How to draw a pyramid with a pencil in stages? Image of spatial figures. Visual Guide (2019)


Egypt is a mysterious civilization. The pyramid is without a doubt one of the main artifacts of this country. When we see the image of this building in the pictures, we understand that we are talking about Egypt, the pharaohs, the mystic, tourists and travel. Each artist in the drawing expresses his thoughts. Therefore, in this lesson we will learn how to geometrically accurately depict a polyhedron, draw statues at its entrance and Egyptian nature.

Draw with a pencil

First, we will learn how to draw a pyramid with a pencil.

Let's draw a triangle.

Draw a line from the top corner to any point on its base. The final angle from which the viewer looks at the polyhedron will depend on where the line will cross the base.

To the segment remaining below, we will build two lines from the right and left corners.

Let's remove the bottom horizontal edge, which is inside and the viewer cannot see it. It will turn out like this:

Let's add color and texture, it can be shown figuratively, in some places. So it will be clear that the building is made of bricks.

Step by Step Example

Let's figure out how to draw a pyramid step by step? This is done in just three steps.

Stage 1
We draw the base as in the previous example.

Stage 2
Erase the edge of the invisible part of the base. We circle the finished contour.

Stage 3
We imagine what the lighting will be like and where the light will fall from. It could be the sun in the desert, or maybe the light from a lamp that falls on a tabletop figure. The side on which the light falls is lighter, in the shadow - darker. With a more detailed approach, you can impose a shadow between the stones of the monument.

Egyptian pyramid

Now let's see how to draw an Egyptian pyramid. To do this, we will depict it and the landscape of Egypt.

Let's draw the base.

Let's mark the top point. From the corners of the rhombus we will construct the edges of the figure. Let's draw a horizon.

You can build as indicated in the first part of the article. For convenience, we depict in different ways.

Let's draw the texture and sand.

Let's add the sun, the sky, the relief of the desert, the shadow that falls from the back of the sun. Let's not forget about the shadow on the structure itself.

Our drawing is ready.

Tomb of Cheops

One of the greatest tombs in Egypt. In this part of the lesson, we will learn how to draw the pyramid of Cheops on paper. To do this, we need to build a pyramid, an entrance to it and statues on both sides of the doors.

We draw a triangle.

Adding perspective. Details on how to build perspective are shown in the first parts of the lesson.

We draw the texture. The horizontal lines of the brick are parallel to the horizontal lines of the base of the structure. Otherwise, the brick is drawn like a regular rectangle, only you need to take into account that what is closer to the eye is larger, and further is smaller.

We leave free space in order to fit the entrance and statues. The rest can be circled.

We build a rectangle. After that, two lines parallel to the rectangle to the right and left of it. These marks will help us when depicting statues.

Let's draw the entrance and the statues in more detail.

Let's draw the relief of the desert, the sky and the sun. Let's add color.

Egyptian landscape

The Egyptian landscape is ready!

triangular pyramid

One of the main features of the figure is its correct construction, this also applies to the question of how to draw a triangular pyramid. In ancient Egypt, pharaohs were buried, whose body remained the same as in its original state after embalming for many many years. The secret of this is that inside a correctly constructed polyhedron, life processes slow down.

To conclude this little tutorial, we'll see how to draw a triangular pyramid.

We draw a figure with three equal sides. The easiest way to do this is to use a protractor. Each angle in an equilateral triangle is 60 degrees.

Measure each side and divide in half. To the middle of each side, draw a line from the opposite corner. Let's mark the point of intersection of the three obtained lines.

From the intersection point, draw a horizontal line equal to the height of the resulting line. Draw lines from the top of the triangle to the corners of its base.

And this is what a regular quadrangular pyramid looks like.

Egyptian pyramids do not lose popularity among archaeologists and researchers of antiquity around the world. What fuels such interest? Apparently, the fact that humanity still finds it difficult to say with complete certainty exactly how they were built and whether it is true that being the tombs of the pharaohs is their only purpose.

