How to draw an angry cat in stages with a pencil. How to draw a cat for children with a pencil


Drawing master class for children from 5 years old "Cats of our yard"

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, schoolchildren, teachers and parents.
Drawing- one of the favorite activities of children. Most children boldly take on any visual material. But unfortunately, not everyone manages to transfer their plans to a piece of paper. In this master class, a method for teaching drawing according to algorithmic schemes is proposed.
The proposed algorithms are simple and rational.
Target: To teach children to draw animals using algorithmic schemes.
- to educate children's interest and desire to engage in artistic creativity.
- cultivate patience and perseverance,
- develop creative thinking
-to consolidate the ability to draw round and oval shapes.
For work you will need:
- paints or pencils (in this master class we used watercolor)
- simple pencil

Lesson progress:

"Cats of our yard"
It was raining outside the window. Fedka went to the window, sighed heavily, because he couldn't go for a walk today. Probably the same way Fedka thought and his cat sitting on the window and looking at the falling raindrops. The cat's name was Vaska, he was red-haired and loved to walk on warm sunny days. Vaska did not walk alone, he had friends from our yard.
The cat from the second floor was called Tihan, he was black in color, and a white wooly path ran from the pink nose to the tip of the tail. Tikhan was the master in the yard, that even the dogs were afraid of him, and once again preferred not to meet him. Tihan loved to fight very much.
In the summer, grandchildren came to Baba Shura from the first floor and brought their kitty Murka. Murka had a smoky color, her fur was soft like plush. Murka loved to sleep on the windowsill and look at people passing by.
And not so long ago, another red cat Murzik appeared in our yard, he was presented as a birthday present to a girl named Olya. Murzik is still quite small and restless, he loves to hide everywhere, run in packages, and sometimes he climbs to the very top of the carpet hanging on the wall. All cats, like people, are very different, each has its own character and appearance. These are the cats of our yard.
-Guys, let's try to draw cats, which are described in the text.
Step work.
"Cat Tihan"

1. We draw a large circle - the torso. photo 1

2. In the lower part of the large circle - the body, draw a smaller circle - the head. photo 2

3. Draw ears. photo 3

4. In order to symmetrically draw a muzzle, you need to divide the small circle into 4 parts. photo 4

5. Now draw the eyes, nose, mouth. photo 5

Remove dividing lines.
6. We draw the antennae, paws and tail. photo 6

7. Coloring. Meet the cat Tihan. photo 7

Murka cat.
8. We place three identical circles on the sheet - the head, the front of the body, the back of the body. photo 8

9. We draw paws, ears, a tail. photo 9

10. Draw eyes, mouth, nose, mustache. photo 4.5.

11. Coloring.
Murka kitty.

Cat Murzik.
12. We draw a circle-head, an oval-torso. photo 12

Cats are the most sought-after image in the visual arts. Purring deities were the favorite models of the Egyptians, and agile hunting cats were the masters of the Renaissance.

Contemporary artists have also paid attention to charming animals, devoting entire painting series to them. We keep up with the times - we learn to draw cats, cats and kittens.

If your young talent is under 5 years old, do not demand from him a drawing that impresses with the accuracy of details. Each childhood has its own characteristics of recreating an artistic image on a sheet of paper. By rushing things, you risk destroying the Artist who lives in your child.

And one more piece of advice: pay attention to the color schemes that your young talent chooses. To an attentive observer, the color scheme of a child's drawing can tell a lot about the artist's inner world.

How to draw a cat with a pencil in stages?

In the previous article, which tells about how, you got acquainted with the basic principles of drawing animals.

Let's recall some of them:

  1. Whatever drawing you try to draw, it will consist of basic shapes
  • rectangle
  • square
  • circle
  • oval
  • triangle

Accordingly, before proceeding with the image of something, you need to learn how to draw the main figures correctly.

