How to draw a slenderman with a black pen. The Birth of Slenderman: The History and Cultural Footprint of the Internet's Creepiest Meme


Slenderman ("Skinny Man" in Russian) is one of the most famous characters in the "terrible" Internet folklore. Presumably, it was invented in 2009 by a certain Eric Knudsen, who posted two black-and-white pictures on the Something Awful forum depicting children being chased by a mysterious creature. The photos seemed very realistic to the regulars of the Internet and quickly riveted the attention of the virtual public.

The character was so loved by the users of the Web that he quickly turned into the hero of numerous stories, video games, TV shows and movies. However, here is what is interesting and strange: although the fiction of Slenderman is not seriously hidden by anyone, there are many individuals who claim to have encountered this monster live, or simply firmly believe in its reality. People study this urban legend, go on expeditions in search of a monster and find, as they claim, evidence of the existence of the Skinny Man in the form of photo and video materials.

The appearance of Slenderman is very unusual. He appears as a very tall man with disproportionately long limbs that can bend to any angle. The head of the entity is completely covered in pale skin - hair, ears, eyes, nose and mouth are completely absent. A skinny person is always dressed in a funeral suit with a black jacket and tie and a white shirt. It is believed that countless black tentacles sometimes appear from the back of the monster, capable of becoming infinitely long. With the help of them, the entity allegedly catches its victims.

What is Slenderman capable of?

Slenderman is a kidnapper. Most often, he kidnaps children, and they are never found again. Who it is - a ghost, an evil spirit, an alien, a mutant or a fiend - is unknown. The Skinny Man's intentions are utterly obscure, and such vagueness makes him doubly intimidating. A dangerous entity appears in forests, fields, abandoned buildings and other empty places, lying in wait for its victims. If you notice him standing in the distance, even if it is kilometers away from you, you will no longer have the opportunity to escape or confront the monster.

Slenderman's symbol is a circle crossed out with a diagonal cross. They say that such signs appear near the habitats of the Skinny Man, and you can avoid an unenviable fate only by immediately leaving at the sight of such a picture. Many eyewitnesses report seeing ominous symbols on trees in the forest, on walls in abandoned structures, and on the ground. Of course, it is logical to assume that fans of this urban legend simply draw them, but who can know for sure ...

Slenderman is considered an excellent telepath. In this regard, he does not have to chase his victims. The monster can manipulate nearby people and force them to go into his trap on their own. Abducted children usually have nightmares a few days before their disappearance and try to leave the house in an unconscious state. Some of them, who are not followed by relatives, succeed, and they disappear into the night without a trace.

A skinny person affects electronics, so if you get noise in your headphones or interference on the video camera screen in a deserted place far from civilization, then you should probably get out of there as soon as possible. If you photograph or film the monster, it will not let you slip away. To see him with your own eyes is also to sign your own death warrant. You can walk a stone's throw from the Slenderman masquerading as a tree and calmly go home without noticing him. But if you realize that there is something strange in front of you and consider a thin giant in this figure, you will not do well.

An evil entity can shorten and lengthen its body and limbs. In terms of movement, the Skinny Man seems to be inactive. He can stay for a long time in one place at a considerable distance from people, waiting to be noticed. Slenderman rarely walks or runs, but he instantly teleports from one point to another, so it is almost impossible to hide from him. However, many witnesses claim that they managed to safely escape from the monster's possession after they noticed it or even captured it on camera.

Perhaps the image of the Skinny Man was borrowed from somewhere. For example, in Slavic mythology there is a thin and long spirit pole (from the word "pole"). This unclean force walks at night and looks into people's windows, warms itself near the furnace corpses and scares people, and also commits minor dirty tricks. From a distance, the pole often resembles a large dry branch on the roof of a house. However, this spirit is practically harmless to humans.

In German folklore, you can find a character named Grossmann (Tall Man), who is something like an evil fairy, but outwardly he is very similar to Slenderman, except that he has a face with two large round eyes. Grosman, the Germans frightened offspring who went for a walk in the forest without permission. According to myths and legends, the Tall Man lived in the Black Forest and dragged naughty children into the wilds of the forest, where he devoured them.

And in Japanese myths, there are nopperapons - tall supernatural creatures whose faces turned into smooth purple balls at night.

