How to learn to play a musical instrument. What is the easiest musical instrument to learn to play?


Hi all!

Today we will talk about keyboard instruments. Namely: where to start, how to play, what is the correct fit for the instrument, what is the correct setting of the hand, we will also talk about many other important points.

Let's start. Where to start?

1. Correct (classic) fit behind the instrument.

You need to sit down at the instrument in the center of the keyboard. The center note is considered to be “do” of the first octave. Just keep in mind that the first octave does not mean the first key in a row, it means the register of sounds (a certain pitch of notes). In order not to complicate your life, I can advise you to use diagrams from the Internet or from any book on music theory, where each octave (every 7 notes) has its own personal name: small octave, 1 octave, 2 octave, etc.

Pay attention, when you sit at the instrument, the body, back, neck, shoulders should be in a free relaxed position, in no case be clamped. Get into the habit of sitting up straight with a tight back. No need to sit like a "bag". From the side, you also need to look beautiful (even if no one is looking at you).

2. The location of the arms, legs behind the instrument.

Hands should be free, not too relaxed, but not too tight or pressed to the sides. Move your elbows to the side a little, just a little. To determine the most comfortable height of the instrument, you need to put your hands on the keyboard at the level of the bent elbow, as a continuation of one line: elbow - hand - fingers - keys. The legs are located under the center of the keyboard, being in the usual position - knees together. No need to cross them, throw one leg over the other and the like.

3. Correct hand position.

Hold the brush in a rounded position, all fingertips "look inward" a little, imagine that you are holding an apple. You need to play with your fingertips. Do not put the whole finger, namely, put the fingertip on the key.

4. Pedalization.

The instrument has an additional part - a pedal or several pedals (from 1 to 3). You need to press it not all with your foot, but only with your fingers, i.e. the part that stays on the floor when you stand on tiptoe.

5. Let's start the game. How to play keyboards?

You need to start playing with “finger exercises” - these are all kinds of exercises, scales, arpeggios, chords. Such preparation will provide the fingers with a good warm-up, warm up all the muscles, make the fingers more active, and help in the future to acquire a very high-quality playing technique. It's like athletes - they also always warm up, stretch their muscles before starting the main workout. The main thing is not to forget about it.

These are the most basic and important features of preparing to play the instrument. I wish you further prosperity and development. Play with joy, with soul and with inspiration!

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The easiest and most reliable way to master any musical instrument is to take lessons from a qualified teacher. A professional, experienced synthesizer teacher, who put dozens of beginners on the wing, will explain the musical basics to you in an accessible form and teach you how to play the simplest melodies from notes, and then more complex compositions. Such training will be consistent, individually oriented and effective. However, not everyone can allocate a certain amount from their personal budget for the services of a tutor. There are also people who are convinced that the best education is self-education. They are ready to acquire knowledge on their own, through trial and error, failures and achievements.

Is it possible to learn how to play the synthesizer on your own?

An electronic keyboard instrument opens up more possibilities for the self-taught than acoustics. A synthesizer can support fewer octaves and therefore fewer keys than a classical piano, making it much easier for a beginner to play. Any synthesizer is equipped with a system of settings for timbres, styles, volume and sound duration, which allows a beginner to experiment with sounds. Semi-professional models include tutorials, using which you can master the instrument yourself from scratch at home. With the help of a luminous keyboard, the “smart” synthesizer will tell you how to take notes correctly, create chords, and clearly follow the rhythm. The built-in auto accompaniment can easily play the missing chords after the student.

There are also electronic keyboard instruments, in memory of which full-fledged training courses are laid (Yamaha, Roland). By purchasing such a model, a novice musician receives an interactive tutorial as a bonus, after which the question “how to start learning on a synthesizer” disappears by itself. By taking step-by-step lessons at home, you will learn to play separately with your right and left hands, and after a while you will learn to freely run along the keys with both hands and play your favorite tunes. The main thing is to carefully study the material of each lesson and systematically practice in the game.

Another way to master the synthesizer is to watch video tutorials. By watching tutorial videos, you will learn how to place your fingers and play the keyboard synthesizer by notes. The advantage of this method will be to save money, as well as the ability to review especially difficult moments at any time and develop the missing skills. Disadvantages - not all videos are of high quality and there is no one to correct the student, to evaluate from the outside.

