6. We draw the leaves. It's pretty easy because they have the most elementary form.

  7. It is time to draw another extremely important Victory Day - the St. George ribbon. And we will start drawing it from the upper left corner.
  8. When making drawings for May 9 with a pencil, where a ribbon is depicted, you should be extremely careful when drawing its bends. So follow the example in figure 8.

  9. Do not forget that the ribbon can twist and if we convey this in our drawing, it will become more realistic and beautiful.
  10. Having finished drawing the shape of the tape, draw stripes on it. Inside the tape you need to draw four lines.

  11. At the bottom, we can draw another branch or flower to close the void.
  12. To draw May 9 in stages, sooner or later you will have to come to the moment of writing the words, which needs to be done neatly and beautifully. I suggest an option, as in example 12.

  13. At the final stage, we need to draw the edges of the star to make it three-dimensional. They are marked in red in the figure.
  14. And now the best part - decorate the drawing with paints, colored pencils or any means as you see fit.

Now you know how to draw May 9 with a pencil step by step. I hope you liked this lesson and you will be interested in other examples of drawing postcards and posters for Victory Day in our May 9 section, on the right. Creative success!

On the Victory Day holiday, which takes place in Russia and Ukraine on May 9, you can make drawings with a simple pencil. These pictures show how to draw a tank with a pencil step by step schematically. Everything is visible here, the entire sequence of all steps. This is useful when teaching kids to draw.

For such a holiday, crafts, toys, origami, drawings, applications are made with children in kindergartens and elementary schools from paper, plasticine and other creative material. For drawings, good quality colored or simple pencils are used. Material for creativity can be bought on the Internet, for example, in this artist's store.

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Drawings with a simple pencil by May 9 will not leave any more questions about what to draw with a simple pencil for May 9.

Scheme for children 5 years old:

The second option is how to draw a tank with a pencil in stages, but already in color. The basis of the pattern is oval shapes. First, large details are drawn - the main ones, and after that more detailed, small ones, and then the tank is already decorated.

Many boys like to draw such drawings, it remains for them to show the sequence, an example, so that they can do it beautifully and accurately. And after that, the fantasy turned on!

On the eve of Victory Day, we are thinking about preparing symbolic gifts and congratulatory trifles. Adults buy St. George ribbons and bright scarlet carnations, teenagers make military equipment and voluminous panels, kids draw postcards and cute watercolor or pencil drawings for May 9th. In a word, everyone is trying to show respect, admiration and immeasurable gratitude to the heroes-grandparents for the peaceful sky above their heads. As you know, crafts and sketches created from the bottom of our hearts are much more valuable for our veterans than any material values.

Drawing by May 9 in pencil in stages: Eternal Flame (master class with photo)

The ever-extinguishing eternal flame is a symbol of oblivion and long memory. Almost every memorial complex is supplemented with such a flame. They are often equipped with soldiers' graves and monuments of victory in hostilities. The cauldron itself is usually symbolically shaped like a star, and the flames evoke memories of the heroic deeds of our veterans. Why not draw a monumental eternal flame, like a drawing by May 9, in stages with a pencil. See below for detailed instructions.

Necessary materials for a phased drawing for Victory Day

  • sheet of white paper
  • eraser
  • pencil
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for drawing with a pencil for May 9

A beautiful drawing for May 9 with paints: Solemn fireworks (master class with photo)

One of the most important symbols of Victory Day is a solemn salute. It was he who decorated the sky above the heads of the participants in the battles, when they gathered on the square to celebrate the heroic victory over the Nazi troops. This is probably why fireworks are depicted on all greeting cards, applications, panels and paintings dedicated to the fateful event. We invite you to draw a symbolic drawing by May 9 with paints using one of the methods described below.

How to draw a salute for Victory Day: 3 best options

Such a simple, but very relevant salute will decorate any drawing with paints for May 9 for a school or kindergarten.

How to draw a drawing for the exhibition by May 9 with your own hands

On Victory Day, all educational institutions of the country hold cultural events: they organize thematic exhibitions of crafts, introduce students to military history, meet and congratulate veterans with fresh flowers, ribbons and children's drawings by May 9. After all, it is very important for people who heroically defended our homeland to know that no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!

For the Victory Day exhibition, everyone can make a monumental eternal flame out of cardboard, create a symbolic quilling panel, and prepare a watercolor image of military equipment. How to draw an exhibition drawing by May 9 with your own hands, see further.

Necessary materials for drawing for the exhibition by May 9

  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser
  • sheet of white paper

Step-by-step instructions for drawing by May 9 for the exhibition

How to make a beautiful postcard for Victory Day, see.

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