How to draw wild geese in the sky. Draw a goose


If you have lived in the country, even for a while, you have known all the delights of civilized life. Eternal grunting, croaking, fearless birds running around, roosters fighting, pigs taking mud baths. And geese. Here we will learn how to draw a goose with a pencil.On the one hand, the goose is an inconspicuous bird, but it has a lot to learn. For example, he knows firsthand what love is. They choose a partner for themselves already at the age of 3, and since then they have remained monogamous. If a partner passes away earlier, then they grieve for a long time and rarely find a second partner. Sadness, alas. It deserves respect. Animals that have this attachment to others prove that relationships can be based on more than expensive cars, money, brainwashing and an eternal need for all sorts of garbage.

People learn little from their own mistakes, and even more so from those of others. Even with such a simple bird, you can take a good example, instead of the eternal search for answers in space, compatibility horoscopes, dreams and other heresy.

I have not told you all the interesting things about these very ordinary birds. To increase your intellectual piggy bank, here are some interesting points for you:

  • Little goslings already know how to swim almost a day after birth. And they are actively engaged in this for muscle development. If you suddenly had a crazy idea to drown goslings - you flew by with a bang.
  • Birds are experts in aerodynamics. And the goose is no exception. They move in a wedge to reduce air resistance. And it looks cool if you put such a picture to the music from the Brigade, or something like that.
  • Once a year, all geese severely molt. And these are not your cat's hairballs. They go bald from head to toe and practically cannot fly for 5-6 weeks.
  • All great writers before the 19th century bow before geese. And why? Because it was from their feathers that pens were made. The core of the goose feather was distinguished by its hardness and durability.
  • And yet, the goose is the hero of Rome. A historical fact, during the attack of wild Gauls at night on Rome, crowds of geese began to yell and throw stones, which woke up the soldiers, and they gladly chopped up all the Gauls, and threw the rest into the gap.

But, let's be honest with ourselves, the goose is delicious meat, warm feathers and big eggs. We rarely think about the essence of animals, and the chicken also wants to live. Though it might be for the best. For if they thought about living creatures, then they would become vegetarians without exception.

How to draw a goose with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, draw two circles, large and small, and connect them with a curve.
Step two. In accordance with the circles, draw the bird's body, long neck, beak and eyes.
Step three. We remove the extra lines from the first circles, outline the body itself with more fat, draw the paws and the ground under them.
Step four. It remains to carefully draw the main attribute of the bird - plumage. You can add hatching.
And here he is a goose. Alive and unharmed, standing and waiting for his time. But you should not wait with him, it is better to try to draw other birds.

The colors we need are very simple.. we will be muting the yellow (Nickel Azo Yellow) with red (Subtle Red) and red-brown (Quinacridone Rust) colors. This time I had to mix a little more colors with Cobalt Violet than usual.

Skills you will get:

  • Water image
  • Reflections

Materials used:

  • watercolor paper 6x8 Twinrocker Cold Press
  • round brush, sable Isabey №14


  • (watercolor M. Graham transparent watercolors)
  • Yellow (Nickel Azo Yellow)
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Cobalt Violet
  • Red-brown (Quinacridone Rust)
  • Van Dyke Brown

Stage 1

I start with a light fill of Cobalt Blue mixed with Cobalt Violet. In the background, I use horizontal strokes, and around the geese on the water I start to draw ripples.

If you are painting a portrait :) always paint your own shadows at the same time as the base for the background. You should merge them from the very beginning, as we almost never see clear boundaries between the background objects in the shadow.

Photo of Canadian geese. Aren't they wonderful?

Stage 2

While the drawing is still raw, I start painting the water. Don't worry about the reflection for now, as it is much darker than its surroundings.

Pay attention to how the waves connect with each other and in which direction they diverge. If you prescribe them wet, then there will be a feeling of reality. It is only necessary to make strokes in the right directions.

Stage 3

It's time for reflections! Draw them in the same way as the ripples on the water: leave the light side of the wave and paint over the dark side.

For reflections, I use a lot of water on the brush, and for drawing geese I use a dry brush. However, where water shimmers, you can also paint dry. Reflections are in the very foreground, so pay special attention to them.

Stage 4

Artistic advice: First you need to draw the main background, and then the reflections of objects.

