How to draw a puppy with a pencil step by step for beginners? Simple and accessible master classes. Learning to draw a puppy in stages - a pencil drawing lesson for beginners and schoolchildren How to draw a cute dog


And hello again everyone!
Call your children to the monitors, because today we will learn how to easily draw a minion in stages. For those who do not know minions - these are such cute and funny characters from the Despicable Me cartoon trilogy. They are all yellow in color, look like chocolate egg toy packaging, speak their own language, and all the time get into interesting situations under the leadership of their owner, an awkward man with a big nose named Gru. Although I think that every adult, and even more so a child, imagines what these restless pets look like.
I will draw with a felt-tip pen, you can follow my example or use a simple pencil to correct the drawing if something happens. Take a sheet of paper, preferably landscape.
If you want to draw a large minion, then it is better to place the sheet vertically, if you plan to depict several pieces next to each other, then you can horizontally. All minions are very similar to each other, but there is one significant difference - some are more fortunate and have two eyes, while others are content with only one. I will draw a more developed yellowbell that sees twice as well.

I'll start drawing from the eyes. First, we depict two identical circles, around which we make a border. The edging will serve as points in the future. It turned out like this eight.

To make the eyes real, add pupils to them. I draw two pieces, who decided to portray a one-eyed cyclops will do it twice as fast!

In the next step, we will draw a body for our minion. Here you can dream up. Depending on the size of the torso, it will be high, low or regular, like mine.

Are there bald minions? Certainly! But I decided to make mine handsome, gave him such rare curls. You can depict the vegetation on the head in a different way, for example, draw a thick tuft from one point, similar to how a palm tree grows. And at this stage, do not forget to draw the strap from the glasses. It turned out like this.

The yellow men are mostly dressed in the same denim overalls, in other words, just trousers with straps. My friend is no exception. Now I will draw the very straps on which to hold the pants. The dots on the straps are buttons or buttons.

I almost left our yellow hero without the opportunity to discuss the latest news with his brothers. Let's go back and draw his mouth. I like to smile, so of course I decorated my face with a smiling grin.

What's next, you ask? Further we will draw hands, one is raised up, the other is lowered. You may be different, both up, both down, you can even portray a one-armed bandit. In fact, these are just blanks, a little later we will turn them into real hands.

Let's return to the torso and clothes, draw a jumpsuit with an obligatory pocket in the middle.

In the next step, let's finish the arms and finish the brushes, in my drawing it turned out like this.

There is a head, there are hands. What is missing? Correctly draw the minion's legs. This is also easy and simple to do. That's all the drawing is ready!

Of course, children love colorful and bright drawings more. Therefore, so that the impressions of today's lesson remain in your memory for a long time, take pencils or felt-tip pens and decorate the picture, as I did. The minion itself is yellow, the clothes are blue, the eyes are brown, and the glasses can be shaded with a silver felt-tip pen or a simple pencil. I think it turned out great, write your opinion in the comments.

In this lesson, I'll cover . More precisely . Many, if not all, consider the cutest creatures in the world (after, of course, kote always rule). No matter what they say, it’s better to draw a cool picture once than to look at it a hundred times. Actually, this is what we are going to do now. But the dog will not turn out cute if you do not follow some rules of real artists:

  • First, give the drawing a piece of your love;
  • Second - sharpen the pencil;
  • Draw all the paper;
  • Did not work out? Throw it away and start over!
  • Turn on your fantasy!
  • Look at the result and rejoice, smile wider! =)

Step by step drawing a dog is easy and simple. Even if my dear readers skipped all the art classes at school (which I did at one time), with the help of our tips they can easily portray a dog, or.

Where do we start? Let's draw just two oval shapes, from which we will create the torso and head of man's best friend. Approximately at their junction, draw another circle from which the muzzle will grow. We also make blanks for the paws.
The next step to mastering the art of drawing cute animals is the head. What is important to remember here:

  • The head is a very important element in a painting;
  • It should not be too big or small;
  • Observe the proportions between body parts;
  • Do not make straight lines, they do not exist in nature;
  • Apply lines with light movements, do not press the stylus into the paper;

We turn to drawing the details of the face: ears like a bear, mouth and nose. And, most importantly, the eyes. Important points when depicting eyes:

  • The eyes of animals are usually round;
  • Pupils can be dilated, narrowed, of different shapes;
  • Glare must be added relative to the light;
  • The mood of the whole picture will depend on the eyes: sad, funny, aggressive, kind, and so on.

