How to draw a cow with a pencil step by step. How to draw a cow forum is closed How to draw a cow step by step with a pencil

Another lesson that I will post today will be devoted to an ordinary cow. By the way, pay attention to how many cows are in Russian fairy tales)) So I think the lesson will be interesting)))
So let's start drawing. We draw the head of a cow. In general, as you can see, it has the shape of a rounded rectangle, but if your child draws it with an oval, that's okay too! We immediately add a large rounded body to the head.

We draw our cow not long plump legs and a tail.

Let's draw her face. To do this, first, separate the lower part of the head with a curved line - in this area we will have the nose and mouth of the cow. Draw the eyes at the top of the head.

Now let's draw our cow horns and ears.

The next step will be the udder - we have it in the lower abdomen right in front of the hind legs.

Now let's draw the hooves of our cow.

The next step is coloring. Most of the cows are spotted, which is what I chose for this lesson. Cover the body of the cow with arbitrary "clouds" of irregular shape.

That's all, it remains to color our cow. You can do this with any color, but I recommend leaving the udder pink)))) for naturalness!

That's it, our lesson is over, I hope it was not difficult and interesting.

"Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy." This useful food product is obtained from a cow, an animal domesticated in the New Stone Age about 8,000 years ago. Having switched to a settled way of life, a person began to use wild tours as a source of meat, and later - as a labor force. Today, the meaning of the animal continues to be the breadwinner of many families, it symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Burenki give up to half of the meat consumed on planet Earth, and up to 95% of milk.

Enjoying milk and cookies, the little ones will be happy to look at photos and pictures for children with cows. Based on the informative information from this article, parents will be able to tell the kids a lot of interesting things about these funny and so important animals for humans.

In the catalog of the site, you can find and download free images of a cow with a calf, domestic animals grazing in a meadow, a bull that eats grass, favorite fairy-tale characters, cartoon characters, painted cows.

Photo of cows for children

The cow belongs to cattle and is one of the largest domestic animals. Its height at the withers can reach one and a half meters, and its weight is more than half a ton. The basis of her diet is plant foods. In spring and summer, cows enjoy fresh grass, grazing in the meadow, in autumn and winter they eat hay prepared for it.

Male cows are called bulls, cubs are called calves. In the pictures on a transparent background, you can clearly see the structure of their bodies - a large head, two hollow horns inside, shaped like a lyre, a leather nose with a unique pattern (like a human fingerprint), a massive body, a long thick tail with a tassel at the tip, four legs , "shod" in hooves.

Cool and funny pictures with cows. Dancing cows

Scientists have calculated that in total there are about one and a half billion cows on our planet. Their population is the second largest after humans among mammals. They are very sociable, live in herds, within which they find friends. A child who has at least once seen cows grazing in a meadow knows how cool they are.

Cows come in a variety of breeds. The most familiar to us are red steppe and black-and-white. Some of the others look very funny! Breeds are divided into meat, dairy and meat and dairy.

In many countries, before and now, the cow is a sacred animal. The ancient Egyptian goddess of the sky Nut appears in the form of a cow, and the goddess of femininity, beauty, love, patroness of the arts Hathor wears a crown in the form of cow horns with a solar disk placed between them. In India, the cow is considered one of the incarnations of the Vedic goddess Aditi, the animal is sacred, it cannot be killed and eaten.

In Spain, the cruel game for adults, bullfighting, is experiencing another peak in popularity. The bullfighter lures the bull with a red rag, a small cloak pulled over a stick called a muleta. There is an opinion that the animal becomes furious at the sight of red. In fact, the bull does not distinguish colors. He runs at the bullfighter because he makes sudden movements, and what he has in his hands does not matter.

Nurse animals seem clumsy, inactive. Obese women are called obese women by the insulting nickname "cow". Meanwhile, cows can run at a gallop, while developing a speed of up to 40 kilometers per hour. On the Internet, you can watch a comic video with a dancing cow, in which she looks very "graceful".

Animals graze in the meadow. On the farm. cow eating grass

Cool pictures for children with cows grazing in the meadow, slowly chewing grass, driving away flies and mosquitoes with their long tails with tassels, cause tenderness and a smile on the face. In fact, grazing and milking these animals is not so easy.

