How to draw a flying bird. How to draw a dove: a few simple rules


Drawing a bird is a task that often confronts children and their parents. Sparrows, crows, jackdaws, nightingales, bullfinches, eagles, tits and other birds are common objects in children's albums. There is also a place for unusual characters - firebirds and Angry Birds. However, everything is not as difficult as it sometimes seems for novice artists. Using visual lessons and acting step by step, step by step, you can make a high-quality and clear drawing. After several trainings in drawing a bird, the child will get better and better.

Bird Drawing Tutorials Step by Step

Bird drawing lessons with step by step photos for beginners will help artists master the art of drawing birds on paper.

Wintering Bird: Draw a Sparrow

Sparrows are the most popular among wintering birds. Creating a drawing of such a bird is quite simple if you act in stages.

Bird in flight: draw a seagull

  1. The process of drawing a bird in flight is much easier than it looks. Even a child can cope with the task. First you need to draw a circle, which in the future will become the head, and the body of the bird. The bottom and top of the body should be a little sharp. Rounds are not needed. Then the eye and beak are drawn, after which the contours of the circle must be erased with an eraser.
  2. Now we need to draw the wingspan and tail. The wing, which is located closer to the right edge of the paper sheet, should be much larger and longer than the second and the body. No need to grind!
  3. Next, you need to finish the paws and wings. The first need to be depicted folded tightly to each other.
  4. Then you need to draw lines from which the thigh will turn out. To do this, the contour is drawn from the paw of the seagull down. Next, depict the feathers on the tail and wings of the bird.
  5. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary contours.
  6. It remains to draw shadows. The wings of a bird in flight should be made almost black and the bottom of the seagull should be very dark. Plus, a shadow also falls on the body from the wing. On the second wing, located closer to the left edge of the sheet, you should slightly outline the outlines of feathers along the entire length. Similar contours need to be done on the body and near the head.

Angry Birds (Angry Birds)


This master class is designed to help you draw a titmouse.

  1. We draw a circle: this is the future head. With straight lines we sketch the torso of the titmouse.
  2. We give the necessary outlines to the head of the bird. We make a beak of a titmouse and draw an eye in the upper right part of the head.
  3. We make the contours of the torso of the titmouse more distinct. The head should flow very smoothly into the body. Draw the abdomen rounded. We remove auxiliary lines.
  4. Now we draw a branch. We depict the wing of the tit and the upper part of the legs of the bird.
  5. We complete the image of the paws. We draw fingers and a tail.
  6. With small, jerky lines we outline the borders of the color transitions. Draw feathers on the wing and tail.
  7. We finish the work: we shade the head and tail of the titmouse. We draw small feathers where necessary.


Thanks to this master class, you can gradually draw a completely cute and realistic woodpecker. MK will help adults and children who decide to master the technique of drawing birds.

  1. We schematically create the contours of the head and torso of the future woodpecker. In this case, a sheet of paper should first be divided into barely noticeable four parts.
  2. Further, a sketch of the tail and beak of the bird is also sketched.
  3. Now we need to draw the general outline of the torso of the depicted object and its head.
  4. We are engaged in the creation of details and their distinct drawing: eyes, beak, feathers, wings, etc.
  5. We complete the work on the nuances and erase all the auxiliary elements.
  6. We shade with a simple pencil all the necessary areas according to the natural coloring of the woodpecker's plumage.


The proposed detailed MK will help beginners draw a very attractive bullfinch on their own.

  1. Before starting work, we divide the sheet into four segments. This will help you draw correctly. Draw, as in the picture below, 3 circles. This is the basis of the future bullfinch.
  2. Next, a general contour of the image is created with smooth lines.
  3. Outline the previously created silhouette of the bullfinch.
  4. We draw paws of a bird and a tail. We create recognizable details of the bullfinch. Let's not forget the eyes. Erase all unnecessary lines.
  5. Add small details of the paws and plumage of the bullfinch.
  6. We shade all the necessary areas.


Using the step-by-step instructions below, you can easily draw a magpie. Following the recommendations and using drawings as hints, even novice artists will certainly succeed with a bird.

  1. First, draw a circle. From it we form the head of the future magpie, drawing a beak and an eye.
  2. We make a sketch of the silhouette of a magpie. At this stage, it is important not to forget about observing the proportions of the picture.
  3. We direct the shape of the body of the magpie.
  4. We draw a tail, paws, wings.
  5. Showing other details. We form the contour of the separation of the shades of the magpie.
  6. We make the plumage of the bird along the lower contour. We depict feathers and erase all unnecessary.
  7. We shade all areas in accordance with the plumage of the magpie.

As you can see, drawing a bird with a pencil in stages is nothing particularly difficult. Tips for beginners will help to cope with the task in a few steps. Such drawing lessons will appeal to both a child and an adult. After all, the image will certainly turn out to be clear, realistic and original.

