How to draw a dog with a pencil step by step. How to draw a charming dog with a simple pencil Sitting dog drawing


In childhood, each of us created our own masterpieces on paper, and sometimes not only, using paints, pencils, felt-tip pens and everything that could leave its mark on the surface of interest. Not many have carried their hobby into adulthood, and most have left their skills at the initial stages of development. Of course, with the advent of children already in their own family and regular requests to draw someone to the baby, parents begin to think about how to do it beautifully and at the same time quickly. It is for this that detailed instructions are offered on how to draw a sitting dog with a pencil in stages.

Why a dog? Yes, because this animal has been the most devoted to man for more than one millennium and it deserves that everyone learns to portray it in the most realistic and attractive way.

Selecting the main tool

Why in pencil? The fact is that the pencil leaves behind a trace that is easy to erase when creating an incorrect line or shade. Neither with colored pencils, nor even with felt-tip pens, it will be possible to quickly correct the mistake, and the entire drawing will have to be redone. Before you draw a sitting dog, you should also understand the notation of this tool. Pencils come in different hardness and are labeled accordingly. Soft rods (letter B) are needed for shading and creating shadows, hard ones (letter H) - for outlining. The number next to each letter designation determines the degree of its softness or rigidity.

In order to draw a dog with a pencil for children (sitting, lying or standing, it doesn’t matter), you need to choose a tool of medium hardness marked HB. It will be easy to wipe it if necessary, and the contours will remain clear.

Tool preparation

In addition to the pencil itself, you should also prepare a sheet of paper and an eraser. The latter should also be taken seriously, because its quality will also determine how well it will erase extra lines when adjusting the drawing. You can immediately prepare a lot of papers, it is quite possible that after the kid sees how his parent painted a sitting dog, he himself will want to create his own masterpiece.

Option one. head contours

To simplify the task for an inexperienced artist, it is better to start practicing with less realistic pictures. To do this, below is a detailed instruction on how to draw a dog sitting sideways.

  1. So let's start with the eyes. To do this, put a bold dot on paper, closer to the upper right corner.
  2. After that, above the point, you need to draw a semicircle, which will be the head of the animal, as shown in the figure.
  3. The next step involves tracing the contours of the dog's muzzle and its nose. To do this, draw a curved line from the end of the semicircle, which is located closer to the dog's eye. You can also draw the dog's mouth right there by drawing the second line a little lower.
  4. When the head has already received animal-like outlines, you should draw the dog's ear. Since he sits sideways, it will be one. You can choose any form for this at your discretion, since the variety of breeds makes it possible to roam your imagination.

Outline of body contours

  1. After that, from the bottom of the ear, if it hangs, or from the end of the free end of the semicircle, if the ear sticks out, you need to draw a curved line down, which will be the back of the animal.
  2. Now, on the opposite side, the contours of the chest and the tail are outlined at the bottom of the back.
  3. After that, the artist should draw the even front paw of the dog, and then the bent back.
  4. The final step will be to trace the contour of the animal's abdomen and paint on the paws of the opposite side.

If it is still not clear how to draw a sitting dog step by step, you should take a look at the photo above.

Instruction for experienced artists

If you managed to cope with the previous task very quickly and there were no difficulties in the process, then next time you can try a more complex drawing. Here, before you draw a sitting dog, even if you are confident in your lines, it is imperative to prepare an eraser, since all work will take place like real artists.

The instructions below will describe the process of creating a puppy on paper, but changing certain outlines can result in a completely different animal.

Beginning of work

The creation of every true masterpiece begins with a sketch. To do this, you just need to draw two circles on the sheet one above the other so that the top one is slightly smaller and they must be in contact. The lines should be soft so that later some of them can be erased without a trace. In the future, they will be the head and torso of the puppy.

After that, the dog should draw paws and a muzzle. The latter is an oval between the two previous circles, which captures the surface of both. The paws, since the animal is sitting, are drawn in three, in the form of lines and ovals at their ends.