Periodically inspired by the beauty of ancient architecture, creative people think about how to draw pyramids, conveying a sense of their grandeur to the viewer.

Theories about the purpose of the pyramids

Be that as it may, these large-scale monuments of ancient architecture can now be seen by everyone who comes to Egypt. Famous which, moreover, of all, is included in the seven wonders of the world.

The ancient kings used the pyramids as a warehouse for their belongings, which they would certainly need in the afterlife.

It must have been very difficult to build these gigantic structures. But drawing them will not be difficult. So how to draw an Egyptian pyramid? First you need to decide what kind of tomb we are talking about. Usually, when mentioning the pyramids, they mean the Great

Here's what they look like.

Where to start

Great, that's sorted out. But how to draw the pyramids that are in Giza? Very simple, especially if you are skilled in geometry and drafting. After all, in fact, everyone drew these figures many times at school. It remains only to remember everything and make some adjustments.

  • Let's get started. Take a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and a grater.
  • In the middle of the sheet, sketch three pyramids: the middle one is the tallest, and the last one is the smallest. Add edges and sharpen the shapes.
  • At the bottom of the very first pyramid to the viewer, draw three more small figures. All of them should slightly not reach the middle of the first pyramid.
  • Now, using a simple pencil, make shadows in the right places. Approximately as shown in the figure below. The bottom three objects are stepped. Therefore, try to depict them as a three-story cake. And although in reality the smallest pyramids are partially destroyed, it is up to you to show these irregularities or not.

  • Add here a couple of camels so that against their background the pyramids seem truly huge. Use shadows to indicate irregularities in the sandy surface.
  • If you have the time and desire, you can draw the blocks themselves from which the pyramids were built. How to draw pyramids: smooth or more believable - with masonry, decide for yourself. The blocks are shaped like huge uneven bricks. In addition, focus more on horizontal lines, and not on vertical ones, since from a distance it is the first ones that are more visible.

If before that you did not know how to draw a pyramid with a pencil, now you see that it is easy and simple to do it!

Drawing in color

You can color your drawing if you wish. However, do not limit your imagination. You can depict heritage architecture at night. To do this, paint over the upper part with a dark blue color and draw small stars or the moon. Decorate the sand itself with a rich dark yellow color. This will create the necessary contrast, give brightness to the picture.

Now you know how to draw pyramids. And as you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. So do not be afraid, try and develop your creative abilities!

In ancient times, people were not particularly far-sighted and optimistic, and they generally believed that people would live at best until 2012, and then they would burn in fiery hell. Therefore, they did not have the ability to explain things, or at least hint at their essence, in general, as the ability to make things simple. The Maya made a post-apocalyptic calendar that caused a lot of elephant flies and thoughts about life in the average person, and the ancient Egyptians built pyramids, the purpose of which excites even artists. And if so, we will learn how to draw pyramids with a pencil. The pyramids of Cheops are one of the wonders of the world, a bunch of cobblestones that bring a lot of income from the influx of tourists, as well as an architectural masterpiece built before our era. In ancient times, during the reign of the sun god Ra, they were used for the burial of pharaohs, sacrifices, Platonic contacts with the other world and other mass entertainment. The pyramid-shaped structure turned out to be a very reliable construction, so similar buildings were built in Mesopotamia, China, Mars and Las Vegas. If you believe the exact sources from Wikipedia, then the pyramids in Egypt are called Egyptian, in China Chinese, and so on. Well, you understand.

One thing I know for sure, drawing mystical structures is much easier than building, especially if you do it in these steps:

How to draw a pyramid with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a few triangles, preferably even ones, and below there will be a sandy background with camels. For now, let's denote them as circles.
Step two. Carefully select the shapes of the pyramids, circle the contours.
Step three. Now let's add some Bedouins with camels.
Step four. Let's add some touches for believability. You can even color with colored pencils. But I leave this to you:
Try to draw other mysterious places on our planet.

