How to draw a policeman with a pencil in stages for children. How to draw parkour with a pencil step by step


Remember there was a lesson on how to draw a man? There were only two lessons, but! I did a good search and found a lot of men's lessons, so I'm doing part 2..aspx?group=59006&news=122847&message=newsupdated

How to draw a boxer with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's draw the form in which we place the little man. Step two. Add to him the outlines of the face and boxing gloves. Step three. Now we will draw in more detail the eyes, nose, lips, then we will depict the torso and arms. Step four. Let's remove the unnecessary, outline the contours more accurately, add shading for realism.

How to draw a chef with a pencil step by step

Step one. We need a figure of a man with a huge cap on his head. Let's sketch. Step two. Select the hands and use lines to mark the places for the elements of the face. Step three. Carefully draw a shape with buttons, draw eyes, nose and mouth symmetrically on the face, and do not forget to finish the ears. Step four. It remains to add a mustache and you can start adding shadows using hatching.

How to draw parkour with a pencil step by step

Step one. So, first of all, let's sketch. We draw four shapes in the form of a bag of potatoes.
Step two. Let's draw the details of the guy's body.
Step three. Let's remove the auxiliary lines and detail each part of the drawing.
Step four. Let's add stones. Something like that.

How to draw a fisherman with a pencil step by step

Step one. The drawing will be difficult. With the help of circles, we will show on paper the location of the person, the fish, and the background.
Step two. Now we need to turn the strange sketches into a real picture. To do this, we create the image of a person, a fish that jumps out of the pond, and background details, including a large tree.
Step three. The fisherman always has a Panama hat with him. We make the landscape more realistic, and the figure of the fisherman more alive.
Step four. We detail the picture. Let's draw lines on the water so that the effect of the current is created, because it looks like grandfather is fishing in the river. Let's add hatching to the clothes, and a mountainous area in the background and trees.

How to draw a policeman with a pencil step by step

Step one. We create a match man, he has a wand in his hands. Step two. We circle the lists and thus create a human figure with a rod in his hand and a hexagonal cap. Step three. Let's make the lines smooth. Step four. What should a tough cop look like? With dark glasses and handcuffs hanging on his side, that's the answer. We add these things, as well as buttons, a belt and other details. Step five. Outline everything with a slightly thicker line, draw a few folds on the trousers and shirt. Do not forget to erase the auxiliary lines later.

Step one. In accordance with the picture below, we draw a prototype of a bench and a person sitting on it.
Step two. He holds one hand on the railing, the other is stretched to its full length and with a book. We display this in our drawing. We give the poet a beautiful jacket, shoes, and put a few more collections of poems on the bench.
Step three. With a thick line we circle all the contours necessary for this, add a lowered tie, carefully draw the fingers of the suit.
Step four. We remove the excess, outline the contours with bold lines so that the drawing is shaded, we also add more shadows to the writer's suit and under the bench.

How to draw a king with a pencil step by step

Step one. All great deeds start simple. And we will start drawing an oval, which will later become the king's head, and a curved line below it, which represents the body.

Step two. From above on the head we draw the lines of the crown, on the sides of the face the limit of the hair. On the face, lines indicate the location of the eyes and other facial features. We also draw a royal cape on the shoulders.

Step three. Let's take a closer look at the face, add a few more lines for the eyes, nose, mouth and eyebrows. With a few more lines we improve the appearance of the royal cloak.

Step four. Now let's take a closer look at the face. Clearly and evenly draw facial features, draw a large mustache and beard and do not forget about the hair, make it look more decent.

Step five. The main preparation is over, it remains to add fur to the royal cloak, sketch the crown with various bells and whistles and hone the facial features.

How to draw a fireman with a pencil step by step

Step one

The essence of our drawing is a person in a special form, who is in motion. First, we outline all the main parts of the body: a large head, the skeleton of the body, we will show the joints with dots, and the palms with ovals. Let's draw a horizontal line passing through one of the palms. Later, it should turn into a special fire extinguishing hose.

step two

We dress a person in clothes: pants, jacket, shoes, helmet. Let's show the width of the hose.

Step Three

Now we will try to give the whole drawing smooth lines. We will also define the outline of the mask. Behind the back of the fireman is a balloon.

Step Four

Let's draw the uniform. There are many decorative luminous lines on both trousers and jacket. Let's show the mask in detail. He has gloves on his hands. Let's not forget the shoes.

Step five

Through the mask we see the person's face. Let's draw an eye, an eyebrow. Let's finish the helmet and balloon. We will show the relief on the air tube. And on the clothes there are many, many folds that will give liveliness to our drawing. Perhaps it's ready.

1. Clearly imagine in which part of the sheet the model will be located. This will allow you to correctly determine the balance of the composition and the environment. Make two marks to determine the height of the drawing.

