How to draw a freight train with wagons. How to draw a wagon with a pencil step by step


I have been asked to draw a train for a long time, but it turned out that it is not so easy. Do you know why? Because I - like most people - tried to draw a steam locomotive with one large wheel and several small ones, as in "The Engine from Romashkovo":

... but in fact it turned out that there were only one or two such steam locomotives all over the world. And it's easier to draw, and more like a real steam locomotive with all the same wheels. Like the one on the sign:

And it turns out (which is typical!) Even prettier. Okay, we chatted with you, it's time to take on the felt-tip pens, stretch your fingers.

Let's draw three wheels that look like donuts - plump and with a ma-a-scarlet circle in the middle. Side by side, close to each other.

Let's make a cart out of wheels. The top line goes almost immediately above the wheels, and on the sides protrudes about half a wheel.

Steam boiler. Please note: in height it is approximately equal to the "trolley" with wheels. The right edge of the boiler goes exactly over the edge of the right wheel.

We draw the cabin. Is it crooked? Okay, let's explain in more detail. Our cabin is twice as high as a steam boiler. It looks like it's made up of two squares. On the right, the cabin "hangs" a little (don't worry, the locomotive won't tip over). The bottom edge of the cutout...

…together with the lower edge of the window, it runs in line with the steam boiler. Now it worked? So that's great.

So that the locomotive does not frighten passers-by with a square physiognomy, we will make the nose rounder.

But this triangular contraption is called a "sweeper". The sweeper is needed not for beauty, but to throw everything extraneous out of the way. It is also called "cow catcher", I will not go into the dramatic details of the origin of the name, you will guess for yourself. By the way, you have seen a similar device a hundred times on jeeps. Many years ago, she was very fond of in Australia, from where the name "kenguryatnik" (in English - roo bar) came from.

Without a pipe, the locomotive is clearly uncomfortable. Let's draw it exactly above the wheel. The shape of the pipe can be any, from triangular to eight-pointed, of your choice. The main thing is that the pipe is higher than the cab, otherwise the driver risks getting smoked.

Above the second wheel, draw such a puffball. Do you know what it is? As it turned out, there can be several such things on a steam locomotive: the words “sucker tank” and “nutrition cap” are unlikely to tell you anything, but they also put it there, imagine, a SANDBOX. If the wheels slide on the rails (in the rain or on a hill), sand is poured onto the rails right in front of the wheels through a special tube. The same sandboxes, by the way, are in all trams.

In order not to go astray at night, we will attach a spotlight to the train. Although on the rails, perhaps, it is difficult to turn the wrong way.

The steam locomotive is ready! But the locomotives need to be fed with something, so we need a tender - a special wagon with coal. Drawing the body...

... and the same wheels as a steam locomotive. We draw a hitch.

It remains to add smoke ...

...and the driver. Dear passengers, the train to Romashkovo departs from the first track!

For a snack, we will show you how to clean the roads from snow. Don't get in the way, however!

A steam locomotive - "choo-choo", "too-too" puffs along the rails of a steam locomotive, pulling the train behind it. There is a lot of work, it is necessary to bring wagons with grain from one station in time, and pick up new wagons with coal from another. And still it is necessary to have time to return to the depot in time. This is not an easy task for a railroad. Drawing a locomotive with a pencil is quite simple if you follow the simple instructions on the picture diagram.

Pencil drawing scheme in stages: Steam locomotive

(Click on the image to enlarge the image)

1. Draw a rectangle. Extend the right extreme line up

2. Then draw the cabin and pipe.

3. Draw a horizontal straight line under the future steam locomotive - these will be the rails. Attach (draw) the steam locomotive wheels and a "cap" on the pipe.

4. Complete the drawing with details, as in the picture.

5. Draw a spotlight in front. Attach an apron to the locomotive, in my opinion, this is the name of the lattice in front of the locomotive (and it does not matter), but it is important that our locomotive moves.

6. To show movement, draw clouds of smoke from the chimney. Now color it in. The sound of wheels is heard - "too-too" our locomotive!

It is known that the law of natural selection sincerely laughed when it gave the fragile and feeble human body a brain. It would look much better in a jaguar that rushes at breakneck speed, or in a lion, at least they sleep 22 hours a day. But all our body can do is whine, how the emu doesn't like everything. But the brain is a weighty thing in such topics, it will not let itself be offended. To move around, while not making any movement, he invented transport, and today we will learn how to draw a train. The train is a means for quickly moving sirloin and not only body parts in especially large sizes; . He moves on rails, since there are no roads in Russia (although there are fools). Cheap, which means it enjoys enchanting popularity among the poverty of mere mortals. A favorite place for carrying out terrorist attacks, singing gypsy songs and selling rotten food, seeds, socks, screwdrivers, newspapers, crossword puzzles, playing cards, notebooks, pens, for 3 rubles a handful, and in a handful there are three things.

It smells bad, hisses all the time and scares away animals. It evokes the entire possible range of emotions, from anger and internally suppressed aggression due to the arrival of mother-in-law from distant lands, to sincere happiness and a dance of victory from successfully pushed through smuggling. He used to move with the help of coal and slaves, then suddenly switched to electricity and diesel, and all the slaves left for America to do the same thing they love.

The train allows you to:

  • Get a good night's sleep, as it sways and knocks monotonously.;
  • Wave goodbye to people from the window;
  • Get to your destination without any problems;
  • Go to the toilet.
  • Find out that this is not a toilet, but a hole in the floor into which you can fall, and endure until you stop.
  • It's ridiculous to die with your head out the window.
  • Pull the stopcock and pretend to be ignorant, blind or a fan of elephant rides.
  • Forced to meet people in a confined space.