Drawing details

How to draw a sitting dog with a pencil next? To do this, you need to add detail to the drawing and outline the outlines of the ears and nose of the animal. To make everything symmetrical and natural, a cross is drawn in the middle of the head. The ends of the horizontal line will indicate the location of the ears, and the middle of the vertical line, which runs through the muzzle, will indicate the place of the future nose. In the centers of the two parts of the horizontal line, you need to draw the eyes, and under the nose - the line of the mouth. It must necessarily pass strictly in the center of the previously indicated

Among the important details are also the puppy's toes, the fourth leg, which will be slightly visible, and its tail. You can make any shape of the tail, depending on the breed being drawn, and if you want to “revive” the drawing, you can add ruffled fur here and there.

Final stage

Correction of the drawing begins with erasing all additional lines and painting on the auxiliary outlines of the coat already on the puppy itself. Also, in order to give the picture maximum realism, you should add shadows to it. This should be done only with a soft pencil, which can be easily shaded. The volume of the puppy will be given by shadows near the muzzle, on the paws, ears and in the eye area. To make the drawing as realistic as possible, the painted shadows should be rubbed well with your fingers or an unnecessary clean piece of paper. Also, claws are painted on the paws, and with the help of an eraser, you can make glare of light in the eyes and on the nose.


After a detailed study of step-by-step instructions, it turns out to look at any process from a completely different perspective. Now the question of how to draw a sitting dog no longer seems so difficult even for an inexperienced person or child.

The main thing in creating your own masterpiece is to follow the correct sequence of actions and not to rush. Every detail must be worked out with maximum clarity and concentration, then the drawing will turn out to be as realistic as possible. Also in drawing, great attention should be paid to details, because they make the drawings “alive”.

Now, in order to draw a real friend of a person and the most devoted animal, you do not need to work for a long time and constantly be disappointed in yourself. It is enough just to use detailed instructions from already experienced artists who are happy to help novice creators and just dog lovers create their own masterpieces.

Drawing a puppy is pretty easy. You need to have a little patience, and if you don't succeed the first time, try again and again. Repetition is the mother of learning. It is enough to know a few basic tricks, and soon you will be able to draw funny puppies.


Draw the puppy's face with different pencils

    Collect the required pencils. For shading the dark areas, you will need a soft 6B pencil. In lighter areas, it is better to use a harder 4H pencil. Keep in mind that the harder the pencil, the lighter and thinner the lines will be. For light shading, you will need a 2H pencil. For halftones, use an HB pencil.

    Start with the eyes. Draw the first eye in the form of a tilted almond. Step away from him a little to the side, so that there is room for the muzzle. Then draw the second eye with a tilt to the other side. Try to keep the eyes about the same size and similar to each other. After that, draw a circle inside each eye - these will be the eyeballs. Draw smaller circles (pupils) inside these circles.

    • Sketch lightly at this stage and use a relatively hard 4H pencil.
    • Fill in the pupils with a 6B pencil. As a result, the pupils will turn out to be quite dark. Use this pencil only for dark areas and keep in mind that it is very difficult to erase with an eraser.
  1. Figure out where the puppy's nose should be. Draw a nose in the form of a rounded heart. Try to keep it proportionate to the eyes. If later you find that the nose is slightly out of place, you can redraw it.

    Draw a muzzle around the nose. Draw it in the form of a semicircle with an open top. Later you can draw the puppy's head on top. Leave enough space around the nose that you drew in the previous step.

    Draw the area of ​​the nose and muzzle. Start drawing an oblong shape on one side of the muzzle. Draw a line up the side of the eye. When the line rises above the eye, wrap it horizontally, draw over the second eye and bend down so that it meets the second end of the muzzle.

    Draw two oblong ovals - these will be the eyebrows. Place them directly above the eyes and tilt towards the center of the muzzle. Make them look like two fluffy clouds.

    Draw the outer outlines of the head, mouth and ears. Take a closer look at the location of the eyes and determine where to draw the head. It should not be too close to the eyes or too far away from them. After that, start drawing the head.

