How to draw a raven eye with a pencil step by step. How to draw a crow in stages with a pencil


From this article you will learn how to draw a crow with a pencil. Smart bird, I want to tell you. Far from chicken brains, though with feathers. To substantiate this argument, I will cite a few facts to prove the mind of the crow:

  1. The crow can count how many people have come to the house.
  2. Distinguishes between crows and people, and even remembers who is who.
  3. Distinguishes a gun from a stick.
  4. Knows how to have fun, creates games for herself.
  5. Ravens can be taught commands.
  6. Can imitate the human voice.
  7. Birds can throw rocks at the spring to raise the water level.

In Japan, cunning crows put walnuts under cars to crack them open. Moreover, they specifically waited for the red color. By the way, scientists even hint that these birds may be smarter than some representatives of Homo sapiens. And they continue to experiment: they make all kinds of logical riddles to the birds, and the birds successfully cope with them. Do crows interfere with our lives? Yes, there are a few issues with them. Problem one. Crows destroy the nests of other birds in the spring, other birds are no longer able to peck all agricultural mustachioed-jumping pests, seedlings in summer cottages and fields are under threat. This is a problem for farmers and zealous gardeners. Problem two. In the city, their population is not regulated in a natural way, since they can find food for themselves in all sorts of trash cans, next to the homeless they are very comfortable. And in the spring there is a problem number one. In short, this is an environmental problem. Problem three. Protecting its offspring, a raven is able to peck at a creature larger than itself, even a person may not be healthy. So let's draw a crow: brainy bird!

How to draw a crow with a pencil step by step

Step one. In the center of the sheet, draw a small oval - the head. Now draw the torso down from it. It's always easier to draw if you imagine the shape of what you're drawing. Now our torso is somewhat similar in shape to a cucumber. Down you need to continue a long, angular tail. Step two. Let's draw a beak to the head. Long, straight. Let's designate the eye. Let's show a wing starting from the upper part of the body. It is folded, and its hazel sticks out a little over the tail. Now the legs of the bird. Step three. Let's decorate the beak: it is slightly ajar, and the upper part is slightly convex. We draw an “eyebrow” above the eye, we get a gloomy look of a raven. Outline the torso and head with a smooth line to get the neck. On the wing we will show a semicircle. We will need it in the future. We finish the paws clinging to the branch. Step four. We continue to work on the face of the bird. Shade the chin, draw a crest on the back of the head. We will show long feathers on the wings and tail. Let's work on the paws. Step five. Now carefully stroke the crow. Let's loosen it up a bit later. Well, you can not even decorate! It seems to work out well.

This lesson fell into the category of easy, which means that in theory even a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw a crow. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw a crow, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Each bird is not only unique in coloring, but also has its own anatomical structure. To correctly draw a crow - you need a personal presence, if possible. Yes, I'm talking about drawing from nature. I understand that this is very difficult to do, but it will give you a big head start. I can also advise not to neglect the photographs on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using paths. It will be enough for you to repeat that, and only that, that is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to imagine that. that you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with the constant use of this technology, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

In this lesson, I propose to draw a black crow, the drawing of which can be used to draw a gray crow or jackdaw.

1. The initial outline of the crow drawing

If you decide to draw a crow on the entire sheet, then expand it. Start drawing a crow by marking three contours. First, draw the main outline - an oval for the body, a small circle for the crow on the left, and it remains to draw the last outline for the crow's tail.

To make it easier for you to draw the first steps in stages, you can draw a barely noticeable line with a simple pencil, from corner to corner. Please note that the oval is not quite the correct shape, its lower part is wider.

2. How to draw a crow in stages, the second step

First of all, you need to draw a crow's beak, then your first contours will look like a drawing of a bird. Since we are drawing a crow in stages, let's take our time and draw only the line of the front part of the crow, neck and wing. You also need to draw two simple contours for the crow's legs.

3. How to draw a crow's tail and paws

First you need to draw the crow's legs. To the initial contours made earlier, you need to draw a “three-fingered” left paw and a “two-fingered” right one. If the crow sits on a branch in your drawing, you can immediately draw the outline of the branch.

Now in the figure you need to “refine” the tail of the crow. You don’t have to draw anything difficult, you just need to change the acute angle and make the tail flat.

Draw the wing line and move on to the next step.

4. Remove the preliminary contours from the crow drawing

Remove from the drawing of the crow now the extra contours made with a pencil, and draw the crow first. Now it remains only to draw the shape of the wing and proceed to a more detailed "development" of the drawing. You will need to draw the plumage of the bird.

5. How to draw the plumage of a crow

But before we start drawing the plumage of the bird, let's draw some details of the crow's head. Firstly, you need to draw a beak, and secondly, make an eye with a highlight and draw an additional line just below the primary contour of the eye, and do not shade this area. On the paws of the crow you need to draw claws. And only after that start drawing feathers. I will not explain how to draw them, just see how it is done in my drawing.

6. How to draw a crow. applying shadows,

As I said, this is a drawing of a black crow, so a simple soft pencil is ideal for coloring, creating shadows. Light objects are much easier to “paint” with a simple pencil than completely black ones, so try to have more contrasting areas, otherwise the crow drawing will become inexpressive and lose “volume”.

Be sure to draw a crow sitting on a branch growing next to, or come up with some other scene suitable for this crow drawing.

Now you know how to draw a crow and I hope you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, the buttons of social networks are not just there =)

    A wise bird, surrounded by a touch of mysticism and gothic, living, as you know, for three hundred years, can be drawn like this:

    Well, it remains only to color the crow, to make it more realistic, not forgetting about the shadows and highlights on its plumage.