Photo and video of Slenderman

On April 12 of this year, the attention of Internet users was riveted by a picture taken, judging by the timecode, on January 22, 2009. The photo shows a teenager looking into a winter forest, where a tall, dark figure with a pale face lurks among the snow-covered trees. Needless to say, many regulars of the World Wide Web immediately issued a verdict: the children photographed the Skinny Man.

The story behind this picture is this: Several American children from Minnesota didn't go to school and went to play in the woods instead. At some point, one of the truants took out his phone and decided to take a picture of his friend. However, as soon as the photographer pointed the camera at a friend, he noticed a thin giant in dark clothes between the trees and, in horror, told his friends about it. The children immediately rushed away from there, but the photographer managed to take a picture of a creepy stranger.

The video below, taken at the end of last year, also made a lot of noise. It shows a British cyclist speaking into a traffic camera. The young man leaves a message for someone and leaves, after which, in the background, a tall, thin figure separates from one of the trees, starting to walk on the ground. It is noteworthy that the sound on the recording at this moment noticeably phonates. As the cyclist returns to the camera, the supposed Slenderman is still crossing the field in the background.

A lot of people thought about the following question: could the originally invented by someone Skinny Man become real because of the large number of people who believed in his existence? After all, the human mind is capable of such things. Thought, as you know, is material, and the thoughts of many people, directed in one direction, can have a tremendous impact on reality. That is how, say those in the know, world religions were born ...

Hi all! We decided to dedicate today's step-by-step drawing lesson to an extremely entertaining creature - Slenderman. This character was created by the imagination of the inhabitants of one of the Internet forums dedicated to mystical heroes, monsters and ghosts. The tale of the slenderman is a classic urban legend, a frightening urban myth. So who is this? Slenderman (translated from English - “thin man”) is a lanky, disproportionate character with unnaturally plastic and long limbs, whose origin story is shrouded in mystery.

According to sketchy and unverified facts, Slenderman is dressed in a classic black suit, his skin is very pale with a gray tint, and Slenderman's head is missing a face. The occupation of this creature is associated with the abduction of lonely, mainly this happens in forests or marshy areas. There are cases when a thin person knocked and looked into the windows of apartments, including those located on high floors. We will draw such an interesting character with you.

Step 1

Let's draw a stickman - a little man from sticks and circles. It is drawn in order to indicate the main proportions of the character and his position on paper. This step is very important, perhaps the most important. The specificity of our today's hero is that he is actually a stickman (yes, in terms of physique, he is not at all), dressed in a funeral suit, so you need to try at this stage. As already noted, Slenderman is very disproportionate - his legs are twice as long as his torso, be sure to display this in a stickman. Hands in the area of ​​the shoulders form right angles, and in the elbows - sharp. By the way, our stickman folds his hands one into the other. In this and several subsequent steps, we advise you to sketch out very light, barely visible lines, with minimal pressure on, so that they can be erased later without any problems.

Step 2

Let's draw two lines connecting the head to the shoulders - they should look like the sides of a triangle. With smooth lines we outline the arms so that they look like elongated cylinders.

Step 3

With an elongated parabola we denote the collar, outline the hands. By the way, there is an interesting parallel between the appearance of our today's hero - Slenderman and the character of the myths of the ancient Slavs Longshanks. Longshanks was also a mysterious, disproportionately long-legged creature that roamed the cities at night, occasionally looking into the windows of houses. If you want to practice drawing characters from Slavic fairy tales, be sure to check out our lessons about, and.

Step 4

Now let's draw the contours of the lower torso and legs.

Step 5

Let's start drawing our hero from top to bottom, just before that we will erase the extra lines from the previous stages. First, let's draw a shirt collar and a tie - it's very simple, literally two triangles, a rhombus and a tie expanding to the bottom. Then we depict the lapels of the jacket with triangles - two on each side. At the junction of the upper parts of the arms and torso, draw small folds, place a couple of buttons in the center of the jacket.

Step 6

Let's draw the hands. Let's give them the necessary shape of the limbs, hidden by the slightly wrinkled fabric of the sleeves, not forgetting to mark the folds. By the way, please note that the arms themselves are thin, and the jacket fits them to a large extent. That is, the fabric should not be spacious and subside. With fingers, everything is quite simple - on one hand they are not visible at all, since they are behind the elbow, and on the other they are visible, but they look very simple, like long processes.

Step 7

Ok, now let's draw the lower part of the torso. This step is very simple - erase the extra lines from the previous steps, draw the hanging ends of the jacket with two triangles. Don't forget the buttons, zipper line and a few folds.