In this lesson you will learn how to draw the correct three-dimensional pyramids with a pencil step by step. I have always dreamed of going to Egypt and climbing an ancient pyramid. And you?

We will draw a pyramid using the following concepts: overlay, skyline, shadows and shading. This tutorial will also help you practice applying smooth one-sided shadows. Since the sides of the pyramid are flat, they require consistent shading, unlike cylinders, flags, and other curved surfaces, which require feathered shading from dark to light. Let's get started.

1. Draw a straight vertical line.

2. Tilt the sides of the pyramid down, keeping the angle between them the same and making the middle line a little longer.

3. Representing the direction compass, draw the bottom of the pyramid in the NW and NE directions.

4. Anchor the pyramid in the sand using the horizon line. Position the light source and draw lines in the SW direction for the drop shadow.

5. Now add a solid color smooth shading to one side of the pyramid opposite the light source.

6. You can stop there, you have a great pyramid! Or you can add a brick texture, with crumbling edges and heaped stone debris, and you get ruins. I'm thinking about adding doors. Strange? Stupid? Sketch the position of the doors.

7. On the door on the right - a slope on the right, on the door on the left - a slope on the left. Draw slopes on the right side.

8. Now on the left.

9. Complete the shading on the sides opposite from the light source. Remember, this is a flat surface, which means smooth solid shading. without shading. However, inside the curved door on the right side, you need to do feathering because on curved surfaces you should always blend the shadow from dark to light, and on flat surfaces you should add solid shading on the sides that turn away from the light source.


It all depends on how much time you can allocate to this wonderful scene with many pyramids. Notice how one pyramid is below the horizon and several pyramids are in the distance, above the horizon. A very interesting note in the laws of drawing is that overlap always wins over the other eight laws. Look, size doesn't matter in this picture. Usually, objects that we draw more appear closer, and those that are smaller appear farther away. However, in this picture, although the huge pyramid is overshadowed by the smaller ones, it still looks further, deeper in the picture. Why? Because of the strength of the overlap. Small pyramids are drawn in front of the big one, thus creating the illusion that the giant one is further away.

In ancient times, people were not particularly far-sighted and optimistic, and they generally believed that people would live at best until 2012, and then they would burn in fiery hell. Therefore, they did not have the ability to explain things, or at least hint at their essence, in general, as the ability to make things simple. The Maya made a post-apocalyptic calendar that caused a lot of elephant flies and thoughts about life in the average person, and the ancient Egyptians built pyramids, the purpose of which excites even artists. And if so, we will learn how to draw pyramids with a pencil. The pyramids of Cheops are one of the wonders of the world, a bunch of cobblestones that bring a lot of income from the influx of tourists, as well as an architectural masterpiece built before our era. In ancient times, during the reign of the sun god Ra, they were used for the burial of pharaohs, sacrifices, Platonic contacts with the other world and other mass entertainment. The pyramid-shaped structure turned out to be a very reliable construction, so similar buildings were built in Mesopotamia, China, Mars and Las Vegas. If you believe the exact sources from Wikipedia, then the pyramids in Egypt are called Egyptian, in China Chinese, and so on. Well, you understand.

How did mere mortals manage to build a building 146 meters high from blocks weighing 15 tons? Nobody knows. Perhaps even here it could not have done without the help of alien friends.

One thing I know for sure, drawing mystical structures is much easier than building, especially if you do it in these steps:

How to draw a pyramid with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a few triangles, preferably even ones, and below there will be a sandy background with camels. For now, let's denote them as circles.
Step two. Carefully select the shapes of the pyramids, circle the contours.
Step three. Now let's add some Bedouins with camels.
Step four. Let's add some touches for believability. You can even color with colored pencils. But I leave this to you:
Try to draw other mysterious places on our planet.

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