How to draw different cats. How to draw a cat - tips for novice artists


Good afternoon, We are often asked to publish a lesson on How to draw a kitten, and we decided to bring to your attention a pencil drawing of a cute fluffy kitten. Drawing our kitten is easy and it won't take much time or effort.

The drawing is drawn with a simple pencil, if desired, the finished drawing can be painted with colored paints or pencils. Let's get started.

First you need to determine and mark how we will draw a kitten, for this you need to make auxiliary lines along the entire outline of the kitten. Let's sketch the head. It will be in the shape of an octagon.

Then we will sketch the body and legs. The body of a kitten can be rectangular or cylindrical. Then these lines will be needed to draw the entire drawing.

We draw auxiliary lines along the entire contour of the picture

Step 2
At the second stage of drawing a kitten, we mark the ears on the top of the head. In the middle of the head, draw a line that will mark the level of the eyes.

Draw a muzzle and eyes

Draw the front paws

Step 4
Let's draw round eyes. Our kitten lies on its side, so we only see two paws. The back will be added later.

Draw the hind legs

Step 5
Now let's look at the two hind legs. We will mark them with lines, and then we will give a shape. Let's draw a chin and mustache. Next, draw the fur.

Erase all unnecessary lines, draw the fur of the kitten

Erase the auxiliary lines made at the initial stage and the drawing ready. After all, the truth turned out to be a cute kitten.

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Let's say you're a cat aficionado. You are touched by these delightful creatures, their grace and independence. You can enjoy their games, jumps for hours, forgive them your scratched hands, and their purring is better than any music for your ears. Like all passionate people, you can't ignore the items with the image of your pets. And one day, looking at the next pictures in which funny cats, drawn in pencil, are fooling around or sleeping, you suddenly think: why don't you try to create something similar yourself?

You begin to look closely at the furry models, notice their habits, movements, (oh, sorry, muzzles). Finally, get an album, pencils and an eraser to try your hand at the artistic field. And here comes the first hurdle. How to draw a cat if he constantly runs away from you and does not want to calmly pose? You can first practice on a sleeping animal.

If this is your first experience of visual activity, then first you need to understand one very simple idea: almost all objects and most living beings in this world can be represented as circles, rectangles and triangles. Such knowledge greatly simplifies the task of "How to draw a cat in stages."

Look at your pet from the back. Now mentally decompose it into several circles. Happened? Consolidate the experience gained. Observe the animal, constantly outlining the imaginary parts of its body.

As soon as you feel that you can do it without difficulty, pick up a pencil and open the album. Think about how to draw a cat. Will he sit, lie down or move? Then feel free to get to work.

First of all, outline the outline. Usually these are three circles: the head, the middle part of the body and the back. The legs are still drawn in the form of curves. You can immediately depict the tail.

Then the contour is gradually filled with details. We draw ears. We designate a nose on the muzzle. It will serve as a kind of guide to depict the eyes and mouth. Try to give the muzzle the desired expression.

Let's get to the paws. It's not scary if at first they look like sausages, then you fix it. Smoothly outline the contours of the body.

When the sketch is finished, carefully study the resulting sketch. You may want to make changes. We are now just learning how to draw a cat. And learning is not without mistakes.

The sketch is needed so that you can confidently draw the main lines of the drawing on paper. Secondary strokes are then erased with an eraser. The image is detailed. A mustache is added to the cat, fingers appear on the paws. Or maybe you want to add perky bangs, eyebrows or a cat from Cheshire - this is a task for the next lesson.

Ready to be painted with paints or felt-tip pens. Dare, do not be afraid of bold experiments. Don't let your first drawing be perfect, don't give up. Each time you will be more confident in drawing lines on paper, conveying the movements and habits of your pet.

Everyone loves cats! At least if you are on our site, then this is so. Sometimes you want to draw a funny cat, and sometimes like a real one. But not everyone has the talent of an artist. However, just as children are taught at school to draw in stages, so we can use a simple example to draw a cat. Just look how cute he is. And he wants you to draw him

First, draw a circle - this will be the head. It is with the simplest forms that we begin drawing in stages.

You can immediately draw the ears. Now it is already possible to draw the body. It expands from top to bottom, because the cat's legs are there. Let's not forget the tail. What will your cat be like? Well, now the most important and difficult thing is the eyes and muzzle ... It depends on the expression of the eyes whether your cat will be cheerful .. or sad ... Now it remains only to color it.

