How to draw simple graffiti. How to draw graffiti in stages: tips for beginners


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Graffiti has become a special kind of modern street art, which consists in depicting drawings on the walls of houses. Often you can see ugly inscriptions that can not be called art, and they only spoil the buildings, but there are also real masterpieces. For this case, mainly aerosol paints are used. It takes a lot of time to become a real graffiti artist. Where to start? First, learn how to draw graffiti with a pencil on paper. Why sketch? Even experienced graphitists (writers) always make sketches, because this is how you can pre-select shading, colors, and individual details. It is not easy to take a can of paint, come up with and immediately draw a delightful drawing. And if you hold a sample in your hands, it will be much easier.


  • Desire and inspiration to work.
  • Paints, colored pencils, markers.
  • For a preliminary sketch, an eraser and a pencil.
  • Paper, and preferably an album (so that you collect sketches in one place and watch how you progress).


  • To learn how to draw on your own, you must first observe the work of others. But if you don't know how to draw graffiti with a pencil, then you should look at graffiti made with paint. If you choose one, take a photo. At this stage, the main thing is to visually understand the basic principles.
  • If it's time to draw, start with the basics. Draw text or simple 2D drawings. While you can not make them voluminous, the paramount task is to learn how to confidently draw clear outlines and color. A good result cannot be achieved without a firm hand.
  • At first, it may seem that you will not be able to achieve high results. Just ignore such thoughts. Do not be afraid to combine incongruous colors, play with contours and shades - the more unusual the pattern, the more attention is paid to it, the more it stands out from the crowd.
  • Also, before starting learn basic styles images of letters and texts. Below LearnIt will give a brief description of these styles and talk about the features of each. Also worth be imaginative, because in any creativity you need to take the initiative. Play with sizes, introduce ornaments, detail.
  • Start your learning with the image of one not very long word, you can use your nickname or name. After all, all graffiti artists have their own signature, the so-called tag.
  • Letters should be placed at a small distance from each other. In this case, you can draw and expand them. When you're sketching, it's worth playing around with pressure. Then you will feel the drawing and will be able to change the thickness and depth of the contour without any problems. Also, do not forget about hatching - this allows you to create interesting effects. If you set yourself the goal of making a three-dimensional inscription, you need to apply shadows and highlights, draw the letters on the side. Also, the text can be done with perspective, that is, as if to remove it from the audience. To do this, you only need to slightly narrow the part of the inscription that you want to do next. Mentally imagine the rails going into the distance and write your text into them.


  • Bubble or bubble. The letters are round, as if inflated, merging with each other. This style is popular among beginners.
  • wild, wild style. Unreadable, jumbled letters with great detail. A bunch of complex intertwined symbols and additional elements.
  • Messiah. The text is multi-layered, as if several drawings of one word are depicted, which are superimposed on each other.
  • Character. Only those who already have good artistic inclinations can do this. This style is often used to draw cartoon or comic book characters.
  • blockbusters. Wide and huge letters using a background (which is done with a roller).

And finally some tips how to draw text in bubble style. So, first circle the letter with a pencil, without making sharp corners. Just make a second smooth outline. When you reach the desired degree of width and roundness, erase all internal lines (the original letter too). Then paint over the resulting drawing with paints or a marker. Experiment with detail, background and color combinations. You can add a few highlights in the brightest places.

Video lessons

Nowadays, graffiti is very popular among young people, but not everyone can draw graffiti in a beautiful and stylish way. "Vkontakte" even has a special program, but we will try to learn how to draw graffiti on paper with a pencil, then coloring the resulting inscription with paints or colored felt-tip pens.

1. Choose a style for your word

Probably, almost every one of us has met graffiti-style graffiti on the streets. Sometimes the city authorities even allocate special places for them. If not, then look on the Internet, there is a lot of such information and images.

It is difficult to talk about all styles of graffiti in a short article. It can only be noted that the most popular and rather light style is graffiti with rounded letter shapes. This style is called Bubble. You can choose rounded or sharp edges of the letters, letters that are the same size or large letters and some of them are smaller, etc. It's easier to imitate a style than to invent it, but once you get it right draw graffiti, you can design your own style.

2. Write down the word on paper

You can choose any word for graffiti. The main thing is to leave enough space between the letters, as you will expand them and fill the space between them. Make the space big enough to make room for the other layers, but not so big that there are big gaps.

3. Graffiti style from letter structure

You need to draw graffiti with light pencil strokes, as you may have to correct some lines and make small mistakes. This activity will require a lot of time and patience to get all the letters in the chosen style. Remember that in graffiti you need to draw words in an original way, if possible without copying anyone, without this there is no way in graffiti. Don't be afraid to change letters beyond recognition.

4. Line thickness options

You can make all lines the same thickness, but you can make shading and 3D effects. For example, the top and one side of the "C" may be very wide, while the bottom and other side are tapered. Use a pencil to vary the thickness if you're going to darken with ink or marker, so you don't want the color to be pitch black. This way you can imagine how the thickness of the line will change the look of the letter.

