How to draw a big mushroom. Children about mushrooms - mushroom pictures and stories


Collecting mushrooms is a fun activity. Chanterelles, boletus, boletus, milk mushrooms. There are no mushrooms, but the white mushroom is considered the king of all mushrooms, with a thick white leg and a wide brown cap. If you like not only picking mushrooms, but also drawing, then let's try together draw mushrooms, more precisely, we will draw a white mushroom. We will do the mushroom drawing in stages with a simple pencil, but at the last step you can color the mushroom drawing with paints or colored pencils. And if you draw leaves and grass next to it, then the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

1. Let's mark the legs of the mushroom

First, draw just two circles for the stem of the mushroom. The circles will help you further precisely maintain the correct proportions in the drawing of the porcini mushroom.

2. Add a hat to the leg

Draw two "ears" next to the leg, like those of Cheburashka. They will help you draw a mushroom cap. At the base of the leg, add a "flattened" oval. After all, mushrooms are not perfectly even, their legs are bent, their hats are dented, so in order to draw a realistic mushroom, you need to take into account these "little things".

3. How to draw a general outline of a mushroom

You see how easy it is to draw the shape of a mushroom when there are geometric guidelines. It is enough for you to circle these “circles” with a pencil, almost an arbitrary line, and you will get a real white mushroom.

4. Drawing of a porcini mushroom in detail

Before draw a mushroom in more detail, remove unnecessary outlines from the drawing. Completely decorate the hat and draw the edge of the hat with two lines. All the beauty of the porcini mushroom is in its contrasting hat. It is white inside and brown on top. The gap on the edge of the cap will only emphasize this effect.

5. How to draw a mushroom. Final stage

You see how easy and simple it is to draw mushrooms if you draw in stages. In just how many simple steps and you are already preparing to paint over the drawing with paints or pencils. The drawing of the mushroom looks very impressive in the technique of applying shadows with a pencil. If you also think so, you can simply shade the mushroom with a soft pencil, as in my drawing.

6. Drawing of a mushroom. surrounding landscape

Small growing mushrooms painted around, yellowed leaves, grass, twigs. They will make the drawing more attractive and realistic. If you were able to draw a mushroom beautifully and correctly, try to continue the drawing and draw the surrounding landscape. You can even draw a hedgehog next to the mushrooms. These animals are very fond of picking mushrooms, preparing them for the winter.

Many mushrooms grow in birch forests, you can draw such a birch next to the mushrooms.

Not only people collect mushrooms, but some animals do too. Squirrel prepares a whole warehouse of dried mushrooms for the winter.

Next to the mushrooms, you can draw fallen leaves of trees, a hedgehog or a squirrel. The drawing of the mushroom will become more picturesque and realistic.

Mushrooms grow in shady places, but not under any tree. Even the name of the mushroom often indicates this: boletus, boletus. A lot of mushrooms grow in spruce forests.

Harvesting food supplies for the winter, the hedgehog pricks mushrooms and apples on its needles and transfers them in this way. Good plot if you're up to it draw mushrooms.

To make the mushroom pattern more attractive, draw a butterfly sitting on the mushroom cap. True, butterflies usually prefer flowers instead of mushrooms, but for the sake of a beautiful pattern, a slight inaccuracy can be made.

This drawing of a Christmas tree is designed for a New Year's picture or postcard. But it can be used to draw mushrooms, since many mushrooms, especially porcini mushrooms, "like" to grow in a pine forest, sometimes forming whole mushroom meadows.

Today we will touch on the mushroom topic, because it is autumn in the yard, which is already coming to an end. Below I suggest that you familiarize yourself with two pictures that will help you and your children draw a mushroom with a pencil in stages. The first is white, the most common and beloved by many people, the second is an inedible, but beautiful and bright fly agaric. I hope everything works out for you.