Despite the abundance of videos and interactive tutorials, there are still self-guided books on the shelves of bookstores. Analysis of the exercises on the keys in the tutorial will help an enthusiastic reader to form the basic skills of playing a keyboard instrument. With a serious approach, regular exercises and repeated repetition of each exercise, this method will be effective.

How to play the synthesizer for beginners?

“I dreamed of learning how to play modern music, and finally they bought me a synthesizer. There is no limit to joy, but I don’t even know where which note is and where it’s better to start. How to master the synthesizer quickly? How much do adults need to study?

Such messages are not uncommon on music forums. Buying the desired instrument is the first step towards realizing your dream, but it is important to realize that you have a long and hard work to "conquer" the synthesizer. Faced with difficulties, remember the oriental wisdom “The one who walks will master the road” and in no case do not abandon musical training at school or at home. With each lesson, your fingers will “memorize” more and more chords, and you will gradually begin to feel confident in what you are doing.

To master the basics of playing music on a keyboard synthesizer, you need to go through the following steps.

1. Introduction to the instrument

You installed the synthesizer on a special stand, connected it to the network and pressed the keys ... Do you hear piano chords? This is the standard sound of any synthesizer. But it would be wrong to consider this instrument as just an electronic piano substitute. The synthesizer can speak beautifully the language of the violin, guitar, organ, that is, alone it can replace an entire orchestra.

  • To select the desired “voice”, press the voice (tone) button on the body of the instrument. With its help, the display shows a list of timbres that your model supports.
  • The style (rhythm) button allows you to select the appropriate accompaniment style - disco, latin, classical, jazz, etc. The student only needs to dial the number of a particular timbre or style on the numeric keypad.
  • By pressing on volume, you change the volume of the melody, on temp - the pace of its performance.

In the instructions, a beginner will find everything you need to know so as not to get confused at the sight of a lot of buttons and incomprehensible inscriptions.

2. Learning music

Everyone knows the names of the notes “do-re-mi-fa-so-la-si”. However, if a person has not studied music before, he is unlikely to say which key is “responsible” for a particular note. There is nothing complicated here - just pay attention to the fact that the dark keys are arranged in twos and threes. Find the nearest black "two" and then the large white key to the left of it. Press the light key - you now hear how it sounds "to" - this is the beginning of the octave. Slowly press the subsequent ones, going through the entire sequence up to the note “si”. That's it, the octave is over. It is followed by the next - higher tonality. The number of octaves for different synthesizers varies from 5 to 7. Thoughtfully, slowly, finger the black and white keyboard, pronouncing the names of the notes to yourself. Try to remember everything. Then test yourself: name the notes randomly and try to get them right on your instrument.

3. Sight-reading

The most difficult thing for a beginner musician is to quickly learn how to play from the notes. Imagine that a piece of music is a kind of text, and notes are letters. To master the musical alphabet means to be able to correctly play any note that you see in front of you on a sheet. Short memoirs help with this. They are simple both in terms of melody - they use one note in two octaves, and in terms of content. They can be easily found on the Internet. For example, “Nota mi, nota mi, take us to the magic house! We'll find you now, you can't hide from us." When performing mini-songs, try to sing and look at the keys as little as possible - your attention should be focused on the sheet.

4. Play by ear

We learn notes, we write notes, then we play them; we remember how to put fingers ... And what about someone who does not want to do all of the above, but at the same time passionately wants to play his favorite hit to his friends? Is it possible to play a melody without notes? How to play a song on a synthesizer by ear?

The electronic instrument is equipped with an auto-accompaniment function, which is also called “self-playing”. She will be useful to you. Using the auto-play chords option, you will gradually learn the location of the desired keys, using only your own hearing and the help of your favorite synthesizer.

How to learn to play the synthesizer with two hands?

It is always very difficult for beginners to play with both hands. Yes, there are both - and it’s not easy to touch the keys with one hand if you first sat down at the synthesizer. Remember an important fingering principle: the little finger and thumb are used in the game "on white", try to press the dark keys with the index, middle and ring fingers. Knowing this simple rule will make your first musical exercises easier.