If everything worked out wonderfully for you, then you can move on to other options for drawing a cat in stages.

We often ask ourselves the question from the title when we really want to embody a cat in some product, but do not take a finished picture, but draw it ourselves. How to do this, there is no clear algorithm for anyone, we all have a different mindset, but still there are some relatively standard recommendations.

If your goal is to draw on a children's t-shirt or draw a stencil to create an original animal print t-shirt later, then limit yourself to the simplest, most concise option. For example, something like this, simple; drawing clearer forms, perhaps cartoon characters.

When creating such drawings, natural proportions can not be observed, the main thing for you is the character of the character, a couple of forms and features inherent only to him.

You can start drawing such a plan both from the main forms - the body, the head, and from the secondary ones, let's say, these are the eyes, ears, nose, etc.

To draw a cat with high quality, and not only a cat, you must already take into account the proportions of the body, muzzles. For example, how many times the width of the eye fits in the width of the entire muzzle - think over it in the same way, measure the rest of the picture.

And remember, to give the animal a more natural appearance, you do not need to make it symmetrical. Even with apparent ideality, animals, like people, have characteristic features: for example, one eyelid is slightly lower than the other, the mustache is unequal - it goes without saying, some strip on the skin is slightly longer or shorter.

Hi all! In this tutorial I will show you step by step with a pencil and then color it with colored pencils. We will draw a Maine Coon cat.

If this is your first time on a blog site, then a lesson from the drawing course with colored pencils ““ will be useful to you.

You will need:

  • a blank sheet of paper (it is better to use not white, but sand);
  • simple HB pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils.

Step 1. In order to draw a cat, you first need to sketch out the basic proportions on a blank sheet of paper. Divide the body and head of the cat into simple shapes, mark the paws and tail with ovals, and the ears with triangles. Also highlight the rounded neck and the central line of the muzzle, outline the main features of the face. Now you need to check the proportions, make sure that the turned head is located correctly. Step 2 Now we need to work out the details. Erase the extra lines with an eraser. Now draw some short lines on the face to indicate the direction of the hair growth. Then add lines around the eyes and continue them all the way to the nose. Draw the pupils, they will look like the shape of an American football. Mark the whiskers, white areas on the front legs and the texture of the coat on the whole body.
Step 3 Using a dark gray color, shade the whites of the eyes and pupils. Then, with short lines and varying pressure from medium to hard, create dark areas on the head and body, following the direction of hair growth. Please note that the hair on the tail is longer than anywhere else, so the strokes should be longer.
Step 4 Now apply dark pink color to the nose and paw pads. Then add a light layer of dark brown to the head and torso areas. Emerald green paint over the irises of the eyes. Fill the pupils with black, leaving white reflections on each of them.
Step 5 We continue to color cat. Apply some jasmine color to some parts of the body, ears, nose and around the mouth. Then - French gray on the muzzle and body areas, using short lines and following the direction of hair growth. Using medium pressure, add a layer of chartreuse to the iris, then apply black to the sides of the nose and mouth. Next, I paint the henna color on the paw pads and use short lines of dark gray to highlight the fur on the paws. Then use medium pressure to apply cool gray to the underside of the chin, belly and paws, marking the shadows. On the paws, I make a stronger pressure. Apply a layer of burnt amber in short lines over jasmine on the head and body to deepen the color. Add long strokes of burnt ocher and French gray to the tail, and some French gray to the fur inside the ears.

Draw cat eyes

The shape of the cat's pupil changes depending on the lighting. For example, in the dark, the pupils become larger and take on a more rounded shape, as in the example below, while in the light, the pupils may look like tiny vertical slits. When you draw a cat or a cat from the front, make sure that the pupils are directed straight ahead. Also keep in mind that the whites of a cat's eyes are much less visible than a human's, as the cat's pupil occupies a much larger area.

Step 6 Apply cool gray to the sides of the neck, making sure not to paint over the mustache; then apply the same color all over the body to darken the fur. Add little blue specks to the pupil reflexes, and then blend it into the white. Next, apply bright yellow over the chartreuse on the iris, making the eyes more expressive. Shade the sternum and neck areas, and the mustache with a cold light gray, they stand out more. Apply the same color to the lower abdomen.