5. Add additional effects

Once you've finished drawing the letters, you can add more effects to your graffiti. Perhaps one of the letters will depict lightning or a drop, experiment. The letter with peeping eyes in the letter "R" looks very impressive. You can place a bubble around the word, just like in the comics. The possibilities of graffiti are only limited by your imagination and fantasy.

6. Copy the graffiti drawing

If you have made any serious mistakes while coloring the graffiti, then you will not be able to continue drawing it correctly. Be sure to copy the pencil drawing before final drawing or coloring. Use the scanner settings so that all shades and effects are reflected correctly on the copy paper.

7. Make the shadows soft with a simple pencil

Using a pencil or marker, you can darken the lines drawn in pencil. These lines are more or less permanent, so be extremely careful. Don't be discouraged by small mistakes, you can fix them so they don't show up. Let's say if the line is too thick or you've gone beyond the line, just fill it in to get some extra volume.

8. Draw One Color Graffiti Letters

To fill in your words with color, you can look at other examples first, but don't fill in the letters with a pencil. The pencil makes only one-color drawing, despite the abundance of shadows and shades. And graffiti must be bright and catchy, which can only be achieved with paints.

9. Coloring graffiti letters

Almost no work in graffiti is done in one color. You can also fill each letter with a different color or just a slightly different color. You can only make additional parts of a different color. But not worth it draw graffiti too colorful. Bright colors will distract from the main graffiti effect and not focus on the word.

Everyone has probably tried to draw a rose, but not everyone succeeds. In fact, drawing a rose is easy, you just need to remember its features.

In this lesson you will be able to draw a tiger. Try it, drawing animals is just as fun as graffiti.

Pictures of a cat in boots or a kitten drawn with a pencil or paints can be a good decoration for a child's room. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's learn a little.

Butterfly is easy to draw. But, however, there are tricks here. Pollen can be drawn using pencil strokes directed in one direction, then rub these strokes with a finger or other improvised objects, a piece of paper or an eraser.

Every anime fan wants to be able to draw manga, but it's not easy for everyone, since drawing a person is the most difficult, especially anime, in motion. However, try it, maybe manga is "on the shoulder" for you.

To begin with, let's draw an approximate general shape of the Firebird's body and its limbs. Remember these are only the initial contours, you should not draw the details at this stage.

It would seem that it is so easy to draw a star, but try to draw it evenly, in the correct form without reading this lesson. By the way, watch this tutorial if you like to draw graffiti. The method of how to add volume to a star can be used to draw graffiti with three-dimensional letters.

"A painting is a painting, and graffiti is movement!"

Drawing graffiti is a real art, rooted in ancient times. Even the Egyptians recorded the course of their history by carving figures on the walls.

Remember: you have probably seen various mysterious symbols, pictures and texts depicted on the walls in historical films. This is graffiti!

Now this art is so developed that you can even draw three-dimensional 3D graffiti with all sorts of effects and bright colors.

How can a beginner learn how to draw graffiti quickly?

When drawing graffiti there is no strict sequence and rules. Each work is an individuality. Everyone has their own style and you will have it too in time. First you need to learn the basic skills, and after that everything will come by itself.

Don't waste time experimenting on your own. You should immediately look at professionals, as they will quickly teach what could be learned for a long time. Here are some general recommendations:

  • Search the Internet, forums and other resources for the work of other graffists. They will help you quickly navigate this environment. Learn to first redraw other people's work on paper. This will train your hand well and help in the future. We advise you to take a simple job, without any "chips" and complex details;
  • Be sure to watch video tutorials from the masters of their craft. This is the lion's share of invaluable experience!

5 essential tools for any beginner graffist

To start learning graffiti, there is no need to immediately run to the store for a can of paint. You probably already have everything you need:

  1. Album for drawing or A4 thick sheets separately;
  2. Simple and colored pencils;
  3. Colored helium pens, felt-tip pens;
  4. Eraser;
  5. Markers.

Of course, there are many more tools available. Even pastels and paints are suitable for graffiti. To each his own.

While graffiti is more of a street art form, the best canvas for a beginner graffist is paper. Aerobatics are walls, and a real graffist (writer) will need completely different tools to work:

  1. High-quality paint (preferably from a domestic manufacturer - "Motip" or foreign - "Lada");
  2. Spray nozzle;
  3. Airbrush for spraying paint;
  4. Vandalizers for image tag*;
  5. Respirator;
  6. Lantern and stairs for night drawings.

Start training from the basics

To master the basics of graffiti, you should start by drawing art writing. All experienced craftsmen started with this and advise all beginners
learn to draw text graffiti on paper. You can choose any text, but it's always fun to make fun of your name. By the way, you can immediately
come up with your own tag and depict it. Do not rush to immediately draw in volume, everything has its time.

So, the first steps with which you can start learning right now:

Learn to write letters the same way

Step 1. On a piece of paper, simply write the text with a pencil. Let it be a simple text with an ordinary font, do not immediately twist the letters and draw mysterious arrows. Your goal is to learn how to write smoothly, respecting the kerning, height and size of all letters. Try drawing with strokes to make it easier to correct defects in case of a mistake. After the letters start to turn out even, start leaving small spaces between the letters, so that later they increase in volume.