How to draw an edible porcini mushroom

In fact, there will be three mushrooms. At the first stage, we depict their outlines, then slowly bring the drawing to a finished look: using an additional line, draw a hat, add grass. At the very end, we color the drawing: the hats are brown, the legs are white, the grass is green.

How to draw an inedible fly agaric mushroom

It seems to me that drawing a fly agaric with a pencil, following the step-by-step instructions in the picture below, is even easier than white. At the first stage, you must make the outlines of the drawing: a line for the legs and a semi-oval for the hat. Then, exactly following the recommendations, add him a little friend. Color both fly agarics bright red.

I hope that by following the instructions step by step, you get beautiful drawings! And if not, try again. The second or third time, your picture will be much prettier than the first.

Ceps ... This is only a small part of their variety. If you decide to tell children about mushrooms, we recommend depicting a mushroom with them, telling in the process everything you know about this natural creation. Believe me, this type of presentation of information is much more effective and interesting than a regular story. If you follow our updates, then we have already drawn some types of mushrooms. Today we present step-by-step instructions on how to draw an edible porcini mushroom. This is one of the most delicious (if cooked correctly) and beautiful mushrooms. Therefore, prepare all the necessary tools, and start drawing.

You will need:

As usual, in order to simplify the drawing process as much as possible, we draw two cross lines in the center of the sheet. Draw straight lines with a ruler long and straight. They will help to evenly draw the details of the mushroom, and indicate its location on the sheet.

The leg of the mushroom is large and voluminous in size. Rounded below, gradually tapering towards the top. Let's draw it in two parts.

Stepping back about 2 cm from the edge of the bottom line, draw an arc that should intersect the left side of the horizontal auxiliary line, but do not attach it to the vertical one. Follow as shown in the picture.
Repeat the same manipulations with a pencil on the right side. The other part of the stem of the mushroom should be a mirror image.

The cap of the white fungus has an oval, slightly rounded shape. To make it easier to depict it, draw a curved line, indicating the bottom of the hat.
Starting from the edge of the line, draw an arc, attaching it to the top of the vertical auxiliary line.
Repeat the same action in mirror image. Two arcs should join at one point, and together form a round white mushroom cap.

Auxiliary lines fulfilled their purpose. All the details of the mushroom are in the picture. It's time to remove the straight lines. Do this carefully with an eraser.

To make the drawing look complete, it needs to be colored. But, since the stem and hat are round, it is necessary to draw shadows. Only in this way we will visually convey the form. Following the instructions, mark the places in the picture where the colors will change.

To paint, you only need a few shades, ranging from light beige to dark brown.

Speech therapy classes with children are much more productive if you use special visual material. This is especially necessary to do when the baby's personal experience (on the topic under discussion) is not too great. For example, preschoolers rarely see mushrooms, they have vague ideas about their different types, therefore, high-quality images of these “forest gifts” can not only develop children's speech, but also significantly enrich knowledge about the world around them, nature.

If you want to use pictures of mushrooms for activities with children, then you should consider a few rules for their use:

  • Give the child the opportunity to take a good look, study new images in each drawing, and only then use them for developmental exercises or games.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the pictures. It is best to use special speech therapy illustration sets produced for kindergarten, but you can also take realistic images from the Internet or use photographs.
  • Be sure to select a variety of handouts - both subject pictures and plot pictures. The first ones are small cards with single images of mushrooms, and the second ones are illustrations of a real (hedgehog with mushrooms) or fabulous (a series of pictures Under the mushroom) situation on the topic. For the development of the speech of preschoolers, both types of visual material are necessary.
  • Any illustration for classes should be made in a realistic manner, exactly repeating all the elements of the external structure of an object.
  • It is most convenient to use cards with names that older preschoolers can read for themselves.
  • Images of mushrooms on a transparent background greatly expand the possibilities of using them when compiling stories.

Cards by Glen Doman on the topic “Mushrooms”:


There are so many representatives of this natural kingdom that each species allows you to offer the child special tasks. To do this, of course, you need to choose suitable pictures with mushrooms for children, as close as possible to natural ones.