If the cow lives on the farm, early in the morning, around 5 am, she is milked, then she is driven out to pasture for the whole day. The animal is not fed anything, so from morning to evening she needs to chew grass. After the "walk" milking is repeated.

In winter, the cow eats hay. Oh, how much it needs to feed her! After all, the daily norm is about 10 kg.

Cow and calf. cow and bull

A funny picture is to watch a cow family. The bull looks restrained, slow, but you should not come close to him, this animal has a quick temper.

Usually, 1 calf is born in a cow. Rarely are twins. The weight of a newborn, depending on the breed, ranges from 20 to 45 kg. Mom keeps him with her and feeds him with milk for up to 6-9 months on the farm and up to 3 years in nature. The calf is sympathetic, regardless of color and color.

The calf is sympathetic, regardless of color and color. And you can admire the “veal tenderness” forever.

Cartoon cows. Guess the cartoon from the picture

Friendship between a man and a nurse cow is a very popular theme in fairy tales and cartoons for children. A cartoon cow, as a rule, is endowed with positive human qualities: kindness, wisdom, resourcefulness, calmness. If a child is familiar with the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka", watched the cartoon "Mickey Mouse Club", one of the characters of which is the Clarabelle cow, it will not be difficult for him to find them in the pictures.

Drawn animals. Color drawings of cows in pencil

The cartoon-style cows are so cute! Their images can be downloaded and printed for developing cards for kids, postcards for the New Year of the Ox.

Pencil drawings of cows were probably made in the countryside, and were drawn from life.

Draw a cow with a pencil step by step

Drawing is a good way to brighten up a child's leisure time, fill it with benefits for development. Drawing schemes in stages with a pencil teach the child to be assiduous, consistent, organized in his work.

The video shows how to quickly and easily draw a cow. It can be useful for beginning artists.

Poems and videos for kindergarten and elementary school children

The teacher must have a selection of poems for kindergarten children and elementary school students, since memorizing them allows you to unobtrusively and very effectively train the memory of kids.
It's a great idea to have the kids go to the farm to see how the livestock is cared for. But if it is not possible to implement it, videos about cows that can be shown to the little ones in the classroom in the kindergarten and school will help.

Short poems for kindergarten

If the little one has the opportunity to watch the cow all day, he will notice that all day she does nothing but eat. In the morning and afternoon - grass in the pasture, in the evening - hay in the stall, as in this rhyme.

After watching this cartoon, kids will easily learn the words of the riddle rhyme "Who grazes in the meadow."

Baby video - cows

And in this educational video for children, you can learn many interesting facts about animals - the breadwinner: how a cow is milked, what food it gives to a person, what other benefits it brings.

The life of a cow grazing in a meadow is happy and carefree: the sun, the meadow, the butterflies fly. Why not sing a funny song?

Thanks to the cow, this useful kind animal, we have milk, sour cream, cheese, and butter. Previously, not a single village house could do without her, she was the main breadwinner, and her loss was perceived as the loss of a family member, no less. In our age of continuous chemistry, there is nothing better than a glass of the freshest fresh milk. Real, without powders and additives. It is so nutritious and useful that it is not in vain that it is given to those who are engaged in hazardous production. If you want to be healthy, have strong bones and a balanced nervous system, drink natural tasty milk. And as a token of gratitude, you can try to draw a cow with a pencil.

  1. Of course, it would be nice to first study its anatomy, but this is already too difficult for beginners, so we will limit ourselves to a simpler drawing. You will need a thick white sheet of paper, slate pencils, a soft eraser. Let's start drawing a cow with very simple geometric shapes. Let's depict the body as a large rectangle, and the head as a beveled trapezoid, base up. Be sure to observe all the proportions of the animal. The most elementary and effective technique of all artists is to take a pencil, stretch your hand forward, cover one eye and measure an object (for example, a cow's head from the top of its head to its lower jaw). Then, without lowering your hand, estimate how many times this length will “fit” in the length of the body. Similarly, you can measure the length of the legs relative to the width of the torso, in general, be sure to take as many measurements as possible in the preliminary drawing. It depends on how realistic and believable the animal will turn out. That is why, in order to correctly draw a cow with a pencil, we analyze the drawing step by step and in detail already at the sketch stage. To avoid gross mistakes. On the legs, mark the junctions of the joints with dots.

