How to draw a lemon: simple guidelines and step by step actions. Drawing a lemon with a pencil step by step Coloring a lemon for children 3 4 years old


I chose lemon. Lemon is an understandable, simple thing. But the background, blue fabric, is a difficult job. This is for a five. I didn't care. But you have a chance to do well, because in the process I will tell you where I went wrong and how to do it better.

We will need dry pastels and colored paper with a rough surface. Smooth won't work, pastels need grip. Ideally, if you have dark blue paper. I have an ordinary craft, but it's also normal. Worst of all is white, because the most delicious pastel color is white. It is beneficial for them to draw in the dark.

So what do we have:

What happens at the end of the lesson

As you can see, everything is very conditional here, the main thing for us is to convey light and color.

kraft is brown wrapping paper for sketches

this set on the left - charcoal, sanguine and white pastel in the form of pencils. Not needed now. But monochrome work is convenient to do with these tools.

1. Draw the horizon with a pencil

And arrange lemons

On the previous plan, we outline the fold line. Collectively, this is called layout.

2. Stroke (quickly, right?)

There is no need for absolute documentation. Dots, etc. The lemon is yellow, right? We take a yellow chalk and paint the most yellow sides

The contours were outlined in white, wiping the pencil

Gently blend the pastel with a soft brush. She is very fluffy. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically blow off the excess so that everything does not get dirty.

This is what it looks like in shading

Let's add some light


And this Olezhka draws his lemons next to him

Now let's take a closer look - there is a shadow on the lemon sides. Warm and cold. From lemon and fabric. We take a warm chalk, this color is sanguine.

Making our own shadow and blending

There is an error here! Such hatching is not correct, it is better to do it with short strokes, firstly it will give an uneven surface, and secondly it will be better rubbed

Like this at least

let's make the bottom. Border between lemon and cloth

We conditionally designate a half of a lemon, we make slices of the sun. Just white strokes

Now we take another yellow, if any. Darker. Or, if not, we add a little bit to our yellow terracotta, with a brush. I have a crayon, semi-orange

We rub its sides, closest to us, on our side there is partial shade. Only now with short strokes and dotting.

These are the rays from the "pimpochka" depart

lemons made half time to set off their background. (if you have blue paper, then already at this stage you see much more

I took the light blue

Olezhkin's Lemons

With big strokes, alternately blowing off colored dust...


Here again is a mistake! Again big strokes. Maybe it depends on the pastel, maybe on the roughness of the paper, but I don’t rub well, so I had to make the strokes smaller!

That part of the lemon where the light falls (the lightest) should be set off by the darkest background, i.e. right around the lemons - the darkest background, add pigment

And here I got to my favorite color. If you can do without black - you will see how much better it will turn out. Use purple, brown, dark blue tones, bypass black, it gives only dirt

Everything, the picture has lost its virgin appearance. Well, how much black denigrates! Straight topic for psychoanalysis. But we continue, where to go, this is also an example of what will happen if .... Learn from my mistakes

Illuminated horizontal surface is lighter

It can be thicker, such a beautiful blue (not yet touched by black)

drop shadow from lemons. It can be dark without black. But I have black


On the brush, when shading, a lot of dark pigment is obtained, we can put it on the sides of a lemon to add volume

You can add background dirt on the sides

We have a crease

Perhaps blackish, blue!

so, we have a half without attention so far. Let's make a bezel

But don't get carried away like me! Here again is a mistake. Instead of using the craft color, I whitened it. This is not correct, leave the half in the previous step.

we place accents, dot the light

Adding blue to the reflection on the shadow side of the lemons

We make a more intelligible shadow, otherwise the whole

Everyone, stop hurting. We could have stopped earlier. And probably should have

Here is Olezhkin's work (4 years), final

Drawing a lemon is absolutely easy, the fruit has a very simple oval shape, and the leaves are small almond-shaped without relief veins. This fruit is often depicted in still lifes as a bright accent. Our step-by-step photo lesson will help you master the technique of drawing a lemon. To make the plot more interesting, we will add a whole lemon with two halves and a green leaf.

Prepare for drawing all the necessary materials:

  • watercolor paints;
  • palette;
  • two brushes (large and thin);
  • a simple pencil with an eraser;
  • water and a napkin.

Drawing stages

Step 1. Let's start by creating a sketch. Draw a circle in the center - the first half of the lemon. In the center we draw a cross section of a lemon with ten drop-shaped slices. Draw the crust to the bottom of the circle.

