How to draw a press on the body. Drawing Savage Opress step by step


Summer is coming, and sunny beaches and swimming pools are beginning to beckon. But, unfortunately, you feel insecure due to insufficient relief of the muscles in the abdomen. Don't let that upset you! You can fully enjoy the gentle sun, flaunting in an open swimsuit. By applying a little makeup in the right places, you will emphasize the abdominal muscles and give them relief. This article shows you how to "contour" your abs for a toned and toned look.


Part 1

Preparing the necessary materials and body

    Choose a foundation, tinted moisturizer, or sunscreen that you use as a backdrop. Before you start drawing abs cubes, you should create a kind of blank canvas on your stomach, on which you will apply makeup. Such a base, or "canvas", can be a primer that suits your skin color well, a tinted moisturizer or sunscreen. You can also use a sunscreen tint or create your own by mixing a little liquid primer that matches your skin tone with your sunscreen. Choose something that suits you:

    • The primer will even out the skin tone and create the necessary background. Foundation is less transparent than liquid primer.
    • A tinted moisturizer will help hydrate your skin as well as even out your skin tone. However, it will create a less dense base compared to a primer.
    • Sunscreen will protect the delicate skin of the abdomen from sunburn and sunburn. If you add a little primer to it, it will also help to slightly even out your skin tone.
  1. Choose a bronze tone powder. You will need a bronzer that is about two shades darker than your skin. Don't use shimmery powder as it's too flashy; instead, opt for a bronze-tone matte powder. You'll be applying fake shadows that give the illusion of well-developed abs, so you'll need products that look natural.

    • If you don't have a shimmer-free bronzer on hand, substitute a brown eyeliner or pressed foundation no more than two shades darker than your skin.
  2. Choose an illuminating powder. You will need a lightener that is one tone lighter than your skin tone. This powder should be iridescent to emphasize the features of the abdomen.

    • If you don't have a lightening powder handy, you can use pressed foundation a few shades lighter than your skin or a light ivory eyeliner instead.
  3. Find a powder brush and two eyeshadow brushes. You will need two types of brushes: a large powder brush and eye shadow brushes. If you don't have an eyeshadow brush, use another small makeup brush with small, rounded bristles instead. You will need two eyeshadow brushes (or similar): one for the bronzer and one for the highlighter.

    • If you don't have a second eyeshadow brush, feel free to use the same brush for both bronzer and highlighter. Simply clear the bronze powder from the brush by running the bristles a few times over the fuzzy fabric, making sure there are no powder particles left on the brush.
  4. Choose a well-lit area. In bright light, it will be easier for you to see your muscles and the shadows they cast.

    Bare your belly. It is better to take off your clothes so that makeup does not accidentally get on them. You can wear an old swimsuit or training top. Your belly needs to be completely exposed.

    • Do not wear a swimsuit in which you are going to show off your abs later. Otherwise, not only can you mess it up, but you also risk your trick being exposed.
  5. Decide how much muscle you would like to add. Do you want all six pack abs, four, or just two? Think about this before you start applying makeup.

    Part 2

    Overlay foundation and shadows
    1. Apply foundation, tinted moisturizer, or sunblock to your belly. Use your fingers to rub foundation, tinted moisturizer, or sunscreen onto your belly. Be careful to apply the product to all exposed areas of the abdomen, smoothing the edges in the same way as you would normally do when applying a foundation or tinted moisturizer.

      • You can use a primer brush or cosmetic wedge to apply foundation.
    2. Wait for the base to dry. To avoid ruining your brushes in the next steps, wait until your foundation, tinted moisturizer, or sunscreen is completely dry. You will see this by the fact that your skin will lose its luster and no longer look wet.

      • When in doubt, you can check by gently touching your stomach with your finger. If after that the primer, moisturizer or sunscreen remains on the finger, then you should wait longer.
    3. Tighten your abdominal muscles. This will help you locate the muscles that should be emphasized in the next steps. It is not necessary to tense your muscles all the time, but it does not hurt to do this before applying makeup so that you know where to apply shadow.

      Scoop up some bronze powder with an eyeshadow brush. Dip the brush in the powder and move it around, then shake off the excess powder. You can also lightly blow on the brush to remove excess powder.

      Draw a vertical line down the middle of the belly. Take your bronzer brush and run it from top to bottom down the center of your belly. The line should start just below the ribs and end at the navel.

      • If the line is not dark enough, you can draw it again, but do not apply too many layers. The line should be fairly light. Too dark a line will look strange and unnatural.
    4. Apply bronzer under the ribs. Dip the brush again in bronze powder and draw two lines just below the ribs. As a result, you will get a figure that resembles an arrow pointing up.

    5. Draw two more vertical lines. If necessary, re-tighten the abdominal muscles and find two vertical dimples on the sides of the abdomen. Starting at the ribs, they go down. Finding these hollows, run along each brush with bronze powder.

      • If you tighten your abdominal muscles, you can also find horizontal grooves running along both sides of the navel. Starting from the navel, they connect it to the vertical lines you just drew. If you want to accentuate your abs more, run your bronzer brush along these horizontal crevices as well.
    6. Blend the applied lines with a powder brush. Take the powder brush and run it along the lines you made with light, quick strokes from top to bottom. You can also lightly brush your stomach with a brush from side to side. In this way, you will smooth out the lines drawn earlier, making them less sharp.

      • If the lines seem too dark, don't be discouraged! Simply take some pressed powder foundation that matches your skin tone, dip a powder brush into it and swipe it across your belly. This will lighten the shadows, making them less visible.