Step 2. Outline your letters. To do this, you need to choose a style that will be the easiest for you to portray. “Old-timers” advise all newcomers to learn how to draw graffiti on paper with a style bubble(bubbles). Letters made in this style really resemble inflated bubbles, and they are the easiest to depict. Although there are many more styles:

  • Wild (wild)- the letters are intertwined and confused with each other. Lots of details and additional elements;
  • blockbusters- huge and wide letters on the background;
  • Character- suitable for experienced or talented graffists. Draw comics and “cartoon” characters with this style;
  • Messiah- multi-layered text with superimposing one on top of the other. Also for advanced writers.

As long as one style is enough for you. Change the letters beyond recognition, because it's a free workout!

Step 3. As soon as the sketch suits you completely, you can make several copies. When coloring, you can not be afraid to spoil the sketch, as you will always have more in stock. Sketch - sketch, sketch, sketch.

Step 4. Before coloring, lines drawn with a pencil can be darkened with a pen or marker. There are many ways to color letters. Get new ideas on the Internet, look at other works. The easiest option is to draw the letters in one color. But good graffiti should be catchy and bright, but in moderation! Therefore, the colors can be alternated or each letter can be made in different colors.

Tip: Be moderate in colors and additional elements so that your graffiti does not turn into chaos.

What will the people around you think?

One correspondent of a Russian TV channel somehow joined the team of writers and found out: according to them, 9 out of 10 people love what they draw. The latter usually calls the police.

It was a good indicator. Now it has fallen due to the fact that “writers” have appeared who do not care what kind of fame they are chasing - bad or good. More often the first. How many mutilated walls of shops, shop windows, garages or houses are there in your city? Banal inscriptions that do not carry any emotion and thoughts simply spoil the appearance of the city. There are few true masterpieces. Because of this phenomenon, many have come to associate graffiti as vandalism rather than art.

Therefore, many writers prefer to work only at night and as quickly as possible. And some are limited to drawing graffiti on paper and are completely satisfied. It is a pity that in our country there are no specially designated places for the creativity of writers, as, for example, in France and the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Learn and develop your talents. Become a sought-after writer and participate in various festivals of hip-hop culture!

For me personally, this is a new technique. I rarely draw in color, and I draw letters for the first time. However, I tried to make a tutorial for beginners on how to draw graffiti with a pencil. Yes, I could use a spray can, or other materials specific to this style, but I didn't and I don't recommend it! Do you want to know why? Firstly, the older generation is very skeptical about graffiti and in no case will approve your desire to paint the walls in the house, and secondly, this may be punished by the authorities for damaging property. So be extremely careful! After all, even the coolest graffiti artists prefer to remain anonymous.

In addition, you should know that this is all not graffiti:

  • Vulgar inscriptions on the walls, at a level of 1-1.5 meters from the ground;
  • Scratched nasty things on school desks, or toilets, made by the same individuals as in the previous paragraph;
  • Signatures on the walls of houses by various groups to mark the territory;
  • Texts like: Kitty and Osya were here, and / or Marina, I love you;
  • Any other scrawl that makes you want to gouge out your eyes;

For all of the above, liability is provided for under the law of the Russian Federation. Although you may also have problems for real graffiti, but if this is a quality work, you can get off with a slight fright. This is what real graffiti is:

  • Street painting of fences, walls, asphalt with various words and exquisite drawings;
  • Spray art is the most common variety. These are inscriptions applied with spray paint;
  • Bubblestyle - letters are rounded and look like bubbles (2-3 colors are used);
  • Blockbuster style - Huge letters without interweaving and any troubles. Usually one color (well, a maximum of 2). Rollers are used for drawing;
  • Wild style is one of the most difficult. The letters become very complex and confusing. Sometimes it is even difficult to read what is written.
  • Style FX (Daima) - three-dimensional 3D letters in a pronounced perspective, the play of light and shadow, smooth color gradients and realism of the picture are characteristic.
  • Any other graceful images on the walls. There are so many types and styles that I cannot describe them all here;

For the lesson, I will try to make a picture in the Spray Art style. But my tools will not be spray paints, but, as usual, pencils, an eraser and watercolor paper. Using even these tools, you can create a huge variety of styles and techniques. You can draw your name, or some other important word. I took the name of my blog - DayFun! If you want, you can also draw it, I will be very pleased!

How to draw Graffiti with a pencil step by step

Step one. I didn't want to bend the letters too much, so I just added some arrows. Anticipating your questions, I will say right away: I draw on watercolor paper with Marco pencils and colored pencils. If anyone is interested, I can show you a photo.
Step two. Add a background and start coloring the letters.
Step three. I add a shadow and start to make the coloring brighter.
Step four. Now let's start coloring the background.
Step five.
Step six.
Step seven.
Step eight. If you can't see the pictures, click on them to enlarge them. If you want, I can show full size photos. Here is the graffiti I got: I would be glad to see your work! Attach your work below this article in the comments.

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