Next, add the second half of the fruit.

On the opposite side, draw a whole lemon with a stem and a leaf.

With an eraser, decolorize the sketch and proceed to the next step - filling with color.

Step 2. Let's start with a whole lemon. We apply three shades on the palette: lemon, Hansa yellow and yellow-green. We add a little clean water to each tone to make the paint more transparent. We paint over the uppermost part of the fruit with yellow Hanse, the middle with lemon, and the lower part of the peel with yellow-green. We blur the contours with a shade with a damp brush.

Step 3 We paint the entire surface of the sheet with yellow-green paint, darken the base and the central vein with light green.

Step 4. Next, with a dense lemon peel, select the peel on the halves of the lemon. We saturate the yellow-green shades on the whole lemon. We also process the leaf.

Step 5. We mix sepia with gray paint in the cell of the palette. We draw a shadow casting objects with this shade.

With brown watercolor, we highlight the stalk and the "nose" of the lemon. Yellow color is easy to stain with dark shades, so after dark tones, thoroughly rinse the brushes in clean water and blot them with a napkin.

Step 6. Pale lemon fill tear-shaped slices.

Step 7. With chromium oxide and yellow ocher we work out a realistic color of the peel. We leave the outline of the leaf yellowish, and shade the rest with chromium oxide.

Step 8. With a thin brush with a small amount of umber, we prescribe the pulp and shadows of the fruit.

Nature always takes care of our health, which means that we do not need to bother much. Not enough money - find a gold mine where the thread is in the mountains of Tibet, or find a rare animal and get a bonus. If you are sick, apply plantain to the affected area, or take it intravenously if the problem is in the organs. But the best panacea for all diseases is lemon. Yes, now you will also learn how to draw a lemon. Lemon is vitamin C in the flesh, treats all diseases except lupus, and is also used for household purposes as a good snack. It is so sour that the very thought of it already fills you with vitamins, and if you drip it with eye juice, you can excrete excess fluid from the body. Also, this fruit takes part in the creation of lemonade. As a protective agent, lemon can be used as a spray on a dark night in the alleys, or against wild animals.

On the other hand, a lemon is money, and not small. It got its name from the ability to cause tears and a lump in the mouth at its very sight. Another opinion is that at a distance of several kilometers it looks like an unripe lemon. The most absurd theories attribute this name to the similarity of the words million and lemon, and since people do not understand anything in science, the people use the third option.

  • At one time, the lemon was considered a forbidden fruit along with the apple, avocado, and other most common fruits;
  • - this is not a female lemon, but a hand-held weapon of mass destruction;
  • If you've stuffed a mouthful of blueberries into something like a laborer, lemon will help you take the black color off;
  • In England, the lemon was not eaten until the queen pulled a piece from a glass of tea and ate it. Within a few days, all the lemons were eaten clean. Monkey see, monkey do.

Well, now you try to draw this yellow sour fruit:

How to draw a lemon with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw three areas: one for the whole lemon in the background and two for the cut one.
Step two. Let's add a few more touches. See how it turns out in the pictures below.
Step three. Draw a leaf as a whole, and divide the pulp of the cut one evenly into sectors.
Step four. Remove the extra lines with an eraser and add realism to it with shading. Here.
Try to draw yourself a little more sour and not very tasty.

I drew this drawing from one real lemon, one invented and one photographed. Therefore, I came up with falling shadows from lemons myself, after analyzing where the light comes from. On a real still life, with such a setting of light, there may be slight differences.

1. We outline the location of the lemons: we draw one whole and two cut in different ways.

2. Draw axes of lemons and outline their generalized shape, focusing on the axes.

3. Draw the peel of lemons and add details. Pay attention to the lemon, which is cut across, the oval in its center is exactly an oval, and not a boat, as beginners usually draw in 100 percent of the cases when they learn to draw.

4. Break the cut lemons into slices.

5. Add a parallel stick to each broken slice and get streaks. Near the peel, we connect the veins with the peel, specifying the lemon slices, so our slices begin to become appetizing. We wipe all auxiliary lines with an elastic band.

6. We begin to lay the darkest places on the image - falling shadows and our own. Add volume by shading in the darkest places on the lemon in the shape of a lemon.

7. We lay the background around the lemons. If you are not going to add a background, then you can only shade the lemons.

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