    Slightly outline the head in the shape of a rounded heart. In this case, the upper part of the heart will correspond to the top of the head, and its lower part - to the puppy's chin. Make the bottom round enough so that the chin is not too pointed.

    • This preliminary sketch is good to do with a few small lines. Don't worry if the lines intersect.
  2. Sketch out the ears. Start on one side of the top of the head and draw an oblong curved downward shape in the form of a half donut. Its bottom edge should be approximately at the level of the puppy's nose. Draw the second ear.

    Use single and cross hatching to mark light and dark areas on the puppy's coat. To apply hatching, simply draw thin, parallel lines close together. For cross hatching, overlay them with other lines in the opposite direction. As a result, you will get a shaded area.

    Start with the left ear. Overlay it with simple and cross hatching, so that there are a few white areas left. Shade the upper part of the head in the same way. Then move on to the right ear, shade in just a third of it, and finish with a few thin, curved lines.

    Draw fur around the eyes. Shade the areas around the eyes as if the puppy is wearing a mask. If you look closely at real puppies and dogs, you will see a kind of mask around the eyes. Lightly shade the areas around the eyes with single and cross hatching.

    • Imagine how hair grows in one area or another, and draw lines in the same direction. A 2H pencil works best for this purpose.
    • When shading, apply light thin lines. For some particularly dark areas, use a very soft 6B pencil.
    • Now you can fix and redraw those details that came out badly the first time.
    • Add a few finishing touches if necessary. Ready!
  3. Draw a fairly large ellipse over each eye. These will be nice spots above the eyes. Don't shade them yet - you'll do that later.

    Draw the nose in the form of a small oblong shape. Place it slightly above the intersection of the two straight lines on the head. Draw a small semicircle under the nose (this will be the mouth). Remember that you are sketching, so draw thin lines that can be easily erased and redrawn if necessary.

Dogs are loved by both children and adults. No wonder, because dogs are very smart and loyal animals. Most people will be pleased to receive a painted dog as a gift. Such a pattern can give confidence and cheer up, or cheer up and make you smile.

How to draw a dog for kids

Drawing this cheerful spaniel is easy. At the same time, he is so cheerful. that would make any child happy. It is better for beginners to start trying the pen with this scheme.

Draw an open circle. Under it is an oval with a dent at the bottom (muzzle). In the center of the muzzle, draw and shade 2 small circles symmetrically. Place them in the center of the slightly elongated ovals. In the middle of a large oval, draw a nose with a heart. Under the oval in the center, draw a small arc (mouth), mark the eyebrows.
On the left side of the muzzle, draw a letter C (ear) stretched down with a wavy line. Similarly, in mirror image, draw the ear on the right side.

From the dog's head, draw down 2 short parallel lines, draw an irregular circle under them, expanding to the bottom (neck, torso).

Draw the paws of the dog, first the front ones are drawn, then the back ones. Keep in mind that the hind legs are slightly larger than the front.

Give the dog fluffiness by painting the fur. The drawing is ready, you can paint.

How to draw a dog step by step

Draw the outlines of the muzzle in the form of 2 connected curly braces. The dog's head is tilted, so draw all its details at a slight angle.

Draw a right angle, connect its edges with an arc. Draw 2 more inner arcs. Draw a white dot inside the smallest of the arcs, and shade the rest of the space. Got an eye. By analogy, draw a mirror image of the second eye.

Draw an oval in the center of the muzzle, wipe the bottom of it in 2 places with an elastic band. Draw a white highlight in the center of the nose, and paint over the rest of the surface. Define the eyebrows.

The mouth is drawn in the form of a seagull upside down in flight. Draw a chin line a little lower. Draw the ears, their shape is selected depending on the shape of the dog's head.

Draw a collar by drawing 3 arcs, decreasing each subsequent one a little, and connect their edges with parallel lines.

Draw the back and hind leg of the sitting dog. From the collar, draw a smooth line with 2 bends. Below it, draw an inverted "C".

Draw the tail, while keeping the proportions. Draw the front paw, and then refine the image of the back paw of the dog.