  2. Now you can start drawing the characteristic silhouette of a cow. We draw her a high withers, a large belly, an udder and a muzzle. Since cows are ruminants, their jaws are well developed. We finish drawing small curved horns and protruding ears. Pay attention to how the neck and hooves are drawn.

  3. We remove everything superfluous with an eraser, we more clearly outline the contour and details.

  4. We designate the darkest places. These will be black areas of color, and natural shadows. In the middle of the muzzle of the cow there is a white stripe, on the body we will draw large spots of uneven shape. Deep shadows are on the udder, on the rear left leg, on the lower abdomen and on the upper part of the right leg. Let's outline the eye contour and make nostrils with small inverted "drops".

  5. Gently shade all the dark areas. But, most importantly, do not do it haphazardly. Try to keep the strokes even. On the body of a cow, they go at a slight angle to the left, on the muzzle, on the contrary, to the right. This makes it possible to visually separate areas of the same tone. Pencil drawing is complicated by the fact that sometimes only by the direction of shading it is possible to show that objects or parts of the image are different. Another tip - the strokes on the body of the cow should not be the same, they are darker at the top and bottom of each spot, and lighter in the middle. Due to this, it seems that the skin is a little shiny, and so it looks more natural.

  6. We enhance all the contrasts of the picture. We draw the eyes of a cow, almost black. It requires almost a jeweler's precision and hardness of the hand, because it is necessary to leave a tiny circle of a blank sheet on the pupil to show the moisture and brilliance of the eyes. Make a light gray area around. The deepest shadow will be on the cow's neck, behind the ears. So the head will be seen more clearly, it seems to rise above the whole picture. Draw the tip of the tail darker to get a visual line along which the eye will slide - the muzzle of the cow, the belly with black spots, the udder, the tail. Thus, we force the viewer to see the drawn animal as a whole, focusing his attention precisely on the expense of these contrasting areas. Only then will the person consider the secondary details of the drawing.

After such a training, you can safely go to the village, where you will draw cows from nature. Fortunately, the animal is quite phlegmatic and can pose naturally for a long time.

A cow is the kindest domestic animal that gives people milk, dairy products, meat. In the old days, not a single family in the village could do without this useful helper. Today we cannot see them very often, but we can draw. How to draw a cow in different ways with a pencil will be explained in this article!

How to draw a cartoon cow?

It is not very difficult to draw an ordinary cow, the main thing at the same time is to be attentive and unhurried. One extra move can ruin your entire drawing, and then you have to work with an eraser. How to draw a cow step by step To get started, take a blank sheet of paper and a simple pencil.

  • Start drawing with a cow's ear. Move the pencil lightly across the paper. After drawing the ear, draw the horn in the form of a triangle. Now draw a line from the top of the cow's head to the next ear and horn. Try not to take the pencil off the paper
  • Now start drawing the lower part of the animal's head. Draw a simple oval. Complete the cow's ears with cute cartoon ears.
  • Proceed to the body of the cow. To start, just sketch out a rectangle, gently turning it into an oval. Connect the head and body.
  • Now draw the cow's four legs. In principle, you can draw them immediately with the torso, do as you please.

Additional details of the cartoon cow

Drawing a cow with a pencil is very easy! Now that the head and torso are done, you can start painting the small details.

  • Complete the lower part of the legs with hooves. If you don't know how to draw at all, then paint over the lower part of your cow's legs with a pencil. It is very similar to hooves.
  • Draw a tail for your cow. Decorate its end with a cute tassel.
  • Do not forget to depict the eyes (you can simply use dashes or circles), the nose (two dashes). Breathe a good mood into the drawn cow by depicting a smile.
  • Complete the pattern with spots on the skin of the animal. Now you know how to draw a cow quickly.