2. Mark the contours of the head with straight lines. Mentally gently turning it on the neck, determine the center. 3. Draw one line, outlining the direction of the shoulders. Do not forget at the same time where the center is located, which passes through the hole between the collarbones. Indicate the main direction of the body, outlining the contours of the frontal and lateral lines of the thighs at the most prominent points, on the side that carries the load. Then, again moving to the active side of the body, you need to designate the line of the foot. Now you have indicated the balance of the body or found the center of gravity of the figure. 4. Erase the auxiliary lines and outline the contours of the body. You can add dashes.

for example, with a wand in hand, you need to start by creating a drawing outline

Then make the lines smoother

After that, you can draw the details: glasses, handcuffs, belt, buttons

The last step will be a clearer drawing of all lines, the creation of folds on the shirt, trousers, and the removal of auxiliary lines.

I found a very simple step by step lesson on how to draw a policeman. We draw a half circle - this will be a cap. Then draw the oval of the head from below. Add points for the eyes, ears, nose and lips. Then we draw eyebrows and a badge on a cap. Outline the cap and badge with a line and start drawing the torso from the collar and shoulders. Do not forget to draw a badge on the chest, a belt and a walkie-talkie.

Here's how you can still draw the police:

1) first option:

2) second option:

Drawing steps:

1) At the first stage, we need to outline with lines the location of the arms, legs, body and head;

2) At the second stage, we will give contours to the lines - we draw a general silhouette;

3) At the third stage, we begin to draw details, elements of clothing;

4) At the fourth stage, draw the face and erase the extra lines;

5) At the fifth stage, we draw everything to the smallest detail.

Drawing a person is always a difficult task, so if you decide to draw a policeman, remember that you will have to work hard.

So, first you need to sketch out the silhouette of the policeman, doing it like this:

The last stage: draw shoes for a man.

Well, the drawing of the policeman is ready, it remains only to color it. You can do it any way you like, but I would suggest this:

In order to draw a cop, you need to work hard, because drawing people is always difficult. First you need to draw the contours of a man, for this we use a sketch of the skeleton, and then we gradually build up the human form. And then you need to put him in a uniform, then everyone decides what it will be, since it differs in all countries.

Here is a video tutorial showing how to draw a policeman in a hard hat and body armor:

If the first master class seemed difficult (and it is difficult for a beginner), then you can draw a policeman according to the following step-by-step scheme, which is also suitable for a child:

and here is another interesting video that shows the drawing of a policeman from the Lego constructor:

A policeman is drawn in the same way as a person, only the clothes differ. We draw at first the head (a circle), then we draw a vertical line down. We divide this line into parts: neck and torso. At the point denoting the neck, we draw a horizontal line - the line of the shoulder. In the lower part, we also draw a horizontal line - the line of the pelvis.

From the edges of the shoulder line, draw lines denoting the hands. From the edge of the line of the pelvis - legs. Then we draw a person along these lines, giving them volume.

Mandatory attributes of a policeman: cap, grunt, shoulder straps, police badge, trousers.

You can draw pictures like this:

I propose to consider two options for the image of a policeman.

The second option describes a more detailed process of creating a drawing, starting from sketchy sketches, ending with a thorough drawing of the most discreet parts of the drawing.

We draw a policeman, you need to do this in stages, select the following.

Today we will learn to draw another character from the Rules of the Road. You all know who the police are. These are the people who stand guard over our order. They monitor compliance with the rules of the hostel of people, are responsible for our safety and peace. And there are special police officers who are responsible for order and safety on the roads. They serve in the State Road Safety Inspectorate. Very dressed in a special uniform with identification marks and reflective elements. We will draw a traffic officer - a somewhat cartoon character. He is very kind and fair.

Stage 1. Let's start with the face. We draw a circle, in it we draw a horizontal line a little obliquely, a little curved, with the convex side pointing down. We begin to outline the contours of the face. Above and below this line on the right, we make smooth lines of the face. Then above this line we draw the eyes of our hero. The eyes are oval, large, with dark pupils, in which light reflections are reflected. Further, above the eyes we designate the lines of the eyebrows, between them - the lines of the bridge of the nose. Below the eyes we draw a neat nose with potatoes, under it with wavy features a mouth, opened in a friendly smile. And the last thing at this stage is to draw ears on the sides of the head, hair above them.

Stage 2. Now an important element of the policeman's clothing is his headdress - a cap. On the head, first we draw two slightly curved lines, above them the very top of the cap, an oval line, rounded throughout the volume. Below is a wide curved visor with a double edge. In the middle of the cap there will be a rounded cockade - a special badge. Then from the head below we draw a thin neck, on it we draw a stand-up collar of the future form of the traffic police officer.