We step further. Now the outline. It should be highlighted with a thicker line. On the paws we draw pads and claws like a cat. Let's add a tail. difficult for beginners. I strongly recommend that after the first attempt, do not put the work aside, but try again.
The next step is to erase all extra lines. And now our sketch has already become more realistic. The main thing is not skill, but desire.
If you want, you can give his coat a slight shade, as in the first picture. Add shadows, colors. Connect your imagination. Do not copy 1 in 1 from here. They say that every artist sees the world in his own way. I hope you now know how to draw a dog step by step. I also recommend reading a lesson about drawing. Show your work. This is how it turned out for me:
Try to draw something else, for example, a dove. I would love to see the results of your work. Leave comments, visit us often, and you will learn a lot of new things. Thank you for your attention! Continuation of this lesson, let's try to draw other breeds.

15.10.2017 170

How to draw a dog step by step from a photo

The dog is the most popular and beloved animal by many, especially children love them. But they like puppies more - small, affectionate and so unintelligent. And how about spending time with your child in a pleasant and useful way? Surely he will really like drawing a dog or a cute little puppy?

Watercolor dog for New Year

Before the New Year 2018, you should definitely learn how to draw a dog, because such a pet becomes a symbol of the next 12 months. When choosing a dog for drawing, you should give preference to the cutest and most plush, so that there is a great desire to get a finished New Year's picture. Let's add a funny red cap with a fur insert at the base and a small bubo.

Necessary materials for drawing a dog:

  • sheet of paper (preferably watercolor);
  • a simple HB pencil and an eraser;
  • watercolor;
  • brushes;
  • palette and a glass of water.

Stages of drawing a New Year's dog:

1. Any animal or cartoon character should start drawing from the head. To depict a dog as a symbol of 2018, draw a small oval. We will add one triangle to it on each side. We connect the figures with an arc and get a sketch of the pet's head.

2. Draw a semi-oval to the head to get the front part of the torso. To it we add paws that will look like triangles. We draw in the background a part of the left paw and a tail.

3. Let's add a few New Year's attributes to the dog's drawing. For example, on the top of the head of a fluffy pet, we will put a beautiful hat-cap with a cute bubo. We attach a collar with a decorative element to the neck.

4. We remove the auxiliary lines so that you can draw the muzzle of the dog. We draw a big nose and small, but such natural eyes. We correct the contour of the torso and head so that the dog becomes fluffy and plush in appearance. We will also work on the hat so that it becomes voluminous and acquires a wavy look on the objects of fur inserts.

5. We paint over the sections of the hat and collar with a decorative element with red-burgundy watercolor.

6. Now let's move on to drawing the wool. We apply a yellow-brown shade of watercolor paint to all areas of the animal. We give time to dry the layer and once again paint over the ears, muzzle, torso with paws and tail with a more saturated and dark color.

7. We carefully paint over the nose with black watercolor, and blue - the white areas of the cap. We will also go over the fur again and create a third coat of paint, where we apply dark brown shades of watercolor mixed with burgundy and red tones.

8. Finally, with black watercolor, paint over the eyes and the shadow under the dog at the base of the picture.

9. The finished watercolor drawing of a dog for the New Year 2018, if desired, is finalized with black liners. For a general contour, you should choose 0.7 mm, but for small hatching - 0.1 mm.

10. We get just such a New Year's illustration, which just asks for a handmade postcard to embellish it! But such a thoroughbred dog looks very natural, picturesque and festive here.

DIY Dalmatian drawing

A Dalmatian puppy in a festive sock is the main theme of this drawing lesson. Therefore, if you want to draw a New Year's drawing, then you can't imagine better for animal lovers! The lesson uses many shades of colored pencils. However, if such a drawing can be drawn with a minimum set. After all, it all depends on your desire and imagination!

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paper.

Drawing steps:

01. With simple lines we denote the general shape of the Christmas sock. Let's draw all the curves.

2. Then draw the upper part of the sock, which has a fur insert. You also need to show that the sock is hanging on a fireplace or other piece of furniture. To do this, draw a circle in the upper part.

3. The sock will be striped. To show this - draw a few lines and draw a patch on the heel.

4. A Dalmatian puppy will peek out of the sock. Therefore, at this stage it is very important to correctly draw the silhouette of the head and front paws of the animal.

Then we refine the small details. Since this is a Dalmatian, one should not forget about the spots on his short coat.

5. With a red pencil, we begin to decorate individual fragments of the sock.

6. Let's add volume to the New Year's sock with other shades of red pencils.

7. For contrast, we use green colors for the sock. We decorate with pencils the remaining fragments of the sock and the patch.

8. We will make the fur insert in the sock in a pale blue color. You can walk along the contour with a blue pencil.

9. Now let's decorate the Dalmatian puppy itself. To begin with, with a black pencil, we will outline the paws, head and muzzle. Then completely paint over the pupils, nose and spots with black. To give volume, we use flesh-colored and light brown pencils.