On the left side, draw a smooth curved line - the chest and stomach of the dog. Now draw the second front paw. The remaining hind leg is drawn last. The dog is ready, you can color it.

How to draw a dog video

(on the video we draw a Beagle dog)

How to draw a dog with a pencil

Draw a small horizontal oval (head), below it at a 45 degree angle. a larger oval (torso). At their junction, draw a small circle (muzzle). Define the paws.

Start drawing the head by drawing lines of symmetry. Draw the nose and mouth, ears on the sides of the head. The eyes are the most expressive detail, setting the mood for the whole drawing. Their shape is round, the pupils can be dilated or narrowed. The location of the highlight is determined by the dog's illumination angle.

Draw an outline. Draw fingers on the paws, add a tail. Erase the extra lines. You will get an image of a puppy.

You can stop there, or you can continue to give it realism. Imagine how the light falls, how the dog's coat bristles, its texture and reflect this in the picture.

How to draw a dog step by step with a pencil

Draw a square in thin lines with a pencil. Use a ruler to find the middle of the sides and divide the square into 4 parts. Draw a circle (head). Most of it is located in the upper part of the square. At the top of the lower right square, draw a smaller circle (muzzle). Mark the position of the ears. The right ear is higher than the left and is located in the right square above. Sketch out the eyes. Draw a circle (nose) on the muzzle.

Sketch out the neck and torso.

Connect the top points of the ears with a line. Draw lines parallel to it, connecting the upper and lower parts of the eyes, mouth, nose, nostrils.

Adjust the shape of the ears, eyes, muzzle. In the nose draw 2 arcs (nostrils), under the nose draw the curve of the mouth.

Outline the neck and torso.

Drawing wool

Erase the auxiliary lines, leave the muzzle grid visible. The dog's coat is drawn with strokes of various thickness and length and color saturation. Watch the direction of their bend.

Apply fuzzy strokes around the perimeter of the head to indicate the texture of the coat. Add long strokes to the top of the dog's head. Give the ears fluffiness around the edge. Cover the surface of the ears with hair. To add volume and depth, darken certain areas. Draw the area between the eyes with strokes that differ in shape and size. Draw fur under the left ear. Shade the outline of the muzzle and chin.

Draw fur on the sides of the nose, below the mouth. Follow the direction of the hairs. Shade the torso and neck.

Drawing eyes, nose

Area 1 (highlight) is the lightest and brightest in the eyeball. Area 2 (pupil) is the darkest part of the eye. Area 3 (iris) is the colored part of the eye. Area 4 (white) part of the eye is light but not white. Section 5 (eyelid). Give the dog's eyes an almond shape. Circle the lower part of the eye (eyelid). Draw in an arc at the inner corners of the eyes (iris). Apply glitter to your eyes. Inside each iris, draw a 1st circle (pupil). Draw the lines of the nose. Draw the nostrils. Draw curves under the nostrils. Add highlights to the nose. Here's what you should have done as a result.

Shading of the eyes, nose

Draw the iris of the eyes. It is darker at the top and lighter at the bottom. Shade the eyelids so that a thin light strip remains on them. Shade the squirrels with an HB pencil, usually in dogs they are always in the shade. Use a 2B pencil to shade the top of the iris and the outer edge of the eyelids. Lightly blend the iris and squirrels with cotton wool. Darken the pupils with a 6B pencil. Blend the eyes towards their outer edge. Using an HB pencil, draw the nose in small spirals. Sketch the contour of the highlights on the nose and the areas under the nostrils with dots and small coils. With a 2B pencil, shade the shadow areas of the nose. Sketch the nostrils with a 4B pencil. Blend the nose, then re-lighten the highlights with a rubber band.

Study of trifles

You need to apply shadows on the wool. This will give the drawing volume, highlight the light source and emphasize the structure of the coat. The light falls from the top left, which means that the darker coat will be from the bottom right.

Shade the hair around the eyes, nose, mouth. Shade the areas under the eyes and around the eyes where the shadow falls. Fill in light areas with a 2H pencil, for dark areas use 2B, 4B pencils.