Stage 3. Now from the stand-up collar down we draw uniforms - a tunic, or a shirt. It is fastened with three buttons, on the sides on the chest we place pockets with buttons. On the shoulders we will definitely show shoulder straps with insignia that indicate the title of our character. Then from shoulder straps we draw lines of hands. His arms are bent at the elbows and pointing forward. On the hands are large gloves with cuts (bells). The fingers are wide. Below we draw the line of the belt.

Stage 4. In his left hand, the policeman holds a baton with which he regulates traffic. We draw the fingers of this hand clasping the base of the wand. The wand itself is in the form of a stick with a widened upper end; we make the wand striped. We leave all the main contours of the picture, erasing all auxiliary lines. Let's draw our drawing.

Stage 5. Now, at the final stage, we will decorate our traffic police officer. It differs in form from modern guards of the road order. We have not forgotten that he is somewhat of a cartoon character. Therefore, his clothes are not the same as those of the current policemen. The entire uniform has a blue-blue color scheme. Shoulder straps, cap line are red, cockade and buttons are yellow. Snow-white gloves, we make a wand in a strip: blue-white. Well, the color of the eyes and hair - as you wish.


How to draw a policeman with a pencil step by step

We draw a policeman with a pencil in stages.

Miners run the risk of being littered with tons of terrestrial rocks. Astronauts run the risk of being eaten by strangers. And drivers risk being caught by cops. According to the law of the Russian Federation, it is possible not only to remove from some number of policemen. Now you can also learn how to draw a policeman, law enforcement officer and villain hunter.

The service of a militiaman is so dangerous that they have to build up more fat and flesh to protect themselves from damage. They must be cold-blooded enough to be able to interrogate even an old grandmother if she is suspected of a terrorist attack. How courageous you need to be to stop an unfamiliar car on the road and demand money from its driver! What if a serial killer or Boris Moiseev is sitting there?

And yet, every God-given day, they protect us and our rights, keep order and peace in our lives, leave hope even in the most terrible situations. True, most often they do it remotely, from a site, or from an armored vehicle.

A little about the police:

  • In Nepal, the cops are very loving. On the street, it’s quite easy to meet male rights defenders walking around holding hands. You should not immediately draw hasty conclusions, in this country they show extreme friendship and trust in a person.
  • According to statistics, an ordinary American police officer uses a service weapon every 27 years. It's only in the movies that every cop carries not only a gun, but also several clips.
  • If you've broken the law in America, don't even try to bribe a human rights activist. There is a 98% chance that you will also be fined for this. Although no, I'm lying. This percentage decreases sharply with an increase in the amount of the bribe.

Now let's get down to business.

How to draw a policeman with a pencil step by step

Step one. We create a match man, he has a wand in his hands. Step two. We circle the lists and thus create a human figure with a rod in his hand and a hexagonal cap. Step three. Let's make the lines smooth. Step four. What should a tough cop look like? With dark glasses and handcuffs hanging on his side, that's the answer. We add these things, as well as buttons, a belt and other details. Step five. Outline everything with a slightly thicker line, draw a few folds on the trousers and shirt. Do not forget to erase the auxiliary lines later.

Miners run the risk of being littered with tons of terrestrial rocks. Astronauts risk being eaten by aliens. And drivers risk being caught by cops. According to the law of the Russian Federation, it is possible not only to remove from some number of policemen. Now you can also learn how to draw a policeman, law enforcement officer and villain hunter. The service of a militiaman is so dangerous that they have to build up more fat and flesh to protect themselves from damage. They must be cold-blooded enough to be able to interrogate even an old grandmother if she is suspected of a terrorist attack. How courageous you need to be to stop an unfamiliar car on the road and demand money from its driver! What if a serial killer or Boris Moiseev is sitting there?

And yet, every God-given day, they protect us and our rights, keep order and peace in our lives, leave hope even in the most terrible situations. True, most often they do it remotely, from a site, or from an armored vehicle.

A little about the police:

  • In Nepal, the cops are very loving. On the street, it’s quite easy to meet male rights defenders walking around holding hands. You should not immediately draw hasty conclusions, in this country they show extreme friendship and trust in a person.
  • According to statistics, an ordinary American police officer uses a service weapon every 27 years. It's only in the movies that every cop carries not only a gun, but also several clips.
  • If you've broken the law in America, don't even try to bribe a human rights activist. There is a 98% chance that you will also be fined for this. Although no, I'm lying. This percentage decreases sharply with an increase in the amount of the bribe.

Now let's get down to business.

How to draw a policeman with a pencil step by step

Step one. We create a match man, he has a wand in his hands. Step two. We circle the lists and thus create a human figure with a rod in his hand and a hexagonal cap. Step three. Let's make the lines smooth. Step four. What should a tough cop look like? With dark glasses and handcuffs hanging on his side, that's the answer. We add these things, as well as buttons, a belt and other details. Step five. Outline everything with a slightly thicker line, draw a few folds on the trousers and shirt. Do not forget to erase the auxiliary lines later. I recommend going through a few more interesting lessons.

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