First you need to confidently handle the tool with your right hand. In playing the synthesizer, she plays the leading role - in most cases she performs the main melody, and the left one takes on the accompaniment function. But the auxiliary role does not mean that its development can be neglected, on the contrary, the fingers of the left hand are shown a regular musical load. Play alternately - either right or left, touching the keys with your fingertips.

Aerobatics for a student of the initial stage is to switch to playing music in two hands. It requires good coordination of movements, which comes with constant exercise. By playing, you not only develop your talent, but also provide excellent training for both hemispheres of the brain.

You can learn to play any musical instrument, but some of them are a little easier to master than others. For example, the difference between learning to play the drums and playing the piano is more than noticeable. Therefore, for neophytes, the following remarks about the nuances in mastering various tools may be useful.


The instrument is rhythmic and therefore does not require deep theoretical knowledge and absolute pitch from the student. Even with dubious initial data, with daily exercises, you can learn to maintain a rhythm. In order to join a punk rock band, a couple of lessons with a tutor and a month of daily practice will be enough. If the soul is attracted to complex and broken rhythms, you still have to learn a little. You can do this either at an evening music school, or by regularly visiting a teacher. In elementary schools, as a rule, drumming is taught for only five years. Mastering other tools will take several years longer.

In addition to the ability to keep the rhythm, a music school or college will teach you how to play the xylophone, tambourine and triangle. In general, if there are no global aspirations and plans to become a virtuoso, and if there is a task to learn in a short time, then drums will be the best option.


Let's start with classical, acoustic and electric guitars. In fact, these are tools that could be safely put in the first place in terms of ease of development. The fact is that most guitar learners do not set themselves the goal of reaching the level of some Katsuhito Yamashita, on the contrary, a couple of pieces they have learned are enough to record themselves as musicians. For this category of people, making friends with the instrument will not be difficult. Indeed, a lesson or two is enough to learn not the most difficult song, and after a dozen lessons it will be possible to smoothly move on to analyzing solo parts in hard’n’heavy style compositions.

The bass guitar is a special and often neglected case. As a rule, they learn to play it at home, chasing scales and learning parts of an average degree of complexity. Not every musician knows about existence. In addition, bass players, due to their outstanding abilities, often become the heroes of jokes. I would like to say that all this is undeserved, but I will not say anything, because I do not consider it necessary to lie.

Those who are interested in a deeper acquaintance with the instrument will have a lot of painstaking work in the learning process. That's why I put the guitar in second place instead of first.

Of the benefits - public accessibility. You can buy a guitar even in the outback remote from civilization. The price of the tool does not bite, unless you start chasing brands. You can do it anywhere: at home, with friends, on the street, on trips and hikes.

Cons - high competition. Thousands of people go to learn to play the guitar every year, and therefore, if you want to become a real professional, you will have to try your best to stand out from the crowd. As practice shows, this is not so difficult to achieve.

wind instruments

Flute, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, horn, oboe, bassoon, trombone, tuba - their name is Legion. In addition to classical instruments, there are also ethnic ones (sopilka, trembita, and so on). The choice is so great that it is sometimes quite difficult to decide on the type of instrument. In music schools, for such cases, preliminary training on the block flute is provided with a further opportunity to switch to the trumpet, saxophone, and further down the list. There are two options for mastering wind instruments: under the guidance of a tutor and at school. The second option is preferable, since solfeggio lessons will be held in parallel, and they are extremely important for the development of a musician's ear.

Now to the cons. If relatives or housemates are not able to appreciate your zeal, then it will be difficult to practice wind instruments at home. The instruments are actually very loud, and in "Khrushchev" every note of the played etude will be heard in neighboring apartments, even if you play extremely quietly. In addition, you will have to practice every day - regression with wind instruments is much more tangible than progress. Therefore, it is important to plan in advance how classes will be held outside the school or tutor's apartment.

Of the pluses, albeit doubtful, one can mention the loyal attitude of teachers to the theoretical base of their students. It is not for nothing that trumpeters turned out to be the second heroes of jokes after bass guitarists. It is not uncommon for college graduates to get confused about things learned by other musicians in the first months of training.