  1. Be sure to focus the attention of the young artist on the ratio of sizes or proportions of individual parts of the animal's body. The child must be aware that the head of the animal is smaller than the body
  2. Start drawing a cat from the head. Look closely at the model animal and determine the shape of its head. To make things easier, imagine the head of an animal without ears and fur. In this way, try to determine the proportions and basic shapes of the animal's body.

How to draw a cat from circles?

Perhaps this is the easiest way to draw a cat:

  • sketch a couple of proportional circles. The approximate ratio of the small and large circle is 1:2. This means that the diameter of the small circle is less than the diameter of the large circle by 2 times.
  • draw ears, tail
  • draw the details of the muzzle (in the first version of the drawing)

And here on the drawing sheet two pussies doze

Do round cats seem too light for you? Go to the next level of skill: try to portray a sitting cat

How to draw a sitting cat (front)#1?

  1. First, draw a circle that will become the outline of the animal's head.
  2. The main body shape of a sitting cat is an oval

The proportions of the oval are as follows:

  • along the vertical axis, the oval should be slightly larger than twice the size of the head taken
  • on the horizontal axis, the width of the cat's body is slightly less than twice the size of the head taken
  1. When combining the basic shapes for the head and torso, be aware that they overlap a little.

  1. Then, focusing on the scheme and the vertical axis of the oval, draw the front and hind legs, ears of the animal

  1. Given the auxiliary lines and the main axes of the sketch, draw the nose, mouth, eyes, mustache
  2. Combine the auxiliary lines into a general drawing and color it

How to draw a sitting cat (front) #2?

The second way of drawing is somewhat different from the generally accepted techniques. Perhaps this option is suitable for playing fun associations

  1. For the convenience of drawing, be sure to draw a vertical axis of symmetry for the future drawing. Draw a heart which will become the sketch of the lower body of the sitting cat.
  2. Draw a small circle over the top of the heart. Draw another circle on top. The diameter of the second circle should be larger than that of the first. The circles also overlap. At the top of the large circle, draw two identical ovals. These will be the cat's eyes.
  3. Focusing on the vertical axis of the picture, draw two arrows, placing them symmetrically on the cat's head. So your purr will have ears. The small triangle will become the nose. The conditional letter "T" with an elongated vertical line will serve as the line of the front paws
  4. Draw the number "3", which will be the sketch for the pads of the front paws.
  5. Symmetrically drawn "3", located upside down, will become the hind legs of a sitting animal. The letters "E" will turn into a wonderful mustache
  6. Draw two curved lines on both sides of the conditional vertical axis of symmetry. The lines should resemble "?". The rounded part of the line coincides with the line of the small circle. The line ends at the intersection with the line of the pads of the front paws. This will give your cat a chest and front legs. Don't forget to draw the animal's fingers with "s"
  7. Combine all the auxiliary lines of the sketch into the main drawing and you will see a charming cat

How to draw a sitting cat (profile)?

Study the step-by-step drawing scheme suggested below and you will succeed

How to draw a cat sitting sideways with its head turned?

This scheme is a little more complicated, but complexity cannot stop a real artist.

  1. It all starts with an oval (head) and a circle (body)

  1. Apply auxiliary lines, draw triangles-ears

  1. Focusing on the auxiliary lines, draw the details of the cat's muzzle

  1. Soften the line of the ears a little by drawing slightly curved lines. A broken curved line drawn around the head mimics the fur of an animal.

  1. Taking into account the location of the auxiliary lines, draw the front left paw of the animal, the line of the back and neck

  1. Draw the tail and the tucked back left paw of the animal. Don't forget to draw the front right paw of the cat

  1. Draw the paws of the cat. Erase the auxiliary lines and draw the main lines of the drawing

  1. Color the drawing as you wish

How to draw the head of a cat or a cat in stages?