  • What color are the caps of these mushrooms?
  • Explain what their name says?

  • Count: one honey agaric - two honey agarics - three ...
  • Think and tell why honey mushrooms are often called "friendly"?

  • Compare fox and fox. How does a chanterelle mushroom look like a red beast?
  • What fox can be seen in the kitchen? (fried, boiled, pickled, dried, salted, fresh)

  • Where does the boletus like to grow the most? What tree "gave" him his name?
  • How can you call a grove in which only aspen mushrooms grow? (aspen, aspen)


  • What happens if you uproot the mushrooms, and not cut them with a knife? Why can't this be done?
  • In what forest can you most often find a boletus (in a birch grove, in a birch forest).

Borovik (white mushroom)

  • Describe the appearance of a boletus.
  • Explain why it is also called "white"?
  • Can someone hide under a mushroom if it has grown very large?

  • Why can't you pick fly agarics?
  • What other inedible mushrooms do you know?

Death cap

  • Tell us about what poisonous mushrooms are and why pale grebes are considered so dangerous to people?
  • Why is no one picking up harmful mushrooms?


Different pictures of mushrooms for children allow you to conduct many kinds of speech therapy games. Here are some examples:

  • We collect mushrooms

Each player chooses one picture with a mushroom and tries to describe its external features. If the other player guessed correctly, then the card goes to him. The one with the most pictures wins.

  • How are we similar?

An adult chooses two cards (boletus-boletus, white-butter, russula-fly agaric) and invites children to see as many differences between them as possible. The one who gives the answer last wins.

  • Cheerful chefs

Invite the children to “cook” a meal of various edible mushrooms they know. Everyone must choose one picture and name a dish that can be cooked with certain mushrooms (for example: porcini mushroom soup, pickled butter, boletus in sour cream, salted milk mushrooms, etc.

  • Oh, what a honey agaric we have!

The image of any mushroom is transferred from one player to another. Everyone names one of its signs, distinctive features of the external structure. The winner is the participant who can see and name some detail last.

  • Tales from storytellers

Ask each player to choose one specially selected mushroom picture for children. Then everyone has to come up with a short story about their character. Tell about his character, habits, occupations. For example, Borovik is the king of all mushrooms in the forest, he is strict and important, busy with state affairs from morning to evening, loves to play football and play the balalaika. Older preschoolers can be invited to come up with (in a circle) a whole story about the mushroom kingdom, you can also draw illustrations for the fairy tale together.

  • Mosaic: find a piece

Make cut-out pictures from the cards and invite the child to collect them. You can use drawings of poisonous and edible mushrooms for this game.

  • full basket

Invite the child to select a few cards (he will need a small basket for this), memorize them well and repeat all the names by heart without looking into the basket again. Each player can try to become a mushroom picker by collecting their own set of cards.


With children it is very useful to learn riddles on a chosen topic. This helps not only to train the memory and attention of a preschooler, but also significantly increases his vocabulary, and also allows you to automate difficult sounds. Here is a selection of suitable riddles called Basket of Mushrooms for Toddlers:

coloring pages

Coloring drawings is very important for the development of fine motor skills of the baby, for his speech development. Younger preschoolers need to be offered larger, simple contour images of the most famous mushrooms (white, fly agaric), and for older children it would be more correct to select drawings with miniature mushrooms, chanterelles, and russula. Make sure that children do the work only with pencils, it is this condition that provides the value of coloring.

The best way to learn to recognize edible and non-edible mushrooms on your own is to familiarize yourself with their names, descriptions and photos. Of course, it is better if you walk through the forest several times with an experienced mushroom picker, or show your prey at home, but everyone needs to learn to distinguish between real and false mushrooms.

You will find the names of mushrooms in alphabetical order, their descriptions and photos in this article, which you can later use as a guide to mushroom growing.