To draw a goose, you do not need to plan in advance every brush stroke. Each subsequent action will follow from the previous one, so think about color better. Remember that when writing with a dry brush, the colors do not spread and thus do not mix. They are mixed by applying one layer to another.

Pay attention to how each group of pens is positioned and try to convey this on paper. Don't paint every single feather, paint the entire group with one stroke of the brush.

Stage 5

For drawing goslings, I use a dry brush (and my own fingers). Goslings are like fluffy balls, so they need to be drawn in a very soft manner.

Draw the heads with a few strokes. Do not put too much effort into drawing all the smallest details.

Stage 6

Draw the adult goose with a dry brush more carefully. Where the light falls, leave more white.

Stage 7

Let's work a little more on the goslings. We could draw feathers, but then we get the effect of a photograph, which is too boring. It is much more difficult to do without displaying all the details.

Look carefully at the object you are depicting, discard everything superfluous. We will leave only beaks!

"Canadian geese on the pond" are ready.

The geese motif is very simple, but we know that a simple-looking picture is very difficult to draw!

It took me an hour to get to work (not counting drying breaks). Everything went smoothly, so one session was enough for me. To be honest, watercolor is the kind of painting where you have to redraw the same thing several times in order to achieve the desired result. Every movement of the brush is important here and there is no room for error.

It seems to me that the benefit of redrawing multiple times is greatly underestimated. Frankly, I do not think that you can achieve a good result if you work on a picture for a whole month. It will be dry and overloaded, unless, of course, you wrote it only once a week. (In this case, it makes sense to work for a month.) The limited time for painting is a big problem for artists.

In order for a watercolor painting to look fresh and at ease, it seems to me that one or two sessions of 3 hours are needed (excluding drying time). As soon as you put more effort into it, it will become dry. In this case, it is better to start all over again, applying half as much paint to it as you did it the first time.

If we are talking about redrawing, then this is exactly what I had to do when I was preparing the next lesson. But I don't regret it - I learned a lot in the process.

Today's picture is very simple in appearance and that's what I don't like about it. My youngest son agrees with me, he asked me to hang it in his room.

And I drew this for my eldest son's nursery. It is a little different from my current style as it was drawn 9 years ago.

Hello! Today we present a new drawing lesson in which we will talk about how to draw a goose. Here we decided to deviate a little from the cartoon style of drawing, which our artists work in quite often (for example, we drew this way) to make it more realistic, but not very difficult.

If the inhabitants of Ancient Rome, living in the 5th century BC, could read our site, this lesson would certainly be one of the most popular - perhaps even more popular. The fact is that in that century, Rome was experiencing attacks by Gallic tribes, one of which could have ended very sadly for the inhabitants of the eternal city. The Roman watchmen of one of the main towers of the fortress wall were asleep when several Gallic detachments made a desperate attempt to climb the tower, kill the guards and penetrate into the undefended city. This would have happened if not for one “but” - the geese from the temple of Juno, who heard the noise, became worried and began to scream. Their noisy cackle woke up the guards, who dealt with the Gauls - it was this story that gave rise to the expression "the geese saved Rome."

Here we will draw such an important character. Let's start this lesson and learn how to draw a goose with a pencil step by step!

Step 1

First, draw the contours of the torso, neck and head. We use only smooth, rounded lines. Please note that the goose has a small head, it is slightly thicker than the neck.

Step 2

Now let's draw an eye - just a small circle and a beak. The beak consists of two parts - the upper one is more massive than the lower one. It seems that it is longer, but this is an illusion - the lower part starts a little to the right of us than the upper one. Here, with a pair of short, smooth lines on the sides of the neck, we connect it with the body.

Step 3

We draw a wing - it should have one corner (sharp) and smoothly curving contours. We outline the silhouettes of the paws.

Step 4

Let's draw some of the largest wing feathers, as well as the claws and contours of the front paw to us. Erase all unnecessary strokes, circle the remaining contours and clean up the drawing again to make it more complete.

Learn to build harmonious affairs. More commonly used are candles. On the Candlemas, winter meets spring and, having read a love spell on this day, the Lord will help loving souls and. Love spells with a prayer for the Annunciation, which is celebrated on April 7, have a special power and certainly help to bewitch a loved one forever by falling in love with him.