  1. Draw an auxiliary shape - a circle. Mark conditional lines: a vertical axis and two parallel lines passing symmetrically to the horizontal axis.
  • Then draw the arcs of the eyes, focusing on the auxiliary lines. Draw a narrow cat pupil. Don't forget glare.
  • Be sure to sketch out vibrissae (hairs above the eyes), without which the cat portrait will lose its charm.
  • Using the heart shape as a base, sketch out the cat's nose. Consider the location of the auxiliary lines!
  • At the bottom of the circle, draw two small arcs that will become the cat's cheeks. Draw a mouth under the arches-cheeks.

  1. Shade the corners of the eyes. Taking into account the location of the auxiliary lines, outline the head of the animal. It will greatly simplify the task of applying additional rounded and triangular shapes.
  1. Shade the ears of the animal, and sketch out the lines of the neck.
  1. And be sure to draw a mustache! A real cat has twelve hairs on each cheek. But when drawing, such details can be neglected.
  1. Color the drawing. Don't forget about the shadows that give volume to the image.

How to draw a smooth and fluffy muzzle of a cat?

The diagram below shows how you can change the face of a cat by adding a different amount of wool. Step by step drawing a mischievous kitten from circles with a template

Video: How to learn to simply draw a Cat?

I know that every family has a pet, it is a cat or a dog. Don't we sometimes want to tell everyone what a miracle we have? And I am no exception, and therefore, to show how to draw a cat with a pencil, I will use the example of our Lyalya, the most beautiful and dear girl to us. She will be my current model.

How will our lesson go?

  • Before I start drawing a cat, I want to tell a little story about Lyalya;
  • Preparation for drawing;
  • Work in stages with a pencil.
I want to assure everyone right away that you will definitely be able to draw a cat with a simple pencil. And, if you put feelings into the image of your favorite, then it really will be beautiful.

History of Lyalya

The cat Lyalya appeared with us 9 years ago. She is even older than my child, who is only 7 years old. It turns out that they grew up together, and it was Lyalya who was often the object for drawing. She is happy to try, as if she chooses the right poses on purpose. And my baby, still a 5-year-old toddler, is trying to copy from life. And now, by the age of 7, the pictures have become very similar. You will be convinced of this now.

Of course, you can learn to draw a cat in another way, but now we will show an easier way for us, how to draw a cat for children correctly.

Preparation for work

How to draw a cat step by step First, you should find a suitable photo that will show the feline character and its features. Found.

The photo was taken a year ago, here Lyalya is 8 years old. She probably imagined that she was a flower, that's why she sits on my favorite chlorophytum.
Further, we will consider the instructions, where everything is easily explained step by step for beginners. If the child is very small, you can practice coloring and talk about how it is right for beginner animals.

It is quite another matter when the child is 7, 8 or even 9 years old. Here you can already do without coloring, and start drawing cats the way they see them, step by step decomposing the whole process into eight stages.

Painting execution

8 basic steps to get a drawing of your cat.

Step 1

Before you draw a cat with a pencil step by step, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials: a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser and colored pencils for coloring.

Step 2

We marked the main auxiliary lines in the figure: head; body, given its slope; curtain and window behind the cat, they will be a guide for the correct proportions.

Step 3

We draw the cat's paws and pay attention to its muzzle. We depict ears, eyes, nose and mouth (mouth) Lyali.

How to learn to draw a nose? The rule is this - the animal's nose is in the middle of the muzzle, starts in its middle, and ends in a triangle at the bottom. Just below it is the mouth.

Step 4

Our Lyalka is a Turkish Angora, which means that she is very fluffy and seems much larger than her painted portrait. But this is the beauty of drawing a cat with a pencil, there is an opportunity to show your vision of the image.

For children 7-9 years old, this moment should be explained separately. We depict the fluffiness of the muzzle, body, tail and paws of our pet.

Step 5

We erase all unnecessary details with an eraser, draw a portrait of a cat with a pencil.

Returning to the abilities of children 7-9 years old, they need to be explained how important it is to follow the model exactly. If it's a simple sketching pencil image, it's one thing, but it's quite another when it's based on a photograph. Here, every line and detail, such as the curve of the animal's body, plays a role.