In a good way, this tool should have been moved to the end of the list, since it is easier to wipe your fingers into dust than to master it at a high level. But thanks to such a phenomenon as the pop-jazz direction, hellish torments in learning could mutate into an unpretentious pastime. That is, if someone decides to learn a couple of pop songs, then doing it on the piano will not be difficult. You can learn the instrument using a tutorial, video tutorials or with the help of a tutor. True, there may be problems with landing and setting hands, but for the game "Chizhik-Pyzhik" this is not critical.

Of the positive aspects, one can note the possibility of replacing a bulky instrument with a synthesizer when learning. Of course, only in cases where the student is focused on pop music, jazz, soul, electronic genres, and so on. There are a lot of offers from tutors, courses and circles. Where to study.

Of the minuses, we can recall that when learning to play the piano, in fact, you will have to purchase an instrument. If you study at home, then you can bring the “Dog Waltz” of relatives and neighbors to mental insanity. But most importantly, if a person intends to become a master, then thousands of hours of endless playing of scales and careful study of hundreds of pages of theoretical material await him.


Violin, cello, double bass, viola - one beauty. But all the listed tools are among the most difficult to master. If you learn from childhood, then you can bypass all the difficulties without even noticing them, but for adults, learning will most likely turn into severe torment. The fact is that string instruments require absolute pitch, and it is simply unrealistic to have it at home. Tutors, as a rule, do not teach from scratch, but help those who are lagging behind in learning. Tutorials and tutorials are useless. There are more sound extraction methods on these instruments than there are stars in the sky. Doubters can look through the notes and scores of works by contemporary composers.

The learning process is a continuous overcoming of oneself. If you don't have enough motivation, you may not be able to play elementary plays when you leave school. I don’t see any advantages for those who want to quickly learn how to play an exotic instrument. The cons can't be listed. From the price of good tools and the need to care for them, to crazy training loads. Conclusion: go only if called.

In general, as in any other kind of activity, to achieve some heights in music, you will need to work hard. But if there is a desire to master the instrument for yourself in order to be able to play a couple of tunes on boring winter evenings, then you should pay attention to the first positions of the list. In addition, I have neglected such instruments as a pocket synth jew's harp, spoons, rattles and castanets. As you can see, the choice is huge - it remains only to make it.

Many people dream of playing the piano, synthesizers, piano and so on. So why put your dreams on hold when you can master the technique of working with keyboards very quickly and effectively with the help of Eshko's courses. Most of those who wish to present this process as something boring and long, especially people are afraid of studying the musical staff. Others are afraid that they will not succeed, because previously they were not connected with music at all. Everything is much easier. Thanks to the tutorials from the Eshko series of courses, you can quickly master playing various keyboard instruments, especially since all the lessons are presented in a playful and very accessible form. All the material of such a course is divided into twelve training magazines, which include 24 lessons. The student should not worry that he will be left alone with the tutorial. Each student is assigned a separate teacher and in case of difficulties you can always get qualified help and advice.

The student can choose exactly the form of education that will give the best result. To do this, before buying, you need to consult with teachers. All information about studying at Eshko is located on the website, here you can get acquainted with the techniques of classes in detail, as well as communicate with teachers. And there is also the opportunity to download a free trial lesson of any subject.

The proposed course breaks down all the features of the game on the shelves, introduces the principle of the keyboard instruments, offers everything from the basics of music to professional techniques, and also everyone will be able to perform more than 100 of the most famous compositions at the end of the training.

Eshko also offers a huge selection of other topics of training programs. These are design, marketing, foreign languages, programming, finance, psychology, child development, business, esotericism and much more. Enrolling in the Eshko course is necessary for several reasons:

  • efficiency and results;
  • convenient and easy form of training;
  • everyone independently plans their training and chooses the most suitable time;
  • rationality;
  • acceptable cost of training courses;
  • support for qualified teachers in various industries;
  • the opportunity to choose several areas for study, for example, music and a foreign language, a discount will always be provided for the second year.

And most importantly, after completing the training, the student is issued a certificate that will confirm his knowledge!

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If I had been asked that question 5 years ago, I would have said no. A teacher who sets the foundation, corrects your skills and corrects mistakes is a key part of any learning. But given the fact that the Internet is now, even those teachers who used to teach at home or in schools are gradually coming to online learning.