10. Refine and check all the details in the drawing. On this step-by-step drawing of a New Year's drawing with colored pencils is completed, because we have a glorious Dalmatian puppy in a New Year's sock.

How to draw a yellow dog step by step

In anticipation of the New Year 2018, you can now learn to draw a dog. After all, it will become a symbol for the whole year. Its main color is yellow.

So when choosing colored pencils, you should give preference to shades from yellow to red. Light colors are suitable for the base color of the coat, but dark ones are suitable for volume and contouring.

Necessary materials:

  • blank sheet of paper;
  • pencils;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw the dog's head in the form of a circle. From the sides we deform the contour.

2. Then we draw the torso of the symbol of 2018 with a simple pencil. It will consist of a neck, breast and front legs.

3. Next, draw on the sides of the back of the dog and the outline of the hind legs.

4. At the top, draw two ears in the form of triangles with rounded corners. In the middle of the head, draw a spot of a disproportionate shape, which starts from the top and smoothly flows into the center to the nose.

5. Let's complete the New Year's drawing of a dog with small details on the torso and head. We draw a middle in the middle of each ear in the form of small triangles with rounded corners, but on the muzzle - eyes, nose and mouth.

We will also draw several vertical lines on the paws to distinguish between the pads. We refine the contour and smoothly proceed to coloring the picture.

6. First, take a yellow pencil and add the color of the dog's coat on the hind legs and back, head and ears. Already with an orange tint pencil, you can add contour and volume.

7. Color the middle of the ear with red and burgundy pencils and additionally create volume in the yellow areas of the picture.

8. Take a black pencil and completely color in the eyes, nose and mouth. Then we create the outline of the entire drawing.

9. Finally, take a red pencil and color the tongue. In the white areas of the picture, you can add a slight tint to give a little volume.

10. We get a finished drawing for the New Year 2018 in the form of a yellow dog. But from such a bright picture you can get a wonderful front part of a New Year's greeting card.

Drawing a dog with a pencil - an educational lesson with an explanation

Lesson for beginners

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Drawing, as a kind of creative activity, has been accompanying a person since time immemorial. No wonder most children love to draw. However, the older we get, the more complexes we acquire.

As a result, when an inspired child suggests drawing a dog together, most adults fall into a stupor together, sadly stating their complete lack of any artistic talents. But in vain! After all, drawing dogs is not the most difficult thing in the world! Don't believe?

If you draw with a child, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the age characteristics of pictorial images in children's drawings.

Important: Do not demand believable images from a two-year-old baby! Remember, at 2-3 years old, a child should draw scribbles-doodles, preparing his large and fine motor skills for serious tests in the future.

However, the child is ready to co-create with an adult from about six months. With the correct organization of the process of education and training, which is based on the principles of cooperation and partnership, the baby will gradually acquire the necessary knowledge and master various activities.

First, teach your child

  • holding a pencil correctly
  • confidently draw lines on paper: straight lines, curls, zigzags, etc.
  • draw simple shapes: circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square

At first, be sure to help the young artist. If the child is not confident in his abilities, proceed as follows

  1. Take the child's hand in your hand
  2. Draw a line smoothly, guiding the child's hand with a pencil, let the child remember the movement of the hand, feel the motor skills of movement
  3. Over time, invite the child to draw a line or draw a given figure on their own

When the basic shapes are mastered, you can start drawing

How to draw a dog with a pencil in stages?

Step by step drawing or drawing step by step is very popular with those who want to learn how to draw quickly. This is very easy as you will be drawing one element at a time.

If drawing any element will cause you difficulties, you can always print the image of the required element and copy it onto your drawing using the underlay method.

#1. How to draw a dog for the little ones?

  • Draw a circle. This will be the dog's head.
  • Draw eyes, nose and mouth

  • draw the ears
  • With the help of semicircles draw the body and paws of the dog and finish the tail.

  • Color the drawing

#2. How to draw a dog that is standing?

How to draw a dog that stands
  • Draw a rectangle that will become the outline of the animal's body.
  • Round the corners of the rectangle, making the lines soft and smooth
  • In the upper left corner of the figure, sketch out an oval that will become the dog's head.
  • With thin parallel lines draw the paws of the animal, do not forget to sketch out the tail.

  • Draw the dog's ears. Draw the fingers on the paws
  • Unite the outline lines with one smooth line
  • Draw the eyes, nose, eyebrows, mustache, mouth of the dog.
  • Color the drawing

#3. How to draw a dog that sits?