Types of mushrooms

The species diversity of mushrooms is very wide, so there is a strict classification of these inhabitants of the forest (Figure 1).

So, according to their edibility, they are divided into:

  • Edible (white, boletus, champignon, chanterelle, etc.);
  • Conditionally edible (dubovik, greenfinch, veselka, breast, line);
  • Poisonous (satanic, pale grebe, fly agaric).

In addition, they are usually divided according to the type of bottom of the hat. According to this classification, they are tubular (outwardly resembles a porous sponge) and lamellar (plates are clearly visible on the inside of the cap). The first group includes butter, white, boletus and boletus. To the second - mushrooms, milk mushrooms, chanterelles, mushrooms and russula. Morels, which include morels and truffles, are considered a separate group.

Figure 1. Classification of edible varieties

It is also customary to separate them according to nutritional value. According to this classification, they are of four types:

Since there are a lot of species, we will give the names of the most popular with their pictures. The best edible mushrooms with photos and names are shown in the video.

Edible mushrooms: photos and names

Edible varieties include those that can be freely eaten fresh, dried and boiled. They have high taste qualities, and you can distinguish an edible specimen from an inedible one in the forest by the color and shape of the fruiting body, smell, and some characteristic features.

Figure 2. Popular edible species: 1 - white, 2 - oyster mushroom, 3 - volushki, 4 - chanterelles

We offer a list of the most popular edible mushrooms with photos and names(picture 2 and 3):

  • White mushroom (boletus)- the most valuable find for a mushroom picker. It has a massive light stem, and the color of the cap can vary from cream to dark brown, depending on the region of growth. When broken, the flesh does not change color, and has a slight nutty flavor. It comes in several types: birch, pine and oak. All of them are similar in external characteristics and are suitable for food.
  • Oyster mushroom: regal, pulmonary, horn-shaped and lemon, grows mainly on trees. Moreover, you can collect it not only in the forest, but also at home, sowing mycelium on logs or stumps.
  • Volnushki, white and pink, have a hat depressed in the center, the diameter of which can reach 8 cm. The wave has a sweet pleasant smell, and at the break, the fruiting body begins to secrete sticky, sticky juice. They can be found not only in the forest, but also in open places.
  • Chanterelles- more often they are bright yellow, but there are also light species (white chanterelle). They have a cylindrical leg, which expands upwards, and an irregularly shaped hat, slightly pressed into the middle.
  • Butter dish there are also several types (real, cedar, deciduous, granular, white, yellow-brown, painted, red-red, red, gray, etc.). The most common is considered to be a real oiler, which grows on sandy soils in deciduous forests. The cap is flat, with a small tubercle in the middle, and a characteristic feature is the mucous skin, which is easily separated from the pulp.
  • Honey mushrooms, meadow, autumn, summer and winter, belong to edible varieties that are very easy to collect, as they grow in large colonies on tree trunks and stumps. The color of honey agaric may vary depending on the region of growth and species, but, as a rule, its shade varies from cream to light brown. A characteristic feature of edible mushrooms is the presence of a ring on the leg, which is not present in false twins.
  • Aspen mushrooms belong to the tubular: they have a thick stem and a cap of regular shape, the color of which differs depending on the species from cream to yellow and dark brown.
  • mushrooms- bright, beautiful and tasty, which can be found in coniferous forests. Hat of the correct form, flat or funnel-shaped. The leg is cylindrical and dense, the color matches the hat. The flesh is orange, but in the air it quickly turns green and begins to secrete juice with a pronounced smell of coniferous resin. The smell is pleasant, and the taste of its flesh is slightly spicy.

Figure 3. The best edible mushrooms: 1 - butter dish, 2 - mushrooms, 3 - aspen mushrooms, 4 - mushrooms

Edible varieties also include champignons, shiitake, russula, truffles and many other species that are not so much interested in mushroom pickers. However, it should be remembered that almost every edible variety has a poisonous counterpart, the names and features of which we will consider below.

