How to draw a birch with colored pencils. Autumn birch with gouache in stages


Master class on drawing "Autumn birch" for children in grade 1.

Sagitova Zoya Adolfovna, teacher of additional education, MKU DO "TsVR" rp. Mikhailovka.
Target: To teach children to draw pictures with gouache without first drawing with a pencil.
To acquaint children with the features of gouache painting technique.
Develop the ability to notice the beauty of the world around; the desire to express their impressions and emotional state in the picture.
Develop the ability to organize your workplace.
To cultivate love and respect for the nature of the native land.

At first glance, this work may seem simple, but its advantages are in brightness and accessibility. After all, every child wants to get a positive result of their creativity in a relatively short time.

materials : Gouache, brushes No. 1, No. 4-5, album, jar of water.

First we color the background. To draw the earth, we choose colors: green, yellow, white. We begin to paint the sheet from below with green paint.

After rinsing the brush, pick up yellow paint on the tip of the brush, add it to the cap with green paint, mix. With the resulting color, draw the next strip.

We wash the brush. We collect white paint on the tip of the brush, add it to the cap with green-yellow paint, mix. With the resulting color, draw the next strip.

Now let's draw the sky. We need blue and white paint. We mix in the lid, we get a soft blue color. Draw the next strip.

By continuing to add blue paint, we get new shades for the blue sky.

With a wide brush, with white paint, draw a tree trunk. We make the trunk thinner at the top. We transfer the nature of the location of the branches.

Now change the brush. To draw thin branches, use black paint. Do not forget to show the cracks on the bark of the trunk.

Then we decorate our birch with leaves. With a wide brush, poke paint on the drawing.

Be sure to use different shades of paint, because the leaves also turn yellow unevenly.

This work can be framed and hung on the wall or given to a friend!

Studying the basics of painting, there comes a time when drawing landscapes is of interest. To do this, you need to learn how to depict trees. The most common trees in our strip are birch and spruce.

Before you start drawing, let's take a closer look at the birch and try to highlight the main features that distinguish it from other trees. The main feature of birch is a white, yellowish or pinkish trunk, covered with characteristic spots, the upper part of which peels off with peculiar ribbons. The trunk is curved, the branches are directed downwards. Birch leaves are serrated and very small. It often seems that the crown of a tree is a homogeneous green mass. Leaves turn yellow in autumn. Birch flowers are collected in earrings. Birch has a powerful root system, so there is rarely dense vegetation under them. First, let's try to draw a birch with a pencil. It is necessary to start drawing a tree from its trunk. To do this, draw a slightly curved vertical line. Add volume to the trunk, draw branches. There should be quite a lot of them, they are all directed to the ground.

On each branch, add a lot of hanging "earrings" typical of birch. Draw dark spots on the bark. Now start coloring the leaves. Birch leaves are yellow in autumn, green in summer. To make the picture more lively, use several shades of the same color, from very light to saturated dark. Draw as many leaves as possible, densely fill each branch.

Thin, weightless birch looks very nice done in watercolor. To paint with this paint, you need to have some skills and follow the practical recommendations exactly. Start by creating a sketch. To do this, take a thick watercolor sheet and draw with a slate pencil on the rough side. Please note that the pencil should not be sharpened too sharply, as it will leave scratches on the paper, which are subsequently visible through transparent watercolor paint.

We begin to draw the future birch from the trunk, depict the branches. Unlike a pencil drawing, we do not draw each sheet, but mark the place where the crown will be. Draw with minimal pressure so that later unnecessary lines can be easily wiped out with an eraser.

Now get your brushes ready to go. It is best to use natural round ones made of squirrel wool. Also in the process you will need a palette, for this use an old glossy postcard. It is not advisable to use plastic cups or lids, because. on a completely smooth surface, watercolor will collect in a drop, and the color will be very different from what you end up with on paper. It is also important to stock up on a separate container of water for each of the colors used.