Thank you for all the Christmas love spells presented, I did a love spell in the church when they celebrated the Christmas holiday and I believe that everything worked out for me and the love prayer will work very quickly. To conduct a love spell, I select and adopt any valuable and semi-precious stones that enhance and direct amorous magic in the right direction.

Other ingredients - depending on the type of love spell. To do this, in the words of a love spell for holy Christmas, it is enough to replace the words slave with a slave.

On Christmas week, while Christmas time is going on, girls read conspiracies to please a man and quickly successfully marry a loved one - a guy or. Put an icon on the table and light a church candle, read the love words:

It is most effective to cast a love spell on a girl's love using various objects, choosing special days. Too complicated, I don’t want to start something right away ... But with a gift - my option! It seems not a freak and there is money, and to her with all my heart ... I don’t know what else she needs. Dropped the link to a friend.

Non-traditional drawing Master class for 3rd grade students: Goose

Panfilova Nadezhda Pavlovna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Razdolnenskaya school-gymnasium No. 2 named after L. Ryabiki" Republic of Crimea

Master class step by step "Goose". Non-traditional drawing technique for elementary school children.

Description: the master class will be of interest to primary school teachers, teachers of additional education, creative children and their parents.
Purpose: the work can decorate a children's room, it will be a good gift or an exhibition piece.
Target: creation of the picture "Goose" in mixed media.
learn to draw a goose step by step;
develop skills in drawing with wax crayons and gouache paints, creative abilities;
develop horizons, curiosity;
cultivate aesthetic feelings for beauty, accuracy, love for creativity, for native nature, birds and animals.
- gouache, brushes, water,
- album sheet, pencil,
- wax pencils


Goose is one of the oldest types of poultry, which was domesticated in the 8th century BC. The ancestor of the breeds of domestic geese is the wild gray goose, in contrast to which domestic geese have lost the ability to fly. The goose is the pride of every yard.
The reason for the domestication of geese lies in their lifestyle. These birds are herbivores, so they feed on their own. The first chicks for domestication, a person caught or took from the nest. Captive-bred geese bonded to their owner....with their intellect. Geese tend to be loyal to both their owner and nesting partner. These qualities of geese were already known in antiquity. The Romans compared these birds with the goddess Juno, the guardian of the family hearth and marital fidelity. A herd of geese was constantly kept near the temple of the goddess.
It was the geese who woke up the guards at night with their cackle when the enemies attacked Rome. This is where the saying comes from: "Geese
Rome was saved.

In modern farming, there are many breeds of geese. But they are united by the fact that they all do not know how to fly or do it very badly. Geese are waterfowl, so they need water. There they look for food.
Everyone knows a funny song about two geese who lived with their grandmother:
Two merry geese lived with granny,
One is grey, the other is white
Two cheerful geese.
Breeds: Emdeian, Legard, Italian and many others, their plumage color is white, beak and paws are orange, eyes are blue or black.
Artists painted pictures, poets and writers composed poems and fairy tales, stories, sculptors created monuments.
Here are our geese!

In the city of Arzamas there is a monument to a goose.

The Kursk writer Yevgeny Nosov wrote the story "White Goose", where the goose, at the cost of his own life, saves his little goslings. A monument to a literary character, a family goose, was unveiled in the city of Kursk.


Lay the white sheet horizontally. With a simple pencil, draw an oval in the center of the sheet.

We draw the neck.

We outline the outline of the plumage of the tail.

We draw a beak, paws.

We take a white wax pencil and shade all the plumage of the goose, except for the beak and paws. We will paint them with an orange wax pencil.

We visually divide the sheet into two parts. At the bottom is grass.
With a green pencil we outline the outline of the blades of grass.

With white color, draw a cloud at the top of the sheet. On the left side, add a little yellow tone.

We begin to fill the sky with a blue tone of paint.

We paint over the lower part of the sheet with a green tone.

Dandelions bloom across the green field. Using the poke method, we create yellow and white circles.

For greater expressiveness, outline the outline of the goose with gray paint.

Add some white to the clouds.

Our "Goose"

A goose has two legs
bead eyes,
Has its habits
Walks without looking back
Yes, and not in a hurry.
Goose-sage home,
Thinking, contemplating
He is a brave fighter
It just doesn't fly.
Looks good-natured
But ready to fight
And he can walk
Follow you.
(Borisov T.)

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