Step 8

We complete the drawing with a little work on the legs. Indeed, everything is so simple here that it is not even necessary to apply folds, except for those in the groin and knees area.

It was a step-by-step drawing lesson from the drawingforall site, write your wishes regarding the topics of new lessons in the comments of this post and be healthy!

Perhaps this character of urban legends will be familiar to you under a different name - Skinny, Thin Man, Slender, Operator. No matter how his name sounds, the essence is the same. This phantom is very famous for its sinister appearance and mystique. Mostly children suffer from his intrigues, who, due to their unstable psyche, easily succumb to his hypnosis.

Slenderman looks rather creepy, has a number of distinguishing features by which it is easy to recognize him:

  1. High growth:
  2. Business suit with tie;
  3. Long arms that curve as if they had no bones;
  4. Face without eye sockets, nose and mouth.

Agree, quite intimidating! You definitely don’t want to meet this at night on city streets.

The birth of slenderman

The history of its origin is very interesting. Originally, the Thin Man was just a fictional character. His image was created by Eric Knudsen as part of an online competition. With the help of graphic design, he added it to the photographs, attributing a very plausible story in the comments, backing up the whole thing with facts and police reports.

It became a sensation. Everyone was talking about the Skinny Man. The story of this character developed at an incredible pace. Thousands of people from all over the world wrote about him, sent photos, shared stories about meeting him. As they say, thoughts tend to materialize. So, from a ridiculous joke, a rather real and frightening character turned out.

Although they say that after meeting with Slenderman, you can disappear forever, many people want to see him with their own eyes. To call him, there is a rite that, by unknown means, became public. Before you decide to take such a step, consider everything. By letting the supernatural into our lives, we open an unknown door, behind which anything can lurk.

So, in order for the ceremony to be successful, prepare the following things:

  • Black pencil;
  • Sheets of paper in the amount of 5 pieces;
  • a deck of playing cards;
  • Flashlight;
  • Glue;
  • Scarf or something else, just to blindfold;
  • Scotch.

And of course, it is worth capturing courage and courage!

Venue: Multi-storey building, top floor.

Time: from 01.00 am to 03.00 am.

Prerequisite: a working elevator.

There must be absolute darkness. The only source of light is a flashlight that needs to be turned on.


  1. Spread out all 5 sheets of paper on the floor.
  2. We draw a tree on the first sheet. A distinct silhouette is enough, it is not worth painting it.
  3. On the second sheet we depict a human oval face with eyes, mouth and nose.
  4. We attach with glue to the third sheet the spade card. Any one of your choice.
  5. On the fourth sheet we draw ourselves. You don't need to be an artist. You can draw a silhouette, and highlight something special in bright color (hairpin, brooch, etc.).
  6. On the fifth sheet of paper we depict the house in which this ceremony is performed. The main condition when drawing a house is to accurately draw the number of floors.

So we have 5 sheets of paper. Now you need to hang each sheet on the floor whose number it corresponds to. After that, we go up to the last floor and spend half an hour waiting. Then we check all the sheets. If everything was done correctly, then the following should happen:

  • A hanging person should be added to the image with a tree.
  • The person on the second sheet must be depersonalized. That is, the nose, eyes and mouth are missing.
  • The peak map will either disappear or remain unchanged.
  • The portrait drawing should disappear.
  • The drawn house should get a label that will point to the floor where Slenderman is now. If the mark is on the floor where you are, you should not look back - a Skinny person can take or deprive you of your mind.

Daily Slenderman Summoning Ritual

If nighttime scares you, then you can try another option. In daylight, you can call the Operator. The main condition is silence.

The venue is a bathroom with a mirror.

What you need:

  • Matches;
  • Black marker or lipstick.


We turn off the light in the bathroom and stay in such darkness for at least 5 minutes. Then we write the following inscription on the mirror: "NO EYES". We light a match and bring it to the mirror. If they didn’t see anything, this entity does not want to make contact. If you are lucky, you can see the image of Slenderman.

Forest Ritual of Slenderman Summoning

One of the most popular rituals is the call of the Slenderman in his favorite habitat - in the forest. It is not necessary to enter the forest itself. Enough to get to the beginning. From the resources you need only a piece of black cloth. We leave this piece on the ground and kneel. We say three times: "Slenderman, come!". After these words, we leave without looking back. You need to get as far as possible, but in such a way that the area with the forest is clearly visible. Thin should come out of the thicket and pick up the cloth.