In addition, it can be depicted on paper, which we will now do.

How to draw a train with a pencil step by step

Step one. With long drawn lines we will create a figure of a train in motion with a small chimney on top.
Step two. Let's add a lot of wheels, headlights in front and other accessories of the locomotive.
Step three. Carefully draw every detail, especially carefully look at the wheels. Let's remove the extra lines.
Step four. Now we’ll draw everything well with a pencil, and most importantly, we’ll create a beautiful lush smoke that comes out of the chimney.
See drawing lessons for other vehicles.

It is believed that the ability to draw beautifully is a natural gift that is given only to the elite. Most often, we call them artists or even geniuses of the brush, because it is they who create unique masterpieces of painting in various styles and directions. However, there is another version, according to which everything can be learned, the main thing is to know the basics of this art form and believe in yourself. That is why now we will consider a step-by-step instruction and, following it, we will understand how to draw a train.

Features of the drawn train

Comparing this model for drawing with others, it is impossible to say for sure whether it is complex or simple. On the one hand, the train is a set of straight lines that does not have any intricate features. Therefore, compared to the technique of drawing a portrait of a specific person, it is easy to portray him. However, these lines must be applied in the right proportions, and most importantly, in perspective. Knowing this basic condition, let's move on to how to draw a train that seems to be traveling from afar, and passing by us.

No perspective anywhere

The first stage of the drawing is the point at which everything will converge. A drawing of a train traveling along rails somewhere among fields, forests or other areas can be safely called a landscape. Children at school are taught to depict pictures in this genre in a simplified way, since their vanishing point is located on a piece of paper. In order to make our image more interesting and realistic, we place the point outside the sheet, for example, 20 cm to the right of the right edge of the paper, just above the horizontal axis.

Sketch work

To understand how to draw a train with all its details, you can take a photo as a sample and draw from it. First, measure the proportions of the locomotive, the number of cars and the distance between them. Remember that the farther the car, the smaller it is, since we have all the lines as a result should converge at one distant point. After you have created a sketch of the train itself, sketch out the environment with light strokes. Mark the horizon line, perhaps there will be bushes, trees, spruces, etc. in your picture.

detailed detail

Now let's move on to the details. To know how to draw a train, you need to navigate in its structure: these are headlights, wheels, there may be reliefs on the surface of the cars, windows. We draw these details in general terms, after which we move a certain distance from the image in order to check it for errors. If the locomotive looks natural and harmonious, we continue further.

How to draw a train with a pencil in detail

Now you can safely direct all existing lines in the drawing with softer graphite. At the same time, finish the missing details: curtains in the windows, rims, inscriptions and numbering of cars, etc. Also make sure that there are no auxiliary lines left on the image that you applied when making a sketch. We wipe all the stages of building a picture, leaving only the outer, main lines.

The play of light and shadow

This is almost the entire instruction, with the exception of some details, about how to draw a train. Step by step, now we only need to apply shadows to the picture and highlight the most illuminated areas. To do this, you need to imagine where the sun is shining from, and in accordance with this, darken the necessary areas of your drawing.

Any train, be it a freight train or an electric train, is strongly elongated horizontally. This can be seen even in the picture, which is very useful to consider before you start drawing. A toy is also suitable as a nature. The sheet must be laid horizontally. It can even be cut in half lengthwise. Stepping back from the bottom edge of the sheet, draw a long horizontal line. Mark the length of the locomotive on it.

Consider a steam locomotive, roughly estimate the ratio of length and maximum height. Mentally draw a vertical line through the highest point and see where it intersects the horizontal you have drawn. Transfer this ratio on paper. On the vertical line, mark the height of the small and large wheels, cab, windows, doors, roof, pipes. Draw thin horizontal lines through all the marks.

It is convenient to have two simple pencils on hand - 2T or T and 2M.

The largest details

On one of the horizontal lines, outline the main details - recesses for the wheels, the position of the cab, windows. Look at the shape of the lines that bound the outline on the right and left. Draw these lines. Circle with a thicker pencil lines that will not change in the future - for example, the gap between the pipe and the cabin, the segments between the wheels.
You should always have an eraser handy, but try to draw the lines in such a way that they can later be hidden under the hatching.

Protruding parts

Find a place for protruding parts - pipes, cabins, etc. Look carefully at what shape they have. The pipe is quite often in the form of a cylinder or an inverted truncated cone. The last option is typical for stylized images. The pipe must be symmetrical, the cabin is not necessary. Round the desired corners.

Outline the details with a softer pencil. Refine the side lines, draw the details that are on them - for example, the hitch. If you want to add wagons to the train, draw some long rectangles. The roofs of trailers can be straight or convex.

General form

Draw the wheels with double lines. Pay attention to how they are interconnected - there is a crank between the axles of the two wheels. On the roof, draw small details, circle them. At the same stage, draw windows and doors, if your model has them. The sketch is ready.

If you are going to paint your locomotive, remove the extra lines, leaving only the main outlines. If you want to get, shade your locomotive. Pay attention to how you need to place the strokes. On a rectangular part located directly in front of the viewer, they lie strictly vertically or horizontally.

If the part is at an angle, strokes are applied parallel to the lower and upper horizontals. They can also be vertical, but then in that part of the surface that is farther from the viewer, the shading becomes thicker. The round shape is also conveyed by strokes. For example, a cylinder has lines running vertically, with the thickest hatching located at the edges.

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