Conditionally edible

Conditionally edible varieties are slightly less, and they are suitable for eating only after special heat treatment. Depending on the variety, it must either be boiled for a long time, periodically changing the water, or simply soaked in clean water, squeezed and cooked.

The most popular conditionally edible varieties include(picture 4):

  1. breast- a variety with dense pulp, which is quite suitable for eating, although milk mushrooms are considered inedible in Western countries. They are usually soaked to remove bitterness, then salted and pickled.
  2. Row green (greenfinch) differs from others in its pronounced green color of the stem and cap, which is preserved even after heat treatment.
  3. Morels- conditionally edible specimens with an unusual shape of a hat and a thick leg. It is recommended to eat them only after careful heat treatment.

Figure 4. Conditionally edible varieties: 1 - mushroom, 2 - greenfinch, 3 - morels

Conditionally edible also include some types of truffles, russula and fly agaric. But there is one important rule that should be followed when collecting any mushrooms, including conditionally edible ones: if you have even a slight doubt about edibility, it is better to leave the prey in the forest.

Inedible mushrooms: photos and names

Inedible include species that are not eaten due to health hazards, poor taste and too hard pulp. Many representatives of this category are completely poisonous (deadly) to humans, others can cause hallucinations or mild discomfort.

It is worth avoiding such inedible specimens.(with photo and titles in Figure 5):

  1. Death cap- the most dangerous inhabitant of the forest, since even a small part of it can cause death. Despite the fact that it grows in almost all forests, it is quite difficult to meet it. Outwardly, it is absolutely proportional and very attractive: in young specimens, the cap is spherical with a slight greenish tinge, with age it turns white and stretches. Pale grebes are often confused with young floats (conditionally edible mushrooms), champignons and russula, and since one large specimen can easily poison several adults, with the slightest doubt, it is better not to put a suspicious or dubious specimen in a basket.
  2. red fly agaric, probably familiar to everyone. He is very beautiful, with a bright red hat, covered with white spots. It can grow both singly and in groups.
  3. Satanic- one of the most common doubles of the white fungus. To distinguish it simply by a light hat and a brightly colored leg, uncharacteristic of mushrooms.

Figure 5. Dangerous inedible varieties: 1 - pale grebe, 2 - red fly agaric, 3 - satanic mushroom

In fact, every edible double has a false double that disguises itself as a real one and can fall into the basket of an inexperienced quiet hunter. But, in fact, the greatest mortal danger is the pale grebe.

Note: Not only the fruiting bodies of pale grebes themselves are considered poisonous, but even their mycelium and spores, so it is strictly forbidden to even put them in a basket.

Most inedible varieties cause abdominal pain and symptoms of severe poisoning, and a person needs only medical attention. In addition, many inedible varieties have an unattractive appearance and poor taste, so they can only be eaten by accident. However, you must always be aware of the danger of poisoning, and carefully review all the booty that you brought from the forest.

The most dangerous inedible mushrooms are described in detail in the video.

The main difference between hallucinogenic and other types is that they have a psychotropic effect. Their action is in many ways similar to narcotic substances, so their intentional collection and use is punishable by criminal liability.

Common hallucinogenic varieties include(picture 6):

  1. Fly agaric red- a common inhabitant of deciduous forests. In ancient times, tinctures and decoctions from it were used as an antiseptic, immunomodulatory agent and intoxicant for various rituals among the peoples of Siberia. However, it is not recommended to eat it, not so much because of the effect of hallucinations, but because of severe poisoning.
  2. Stropharia shitty got its name from the fact that it grows directly on piles of feces. Representatives of the variety are small, with brown hats, sometimes with a shiny and sticky surface.
  3. Paneolus campanulata (bell asshole) also grows mainly on manure-fertilized soils, but can also be found simply on swampy plains. The color of the cap and legs is from white to gray, the flesh is gray.
  4. Stropharia blue-green prefers the stumps of coniferous trees, growing on them singly or in groups. Eating it by accident will not work, as it has a very unpleasant taste. In Europe, such stropharia is considered edible and even bred on farms, while in the USA it is considered poisonous due to several deaths.