Step 6

Our photo has other elements, such as a curtain, a flower, a window. And they also need to be portrayed.

Step 7

So it's time for coloring pictures, a favorite pastime for children 7-9 years old. First, draw all the details with colored pencils.

Step 8

For coloring the flower, my son used some green crayons to bring the plant to life, giving it a natural look. Lyalya, the window and the curtain are white, so the child decides to make them in gentle blue tones. He pays special attention to the drawing on Lyalya's face. There is a pink nose and ears, and eyebrows and mustaches also gleam, which the baby draws with a simple pencil, as if they gleam with silver.

If you have a cat at home, you probably know that a cat is different from a cat. And she is shorter in height and her muzzle is "neater", and not such a "brazen" look as a cat's. I already have a cat drawing lesson, but I decided to make another lesson dedicated to cats.
Let's try together draw a cat step by step with a simple pencil. At the last step, you need to color the cat drawing with colored pencils or paints. You can copy the coloring from the drawing of "my" cat made on the tablet, or you can color the last step of the drawing as you wish, so that the picture looks like your favorite cat.
If you fail to draw beautifully on your own, you can print (see point 7) specially prepared and enlarged pictures of a cat.

1. Simple contours of the shape of the torso and head

To make it easier for you draw a cat, you need to first make simple but important contours. They will help you in the future to maintain the proportions of the picture. Draw freeform two intersecting circles for the torso and a slightly higher circle for the head. Please note that the contour of the head is narrowed down. The muzzle of a cat is usually slightly elongated, while in a cat it is often round, like a saucer. Be sure to draw three small circles at the bottom for the cat's paws and two circles at the top of the torso.

2. We continue to draw the initial contours

It is important to draw exactly the first step, in the future it will only be necessary to add simple details to these contours, and then, by removing them with an eraser, we will get a beautiful drawing of a cat. First of all, draw the vertical lines of the cat's legs. It's not difficult at all, just note that they start from the neck. It is also easy to draw two tail lines and triangular ears on the head.

3. Remove extra contour lines from the cat drawing

And now you can remove the extra contour lines from the picture, and look at our cat, we got a real picture of a cat. It remains only to draw the details of the muzzle and torso. You see how easy it was to draw a cat using simple outlines.

4. Drawing detail

This step is very easy, look at my drawing of a cat and add the necessary strokes. Don't forget to only draw the eyes in detail and the claws on the paws.

5. Finish drawing the cat

If you decide to draw with a simple pencil, then you can use "my" coloring of the cat, using the simple pencil technique. But the picture will look much more beautiful if the cat is colored with colored pencils, of course, provided that your cat has a colorful, variegated color, and not pure white or black.

6. Drawing a cat on a graphics tablet

If you decide to draw a cat first with a simple pencil, and then color it with paints or colored pencils, you can use the coloring of this cat drawing, made by me on a graphics tablet.

Children love to draw animals, but most often the beloved cat becomes the object of drawings. Learn to draw a cat and you will be able to draw many other animals correctly such as tiger, leopard, cheetah and other felines.

The drawing of a rabbit is somewhat reminiscent of cat drawing. And if you can draw a cat correctly, drawing a rabbit will not be too difficult for you.

Drawing a cat "from life" is quite difficult, because it will not pose for you for too long, especially a frisky kitten. At best, you can only draw a couple of ears, so it's better to draw a cat from a photo.

The lion also belongs to the cat family, the same structure and proportions of the body, only the mane distinguishes the lion from other cats. There is one more difference. Lions live in a pride (families), and the cat "walks by itself."

Perhaps the tiger is most similar to a cat. The same proportions of the body, head. There are individual individuals of cats that look very similar to a tiger, only not a single cat has a tiger color.

Drawing is one of the most favorite activities of children. Moreover, it does not matter at what level of development their abilities are - all the guys love to portray animals, toys or nature. If we are talking about cats that are favorite pets, even if the pet does nothing all day long, but just lies on the couch, then there is hardly a child who has not tried to draw a cute fluffy. In order for these attempts to be more and more successful, it is worth knowing some features of the creative process.