Remember that the sketch lines should be light and thin.

  • Draw three intersecting circles at the top center of the sheet. Please note: the point of intersection of the lines must be at the bottom of the large circle. This will be the dog's head.

  • Draw two slightly curved slanted lines radiating from small circles. This is how you sketch out the torso

  • Draw a straight horizontal line at the bottom of the drawing, draw two small semi-circles inside the curved slanted lines. Next, draw two more semicircular elements. These will be the paws of the sitting dog.

  • Add another curved line on each side, finally completing the outline of the dog's hind legs. Draw a perky ponytail

  • Draw the dog's head, connecting all the circles at the top with a smooth, clear line. Don't forget to draw the ears

  • Focusing on a large circle, draw the eyes, eyebrows and nose of the dog. You can add a dog collar
  • With the help of two slightly curved parallel lines, mark the front paws of the dog.

  • Draw short parallel lines on the dog's hind legs, indicating the toes. Fill in the nose and eyes

  • Color the drawing

  • Draw two circles: one larger, the other smaller. Connect them with a slightly curved line

  • Draw the lines of the head, focusing on the smaller circle. Designate the nose, mustache, eyes

  • Focusing on the outline lines, draw the line of the back and tail

  • Sketch the back paw by drawing in the pads and toes of the animal.

  • Draw the front right paw of the dog

  • Draw the left hind and front paws

  • Move the main line of the picture, combining all the elements of the picture, erase the extra lines

  • Color the drawing, not forgetting the shadows. Draw a shadow like this

A cheerful puppy as a pet is the cherished dream of most children. That is why, puppies and kittens are the most popular images of children's drawings.

#1. The easiest way to draw a puppy

In this drawing, circles of different diameters are used, with the help of which the head and body of the puppy is drawn.

#2 How to draw a puppy face?

How to Draw a Sad Puppy and a Snooty Puppy Girl
  • Draw a penless man like this in the center of your drawing sheet.

  • Draw three thick dots symmetrically placed along the central vertical line.

  • Draw an oval around the central figure with dots

  • Draw the puppy's eyes (two small ovals). When drawing the eyes, focus on the position of the puppy's nose.

  • Draw a rounded line around the puppy's eyes, forming the top of the muzzle.

  • Draw the pupils with two ovals

  • Draw the ears. At this point, you can stop. You have a sad puppy

  • Or you can finish the tongue and bow and get a portrait of a cheerful bully girl

#3 How to draw a puppy face (very easy way)?

Even very young artists can draw such a funny puppy

  • Draw two short parallel lines in the central lower part of the first, fourth, fifth, sixth circle. These will be the puppy's paws.

    • Draw a semi-oval above the second and third circles. This will be the puppy's head.

    • Draw an arcuate line, indicating the back
      • Color the drawing, remembering to shade certain areas to give the image volume.

      Video: How to draw a puppy - video for children

      Video: Cartoons for Toddlers - Theme Drawings - Draw a Dog


    Puppies are truly adorable creatures. Perhaps it is for this reason that many people think about how to draw a puppy. It is best to learn how to draw a puppy, of course, depicting this cute creature from life. But, unfortunately, not every novice artist has such an opportunity. Therefore, to make it easier to portray, you can use auxiliary materials - photographs and illustrations that can be found in books, magazines or on the Internet. The main thing is to choose high-quality photos in which the eyes, muzzle and other parts of the puppy's body are clearly visible.
    Before you draw a puppy in stages, be sure to prepare everything you need for this:
    1). multi-colored pencils;
    2). A sheet of paper;
    3). Eraser;
    4). Pencil;
    5). Black liner.

    The easiest way to understand how to draw a puppy with a pencil is to divide the whole process into several steps:
    1. In the form of a circle, draw the head of a dog. Mark the puppy's body with light strokes;
    2. Start drawing the puppy's face. Outline the eyes and mouth. Draw the dog's nose, which looks like an inverted triangle;
    3. Draw the puppy's face more clearly. Draw the eyes. As a rule, puppies have both a head and eyes that are quite large in size;
    4. Draw the puppy's ears. In small puppies, the ears usually do not stand well, so make one ear slightly lowered;
    5. Mark the puppy's legs and tail;
    6. Draw the paws and tail. Please note that puppies have rather thick and short paws. And their tail is small and also not long. Mark the spots;
    7. Now you understand how to draw a puppy with a pencil step by step. To make the image of a small puppy look complete, it is recommended to color it with pencils. To start, circle it with a liner;
    8. Erase the original pencil sketch of the puppy;
    9. Color in the puppy's eyes, nose, mouth and ears. To do this, use black, dark brown

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