Figure 6. Common hallucinogenic varieties: 1 - red fly agaric, 2 - shitty stropharia, 3 - bell-shaped paneolus, 4 - blue-green stropharia

Most hallucinogenic species grow in places where edible ones simply will not take root (too waterlogged soils, completely rotten stumps and manure heaps). In addition, they are small, mostly on thin legs, so it is difficult to confuse them with edible ones.

Poisonous mushrooms: photos and names

All poisonous varieties are somehow similar to edible ones (Figure 7). Even the deadly pale grebe, especially young specimens, can be confused with russula.

For example, there are several doubles of the boletus - boletus le Gal, beautiful and purple, which differ from the real ones in the too bright color of the legs or hat, as well as the unpleasant smell of the pulp. There are also varieties that are easy to confuse with mushrooms or russula (for example, fiber and talker). Gall is similar to white, but its pulp has a very bitter taste.

Figure 7. Poisonous twins: 1 - purple boletus, 2 - bile, 3 - royal fly agaric, 4 - yellow-skinned champignon

There are also poisonous doubles of mushrooms, which differ from the real ones in the absence of a leathery skirt on the leg. Poisonous varieties include fly agaric: grebe, panther, red, royal, smelly and white. Cobwebs are easily disguised as russula, mushrooms or aspen mushrooms.

There are also several types of poisonous champignons. For example, yellow-skinned is easy to confuse with an ordinary edible specimen, but during heat treatment it emits a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Unusual mushrooms of the world: names

Despite the fact that Russia is a truly mushroom country, very unusual specimens can be found not only here, but throughout the world.

We offer you several options for unusual edible and poisonous varieties with photos and names(picture 8):

  1. Blue- bright azure color. Found in India and New Zealand. Despite the fact that its toxicity is little studied, it is not recommended to eat it.
  2. bleeding tooth- a very bitter variety that is theoretically edible, but its unattractive appearance and poor taste make it unsuitable for food. It is found in North America, Iran, Korea and some European countries.
  3. bird's Nest- an unusual New Zealand variety that really resembles a bird's nest in shape. Inside the fruiting body are spores that, under the influence of rainwater, spread around.
  4. Blackberry comb also found in Russia. Its taste is similar to shrimp meat, and outwardly resembles a shaggy pile. Unfortunately, it is rare and listed in the Red Book, so it is grown mainly artificially.
  5. Golovach giant- a distant relative of champignon. It is also edible, but only young specimens with white flesh. It is found everywhere in deciduous forests, in fields and meadows.
  6. Devil's cigar- not only very beautiful, but also a rare variety that is found only in Texas and several regions of Japan.

Figure 8. The most unusual mushrooms in the world: 1 - blue, 2 - bleeding tooth, 3 - bird's nest, 4 - comb blackberry, 5 - giant golovach, 6 - devil's cigar

Another unusual representative is the brain tremor, which is found mainly in temperate climates. You can not eat it, as it is deadly poisonous. We have given a far from complete list of unusual varieties, since specimens of a strange shape and color are found all over the world. Unfortunately, most of them are inedible.

An overview of the unusual mushrooms of the world is given in the video.

Lamellar and tubular: names

All mushrooms are divided into lamellar and tubular, depending on the type of pulp on the cap. If it resembles a sponge, it is tubular, and if stripes are visible under the hat, then it is lamellar.

The most famous representative of the tubular is considered white, but this group also includes butter, boletus and boletus. Everyone has probably seen the lamellar one: this is the most common champignon, but it is among the lamellar varieties that the most poisonous ones are. Among the edible representatives, russula, mushrooms, mushrooms and chanterelles can be distinguished.

Number of mushroom species on earth

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