How to draw a realistic cow?

The ideal option would be to go to the village and draw this cute animal from nature. If you do not have such an opportunity, then do not despair. Take paper, pencil, eraser and get started.

Completing the drawing

You learned how to draw a cow! However, the important part of the work lies ahead - the completion of the drawing and making it realistic. Draw spots on the face and body of the animal and shade them. On the body, the hatching leans to the left, and on the muzzle - to the right. Draw black eyes for the animal, leaving a very small white area in the center. He will show the sparkle of his eyes. Draw a tail, shade the brush on it darker. Now that you have learned how to draw a cow, you can safely go to the village and draw the animal from life.

How easy it is to draw a cow with a pencil in stages - for children and adults. We learn to draw a beautiful cow in stages with a pencil with a child. Learn how to quickly and easily learn how to draw a beautiful cow.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw beautifully, children especially love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning to draw not only people, houses, flowers, trees, nature, but also wild and domestic animals.

Today we will see how you can easily and quickly learn how to draw a cow. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the cow is drawn. Look at the location of the cow, how and where her different parts of the body are located.

First, start drawing a cow from the body, draw a large oval in the center of the sheet, it should be larger on the right side, and smaller on the left side, draw a small circle on the right - this will be the cow's head.

Now let's draw the muzzle of the cow, below the head draw another circle, slightly elongated to the sides and connect the head of the cow and this circle with two lines - this will be the muzzle of the cow. Draw the cow's ears on the left and right sides, draw the cow's eyes in the center of the head.

On the left side, draw the cow's tail, it should be of medium length, curved, the tip of the tail is pointed.

The upper part of the cow's outline is ready; now we need to draw its lower part - these are the legs and udder.

Draw four legs for the cow, draw the hooves below, draw the udder near the hind legs.

Now we need to finish the muzzle of the cow. Draw pupils in the center of the cow's eyes, draw eyebrows in the form of small triangles on top. Draw two horns on top of the head, they should be drawn on the head on the left and right, the horns are slightly curved, the tips of the horns are pointed.

Draw fluffy, wooly bangs on the cow to make your cow look beautiful. Below on the muzzle of the cow draw the nostrils. Draw a bell on the cow's neck.

Erase extra lines that are no longer needed, circle the outline of the cow brighter. Draw the ears of the cow inside. Paint over the pupils, nostrils, eyebrows of the cow with black.

Draw the back hip bone of the cow, it sticks out a little towards the top. At the tip of the tail, draw a small, fluffy tassel. Draw hooves on the legs.

Circle the outline of the cow again brighter. Look what a beautiful cow you have turned out. The cow can be painted any color you like.

Let's try to draw another cow, in a different way

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the cow is drawn. Look at the location of the cow, how and where her different parts of the body are located.

In the center of the picture, the torso of a cow is drawn, on the right is the head of a cow, on the left is the back of the cow and its tail, and the legs of the cow are drawn below.

Now in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the cow's body.

First, start drawing the cow from the head, on the right side of the sheet draw the head of the cow and her muzzle. The muzzle of the cow should be slightly extended forward.

From the top of the head, draw a large, curved line, from right to left - this will be the cow's back and back. Draw a horn on the cow's head, it should be small, curved, the upper part of the horn should be pointed. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

Now draw the outline of the legs in front and behind - these will be two curved lines, these lines go down from the body of the cow. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

Draw the front and back legs of the cow, draw the hooves at the bottom. Draw the belly and udder of the cow. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

In the center of the head, draw the cow's eye, the eye should be drawn in the form of a small oval with pointed tips, to the left of the eye, draw the cow's ear, it should be drawn horizontally, in the form of a small oval, the tip of the ear is slightly pointed. Draw the second horn on the right side of the cow. Now draw the cow two more legs front and back, draw hooves at the bottom. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

Draw a muzzle for the cow and draw large spots on the body of the cow. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

Erase the extra lines in your drawing. Outline the outline of the cow brighter. Look what a beautiful cow you have turned out. The cow can be painted any color you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children how to draw a cow step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent animal. We wish you good luck in your future work.

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