It is pleasant to hear the vocal singing of birds in spring and summer. Their trills can be heard in the forest, by the river, in the meadow or just in the yard. Birds sing especially joyfully in the early morning, meeting the dawn. Yes, and in winter you can enjoy the singing of titmouse and bullfinches. In general, during the whole season we can observe different species and breeds of birds. A bird is a vertebrate animal covered with feathers and down, with wings, two limbs and a beak. Birds are domestic, wild, forest, songbirds, waterfowl, exotic. The bird is a symbol of the sun, sky, wind, freedom, life and abundance. Children are very fond of birds, so the problem often arises of how to draw a bird with a pencil for a child. In nature, you can meet birds of different sizes. Large birds, such as crows, jackdaws, doves, can most often be seen in yards. Sparrows and titmouse coexist next to them, because here you can find food, especially in cold and hungry winters. Even watching birds from the window of an apartment or house, you can not only determine the type of bird, but also note its size, what color its plumage is, what beak is long, short, straight or crocheted. Having learned the name of the bird, you need to talk with the child about the fact that birds are of great benefit: they destroy harmful insects. And after that you can start drawing your favorite bird.

What will you need:

  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils.

Of course, the main feature of birds is their ability to fly. That is why I will show you how to draw a flying bird for a child of 10 or even 6 years old. It will be easy!

I hope this lesson was useful to you, and you learned how easy it is to draw a bird for a child. Share our lessons with your friends and send your work to us on social networks!

Now we will draw a dove of peace, carrying a twig in its beak. This expression became popular after the First World Peace Congress, where Pablo Picasso painted a white dove with an olive branch in its beak as the emblem of this congress. What we will draw is not painted by Picasso, but by myself. The dove is present in Christian culture when the dove flew to Noah with an olive branch after the Flood, i.e. God has mercy and the water is decreasing. Those. the dove became a symbol of reconciliation, God's peace with people. Also in Christianity, the dove is considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the ancient world, doves were also considered a symbol of peace, according to ancient legend, they brought their nest into the helmet of the war god Mars, and he refused the war because he did not want to destroy their nest. In China, doves symbolize longevity, in other countries and religions doves are also present, they are considered sacred birds and messengers of gods, prophets, personify divine inspiration, purity and innocence.

Step 1. First of all, draw a simplified head of a dove with a beak.

Step 2. We draw a breast at a pigeon and a part of a wing.

Step 3. We draw wings at a dove of the world.

Step 4. Draw the tail.

Step 5. We draw a branch in a beak at a white dove.

At school, children are often asked to draw wall newspapers for a particular holiday. A dove is a bird that can be depicted on a poster for Teacher's Day, March 8, and especially for Victory Day. After all, it is a symbol of peace and goodness. It is not uncommon for newlyweds to launch doves on their wedding day, and pictures of doves also become a symbol of many weddings. Don't worry if you don't know how to draw a dove. It is not difficult to do this if you act in stages.

What materials are needed?

To draw a bird of the world, you need to stock up on the following necessary materials:

  • pencils of different hardness - so you can choose the best option for yourself;
  • sketch paper - you can use notebook sheets;
  • eraser.

It is very important to be patient, as not everyone can get a decent drawing the first time.

Possible drawings

Many do not know how to draw a dove. It should be noted that at first it is better to redraw the birds, and only then draw them yourself. Therefore, the first step is to find a suitable image. You can watch them on the street to understand the features of their appearance. In this case, one should not think that a dove can be drawn from only one angle. There are several options for how to draw a dove in stages.

Bird in flight. In this case, it is necessary that the wings and tail are clearly visible. The dove's head can be directed in profile or full face. In addition, you need to consider the shape of the bird, as well as the placement of its plumage.

Dove on a branch. It is best to draw the bird in profile. So her features will be much better depicted. It should be borne in mind that in this case only one eye is drawn.

Dove in three quarters. The body of the bird is located evenly, while the head is slightly turned to the side. This drawing technique is a bit complicated. It is necessary that the paws of the bird be clearly visible, it is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the shape of its beak and eyes.

main line

If you are wondering how to draw a dove with a pencil, then it is better to start only by drawing a few lines. Later, on their basis, it will be possible to form a beautiful drawing. With just one line, you can place and build the main details of the drawing object. In doing so, several important points must be taken into account:

  1. If you are drawing a bird in flight, then it is better to designate it with two arcs. They should be perpendicular to each other. One of them shows where the dove's wings are directed, and the other indicates its head and torso. Outwardly, it should look like a question mark.
  2. If you are interested in how to draw a dove in a static pose, then you should start with just one slanted line. It is important that it be placed in the center of the sheet.
  3. Drawing a bird in a three-quarter perspective, you can also add auxiliary lines that will show the placement of the paws and body of the bird.