Draw a shadow under the dog's chin. Check the shading of the various areas again. If everything is in order, the drawing is ready.

It often happens that you want to draw not an abstract dog, but a representative of a certain breed. Below are a few examples.

How to draw a chihuahua dog

Draw a large circle (head) on it, make a grid, mark the position of the ears. From the circle to the side, draw 2 parallel lines (neck), below a horizontal oval (trunk), outline the position of the paws. Correct the shape of the ears, apply outlines of the position of the eyes, nose. On the feet, start drawing the fingers. Draw the eyes, outline the nostrils on the nose, form the mouth and neck. On the paws draw claws, designate the stomach. Add smooth lines to the ears. Draw the eyebrows, finish the nose, draw the pupils, the teeth in the mouth. Draw lines on the chest, claws on the hind paw. Draw a tail.

Probably, since the advent of "Carlson" Lindgren, all parents know exactly what is needed for the happiness of the whole family. Dog for kids! It is for this reason that a year ago we had a sandy-gold lump, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, which was named Gray. This miracle quickly became a member of the family and everyone's favorite. And that is why, when we decided to learn how to draw a dog with a pencil, the choice fell on the representative of this breed.

The history of the appearance of the "portrait" of Gray

For a week we “ran” after our dog, recalling “Prostokvashino” with a more than prophetic statement about our case: “I ran after her for half a day to take pictures!” But we never got a good photo. Our tomboy managed to successfully avoid imprinting. That tail, then his nose all the time turned out to be closer to the lens. Having suffered, we went another, simpler way. It turned out that finding a suitable photo on the Internet, similar to our Gray dog, is easy. It is for him that we can draw a dog in stages.

But while we were looking for "Gray", my child and I saw that the choice of potential models is huge. We could draw a husky with a pencil in stages, or a German shepherd, or even a husky. All of these are beautiful, graceful and intelligent dogs. Each of the representatives of their breed has characteristic features that are unique to them, but there are also personal qualities and features common to all dogs, for which we love them so much and value their friendship. For example, loyalty and the ability to rejoice at the owner, obedience and frankness (they cannot hide their emotions at all).

Already at the initial stages of working on a drawing of a dog, when we just examined the varieties of these pets, we learned that they also differ in temperament, for example, there are choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic, we got carried away. We wanted to learn how to draw not just an animal with four legs, ears and a tail, but also learn how to draw kind and grinning dogs, we wanted to try to draw a spaniel, a dachshund or a shepherd dog in stages with a pencil. But it will be later. In the meantime, our "test of the pen." Today we will show the dog in pencil in stages, and it will be our one-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. We took him as a model.

Work plan

It turned out to be not at all difficult to draw a dog with a pencil in stages, if you move exactly according to the plan. What does it include:
  • Preparation;
  • Image of the paws and body of the animal;
  • Work on the muzzle of our pet;
  • Picture formatting.
The step-by-step work plan is clear and simple, it helps even people and children inexperienced in art to quickly master the technique of depicting dogs.

Step by step image of a dog

Stage 1. Preparation

It includes, first of all, the organization of the workplace.

Learning to draw, starting with auxiliary lines. We make two ovals that only touch each other. Required: the upper oval is almost 2 times smaller in size than the lower one. And it looks more like an uneven circle.

Even for beginners, this stage will not be difficult, and even a child will cope with it. But in the future, it would be nice if parents helped their baby in step-by-step drawing.

Stage 2. Image of the paws and body of the animal

How to draw paws for a dog? To do this, draw lines down from the lower oval, at the end of which there will be soft pads. The front paws are fully visible, we make them in their entire length, taking into account the proportions. Back - only one is visible, and since it is bent, we depict its upper part as an egg-shaped figure along the lower right side of the oval. And already a small part of the dog's paw comes from it.

Draw the dog's neck with two curved lines. On the left side, we make the body a little larger.

We make a small circle at the bottom of the upper oval, which will also go to the lower one.