Let's start painting our sketch. We start with the lightest shades. We use green paint for foliage and grass under the tree. Light blue outline the sky. We cover the bark of the tree with light gray or pale pink. After that, we move on to darker colors. For the sky, you can use purple, putting it on top, gradually fading to the horizon line. Dark green, with separate dashes pointing down, denote the foliage. Draw a shadow on the grass. We mark dark dashes and spots on the bark of the tree, trying to place them as randomly as possible. On the crown of the tree we add thin hanging branches.

As you can see, drawing a birch is not that difficult. Choose your favorite tool and start drawing.

Inna Koltsun

Drawing materials:


watercolor paper;

The brushes are round and flat;

A glass of water;

Cloth for wiping brushes;


Stage 1: Draw the background and field:

We take a sheet of paper vertically, make a wash of white gouache to the middle of the sheet(paint must be wet).

Then, on top of the white paint, we blur the yellow, red, brown paints, brightening from the middle of the sheet to the top.

We paint the lower remaining part of the sheet black, climbing a little to the horizon line, blurring it. Let the painting dry a bit.

Large, hard only with a dry brush we make colored spots using the method "poke" on the black bottom background of the sheet ( colors: yellow, red, ocher, green, white, blue, so you get field or flowering meadow.

Stage 2: Draw birch:

Mixing ocher and white on the palette gouache until a beige color is obtained. Then draw the trunk birch flat brush, down up. at the base birches press the brush firmly, and then, lifting it to the top, gradually turning it on edge and slowly tearing it off the paper (paints take abundantly)

On the right side birch brown gouache use a thin brush to circle the trunk birches, then with a flat dry brush we blur the paint to the middle of the barrel.

Then, with the thinnest brush, draw the branches birches, rotating it back and forth between the fingers (the brush must be wet, and the branches birches go not only up, but also down).

We take fine brush with black gouache and draw black spots

bark (lentils) different in shape and length (they should not be repeated and be symmetrical).

At the end of our drawing, we draw the foliage birches. We take a big, dry, hard brush, on it take green gouache and draw foliage using the method "poke".

That's all - the picture is ready!

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Thin, slender birch has always been a symbol of beauty and shyness. This beautiful and useful tree, which gives delicious sweet juice, is very graceful and it is a pleasure to draw it. Birch is especially magnificent in summer, when lush foliage and birch "earrings" appear. Be sure to make several sketches in nature with a simple pencil, watercolor or watercolor pencils, crayons and watch how the wind sways its thin branches, how shiny carved leaves shimmer in the sun, touch the warm trunk. And now let's try to draw a birch in watercolor.

How to draw a birch in stages?
  1. Take a thick sheet of A4 size watercolor paper. We draw on its rough side, not on the smooth side. You will also need a hard slate pencil, sharpened sharply. You don’t just need to try to make the stylus sharp as a needle, it will scratch the surface of the paper and the watercolor paint, getting into these scratches, will eat into it tightly and all of them will be very noticeable in the drawing. We make a light sketch of the future birch with a pencil. Its features are a thin trunk and flexible branches that bend under the weight of foliage. The leaves are small, so we will depict them only as a hint, without drawing carefully.

  2. We outline with a pencil the area where the birch foliage will be. Since it is small, from a distance it will seem that it is a dense bulk mass. The areas are uneven, somewhere part of the branches goes down, somewhere it lies in an even layer, especially at the top. Birch foliage descends like a cascade or a large green waterfall.

  3. Now watercolor comes into play, and let's try to paint a birch with paints. With a transparent green-yellow paint, we paint over the surfaces where the foliage will be. We outline the sky with pale blue - the darkest paint will be on top, and light on the bottom. We make a smooth gradient transition, adding more water, we get a gentle summer sky. We denote the grass under the tree.