In each case, with the help of simple figures, it is necessary to designate the parts of the bird's body (the head and body are ovals of different sizes, the wings are a trapezoid, the tail and legs are triangles). All these figures must be combined with one line to get an approximate silhouette of the future bird.

Silhouette detail

How to draw a dove with a pencil in stages, not everyone knows. It must be understood that the bird will look unfinished if some of its details are not expressed. To make the wings and tail of a flying dove look natural, it is necessary to draw feathers. It is important to consider that in the wings the feathers have a different shape (some are longer, others are shorter), but on the tail they are all the same length and width, resembling a fan. It is also necessary to highlight where the eyes and beak will be located. This is the axis dividing the oval of the head approximately into two parts. At the bottom of the body, in front of the tail, it is necessary to outline two paws.

At the end of the work, you need to make sure that the drawing looks as detailed as possible. You can draw some patterns, folds on the feathers to make them more natural. You should also clarify the shape of the legs (draw tubercles and claws), eyes, beak. The drawing will become even more expressive if you add a little color and shadows. Usually darken the area under the legs, tail, in the lower part of the body. When drawing a white dove, just a few strokes are enough. This drawing technique is very simple, so you can easily answer even your child's question of how to draw a dove.

In the sky, on the sidewalks, on the streets, on the roofs and window sills, you can see peaceful, kind, gentle and often almost tame pigeons. Today there are a lot of varieties of these birds. Let's try to draw a dove with the correct proportions. How to draw pigeons step by step with a pencil? Let's start the lesson and find out!

The illustration for the last step looks quite complicated, but we will move step by step and use simple shapes.


You will need:
- Graphite pencils of various hardness.
-Paper for sketches.
- Colored pencils or pastels.

The most important component is desire, and you can create good sketches using any available materials and tools.

Step 1

Before you start drawing, look for nature, consider good photos. If possible, watch the pigeons on the street.

Here are a couple of examples of different drawings:

1. Bird in flight. The wings and tail are clearly visible here. The main thing in this sketch is the placement and shape of the plumage.

2. Dove on a branch. Here the silhouette in profile is perfectly readable.

3. Dove in three quarters. Here is a more complex pose, as well as an interesting color. The paws are clearly visible, as well as the features of the shape of the beak, planting the eyes.

Step 2

It is very important to catch with one line, outline the pose of the bird, dynamic or static. The line will help you to correctly position and also build the key components of the shape of the depicted bird.

1. It is desirable to designate a dove in flight with spread wings with two lines. The first - characterizes the direction of the wings, and the second - the head, torso and neck.

2. A static pose can be shown with one inclined smooth line.

3. In a more complex view, you can always add additional lines showing the placement of the torso and paws.

In each of the above sketches, various body shapes of birds are indicated with simple figures: the body and head are ovals, the tail looks like a trapezoid, and the wings look like triangles.

Unite these shapes with one line to form a rough silhouette.

Step 3

Refine the previously drawn lines, and add the main details. The lines can now be more distinct and confident, however, as yet, without the ultimate expressiveness.

1. When drawing a dove with open wings, it is very important to correctly show the shape and direction of the feathers. With light lines, outline small cover feathers and large flight feathers. All feathers are attached to the wings, directed downwards and diverge very smoothly in different directions if the wing is open. The feathers in the tail are large, of the same size and shape, very reminiscent of a fan.

You should also outline the line of the beak and eyes, they are on an axis dividing the oval of the head in half. At the bottom of the body it is necessary to show small paws.

2. In this sketch, you can more clearly show the shape of the tail and wings. In the general silhouette, claws and paws should be distinguished.

You need to outline the beak and eyes of the bird. Divide the oval of the head with a horizontal line into two parts (the lower one is slightly smaller than the upper one). The horizontal axis should show the direction of the dove's gaze. This line divides the beak into upper and lower parts. Also place the eye above this axis.

3. In this drawing, you will more accurately show the shape of the tail and wings, the direction of the feathers. Place the beak and eyes according to the above recommendations. Mark an arc above the top of the beak. It is very important to show the pigeon's rounded chest and protruding legs.

Step 4

Here it is necessary to detail the entire drawing as much as possible. You can draw patterns on feathers, relief and folds on them. Specify the shape of the paws, they have tubercles and claws. Refine the shape of the eyes and beak.

The drawing will become even more expressive if you add shadows. They, as a rule, form under the wings, in the lower part of the body, under the tail and legs. You can outline the shadow areas with light strokes if you are drawing a white dove, or you can work out the color, shadow and light more carefully.

Features of the structure of a pigeon

Drawing pigeons is quite simple, but let's now look at some points separately.