What materials and tools are needed

The success of the work depends on how carefully the preparation is done, that is, the materials and tools are selected. So, for drawing, you can use:

As for the tools, here you need a regular drawing set:

You need to start drawing with auxiliary lines

  • We finish drawing the ears to the upper circle, between the two horizontal lines we make arcs under the eyes, and in the lower third on the vertical line we put a tick-mouth.
  • We connect the upper and middle circles with two smooth lines - this is the cat's neck. We make the outline of the left front paw and tail.
  • We finish drawing the line of the left paw, draw fingers with claws. We show the right front paw in fragments - only fingers and claws. In a semicircle, draw the arc of the cat's leg, bring the lines into a paw with fingers and claws. Thickening the tail
  • We complete the muzzle, that is, draw the eyes, mouth, nose and show the cheeks with a zigzag line.

    We detail the muzzle with ears, eyes and mouth

  • With smooth lines we connect the second and third circles, that is, the body of the animal.
  • We finish the mustache.

    We leave the mustache for the final stage of work

  • We remove the auxiliary lines, the drawing is ready.

    Removal of guide lines is the next step after the sketch is completed, before coloring.

  • sleeping fluffy

    Drawing a sleeping animal seems to many to be an easier task than a figure in motion. But in fact, both projections have their own subtleties. We will verify this on the example of a dormant cat.


    1. We draw a circle, enter two straight lines intersecting at right angles into it, and the horizontal line should be just below the center of the circle.
    2. On the horizontal line with arcs we show the closed eyes of the cat, on the vertical line below we draw the mouth and nose.
    3. We supplement the muzzle with cheeks, ears and a forehead with protruding hair.
    4. We draw a smooth line of the body, imperceptibly flowing into the tail. We draw attention to the fact that the arc should pass above the head, gradually going down and narrowing for the tail.
    5. Detailing the image. We finish drawing a slightly protruding front paw, covered with a tail, draw the tip of the tail and several folds on the body.

    I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy

    Creating such a cute fluffy is not difficult at all. At the same time, even in black and white, he looks like a tiger.


    1. We start with the base circle. In the lower part we draw a mouth, a nose and closed eyes.

      Drawing start from the head

    2. We finish drawing the ears, showing inside the stroke with sharp lines. From above and on the sides of the muzzle we make three lines-tiger stripes. The top will be slightly longer.

      To immediately show the unusualness of the kitten, we make him three tiger stripes on his forehead and cheeks

    3. With smooth lines we show the chest and back of the cat, draw the front paw.

      The lines of the back and legs should be very soft.

    4. We make the second front paw, which is blocked by the first. We draw the hind paw with the thigh.
    5. We make stripes on the paws and a little thicker on the back.
    6. We draw a tail, show stripes on it.

      When coloring a kitten, remember that the stripes should be 2-3 tones darker

    Video: how easy it is to draw a cat with a marker

    Video: draw Hello Kitty

    How to draw a cute anime kitten step by step

    This is interesting. Anime is an animation genre that originated in Japan in 1917. The huge popularity all over the world is explained by the fact that, unlike cartoons, these animated comics are designed for teenagers and adults.

    The attitude towards anime pictures is by no means unambiguous: many believe that creatures with large eyes of the same shape simply lose their individuality. However, there are also many fans of this genre. So it definitely won’t hurt them to know how to draw an anime kitten.


    1. We start with the base lines. We draw a circle, just below the center of which is the intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines. Draw an oval for the cat's body to this circle.

      Auxiliary lines teach proportion

    2. We finish drawing the ears and with a continuous line we show the outlines of the muzzle with cheeks.

      It is better not to interrupt the line of the muzzle from ear to ear - this way the drawing will look neater

    3. We draw huge eyes, occupying almost the entire lower part of the head. We draw eyebrows and a mouth, it is not necessary to depict the nose.