Today we will tell you how to draw Slenderman with pencils. This hero was created thanks to the imagination of the visitors of an Internet forum that is dedicated to ghosts, monsters and mystical heroes. The story of this character is a classic urban legend, a frightening urban myth. The name of the hero from English can be translated as "thin person". The character is lanky and disproportionate. Its limbs are unnaturally long and plastic. The history of its origin is shrouded in mystery. According to some information, he wears a black classic suit. His skin is pale and has a gray tint. However, he has no face.


In order to solve the question of how to draw a Slenderman in stages, we first draw a little man, which consists of circles and sticks. It is drawn to indicate the proportions of the character, as well as to set its position on a piece of paper. This step is extremely important. The specificity of our hero lies in the fact that this character is just an object consisting of sticks and circles, which is dressed in a strange costume.

Slenderman is incredibly disproportionate. Its legs are twice as long as its body. This should be displayed in the outline. Hands at the shoulders create right angles, at the elbows they are sharp. One more important feature should not be forgotten. The hands of our character are folded into one another. In this and the next few steps, we need to sketch out subtle, very light lines, with almost no pressure on the pencil, since in the future we will need to erase them without additional difficulties.

Head and shoulders

Let's move on to the next step in solving the question of how to draw Slenderman. We draw two lines. With their help we connect the head and shoulders. The lines should resemble the sides of a triangle. With smooth strokes we outline the hands. They should resemble elongated cylinders.


Let's move on to the next step in solving the question of how to draw Slenderman. We denote the collar in the form of an elongated parabola. We draw hands. Now we depict the contours of the legs and torso, in particular its lower part. When deciding how to draw a Slenderman, the sequence of actions is incredibly important. Therefore, we begin to draw our character from top to bottom. However, first you need to erase the extra lines left over from the previous steps. First, draw the collar of the shirt. Then a tie. All this can be conveyed through two triangles and a rhombus. At the same time, the tie expands downwards. Then, using triangles, we put the lapels of the jacket on the paper. There should be two on each side. In places where the arms and torso connect, we depict small folds. In the center of the jacket we have a couple of buttons.

Fingers and finishing touches

We proceed to the next step in solving the question of how to draw Slenderman, and draw the hands. We give the necessary shape, hiding them behind the sleeves of slightly wrinkled fabric. We mark the folds. It is important to consider that the arms are thin, the jacket fits them. In other words, the fabric should not and cannot be loose. With fingers, the situation is very curious. On one of the hands they are not visible at all. They are located behind the elbow. On the other hand, the fingers are visible. They look like long shoots. Now we give the final shape of the lower torso. We erase the extra lines left over from the previous steps. With the help of two triangles we create the ends of the jacket, slightly hanging down. Let's not forget the buttons. You should also remember about a few folds and a fastener line. We complete the drawing with work with the legs. Folds are not required here, with the exception of those that form in the knee area.

Basically, Internet memes are fleeting fun hobbies: they are created for the purpose of fleeting fun and are immediately forgotten. With Slenderman, or, as he is also called in Runet, the Thin Man, the story is the opposite: in the USA, children with a knife attack their own and, being impressed by the ubiquitous anorexic demon. We remembered how the most terrible meme of the Internet was born.

The appearance of Slenderman

The Slenderman that children today are afraid of is a "rebrand" of German, Russian and Romanian folklore: a collective image recreated in 2009 by members of the Something Awful forum. Then the members of the forum were asked to create a monster that could claim the title of a new urban legend. The winner was a user under the pseudonym Viktor Surge: he processed two black-and-white pictures with children in a graphic editor, adding Slenderman to the photographs.

In the photo mockumentary, Surge attributed telepathic abilities to his creation, noting that the pictures were taken by photographers who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Surge continued to surround his hero with legends, fabricating several police reports and children's drawings of the Thin Man. Slenderman quickly left the Something Awful forum, starting to conquer the Internet.

It is believed that Slenderman is very thin and is able to stretch his already long limbs to almost any size. When Slender stretches out his hands to the victim, she falls into a trance state, but she feels some attraction to the Subtle. He, in turn, turns his hands into tentacles, wraps them around the victim and either disappears with her, or guts, hanging the body on a dry tree branch. Something Awful wrote that Slenderman has an antagonist brother Splendor: a merry fellow of the same appearance, but in a colored suit, who helps the lost out of the forest.