All birds have powerful and strong legs, they help take off, land, move with jumps, grab, and also keep balance. The legs are attached approximately in the middle of the body, they always deviate back. There are quite a lot of muscles in the upper part, it is covered with plumage. The lower part of the paw is thin, there are only tendons, covered with scales, sometimes with feathers.

The feet of birds are made up of four toes. Three of them are directed forward, one back. There are seals and claws on the tips of the fingers. The picture below shows a special sequence in which the paws of a dove can be depicted.

1. First, with lines, show the position and angle of the fingers.
2. With simple shapes, add thickness to the lines. At the fingertips, add claws, and circles - small seals on the fingers.
3. Connect all shapes with a very smooth line, thus forming an accurate silhouette.
4. Refine all lines, add a shadow.
5. Add color, some details and features.


The shape of the head, beak, placement of the eyes may differ depending on the type of bird. The top of the head sometimes appears larger, much more voluminous, or pulled over the eyes. Still, in most cases, the following scheme will be correct:

- You fit the head into an oval, which is placed horizontally.

- Divide this oval in half using the vertical and horizontal axis.

- In order to place the eyes and beak you need to draw another horizontal line just below the center. This line is shown in red in the illustration. The line runs along the center of the beak, dividing it into the mandible and upper beak.

- The beak and eyes are connected by a line that helps you better navigate the very structure of the head, as well as draw it correctly. This not very distinct line runs from the very center of the beak under the base of the eye and goes a little further to the area of ​​the bird's ear. In fact, this feature and the red arrow are one and the same.

- The red line helps to define and show the direction of the bird's gaze.


The vertical axis and red line help place the eyes. Draw them in the corner of the intersection of these lines.

The eyes are round, sometimes slightly elongated into an oval. The vast majority of birds have a halo around their eyes. It highlights and enlarges the eye with a contrasting color. Often the eyes of pigeons are orange with a large black pupil in the center.


The upper beak is slightly larger than the lower part of the beak and curves down slightly. At the base of the mandible has a stripe of a contrasting color. On the beak there are two small holes resembling nostrils.

The lower part of the beak has a slightly duller color and does not stand out much.

Draw a dove of peace

A white dove that carries an olive branch in its beak is a symbol that came from the Bible; after the flood, this bird brought a green branch to Noah.

After World War II, this bird became a symbol of peace. It was first depicted by Pablo Picasso, he painted as a symbol of the World Congress of Peace Supporters. Here is the drawing:

How to draw a dove of peace?

In the first two steps, you use a regular hard pencil, and you draw very easily. So that the lines are slightly visible.

1. With a curved smooth line, show the curve of the pigeon's body. With an oval and a semicircle outline the head and torso. Add two upward lines. They will show the direction of the bird's wings.

2. From the lines of the wings, easily draw arcs to the body. Inscribe the wings into the resulting shape using wavy lines. Also outline the tail. Refine the silhouette. Easily outline the beak and eyes.

3. Refine all lines and add details. Here you can draw confidently and boldly, clearly directing the contour. Refine the eyes, feathers and beak. Draw an olive branch, start with a curved line, then add the leaves.

How to draw a pigeon with a pencil for children or easy drawing of pigeons

We bring to your attention a series of master classes on how to draw a dove with a pencil for children in stages.

Example 1

The white dove is a symbol of purity and health. It has become a tradition to release a pair of snow-white doves at graduation and wedding ceremonies.

First of all, prepare a blank sheet of paper, an eraser and a simple pencil.

Stage 1
Start with guides: wings, tail, torso and head.

Stage 2
Then draw the torso in more detail.

Stage 3
After that, you should focus on the wings. Draw the paws, the contour line of the tail.

Stage 4
Now you are waiting for a very painstaking work, namely the image of feathers. The appearance of the dove will depend on how many feathers, in what direction they will be.

Example 2

The next example is the dove of peace. According to beliefs and legends, it was a dove with an olive branch in its beak that informed Noah about the end of the terrible global flood. In addition, in Christianity, the dove is considered a symbol of the holy spirit. Recently, his image became the official emblem of the First World Peace Congress. So, how to gradually draw a dove of peace flying in the sky to children with a pencil?

Stage 1
First draw the head and beak of the bird.

Stage 3
Then draw the wings more carefully, add feathers and a tail.

Stage 4
You just have to finish the olive branch.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult for children to draw a dove of peace.

Stage 5
That, in fact, is all, it remains only to wipe out additional lines and add colors.

Example 4

Older children are better off drawing a real dove. As close as possible to those they see on the street and in the park. Do not think that it is difficult, just follow the instructions and you will definitely succeed.

Stage 1
As usual, start drawing a bird for children step by step from the guides.

Stage 7
It remains only to correct all the errors, erase additional lines, add shadows, decorate a little and you can consider the drawing ready.

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