      Anime kitten eyes occupy almost half of the face

    4. From the line of the head we draw thick paws, not forgetting the protruding hair on them.

      Paws require special care, as elements of wool are already drawn on them.

    5. We direct the body of the cat, slightly going beyond the oval of the base, we complement the body with a tail.

      The tail is curved this way because the kitten is practically covered by it.

    6. We erase the auxiliary lines.

    Video: draw an anime kitten

    Video: how to draw Sharlie the cat from the Fairy Tail anime

    Angela cat drawing

    The beautiful blue-eyed cat Angela, the friend of the cat Tom from the app game, has won more than one children's heart. Yes, and many adults are not averse to spending time in the daily activities of this lovely lady. It is not surprising that many people want to draw such a lovely creature, even those who are not quite confident in the skill of pencil drawing.


    1. Draw the base for the cat. We draw a vertical line equal to its height, which we limit with perpendiculars from above and below. We put three marks on the vertical line: one corresponds to 2/3 of the segment, the remaining piece is divided into three equal parts.

      The length of the vertical segment is Angela's height

    2. In the upper part, draw two ovals intersecting in the center, which we combine on the left with an arc. In the second third of this smooth line, we outline the nose.

      Geometric figures show the elements of the image of Angela

    3. Below we draw another oval, and in the last marked piece we make a trapezoid-skirt of our cat.
    4. On the upper oval, draw the ears, detail the muzzle, namely, we show the bend of the eyelashes.
    5. We draw the left foot, bent at the elbow, pointing up.
    6. With a smooth line we show the right paw, which Angela brought behind her back.
    7. From the bottom of the trapezoid we draw paired lines of the hind legs, as well as the tail.

      At this stage, we detail the image as much as possible.

    8. Draw the eyes by adding a semicircle to the lash line. We finish the pupils.
    9. We draw eyebrows, lips and mustaches.
    10. We finish the missing elements of the open dress: the folds on the belt and the neckline of the bodice. The kitty is ready.

      Finishing the cat's dress

    Video: draw a pretty Angela

    How to draw a cat face

    Animal faces (as well as human faces) are considered to be some of the most difficult objects to draw. However, with patience, this task can also be coped with, especially if an understandable scheme is at hand.


    1. We draw a circle inside which we make two intersecting arcs. This trick will give the image of a cat volume.

      Such a base will help to make the muzzle voluminous

    2. Add two curved lines for the neck.

      Showing the outline of the cat's neck

    3. At the top of the circle, draw the triangles of the ears.

      Ears are shown by triangles

    4. At the intersection of the auxiliary lines, draw a triangle for the nose, and below add a horizontally inverted number three for the mouth.

      The nose and mouth of a cat is very easy to draw if there are auxiliary lines.

    5. We make eyes. To do this, draw two ovals at an angle, add dashes-pupils.

      We draw the eyes of an elongated oval shape, inside we show the pupils

    6. We form a face. We add strokes of fur around the muzzle, draw the relief of the ears, as well as the mustache.

      Wool and mustache give the muzzle a certain completeness

    7. With a marker we outline the contours of the muzzle, and it is precisely along the strokes of the wool. Delete auxiliary lines.

      Outline drawing - the last step before coloring

    8. The drawing is ready. You can color the cat if you like.

      For coloring, you can use pencils, paints, wax crayons

    Video: master class on how to draw a cat's face

    Photo gallery: how to draw a cat from a fairy tale

    We start with an oval shape for the cat's head Draw guide lines, this will serve as the basis for the cat's muzzle Draw the shape of the nose, and then the lines for the bases of the eyes Add large and expressive eyes, large pupils and an outline for the mouth Draw the lines of the eyebrows, the outline of the muzzle Draw guidelines according to the model lines, and then add the cat's ear Finish the second ear Draw the upper eyelid of the eyes, fill them slightly with color and detail the mouth Add hair around the muzzle, including near the mouth Draw a long mustache Outline the contours, starting with the ears Paint over the eyes as shown in the figure

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