After that, look at the drawing from a distance to determine what other areas need more color. For more contrast, add some more burnt ocher to the same areas, and black to the dark areas of the coat. Then use a hard brush to blend and soften the colors. Do this very carefully, as overdoing it can smear the entire drawing. Eyes should not be shaded, it is better to leave them clean and luminous.

Here we have such a beautiful Maine Coon cat. Drop your work in the comments or share them in

Drawing is one of the most favorite activities for children. Moreover, it does not matter at what level of development their abilities are - all the guys love to portray animals, toys or nature. If we are talking about cats that are favorite pets, even if the pet does nothing all day long, but just lies on the couch, then there is hardly a child who has not tried to draw a cute fluffy. In order for these attempts to be more and more successful, it is worth knowing some features of the creative process.

What materials and tools are needed

The success of the work depends on how carefully the preparation is done, that is, the materials and tools are selected. So, for drawing, you can use:

As for the tools, here you need a regular drawing set:

You need to start drawing with auxiliary lines

  • We finish drawing the ears to the upper circle, between the two horizontal lines we make arcs under the eyes, and in the lower third on the vertical line we put a tick-mouth.
  • We connect the upper and middle circles with two smooth lines - this is the cat's neck. We make the outline of the left front paw and tail.
  • We finish drawing the line of the left paw, draw fingers with claws. We show the right front paw in fragments - only fingers and claws. In a semicircle, draw the arc of the cat's leg, bring the lines into a paw with fingers and claws. Thickening the tail
  • We complete the muzzle, that is, draw the eyes, mouth, nose and show the cheeks with a zigzag line.

    We detail the muzzle with ears, eyes and mouth

  • With smooth lines we connect the second and third circles, that is, the body of the animal.
  • We finish the mustache.

    We leave the mustache for the final stage of work

  • We remove the auxiliary lines, the drawing is ready.

    Removal of guide lines is the next step after the sketch is completed, before coloring.

  • sleeping fluffy

    Drawing a sleeping animal seems to many to be an easier task than a figure in motion. But in fact, both projections have their own subtleties. We will verify this on the example of a dormant cat.


    1. We draw a circle, enter two straight lines intersecting at right angles into it, and the horizontal line should be just below the center of the circle.
    2. On the horizontal line with arcs we show the closed eyes of the cat, on the vertical line below we draw the mouth and nose.
    3. We supplement the muzzle with cheeks, ears and a forehead with protruding hair.
    4. We draw a smooth line of the body, imperceptibly flowing into the tail. We draw attention to the fact that the arc should pass above the head, gradually going down and narrowing for the tail.
    5. Detailing the image. We finish drawing a slightly protruding front paw, covered with a tail, draw the tip of the tail and several folds on the body.

    I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy

    Creating such a cute fluffy is not difficult at all. At the same time, even in black and white, he looks like a tiger.


    1. We start with the base circle. In the lower part we draw a mouth, a nose and closed eyes.

      Drawing start from the head

    2. We finish drawing the ears, showing inside the stroke with sharp lines. From above and on the sides of the muzzle we make three lines-tiger stripes. The top will be slightly longer.

      To immediately show the unusualness of the kitten, we make him three tiger stripes on his forehead and cheeks

    3. With smooth lines we show the chest and back of the cat, draw the front paw.

      The lines of the back and legs should be very soft.

    4. We make the second front paw, which is blocked by the first. We draw the hind paw with the thigh.
    5. We make stripes on the paws and a little thicker on the back.
    6. We draw a tail, show stripes on it.

      When coloring a kitten, remember that the stripes should be 2-3 tones darker

    Video: how easy it is to draw a cat with a marker

    Video: draw Hello Kitty

    How to draw a cute anime kitten step by step

    This is interesting. Anime is an animation genre that originated in Japan in 1917. The huge popularity all over the world is explained by the fact that, unlike cartoons, these animated comics are designed for teenagers and adults.

    The attitude towards anime pictures is by no means unambiguous: many believe that creatures with large eyes of the same shape simply lose their individuality. However, there are also many fans of this genre. So it definitely won’t hurt them to know how to draw an anime kitten.


    1. We start with the base lines. We draw a circle, just below the center of which is the intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines. Draw an oval for the cat's body to this circle.