Let's get straight to the main question. Is it possible to learn how to play musical instruments online? Yes. And I will try to describe all the ways of online learning. The main disadvantage of online learning is that you are on your own. For some, this may be an advantage, but the speed of such training is much lower than training with a live teacher.

The ideal option would be if you have already learned the basics of playing the instrument. Then learning from the materials on the Internet will be much easier. Here are some resources to help you get into the world of music or improve your skills.


Perhaps the best way to learn how to play online. There are many channels on YouTube that teach how to play musical instruments. Basically, it's a guitar, but there are others. Eg:

  • martyzsongs- A lot of video lessons that understand popular guitar riffs and songs. There are already over 1000 videos on the channel. You will have something to do!
  • Andy Crowley- a channel for beginners who have just entered the world of guitar, drugs and rock and roll. This channel deals with the basics of playing the guitar, various techniques and methods of sound production.
  • Lypur is a channel that focuses on keyboards and music theory. Despite the fact that the channel is no longer active (the last video was posted a little less than a year ago), the channel has collected a huge amount of material that will teach you the basics of music theory and how to play the piano.
  • Drumeo is a channel dedicated to playing percussion instruments. Suitable for both beginners and people who already know what rimshots and paradidles are.
  • Eric Arceneaux is a performing vocalist who maintains his own Youtube channel in which he shares the basics of vocals, staging, warming up and improving his voice.

Unfortunately, all the channels listed are in English. Youtube also has instructional videos in Russian, but not only is their quality noticeably inferior to foreign counterparts, almost all materials are not combined and come out irregularly.

In addition, all of the above channels have websites where you can find various educational materials, tablature, sheet music, and more.


You can also find a lot of useful information on the forums. Apart from forum trolls, who consider their opinion to be the only correct and unshakable one, there you can meet really knowledgeable people and specialists in their field who will gladly share their experience. Here are the forums I could find:

  • is the largest Russian-language guitar forum. Tens of thousands of topics and hundreds of thousands of posts on any topic related to playing the guitar. Equipment, guitar techniques, search for musicians, analysis of various compositions - all this can be found on Also in Russian!
  • DrumSpeech is an educational site with lessons, articles and interesting materials for drummers. The design of the site and the forum leaves much to be desired, but we didn't come there to look at the design.
  • PianoWorld is an American forum for pianists. Its scale is simply amazing, so if you want to learn how to play keyboards and speak English, feel free to go there!

Mobile applications

The AppStore and Google Play have many apps that can teach you how to play musical instruments. I wrote about the music apps I use on my iPhone, take a look, some might be useful for you too.

Ultimate Guitar

Guitar site with apps of the same name for iOS and Android. It contains tens of thousands of guitar tabs and chords. Also there are various auxiliary tools. For example, a chart of chords and a metronome.

Lick of the day

An application that contains a lot of guitar riffs for improvisation. The app is free, but most riffs need to be purchased via in-app purchases.

Guitar Lessons Free

An Android application containing many guitar lessons. The developer translated the description of his application into Russian using Google Translate, but never got to the application itself. Therefore, only for those who understand English.

Google Helpouts

I have not tested this method, but judging by the reviews and ratings, it also deserves a place on the list. Google Helpouts is an online platform that collects live lessons in various fields. Near each lesson is written the time when it is held, and the price.

The price is quite high, but I can not check the quality of these lessons. However, the reviews that are available for each teacher can help with this.


I have not described methods such as video conferencing on Skype or many groups with VKontakte materials. But there isn't much to talk about here either. There are many ways to learn how to play. You will have to dedicate at least an hour a day to this.

When you start learning without a teacher, the most important thing is to stick to a certain schedule, and for this you must have real motivation. Do not expect that in a week you will be able to play and surprise all your friends with great skills. This will take you much more time. But everything will depend on how much you want it and how much time you can devote.

Once you've made some progress, you can start recording yourself and listening from the outside. It does not require powerful studio equipment. All you need is a voice recorder, smartphone or computer. If you have an electric guitar or a synthesizer, you can connect it to your computer and record sound into your computer. For example, using Guitar Rig.

The most important! Do it for your pleasure. Music should bring high and positive emotions. If the lessons become uninteresting and burdensome, then you are doing something wrong. Learn, try to play something of your own, no matter how bad it sounds, and develop.

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