Even at the stage of creation of the monster on Something Awful, there were heated discussions about where the image of the Thin Man came from. Someone pointed out a certain resemblance to the character of German fairy tales, the Tall Man (Der Großmann), a faceless scarecrow used to frighten hooligans. Someone remembered the Romanian fairy tale about Stella and Sorin - two girls who once saw a many-armed man dressed all in black, whose limbs were long and boneless, writhing like snakes.

Fabricated children's drawings

Runet users remembered Longshanks (from the word “pole”) from Vladimir Dahl’s book “On Beliefs, Superstitions and Prejudices of the Russian People”: “long and pretentious, sometimes staggering through the streets at night, looking into windows and warming his hands in a pipe; pathetic rod, condemned for centuries to wander around the world uselessly and position.

There are analogues of Slenderman in Japanese fairy tales: Faceless, whom Chihiro met in Miyazaki's Spirited Away. The director copied the image of a man without a face from Noperapon - a Japanese spirit that steals other people's faces. Instead of a face, Noperapon has smooth, egg-white skin. The creature lives on roadsides and in forest thickets, hiding away from villages.

Surge, in turn, stated that the Slenderman was a character he created, and the film "Phantasm" by American director Don Coscarelli served as a prototype for visualization. Be that as it may, the Thin Man meme turned into the plot of the Marble Hornets web series, and a little later formed the basis of the raft of the indie horror Slender: The Eight Pages, a super popular and very scary horror movie, numerous downloads of which brought down the developers website.


How to summon Slenderman

For the most part, people are potential Darwin Award winners: we spent thousands of years learning how to avoid danger, and now we are climbing rocks again, diving to the bottom of the ocean with sharks and experimenting with our own psyche. If the Thin Man can be fought, then there must probably be ways to summon him.


Slenderman is recommended to be called at three o'clock in the morning: the time in Catholic literature designated as the "hour of the devil" - if you remember, in Scott Derrickson's film "The Six Demons of Emily Rose" the Unclean visited the girl when the hands of the clock became parallel to the floor.


For the ceremony, you will need five sheets of paper (the number of spell steps), a pencil, a lantern, playing cards, glue, thin tape and an eye patch. Find a multi-story building with an elevator, go up to the top floor of the building, turn on the lantern and spread the sheets in front of you.


Draw a tree on the first of them, a face on the second, glue any card of the spade suit to the third, draw yourself on the fourth sheet. Here it is very important to draw a distinctive sign that characterizes you: a beard, a red hat, glasses, etc. They say that even a small detail in clothes is enough. On the last floor, draw a multi-storey building: the number of floors should match the real building you are in.


Hang a drawing of a tree on the first floor, a face on the second, a peak card on the third, a self-portrait on the fourth, and a high-rise building on the fifth. After half an hour of waiting on the top floor of the house, take the elevator down and check the sheets: a gallows will appear on the tree, all features will disappear from the face, the card will be replaced by another, the fourth sheet will be empty, and the fifth will be marked with a black cross. If the mark has been made, turn around - Slenderman is waiting for you.

How to deal with Slenderman

In March 2014, Slenderman appeared in the TV series Supernatural. A thin person confidently turns into an almost tangible nightmare, and nightmares need to be fought - we have already told how during the zombie apocalypse, so now we consider it our duty to give some practical advice that will help you stop being afraid of Slender.

Slenderman can be broken at the knee, as Nolan's Bane broke Batman. Because you are strong and he is thin.



Make friends with Slenderman, gain confidence in him, and then hand over the Thin Man to the authorities.

Slenderman appeared in our culture for a reason: A thin man without a face is the embodiment of the basic fears of a person. The main markers in creating the image of the character of the new Internet folklore are the strongest fear for one's life and no less serious fear of the unknown. From the point of view of the physiology of fear, Slenderman is a character, although not unique, but very effective: according to the classification of Doctor of Biological Sciences Yuri Shcherbatykh, Slenderman fits into the classical concept of the nature of human fear, falling into the category of existential shock: fear generated by human intelligence and associated with questions about death, time, the meaninglessness of our existence, symbolism, the afterlife, etc.

Slenderman scares the poor and the rich, the young and the old, the well-educated and the dumber. Thin man - unified ideas of people about everything bad that can happen to them.

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