    Here is an approximate scheme according to which I drew a crow to illustrate the fable. By the way, I painted it there. First, the head and torso are drawn, we show the direction of the large beak and paws. then add details in the form of claws and a tail. Well, everything is clear here.

    In order to draw a Crow or a crow with pencils in stages, we first need - Pencils (multi-colored), white, plain paper and Most importantly - Photo-scheme.

    At the beginning you need draw a general view of the Crow(as seen in the diagrams).

    Then start drawing the wings and paws of the crow.

    After that, we continue as in the diagram and we get a very beautiful crow.

    Wish you luck.

    I offer another version of the drawing. First draw the guide lines. Next - an oval and a circle, connected. Erase unnecessary lines. Draw the tail. Add a wing. Then the beak. Next, draw the eyes and paws

    I can offer my own version of how to quickly and easily draw a cute crow bird with a pencil in stages. All you need is a piece of paper, a pencil and patience. So, let's start drawing. First, draw the outlines of the crow:

    then draw:

    Well, now there is very little left. Draw carefully:

    Here is the finished crow.

    The crow is drawn like this: lines, lines, lines... But they are drawn in such a way that the result is not a zebra, for example, but a crow. The drawing will help you depict this bird.

    If the drawing is slightly modified, it will turn out to be quite a pretty crow.

    I have a crow rather than a venerable old smart crow :) But it’s very cute and like a living one :)

    I hope it will not be difficult for you to draw such a cute handsome man :)

    I advise you to color your bird with a black helium pen, it will be very original :)

    First, the crow needs to be depicted schematically.

    To do this, select the main and largest details and only then draw all the other parts.

    At the first stage, an oval will serve as the head, an oval or an arbitrary slightly elongated figure of a larger size and a tail will serve as the body (so far this is only a restriction with lines).

    At the next stages, we will already draw the beak, eyes, plumage, paws. And after strokes and shadows we will give expressiveness and resemblance to a real bird. If there are extra lines, erase them.

    The crow is drawn much easier than it seems.

    Draw two intersecting circles. Then we draw dotted eyes, a beak. Next, long legs, wings. A couple of strokes above the head are feathers) Then we color the drawing. We depict the earth under the paws and a few grains for food.

    Already here the drawing of real crows was shown, which are quite difficult to depict. Now we can consider the example of a small crow. As always, we start the drawing with sketches - with the help of two circles we depict the head and body, add sticks-legs. In the next step, draw the beak and add the plumage, carefully draw the feathers.

    Here are the obvious steps:

In this lesson we will draw a bird. Consider how to draw a crow with a pencil step by step for beginners. We will draw a resident of the city - a gray crow. This large bird eats almost everything, I often see them live in landfills. Sometimes, when you drive along the highway, they eat crushed hedgehogs.

We start drawing from the head, for this draw a circle, an eye in it, then a beak.

We make a sketch of the bird's body.

We draw the shape of the wing, tail and legs.

Now we direct the final forms, in the neck area we mark a black border. We make the bottom fluffy.

We outline the feathers on the wing and tail.

We darken the head in a dark color, on top of the head the tone is a little lighter. We shade the entire body of the crow.

Further, where the gray part is on the breast and on top we apply curves that will imitate the feather cover of a crow. We add more feathers from the bottom of the body, paint over the branch by hatching with curlicues. We add a little feathers on the head and the crow drawing is ready.

We now have the whole city in cherry blossoms. I go up to the bush, admire the solid mass of white lace, and suddenly I realize that someone is looking at me. Crow! He sits among the flowers on a branch, hid and looks at me with one or the other eye. A brand new bird, just fluttered into the big world. Well, it is clear that I immediately retreated - it was not worth wasting time and scaring the fledgling. But this little incident itself was exciting, both joyful and sad. Going home, I remembered that a long time ago I drew a lesson on a crow, but somehow the opportunity did not come up to write an article. And now it's time.

Let's draw a crow in stages - lesson 2018

Crows will not sit still and pose for us, we will have to draw from a photograph.

We start with a pencil sketch. Drawn and compared with the original.

The sketch turned out to be similar, proportional, so we move on - we draw the body of a crow. Well, like a torso, wings and a tail folded on the back at the same time. The body looks very typical - just like a raven or a rook:

We draw the head - it is round, quite large (and, as ornithologists say, it is very smart). The beak is large, strong. The eyes are keen:

The legs - again exactly the same as those of other corvids - are not long, strong. Three fingers forward, one back.

Let's add details - and here you are, if necessary, a coloring drawing of the Crow.

Now let's color it - and it will be clear that this is indeed a crow. The body is ash-gray, the head and wings with a tail are dark:

Well, did you recognize the crow? This is how she is a craftswoman to rummage through the city dumps.

Here are two lessons from 2013. Then I was fond of drawing with chalk on the blackboard.

It looks like it worked out pretty well. Although, of course, the color. The body of the crow is gray, the head, wings and tail are black... And if it were not for this, if the outfit were all black, then-Oh!-it could be mistaken for a prophetic crow.

However, we will fix what we have passed. Let's draw a crow head in the other direction.

And in conclusion, let us recall Blok's wonderful poem "The Crow"

Here is a crow on a sloping roof
So from the winter and remained shaggy ...
And in the air - spring bells,
Even the spirit took over the crow...
Suddenly jumped to the side with a stupid lope,
Down on the ground she looks sideways:
What turns white under the tender grass?
Here they turn yellow under a gray bench
Last year's wet shavings...
These are all toys for the crow.
And so the crow is happy
It's like spring, and it's free to breathe! ..

It's so well written, it touches the soul.

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