Lesson on drawing a naked torso

Basically, this is a preview of how I draw male torsos. I understand that not all of us often see pronounced muscles, but for this lesson I wanted to draw a body so that the muscles are clearly visible ... you can make them bigger or smaller at your discretion. It all depends on the hero/style you prefer. :3

Also... I don't want to use medical/scientific terms here, because well... they're hard to remember. This is a very simple and short explanation... or at least as simple as I can make it.

I started with outlines of the "skeletal" structure, just to outline the pose... usually I draw the whole body, but since this is a torso lesson, I'll limit myself to the chest, back and hips.

Then I outline his muscular structure. This is how the size of his muscles is determined. You can make them subtle or pronounced (XD) if you like. As you can see, I only outlined the pectoral muscles, the abdominal muscles, the width of the shoulders and the waist with lines. There is no need to draw all the details, you will still draw on top of these lines.

My rule of thumb for the abdominal muscles (according to numerous observations), the navel is located between the third and fourth row of cubes. That's where he should be. Also, from about the third row of cubes, the V-shaped relief starts ... sometimes I lower it a little lower if I don't want it to stand out too much, and if you start painting it, it can be smoothed out, depending on your desire.:3 Lines do not intersect in the middle, but go to the groin area. At this stage, if you are going to wear it, you can immediately outline the lines of clothing, since you already know where the folds of the fabric will be, and where it will fit the body.

And now visual materials would be very, very useful. I advise taking male models/athletes. Draw from life as much as possible. The style can be borrowed from the artist, but the anatomy must be taken from real life... that way you learn how to transform it according to the style/exaggeration etc. … a good knowledge of anatomy will make your transformations more… correct.

And these are the “boxing muscles” (those that are around the chest) and the “wings”. They are not always drawn in simple standing figures. I usually reserve the "boxing muscles" for the fighting/martial arts/athletic types of heroes. Again, I recommend that you use visual aids when planning your character's body.

At first glance, it seems that drawing the abdominal muscles is very difficult: there is a very complex structure. In fact, it is so: it is necessary to convey the entire muscular relief with the help of well-drawn chiaroscuro.

Preparatory stage

In the visual arts, there is a very important rule regarding the drawing of people and animals. It is necessary to know the features of the structure of muscles and the skeleton in order to avoid disproportion and some painted unreal body shapes.

Find two images: a drawing of the abdominal muscles and a photo of a person whose abdominal muscles are well pumped up. Study well how the muscles are located. If necessary, return to the study in the process of drawing.

Practice has shown that learning to draw a press with a pencil on paper is an easier and faster process than pumping it up at home. But if you have abs, you are lucky. There is always where to draw it from.

Draw a press with a pencil

The press, drawn in pencil, looks realistic and sophisticated. Let's analyze the drawing process in stages.

  1. If you already have a silhouette of a person on which you will draw a press, go to the second step. If not, sketch a body sketch with a pencil or draw a silhouette of an athlete or athlete.
  2. With straight lines, mark on the stomach of your character where which abdominal muscle is located.
  3. Round the muscles.
  4. Use the eraser to erase the extra lines.
  5. Add shadows - so the press will look realistic.

Now you know how to draw abs. We offer you several sets to improve your drawing.

  • Keep in mind that not everyone succeeds in drawing a beautiful press the first time: practice is needed to achieve a good result.
  • Learn the differences between a man's abs and a woman's abs. The muscles are identical in location, but differ in size and how they protrude under the skin.
  • Keep in mind that in women, every muscle of the press cannot be clearly visible, even if we are talking about an avid athlete. This is due to the anatomical features of the female body. Exception: bodybuilders who take drugs with male hormones, but if you draw such a character, then she should have the shape of the whole body close to the male, and not just the abdominal muscles.
  • When drawing, do not make very thick lines and do not press hard with a pencil on paper, otherwise traces of extra sketches will be noticeable even after the eraser. You can make the lines thicker and bolder at the final stage of drawing.

The tools and tools of the Adobe Photoshop editor allow you not only to correct, but also to change digital images quite strongly, adding realistic details and effects to them. So a person in a photograph, who by no means has an athletic physique, can literally be turned into an athlete. For example, make him beautiful press or visually enlarge the muscles.

You will need

  • - original image;
  • - Installed Adobe Photoshop.


Open the image of the person who needs to be beautiful press, in the Adobe Photoshop editor. Press Ctrl+O on your keyboard or select "Open..." in the File section of the main menu. Specify the media and directory in the dialog that appears. Highlight the desired file. Click the "Open" button.

Add two new layers on top of the already existing background. To do this, select Layer, New, "Layer..." items in the main menu or press Ctrl+Shift+N keys.

Fill the created layers with gray color. Click on the element that displays the foreground color in the toolbar. In the # field of the Color Picker (Foreground Color) dialog, enter the string 808080. Click OK. Activate the Paint Bucket tool. Click anywhere on the image. Using the Layers panel, switch to the second of the added layers. Click again anywhere on the image.

Change the image blend modes of the top two (grey filled) layers. Make the topmost layer active. Change the blending mode to Linear Light. Set the second layer mode to Soft Light.

Create a shadow base for the image press A. Switch to the layer with the Blending Mode Linear Light. Activate the Burn tool. Select a brush of a suitable diameter with a low (around 10%) Hardness parameter using the window that expands when you click on the Brush element in the top bar. Mark the shadows from the protruding muscles press A.

Add a base of highlights on the muscles press A. Activate the Dodge tool. Go over the areas of the image that you want to lighten with the brush.

Refine the contours of the created base for the image press A. Select Blur Tool. Change the brush settings if necessary. Blur the edges of shadows and highlights where needed.

Do press more realistic. Switch to layer with Soft Light blending mode. Follow the same steps as in steps 5-7, creating more precise and soft contours and outlines of the muscles.

Save your document as a PSD so you can come back to edit it later. Use the key combination Ctrl+Shift+S. Similarly, you can export the image to the desired format.

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