      Auxiliary lines teach proportion

    2. We finish drawing the ears and with a continuous line we show the outlines of the muzzle with cheeks.

      It is better not to interrupt the line of the muzzle from ear to ear - this way the drawing will look neater

    3. We draw huge eyes, occupying almost the entire lower part of the head. We draw eyebrows and a mouth, it is not necessary to depict the nose.

      Anime kitten eyes occupy almost half of the face

    4. From the line of the head we draw thick paws, not forgetting the protruding hair on them.

      Paws require special care, as elements of wool are already drawn on them.

    5. We direct the body of the cat, slightly going beyond the oval of the base, we complement the body with a tail.

      The tail is curved this way because the kitten is practically covered by it.

    6. We erase the auxiliary lines.

    Video: draw an anime kitten

    Video: how to draw Sharlie the cat from the Fairy Tail anime

    Angela cat drawing

    The beautiful blue-eyed cat Angela, the friend of the cat Tom from the app game, has won more than one children's heart. Yes, and many adults are not averse to spending time in the daily activities of this lovely lady. It is not surprising that many people want to draw such a lovely creature, even those who are not quite confident in the skill of pencil drawing.


    1. Draw the base for the cat. We draw a vertical line equal to its height, which we limit with perpendiculars from above and below. We put three marks on the vertical line: one corresponds to 2/3 of the segment, the remaining piece is divided into three equal parts.

      The length of the vertical segment is Angela's height

    2. In the upper part, draw two ovals intersecting in the center, which we combine on the left with an arc. In the second third of this smooth line, we outline the nose.

      Geometric figures show the elements of the image of Angela

    3. Below we draw another oval, and in the last marked piece we make a trapezoid-skirt of our cat.
    4. On the upper oval, draw the ears, detail the muzzle, namely, we show the bend of the eyelashes.
    5. We draw the left foot, bent at the elbow, pointing up.
    6. With a smooth line we show the right paw, which Angela brought behind her back.
    7. From the bottom of the trapezoid we draw paired lines of the hind legs, as well as the tail.

      At this stage, we detail the image as much as possible.

    8. Draw the eyes by adding a semicircle to the lash line. We finish the pupils.
    9. We draw eyebrows, lips and mustaches.
    10. We finish the missing elements of the open dress: the folds on the belt and the neckline of the bodice. The kitty is ready.

      Finishing the cat's dress

    Video: draw a pretty Angela

    How to draw a cat face

    Animal faces (as well as human faces) are considered to be some of the most difficult objects to draw. However, with patience, this task can also be coped with, especially if an understandable scheme is at hand.


    1. We draw a circle inside which we make two intersecting arcs. This trick will give the image of a cat volume.

      Such a base will help to make the muzzle voluminous

    2. Add two curved lines for the neck.

      Showing the outline of the cat's neck

    3. At the top of the circle, draw the triangles of the ears.

      Ears are shown by triangles

    4. At the intersection of the auxiliary lines, draw a triangle for the nose, and below add a horizontally inverted number three for the mouth.

      The nose and mouth of a cat is very easy to draw if there are auxiliary lines.

    5. We make eyes. To do this, draw two ovals at an angle, add dashes-pupils.

      We draw the eyes of an elongated oval shape, inside we show the pupils

    6. We form a face. We add strokes of fur around the muzzle, draw the relief of the ears, as well as the mustache.

      Wool and mustache give the muzzle a certain completeness

    7. With a marker we outline the contours of the muzzle, and it is precisely along the strokes of the wool. Delete auxiliary lines.

      Outline drawing - the last step before coloring

    8. The drawing is ready. You can color the cat if you like.

      For coloring, you can use pencils, paints, wax crayons

    Video: master class on how to draw a cat's face

    Photo gallery: how to draw a cat from a fairy tale

    We start with an oval shape for the cat's head Draw guide lines, this will serve as the basis for the cat's muzzle Draw the shape of the nose, and then the lines for the bases of the eyes Add large and expressive eyes, large pupils and an outline for the mouth Draw the lines of the eyebrows, the outline of the muzzle Draw guidelines according to the model lines, and then add the cat's ear Finish the second ear Draw the upper eyelid of the eyes, fill them slightly with color and detail the mouth Add hair around the muzzle, including near the mouth Draw a long mustache Outline the contours, starting with the ears Paint over the eyes as shown in the figure

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