Stage 3. Work on the muzzle of our pet

How to correctly complete all the details of the head? To do this, we divide the upper oval with two arcuate lines, horizontal and vertical, into 4 parts.

On the one that runs horizontally, the eyes will be located.

The drawn small circle is also divided in half by a vertical line. In the middle of it will be located the nose of the dog.

On the sides of the muzzle we make hanging ears characteristic of the Rhodesian Ridgeback.

We depict the eyes, we perform the nose of the animal more accurately.

Stage 4. Designing the picture

We have mastered the basic principles that help us understand how to draw. There are nuances left that will make our picture look like the original. Namely, we perform “fingers” on the paws, do not forget about the tail.

We remove all unnecessary lines. We provide the necessary details.

Outline each part of the picture with the desired color. Do not forget that the Rhodesian Ridgeback, although a smooth-haired breed, still has tiny hairs.

Now, having selected the desired color, decorate the picture. Our Gray appears before us.

This picture is quite simple. Having already mastered a little, you can try more complex models, for example, figure out how to draw husky dog or some other breed. Good luck with this!

A dog is the most devoted creature in the world that shares both joy and misfortune with a person. The cute little puppy immediately becomes a member of the family. Each owner will sooner or later want to draw his pet. It's great if your artistic skills allow you to do this without difficulty. But what if it hasn't been done before today? Or another situation: your child was given a task at school - to portray a dog. The student is confused. Who, if not parents, will have to teach him. Many schemes have been developed for children on how to draw a dog, but it will be much easier to cope with the task with parents.

Draw a cartoon dog

For children who do not know how to draw, it is worth starting the development of this science with simple drawings. Cartoon puppies are so cute and kind that the child will definitely enjoy this task. All we need is an album or a sheet of thick paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. If desired, the drawing can be made in color. Whether you use colored pencils or watercolor depends on your skill level. So, we are learning to draw a cartoon dog. Difficulties should not arise - each element of the future drawing is depicted as much as possible, with a bit of imagination.

Detailing wool, sensual smart eyes and claws on the paws is not needed. Sharp or rounded triangle ears, a round nose, tail, paws and a long tongue - this is quite enough for others to be able to find out what is depicted on paper.

At first, a young artist who is learning how to learn how to draw a dog needs to remember the main thing - emotions and the essence of the image. For example, this cute bulldog is not at all evil, but rather stupid, which is why it looks so funny.

And from these kind dogs from Disney cartoons, it exudes playfulness and enthusiasm.

Over time, the child, as they say, will fill his hand, and it will be possible to start drawing more complex objects.

Draw a realistic dog

If the lesson on how to draw a dog with a pencil step by step is mastered, it's time to try to depict a realistic animal. To do this, you need to get acquainted with the features of the breed, the representative of which you are going to draw, to master the concept of proportions. A dog is a rather complicated animal for an image, so let's start with a simplified diagram that will tell you how to draw a dog with a pencil.

To draw an Icelandic Shepherd, you will have to learn how to draw some details that cartoon dogs did not have - hair, more realistic eyes, paws. Following the diagram below, you can easily draw this animal.

To work on drawing up the correct proportions, a drawing-scheme of a representative of the Basset Hound breed will help.

And this courageous rottweiler will help you practice with full-face dog drawings.

Drawing a lying dog is a separate issue. Try to draw this cute schnauzer.

Remember, fine art is a complex but feasible science. Of course, it is stupid to deny the importance of innate talent, but anyone can learn to draw. The main thing is regular training. Never create psychological blocks for yourself or your child: forget about the existence of such phrases as "I'm not made for drawing", "I can't do it" and about hands growing out of the wrong place.

Help for a young artist

Today, there is a sufficient amount of various literature, which describes in detail the drawing technique for beginners. One simple pencil and a piece of paper is all you need to create a stunningly realistic drawing of a dog. Pay attention to the following books: V. Halbinger “Drawing Dogs”, W. Foster “Drawing Dogs”, D. Brown “How to Learn to Draw a Dog”.

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