  4. We enhance the color of the sky, you can add either a warm violet or a cold blue, outline the shadows. Each branch is like a big bunch, it has volume. Since the sunlight falls at an angle from above, the shadow will be at the bottom. We do not completely paint over the surface, but as if we are making such light strokes with a brush, indicating small clusters of birch leaves. In the lightest areas, the leaves can be drawn with small dashes or dots, just outline.

  5. In the shadows, add more dark to give volume to the foliage. Notice how the layers of paint overlap - with little indentation. First came the lightest watercolor layer, then a little darker and the last - the darkest. You can make another one darker than the previous one and also draw it with a little indentation. We draw the leaves with dots or small “droplets”. See how the birch leaves are arranged.

  6. We draw a trunk of a birch and its branches. On the trunk with a thin brush, draw small dark stripes. Please note that they are very different and uneven - some are small, there are more. It is better to take not thick black watercolor, but blue with red, so that you get a rich brown color with a cold tint. Part of the birch branches hide the foliage, so do not draw solid lines, make them dashed. This is especially noticeable in the figure in the lower branch on the left. We draw hanging thin branches. Under the branches we make a shadow - brown paint + blue or blue. Near the trunk, the branches will be darker. We add blue to the sky, you can leave spots and stains, they look like clouds. At the bottom at the base of the tree, we will strengthen the shadow - green + blue.

  7. We complete the drawing. With a thin brush, we work out the details, enhance the shadows for contrast on the branches, tree trunk and on the ground. Pure black paint should not be used, it will look rather rough. It is better to take a combination of dark blue and red or dilute black with blue watercolor.

Now you can move away from the drawing and look at it from afar, check if you missed anything and what needs to be corrected. Following this not very complicated instruction for you, it will be quite easy to paint a birch tree with watercolors on your own.

Autumn birch gouache. Picturesque image of a birch on tinted paper. Master class with photo

Nadeenskaya Elena Alekseevna
Job title: art teacher
Place of work: MOU "Arsenyevskaya secondary school", Arsenyevo village, Tula region
Description: the material will be of interest to elementary school teachers, fine art teachers, educators, teachers of additional education, creative children aged 7-12
Purpose: use in art classes
Target: acquaintance with the technique of painting autumn birch with gouache.
- improve the skills of working with gouache;
- develop a sense of composition, the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the drawing;
- develop color sensitivity, imagination;
- educate accuracy, love for creativity.
- brushes No. 3, 5,
- A4 format light blue.

I love Russian birch
Either bright or sad
In a white sarafan
With handkerchiefs in pockets
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
I love her, zarechnaya,
With elegant mantles,
That clear, seething,
That sad, crying.
I love Russian birch
She is always with her friends
Spring dances,
Kissing like usual
Goes where it's not a city,
Sings where it's not supposed to
Bends under the wind
It bends and doesn't break!
(Alexander Prokofiev)

A little sun warmed the slopes
And it became warmer in the forest,
birch green braids
Hung from thin branches.

All dressed in a white dress
In earrings, in lace foliage,
Meet the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.

Will a storm pass over her
Will the swamp haze cling, -
Shaking off the rain, smile
Birch - and again cheerful.

Her light outfit is wonderful,
There is no tree dearer to the heart,
And many thoughtful songs
People sing about her.

He shares joy and tears with her,
And so her days are good
What seems - in the noise of a birch
There is something from the Russian soul.
(Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky)

1. We outline the outline of the birch trunk with white gouache.

2. We fill the birch trunk with white gouache, add shades of pink and yellow.

3. With a thin brush, outline the birch branches.

4. With yellow gouache we outline the birch foliage, add grass at the base of the tree trunk.

5. Shade the birch foliage with green color, outline individual blades of grass under the tree.

6. Add an orange color to the main color of the birch crown and to the image of the grass.

7. We draw a birch trunk, add a drawing on the bark, outline the birch branches with a thin brush.

8. Adding shades of a deeper green color to the crown of the tree and the image of the grass below it. We clarify the details.

The work is ready.

Thank you for your attention!

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